#we can go every day and grab a bite to eat before entering so we can stay longer
firewasabeast · 6 days
For a prompt: bucktommy moving in together and the 118 helping them move? 🥰 or them throwing a housewarming party
this turned... dirtier than expected. they both really enjoy clipboard buck, I'm sorry!
“You'll notice some boxes have green stripes, some are red, others are blue, purple, etcetera. You'll also notice, when entering the house, that there is a color on every door or along the entryway to each room. Each box should be placed in the room with its designated color. Example-”
“Buck,” Chimney groaned from where he stood inside the moving truck, “we get it.”
“Example,” Buck continued with a glare. “The living room has been given the color blue. Only boxes with blue stripes should enter the living room. Pop quiz! Maddie, should green boxes go in the living room?”
She responded with a glare.
Buck got the point. “Moving on. Bobby, if you happen to come upon a box that doesn't have a color, what should you do?”
“Make a citizens arrest?”
“No.” Buck pointed the pen in his hand at Tommy, “But that's a good idea for later,” he said, earning him gagging sounds from the majority of the people surrounding them. All except for Tommy, who simply smiled and winked.
“You see,” Buck explained, “Tommy went to the store for more boxes and accidentally purchased 7 of them that had no color on them. Not a single stripe to be found. Those particular boxes are miscellaneous. They should go directly into the garage until I can open and inspect them.”
He glanced down at his clipboard, marking off a few things before looking back up at the group. “Alright, I believe that's it. Does everyone know the jobs they've been given?”
The majority of responses were given in grunts and hums.
“Excellent. Please bring any and all questions to me. I will be wandering around throughout the house all day. I should be easy to find. If you cannot find me, please head over to Tommy, who will then direct you to me. There will be a provided lunch arriving at noon. A designated thirty minutes for eating. If there are currently no questions, you may begin.”
As everyone began to disperse and started unloading the truck, Tommy smiled over at Eddie. “Is he not the cutest thing you've ever seen?”
“Oh dear God,” Eddie replied with a grimace. “You two really are meant for each other.”
“You were amazing today,” Tommy said, peppering kisses down Buck's neck. They were laying on the couch, surrounded by blue-striped boxes.
Buck hummed. “Yeah?” he asked, tilting his head to give Tommy more space to work with.
“Mhm. Took control of the whole thing. Had it all planned perfectly. And when you yelled at Eddie after he put a red box in the bathroom?” He bit lightly against Buck's pulse point. “That was so hot.”
“God, Tommy,” Buck replied breathlessly, before adding, “he should have known better. Purple was posted on the door.”
“I know it was. It was very clear.”
“It was clear,” Buck agreed. “Purple and red are very different.”
“Very different.” Tommy continued to alternate between sucking and biting on Buck's neck as he brought a hand down and slowly began unbuttoning Buck's shirt.
Buck ran his hands down Tommy's back, pushing his hips down when he reached his ass, causing their bodies to grind together.
“I could call him up,” Buck suggested, “yell at him some more. Or call Chimney and tell him I- I know he was the one who chipped the paint on the front door. Tell him I'm sending him a bill.”
Tommy responded by smashing his lips against Buck's in a wet kiss, licking his way into Buck's mouth. “I'd love that, Evan,” he said, parting just enough to speak, “but Eddie already told me he wouldn't be answering your calls for two days. And I'm pretty sure Howie blocked your number.”
Buck nearly growled, his eyes darkening. “God, I love your dirty talk.”
They kissed again, even sloppier this time with hands roaming and grabbing, shirts being tugged on and nails dragging against skin.
After a minute or two, Tommy pulled back with a gleam in his eye. “Now, about that citizens arrest you mentioned earlier...”
Buck grinned. “Bedroom,” he demanded, giving Tommy's ass a couple of pats to get him up.
Tommy pressed one more kiss to his lips with a, “Yes, Sir,” before getting up and letting Buck lead the way.
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flowersandbigteeth · 8 months
Your Naga Lord saves your Mother
A/N: I've had this oneshot sitting in my drafts in a while, combining some old asks
Naga Lord (Leander) x F Maid reader
Word Count: 6K
General Plot: You and your family are staff in the house of a Naga Lord. Things go sideways when your childhood friend's father falls for you mother.
W: Description of murder, yandere behavior, spitting, otherwise sfw soft yandere fluff
More SFW fics here
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“Hurry up now,” your mother said brightly as she ladled a bit of porridge into a bowl for you to eat. ��Master Dervin will be cross if you're late with his breakfast.” 
Though the two of you were mere servants in the Naga Lord’s home, she always fed you first before you had to do your duties for the morning. 
She glanced up as you scarfed down your breakfast, her eyes warming as they met your father’s. 
“Good morning, my favorite ladies,” he said, kissing her and ruffling your hair. 
“Papa! I have to work!” You pouted, but he just snickered, stealing your spoon and taking a bite of your porridge. 
“Don't bother making yourself neat for that snake bastard,” he chuckled as his hands slid around your mother’s waist. 
“Charles, please. Someone might hear, and we'll be out on the street!” 
He shrugged. As you finished your meal, your mother arranged the morning dishes for the Naga family on a silver cart, taking a moment to smooth and repin your hair before you were to serve them. 
Your father was sure to spit in Dervin’s bowl when your mother looked away, making your eyebrows jump. He put a finger over his lips, winking at you. 
“I'm off to the stable,” he said, grabbing an apple as he went. “Have a nice day, my pretty girls!” 
You blinked at the contaminated bowl, wondering if you should throw it out. 
“What are you staring at?” Your mother chided, pushing the cart towards the door. “Get along; I can hear them coming down the stairs.” 
You hurriedly fixed a pleasant but distant look on your lips as you wheeled the cart into the dining room. 
“Good morning, Mr. Leander,” you said to Dervin's only son, as he was the first to enter the dining room.” 
“You’re radiant this morning as always (Y/N),” he beamed, taking his spot at the table. “but stop calling me ‘mister’ you never used to.” 
Your ears heated as you placed his breakfast in front of him. 
“It's not appropriate, sir. We were children then. You're to be the master of the house and will be married soon. I'm sure your fiancee wouldn’t appreciate-” 
He cut off your words with a sharp hand. 
“Don't speak of unpleasant things,” he grumbled. 
“Apologies, sir.” 
“Stop calling me-” 
The arrival of his mother cut off his own words. She was a lovely Naga, sharing Leander’s white hair and sapphire blue eyes. Like his, her tail was a shocking electric blue.
“Stop prattling with that servant, Leander,” she snapped. “She has work to do. You're bothering her.” 
Mrs. Elanore was not a pleasant woman, but she didn't like you servants to be harassed by the males of the house. Whether it was actual concern or jealousy, you didn't know, but your mother, especially, appreciated it. 
Dervin, her husband, took every opportunity to corner her, trying to ply her with gifts and sweet words. Your mother was having none of it, which is why you delivered their meals, not her, and why your father spit in his food. 
You nodded, thanking Elanore as you served her the tea she liked. 
“Where is that imbecile?” she muttered, referring to her husband. “There are so few things I ask of him, but he can't manage the simplest tasks. He is to arrive on time for every meal. There must be some decorum in this household! 
Her sharp blue eyes flicked to you. 
“Go get him (Y/N).” 
Leander slid in front of you like a vibrant  blue flash before you could even respond. 
“I'll go, mother. (Y/N) has her work, as you said.” 
She gave him a tight nod, and you took the opportunity to finish setting the table for their return. 
“I should fire your family,” Elanore mused. “your father would be happier, don't you think?” 
You glanced up for a moment to find her eyes traveling over your form. 
“You and your mother are too pretty to be maids,” she snorted. “You'll only cause trouble wherever you go.” 
“Our family has served yours for generations,” you muttered, scared she might put you all on the street. “My grandparents died here, and so did theirs.” 
 “Just like a human,” she hissed, baring her teeth. “Servile and obedient. You’d think you’d have found something else to do in all those years.” 
“Apologies, ma’am,” you said, looking at your shoes. 
She waved a dismissive hand at you, sipping her tea. 
“It’s in your nature. There’s nothing to be done. You and your mother are good at your jobs at least.” 
Your cheeks warmed at the backhanded compliment. It was different when Dervin or Leander complimented you. She acknowledged the skill that had been passed through generations, not how you looked. You and your mother knew how to run a house. Your masters needed structure to maintain their dignity. With little to do, they would become depressed slobs if you didn’t keep everything running efficiently.  At least, that’s what your grandmother told you. 
Slithering through the wide doorway, Dervin and Leander settled into their spots at the table, and you took your place in the corner, waiting in case one of them needed something. The two male Nagas looked very similar in their features, handsome with a strong jaw and wide shoulders, but Dervin’s hair was jet black, as were his eyes. They always appeared blank and cold, which frightened you. Elanore wasn’t warm, but her gaze reflected an expressive nature, not a monstrous stillness. 
Your eyes watched him take a bite of his breakfast, trying to hide the disgust that roiled in your stomach. 
“Where’s your mother?” he snapped after a few big bites. 
You didn’t speak at first, your eyes drifting to Elanore for permission. She answered for you. 
“She’s in the kitchen where she ought to be. The servants are my business as the Lady of the house. Don’t bother yourself with their whereabouts.” 
“I pay them,” he barked, but she ignored him, turning her attention to Leander. 
“You’re to visit Iris today, Leander. I’ve purchased a gift for you to bring your fiancee.” 
She snapped her fingers at you, and you hurried to her side to take the small package and walk it around the table to her son. 
“I don’t wish to bring her any gifts,” he snorted, not even taking the gift from your hand. “She’s not my fiancee.” 
Elanore rubbed her temples. 
“The two of you are infuriating, you know that? You have one job, Leander. You have to marry well and produce an heir.” 
She waved a finger at you. 
“You can keep your little maid as a comfort doll if you like, but you will do as I have arranged.” 
“I’m a grown man, mother. I don’t have to do anything.” 
Electricity crackled between their eyes as they engaged in a silent power struggle. You stood awkwardly to the side, still holding the gift. 
“I’m sick of this! I do my very best to advise you two idiots on the proper way to conduct yourselves, and you act like spoiled children!” 
Her tail snapped faster than you could see and struck Leander across the cheek with a crack. Blood dribbled down his pale skin, and his eyes hung on her, the warm blue turning to ice. 
“I should have never married a common husband like you,” she snarled, turning her ire toward Dervin. Vulgarity and Mediocrity are in your blood, and you’ve infected your son!” 
Dervin’s black eyes flashed. 
“My mediocre blood saved your foolish noble family from destitution. Thanks to my benevolence, you are able to live in the house your family has owned for generations. If not for me, you’d be begging on the streets, pleading with your relatives to take you in as a servant.” 
“Fools,” she snarled, picking up her tea and slithering out of the room. 
“Bring your mother to me,” Dervin demanded when she was out of earshot.
You let out a trembling breath as you thought up a lie. 
“She went into town this morning for groceries, sir,” you said, knowing he’d never lower himself to search for her in the kitchen. 
You screamed as the bowl he was eating from sailed across the room, shattering beside your head. 
“Father!” Leander shouted. 
Dervin gave him an amused but cool smirk before turning his attention to you.
“Send her to my room when she returns,” he barked and stormed out. 
You leaned against the wall, panting as you mentally checked yourself for harm. Leander’s warm hands cupped your cheeks, looking you over. 
“Did he hurt you?” he asked. 
Your gazes met, but words wouldn’t come, so you shook your head. 
“Don’t be afraid,” he said, his warm arms wrapping around you and pressing you to his chest. 
You inhaled the spicy scent of the soap he used mixed with his own natural fragrance. 
