#we'll see if apollo blesses me
st4rtar0t · 5 months
Star's paid services
Unlock the secrets of your future with personalized tarot readings! Let me be your trusted guide as we explore the mysteries of the cards together.
Curiosity $6 / ₹444
Is there a question that has been on your mind recently? Why not find an answer to your question with curiosity!!
Duality $10/ ₹888
Oh! It seems as if the number of questions have increased to 2, don't worry we'll discover the answers with ease!
Inquiry $ 30/ ₹2222
A reading that allows you to ask 5 questions. Let me help you find clarity!
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Eros' hug $50/₹4000
Sometimes all we need is a hug from somebody we love and cherish. In this reading we will be discovering who this person is for you. Whose embrace are you longing for and how much time will it take. EVERYTHING about that person will be covered in this reading.
Apollo's Destiny $44/₹3333
Find your way with Apollo's Destiny Oracle. This reading uses the wisdom of Apollo, the sun god, to show you where your life is headed and the guidance you need. Let Apollo's light help you discover your destiny.
Aphrodite's Kiss $55/₹4444
We all have received a blessing from Aphrodite, we all are blessed with beauty, love, magnetism or charisma. With the help of this reading we'll discover how the goddess of beauty and love has blessed you.
Athena's sword $33/₹2222
Get smart advice from Athena with this powerful tarot reading. Like the goddess of smarts and good planning, Athena can help you understand things better. Find your inner strength, reach your goals, and deal with life's problems with smarts and confidence.
Will be adding more in future 🌕
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Your eyes tell $20/₹1616
What do people see when they look into your eyes? What emotions do you make them feel? How would you be described from your lover's eyes?
The poem of your heart $26/₹2222
How would a poet describe you? This reading /poem combined is a discription of how you would be described from the eyes of a poet.
Your story $105/₹8000
What if a book was written with you as the main character? How would your character be? Who would be the villain? Your canon events? Let's dive deep into that!
Love story $123.45
A 15 page reading on the love story between you and your future spouse. The first meeting, first date, first impressions are covered in this with many more topics.
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a-french-coconut · 4 months
His day begins wonderfully.
Truly, it's one of those days where you wake up and think :
Nothing can go wrong !
And for two minutes, nothing goes wrong !
He doesn't stub his toes on the bathroom counter, his hair decided to cooperate on this fine day and the sun doesn't burn his eyes when he gets out in the open air.
Then, he sees Kayla an Austin trying, and failing horribly, to hang an enormous bander on Apollo's porch.
For one second, he is left in utter incomprehension as of why they would hand a sign saying Hyppe Bathdirt Will !
Then, to his grand horror, the bright orange letters makes a lot more sense when they spell Happy Birthday Will !
It's August 23rd.
Will's sixteenth birthday.
And Nico doesn't have a single gift to present to his boyfriend tonight.
Nor does he have a romantic date planned out, no fancy restaurant, not even a picnic on the beach.
"Nico !"
Kayla screams his name, making with her hand the universal sign of get over here.
One he can't ignore considering the bow hanging loosely on the girl's shoulder.
He has learned the painful way Kayla doesn't take too well being ignored.
But it's no problem, he's a demigod who fought two wars, survived Tartarus, he's capable of making a plan, of thinking rationally. He can still get Will a gift, doesn't have to be something big or shiny. It can be flowers or a box of chocolates.
What flowers does Will like ?
What kind of chocolates does he eat ?
Knowing him, he could eat the plainest almond chocolate or a specific pistachio with rose petals and lavender flavored one.
He had seen his boyfriend gulp down a raw egg yolk, claiming its "protein values.". From since, he likes to keep his mind open to any culinary gustos his boyfriend might have.
"Hey Nico, could you-"
"Help me."
"-help us ?"
Kayla drops the banner, eliciting a groan of frustration from Austin, and looks at him seriously.
"Nico Di Angelo, if you tell me on this day of all day that-"
"I forgot."
It's quite interesting to see Kayla's face reddens with anger, then slack with disbelief to finally settle in a disappointed glare.
"You've been dating for-"
"Four months, twenty-two days and five hours, I know, I keep track."
"Stop cutting me off or I'll shoot you."
"Hum, not to interrupt but Kay, we really need to put-"
"Austin," Nico cuts him off, "I am in dire need of both your assistance. Who, or what, is more important, the banner or me ?"
"The banner." The two children of Apollo answer at the same time.
First step of the plan, failed epically.
On to phase two, bargaining.
"If you help me choose a gift for Will, I'll buy you whatever you want for your upcoming birthdays."
"My birthday was two months ago."
"Yeah, and mine is like, in five months."
Phase three, the one he wanted to avoid.
It's not that he isn't polite, he wouldn't want his mother turning in her grave, but he deems a annoying little sister like Kayla isn't worthy of his respect.
Not when she obviously takes great joy in seeing him in such a predicament.
One he caused himself, but that's not the point here.
"Okay, we'll help you." Kayla relents.
"For free even !" Austin adds.
They look at him expectantly, while he looks them waiting the just promised aid.
"The magic word if you may." she enquires.
"I already said it."
"The other one."
"Oh, thank you."
Kayla's face glows, while Austin, bless his gentle soul, gives him a gracious "you're welcome."
"I was thinking to get him something like flower or chocolates-"
"Okay... then Star Wars thingies ?"
"He already has every merch ever created."
"Flip flops ?"
"Don't feed his weird fetish of flip flops, I beg of you."
"Hum, lipgloss ?"
"Now you're just out of ideas." Kayla cackles, "and nice to know Will's lips are as chapped as they look. He thinks that because dad is the sun, we are immune to it. And he's the doctor. A miracle everyone is still alive."
"My preference for Will's lips are no concern of yours," He replies, cheeks slightly red. "And don't talk bad about him on his sacred day."
"It's not like he can hear me."
"Where did you even sent him ?"
He should have known something was missing when Will didn't barge in his cabin, pulling open the curtains like the psycho he is, always ranting about how he needs more vitamin D.
"He's in New York the whole day," Austin pipes up, "he's spending his birthday with his mother and then we will celebrate together tonight."
"Which means I have the rest of the day to find him a gift."
"Yep, open to suggestions ?"
"That is literally what I asked of you. Tell me, Kayla, do you perhaps miss a few braincells ? That would explain a lot of things."
"At least my remembering my boyfriend's birthday date cells are working."
"Okay, stop fighting you two." Austin intervenes, placing himself between the both of them. "I think you should get him something that remind him or your couple. It would be a sweet gift, right ?"
"What he said."
"I'm keeping that in mind, thank you Austin, and Kayla, for your assistance."
"You're welcome, now come one Kayla, we really need to hang that thing..."
Something related to their couple...
What could symbolise their relationship, the love they feel for each other ?
Better to have other ideas if inspiration doesn't come.
"What's on your mind, Nicolas ?"
"Don't call me that, Stoll."
"Only if you guess which one I am." The son of Hermes leans on him, looking at him expectantly.
"Connor, now get off me."
"Nothing could have prepared me to this betrayal-"
"So you're Travis, get off me."
"-from a such close friend, who I have known for years-"
"Aren't you supposed to be in college ?"
"-and still doesn't recognise- oh yes but this my best friend's birthday !"
Travis hugs Nico, ignoring the his protests.
"He's turning sixteen ! I remember when he was a small, fray child, such an easy victim !" He sighs, shaking his head, "they grow so fast, don't they ?"
"Mmmhh !"
"What ? Oh sorry, there you go."
He lets him go, Nico putting two good meters between them to avoid any kind of other physical attempts.
"What are you getting him ? Must be something nice !"
"That's the problem, hum, I don't have anything."
Travis' face falls.
"But-" he stutters, "you're his boyfriend !"
"I know !" Nico snaps, "I know and that' why I need to fix this."
"Do you have any ideas ?"
"Austin and Kayla think that I should gift him a present related to our relationship."
"That's a good idea !" Travis' face brightens.
"But I don't know what, yet."
"Yeah..." Nico mumbles, twisting nervously his skull ring.
"Ooooh" Travis says, excited, " I know the perfect gift !"
"What it is ?"
"A motorbike !"
"It's perfect ! And he already know how to drive, we used to do races in his grandpa's farm fields and he loved them !"
"There's no way I'll find a bike in less than twenty four hours."
"No, but I can ask Nyssa to build one," Travis shrugs, "she'll have it ready before sundown."
"Tell her that I owe her." Nico screams to Travis as he sprints toward the forges.
"Shhh ! He's coming !"
"Yeah , I see him."
"Is he glowing ?"
"Obviously, Lou Ellen, he just spent the whole with his mother, who he adores."
"Shut up Travis."
"Make me-"
"If you two ruin this surprise, I'll send you to my father right now."
"So grumpy, and it's not a surprise. Have you not seen the gigantic banner ? By the way, why is it not on Apollo's cabin like it was supposed to ?"
"We had complications."
"That's slight way to say that you didn't want to help me, Kayla."
"Don't listen to Austin, Travis, he's lying."
"Everybody close their dam mouths ! He's getting closer."
"I understood that reference."
"And I understood that reference."
"Gods give me strength."
When they hear Will's footsteps passing their hiding place, Cecil mouths to the group a countdown.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILL !" They all scream while standing up to hug Will, who is effectively glowing.
"Guys, you really didn't need to do all of this." His boyfriend says, cheeks a bright red.
"Nonsense Willy !"
"Travis ! You came !"
"Everything for my best friend."
They hug, Will laughing at something Travis whispers in his ear before his gaze falls on Nico.
The way his face lights up, a beautiful smile gracing his features, makes Nico's heart pound faster, skeletons butterfly flying in his stomach.
"Nico !"
Will's hugs are the warmest embraces Nico ever felt, they're comforting, heart-warming, familiar now.
Even so, he never gets tired of them.
"Happy birthday, amore mio." He whispers in his ear.
After lot of embarrassing stories, Travis being the main reason of that, and new created memories, it's finally time to open the presents.
