#we're going to spend several days moving across the country so we will have plenty of time to read which makes this plausible to do
mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
Worm fandom of Tumblr can we convince you to vote for our Cauldron-adjacent moth woman in exchange for goods & services. It has been nearly two years since we have actually read the source media and we don't remember 99% of canon but we can draw bug furries and we can be persuaded to reread Worm with the fresh mind of "we only remember watching Taylor's brainstate getting steadily worse while muttering "oh no that's us" the whole time and we literally could not name anything that happens in canon anymore".
For 1 vote we can be persuaded to rack our brain (full of holes) to try and remember any information about a given character for 1 victory we will reread Worm in a way where hopefully it sticks in our brain this time instead of dissolving out the sieve (maybe liveblogging). This is a serious offer because we take voter fraud very seriously. Please help us rig this tournament horribly so we can do war crimes to a fungus.
Voting link here. We are counting on you to consign us to reading Worm again.
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