#we can't make it through ONE DAY FOLKS without brain rot
newlacesleeves · 2 months
at work alone in my office crunching through work and decided to take a break to scroll through zabka's ig what a mistake what a MISTAKE
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fittlebottom · 2 months
I know I just posted about pip but back when I was waiting for my contacts to come in I was like very blind for a day or two. And during that time I only drew once. No joke this drawing, if you can even call it one, has taken over my life. I've thought about it everyday for almost a month straight.
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Washing the dishes? Where the geese at. Folding laundry? Where the geese at. Trying to read? Where the geese at. Trying to draw? At least one Where the geese at clone made. I have had to stop during multiple conversations with friends and family to hold back a giggle if I'm even remotely reminded of this fucking image. When I drew it originally I genuinely thought I was the funniest person on the face of the planet and everyone else, every comic every comedian, would need to pack up and go back to Alaska. The worst part about it to me is that no one else gets it. It's a fucking inside joke with MYSELF. You know how the trolls guy when he got arrested said under his breathe "this is gonna ruin the tour..." quite literally I have done that so many times but with "where the geese at". I was giving my grandmother a pity visit because she's senile now and acts like she's still in the '60s. We were looking at a physical map and she said something along the lines of "where is *insert place from my county*" . I, without thinking, whispered under my breathe "where the geese at." And her, being the Christian woman she is, thought I was chanting the devils incantations. And now for the next 2 Sundays I have to go to church with her. ALL BECAUSE OF WHERE THE GEESE AT. PIP BERNADOTTE YOUVE RUINED MY LIFE I AM DONE FOR. Genuinely I feel as if I can't draw anymore because all I want to do is where the geese at. I feel like I'm being brainwashed by this fucking drawing. I'm not a religious person but I think I've been possessed by an evil spirit that just wants to make me miserable. I took a break from drawing for a few weeks after finishing a piece that left me very burnt out. You wanna know what brought me back? What motivated me to open up my program? I was going through where the geese at withdrawals. I only came back because I was getting angry at the fact I hadn't drawn where the geese at in days. I am addicted to this drawing like it's black tar heroin. Where the geese at has rotted my brain to the point of no return. It's only been a month of its life and so far it has only made mine worse and worse. I eat, sleep, breathe where the geese at. I feel the need to use my own tears as paint and draw where the geese at all over my metal enclosure. I see him everywhere I go. Thinking about it and writing this all out has made my face flush red with rage maybe? Frustration? Geese withdrawals? Lord please save me from this curse I cannot live like this.
I feel really bad if anyone reads this at all. I have no hellsing friends so I haven't been able to mourn my loss of sanity with context to anyone. I am very truly deeply sorry for anyone who reads my rants of a madman my dehydrated dying words.
Where the geese at amiright folks? I'll be here all night.
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seaofashes · 3 years
WWX stans (who hate JC and kin LWJ, naturally) clearly do not understand the concept of loving a character without excusing the bad things they've done because they are unironically out here trying to prove that torture and violations of body autonomy are morally correct when it is WWX that is doing them. Talk about protagonist brain rot.
I would have to agree with that, of course that doesn't go for everyone but I definitely think this is the reason I didn't really put my thoughts on characters out there for so long. I absolutely love and adore WWX, LWJ, LXC, and JC but it's really hard to find people to talk to about the series due to so much conflict that comes with liking characters. There's definitely hypocrisy among it because people will excuse the wrongs of one character while damning another for it. Meanwhile I'm sitting here well aware of everything they've all done and accepting it while loving each one. There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with who you enjoy and who you dislike, but it does become a problem when you start being a hypocrite or shaming others for liking a character you can't stand. Like WWX? Has done some pretty fucked things. JC? Yeah he has too. Like... honestly there's so few characters that I can think of who HAVEN'T crossed the line into fucked up territory and y'know what? NONE should be excused for it, if you like the character stop excusing what they did and just be like "Yeah they did that, I'm not trying to say they didn't HOWEVER that doesn't take away from the fact they are a well written character and I enjoy them. I don't have to justify and defend liking them. Liking them does not make me a bad person, just like liking *insert character* doesn't make you one." Because that's how liking characters SHOULD BE! I've seen so much around the fandom across platforms that say you can't like WWX or you can't like JC or LWJ or LXC and if you do you can't also like certain characters and quite frankly? That's fucking stupid. I'm going to like everyone I like and no one can stop me! I love WWX Because he's so interesting and his story is crushing at times and he's such an interesting character to see and his path hurts because no matter what he does or how he tries to help it seems everything is stacked against him. I love LWJ because he's a character who makes me laugh but makes me incredibly sad and his path is so lonely at times and there's so much to this character who doesn't say all that much verbally. JC I love because I see myself in him. I genuinely think so many people dislike him because it makes them uncomfortable seeing characters react realistically among so many characters who suffer in silence. He's very vocal about things, he hurts and cries and screams and gets angry and lashes out and doesn't always think things through. Whereas other characters suffer in silence, they keep it to themselves and don't say anything. And I think some folks seem to deem that as him being an awful person among the others Because "he's making a scene why doesn't he just suck it up like the others" well that's because not all of us can like some of us genuinely have a difficult time keeping our emotions and actions in check. I've lashed out at so many people when I'm in a state of immense physical or emotional pain and I feel terrible about it after but it still happens? Among all of these characters who suffer quietly, you have one who just doesn't. He processes things differently than the others and that's okay because that's how people are. Some shoulder things and keep quiet, others are vocal and make their pain known. I genuinely don't understand the issue! Like so many people have so much discourse about who you can and can't like, excusing one characters actions while damning others for similar things and just it doesn't make sense at all. I crave the day we can all just agree to like characters we like, acknowledge their flaws and wrongdoings and not judge others for it. So many MDZS characters fall into the grey area, are neither good nor bad and I think the faster folks realize that the better things would be.
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