Austin and Kayla gave Will a charm bracelet, with customised charms relating different stories the three of them shared.
Drew offered him a very nice sweater, something about she can't have friends wearing only flannels and cargo shorts.
Travis' gift was a photo album, enchanted by Lou Ellen so that the pictures were alive, going from their childhood to today.
Finally, it's Nico's turn.
"I actually have two gifts for you."
"So thoughtful of you." Will smiles, looking at him fondly.
"The first one is Travis' idea though."
"Yeah, you can thank Nyssa later too."
"What did you- oh by Apollo !"
He has to say, Nyssa did a wonderful job.
The motorbike is gleaming, freshly painted and even though Nico has no knowledge of bikes, he can see that it is a true beauty.
"This is amazing !" Will swoons over the bike, "I can't wait to get my licence to drive it !"
"You know, technically you don't need-"
"Travis, I'm going to get my licence."
"If you insist."
Will rolls his eyes before looking back at Nico.
"Thank you, love, this is a wonderful gift."
Nico's throat goes dry, nervousness jolting his body.
"I have to warn you, the second gift is, hum, well, I'm afraid you might find it too intensive."
"Nico," Will takes his hands, "nothing from you is too intensive."
"Then here you go."
He takes out of his pocket a little box and opens it.
Two matching rings, one golden and the other black, are inside. On the metal is engraved "I love you".
Will's breath hitch and Nico is afraid to have gone too far.
"I know this is a big gesture-"
Will kisses him, a light kiss since they have a public but Nico feels the passion behind it, the underlying love and affection Will holds for him.
"I love them", his boyfriend softly says, putting on his ring, "I love you too Nico di Angelo."
"Oh my gods, did they just get engaged ?"
"Cecil, please shut up."
Will laughs, his cheerful laugh that you can't help but join and soon, sounds of joy and happiness echo in the night as they party the whole night.
"How did you get the harpies to leave us alone ?" Will asks Travis, contently seated next to Nico, an arm around his waist.
"I'm full of surprises."
"He volunteered to help them the whole week in kitchen duty."
"Cecil ! Stop spilling my secrets !"
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
ღLove Songs I Associate With Different Twst Charactersღ
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Characters: All of the nrc students minus ortho(plus some of my Oc’s because I can)
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Riddle rosehearts: Photograph by, Cody Fry
“If I wished myself a superpower. I would make this moment last for hours. If I had my will, time would just stand still. Wait for me until I find some magic film. To take a photograph and live inside. The sun is going down. Your skin is like a painting. The light is perfect now. But I can feel it changing”
Trey Clover: To you from me by, Naethan Apollo
“See, your smile makes me smile, no, that's cringe. Your laugh makes me laugh, that's even worse. If my journey on this path could ever lead to losing you. I know which path is not my path. You're a blessing from the sky. You're the thief that stole my mind. You're the reason why I think of you all the time. You're the little tiny bug that found its way inside my ear. And now I can't think a thought. without wishing you were here”
Cater Diamond: Loverboy by, A-Wall
“Kill the lights. Oh, baby, close your eyes. The way you're looking at me. You've got me mesmerized. Something I can't escape. Feel like I'm lost in space. You've got that good loving. Girl, if you leave me I might throw my heart away. You know my heart can't take the break. Nothing will ever be the same. We'll meet again some other day. Oh, yeah””
Ace Trappola: Best Friend by, laufey
“But I promise that I love you. Even with that hair-do. I'm sorry I made fun of it. It's not your fault it looks like shit. I have never tolerated someone for so long. I've never laughed so much. I haven't written a sad song. There's no one else. I'd rather fall asleep with and dream with. You're my best friend in the world”
Deuce Spade: Best Friend by, rex Orange County
“And that's because I wanna be your favorite boy. I wanna be the one that makes your day. The one you think about as you lie awake. I can't wait to be your number one. I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine. But I still wanna break your heart and make you cry”
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Leona Kingscholar: Nothing Bruno Major
“There's not many people.I'd honestly say I don't mind losing to but there's nothing like doing nothing with you. Dumb conversations. We lose track of time. Have I told you lately. I'm grateful you're mine. We'll watch The Notebook. For the 17th time. I'll say "It's stupid". Then you'll catch me crying”
Ruggie Butchie: Absolutely Smitten by, dodie
“That girl just there, yes, she's the one. With Cupid's arrow in her bum. Handsome stranger, you have made her happy. The first in a long time. Did you just whisper in her ear? Words she only dreamed to hear? Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling. I think he likes you”
Jack Howl: This side of paradise by, Coyote Theory
“Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?). Our fingers dancing when they meet. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). I'll be the only dream you seek. So if you're lonely, no need to show me. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me. Lonely (are you lonely?). Passion is crashing as we speak. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). You're the ground my feet won't reach. So if you're lonely, darling you're glowing. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me”
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Azul Ashengrotto: Only girl by, Stephen Sanchez
“Baby, won't you be my girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Baby, won't you be my only girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Your love, that's got my head in a. twirl, lady. So baby, won't you be my only girl?I don't want nobody else. No, I just want you to myself,So,won't you please forever be my only girl Only girl”
Jade Leech: Mine by, Bazzi
“Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time. Feels like forever even if. forever's tonight. Just lay with me, waste this night away with me. You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say. I'm so fucking happy you're alive (huh, yeah). Swear to God, I'm down if you're. down, all you gotta say is right (yeah, yeah)”
Floyd Leech: Until I found you by, Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold
“I would rather die than let you go. Juliet to your Romeo. How I heard you say”I would never fall in love again until I found her". I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within thе darkness, but then I found her.I found you”
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Kalim Al-Asim: Paper Rings by, Taylor Swift
“Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night. (Oh!) Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright. Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life.( One, two, one two three four!). I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. Uh huh, that's right. Darling, you're the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this”
Jamil Viper: I wanna be yours by, Arctic Monkeys
“Secrets I have held in my heart. Are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Let me be your 'leccy meter. And I'll never run out. Let me be the portable heater. That you'll get cold without”
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Vil Shoenheit: La seine by, Vanessa Paradise
“She's resplendent, so confident. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I realize, I'm hypnotized. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I hear the moon singing a tune. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. Is she divine, Is it the wine. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine”
Rook Hunt: Ma belle Evangeline by, Jim Cummings
“Look how she lights up the sky. Ma Belle Evangeline. So far above me, yet I. Know her heart belongs to only me. Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline. You're my queen of the night. So still. So bright. That someone as beautiful as she. Could love someone like me Love always finds a way it's true. And I love you, Evangeline”
Epel Felmier: I’d rather be me (with you) by, Rebecca Sugar
“… I'd rather be me with you. Wherever we go. I already trust. I'd know what to do if it were us. I'd know what to say. I'd know how to be. I'd know your entire syllabus. I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do. If I could be. I'd rather be me with you”
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Idia Shroud: Numbers by, TEMPOREX
“Things just really aren't that bad. I got a nice mom and I got a cool dad. I just stay in my room too long. But I finally got a girlfriend, and she's the bomb”
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Malleus Draconia:100 years by, OR3O
“They call me crazy. They call me mad. It'd been so many years I could barely stand. But I remember the days we had and the bad days start to disappear. I hope the best though I'm no longer here. Musical kittens make me think of you Every little thing here makes me think of you. So I wrote this little song hoping you would hear someday. It's been a hundred years and I am still in love with you”
Lilia Vanrouge:O sol e a lua by, poqueno Cidadão
“O sol pediu a lua em casamento. E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo. E 24 horas depois o sol nasceu a lua se pôs e. O sol pediu a lua em casamento E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo”
Silver (Vanrouge): Hidden in the sand by, tally hall
“We were playing in the sand. And you found a little band. You told me you fell in love with it. Hadn't gone as I planned. When you had to bid adieu. Said you'd never love anew. I wondered if I could hold it. And fall in love with it too. You told me to buy a pony. But all I wanted was you”
Sebek Zigvolt: Valentine by, Laufey
“What if he's the last one I kiss? What if he's the only one I'll ever miss? Maybe I should run, I'm only 21. I don't even know who I want to become. I've lost all control of my heartbeat now. Got caught in a romance with him somehow. I still feel a shock through every bone. When I hear an "I love you". 'Cause now I've got someone to lose”
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Ibhana “Vesper” Baske: Soft Bitch by, Rio Romeo
“Love made me approachable. Love made me sweet. It's fucking miserable. But it can't be beat Love made me cordial. It never ends. I want to terrify you. But instead we're friends. Love made me soft. For the best”
Tao Yùchi: I won’t say (I’m in love) by, Susan Egan
“I thought my heart had learned its lesson. It feels so good when you start out. My head is screaming get a grip, girl. Unless you're dying to cry your heart out. You keep on denying. Who you are and how you're feeling. Baby, we're not buying. Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling. Face it like a grown-up. When ya gonna own up. That ya got, got, got it bad”
Igor Kazentoc: love like you by, Rebecca Sugar
“I always thought I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true. 'Cause I think you're so good. And I'm nothing like you. Look at you go. I just adore you. I wish that I knew. What makes you think I'm so special. If I could begin to do. Something that does right by you. I would do about anything. I would even learn how to love”
Junto Shuisha: would you be so kind? By, Dodie
“Oh, would you be so kind As to fall in love with me? You see, I'm trying I know you know that I like you But that's not enough. So if you would, please fall in love. I think it's only fair. There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere (wanna share?). 'Cause I like you but that's not enough. So if you will. Please fall in love with me”
Jasper Spade: first love/last spring by,mitski
“Wild women don't get the blues. But I find that. Lately I've been crying like a. Tall child. So please hurry leave me. I can't breathe. Please don't say you love me. 胸がはち切れそうで. One word from you and I would. Jump off of this. Ledge I'm on Baby. Tell me "don't". So I can. Crawl back in”
Najih Al-Amin: Don’t you dare by, Kaden MacKay
“Just gеt out of my daydreams. You’re an unwelcomе guest. And stop making me miss you. ‘Cause you leaving’s for the best ‘Cause I just couldn’t stand having you as my crutch. You’re a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch. If you ever return, it’ll burn me too much To bear. So don’t you dare”
Aikat Spanos: Passing papers by, Egg
“Cause Smiles are my weakness and I think yours is the prettiest. And you show it quite a bit when I'm with you. It's almost entertaining how we're searching for the same thing. But I could never try to see it through. Yes I meant it when I said that you were pretty. We never knew each other well and it's a pity. Sometimes I wonder if when you hear 1950. I come to mind”
Phobes Spanos: Dance with me by, Topline Addicts
“You say "Come and dance with me". But I'm a bit too shy so I just smile politely. I know you want me to. What have I got to lose? You said, "Let me dance with you". But I got two left feet, no rhythm, or groove. I'm dancin' anyhow. But I still walked home by myself”
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Ngl this was a lot of fun to do. I might do a part two with the staff and rsa, probably with the rest of my OC’s too^^
Likes and comments are more than appreciated. but reblogs help the content reach more people so please reblog if you want to like<3
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defied-that-too · 3 months
Fine. Fine fine fine fine, if NO ONE ELSE is gonna talk about Tales from Cazilor/Tales from Cazilor: The Golden Era, I WILL!
