#we were discussing the disability accessibility tools department on campus because it's a disability class
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therulerofallpotatos · 5 months ago
Love when you are having a class discussion about resources available/unavailable on campus and what can be improved, spitballing ideas to make them more useful and accessible and then of course someone inevitably brings up campus email lists because that is the primary way the school tells students about things that are happening and multiple people are like "not a great idea. i never look at my email"
maybe you should be checking your email then
they give you an email address and 5 thousand different links to access it. it's the most convenient thing in the world. the app costs nothing to have on your phone too. some of the stuff we're literally talking about is emailed to you so you know it exists and often has links to the thing so you can conveniently go to it and y'all are acting like its worthless because you can't be bothered to glance at a notification on your phone. Or go to one of the many public computers on campus to skim your inbox once a week or even month.
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chronicallypainful · 7 years ago
Tips for students who have difficulty with handwriting
This includes students who can't write it all, students who can write but have difficulty writing neatly enough for others to read, students for whom handwriting is painful or fatiguing, and probably some other people as well. Remember that disability is almost never a binary thing; it's totally valid to need help with tasks that involve handwriting even if you technically can write some.
These tips are aimed mainly at undergraduate students in the US, though high school students and graduate students may also find some of them useful, as may some people in other parts of the world.
These tips come primarily from my own experiences completing an undergraduate degree in math with a very limited ability to write. Remember that everyone's body and experiences are different. You should consider these tips just as some suggestions or a starting place towards finding what works for you.
Get registered with the disability services office on your campus. If you are struggling to write, then you have a disability. It doesn't really matter what the underlying reason is, as long as you can get a doctor to write a letter for you stating your challenges and limitations. 
Depending on your school, disability services may be great or they may be useless. If they're great, take advantage. If not, being registered with the office still give you official standing to go talk to your instructors about what you need.
Talk to your professors/TAs/other instructors at the beginning of each semester. I've written a general guide on how to do this, an email template for a meeting request, and some thoughts on communicating chronic pain in particular.  (Note: you don’t have to share the particulars of your disability if you don’t want to!  I have generally been pretty open about mine, so that’s what I can give better advice about.  But you should, of course, make your own decisions!)
Stay in communication with your instructors throughout the semester. It's always good practice to remind your instructors about your accommodations before any test/exam/field trip/other event where you need accommodations.
And of course, ask for help in the course if you need it. Go to office hours. If your professor knows that you are an actual person, they are far more likely to be willing to work with you.
Set boundaries. Especially if you have some ability to write, you may be tempted to try to do more writing than your body can handle. This might be because other people are pressuring you to be "normal," because you are pressuring yourself to be "normal", because it is a hassle to deal with getting appropriate accommodations in your classes, because you are embarrassed to ask for help, etc. For this reason, it is really important to know your own boundaries before you enter the classroom. For example:
"I will sign documents, but that's all the writing I'm going to do."
"I will handwrite things like homework, when I can set my own pace and use the right tools for me, but I will not try to handwrite anything in a classroom with time constraints."
"I will stop writing when the pain level in my hands reaches a 5 on a 10 point pain scale."
"I will complete multiple-choice tests and quizzes/exams requiring one or two word answers, but I won't write anything longer than that."
Get your accommodations in order. Exactly what accommodations will work for each person is of course a very individual thing, but here are some that you might consider/discuss with your disability services counselor:
a notetaker in your classes (usually just a peer who give you a copy of their notes after class),
using assistive technology (some examples below) for in class assignments/quizzes/exams,
working with a scribe for tests and exams,
working with a scribe for handwritten homework,
flexibility on assignment deadlines (when handwriting would be required in any part of the process of completing the assignment),
extra time for quizzes and exams (either because your handwriting is slow or because you are using assistive technology that is slower than handwriting),
unlimited untimed breaks during tests and exams (if you struggle with pain or fatigue, this gives you an opportunity to rest, stretch out your muscles, etc.).