“I won’t let any harm come to you.” 
When he pulled away, you found yourself looking at your feet, trying to avoid his gaze. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I dropped the gift,” you muttered, picking up the broken box. 
You plucked the pretty hairpin from the shards of ceramic, seeing it was still whole. 
“I’ll find a new box,” you said, trying to slide around him. 
He stopped you with a hand on your shoulder, curling the other around your fingers. 
“Keep it,” he said. “I’m not marrying Iris. My mother has no say in the matter, despite how she likes to posture.” 
Your gaze shifted to the red slash bisecting his cheek. 
“Let’s get this cleaned for you, sir. It will be a problem if it gets infected.” 
He frowned but followed you to the kitchen. 
“Is everything alright?” your mother asked as you pulled the first aid kit off a shelf. 
“Good morning, zhingha,” Leander said, greeting your mother with a kiss on the cheek.
The word meant “mother” in the Naga’s old language. He had never considered his biological mother his; when he was a boy, he got quite attached to yours. He spent most of his time in the kitchen with you, playing and avoiding Elanore’s tantrums when you were children. The two of you had made the pantry your fort, and you’d put on little shadow plays while you lay on the floor together. 
Your mother’s eyes focused on his wound, and she clucked. 
“Poor thing, come bend down where I can reach you. You’ve grown into such a tall man,” she said, taking the kit from you and pulling out the correct supplies. 
You hopped on the counter, swinging your feet as you watched her disinfect and bandage the cut. 
“What mother in their right mind would do such a thing to their son,” she muttered as she worked. 
She already knew who’d done it because she treated Leander’s wounds often. When she was done, she patted him on the head like when he was a little boy. 
“That’s better.” 
“We should go into town today,” he said. “My father is looking for you.” 
She frowned, a flash of fear streaking across her face. 
“Don’t worry. I’m supposed to be visiting Iris. We can take the carriage, and you can visit with your friends instead. Go have Charles ready it.” 
She nodded, giving him a wan smile before she hurried to find your father. You hopped off the counter and headed to do your chores while your mother was safely out of the house. 
Before you could make it out the door, Leander’s thick, electric blue tail coiled around you. 
“Ah, ah, you’re coming too, saiya,” he cooed, dragging you into his arms. 
Your heart thumped at the silly nickname he’d given you as a child. The word meant “little bear. " When he was young, he was fascinated with your round ears compared to his, which pointed at the end. As they had so often back then, his finger traced the arch of one as he hummed his pleasure. 
“Sir, you shouldn’t,” you whispered, but Leander was too pleased with you in his arms. 
He dipped his head, nibbling at your ear. 
“I should eat you up, sweet little thing,” he whispered, making your body explode in butterflies. 
He carried you out the back door to the stable, where your father was busy arranging the horses to pull the carriage. When he saw you tucked behind Leander’s large biceps, he frowned. 
“Put my daughter down. She’s not your doll,” he said, his tone more curt than he probably should have been with a family member of the house he served.  
Out of only politeness, you were sure, he set you down. Your mother let out a light, silvery giggle, patting your father on the shoulder. 
“Oh, don’t be so strict, Charles,” she said. “He doesn’t mean any harm by it.” 
As Leander tugged you by the hand into the carriage, you heard your Dad lower his voice, so he thought the Naga couldn’t hear. 
“I don’t like those snakes touching her. They are far too familiar. Miss Elanore’s grandfather would never have allowed him to fondle her the way he does. Things were the way they should be when he was around.”
Beside you, Leander snorted, rolling his eyes. 
“He also drove the family to bankruptcy,” he muttered under his breath. 
“Listen,” your father went on as he helped your mother onto the seat next to him, and still unaware you could hear him quite clearly. “I’ve been talking with the Willards about (Y/N).” 
“The Willards?” she asked. “The tailors?” 
“Yes, they have a boy about (Y/N)’s age. Apparently, he has taken an interest in her, and his father approves. He thinks a girl raised as a maid will make a dutiful wife. I think we ought to consider it. We can visit while we’re in town today.��� 
You remembered the Willard's son Joshua from when you were sent on errands to pick up clothes for Elanore. He was a handsome young man, though a little on the skinny side. He seemed nice enough. Still, your cheeks burned, and you folded your hands tightly, hearing your parents plot your marriage. 
“I don’t know, dear,” your mother hummed. “Do you really think it’s a good idea?” 
He let out a grunt. 
“I’d do just about anything to get our girl away from that snake. He’s only going to ruin her, string her along, and throw her away when he’s bored. They’re all the same. The Willard’s can give her a good life.” 
You felt Leander stiffen beside you. As the carriage took off, his tail wrapped around you so tight you whimpered. He glanced down, his face darkening to a cool blue. 
“I’m so sorry,” he muttered, loosening his muscles but not letting you go. 
He gently unwrapped the hairpin, clutched in your palm, and busied himself fastening it to your hair. 
“So pretty,” he murmured, greedy eyes eating you up. “I won’t let anyone else touch you (Y/N).” 
You weren’t sure if that was supposed to be comforting. You’d always liked Leander. He was very handsome, and as children, you’d been inseparable. However, you also realized the massive gap between your two worlds. You were just a maid, and he was the only son of a wealthy lord. It wasn’t meant to be. Your father had explained to you many times before that Leander only doted on you because he was immature and unwilling to grow up. He thought he could still play make-believe with your life, and he warned you to be wary of him. 
Feeling raw and confused, you tried to keep your eyes out the window, focused on the passing countryside as you made your way toward town. When your father stopped to park the carriage, he nodded to your mother as you climbed out. 
She held out a hand to you. 
“Darling, I need you to come with me. We’re going to stop at the tailor’s,” she said, carefully avoiding Leander’s gaze. 
He, however, would not be tricked. 
“How convenient. I need to stop there as well,” he said with a grin, tugging you back towards him with his tail. “(Y/N), keep me company as we walk so I don’t get bored.” 
Your father gave him a deep grimace but was silent as he finished tying up the horses and escorted your mother by the arm down the busy avenue, walking a few steps ahead of you. You watched the two of them whisper to one another as you made your way to the Willard’s shop. 
“Greetings!” Marshall Willard said with a grin when he saw you and your parents enter the shop. 
His eyes jumped to the large Naga next you, and he winced just slightly before calling his son.
“Joshua! Come greet our guests. I’ll help the customer.” 
Joshua appeared from the back, giving you a pleasant smile. 
“Mr. and Mrs. (Y/LN). It’s wonderful to see you,” he said politely. “Can I offer you some tea?” 
Meanwhile, his father greeted Leander. 
“Young Lord Szake! What can I help you with this morning?” 
You moved to follow your parents to the kitchen with Joshua, but Leander pulled you back by the shoulders. 
“I’m here to buy (Y/N) some dresses,” he said, pushing you gently in front of him. 
Everyone in the room looked at you, and your cheeks burned. 
“What? Why, my lord?” you stammered. 
He tipped his head at you.
“If you’re to be my personal attendant, you can’t follow me around in threadbare wool dresses. You ought to represent the Szake family well.” 
“Personal attendant?” you parroted, confused. “But I’m just a maid.” 
“Not anymore,” he declared. “Every Lord has a personal attendant to handle the paperwork and their calendar…those sorts of things.” 
“But isn’t that normally a man?” Mr. Willard asked. 
Leander beamed at him, a cold smile full of hate. 
“(Y/N) has known me since I was just a child. She knows everything about me. I wouldn’t dare trust anyone else with my personal affairs.” 
Your father frowned. 
“Nonsense,” he barked. “(Y/N) is going to be married and have a domestic life, as she should. You’re a wealthy Lord; I’m sure you can find a qualified candidate.” 
Joshua nodded beside him. You looked up at Leander, eyes large. 
“I can’t be your personal attendant, sir,” you added. “It’s not proper. What will people think?” 
He smirked at you, his long, strong fingers pinching your chin so you had to look at him. 
“Fine…If your father insists you have a domestic life, you shall.” 
Your shoulders wilted with relief, and you let out a breath. 
“Oh, thank goo-” 
“As my wife.” 
Everyone in the room’s eyes were as wide as saucers. 
“What?!” they all said at once. 
Leander gave Mr. Willard another bitterly cold grin. 
“Measure her for dresses fitting the station of a Lord’s fiancee.” 
“Absolutely not!” your father said.
“Lord Szake will never allow of this!” Mr. Willard pointed out. 
“She’s to be my fiancee!” Joshua hissed, taking an incensed step towards Leander. “My father has already approved it!” 
Leander’s gaze shot to him, danger reflected in his irises. 
“There are not words on this plane to describe how little I care about whatever arrangement your families have worked out. (Y/N) will marry me, and you will dress her properly.” 
He sank into his coils, pushing you in front of Mr. Willard, snapping his fingers. 
You saw the man’s jaw tick, but refusing Leander’s request would only be bad for his business, so he pulled out his measuring tape and approached you. Not sure what was happening, you gave him a pleading look, begging him to say something. Reading your confusion and fear, his stare shifted to one more gentle. 
“Lift your arms, please, miss,” he said quietly. 
The room was dead silent while he did as he was told. Joshua and your father glared at Leander, who seemed entirely unbothered, while your mother appeared uncertain. You watched her suck in a deep breath, straightening her shoulders before she approached the Naga, speaking in hushed tones. 
“Sir, are you sure this is wise? I’m not opposed to this match. I-I know…I can see you love her…I’m only worried for (Y/N)’s safety. Such arrangements between classes rarely work out well. Your fellow nobles will never accept her. Would you subject her to their cruelty?” 
For a moment, he seemed to be considering her words, eyes sliding to you. 
“My family has never been accepted into our peers good graces. You know my father was a common merchant. My mother married him out of desperation. She traded her noble title for his fortune. People’s opinions are only that. Opinions. (Y/N) and I will face the same prejudices together. Do you wish your daughter to continue her life as a maid or-?” 
He gave Joshua a dirty look. 
“Or become a servant to a husband who can never love her as I can?” 
Your mother sighed. She lifted her hand and smoothed a bit of hair that had come out of place as if he were her own son. 
“Please…for me, be serious about this if it is what you intend to do.” 
He tipped his cheek into her palm. 
“I will never betray your daughter zhingha.” 
Your father let out a strangled noise, marching out the front door, slamming it behind him. 
Joshua, who had been pacing in place, stomped over to you, grabbing you by the arm to face him. 
“Is this what you really want (Y/N)? A snake for a husband?” 
Before you could answer, Leander’s tail shot out, jerking him away from you and tossing him into the wall. 
“Don’t touch her!” 
The young man climbed to his feet, clutching his ribs. 
“You nobles can’t just take whatever you like! (Y/N) belongs with us!” 
Leander slid across the room like an elegant blue river, lifting Joshua up by his throat. 
“Do not address my fiancee by her first name again. If I see your eyes on her, I will gouge them out!” 
Joshua’s furious face told you he didn’t plan to back down. His father dropped the measuring tape, hurrying to rescue his son. 
“Of course, he wont’ My Lord,” he said. “You’ve made your intentions quite clear. Yes, Joshua?” 
He gave Leander another long look before he gave in. 
“As you say, My Lord.” 
Leander dropped him, returning to his seat near you, and jerked his head at the tailor. 
“Continue,” he snarled. 
“Go to the back and help your mother,” Mr. Willard said to his son.
Joshua gave you a last lingering glance before he disappeared. 
You arrived back at the mansion in a very different dress than when you'd left. Leander had insisted on buying you and your mother matching readymade dresses from the shop window while you waited for the fourteen others he ordered to be made. The soft peach satin fabric was the nicest thing you’d ever worn. 