With the introduction of the squad roles (Stalwart, Climber, Anchor), I Deeply need to know what role Apollo and Arthur (from the OG album) fill. What was their training like? Are they Blessed? Gifted? We know Apollo was from Domita, but what about Arthur?
Given what little we know, I think Apollo would have willingly joined the Mazmus. (AKA doesn't need to be Blessed, would have willingly made the choice). Being in Domita during its fall and seeing all that destruction could spur anyone to join the Mazmus to make sure it never happened again. And with how much care Apollo has ("dying for a friend is a hell of a way to die" and all of "I Hope I Die Alone"), he feels like the type of person that would push through any hardship if it meant protecting those he cares about. Not necessarily from a sense of duty, but from a love for others.
Arthur, on the other hand, feels like someone who was born Blessed because he is So duty-bound. He "had no fond memories", dreams only of killing Toltag, never rests, etc. He kind of reminds me of Arge in TGE except to the extreme--born Blessed, told he is meant for greatness and has a duty to do Great Things. Except Arge is serving in a more peaceful time, and Arthur has likely only been serving after the fall of Domita, so there is more urgency, more pressure for Arthur. Arthur strikes me as the type that has had a singular goal--killing Toltag and ending the war--hammered into him since birth, and that would mean it is more likely than not that he would be Blessed.
This is, of course, assuming that the relationship between being Blessed and the Mazmus selection and training is consistent between the album and TGE. Which I guess isn't something we'll really know until the source books is released, Naethan reveals more information, and/or another album is released.
Join me for more theories and thoughts I scream into the void while Cazilor has no fandom, thank you thank you.
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yourwitchybrother · 2 months
My Discord Server is Live!
Hello, hello! My community discord server is live! Of course, this is it's first run, so if there are any kinks or glitches, please let me know as you join. Here is the link down below to DELPHI'S HANGOUT!
Ahh this is so exciting! Despite the Apollo theme, it is not limited to Apollo devotees or hellenic polytheists. It's open to anyone of any practice - if you don't see your practice listed, let staff know and we'll adjust accordingly! The server is 18+. So minors are not welcome, this is because I am 20 and my tumblr is only really open for anyone over the age of 18, and I am not comfortable interacting with minors in my community spaces. This is for my safety and yours.
That being said though, feel free to join and share it around! And any server feedback is welcome <3 Blessed be, and may the sun be your guide! A domani! (Note: Originally I had scheduled this post to go out in an hour, but I got too excited, ha!)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'll see y'all in a few weeks! -Danny Words: 1,944 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter /Book II Listen to: 'The Exit' -by Conan Gray
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XLIII: It Got Too Fluffy, I Had to Do Something About That
Monsters are vanishing left and right. After Typhon vanishes away, Lady Artemis and Apollo help us strike down a couple more creatures, not to mention Tyson and his buddies are also stomping enemies like they're made of clay.
A blast of golden light comes from the sky, and we all stop to stare. The gods around us, all except Hades, go up to Olympus at once.
"Did we win?" Jake Mason asks behind me.
I realize we've run out of monsters, and everything is deadly quiet except for a few mortals' panicky screams in the distance.
"It's done," Hades announces. "Olympus stands."
I drop Almighty out of pure shock. "My brother..." 
The top of the Empire State turns blue all of a sudden, there is only one kid insane enough to ask Zeus to do that.
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"She said what?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It matters 'cause she's supposed to be your second in command and she's disrespecting you!" Leo insists heatedly.
"It doesn't matter," Ara repeats calmly. "This was just an argument, we'll make peace once I'm back."
"But..." he almost asks 'What if we don't come back?', but asking that is never an option, so he changes the subject. "I don't want you to leave this place sad, this is your home."
"My home is with my parents and Percy," Ara corrects him stubbornly, then pokes his cheek. "And you. As long as I'm with you, I'll be okay."
Leo softens at her words. "Alright. Let's go rescue your brother from Camp Stuck-up."
"I heard that!" Jason steps onto the deck with his backpack over one shoulder. "Don't go saying that once we get there, Leo. Be nice."
"I'm nice!" Leo puts his arm around Ara's shoulders. "But my girl needs me on her side right now."
Ara looks over the ship's rail, they're on top of the cliff where Bunker Nine is hidden, and she's meditating on whether it's a good idea to look for Lily or not. Their arguments wash away as soon as something bigger happens, so she's not too worried. 
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The next hour is a blur, while Hades helps us rebuild the city, Mrs O'Leary walks past us with Chiron on her back.
"Ara Jackson," he says my name as if he were talking to a badly behaved pet. "In the future, review your plans with me before you risk your life in such a reckless manner."
Mrs O'Leary shakes off a bit of dirt, making him wince.
"We can talk later, go to camp," I say gently.
Hades walks up to us after Chiron leaves. 
"Well, Jackson," he eyes my appearance. "Now is your time to come through with your part of our agreement."
I stare at him, not sure of what to say. He glances at Nico and the boy steps forward, looking anxious. "We should check on the others," he suggests.
"You're a good warrior, Ghost King," I nudge his arm as we walk together. "If I hadn't promised Lily the position, you'd be a good second in command." 
He makes a face as if he can't think of anything more horrid than following my orders forever. 
When we enter Olympus, people cheer for us. Percy goes out of his way to find me and holds me, after getting my mom's blessing, my forehead can reach his shoulder perfectly. 
"Pretending to be Achilles? Are you kidding me?! That was insane!"
"And I haven't pulled my craziest stunt yet," I mumble against his shoulder.
Percy moves away and frowns. "What do you mean?"
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"Ready to go?" Piper and Coach Hedge arrive with all of their stuff. 
Ara holds tightly onto the railing. Lily didn't come to say goodbye, she left Ara's cloak inside Ara's cabin in the ship, along with her tattered T-Rex. That's how she operates, Ara knows that. 
She pulls out the dagger her friend forgot in her room that same afternoon, Ara brought it as a good luck charm. 
"Annabeth's ready?" The girl eyes the blade, deep in thought.
"Yes," Leo hums, moving to the control board.
"Let's go, then," Ara sighs, trying not to sound worried.
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Lily gets called by Hades right after Annabeth becomes the architect of Olympus, he tells her there are too many corners that he doesn't want to leave unattended in the Underworld, and many souls to recover after this war, so Lily must work with Daedalus to make the Underworld safer and Tartarus harder to reach.
Percy could've become a god if he wanted to, but he turned it down. In exchange, he asks for the Gods to care for their children, to treat every camper with respect, no matter who their parents are. I think that's sweet.
"Arae Jackson."
It isn't Hades the one who calls me forward, it's Ares. I can't help the way I glance back at my friends in confusion. The god snorts. "Why are you surprised? You've been calling to me for a whole year."
I frown. "Lord?"
"We've all been listening, like you asked," Mr D says. "Isn't this what you wanted?"
What surprises me the most is that instead of passing out, I feel braver. Blame it on the Aphrodite in me, but I thrive on the spotlight. 
"Yes," I look at Zeus. "With your permission, then... I'd like to plead my case." The god's face is impossible to read, but I carry on anyway. "I offer myself as your next child of Olympus."
Demeter scoffs. "Why would we choose you?"
"Cause I want it," I reply cynically.
"Young lady," Poseidon speaks. "We haven't seen that kind of hero in centuries. What makes you think you're up to the task?"
"Well, what makes you think I'm not?"
"You're an Aphrodite!" Ares laughs. When my mother glares at him, he clears his throat. "I mean, it doesn't seem like it would be the calling for someone of your kind."
"I've fought plenty," I continue. "I've learned a lot and I want to keep our world safe. I also have this..."
I show them Almighty. Hephaestus shifts on his chair uncomfortably and looks away; Zeus frowns, but next to him, Hera gets excited with the revelation.
"Pantodynamos!" She beams.
"How do we know she didn't steal it?"
"I saw her in action," Hades says. "This half-blood tricked a whole army into believing she was Achilles, our last son of Olympus, and they believed it because she did a good job."
"A child of Olympus must be familiar with their armies," Athena nods in agreement. "And she's spent years learning all the crafts, has she not? She can fight, build, and knows how to lead."
"I say we give her a try," Mr D shrugs. "We can strike her out of existence if she's lousy."
"She has my full support," Hades announces. "And my vote."
Zeus glares at his brother, but then Hera speaks. "Mine too."
"Me three," Mr. D hums, he's already lost interest and seems eager to leave the throne room.
"I gave her my blessing," my mother smiles. "She has my vote and my trust."
"Mine too," Hephaestus grumbles. "That was a neat trick you pulled with my son's creations, I'd like to see more of that."
"I vote in favor," Artemis eyes me with interest. "Would've made a fine hunter, but if this is her choice..."