Consider assistive technology. These are tools that you can use in class, on your homework, and/or on tests and exams. The possibilities vary from low-tech and simple to more high-tech and expensive. If you have access, an occupational therapist or assistive technology specialist can help you find good options for you. 
Here are some things to consider to make any writing you choose to do easier:
grips for your pencils/pens (there are lots and lots of these, and you can even use hair curlers),
a slant board to better position your paper,
using a different writing instrument (soft leaded artists' pencils, felt tip pens, markers, gel ballpoint pens have been helpful for me),
using an electric eraser if you write in pencil and need to erase often,
using some tool to keep your paper from sliding (e.g. a clipboard, slant board with a clip, Dycem on your desk underneath notebook/clipboard, using weights on your paper),
writing on a chalkboard or whiteboard instead of paper,
physical supports for your forearm (e.g. this, or diy something)
a tool that helps hold the pencil/pen for you (e.g. this or this or this).
And some assistive technology to consider as a replacement for handwriting (used all the time or just sometimes depending on your needs):
typing your work instead of writing by hand (perhaps with an ergonomic or otherwise alternative keyboard),
speech to text software (Windows now includes this in the OS, so all you have to do is buy a headset),
an eye gaze keyboard (this technology has come down and cost a lot in the past couple years, check out OptiKey if you are interested).
If you get into a tough position where you aren't sure how to complete an assignment with your disability-related limitations, ask for help! Generally speaking, it's best to start with your professor or TA, though of course the disability services office may also be able to help. (The details will depend a lot on the people involved, so use your own best judgment.) Be clear when you're talking to these people that you're looking for help solving a problem, not asking to be excused from a course requirement.
Sometimes the standard accommodations that your school is willing/able to provide won't work for you. This could be because the accommodations are simply inadequate, because a particular course or field of study has challenges that the disability services office does not understand/did not anticipate, because you have many limitations due to multiple illnesses or disabilities, or for many other reasons. In this case, you have to get creative and enlist help from your allies. I can't give you a formula for this, but I will share some of the more unusual accommodations that I have received at various times. Perhaps they will give you some ideas.
For a few of my math courses, I obtained permission from the instructor to turn in a joint homework assignment with a peer. I think this request was approved largely because I had been a student in the math department for a few years, the professors knew both me and the other student, and we were both very strong students who had a genuine desire to learn the material.
For many math courses, I completed my homework assignments by working the problems on my own (or with peers when allowed) and taking very succinct to notes for myself. I then had a scheduled time each week to meet with the professor and explain my solutions.
I've taken lots and lots of oral exams, especially in math.
I have submitted tape-recorded "essays" on exams in humanities courses.
For short quizzes, I have met with the instructor or TA 10 minutes before the start of class to take the quiz orally.
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Beynon-Davies 15 16 discusses the multi-faceted concept of information in regards to indicators and also signal-sign systems. Football - Ligue Europa - MHD aime "donner de la force" aux joueurs et. Ile epizody rozpoczynające II wojnę - prowokację gliwicką, nalot na Wieluń, ostrzał Westerplatte - tkwią nam wszystkim w pamięci od szkolnych lat, tak opis pierwszego dni wojny i początku okupacji na Podhalu nie zadomowił się jakoś w zbiorowej świadomości mieszkańców pogranicza. Game warden discharges fired to free bucks locked by the antlers. A guy has passed away adhering to injuries he received complying with a mishap entailing a steamroller in Fairview Town Tuesday morning. The four-legged and two-legged alike strolled together for the 22nd year. The agency must at the exact same time inform, in composing, both OPM and the disabled professional of the reasons for its desire to overlook the disabled veteran and of the veteran's right to reply to OPM within 15 days of the day of the alert. The document including the depositions of witnesses against one accused of a criminal offense. Such visits, starting with the Class of 2013, would certainly not have the ability to non-competitively transform to a term or irreversible position in the affordable solution of another agency. Nie udało się dodać więcej załączników, usuń któryś z już dodanych. Spotykane na co dzień, a poprzez wysoką intensywność treningów pozwala nam uświadomić sobie. Visitor organisations rate to contact us for details on ways to show their information on Nowy Targ Travel and Tour guide. 