The first thing you heard as you walked in the black door was the smashing of ceramic. 
“Stay here,” Leander said. 
Your eyes quickly flicked to your mother, who grabbed your hand and pulled you into the pantry, peeking out through a crack in the door. 
“Father?” Leander called, opening the door to the dining room. 
He ducked as a vase flew past, smashing to pieces on the stove.
“That bitch!” You heard him screaming. 
He shoved past his son, dark eyes jerking around the room. 
“Father! Calm down! What's happened?” 
“Where is the human woman?” he snarled. 
You and your mother slipped back into the shadows, trying to be as silent as mice. 
“Father! She’s not back from shopping yet. Please, tell me what’s happened.” 
His eyes narrowed, but seemed satisfied with his answer. 
“It’s your mother,” he snarled. “She’s gone.” 
He bared his fangs at his son. 
“Don’t parrot me like a dumb animal. The damn woman left! She stole the gold in the safe and disappeared! No one’s seen her!” 
He paced on his thick tail. 
“She must have paid off the townsfolk. No one will tell me where she’s gone!” 
“Has she made off with our fortune?” 
His father glanced up at him. 
“Of course not; I keep the majority of our money in the bank. Only you and I can access it. I planned for this possibility but never expected her to do it! She only got off with our emergency fund…but it was enough to live well for a long time. When will the human woman return?” 
“I don’t know, father,” he said. “But whatever you need, I can help you with it.” 
He waved a clawed hand. 
“I don’t need anything done! I’m going to marry the woman. I should never have agreed to marry Elanore. I won’t make that mistake again. An obedient human wife will suit me better.” 
Leander let out a cold chuff. 
“She’s already married, father!” 
“Easily fixed,” he hissed with murder in his eyes. 
“You can’t be serious!” 
He tried to push past his son toward the door leading out to the stable. Leander blocked his way, his icy irises determined. 
“I can’t let you do that, Father,” he said, his tone low and even. 
Your father came marching through the door a moment later, unaware of the drama playing out. He froze where he stood, eyes immediately focused on the two Naga, staring one another down. 
The opportunity in front of him was too tempting for Dervin to resist, and his tail shot out, a victorious smile on his lips. You couldn’t stay the scream that erupted from your throat, your mother rushing past you to protect her husband. 
Dervin’s focus shifted to her, and Leander lunged at the same second. Caught off guard, he threw his father to the floor, and they quickly became a writhing ball of tails and arms. 
“You’d betray me too, son?” he gasped as he tried to overpower Leander. 
You smelled the coppery stench of blood as sharp nails scraped each other's skin. More than willing to help, your father picked up a heavy cast iron skillet, making his way around the hissing Naga, quiet on his feet. 
There was a resounding crunch as the skillet descended on Dervin’s head. He flopped to the floor, limp. Blood leaked in a pool around him, but he still dragged in a wet breath. Before anyone else could move, Leander snatched a kitchen knife from the rack, jamming it through his chest. Dervin let out his gurgling last breath and then was still. 
You and your mother clutched one another, sinking to the floor. Neither of you knew what to say or do, but your father and Leander didn’t need any prompting. 
“Help me with him,” your father said, slipping his arms under the dead Naga’s. “We’ll bury him under the pig pens.” 
Leander grunted his assent, lifting the majority of the weight as they maneuvered the body outside. 
“Come,” your mother whispered, trembling. “The blood.” 
You nodded, filling the mop bucket with water before pulling every towel from the cabinet to mop up the mess. 
“What now?” you found yourself whispering, though there was no reason to. 
She shrugged. 
“That’s for Leander to decide. He’s the Lord of this house.” 
By the time they returned, you’d scrubbed everything to a sparkle, the only blood left staining your new dresses and the towels.
“Take those off,” your father said. “We’ll burn the linens.” 
The two of you nodded, slipping the heavy dresses over your shoulders until you only wore the thick shifts underneath. Leander helped you out of your shoes and slipped the red-splattered stockings off your feet. 
Your father gave you and Leander a long look before he spoke. 
“Take your fiancee to bed,” he said. “She shouldn’t have seen all this. I trust it won’t happen again.”  
Leander returned a tight nod, and something passed between their gazes. They’d forged a silent agreement. 
It wasn’t until your mother and father left out the back door to burn the rest of the evidence that the tears came. It was a relief Dervin was gone. He would have killed your father and hurt your mother, but it was still horrific. 
“Shhh,” Leander hummed, scooping you up in his arms. 
He carried you upstairs to his bedroom, curling into a tight ring to settle you in the center. His arms wrapped around you, and he pressed your head into his chest. 
“Everything is going to be okay now,” he said softly, carding the strands of your hair with his long fingers. 
“Lei, are we all going to jail?” you sniffled, his childhood nickname falling past your lips all on its own. 
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling when they met yours. 
“No. My mother did us a favor. If anyone asks, they’re touring the countryside until they're entirely forgotten.” 
“What happens now?” you asked. 
He tipped your chin with his thumb, dipping his head to slip his lips against yours. They were so warm that you felt your jaw's tension melt away. His eyes searched yours when they parted, carrying a lightness you hadn’t seen in many years. 
“I’m going to marry you, and your parents will move out of the servant’s quarters. Your father and mother have earned their place in the Szake family. We’ll find some new staff.” 
You nodded, his hair forming a smooth curtain blocking the world. 
“Sleep now,” he hummed. “All is as it should be.” 
Despite how you wanted to keep your eyes open, they slid shut against your will. 
“Would you like lavender or rose tea, Miss (Y/N)?” your new maid asked as she opened the tea box in front of you. 
“Rose,” you said, turning your attention back to the catalog in front of you. 
You sat comfortably in the rose garden, enjoying the sunshine as you planned your wedding. It had been a month since the terrible night that Dervin died. When Leander had informed the merchants of the town that he was getting married, they’d sent piles of samples and booklets for you to look through. You’d never realized there were so many options! It was a little overwhelming. Since you’d come from humble beginnings, it felt strange spending so much money on decorations and lace, but Leander informed you it should be a grand occasion and not to spare a cent. 
“Um…Miss (Y/N)?” one of your maids said, looking slightly frightened. 
“What’s wrong, Lily?” you asked, concerned. 
“Well…there’s a Miss Iris at the door looking for you. Should I bring her?” 
Leander was out for the day, meeting with one of his importers, so you weren’t sure what she could want. 
“Of course, bring her here.” 
A minute later, an elegant Naga came slithering into the garden. Her curly violet hair was pinned in a pretty updo and she wore an elaborate pink dress, covered in ribbons. 
“Hello, Miss Iris,” you said, waving for her to take a place at the table. “Can I offer you some tea?” 
Her brow was drawn, and she looked you up and down. 
“So…you’re who he picked,” she pouted. “Over me.” 
Your ears burned, realizing you were speaking to Leander’s former fiancee. 
“There’s no competition,” you said. 
She snorted. 
“Obviously not.” 
She narrowed her eyes at you, and you expected a verbal lashing. You were a mere maid, after all. It was absurd Leander would take you as his fiancee. She sucked in a deep breath, and her expression suddenly softened. 
“How…How did you do it?” 
Your eyebrows jumped, confused. 
“Do what?” 
She looked around, uncomfortable. 
“Can I tell you a secret?”
You took a breath as your maid politely poured her a cup of tea. 
“I suppose so…If you’d like.” 
“I’m relieved.” 
She sipped her tea, thinking before she spoke. 
“Because I don’t particularly care for Leander. In fact, I don’t like him at all. He’s…very…intense. He kind of creeps me out. He only spoke of you when we were out on dates; it was incredibly boring and awkward. Not to mention…the way he talked about you…He was fixated on all of your little ticks. Did you know he carries a lock of your hair around with him? And sometimes your stockings! He showed up one day elated because you’d accidentally sneezed on him and used his handkerchief to wipe your nose! He was cuddling it like a treasure!” 
Your ears heated. Where had he gotten a lock of your hair? You’d never given it to him. 
“He what?” 
Iris waved her previous statement away. 
“Anyway, I wouldn’t have liked him even if he hadn’t. He’s just…too much like a Naga male. Once they have something in their mind, they get…obsessed. 
Our parents arranged our marriage. I hate that tradition. I’d never force my child into a marriage without love. That’s how you get murdered by some enterprising mistress!” 
You blinked, unsure if you should be offended or not, but she went on.  
“Honestly, there’s…someone else who has my interest. Only…he’s not a noble Naga.” 
“Oh! That is a puzzle, isn’t it?” 
She nodded, stretching her hand across the table to touch yours. 
“That’s why I need to know how you did it! How did you win over Leander’s parents? Maybe if I can tell Joshua how to do it, I can…I don’t know…” 
You giggled. 
Her violet irises flared. 
“You know him?” 
“Ah…yes…but not well. He seems like a very nice man.” 
Her eyes glazed over, wistful thoughts playing in her mind. 
“He’s so kind and considerate. I’ve never met anyone like him, so gentle. A few weeks ago, I went to pick up a dress, and he helped me. His hands were so soft, and his voice was so sweet. Every night since then, we’ve been meeting in secret! I know he’s the right one and he thinks so too! 
I don’t want to brute of a husband. I want a kind person who I can talk to. That’s why I have to know how to convince my parents not to marry me off to some…stranger!” 
You weren’t sure how to answer. 
“I think…You should do whatever you must to protect your beloved,” you said. “I can’t tell you exactly what to do because it will be different for you. We’re all different in different circumstances.
She looked a little disappointed. 
“What I do know, though, Iris, is that if you love one another, you will find a way You two are adults, not children. No one can make you marry someone you don’t want to. It’s only a matter of how far you are willing to go, what sacrifices you will make to have the life you want.” 
She nodded, thinking. 
“But…” you started, pausing to sip your tea, “What if your parents went on a little vacation?” 
“A vacation?” 
You shrugged. 
“Once you’re married, you’re married,” you said. “Maybe by the time they return…if they return… you’ve sorted your affairs.” 
The two of you shared a knowing look, and she brightened. 
“I like you (Y/N), you’re very clever! You’ve given me hope! Is there anything I can help you with in return? I want us to be friends!” 
You smiled, picking up one of the catalogs. 
“Yes, actually. I have no idea what is proper for a lady. Can you help me? We can plan our weddings together.” 
She beamed at you, taking the catalog. 
“Of course!” 
A few hours later, Leander came slithering through the garden. 
“Iris? What are you doing here?” he asked, his shoulders stiffening. “I thought I made it clear…” 
Iris snorted and waved him away. 
“I’m not here for you,” she said, raising her nose at him. “(Y/N) and I are planning our weddings.” 
“Your wedding?” he asked, and she grinned. 
“Yes! And now that you’re here,” she wrinkled her nose at him. “I think I’ll be off.” 
She leaned down and kissed your cheek. 
“Thank you for your advice (Y/N). I’m going to talk to Joshua,” she said before sliding past Leander without saying goodbye. 
“What was that all about?” Leander asked when she was gone. 
You shrugged. 
“True love, I guess.” 
He pulled you into his coils, peeking over your shoulder at the catalogs on the table. He ran a finger over the things you’d circled. 
“Lei, can I ask you something?” you asked. 
“Anything, love.” 
You twisted around to look at him, narrowing your eyes. 
“Did you tell Iris that you were excited I sneezed on you?” 
“Ah…noooo,” he lied, his whole face darkening to a deep blue. “Wh-Why would she say something silly like that?” 
You giggled. 
“Of course not,” you said, patting his chest. “I must have misheard her. Can I borrow your handkerchief? It's a little warm out here.” 
He passed it to you and you daintily patted your forehead, handing it back. His eyes widened at the little scrap of fabric in his hand and he hastily stuck it in his jacket pocket. 