"I never forget a fan," Apollo winks at me. "She's got my approval."
"Well, I helped her kill a Hyperborean..." Ares ponders. "So I guess I vote in favor too."
"She has my vote," says Hermes.
"Fine," Poseidon gives in, briefly glancing at Percy. "She shall have her chance."
Percy steps forward but Annabeth stops him. It catches my eye and I look back at them, my brother doesn't understand what being a child of Olympus ensues, but he's visibly worried. Annabeth's staring at me like she can't believe this is happening, and Thalia's shaking her head, knowing the deed is done. 
Lily keeps her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes fixed on the floor, Nico's the only one who doesn't look anxious or angry, perhaps he wants me to succeed, cause that would mean he also can.
"Arae Jackson, kneel before the council," Zeus says at last. 
I do what he asks me right away, holding tightly to the hilt of my sword.
"The gods are granting you the greatest honor," he says. "Do not waste it."
"You'll be the General of our armies," Athena continues. "You're allowed to deny or authorize quests as you deem it proper, and you shall join them if you think it's necessary." 
"If we call, you must answer. We will grant blessings only when you truly need them," Zeus continues. "Choose wisely, we cannot grant you all twelve."
"Lastly," Hades smiles coldly. "You cannot favor your former godly parent over the rest of us. From now on, you are the daughter of Olympus."
"Do you conform to these rules?" Zeus asks.
"I do."
Every god in the room lowers their weapons and scepters to the ground, golden lines travel through the marble surface and climb up my body healing my bruises, cuts, and scars.
I hold onto Almighty as I get up and notice the purple cape around my shoulders, a gold pin shaped in the form of an omega keeping it in place. I also feel something on my head, and when I reach up, I discover it's a crown of gold laurels.
Zeus looks far from happy. "You may go."
I put my sword on the sheath that's hanging over my hips, and I keep my head up as I walk away without turning my back on them. 
I think of the friends I lost, of how lonely they must've felt in their last moments. I think of all the lives it could save to have someone who shows up when we need them. A hero who doesn't think we're inconsequential and who by magical binding, can't turn their back on us.
 I remember when the monsters thought I was Achilles. 
I'm just like him now.
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"You should take a nap," Annabeth suggests. "You have to look your best once we arrive."
Ara raises a brow. "I didn't come here to look pretty."
Annabeth shakes her head. "A child of Olympus is above everyone else, Ara. The Romans won't like that."
Ara feels her stomach twisting in knots, but she smiles despite it. "Won't be nice to discover a Greek is their commander, huh?"
"You'll have to assert your position, and for that, you need to look strong," Annabeth squeezes her shoulder. "Sleep, I'll call if we need you."
The girl makes her way to the cabins. As she goes she spots Leo moving from one side to the other on the control board, but she leaves him alone, they all need to focus on themselves.
Jason helped her practice the wolf glare all Romans have, and he's taught her the way the legions work, but just like Annabeth, he's warned her they'll show resistance to admitting she's their superior.
Ara has faced worse crowds, so she thinks it'll be fine. Becoming a daughter of Olympus didn't keep her loved ones out of danger, but at least no one can keep her out of the fight now, and she's going to become whatever she must to secure their victory over Gaea.
The girl falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, but she doesn't get a demigod dream this time. When she opens her eyes, she's no longer on the ship.
"Ara," Aphrodite looms over her, eyes just as serious as the rest of her expression. "We need to talk about your curse."
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I don't understand why my friends are acting this way, but they aren't upset because I wasted their time, they're angry because I've given mine up. Ambition blinds me from the one thing the others can see.
I didn't care at first, I was fifteen years old yet my name would be written in our history books. No one was going to be able to put out my fire for a very long time.
I wish they had.
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Book II ->
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thebonggirll · 1 year
chapter four
< previous: chapter three
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The next morning there was a lot of excitement at breakfast.
Well, around three in the morning, an Aethiopian drakon had been spotted at the borders of the camp. The magical boundaries had kept the monster out, but it prowled the hills, looking for weak spots in the defenses, and it didn't seem anxious to go away until Lee Fletcher from Apollo's cabin led a couple of his siblings in pursuit. After a few dozen arrows lodged in the chinks of the drakon's armor, it got the message and withdrew.
"It's still out there," Lee warned during announcements. "Twenty arrows in its hide, and we just made it mad. The thing was thirty feet long and bright green. It's eyes—" he shuddered.
"You did well, Lee," Chiron patted him on the shoulder. "Everyone stay alert, but stay calm. This has happened before."
"Aye," Quintus said from the head table. "And it will happen again. More and more frequently."
The campers murmured among themselves. Y/N turned to look at Harris, mouthing the words, "Did you know?" He nodded his head to accept. It seemed like she wasn't the only one who kept dreaming about the camp under attack all the time.  
Everyone knew the rumors: Luke and his army of monsters were planning an invasion of the camp. Most of them expected it to happen this summer, but no one knew how or when. It didn't help that their attendance was down. They only had about eighty campers. Three years ago, Y/N started, there had been more than a hundred. Some had died. Some had joined Luke. Some had just disappeared. 
"This is a good reason for new war games, "Quintus continued, a glint in his eyes. "We'll see how you all do with that tonight."
"Yes..." Chiron said. "Well, enough announcements. Let us bless this meal and eat." He raised his goblet, "To the gods."
All of them raised their glasses and repeated the blessing.
Y/N took her plate to the bronze brazier and scraped a portion of her food into the flames. "Apollo," she whispered, "Give me a sign of what I should do...."
There was so much to worry about, and she could've stood there all morning, but she headed back to the table. She couldn't just stand there ranting about her pathetic feelings and friends when there was no guarantee they would survive the prophecy. She wanted to be the bigger person and just forget any of those things ever happened. But easier said than done. One look at their faces and it felt like the day they confessed to her. Even with Grover in her mind, all she could feel after looking at their faces was irritation. 
Still...even after all this, her eyes still seemed to search for the seaweed brain. It was getting annoying at this point.
Once everyone was eating, Chiron and Grover came over to visit Percy. Grover was bleary-eyed. His shirt was inside out. He slid his plate onto the table and slumped next to him.
Tyson shifted uncomfortably. "I will go...um...polish my fish ponies." He lumbered off, leaving his breakfast half-eaten.
Chiron tried for a smile. He probably wanted to look reassuring, but in centaur form he towered over him, casting a shadow across the table. "Well, Percy, how did you sleep?"
"Uh, fine." Percy wondered why he asked that. Was it possible he knew something about the weird Iris-message he'd gotten? 
He saw Nico in it, and he was talking to a ghost. Nico was looking for a way to bring back his sister, which was almost impossible. Almost. The ghost seemed to know a way to bring her back, but just as they were about to discuss the plan, the message requested for another drachma. Unfortunately, he didn't have that and the message disappeared. The ghost also said something about how it helped Nico by saving him several times, leading him through a maze, and teaching him to use his powers. Well, he wasn't so focused on that.
"I brought Grover over," Chiron said, "because I thought you two might want to, ah, discuss matters. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Iris-messages to send. I'll see you later in the day." He gave Grover a meaningful look, then trotted out of the pavilion."
"What's he talking about?" Percy asked Grover.
Grover chewed his eggs. He could tell he was distracted, because he bit the tines of his fork and chewed those down, too. "He wants you to convince me," he mumbled. Somebody else slid next to him on the bench: Annabeth. 
And almost instinctively his head shot towards the direction of the Apollo cabin's members. Oh...she wasn't looking. He didn't know whether to feel good or bad about the situation. It would make matters worse. Y/N would probably absolutely ignore their existence after this.
"I'll tell you what it's about," Annabeth said. "The Labyrinth."
It was hard to concentrate on what she was saying because everybody in the dining pavilion was stealing glances at them and whispering. And Annabeth was right next to him. With the amount of whispers, he was sure it would reach Y/N's ears. He didn't want her to hate him. 
But wait...shouldn't she be understanding about the situation too? Grover was here too, so maybe Y/N wouldn't mind all that much. And besides, after the commotion with Grover, she would absolutely understand if they held a discussion. 
Percy sighed. He knew how much of an insensitive jerk he sounded like, but...still, it's not like he said something illogical either. For now, he needed to shoo away the main culprit of the situation. 
"You're not supposed to be here," Percy said.
"We need to talk," she insisted.
"But the rules..."
She knew as well as everyone else, that campers weren't allowed to switch tables. Satyrs were different. They weren't really demigods. But the half-bloods had to sit with their cabins. I wasn't even sure what the punishment was for switching tables. He'd never seen it happen. If Mr. D had been here, he probably would've strangled Annabeth with magical grapevines or something, but Mr. D wasn't here. Chiron had already left the pavilion. Quintus looked over and raised an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything. 
"Maybe Annabeth deserves a punishment," Percy thought.
"Look," Annabeth said, "Grover is in trouble. There's only one way we can figure out how to help him. It's the Labyrinth. That's what Clarisse and I have been investigating."
He shifted his weight, trying to think clearly. "You mean the maze where they kept the Minotaur, back in the old days?"
"Exactly," Annabeth said.
"So...it's not under the king's palace in Crete anymore," he guessed. "The Labyrinth is under some building in America."
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Under a building? Please, Percy. The Labyrinth is huge. It wouldn't fit under a single city, much less a single building."
He thought about my dream of Nico at the River Styx. "So...is the Labyrinth part of the Underworld?"
"No." Annabeth frowned. "Well, there may be passages from the Labyrinth down into the Underworld. I'm not sure. But the Underworld is way, way down. The Labyrinth is right under the surface of the mortal world, kind of like a second skin. It's been growing for thousands of years, lacing its way under Western cities, connecting everything together underground. You can get anywhere through the Labyrinth."
"If you don't get lost," Grover muttered. "And die a horrible death."
"Grover, there has to be a way," Annabeth said. He got the feeling they'd had this conversation before.
"Clarisse lived."
"Barely!"Grover said. "And the other guy—"
"He was driven insane. He didn't die."
