#we're gonna be driving all day so maybe ill fall asleep later
Hello we have left. We are hooking up the camper now. It has become extremely clear that I was very delulu to hope to sleep in the truck
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gvf-imagine · 4 years
The sweater part 2
(Josh x reader)
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Trigger warning: domestic abuse!
Josh ended up texting you later that night, or technically , the next morning around 3 am. He just wanted to make sure you made it home ok, which you thought was very sweet of him. It had been a few days since you met him at the bar, the two of you had been texting ever since, he even sneaks in a phone call one night when his girlfriend was asleep and your boyfriend was out with his friends. Hearing his voice again was so nice and it took you right back to the night you met him. Conversation flowed easily with you and Josh, day by day you were learning more and more about each other. He told you he was in a band with his two brothers and friend, and promised he'd take you to a show one day. 
Tonight was different, you grab your phone in a shaken frenzy. You click on Josh’s number as you get in your car. Tears running down your face, you wait as the phone rings. You hoped he would answer and that he wasn't around his girlfriend. You felt bad calling him out of the blue , but, there was no one else you could go to. 
“Hello?” Josh answers.
Thank god.
You sniffle, happy to hear his voice. 
“Josh can- can I come over?” you ask trying your hardest not to focus on the pain. 
“Are you alright?” Josh asks immediately, he could tell something was very wrong, he could hear that you were crying and he was instantly worried. 
“No I'm not ok, I need you , I need to come over.. Can I?” you reply hurriedly. Hopefully he would say yes because you were already in your car driving nowhere in particular. 
“Uhm my girlfriend is here… could I meet you somewhere?” Josh replies, annoyed that you couldn't just come right to his house like he wanted you to. 
“Do you know where sheehan park is? Can you meet me there?” you ask a block away from said park. 
“Yes of course, ill be there in five minutes ok?” he replied, you could hear him grabbing his keys in the background and shuffling to put his shoes on.
“Ok thank you” you say pulling into the park's parking lot. You hang up and tip your head back resting on the headrest. The blood that was coming out of your nose or maybe your mouth pooled on your face.
Your boyfriend found your phone and seen you had been texting Josh for the past few days, flirting even. He was so angry , so angry. His face was red and looked like he was about to explode, and he did. For the first time in your relationship with him , he got physical with you. He punched you multiple times in the face, one of your eyes was swollen shut and your lips felt like they were on fire, you almost couldn't drive your car but you had to get away from him. It felt good to finally relax, knowing help was coming, knowing Josh was coming. You worried about how he would react to the whole situation. You're Not his responsibility after all what was he really supposed to do?
You heard the crunching of gravel as a car pulled up next to yours, your vision was blurry, and you felt tired, struggling to keep your eye open. 
You hear your car door rip open in a hurry.
“Y\n! Y\n! What happened? What happened to you?!” Josh asked hectically. He grabbed you , wrapping his arm around your shoulder and his other arm looped under your legs as he scooped you gently from your car. 
“he .. seen my phone” you whisper , falling out of consciousness. 
“Hey hey you gotta stay awake, don't fall asleep” Josh urges as he sets you in his back seat. He knew you most likely had a concussion and that falling asleep could cause lots of issues. 
You tried your hardest to keep yourself awake. 
“That FUCKERRRR!!!!!!!” Josh screamed as he slammed his door shut and sent his fist into his steering wheel causing his horn to go off. 
He was pissed, how could that fucking asshole put his hands on you. He would pay for this. Soon the car was moving, trees and buildings past your window, which Josh had rolled down hoping the cold air would help keep you awake. 
Minutes later he pulls into a driveway and runs up to the front door, you watch as another man steps out. Josh begins frantically talking to him and then both of them run to you. 
“Y\n this is my brother Jake, we’re gonna take you inside ok?” Josh explains. You simply nod, the blood on your face was clotted now and stopped other blood from coming out. 
“Jesus Christ” you hear Jake say sympathetically. They carried you through the front door and laid you lightly on the couch. Josh dropped to your side examining your wounds. 
“Jakey get me a wash cloth and warm water” Josh speaks.
‘Hey hey hey we gotta call the cops” Jake responds urgently .
“No don't” you protest softly. 
“What do you mean DON'T? He hit you y\n, he could have killed you ! he needs to be in jail” Josh replies. He grabs his phone and begins to report the incident to the police. Josh knew there was something off about your boyfriend and now he was cursing himself, he felt like what happened to you was his fault, he shouldn't have texted you. 
Jake comes to you and gently washes your face, the warm water felt so good against your painful bruises and cuts. You wince a little as he goes over your swollen eye. 
“I'm so sorry , but we have to get this cleaned so it doesn't get infected ok? My name's Jake, what's yours?” he says, hoping conversation will keep you awake. 
“I'm y\n” you reply, trying to ignore the sting of the peroxide Jake put on your face. 
“It's nice to meet you y\n, unfortunate circumstances, but don't worry the cops are gonna get that bastard, you're safe now with me and josh” 
Josh walks back in the room and for the first time you were able to actually get a good look at him now that Jake cleared the blood from your eyes. He was all dressed up, he looked nice. 
“Why are you dressed up?” you ask , Josh looks down at himself and waves it off. 
“I had a date with my girlfriend tonight but” he replies and shakes his head. 
“Oh I’m sorry Josh, I didn't know you had a date .. I should go” you say trying to get up.
“No no no” Josh says lightly pressing you down by your shoulders.
“Stay here tonight, Jake , Sam and Danny will take care of you”  he says. 
“Josh I can't impose like that” you reply. 
“I wasn't asking you y\n , you're staying here, I'd let you stay at my house but my girlfriend is there”  he implores with a soft tone. He was worried about you and knew you didn't have anywhere else to go that was safe. 
“I'll go on my date, i'll make it a short  night and get back here as soon as I can” he speaks. 
“No Josh , take your time, enjoy your night, I'll be ok” you replied, you didn't want his evening to be ruined because of you. 
“Call me if you need anything, anything at all ok?” he asks looking down at you, you simply nod, he offers you a sad smile before saying goodbye. He walks out the door and leaves you with Jake and your thoughts. 
“Danny!” Jake calls as he turns on the TV. 
A man with lovely dark hair jogs down the stairs, his  face falling with worry and confusion when he sees you. 
“Hey…whats up?” he asks as his eyes move from you to Jake. 
“This is y\n she's staying with us for a while, her car is at sheehan park, I need you to come with me to get it for her” Jake explains with a sigh. He was stressed, he'd never seen a girl beat up by a  man. He felt bad, his heart broke for you. 
Danny knew what had happened to you just by the look in Jake's eyes. 
“Did Josh go after him?” Danny asks, noticing Josh’s absence. 
“No he has a date with Audrey” Jake answers, grabbing his keys off the table. 
“Where are your keys, love?” he asks looking at you now.
“They're on the table” you reply nodding in the general direction. 
“Ok we're going to go get your car, if you need anything Sam is just upstairs just yell for him ok? Well be back in a few minutes” Jake says before him and Danny walk out the door. 
The second the door shuts all you want to do is sleep, you were warm, comfortable and safe. You were even happy, despite the hell you'd just been through, you were closer to josh now which made you feel so much better. 
You couldn't stay at Jake's house forever though, you'd need to figure something out, tomorrow though… Tonight , you rest.
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