Leander might be a weirdo, but he was your weirdo and you wouldn't have it any other way. 
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bengals-barnesbabe · 4 months
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Imagine your first wash day at Joe's...
word count: 1.1k
a/n: JB9 taglist is now open, if you’d like to be on it comment 'tag me🏈’ and you’ll be added. If you want to be taken off at any point dm me -babe :)
main masterlist
When you first started dating, Joe had only ever seen your hair in a protective style or wrapped in a scarf, granted you met in the summer so those were your safest options.
As time went on and you grew closer, you began to wear your hair out more which required much more work, so you left a mini hair care bag at his place. It only had a few essential items like a leave in, edge control, mini spray bottle, some hair oil and a pack of silk scrunchies. Since you spent the majority of the time at his place he believed that was all you needed to maintain your 4b/4c hair.
You moved in with him a month ago, and today is your long awaited and very much needed wash day. The weather in Cincinnati finally cooled down enough for you to let go of the braids, so you planned to do mini twists. You wanted to start as soon as possible, so when Joe left at 8 in the morning you gathered your bucket of haircare products and locked yourself in the bathroom.
♡ ♥︎ ♡
It was about noon when Coach Taylor let his players out, they had a game that Sunday so he didn't want to run them too ragged. Joe, Tee and Ja'Marr decided to grab a bite to eat before heading to Joe's to cool off.
The moment the 3 men enter your living room is the exact moment you remember that you may have neglected to tell your boyfriend of today's significance.
"Hey babe, we stopped by that place you liked so I brought you- woah." Joe looks wide eyed at the organized mess of different combs/brushes, gels and bottles of hair products with you in the center of it.
You nervously smile at the trio. "Hi." You quickly finish the twist you're on and pause the movie you're 'watching'.
"Are we interrupting something- ohhh yea mhm got it. Let's go, Tee." Ja'Marr says assessing the situation.
"Yo wait, can you do mine next? You know, when you get a chance." Tee asks.
"Man, she aint doing yo crusty ass fade. I'm definitely next."
"There ain't nothing wrong with my cut." The two wide receivers argue on the way out.
You chuckle before turning back to your boyfriend, "I may have forgot to tell you today's wash day." You say sheepishly.
"You think?" He shakes his head and takes a seat on the cleanest spot next to you. "This is a lot, when did you get all of this?"
"I've had it the whole time, most of it stays in the closet a majority of the time." You shrug moving around some of the products so he can stretch out. He gladly scoots in closer and analyses your work in progress.
You had just finished the back before they walked in, your hair is pretty thick and a decent length so washing it took about 2 hours. Then you decided to make your life easier by making the process harder and blowing out the entire thing, that took another hour.
"The line in the back is crooked, but its look pretty nice overall."
You immediately smacked his chest. "Joey, what the hell."
"What'd I do? Do you not want me to be honest?" You glared at him.
"You've been hanging out with Ja'Marr for too long."
He chuckles and presses a kiss to your head, "baby you are the most talented, amazing and most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure to meet. And you are doing an absolutely fantastic job on your hair."
"Much better, now let me wash my hands before I see if you actually got my order right." You teased.
"I know you better than I know myself Y/n, you need to stop doubting my 'boyfriend skills'."
While you're gone he couldn't help but look at every single product in his vicinity. Trying not to knock over any of the open bottles of oil, he spots a bright blue gel-cream and reaches for it.
"Doo Gro, well I am growing out my hair." His curiosity getting the best of him, he scoops some out of the jar and sniffs it for safety reasons. Unable to place the scent, he rubs it in his hands then rakes his hands through his hair.
"Joe, what are you doing?" He jumps at your voice, effectively knocking over your bag of combs.
"Shit, baby. What does it look like?" He says now cleaning the mess of combs, in shapes and sizes he'd never seen a day in his life.
"It looks like you wanna be a giant grease ball." You snort picking a handheld mirror off the floor and putting it in his face.
"Jesus, I didn't put that much in." The dollop he picked up had somehow multiplied and made it look like he'd meant to slick back his hair.
"Aww my poor greasy baby, I hope you rubbed it into your scalp as well." You said picking up your plate and shoving the food in your mouth.
"I think I got that covered, does this stuff wash out- Y/n baby calm down it's not going anywhere." He stares wide eyed at the plate that's been half eaten in mere seconds.
"I know, I just haven't eaten since like yesterday. It probably does, just not all of it. At least you'll get thicker hair out of this," You can't help the giggles coming out as you continue to look at your boyfriend's head.
"It's not that funny." He bites his bottom lip as his own start to take over.
"You look like the kids that cover themselves in vaseline and peanut butter." The room's completely filled with your laughter to the point that everything has been forgotten.
"If doing your hair has always been this fun, let me help all the time." He smiles as the laughter subsides.
You shake your head, "I'll let you wash it next time and we'll see if you still wanna be included. Even with your giant football arms, you'll be tapping out before we get to deep conditioning."
He smirks, "all I hear is that you like my arms."
You scoffed and gave him a good once-over, "oh I like more than your arms." Biting your lip, you sit yourself in his lap.
"Oh yea, tell me more." His eyes blazed with desire as your hands run up his arms and down his chest.
"I love how big you are, but you already knew that." You smirk.
"Fuck." He growls pulling your lips flush against his.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
a/n: inspired by my HS self making the fact that I learned to do my hair during quarantine and mastered mini twists enough for it to become my entire personality. she was very humbled when they became a trend lol, I still love them tho and my nephew who covered himself in vaseline not once but 3 times. :)
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭
Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo NSFW Week 2023 Masterlist
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Day 6: Rimming
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Oral Sex (f. Receiving), Rimming, Car Sex, Age Gap (Gojo almost 40, reader in 20s)
Summary: Satoru loves being intimate with his girlfriend. Problem is, he'll ruin each and every plan just to be with her.
❤︎ Gojo NSFW Week Twitter - AO3 Collection ❤︎
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“Satoru, now?” You ask him between kisses. The way his lips feel on yours drive you wild, especially when he kisses you with such desperation. You just got in the car to go out, you have a very special dinner reservation. Tonight is the only night that you’re able to go out like this since your boyfriend’s daughter is staying with her mother. 
He doesn’t answer, instead his lips land on yours again and he deepens the kiss, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip before entering your mouth. You never expected for him to have such a high sex drive, especially since he’s slightly older than you. The man is almost forty and he tries to fuck you every chance he gets. The honeymoon stage in your relationship is way past over, so it’s nice to see that he still wants you so badly, however it’s a little much sometimes. 
His tongue presses against yours, while his hands trail down your silk dress. His fingers reach the hem of your dress, and you feel his touch under your dress. His tongue rolls around yours as you feel his finger hook under your panty. When you pull away, a string of saliva connects your lips. You feel your face hot, matching the temperature of your body, “We have a reservation. We can do this after.”
“Need you so bad right now, baby. Need my dessert.” He says, and you’re trying your best to remain your composure. You won’t be able to go to this restaurant if you miss your reservation. It’s rare the nights that you have off, whether it’d be from work or from his kid. Maybe that’s why he’s trying to seize this opportunity. Neither of you are too tired, and he’s so fucking horny.
“Can’t ruin my makeup, Satoru.” You tell him, hoping that it’ll get him to stop. He keeps kissing you though, his fingers toying with your cunt over your panties. He looks so good, your lipstick all over his face and you can only imagine the mess that’s on your face right at this second.
“Let me eat you out, baby. Won’t make a mess, I promise.” He says, and you bite down on your lip. You’re not sure how he wants to do it, considering how uncomfortable it’d be in the front of the car. 
“It’s uncomfortable here, baby.” You respond, hoping that he’ll drop it. He’s gotten you riled up but you try to think of your reservation. He grabs your thighs, and he’s moving your legs over the console, spreading them apart. He’s licking his lips as he lifts up your dress.
“Just a quick taste, promise.” He says, dipping his head to kiss your thighs up to your panties. He pushes your panties to the side and begins to kiss your folds.
His tongue licks up your cunt, and he looks up at you with mischievous eyes. You’re thinking about your reservation, but his mouth begins to suck on your clit and your mind definitely forgets about any other worry. Your hand begins to run through his white hair while you begin to enjoy what’s happening. It’s his dessert but you enjoy it more than he does.
You swear you’re in heaven when he stops sucking on your clit, his tongue running through your folds. His thumb begins to play with your clit while his tongue teases your hole. You’re trying your best to not encourage him, and to not moan in the car since you’re in the driveway– You don’t want to risk the neighbors looking out and watching as your boyfriend eats you out.
“Fuck, Satoru–” You moan. His tongue enters your hole, his thumb playing with your clit. He swirls his tongue around, and his thumb begins to play with your clit. Oh it’s too much. He’s humming, showing you how much he’s enjoying this, and the vibrations that translate through his tongue are adding more to the pleasure.
You never thought that dating an older man would be this enjoyable. Satoru loves having his tongue on you at all times, giving you as much pleasure as he can give you. When you’re alone, you find yourself screaming his name from the top of your lungs.
You’re so close to finishing, and you want to make this fast. You’re so close, his name leaving your lips over and over again in a soft whisper. And then he stops. He takes his tongue out and stops playing with your clit. You whine, and you hear him chuckle,
“Thought you were in a rush to get to the restaurant.” And before you can tell him off, you feel his tongue back on your cunt, but it goes down to your other hole. His tongue is flat on your asshole and he’s moving back and forth. 
Of course he wants to do this now of all times. His thumb goes back to toying with your clit. His lips kiss your asshole a couple of times before he points his tongue and softly penetrates the hole, and you slap your hand over your mouth. 
Your orgasm is slowly taking over you as the tip of his tongue moves in and out of you. He finally takes it out and he focuses on licking your hole. He hears his name muffled as your thighs begin to come together as your orgasm slowly takes over you.
Your legs spasm as you finally reach your climax. His lips kiss your asshole a couple more times before his head appears again. There’s a smile on his face as you adjust yourself in your seat. He tries to lean in for a kiss but you put your hand up to stop him. 
“You just ate my ass, Satoru. Have some decorum.”
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cultofdixon · 1 year
What Happens Next
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • The archer was given the best news of his life, and one would say he’s one of the more involved in every single thing that has to do with his future child • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / Anxiety / Scars / Injuries / Sleep Deprivation • Ignoring Canon, cuz I can
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl stared at her dumbfounded and a little taken back by what his wife had just told him. He had to sit down and the silence started to worry Y/N.
He doesn’t…
He doesn’t want this
We should’ve been more careful
Fuck he’s probably mad
What am I supposed to do—-
“Hey…hey…darling, what’s wrong? You’re crying” Daryl frowns as he has risen from his seat when the tears rolled from her cheeks abruptly. He carefully took a hold of her face wiping away the tears that kept falling. “Sweetheart…”
“I should’ve been more careful…”
“You don’t want this—-“
“Daryl I’m so sor—-“
“I want this, I want this if you do” Daryl states holding her face as the tears came on faster but no longer from her anxiety. He couldn’t help his own as he wipes the happy tears away before bringing her close in his embrace. “We’re gonna be parents”
“We’re gonna be parents”
First Trimester
“Are you going on the run tomorrow?”
“I’ll have to ask Y/N” Daryl states helping Rick pack up the truck for the overnighters as the retired sheriff gave him a confused look.
“Ask Y/N? Really? You usually never asked her before you did anythin’. Tell her yeah but—-“
“Things have changed. No more worrying of Negan causing hell on us anymore. I ain’t leaving her in the dark of anythin’.” Daryl shuts the trunk before making his way back to the house. “I’ll ask and let yea know”
“Okay…” Rick continues to have some suspicion about what’s hidden behind his words.