"Oh, joy." Grover's lower lip quivered. "That makes me feel much better."
"Whoa," Percy said. "Back up. What's this about Clarisse and a crazy guy?"
Annabeth glanced over toward the Ares table. Clarisse was watching them like she knew what they were talking about, but then she fixed her eyes on her breakfast plate.
"Last year," Annabeth said, lowering her voice, "Clarisse went on a mission for Chiron."
"I remember," Percy said. "It was secret."
Annabeth nodded.
"It was secret," Annabeth agreed, "because she found Chris Rodriguez."
"The guy from the Hermes cabin?" he remembered him from two years ago. They'd eavesdropped on Chris Rodriguez aboard Luke's ship, the Princess Andromeda. Chris was one of the half-bloods who'd abandoned camp and joined the Titan Army.
"Yeah," Annabeth said. "Last summer he just appeared in Phoenix, Arizona, near Clarisse's mom's house."
"What do you mean he just appeared?"
"He was wandering around the desert, in a hundred and twenty degrees, in full Greek armor, babbling about string."
"String," he said.
"He'd been driven completely insane. Clarisse brought him back to her mom's house so the mortals wouldn't institutionalize him. She tried to nurse him back to health. Chiron came out and interviewed him, but it wasn't much good. The only thing they got out of him: Luke's men have been exploring the Labyrinth."
Percy shivered, though he wasn't exactly sure why. Poor Chris...he hadn't been a bad guy. What could've driven him mad? I looked at Grover, who was chewing up the rest of his fork.
"Okay," he asked. "Why were they exploring the Labyrinth?"
"We weren't sure," Annabeth said. "That's why Clarisse went on a scouting expedition. Chiron kept things hushed up because he didn't want anyone panicking. He got me involved because...well, the Labyrinth has always been one of my favorite subjects. The architecture involved—" Her expression turned a little dreamy. "The builder, Daedalus, was a genius. But the point is, the Labyrinth has entrances everywhere. If Luke could figure out how to navigate it, he could move his army around with incredible speed."
"Except it's a maze, right?"
"Full of horrible traps," Grover agreed."Dead ends. Illusions. Psychotic goat-killing monsters."
"But not if you had Ariadne's string," Annabeth said. "In the old days, Ariadne's string guided Theseus out of the maze. It was a navigation instrument of some kind, invented by Daedalus. And Chris Rodriguez was mumbling about string."
"So Luke is trying to find Ariadne's string," Percy said. "Why? What's he planning?"
Annabeth shook her head. "I don't know. I thought maybe he wanted to invade camp through the maze, but that doesn't make any sense. The closest entrances Clarisse found were in Manhattan, which wouldn't help Luke get past our borders. Clarisse explored a little way into the tunnels, but...it was very dangerous. She had some close calls. I researched everything I could find about Daedalus. I'm afraid it didn't help much. I don't understand exactly what Luke's planning, but I do know this: the Labyrinth might be the key to Grover's problem."
Percy blinked. "You think Pan is underground?"
"It would explain why he's been impossible to find."
Grover shuddered. "Satyrs hate going underground. No searcher would ever try going in that place. No flowers. No sunshine. No coffee shops!"
"But," Annabeth said, "the Labyrinth can lead you almost anywhere. It reads your thoughts. It was designed to fool you, trick you, and kill you; but if you can make the Labyrinth work for you—"
"It could lead you to the wild god," Percy said.
"I can't do it." Grover hugged his stomach. "Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up my silverware."
"Grover, it may be your last chance," Annabeth said. "The council is serious. One week or you learn to tap dance!"
Over at the head table, Quintus cleared his throat. Percy got the feeling he didn't want to make a scene, but Annabeth was really pushing it, sitting at his table for so long.
"And did you talk to Y/N?" she asked, eyes looking for some hope.
"I tried..but," he looked in her direction, "she won't listen and doesn't want to be involved."
"Clearly you don't know how to convince her," Annabeth said, eyes furrowed in irritation.
"Well, why don't you give it a try then?" Percy said, a little too loud. 
"Alright, we'll talk later," Annabeth squeezed his arm a little too hard. "Convince Grover and I'll convince her."
She returned to the Athena table, ignoring all the people who were staring at her. He didn't know what kind of confidence suddenly took over Annabeth, but he just hoped for it to work. She was good with words when it came to certain situations. He wished he had even a little bit of that talent, then maybe Y/N would've already been convinced. It felt like somehow it was becoming a competition between him and Annabeth of who is closer to her. 
And he didn't like the way all his paths were coming to a dead end.
Grover buried his head in his hands. "I can't do it, Percy. My searcher's license. Pan. I'm going to lose it all. I'll have to start a puppet theater."
"Don't say that! We'll figure something out."
"I have to leave," Grover said miserably. "Juniper's waiting for me. It's a good thing she finds cowards attractive."
After he was gone, Percy looked over at Quintus. He nodded gravely, like they were sharing some dark secret. Then he went back to cutting his sausage with a dagger.
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Around the afternoon, when Y/N was busy reading a book near Canoe Lake, she felt a presence behind her. A well-known presence she wanted to ignore. 
Annabeth sat beside her, which made her shift away a bit immediately. "We can't do this without you."
Sighing, Y/N closed her book and looked at her, "There are plenty of healers, you can just ask one of my siblings."
"You know it's not the same as going with you. We know how we work around each other in dangerous situations. Besides, it would...feel empty without you."
"Look, I don't want to be tossed around and used whenever you all feel like it. I don't trust you or him."
"I am sorry for what I did! I wasn't thinking straight. I...lost someone precious and I didn't know how to handle it!"
"Oh, and the only way you thought of handling it is by playing with his emotions and breaking my trust?"
"It wasn't intentional."
"It was though, Anne. You knew the way he looked at you and decided to take advantage of it. How would you feel if Luke asked me to join them, that he would date me if I wanted to get over both of you and I accepted it?"
"You wouldn't and I know it."
"See?" Y/N chuckled, "You don't even have to think twice about this. I didn't either. But after what you did, I don't think anything is impossible."
Annabeth stayed silent for a while and said, "You know, Percy is not at fault here. It was news to him too. So...maybe you should atleast-"
"You don't need to tell me that. I know. It's just...feels awful to know how he knew everything but continued to lead me on instead of turning me down."
"He was overwhelmed. It was a first-time situation and he didn't know what to do. You know that better than me," Annabeth sighed, "Please just talk to him."
"Fine, I will." Y/N said massaging her forehead,"....And what about Grover?"
"....So you're in, right?"
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Walking towards the Pegasus stables, she found Percy just as Annabeth said. Percy seemed to be talking to his friend Blackjack. She waited for him to finish. It didn't take much time as he shot his head to look in her direction after a while.
A group of younger campers came into the stables to start their riding lessons and started whispering amongst themselves. Clearly, the news of their fight was all over the camp. As Percy started walking towards her, she heard one of the campers say something along the lines of "he isn't even that good-looking." 
"Mind your own business," she spoke, looking over at them. Sure, she might be having a fight with him, doesn't mean they get to insult him in front of her. 
An action that made Percy smile a bit. He didn't know why but it made him feel giddy how Y/N was defending him. He observed her expression - how her ears were turning red in anger, and she scrunched her nose while furrowing her brows. 
How cute.
"Come on," she muttered, walking away from the stables.
As Percy started following her, he said, "I'm guessing you talked with Annabeth?"
"Yes, she filled me in about whatever happened," Y/N said and licked her lips. This is awkward. Knowing he knew about her feelings, it was getting difficult to talk to him about how she wanted to forget everything and start over the friendship.
Sighing, she mustered up the courage and said, "Look, I'm here because I feel like I'm not being fair to you. I know, you were hurt by Annabeth's action as much as I did. But I was too busy feeling betrayed to even hear you out. So...let's just forget everything and start over like nothing happened."
"Sure," he said, "And during breakfast Annabeth just came to my table to talk about the events and also, you. Nothing else...in case you are wondering." With the way the campers were talking, he didn't want her to misunderstand. He didn't know why but he wanted to make it clear as soon as possible. Annabeth was nothing more than just an awful friend. 
"Didn't ask, don't care," Y/N said. 
Percy looked at her demeanor. She looked...nervous. And she still wasn't looking at him. It still felt...awful. He wanted the old Y/N back. But, it did feel nice how she reached out first. Probably because of Grover's situation. He didn't exactly have the place to complain about it.  A small smirk took over his lips, as he put his arm around her shoulders and started walking towards the Canoe Lake. She looked like a deer in headlights. Maybe he did get some of the confidence Annabeth had.
Thinking back on his conversation with Y/N, he was a bit disturbed by the last line. Act like nothing happened? It might be a bit selfish of him but...he didn't want her to forget.
The feeling of getting her attention was starting to get addicting.
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next: chapter five >
book four: the battle of labyrinth
percy jackson x reader series
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spacecadetspe · 7 months
A snippet from last year…
Feb. 12, 2023
It feels increasingly like the battle's not over, even though I've already won.
Our plan so far has been to recruit the mother of monsters, Echidna, to help us root out the ones who originally posted the bounty. Hermes went at first, in disguise, since he and Echidna have some gruesome history, and offered her Gungnir, Odin's spear, and a place in the Dream World if she would aid us.
Everyone in my party felt threatened by her... except me, of course. She called it "moxie." Sounds almost cute, doesn't it? Ah, well. She hasn't seen the real me yet. It stands to reason. We traded threatening growls, and then sat down to a literal tea party. An odd peace treaty, of sorts. Don't threaten me, and I won't threaten you. She told me there that Hermes had offered her another blade, perhaps of her choosing, and she mentioned she had heard rumors of a rainbow blade, the likes of which had never been made before.
Fortitude suggested that Phobetor had revealed it to her in a nightmare. Apparently he brags about me. Perhaps I should be flattered, although I gently corrected her on the misconception that she could even wield such a blade.