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As soon as the capital of Poland, from 1038 to 1569, Krakow is currently the capital of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, and also after starting life as district it has considering that knowledgeable major growth. To learn more regarding Federal work information for professionals, go to OPM's Feds Hire Veterinarians site. Poniższe fragmenty pochodzą z większego tekstu dr Macieja Korkucia, zamieszczonego w Biuletynach Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej Kraków 2010. Nowa Biała to jedyna spiska wieś na lewym brzegu rzeki Białki, a ta według geografów wyznacza granicę między Podhalem a Spiszem. This will enable you making one of the most of your account with customization, plus obtain access to commenting devices, unique video games, the chance to win awesome football prizes as well as a lot, much more. A great base for business trips to many interesting locations. I attach great value to deal with nature and eco-friendly way of life as well as healthy eating. 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Using this site, you agree to the Terms of Usage and Privacy Plan Wikipedia ® is a signed up trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc A costs is progressing through Congress that would certainly make it prohibited for the head of state to unilaterally produce a U.S.-Russia cyber unit without alerting Congress, reports Reuters In July, Trump tweeted that he and also Russian president Vladimir Putin had personally reviewed creating an impenetrable Cyber Safety unit"- a thought that terrified the heck out of almost every person in Congress. If you are sent a puppy with it, they will GIVE IT to all your various other pets as well as felines. Zaktualizuj Internet Explorer lub pobierz inna najnowszą przeglądarkę i ciesz się serwisem eskaGo. The susceptabilities disclosed by Armis influence all tools running on Android, Linux, Windows, as well as pre-version 10 of iphone operating systems, despite the Bluetooth version in operation. 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Jacuzzi, sauna or living area fitted with fire place will certainly give you with many relaxing minutes. Today's birthday celebrations consist of Marian Seldes, Charles Busch, as well as Andrew Rannells. BEAUTY SALON ® is registered in the United States License and also Trademark Workplace as a trademark of Hair salon Media Group Inc Sumo deadlift high pull (SDHP) - martwy ciąg sumo z unoszeniem sztangi do brody. The Podhale geothermal system, situated in the southerly, mountainous component of Poland, is one of the most valuable storage tank of geothermal waters discovered in the nation to date and the one with the greatest capabilities in Central and Eastern Europe. Erie will certainly vie with at least 100 various other communities to land Amazon's 2nd headquarters, as well as the 50,000 tasks that have it. The record will be sent out to your e-mail address within 12 hrs after your repayment has actually been completed. Matt began the I College's Master of Information & Information Scientific research program this term and is the first recipient of the Jack Larson Information permanently" Fellowship, which aids MIDS trainees making use of data scientific research to profit culture. Current Graduates might be transformed to a long-term position (or, in some minimal scenarios, a term appointment lasting 1-4 years). The apartment or condo is positioned about 3 km from the facility of Nowy Targ. Ludzi) należało do Polski przed 1938 r. Było to jedenaście wsi orawskich (Lipnica Wielka i Mała, Zubrzyca Górna i Dolna, Jabłonka, Chyżne, Orawka, Bukowina, Podszkle, Harkabuz, Podsamie) i piętnaście wsi spiskich (Niedzica, Łapsze Wyżne i Niżne, Łapszanka, Kacwin, Brzegi, Rzepiska, Jurgów, Czarna Góra, Trybsz, Krempachy, Nowa Biała, Frydman, Falsztyn, Dursztyn). Zerknijcie na naszą stronę, gdzie znajdziecie wywiad z naszym nowym kapitanem Marcinem Koluszem. Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść komentarzy, zastrzega sobie jednak prawo do nie publikowania ich, zwłaszcza tych, które zawierają wulgaryzmy, epitety powszechnie uznane za obraźliwe, nawołują do zachowań niezgodnych z prawem, obrażają osoby publiczne i prywatne, inne narodowości, rasy, religie itd. The examination was made on March 18, after the 2nd match for the bronze medal against STS Sanok.
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