As Daryl enters the home he spotted Y/N immediately as she was sitting on the kitchen floor. He quickly ran over to her thinking the worse but she gave him a reassuring look that made him sit with her instantly.
“Are you alright?”
“Just felt icky when grabbing something to eat…had to sit down”
“Quickly I assume”
Y/N hums tiredly in response as she rests her head on his shoulder feeling his instantly rest on hers. “Did you tell anybody yet?”
“Am I allowed to?”
“Yes…but I wanna tell Carol. You can literally tell anybody else but this is my one. And Maggie.”
“If I tell Rick or Michonne what makes yea think they won’t tell others? Rick also doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut” He laughs making Y/N do so as well snuggling into his side. “He’s going on a run tomorrow, wondered if I’m going”
“What’s stopping you?” She asks as the silence gave her her answer. “Oh, me? I never stopped you before”
“Mm. Told him I’d ask yea if I could go…” By the way he said such, Y/N knew he didn’t want to go. Leave her for too long…she couldn’t help the smile on her face.
“I don’t want you to go”
“Then I’ll stay. Take care of yea”
“Speaking of such…I’m hungry, but I don’t want to lose it instantly”
“I can make yea toast. Prob one of the few things I can make without burning it” He smiles listening to her laugh to such before slowly getting up and offering a hand to help her up but she shook her head. “Still icky?”
“Mhm. Besides I like the view” Y/N winks smiling up at her man while he groaned to the comment.
A few days went by and today was the perfect opportunity to tell Carol. Alexandria took a big hit after the Saviors War along with the Kingdom that they have been going back and forth to help rebuild each other’s communities with the help of others. It was the Kingdom’s turn to come to Alexandria which meant Carol coming by. But Y/N went on an infirmary run with Siddiq to the other communities. This meant Daryl has to bite his tongue from telling Carol.
Even though Daryl’s silent moments that was him biting his tongue, concerned Carol.
“How’s the house holding up?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well this place was set on fire and our first job was fixing the houses. Was wondering how yours and Y/N’s is doing. Anything you add since I’ve moved to the kingdom?”
“Nope” Daryl lied of course because he can’t talk about the nursery they are starting early before Y/N can’t help physically. “Only got the guest room set up for you. That’s pretty much the only thing we did to the place”
“Uh huh” Carol squints at the man waiting for him to reveal more but he didn’t. “Well, the crops aren’t going to take care of themselves and you’re certainly not helping by drowning the potatoes” she had to take the hose away from Daryl since his mind was elsewhere and that made her worry even more.
She was even more worried and a bit suspicious when Daryl stayed outside that night with the universal radio talking to who she assumed to be Y/N.
“You feelin’ alright, darling?”
“Yeah…Maggie made sure I didn’t overwork myself once I told her”
“She happy?…for us?”
“Why wouldn’t she be? She’s a bit surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Given yknow. The times she walked in on us”
“Do I still have to apologize for the first time in Alexandria or?” Daryl smiles listening to her laugh on the other end. “It’s about to get harder to hide certain things. You better get your ass back before I blab”
“You better fucking not Dixon”
“It’s either I—-Or Rick”
Bingo. Carol knew exactly who to go to and it’s the blabber mouth. Rick can keep secrets when it came to death level situations but life? The man will fold.
“Rick!” Carol calls out to the retired sheriff while he was carrying Judith on their morning walk. “Want some company?”
“Uhm. Sure?” Rick sets Judith down as she instantly reached to hold Carol’s hand as well as her dad’s. “What’s up?”
“Daryl is keeping a secret from me and I overheard him last night talking to Y/N on the radio”
“Why are you eavesdropping on the two?”
“Because they are my family and if something serious is happening…I want to know. I’ve lost enough” She knew playing the guilt card will get Rick to fold but Judith, as young as she is, knows when her father is about to fuck something up.
“I WANT MOMMY” She screams and let go of the two’s hands to sprint in the opposite direction they were heading.
“Sorry Carol I gotta—“ Rick gestures to where his kid is running as Carol waved him off.
As Rick catches up to Judith he quickly picks her up once again as she held her hand out. He immediately took out a hard candy from his back pocket giving it to her.
“You’re a life saver”
“Can you open it daddy?”
“Of course, sweetheart” Rick smiles helping his kid on the way back to their house.
Finally, Y/N returns home with Siddiq who on the drive back was telling her about the pre-natals they had and if she ever got too sick to move that she should see him right away. He was freaking her out really with everything he was talking about. The baby book that Maggie gave her already stressed her.
“Siddiq, I love yea. But please shut up”
“Sorry. Did I go too far?”
“Yes…” Y/N sighs laughing after.
Siddiq drove up to the infirmary and parked, Y/N quickly stepped out grabbing her duffle. “Let me get you the vitamins before you head back home, okay?”
As Y/N waited on the porch, it didn’t take long for Daryl to reunite with his partner knowing she would’ve stopped there first. He was also getting restless not being able to tell Carol the news and needed her to tell her. But she looked exhausted when Daryl drew close.
“You alright?”
“Been doing check ups all day…and driving back from the Sanctuary was physically and mentally exhausting…”
Daryl didn’t know one of their stops was the Sanctuary and felt awful knowing she went there. He took her bag for her and the timing was perfect when Siddiq came out tossing the bottle to the archer.
“How many times a day?”
“It says it on the bottle, but should be once. I’d take it around noon” Siddiq advises patting Y/N on the shoulder before going to unload the truck for them.
As the two made their way back to the house, they were welcomed by Carol standing obnoxiously in the middle of the foyer.
“So what’s going on between you two?”
“Daryl didn’t tell you anything right?” Y/N asks watching the confusion grow on her face. “I’ll take that as a yes…but I’m so exhausted…”
“Carol can she tell yea in the morning? It’s nothin’ bad” Daryl frowns rubbing circles on Y/N’s back as Carol’s expression softens before inevitably nodding.
“But if you forget, I will yell at you”
“Promise” Y/N gave her a soft smile approaching her and hugging her family. “I’m so happy you’re here”
After their small moment, Y/N didn’t wait any much longer to climb into their bed and get comfortable. Daryl brought himself to her side of the bed helping her get out of her shoes and her jeans so that she could be more comfortable.
“Yea need anything from your bag downstairs?”
“Mmm. Besides my shorts, can you get me water while you’re down there?” Y/N smiles as Daryl snuck in a quick kiss to her lips before doing such.
As the archer made his way downstairs he spotted Carol at the dining room table where he put Y/N’s bag…and the bottle.
“You fucking hid this from me?! I wouldn’t have reacted badly—-“ Carol stops when Daryl started shushing her. “Excuse me?”
“Y/N wants to tell yea. She even got mad at me about it. She really wants to be the one to tell you that she literally gave me a list of who I could tell and you were off limits. Same with Maggie.” Daryl took the bottle from her and stowed it away in Y/N’s bag. “You can’t say shit”
“Well can I say—-“
“You can say it in the morning when she tells yea”
When he turned toward his best friend he saw the permanent smile on her face as he clenched the shorts Y/N had him get for her.
You’re gonna be a dad Carol mouths to Daryl with her smile following as she held in her squeal to hug him just for a moment before letting him get back to what he needed to do.
The morning came and Carol anxiously waited at the dining room table for the two to emerge. But only Y/N woke out of them and by the looks of it, she woke up to puke and Carol couldn’t help the worried look.
“I’m pregnant”
“I know”
“I’m too tired to kill Daryl”
“He didn’t tell me, love. I found the prenatal bottle in your bag because Daryl wouldn’t tell me anything that I had to investigate. Even Rick didn’t tell me”
“Mmm…that’s impressive” Y/N was a bit proud of Rick for not spilling the beans. Then she started tearing up which lead to her close friend rising to her feet and making her way to her. “I’m so scared Carol…” she sobbed hugging Carol back once she wrapped her arms around her.
“Oh hun that’s normal. Trust me. You are going to be a great mom, and I know that man of yours is going to be a great dad by how over protective he is and the little one isn’t even here yet” Oh Y/N knew that the archer was looming around the corner as he didn’t want to ruin their moment but also didn’t want to leave her alone in case of anything. “Now come on. You go back to sleep and take it easy today. Dad-to-be and I will hold down the fort” Carol directs Y/N back to the stairs as she stopped to hug her husband feeling him tighten his grasp on her kissing her temple.
“Come find me if yea need anything”
“Mhm” Y/N hums happily parting from him to head back to bed.
“You are going to be difficult to ask for help that takes you away from Y/N, huh?” Carol smiles watching Daryl nod. “Then go! I’ll tell Rick you’ll help out later”
The first three months was a breeze even with the morning sickness and overly tired days. Daryl wouldn’t leave when the days were bad even if Y/N insisted he’d do something other than watch her sleep. But he didn’t care. He’d even catch up on some sleep as long as it meant being with her. Carol started visiting more and Maggie would give her items that helped her during her pregnancy with Hershel Jr. She’s honestly relieved that Y/N wasn’t pregnant during all the chaos, all that was happening was just rebuilding the communities. Some part of her really wanted to physically be there but couldn’t for reasons.
“Y/N, Carol is making me read this and it’s already fuckin’ terrifying” Daryl thought something like the prison flu or another asshole threatening their lives would be the thing he worries about. But there’s so much more to it and the new world changes a lot of it.
“You don’t have to read it if it gets too much” Y/N grumbles to herself as she struggles to her favorite jeans on.
“I wanna be prepared. Even if I have no idea what colostrum is…” Daryl stops reading the page he was on when listening to Y/N’s annoyance get louder. He dog-eared the page he was on setting the book down on the dresser approaching his partner to help when he noticed. “Stop. Wear something else”
“I’m working on the farm all day. I want to be comfortable”
“If comfortable is crushing my baby, I don’t want it” Daryl unbuttoned her jeans as Y/N looks at him confused feeling her face flush when he pulled her pants down low enough to show her in the mirror. “You popped”
“Don’t ever say that again” Y/N laughs resting her hands on her small bump feeling Daryl’s gaze burn into her as she took his hand to rest on it. “Your big ass hand makes it look like nothing”
“It’s still somethin’” Daryl couldn’t help his smile forming as Y/N kisses his temple while he continued to hold her bump.
Second Trimester
It was the first deer she has seen in a while, given she usually gets rabbits and squirrels once she learned how to use her bow. Y/N snuck up on the creature perfectly as she readies her bow, the first time she had to readjust given what she was carrying. She took the shot once it was clear and managed to get the deer.
“Yes!” Y/N cheers putting her bow back on her back approaching the downed deer, pulling the arrow out once she put it out of its misery. She heard the walker approaching and given her knelt position it was going to take her a minute to get up but she was going to take it out before it got near dinner.
Then an arrow shot past her taking the walker out as Y/N quickly turns around finding her man had took the shot and gave away his position.
“I told you I could’ve done this alone”
“But yea ain’t alone, and I didn’t make any promise to the peanut. Ain’t leavin’ her alone”
“You really want a girl don’t you?” Y/N smiles ignoring how she felt a second ago to gush over the fact that Daryl really wants a little girl and how cute it was that he did.
“I ain’t calling the baby an it that’s for sure” Daryl scoffs going to retrieve his arrow and help her carry the deer back, and by help, do it himself. “Yea feel anything yet?”
The archer has been reading the baby book given to him non-stop. He’s already protective of those who’s he cares about, and the book only made it 100 times worse because of all the scary things that could happen. But there are good parts. In this regard, the baby kicking.