Hermes begged her for three more days to acquire a sword more suited to her use, and she grudgingly accepted. He has a way with words, indeed... although many times, I wish he would be more straightforward.
Hermes' idea was to get Echidna to stand in as a "monster" for bandits and grifters to defeat when in search of strategically-placed treasures. It would work perfectly, if Echidna weren't in the Dream World when the thefts occurred.
"We're still leading them to the Dream World," I said.
He shrugged. "So we'll just have her in an isolated location."
"If I hadn't welcomed you in, you'd be bleeding from your eyes and ears."
"Well, good thing there was a sentiment of sangfroid among us and not animus."
I had to take a moment to wrap my head around what he'd just said: 'Thankfully you're not petty.' I sighed and shook my head. "No, Hermes. The atmosphere is simply too harsh for casual visitors. They won't be able to function once they cross our borders."
Honestly, it was a fairly simple fix: I could place a motion sensor at the entrance of Echidna's cave, and she could come and go from the Dream World whenever she liked.
Then there was the issue of getting her another weapon to use. Hermes suggested we appeal to Heimdallr to create a forgery of his sword, Hofung, but again, I had a better idea; a sword made just for Echidna. I call it the Blessed Viper. Folded steel, imbued with the power of the Bifrost and laced with Jabillo resin, with a tang wrapped in stingray leather and mounted with a Jabillo seed pommel.
In return for our efforts, Echidna had one of her children track down the scent of my pursuer. Turns out, it was a cult dedicated to Apollo. Not only were they desperate to have his powers returned, but they were vengeful enough to post a request for my hair, bones, teeth, and feathers, with the promise of an oracle for a bride and a temple full of treasures. The cult is led by Apollo's lover, Branchus.
I asked Hermes to go talk to his half-brother while I had tea with the cult. Literally. Had tea. Branchus was stunned to see me, and fell at my feet. He kept saying that he and the other members of the cult were "contrite" and "lost sheep." Naturally, I was confused and upset by this behavior.
Over tea, he explained how he'd received a vision from Apollo about losing his divinity, and the fall of Olympus, courtesy of "a terribly scorned deity." At first, the cult sought retribution. Once they had all calmed down, however, they simply left the bounty up with the hopes that I would come calling, at some point. It was just... mind-numbing. They could've just called me.
Once I explained my side of things, there was some murmuring and mumbling about what they would do next.
I asked who they had chosen marry off to the highest bidder, and Branchus revealed that it was their very own local oracle! A woman who had taken vows of anonymity and silence. I shook my head at this man's idiocy.
I warned them that I expected the bounty to be taken down, and to stop arranging marriages.
As I stood up to leave, Apollo and Hermes showed up, with Njorun in tow. I was about to leave without retribution when Njorun slugged Branchus in the face, throwing him about twenty feet across the glade. Honestly, it was pretty satisfying.
Apollo, though, was not too happy with how I handled things. He tried to show up at my apartment, where Hermes turned him away, and then barged into the dream palace, demanding to see me. Hermes again managed to calm him down, and took him to one of the guest suites to wait for me.
Much of the argument that followed consisted of Apollo's ego, and self-righteous fury about how I'd dealt with his followers.
I warned him not to make this issue about him. I protected myself how I needed to, and all the cult got in retribution was a stern talking-to and a single punch. Could've been much worse, really, given my track record of burning things to the ground.
Still, Apollo was insistent that Branchus was simply a goatherd, and wasn't "cut from that cloth" of posting bounties when he felt wronged. He'd spent the previous night with his lover, and they had spoken at length about what had happened in Apollo's absence.
I wondered for a moment if Apollo hadn't just stood there and looked pretty while Branchus sucked his dick... but I didn't say so. Branchus had admitted that, without direction, the cult had fallen into impiety.
I grew tired with the sycophantic display I was being shown, and perhaps that's part of what triggered me. I'm still having nightmares of being attacked in my bed, and the last thing I want is a guy (or group of guys) who only tell me what I want to hear. I just want to feel safe enough to sleep peacefully... and it seems like, with X and these grifters, I'm not going to get there anytime soon.
I was doing good not to take it out on Apollo, but it's time to set him to work. He's still trying to figure out what binds him to mortality, and that means he's feeling stuck.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
Me: *looking at the Personacentral article confirming no new games: Me: >:( Me: *looks at it again* Hope: Haha what if I just beat naivete into you? *bonk* Me: Wait it says “no new games”........ So does that mean that OLD games are on the table? Aka Ports? Or could this mean an anime/manga thing? :0 Golly gee a Trinity Soul 2 would be cool. Or an actual animation/manga of The Answer would be swell. Heaven forbid I get some kind of adaptation for Hamu or P2IS/EP. P3/4/5D and PQ2 gonna get a legit manga? Or are they gonna get an anime alongside PQ1??? What are we gonna have a PQ style adventure with the MCs only in an anime/manga form instead of a game? I mean it’s the only media they’ve done before outside of a escape room/cafe/merch thing. I mean if it’s gonna be an OLD game, does that mean we’re porting P1/2, PQ1/2, P3/4/5D? Are P3/5D gonna get a new story mode then? Old game new scenario. Haha I got around your silly wording, so we are getting games they just aren’t “new” or we’re getting some other cool thing-*sobs*
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
Hey do you wanna talk about naomi and will?
Sorry it took me so long to get around to this; having no reliable internet for a week sucks, but I'm back home with reliable internet again now, so it's time to return to my inbox and answer a couple!
Okay, so unlike my usual analyses, which are very entrenched in canon with no major extrapolation or headcanons thrown in, this is going to be near enough the opposite because quite frankly we have so little canon on Naomi and basically nothing on her relationship with Will that there's a lot of options (kinda hoping we'll get more on this in the Solangelo book, but also I've got my own headcanon now - which is the last part of this post - and part of me doesn't want it disproven, so...). Ergo, this is very headcanon-heavy, although I like to keep my headcanons within the bounds of possibility as suggested by canon so it shouldn't actually contradict what little canon we do have.
In an attempt to keep this related to canon, let's look at Naomi's little slices of canon info:
I studied his face. The calmness of his eyes, the smile resting easily on his lips, the way his hair curled around his ears… I had a vague memory of a woman, an alt-country singer named Naomi Solace, whom I’d met in Austin. I blushed thinking about her even now. To my teenaged self, our romance felt like something that I’d watched in a movie a long ago time—a movie my parents wouldn’t have allowed me to see. But this boy was definitely Naomi’s son.
Will’s expression reminded me very much of his mother, Naomi—that look of trepidation she got just before she went onstage. “Protect the camp from what?”
Will hadn’t inherited his thoughtfulness from me. That was all his mother, Naomi, bless her kind heart.
Three excerpts, in the entirety of TOA. There's a little to go on here, but not much.
The other thing we know for a fact is that Will is a year-round camper, therefore for some reason, he doesn't live with her (although he might visit her occasionally, because he was implied to be freshly back from some apparent holiday of some sort at the start of THO - although I have my own headcanon about that, which isn't particularly relevant to this question so as always, if people wanna hear about that, let me know, but I won't address it here).
So, with this tiny little bit of canon information, what are the options?
The way I see it, there's a few options we can take from this. Option one is that Naomi is dead. It's an angsty option, yes, but it neatly explains why Will is year-round, why Apollo has nothing remotely negative to say about her, and it's not like there's anything in the narration that explicitly states she isn't, so that's an option.
Option two is that being a year-rounder is Will's decision. Maybe he never used to be a year-rounder until he became head counsellor and head medic and then felt obligated to stay, or needed the support of camp after the war, rather than going back to the mortal world where no-one would understand his trauma. Maybe TOA was his first year as a year-rounder because he wanted to stay with Nico.
Option three is that it isn't feasible for Will to go home. I love my powerful!Will theories and we know from canon that some more powerful demigods just aren't safe outside camp - add in that Will isn't a confident fighter, and he could be in this number. Alternatively, it's just a really long way to travel to Texas and while theoretically Will could fly, being not a big three kid, it's still a pretty long and dangerous journey, so maybe the decision was made that it just isn't feasible.
Option four is that Naomi's career gets in the way. We know she's an alt-country singer, we know she does performances, it's not unfeasible that she does a lot of touring, which just isn't a stable enough lifestyle for a demigod kid - or a single mother.
My personal views on this now delve into headcanon and serious levels of extrapolation, so I can't call them canon, but I will call them canon-compliant, because there's nothing that contradicts them in the known narrative. Regardless, these are simply headcanons so if people have other views that's fine by me. I've read a lot of fics with a very broad spectrum of opinions on Naomi and they're all valid.
I sit somewhere in the mix of options three and four - Will is a powerful demigod; while he's no big three kid, he does show a degree of power that's not matched by any other known Apollo kid (again, I will happily talk about powerful!Will and why I think it's implied in canon if anyone's interested). However, I think Naomi's career and lifestyle also isn't very well-suited for Will to live with her, and I also have another take as well, which isn't explicitly supported by canon but also isn't disproven and that's this:
Naomi Solace never planned on being a mother.
I won't say she didn't want to have Will when it happened, because that implies Apollo forced her to have a child with him which is not something I can see rrverse!Apollo doing ever (and the implications of Apollo's description of their relationship being one parents wouldn't let kids watch suggest it was very, uh, steamy so the risk of pregnancy was certainly there and I doubt Naomi was daft enough to not know that), and I certainly won't say she doesn't love Will, because from the little snippet we have about her personality, she's described as being very kind and thoughtful, and considering that's the only canon we have for her personality (despite it being very possible that a lover and a child are treated very differently) I wouldn't want to go with something that contradicts that, but I find it an interesting middle-ground to sit in and explore (and people who've read my fics will have seen this crop up from time to time).
So how does this headcanon of mine play out?
It starts with the difficulties of being in a challenging and unstable career while also being a single mother to a difficult kid - Will is sweet and adorable and anyone who doesn't love him will confuse the heck out of me, but he's still a demigod, he's still got ADHD and dyslexia aka learning difficulties, he would have struggled at school. The music industry is cut-throat, and while I won't say it's not possible to have a career in it whilst also raising a child single-handedly, even a child that needs additional learning support, it's got to be really quite tough. (Disclaimer: I am not in the music industry and know very little about how it works.)
