#we see clones talking differently to ror
cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Alpha & Cody and how they addressed or talked about Anakin in Legends sources (2002-2005/6)
Back in the old days (2002-2005/6), the books and comics did not focus that much on clone troopers. Of the few named that interacted with Generals Kenobi and Skywalker,
ARC trooper Alpha was introduced in Star Wars: Republic comics series (#50-52, 55, 60, 62, 2003-2004) and later showed up in Obsession (2004-2005)
Cody was introduced in Labyrinth of the Evil (January, 2005) and included in Revenge of the Sith (April, 2005).
The source material was limited, and so direct interaction between Cody or Alpha and Anakin. In the case of Alpha, he and Anakin knew each other almost from the start of war and worked on various occasions, from Defense of Kamino (2 months after Battle of Geonosis) to Battle of Boz Pity (5 months before RotS). Cody took part in campaigns such as “Aargonar, Praesitlyn, Paracelus Minor, Antar 4, Tibrin, Skor II, and dozens of other worlds from Core to Outer Rim”. The Battle of Aargonar (Republic #59: Enemy Lines) and Praesitlyn (Jedi Trial) were two battles that Anakin took part in without Obi-Wan Kenobi. Which means both Alpha and Cody have ties to Anakin when he was still a padawan (commander). 
One of the funny things from Legends is how in the limited source material Cody and Alpha addressed / talked about Anakin Skywalker - a Jedi General, their superior - in-between battles.
During a mission on the enemy territory (LotE), Cody did follow the standard protocol and used military ranks and a polite “sirs” to both Kenobi and Skywalker. Similarly, Obi-Wan addressed him back as commander, while Anakin seemed to not bother using rank whatsoever: either addressed the soldiers as “you” (which I suspect may sounds now rude, maybe even impersonally since beside Cody no clone was named in the text) or calling Cody just by name ("Where did you say Obi-Wan and Cody are?")
But then there is RotS and this moment:
"I can keep them distracted for quite some time," Obi-Wan had told Cody on the flight deck of Vigilance. "Just don't take too long."
"Come on, boss," Cody had said, smiling out of Jango Fett's face, "have I ever let you down?"
"Well-" Obi-Wan had said with a slim answering smile, "Cato Neimoidia, for starters ..."
"That was Anakin's fault; he was the one who was late ..."
"Oh? And who will you blame it on this time?" Obi-Wan had chuckled as he climbed into his starfighter's cockpit and strapped himself in. "Very well, then. I'll try not to destroy all the droids before you get there."
"I'm counting on you, boss. Don't let me down."
"Have I ever?"
"Well," Cody had said with a broad grin, "there was Cato Neimoidia . . ."
In which Kenobi is called the “boss” while Anakin is referred to by name by Cody. No general, no master, not even Skywalker. Just Anakin. And the fact that Cody doesn’t use any military rank to address both Jedi shows the informal aspect of their relationship. Which is even more interesting considering how the scene played in the movie.
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In the film, to my despair, the mention of Anakin and Cato Neimoidia was cut off from full dialogue but Cody talked with Obi-Wan about General Skywalker with a few other clones around, like he was talking about their mutual friend rather than the most famous Jedi General who saved Chancellor and killed Dooku not so ago.
Then, we have Alpha. 
Frankly, Alpha from the start had a more informal relationship with Anakin which was influenced by several factors - including the fact that when they met they were more or less on equal ground and most likely because of that ARC trooper nor Anakin addressed each other by rank even in later stage of war (in contrast, Alpha usually referred Obi-Wan as General Kenobi). Which is fine, because despite a rocky start, a mutual respect developed between them so it makes sense they allowed themselves to act less informal in their own (and Kenobi) company. 
But then we have Star Wars: Obsession #4, and room full of Jedi Masters - the generals
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talking between each other about the mission
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with Alpha adding his own input
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and calling Anakin Skywalker - Jedi Knight and higher rank - the kid in front of dozens of other generals / Jedi Masters.
(In all fairness, Alpha called Anakin the kid on a few occasions which in itself is hilarious considering the fact Skywalker was older than him by 10 years).
The source material related to Clone Wars released around Prequels gave little examples of direct interaction between Anakin and those two named clones. Yet, even with so limited materials to work with and different types of media (books and comics), old canon at least imply that Anakin were on good terms with both Alpha and Cody, to the point both could and did address or talk about him in less formal (no military rank) way and were called by him in similar fashion, by their names.
Which is a true shame the relationship between Anakin and Cody or Alpha is so often underrated or worse, not acknowledged.
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