“I just got to five months. It won’t magically happen instantly”
“I know…but I wanna be there”
“You most likely will. You don’t leave me alone for more than a minute” Y/N laughs quietly as the two got closer to where they’ve been staying for a month. The Sanctuary. Rick had asked Daryl if he could watch the Sanctuary for a few weeks just until they’re comfortable knowing not another Negan will emerge. He also promised Y/N that it would only be a few weeks and then they can be back home enjoying their lives just the two of them before their new addition joins.
It’s been a month and Daryl hasn’t seen anything happen with the ex-saviors but has seen his wife become more anxious the longer they stay there.
“I’m talkin’ to Rick tomorrow about going home. I think the place is fine without supervision. Just as long as someone checks in every now and then…” Daryl frowns looking at Y/N who was actively ignoring the conversation knowing Rick is only going to ask for another couple days. But he was persistent this time. “Y/N. We’re gonna go home. Not have to worry about anythin’ else but gettin’ ready for the little peanut”
She really wasn’t there mentally when Daryl would talk about that. All she did was give him a small smile before hesitantly heading inside the place.
“You can go back if it’s that bad”
“Rick fuckin’ owes me this time. It’s one thing dealin’ with my own shit. But Y/N not saying more than five words a conversation while in this hell, I ain’t having it anymore Carol” Daryl frowns gripping the radio in his grasp as he tried not to lose it while he stepped outside for a moment even if his anxiety was telling him to not leave Y/N. “I need to go back inside”
“You should”
Daryl looks up from his lap finding Carol in the protective gear that Kingdom guards wear as she brought herself to sit beside him. “When did yea—-“
“You’re not the only one with access to that radio.”
“She’s talkin’ to yea and not…Carol if something serious is—-“
“Don’t. Don’t jump the gun. It has nothing to do with her state or the baby. For the most part” Carol set her pack down going through it and handing Daryl a few things at a time. They were all baby related and some clothes for Y/N that would make her more comfortable even if wearing Daryl’s sweaters were enough. “We talk about her and the baby in good terms. Whenever I do bring up the Sanctuary, she goes quiet and doesn’t want to talk about it at all. She doesn’t want to be here. So I am helping y’all get out of here and if whoever has an issue with it, they’ll talk to me”
“Or me. I don’t want Y/N to stress just from being here.” Daryl frowns holding a Fox plush that was in the pile. “Rick should’ve thought this through”
“Mm. He should’ve. But right now? We have our priorities”
Y/N was sleeping uncomfortably in one of the rooms at the Sanctuary as she would wake to every noise she heard and didn’t like being so close to the cells knowing where Daryl has been held captive for weeks. Her anxiety was the worse that night Daryl and Carol decided to sneak her out in the middle of it, the door opening lead to Y/N taking her gun out from under her pillow.
Daryl held his hands up watching Y/N relax but also break out into tears. “Hey…no I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have snuck up on yea or anythin.” He frowns sitting on the side of the bed wiping away her tears. “We’re going home, not waiting for Rick or anybody else for that matter. We’re going now”
“Nah. I need my wife and baby safe, and even if everything is fine here. You don’t feel safe. I need yea safe” Daryl presses his forehead against hers resting his hand on her belly and that’s when it happened. Right at that very second, Daryl suddenly pulls back keeping his hand cemented on her belly as Y/N rests hers on top of his laughing through the tears.
“Timing couldn’t be more perfect”
“Peanut didn’t like it here either” Daryl kept his attention to the movement until it stopped for the time being as he brought Y/N close to hold his family. “We’re gonna be okay. I promise”
Nobody questioned their return, and Rick definitely didn’t bother asking because he knew he’d get chewed out. But a huge part of him was thankful to have them back.
“Daryl told me to check on yea while he’s gone, but by the looks of it…” Michonne enters the nursery. “You’ve been busy” she smiles seeing all the work Y/N had managed to get done.
The walls were already a grey and Daryl found paint cans in one of the garages that matched the shade enough to fix the spots. The one part he didn’t let Y/N do because of fumes. Even though he did try to convince her to let him move furniture but she would yell at him every time he tried. It’s the simple stuff. The closet had the extra supplies, there was a dresser that held the baby clothes Daryl found and hand me downs from Maggie, a basket on top of such that held cloth diapers and burp clothes, a crib, and the rocking chair Y/N was currently sitting in that was gifted to her by someone at Oceanside. There was still much to be done but she was exhausted when Michonne came in.
“He’s on a gas run but knowing my partner he’s going to come back with things. He never comes home empty handed” Y/N shifts a bit getting used to being a growing planet of a human being as she rubs circles on her belly. “Wish he’d be back already”
“You want company?” Michonne smiles watching her friend’s eyes light up to those words.
The party of two became three and then four. That being Rosita joining once she heard a girls night was commencing in some way and Carol joining after she came to visit to do her usual check in on Y/N. Daryl isn’t the only hoverer. At first it was talking about the changes happening in the others’ lives and then the talking became talking and working on the nursery with the directions given by Y/N.
By the end of the night, Daryl came back with Rick as the two were heading toward the Dixon residence.
“You excited?”
“Who wouldn’t be?”
“I was terrified with Carl and that was before the outbreak happened. Then Judith, same feelin’ but with the undead around. Y’all having a kid with the sickos still walking. Just thought you’d be a bit more—-“
“Scared?” Daryl chuckles gripping the strap to his crossbow. “Never said I wasn’t scared and as much as hell continues to surround us, as long as they’re safe and well, our bubble can stay intact.”
“You did seem to be a natural with babies when Judith was small. I know for a fact you’ll be great” Rick pats his brother on the back watching Michonne step out of the residence with a smile on her face and immediately hugging her man.
“Have a good night” Daryl tells the two as he enters his home seeing Carol and Rosita in the kitchen cleaning up their mess but also enjoying dinner. “Hey”
“Hey, look who’s back”
“Y/N misses you. Should go check on her” Rosita states watching Daryl give her a questioning look by how she said such before doing exactly that. Since it was his plan the second he entered Alexandria.
Daryl’s first stop was the bedroom half expecting her to be in bed already. But since she wasn’t there, he knew to check the obvious and he was surprised by the finished nursery. It was very gender neutral even if he was convinced and convinced Y/N that they were having a girl. But he loved everything about it.
“You’ve been busy”
“I had help from my girls” Y/N smiles happily from the rocking chair that now had a blanket resting on the back of it. It had little woodland creatures on it. “Do you like it?”
“I love it, love it even more if you didn’t lift a finger”
“I didn’t. All the moving was done by them and Carol told me off every chance I tried” She laughs leaning forward when Daryl brought himself over leaning into her to kiss her as she met him halfway. “How was your day?”
“Found enough gas for a few more trips. Gonna try Maggie’s alternative and see if we can eventually change to that” Daryl brought himself to sit on the floor beside her enjoying the feeling of her hand running through his hair. “Did get more stuff for her”
“I figured. But you should look at one of the shelves before you bring the new items in” Y/N states watching Daryl get up with a slight groan after having an exhausting day as he goes to the shelves finding some of the plushies but books they found on display.
But there was a solo shelf above the dresser that held knickknacks. He felt a warmth in his chest finding little wooden carvings that represented each member of their family. Crossbow…arrow…sheriff hat…katana…knife…baseball cap…and the last item was a framed Polaroid that the two had taken with their family all the way back to the prison.
“Eugene whittles and got them done perfectly in my opinion. He also felt like he owed me for the time I was three months and he made me cry for an hour” that got a laugh out of Daryl even though he remembers the day perfectly where he didn’t even know his own strength by how he managed to lift the poor guy off the ground for scaring him in thinking he hurt his wife. “I think it’s perfect but we’ll need something temporary to mount them”
“I’ll think of something but they’re fine where they’re at for now” Daryl smiles returning the picture back on the shelf.
Third Trimester
I’m a fucking goddamn planet Y/N thought as she tries to look down at her feet from sitting on the bench at the end of their bed. Seven months wasn’t so bad. Eight is fucking hell.
Daryl came upstairs once he stood at the front door for too long waiting for Y/N. He thought she was right behind her but she wasn’t.
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m huge. My back hurts…and I can’t tie my shoes” Y/N frowns lifting her feet up and setting them down gently as she readjusts from her seated position holding her belly.
“You should’ve just asked for help, love” Daryl knelt down once he got close enough and helped tie Y/N’s shoes feeling her distract herself by messing with his hair. “Why are you even wearing this pair? I got you shoes without laces”
“You found shoes without laces and I forgot where I put them” Pregnancy brain is a bitch. “Why are we doing this again?”
“It’s a walk around Alexandria. It’s five to ten minutes top. You also bugged me to remind you of such the past few days we’ve been doing this” He tried really hard to contain his laugh but his grin was prominent. “Helps the swelling in your legs”
“Sometimes I wish you’d listen to my tired brain over my screaming one from a few days ago”
“When we get home I’ll rub your feet”
“Sold” Y/N stops messing with his hair, fixing it quickly before he stood to his feet holding his hands out to help her off the bench.
Daryl gave her a quick kiss, then one to her bump. He’s been doing that every day since her bump became more noticeable.
It was a cool fall afternoon that the two were walking around Alexandria as Y/N watches all the familiar faces go about their day along with the new ones. This community expanded like the others and her heart swelled over the fact that this little one has a village in case of anything. But boy did her man make sure everything would go smoothly.
“I’m not naming our kid after any dead relatives”
“Middle names are fine. But you also have to give me boy names” Y/N watches her man roll his eyes as she was just preparing for that just in case. “C’mon baby. We don’t know the gender and our already huge list of girl names over power our list of boys that is literally nothing. It could happen”
“It ain’t but fine. What are yea thinking”
“I really like Shepherd”
“Done. That’s the name if we have a boy—-“
“Daryl!” Y/N smacks him in the chest lightly. “Actually come up with one instead of instantly agreeing with me. What would you like for a boy that would be on the same level with your favorite girl names?”
“Robin can go both ways”
“Okay, fair. But come on” Y/N returns her hand to holding Daryl’s as he was silent for a long time before actually thinking of one.
“Andy ain’t bad”
“Short for Andrew? That’s cute. Andrew Glenn Dixon” That sounds nice.
“Mmm. Gregory”
“No” Y/N immediately shot down. “Steven?”
“Not my first option, but an option. Mmm….” Daryl looks around the place thinking something would inspire him as Y/N tugs at him to take a seat at the gazebo. “Josh—Nah that didn’t sound right leaving my mouth”
“I had an ex named Josh in the old world”
“Then that’s a fuck no” Daryl leans back into the bench resting his head on top of hers once she placed herself on his shoulder. “Can we just agree on Andrew or Shepherd for the boy names?”
“Then Robin or Evelyn for our top girl choices” Y/N sighs happily knowing she doesn’t have to stress about that. “Glad we got that covered”
The two were simply enjoying themselves as a party of two for a little while longer. Listening to the wind of autumn…watching life continue even while outside the walls was a scary place…Daryl couldn’t help but think about the future. Would he mess up? Would he turn out like his father? But those thoughts washed away every time Y/N would look into his piercing blue eyes with her beautiful E/C ones. She’s always been the light that lead him back to reality. He knew he’ll be fine with her by his side every step of the way.
A few nights have past since that calming moment, Daryl brought his arm around his love bringing her close even if it meant her back flush against his chest. Y/N shifted slightly in her sleep out of discomfort from the size of her belly and the movement of the baby. She brought her hand on her belly hoping rubbing circles would soothe it but instead the discomfort got worse.
“Your baby won’t stop moving” She sighs feeling Daryl shift behind her enough to bring his hand to her belly. Her hope was dad’s touch would do something but it didn’t.
Daryl got up entirely from the bed moving himself to her side watching the discomfort in her face grow as she tries to hide in her pillow.