I think Naomi struggled with it. She never intentionally pushed Will aside, and she certainly never tried to foist him onto someone else (although I won't deny the possibility of mortal grandparents sometimes taking on babysitting duty), but making ends meet, meeting her deadlines and producing albums whilst trying to give a young child a stable lifestyle... that's hard, even before adding in the extra challenge of being a single - likely quite young - mother.
In my interpretation/headcanons, Naomi's always been more career-driven, so until Apollo came into the picture, her priority was career and music over family - and really, that never changed. She did her best by Will, and clearly raised him quite well because he's a lovely guy with firm morals, but it was a relief when he finally went to camp and he was no longer her responsibility to look after. Without a child around, she's once again free to go on tours without worrying about childcare (or even potential monster attacks), and Will's also got not only a stable life in camp (as much as a demigod can have a stable life), but he's also got the appropriate support for the ADHD/dyslexia that I'm sure Naomi tried to give, but struggled with.
This doesn't mean Will never sees her - they Skype and call frequently, if she's up in the area on tour they'll meet up and he'll stay with her for a few days, maybe even bring some of the other demigods (especially Apollo kids who love her music) along to watch the tours and get special backstage passes etc. In fact, their relationship's even better than it was when they lived together because the background stressors of making their life work with Naomi's career and Will's needs competing against each other at most turns are gone.
It does leave a small strain, and a bit of a mark on Will in terms of a degree of parental abandonment even if that was never Naomi's intent, but really compared to most demigods, it's likely still a better parental situation than most have (although admittedly in canon we don't actually see many mortal parents outside of the amazing Sally Jackson and (deceased) Phillip McCaffrey/Maria di Angelo/Esperanza Valdez/Emily Zhang, the awkwardness of Frederick Chase and Tristan McLean, and the insanity of May Castellan, Marie Levesque and Beryl Grace so it's hard to gauge exactly how mortal parents tend to be but... that's more negative-or-dead than positive examples). I just find it interesting to park it somewhere in the middle rather than making it a black-and-white situation, especially as the career we have canon for is one that would make life a bit awkward.
Again, my own interpretation of their relationship is exactly that - this is a headcanon and not canon, although I think the four options I listed are the most likely scenarios from the canon we do have.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
OC Name Meanings Tag!
Thank you for tagging me @albatris!
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Okay, this is gonna be fun because name meanings is actually kind of an Interest of mine. Like I don’t always keep meanings in mind when naming characters but I like to sometimes because it makes brain go brrr. My favorite is when a name is chosen kinda incidentally and it ends up really vibing in terms of etymology.
In case y'all can't tell I am an avid fan of behindthename, which is going to be the main source I use for this unless I can't find something there or if I want to look into things more for fun and flavor.
Anyway enough stalling <3 I'm going to do the cast of A Modern Ghost Story, mainly because the cast of The Ruins of Memory all just has nature names and I'm thinking a lot about my funky little ghost hunters <3 Under the cut in case this gets long.
Sydney "Syd" Ambrose - Sydney is a variant of the name Sidney, which comes from a surname that is derived from a place name that means "wide island." After looking into it a bit more, it can also mean "wide meadow" or even "from this place" apparently! Neat! And apparently the name Ambrose ties back to a word that means "immortal," which. Considering the themes and characters in this story. That's very interesting actually.
Yara Key - Yara has a couple of possibilities, based on the specific origins, but the ones that are most interesting to me are "friend, helper" (the Arabic meaning according to behindthename, which is probably the one her parents had in mind) and "lady of the lake" (the Tupi meaning, according to a Wikipedia search). Huh! As for their surname, it has a few potential meanings, but the one I find the most fitting is that it can trace back to Gaius, which means "to rejoice." That vibes.
Roach - So originally a part of me wanted to do Roach's full legal name, but I'm not sure yet if that's a spoiler and also I don't really want to share it b/c their name is Roach and that's what matters. Anyway I named them Roach for fun, but they chose the name Roach specifically for the connotations of being "unkillable" and like. Survival. There's a reason for that. We'll get there.
Oliver Cox - There's a couple of potential meanings for Oliver, but the one that I like the most is "ancestor's descendant." Just think that's neat. I don't know if it has any application b/c Oliver isn't super developed yet but it's fun to think about. Cox, meanwhile, is a patronymic form of a name that means "rooster." I think he'd like that.
Juno London - Juno is named after the queen of the heavens from Roman mythology, and his name possibly means "young." This is a little interesting b/c they're one of the oldest characters in the cast, but they were made an immortal at a very relatively young age. Their surname is taken from the place, but it apparently can mean "from the great river," so I might have to take that and run with it a little.
Asher King - Asher's name means "happy, blessed" in Hebrew!! I think this is interesting because they're one of the more serious characters in the cast, and she isn't really much for smiles. However.... that may change.... we will see...... As for her surname, there isn't much complicated there. Its name just means king. "Blessed king" is Asher's full name <3
Apollo - Apollo is named for the figure in Greco-Roman mythology, and there are a few different theories for what this name means!!! The ones I find most interesting, though, are "strength," "father lion/father light," and "to destroy." Apollo isn't super developed as a character yet, but the "father light" one is very interesting... also just in general naming him for the god of prophecy and the sun was a Conscious Choice I won't go into too much depth about rn.
And, finally, as a bonus:
Jimmy - I think Syd named their dog Jimmy mostly as a joke or because they thought it would be cute, but Jimmy comes from the name James, which means "supplanter." Neat!
Okay I'm gonna make this an open tag but I also am going to tag @dr-runs-with-scissors because I love learning about your characters,
But also anyone who wants to do this. Please feel free to do so. And absolutely feel free to tag me if you want me to see it; name meanings are my Passion.
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sunny-sings-sooth · 3 years
Hector: I can't find the purse.
Andromache: I can see the purse right there
Hector: No, that's the shekel purse. I'm talking about the drachma purse. I can't find my the drachma purse, Andromache. [prays] Blessed Hermes, patron god of all things lost and stolen. I turn to you this day with childlike love and...
Andromache: Look, Hector, calm down-
Hector: Calm down, Andromache? We have no drachma! We can't go to Greece without drachma. We're drachmaless. We haven't a drachma between us. Oh, God. I think... I think I'm having a panic attack. Oh, stupid purse. We have to turn around
Andromache: About this? So what happened back there was totally fine, but this, this is worth turning the whole ship around when we’re halfway there?
Hector: Yes!! We're going to have to turn around
Andromache: There is more chance of me eloping with Apollo to a hat shop in Egypt!!
Hector: Look, OK, fine! But that means we won't be able to buy anything, which means we'll have no food, which means we'll all starve to death. Because we’re drachmaless because it’s back in Troy- oh, actually, you know what? I think I put the purse in the suitcase
Andromache: False alarm there, Hermes. Sorry for troubling you
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hematomes · 3 years
of course im doing great, i have your blessing<3 (and also i had a short school day so i have the time to nap lol)
oh a park! reckon we were having a pic nic date? or maybe that's wishful thinking, I've actually never had a pic nic before but it's right there on my bucket list haha
im glad you're doing well<3 sadness may come to you from time to time but you have the power to chase it out with a broom!!
man icarus is one of my favorite myths. it's supposed to be a sad story and a cautionary tale, but i always like to imagine how icarus must have felt in the sky. closest to the sun than anyone, so free and so warm it didn't matter that his wings were melting.
(honestly i just have a thing for wings jdjsh wish i had some😔)
well,,, my dreams are strange in the way that I've seen the end of the world so many damn times, and it is always so beautiful. the thing about them is that even dreams that could count as nightmares (one where my whole town was burning and only kids were in the streets or the one where i stood and watched with my friends as a tsunami tumbled closer), just feel... different? comforting, almost. my most memorable Strange Dreams are:
1. the one where i opened my bedroom window and saw an open window in the sky. through it i could see nothing but flames (the flames later shot out to my neighbour's house. don't know what they did but must've been bad😬)
2. the one where i literally jumped off of a cliff because my friends did. it was supposed to be the only way home. while falling, a friend turned to me and said "don't think of landing. as long as you don't, we're flying."
(I've written poems about both of them because literally how could i not? my brain is on drugs)
ooh that's so nice! have you got any plans for the weekend?
sorry im late <3
if i recall correctly.... it was probably something of the sorts, or at the very least a sweet walk hehe. also,,, you never had a picnic??? this is a criminal offense, im gonna take you there myself and we'll eat heart-shaped sandwiches or so help me god *slams fist on the table* (ow)
i have read such good poems about icarus and apollo.... also there's a writer (GERMAN TOO I REALIZE, so many german ppl around me omg) who wrote an entire short novel/series of poems about them in a modern setting. the author's ramona meisel, idk if you know her? but this piece was amazing tbh
(also mood for the wings, how fucking amazing that would be....)
never realized how much of a talented poet you were <3 what a soul, what sheer BEAUTY how are you even real gee im wondering if this isn't some kind of fever dream im having
also that friend's line? jesus lmao that's POWERFUL. kind of reminds me of a french movie from the early 2000s, it's called la haine and the most raw line is a (hypothetical) story about a guy falling from a building, counting down the floors and frantically repeating 'so far so good' bc at the end of the day when you're falling what matters isn't the fall but the landing
im translating it very POORLY but that movie's a masterpiece. and centered around the dirty side of paris so yk good stuff
WELL no plan so far, maybe a date but not sure for now!!!! hbu? <3
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borghildrs · 3 years
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Sexuality Headcanon:
Hera I place as being pansexual though so far she has only ever had experience with men, those being Zeus and Hades.
She's pretty confident in herself so she would easily express it if she were to find attraction to someone else, but at this point in time she wouldn't act on it. She's an incredibly monogamous person and despite what Zeus has done to her she's not going to repeat the mistakes she made in the past when she had her fling with Hades as payback.
Hera does not regret that time but as she put it when she tested Hades they've "grown up." Using sex as a means of getting back at people was a childish thing to do...she probably DOES feel a little guilty about having used Hades since she knows his feelings for her were a little stronger than she had thought during that time---though her feelings for him were also pretty strong.
All in all gender doesn't really come into account for her but because of her marriage to Zeus she hasn't really been with anyone other than him and Hades in the earliest stages of their marriage.
Unless I'm playing against other Lore Olympus muses, however, I'll probably play her either pre-marriage or post a divorce.
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Gender Headcanon:
Hera is wholly comfortable and happy as a woman and values her femininity greatly. Given the great number of changes that exist in Lore Olympus to the ""original"" myths (I use that term loosely given how different canons can have different interpretations) I will always go with those, but along with being the goddess of marriage, Hera was often cited as being the goddess of women/womanhood as a whole as well. I'll be going with that idea.
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A ship I have with said character:
To be honest nothing I feel strongly for at the moment. Given recent chapters I do think it would be fun to explore a 'what if' scenario if Hera had said yes to Hades but I feel like I would be crucified for that, LOL. Echo is definitely a very cute possibility too as far as healthier prospects.
As for Zeus I think their relationship would definitely be fun to explore but....it's hard to see it working out. We've seen Zeus show regret for how he treats her but he also doesn't seem to have made much effort to stop.
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A BROTP I have with said character:
Both with Persephone and Hades. I mean. Do I even need to explain that? They are both so good to her, and she to them. The scene with Persephone telling Hera about what happened with Apollo still pulls at my heartstrings.
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A NOTP I have with said character:
Again none I feel particularly strongly for. Her relationship with Zeus is obviously unhealthy but that doesn't mean I don't find it interesting to explore. I haven't really seen her shipping with anyone soooo? We'll see.
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A random headcanon:
Hera isn’t really happy at having been given the role of goddess of marriage. She’s happy to be the goddess of women, but she always felt a little weird about having the duty of blessing or dismissing people’s relationships. 
It’s especially frustrating now given how much of a joke her own marriage is.
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General Opinion over said character:
I really love Rachel’s interpretation of Hera. In mythology she is a terrible, godawful person but that’s.....literally every Greek God. Every single Greek God is a terrible person. Some are better than others but all have done awful things, and yet repeatedly Hera has always been shown as this nasty, awful, woman for being angry about Zeus being a cheater and yet Zeus a r///st gets to be seen as heroic and noble?
Hera still has her  faults but she’s shown to be a capable woman who is trying to keep her marriage together for the sake of her children, and for the sake of keeping Olympus together.
What we’ve recently been finding out about her during the 6 Traitor’s Dynasty is also fascinating.
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Golden Hues | Bokuto Koutaro x F!reader [GreekMyth!AU]
That was incredibly hard to write thank you very much🤡 figuring out how to write a certain character is quite the challenge so today i offer you, offbrand Bokuto in an Ancient Greece setting !
[Songs] : • Towards the sun by Rihanna
              • All good people by Delta Rae
[Tags] : @raevaioli @hqxreader
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- your whole life has been revolving around the same things, not that you minded them
- you were the oldest daughter of a noble in Greece, and your family was known by the people as being descendants of gods and godesses
- throughout the years you've been taught how to act like someone your rank, how to uphold a position of power even in situations where a woman should't be
- you were grateful for that
- you were taught manners, litterature and arts as well as the art of fighting and that was pretty much it
- war, was not inherantly seen as a bad thing, it was almost like those plays that you often watched when you were a kid
- vast sceneries of warriors blessed by the gods to fight alongside them, defending their beliefs or properties
- at least that's what you thought back then, the reality of war was a whole other thing, and yet the necessity of knowing how to defend yourself against any ennemy was not one to ignore
- fighting wasn't pretty. But it had to be done.
- another reality was the one of the gods, you had witnessed it yourself one faithful day of training with your servants
- a young man carrying a lyre had approached you, seemingly coming out of nowhere
- you were pretty sure that it was Apollo, god of the sun, healing, arts and oracles; patron deity of your family for centuries now
- at the time, he had whispered words that you still managed to remember clearly :
        On the horizon of a sacred dawn,
    When the sword and arrow cross paths  
A union that will make the earth shake all the way to the farthest parthenon, shall rise
          And with it the fall of an order.
- a prophecy
- that sounded ominous to say the least but at that moment you had felt something in you that you could only describe as being some sort of repressed euphoria brewing deep somewhere in your mind
- sadly, the prophecy reached the ears of your parents and soon you found yourself trapped in your quarters for the majority of your days
- only going out for classes and eating, your parents having cut down most of your sparring sessions anyways
- your once fullfilling life now reduced to a scheduled routine, the only fun part of it being when you got to hear the stories of your litterature instructor paired with the occasionnal sneaking out during the afternoon or at night
- he felt as if in order to understand the "outside world" better you had to get actual informations on it
- and so he started talking to you about random things he heard during the day
- some days it was just about how the flower merchants closest to the royal grounds had gotten engaged and made a joined business
- other days like today it was about how the people have been effervescent about a certain talented warrior from a neighbouring city
- allegedly, he mained the bow and arrow with an unmatched deadly grace, making his way through entire battlefields in no time, some spread the rumor that he did so while smiling, unbothered and untouched by ennemy attacks
- some speculated that he was a demigod, son of some powerful deity or the reincarnation of Achilles, however one thing was sure is that he took the spotlight everywhere he went
- it would be an understatement to say that you were intrigued
- how was that possible ? Was he really unbeatable ? How was he the same age as you ?
- "well not like you would ever find out", you thought, returning to your room after class
- with the absence of servants on your way your next thought was easy : sneaking out
- it was a habit you picked up
- you went outside from the window for a few hours and came back in as if nothing happened
- and today was one of these days
- so here you were, strutting through the woods trying to find some cool rocks to add to your collection back in your room
- when you heard some kind of rustling sound
- at first you were scared cause what if it was a brown bear ??
 - well at least it would make an interesting story if you came out of it alive
- but then you saw a head of white hair peaking out from behind some bushes and a voice saying something close to
- "pspspsps" yep. Definitely not a bear
- "Excuse me ?" you said, trying to get the attention of whoever that was
- the person jumped and judging by the "thud" following, you could only assume that they fell
- going round the bushes, you were meant by a well built looking man with spikey white hair and piercing imperial gold colored eyes looking up at you from the ground
- that....was not something you were used to
- "are you alright ?" you said, helping him up
- " yeah don't worry im fine ! I was just trying to catch this squirrel" he was smiling so bright that it almost blinded you in addition to the sound of your own heart pounding that was making you deaf
- "oh im sorry....did i make it run away ?"
- "well- yes but at least now i get to talk to a pretty girl !"
- oh :0
- and that's how the conversation began
- you learned that his name was Bokuto and that he was a royal guard of a close city, one that was as powerful as your own
- "oh so do you know the rumors about that demigod archer ?"
- "you mean the ones people spread about me ?? You know, im pretty good with a bow and arrow but not to that level haha"
- you never suspected that you had all those questions for him until you started spewing them out one after another but luckily he seemed to never come short with answers
- you talked for hours until night had fallen and you had to go back to royal grounds before anyone noticed you were gone
- he walked you the whole way back to your bedroom window because he "wanted to protect you" even tho you did this like every other day
- he just wanted to talk to you more
- "goodnight princes-"
- "you can call me Y/N you know ?
- "no princess is cuter ≧◡≦" he was really thankful for the late hour because he really didn't want you to see the blush on his face right now
- "hey Bokuto !" your voice made him turn back faster than light
- "do you want to meet again tomorrow ?"
- of course he wanted to
- and the pattern went on for about a month or so
- you would meet him in the woods outside of royal grounds and you would just talk and have fun with him until night when he would insist on walking you home
- tonight was no different aside from the fact that you stayed a few hours later than usual with him
- at this point you guys were very much in love with each other but also too much of a mess to confess already and you were kind of fed up
- so he was walking you home as per usual and you were leaning against the window frame bidding him your goodbyes as the sun began to rise in the distance
- "goodnight prin-" you cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him, the shock of your lips against his had caused both of your minds to focus on each other, and there it was
- the same euphoric feeling from that time you heard the prophecy
- so that was it....love
- "goodnight Y/N" he had said when you finally pulled away, not needing to add anything more to it as you already knew how you felt about one another
- that day you fell asleep with dreams about spending your future with Bokuto, the dorky demigod warrior who had stolen your heart
- except all dreams must come to an end
- the next day your parents had informed you about an incoming war with another city....his city
- after all those years of peace and unity why now of all times ?
- "the fall of an order" this line of the prophecy echoed in your head as you sat on the floor of your room
- you couldn't help but ask yourself if somehow this was one of the gods' jokes
- if this was your fault
- would that mean that now Bokuto would resent you ?
- you heard a soft knock on your window, you already knew who it was and you went to open it, hesitant and scared of what was next to come for the both of you
- " Y/N you're here !" he beamed, staying true to himself even now
- "Bokuto have you no knowledge of what is happening ? Our cities are-"
- "on the edge of war ? I know that and that's why i came"
- "to say goodbye" you thought, already bracing yourself for the heartbreak
- "to ask you to run away with me !"
- you looked at him in shock and he just responded by smiling as if nothing about that statement scared him, as if nothing in this world could make his golden eyes loose their oh so familiar shine
- in this moment you understood that he really was something else, a sun amongst mortals, and a song in the darkest times of your own life, a light in the battlefield.
- not hearing any response from you, he held your hands together between his warm ones, confidence unwavering as he locked eyes with you and spoke,
- "We don't have to ever be appart, must the skies and gods themselves threathen us as much as they want, i'll never let it happen. We shall stay together and brave the odds and Fate herself. With Apollo's blessing, we'll make even Aphrodite and Ares jealous."
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