“Imma get Siddiq”
“Please don’t leave me…” Y/N sobs feeling his calloused hand brush the hair out of her face before taking care of the on-going tears.
“Hun if you’re in labor we need the doc”
“My water hasn’t broke yet…”
“Y/N. I don’t want to take any chances here” Daryl frowns hating that she was already experiencing a lot of discomfort that they both knew was only going to get worse. “The second it breaks I’m getting Siddiq. But what do you want me to do right now for you? Just name it”
Early stages of labor was mainly discomfort and the body preparing itself. Daryl didn’t like anything Y/N was suggesting they’d do before her water breaks.
Like the walk they were taking at 3AM and Daryl growing frustrated every time Y/N would smack his hand away when he tried to hold her in some way. She was starting to feel crowded in her own person making her stop suddenly in the middle of the street.
“What’s happenin’” Daryl frowns resting his hand on her back as she tensed to the touch. “Y/N. Tell—-“
“Shut up. I don’t want to walk anymore” She groans turning herself around and waddling incredibly slow back to their place.
The sound of a door opening caught the archer’s attention as he quickly noticed Rosita stepping out of the house she shared with Eugene and Gabriel. She looks at the two confused as Daryl tried his best to tell her what was happening with hand gestures. Rosita is a smart woman she caught on without Daryl’s gesturing as she went back inside to get her shoes on and leave to go get Siddiq for the Dixons.
“She’s in the bath”
“Hm. That makes sense” Siddiq rubs the sleep out of his eyes as it was now around five in the morning and her water hasn’t broken yet. “How do we know these aren’t Braxton?”
“The fake ones? She’s in a lot of discomfort. I doubt it’s fucking fake” Daryl frowns his anxiety was spiking his rage slightly. “I gotta check on her. Just. I’ll come and find yea—-“
“I’m already here. I’ll just be on the couch until anything. Okay? But if it gets worse, I have to check her myself to see how dilated she might be”
“Alright” Daryl quickly went back upstairs, surprised Y/N even wanted to be back up there. But it meant having their kid in their bedroom if it comes to it.
Y/N was comfortably uncomfortable in the bath as she didn’t say a word when Daryl entered, only looked at him with tears still blurring her vision.
“How bad is it?” Daryl sat on the edge of the tub taking her hand into his, feeling her crush his hand instantly. “Fucking hell”
“You should’ve told me sooner if you were a big baby.”
“I wasn’t?” Daryl knew her emotions were going to be all over the place, and her anger is starting to get there. “I was premature.”
“You gave me a big ass baby” Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and the grip on his hand got tighter indicating the pain getting worse. These weren’t fake. These were real contractions. “God she’s going to fucking rip herself out of me”
There’s a mental image Daryl is never going to forget, and the man has seen Alien. Okay now it’s worse applying a chest buster to labor.
“Siddiq has to check yea to see how dilated you are”
“Only you can see me fucking naked. I need to get the fuck out and put a shirt on before that happens”
“Are you even ready to—-“
“NO” She snaps wanting to remain in the tub for a little while longer.
Word got out that Y/N was in the early stages of labor and as more of their family entered the living room, the more it progressed. Siddiq had left to get everything he’ll need from the infirmary given this is now happening in their home. Oh what the doc would give for a hospital right about now. He knows what he’s doing but he still feels inexperienced every time.
Y/N wore one of Daryl’s shirts covering most of her as she felt like a tiny person carrying a planet even more now that her water has broke all over their floor. She leans against the bed gripping the sheets trying to distract herself, appreciating Daryl’s hands working their magic on her back to ease the pain while she took deep breathes.
“I hate you”
“Mm. Fair.”
“No don’t agree with me I’m not serious” she started to sob again. Nice job Daryl. “I love you…I love you so much and I’m excited for this chapter but HOLY FUCK DOES IT HURT” she screams as it startled Daryl a bit, especially their friends in the living room.
“I’ve gotcha love” Daryl brought himself beside her resting his head against hers feeling her lean into him. “Just a few more hours and it’ll be all over”
“I can’t…Fucking, I can’t” Y/N sobs into him feeling his arm wrap around her shoulders to bring her closer.
“You’re the strongest person I know. You can, and you will.” Daryl states kissing her temple before helping her back into the bed.
A few hours have passed and Siddiq checked how dilated she was once more before giving Daryl and Y/N a look that it was time. While he got himself prepared, Y/N gave her partner a horrified look.
“I’m not ready”
“Love, it’s time”
“Daryl I’m not ready” She cries. “What if I’m a terrible mom? What if I mess up so bad that she’ll resent me? I-I…”
Daryl squeezes her hand bringing it up to his lips kissing the back of it before resting his forehead against hers. “You’re going to be great. No one is ever ready. I’m scared shitless. But I know I’ll be great with yea, Y/N. We’ll be great. We’ll mess up and take care of it along the way. It’s bound to happen but again, we’ll be great. We have a village. Have each other. I’m right here, sunshine”
His words made her cry even more but in ease. Siddiq was finally ready and bringing the blanket up checking her once more when Daryl got an idea. He kicked his shoes off and had Y/N sit up enough for him to slip in behind her. She instantly presses herself against his chest feeling his hand move to her knees after instructed to do such.
“Okay, push on the next contraction” Siddiq states letting the nature take its course.
Y/N started to get anxious when the contraction hit her like a truck which lead to her pushing given her instruction. Daryl felt her hands grip onto his forearms as he moved one of his hands off her knee a second to grab her hand letting her squeeze the hell out of it while he brought her leg back into position.
“Good. Good” Siddiq made sure everything was happening smoothly. “Only push on the contractions, Y/N. Or you’ll tear”
“I want to push now…” She sobs feeling Daryl rest his chin on her shoulder.
“Just wait love” Daryl squeezes her hand and her knee with the other one as she rests her head against his.
It felt surreal, like how the hell did this even happen? How did they manage to create this perfect little human being that was currently crying up a storm on Y/N’s chest…Daryl couldn’t help the tears that breached from his eyes as he watches their little girl sob into her mother’s chest.
“We did it love…”
“You did it, sweetheart” Daryl kisses Y/N’s temple continuing to keep his full attention on their little one. “She’s perfect”
As the day progresses and the news of little Robin Elizabeth Dixon spread through their entire family, the day felt as if it slowed for just a moment. That moment being Daryl holding his little girl for the first time, letting his wife rest as he took care of her.
Daryl hasn’t stopped smiling since he first saw his daughter and how perfect she came out. He didn’t have to worry about losing either of them during the process, and she was a healthy little girl that calmed instantly in her father’s embrace.
“Are you happy, Daryl?” Y/N smiles tiredly watching the two from her spot seeing his smile grow.
“Yeah, yeah I am”
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knybits · 7 months
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↳ kochou shinobu x reader
↳ Geniuses within the same field yet rivals within each other’s eyes, your colleagues wonder when the sexual tension will break so that you two will become the department’s powerhouse couple so that they can enter you two into the couples contest against the other departments. Some things might have to be done by force.
↳ THIS IS ALL LEMON!!! SPICE UP THE WALLS!!! I'm not kidding guys this is just pure filth, every word of it.
The face Shinobu makes when she cums is a sight to behold. 
You can vaguely remember it from last time, though you were pretty drunk the two times you sent her over the edge. It’s more like you remember the sound of her though. How could you forget the way her pretty mouth babbled incoherently, trying to string together a sentence with words other than your name, ‘please,’ or ‘fuck.’ 
You’re determined to see it and engrave it into your mind now, especially since you’re making sure she answers three questions. 
You’re still seated on the chair when you grab her by the waist, pulling her on top of you. Her nipples have perked up underneath her silk pajamas, and you rub a thumb over one. She shivers at your touch, and you can see that she’s a little irritated at how slow you’re going. 
You’re so happy that it’s a nightgown that ends right at her thighs. You’re even happier with yourself for not pulling a pair of underwear onto her last night, since that’s the way Shinobu likes to sleep at night. Ever the vixen. 
While your right hand goes up underneath to circle her right nipple, pinching and squeezing and flicking, your left thumb circles her clit. 
“Is this what you wanted?” You ask Shinobu, her pussy growing even more wet. You take two fingers and slide them across her cunt, and she takes a sharp breath in. 
“Yes,” she whispers, and you stop all movement. 
“Yes, professor,” you chide, and instantly you feel her drip onto your pants. 
She looks down at you, breathing heavily, but she keeps her mouth shut. Her face is red with embarrassment and you laugh to yourself. 
“What’s wrong? I see you worship every professor that walks into the lecture hall. Can’t do it for me?” 
She shakes her head, hiding her face in her hands, and you click your tongue in disappointment. 
“Shame. I’ll fix that.” 
You wrap an arm around her waist, lifting small frame into the air as you stand before turning and dropping her onto the couch instead. Then, once you’re on your knees, you duck your head under her nightgown and find her clit in an instant. Shinobu whines- yes, whines- aloud, grasping your shoulders for stability as her head lolls back. 
You’re lapping and sucking with desperation, tongue swirling around her clit as you find a rhythm. Her thighs squeeze your head and you can feel them shake a little before pulling back. 
Shinobu looks down at you with half lidded eyes, and you can see how frustrated she is that you’ve stopped. 
“The point is to make me cum, asshole,” she bites and you smile. 
“We have all day, relax. Such a brat,” you shake your head and Shinobu screams quietly in frustration. She runs a hand through your hair before tugging lightly and you chuckle. 
“That’s not going to work on me. But something else might.” 
Shinobu wants to smack the shit eating grin off your face right now, but her legs feel like jelly and she was so so close just a second ago and she wants you to talk to her. 
So she swallows her pride, bites her lip, then shakily says, “Please make me cum professor.” 
“Such a good girl,” you hum, then dive back in. This time you take your left hand and push one of her thighs up to get better access, hand clenching around the soft fat of her thighs. She yelps at the movement but switches to a moan once you get back to work, and she can’t deny how good you are with your tongue. 
With your other hand massaging her tit and your tongue sucking just the right way, it takes Shinobu 5 seconds flat before her thigh shakes in your hand and she screams your name. You grip her thigh a little tighter to keep her from moving as she writhes around a little, and you can tell that she likes it by the way she moans your name louder, slipping in a, “Shit!” at the end. 
Making sure to watch her face, you draw her orgasm out as long as you can, working her clit at the same pace and continuing to flick her sensitive nipple. And even when she slowly starts to relax from her high, you continue to diligently work. 
She gives a lazy hum when she’s done, tugging your hair a bit, but you give her tit a harsh squeeze to stop her. 
Shinobu’s face blossoms a deep red when you move from her clit to her cunt, lapping up the wetness that came from her first orgasm. Your tongue trails down even further, and you keep licking her clean, savoring her taste as you lick her thighs too. 
“You can stop now,” she chastises, and you shrug. 
“Just being thorough.” 
“I can’t believe you slack off on everything but sex,” Shinobu rolls her eyes before continuing. “Alright, what’s your first question?” 
You grin, “How far am I allowed to go?” 
She deadpans, “I can’t believe you wasted a question.” 
“Alright fine. I’ll make you cum four times then.” 
Shinobu can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, but she pales nonetheless. She knows for a fact that her body can’t handle cumming four times, but the look in your eyes says that you’re willing to rip it out of her no matter what. 
You thrum your finger on her thigh, patiently waiting for her to answer your question. When she realizes that this is 100% your question, she sighs and shrugs her shoulders. 
“Our safe word is bunsen,” she says, and your brain ignites with possibilities. 
Shinobu yelps in surprise, quickly turning to anger as she’s hoisted over your shoulder with minimal difficulty.  
“Put me down!” She cries and you laugh. “Good girls don’t give orders. They take them,” you sing to her and she lets out a small scream of frustration. 
“I swear to god I’ll- ah!” Shinobu moans in an instant when your finger finds a way into her pussy, already sopping wet again. You keep her there, body over your shoulder and her ass near your face. Your finger runs up and down her walls and she’s docile in a second, her mind running with pleasure. 
She’s aggressive again when you throw her onto her bed, but is smart enough to keep her mouth shut. She’s rubbing her thighs together, missing the digit that was just inside her, and you smile with glee. 
“Was one not enough?” You tease. Shinobu adverts her eyes, biting her lip as a war wages on inside her. Then, she mumbles under her breath, and you lean forward. 
“Sorry princess, I didn’t hear you.” 
“Please… Please fuck me… professor- fuck!” 
You plunge two fingers inside her small cunt this time, giving her no time to breathe as you curl your fingers vigorously. Shinobu’s grabbing onto your shoulders, her back arched as she chants your name like a mantra. Over and over again, all you hear is your name in her moans, and only your name. 
Shinobu is all yours, begging here for your fingers and your mouth. Your own little slut to praise and worship. Her body is a temple and it is your own to grovel at. 
And she can tell, too. 
Just the way your eyes search her own to make sure she’s completely at bliss. The way you use your other hand to gently wipe the bit of drool that slips from the corner of her mouth. The way you obey her commands of “Deeper, faster!” and still call her a, “Good girl,” just for taking it all. 
Purple is Shinobu’s favorite color, and you make sure to paint her neck with it. You suck and bite her collarbone, watching the bruises erupt before suckling at another spot again. And when she moans particularly loud, you make sure to spend extra time sucking before soothing the bruise with your tongue. 
You watch her face again, the way her eyes roll back and mouth hangs open, her walls spasming against your fingers the second your thumb swirled her clit. The high pitched screams of “Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” coming out of her mouth as Shinobu Kochou cums for the second time today. 
Your fingers, though cramping slightly, continue to curl as she slowly comes down from her high. You make sure to grab every ounce of pleasure from her so that she won’t ever forget what it feels like to be fucked right again. Maybe it’s your mission to ruin sex with other people for her forever, who knows. 
Shinobu tugs your hair again and you nod your head. Then she watches with wide eyes as you drag your fingers out of her pussy, the two digits gleaming with her slick, then pop your fingers into your mouth. She breathes heavily, watching your tongue swirl and giving her a good view of what you had done to her the first round, her body turned on again. 
Maybe she can hit a fourth orgasm. 
“What’s your second question,” she grumbles, turning her head to calm herself down. 
“Did you know it was me? That night in the club?” 
Shinobu tenses but she doesn’t say anything. She folds her arms across her bare chest, and you have to restrain your hands from grabbing her tits again as they push up at the movement. 
“...Yes, I knew it was you,” Shinobu mumbles. You open your mouth again but she cuts you off with a glare, “I answered the question.” 
“Fine, but I won’t be nice about this one,” you glare back. Shinobu’s own infamous glare would make any other person shrivel up and die, but you’ve held your own this far so you don’t back down. Besides, you meant your words as a promise. 
Shinobu almost puts up a fight against you when you take her hips and flip her over. Her protests are muffled when you push her face down into the silk pillows, then position her hips into the air. 
“What are you-” Shinobu pales when you reach for her nightstand and open the bottom drawer. She doesn’t know how you know about it, maybe she gave you a small tour of the drawer last time, but the drawer is proof in and of itself that Shinobu is not the perfect princess everyone claims she is. 
It’s proof that she’s a dirty little whore. 
“Remember,” you pick up the first toy, clicking it on and watching it vibrate to life. “The safe word is ‘bunsen’.” 
WHEW ok so this isn't the last chapter like i said it would be. i got carried away and wrote too much so i had to split this into two. i also did NOT edit this so sorry if it's kinda all over the place.
however, next chapter IS the last chapter. half filth then half closing remarks lol.
it's also MAINLY pleasuring shinobu because this is still technically a gender neutral reader fic, so i did my best and had to regroup and make sure i stayed true to that. yes i DID make you the top but only bc shinobu tops in literally every day to day situation, just not here hehe
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writingsbymo-mo · 2 years
The Birthday Package
Tighnari x Reader
Contains: fluff, smut, knotting, pampering, mating bite
You prepare for Tighnari's birthday and have some pampering for him when he gets back from the Akademia.
Tried making reader gender neutral as possible. Hope you all enjoy! Yes...I'm a few days late...sorry about that >_<
If all goes well, I'll be back before sundown. Be careful should you go anywhere. And if you should, I've already packed a bag of necessities for you. Just let the forest watchers know.
'Aww, Tighnari!' You thought with a smile, setting the note on the table. There are a few hours left before he'd return giving you plenty of time to make some padisarah pudding and a small batch of candied ajilenakh nuts, using his recipes of course. Afterwards, you planned to use his favorite mushrooms as the main course making sure not to season them.
You gathered the ingredients and got to work, measuring and mixing then baking and cooking it all up. You made the candied ajilenakh nuts last as the pudding needed time to set.
"Alright, that's all done, now to slice some mushrooms." You sighed and wiped your brow, going back to work. It didn't take long, only a couple minutes at most. You grabbed the two leaves you picked out earlier, arranging the mushrooms with a nilotpala lotus in the center, setting the dish at the table.
"I'm home! *sniff* Mmmm, something smells good."
You whip your head around and smile, "welcome home Nari! I assume it went well?" The boards creak beneath your feet as you bring him into your shared forest home, kissing him on the cheek. Rose dusted his cheeks as his ears and tail stood up, surprised. "I made some mushroom hodgepodge, padisarah pudding, and candied ajilenakh nuts for you. And don't worry, I used your recipes this time."
He smiled and nodded, "thank you. You can still add seasoning to yours if you haven't already. And yes, it went well...so long as there are fewer adventurers who are brought here delirious from sweetwater mushrooms...they shouldn't eat something they aren't familiar with."
You both pulled out a chair and sat at the table, Tighnari admiring all you had prepared for his special day. He picked up a fork, savoring the mushrooms you chose. "Mmm, you found some excellent quality starshrooms," he sighed, stuffing more in his mouth. "I used the notebook you gave me as a reference to make sure I'd find the best ones. You deserve it." His face softened at that, having no words.
After finishing, you cleaned up and put away the leftovers for later then traipsed towards Tighnari. He stood up, stretching his limbs. His tail twitched at every small pop as his ears perked in your direction. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pecking his cheek. "Happy birthday Tighnari!" You beamed, resting your head on his shoulder, "I've got more things planned for you," you leaned a little closer to his ear, lowering your voice to a whisper, "if you want to indulge in them."
Tighnari's breath hitched as his ears twitched. His mouth formed into a smirk. "Oh do you now? Show me then. We have all night, my beautiful lotus."
Heat rushed to your face as you stammered, feeling the way his eyes bore into you, hungry, "y-yes...umm, this way then," you pointed in the direction to the bedroom, "but I do have something else first. I promise you'll like it."
He chuckled, kissing your brow, "I look forward to it."
You entered the room, Tighnari following in tow. It was small but it was just what you both needed. You grabbed a chair, motioning for Tighnari to sit in it. Nodding, he sat down, curling his tail to partially lie in his lap though couldn't quite hold his excitement. The tip flicked constantly. "I'll also need you to remove your accessories and top too."
You walked over to the cabinet, digging around for his tail brush and conditioning oil. The shuffling caused his ears to turn in your direction curiously as he removed the items you asked.
'Ah! Found them!' You grabbed them, and brought them to him. "Since you've been out all day, I thought you'd like your tail brushed and conditioned. I can even get those hard to reach areas."
"You're always so thoughtful my lotus," he smiled lovingly.
You sat on the bed, placing his tail on your lap as you opened the conditioning oil, applying it. "Let me know if it hurts so I can add more oil.
He nodded, sighing at the first stroke of the brush, melting into the chair. "So...nice...thank you." You smiled, smoothing his soft fur, removing the tangles. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Even though you couldn't see his face, you knew he was thoroughly relaxed. Quiet sighs and groans left his lips until the last bit of fur was brushed.
You put the brush and oil down as Tighnari stretched. "Thank you, I was needing to brush out those tangles. They were bothering me the whole lecture." His ears pressed against his head as he yawned. You brought your hands to his shoulders still covered in oil and began to knead his muscles. "Oh yeah, that's the spot!" He groaned, leaning his head forward to give you better access. His tail flicked and brushed your legs.
You shifted towards his neck, drifting lower. You leaned closer to him, "how is it Nari?" You paused, pressing your lips on the back of his neck, "do you want more of this? Or," you slid your hands to his stomach and chest, tracing circles on his skin, "do you want to be fucked?"
Small bumps raised upon his skin as he took in a sharp breath, "please lotus...you know what I want..."
"Then turn around for me love."
Tighnari shifts, facing you. His eyes half lidded, pouting with a faint shade of pink in his cheeks. You cup his face, rubbing gentle circles along his cheekbone then pulled him flat against you, slamming your mouth onto his. He gasped into the kiss, gripping the sheets with one hand, propping himself with the other as he moved his soft lips in rhythm with yours.
Teeth nipped at your bottom lip. It was your turn to gasp into his mouth. His wet tongue slid into your mouth as you pulled him closer, tangling your own with his. You felt something hard being ground against your pelvis, moaning into him. A smirk tugged at the corner of your lips as you flipped him over, breaking the kiss and pressing onto his dick.
Tighnari moaned and whimpered at the sudden shift, ears flat against his head. He panted, grinding into you and grabbing your hips, digging his sharp nails into you.
You inhaled sharply, gasping his name. The heat filled your core, starting to build. You knew he wouldn't last much longer.
"Nari, d-do you want me to ha really fuck you?" You groaned.
"Yes, yes! Please! I need you my lotus!" He pleaded, gasping at each roll of his hips.
"Then let go s-so I can give it t-to you!"
He slowed to a stop, releasing his hands from your hips. You crawled off him, ripping your clothes off then grabbing the waistband to his pants, pulling them down. He hissed then sighed in relief as his dick slapped his stomach, hard and red just oozing with precum all the way down to his knot already forming at the base. His tail pounded against the bed excitedly, waiting for you.
You grabbed a bottle of lube next to the jar of oil, smothering some in your hand and onto Tighnari's dick. You brought your hand down, spreading your hole open, stretching and slicking it up. His eyes followed your hands as one drifted towards him. You grabbed his dick, lining yourself up and sank onto him. "Oh fuck Nari!" You groaned as he stretched you out.
His eyes squeezed shut, gripping the sheets with a hiss, ears back. "So...good..."
You sat there, adjusting to his girth. No matter how many times you two have fucked, you never get used to how much he fills you up. You lean forward, pressing your lips to his once more and give an experimental thrust of your hips, continuing into slow, shallow movements.
Tighnari's breath hitched in delight as he began to meet your own thrusts. He peppered kisses from your lips, to your jawline, all the way down to your neck, sucking and nibbling it. You cried his name, increasing your pace as you squeeze around him, your skin remembering the sensation of his every touch.
His groans grew louder as he grabbed your hips, pounding himself deep into you as if something snapped within him. Long strings of moans left your lips as you threw your head back, attempting to meet his powerful thrusts as the heat inside you grew each time. You reached for his shoulders for balance, resting your head on the left side, giving him better access to your neck.
"Nari, I'm close!"
His animalistic thrusts grew more vigorous, changing positions with you now on your back at his mercy. His teeth bared, panting and growling, grinding his knot at your entrance. You yelped at the stretch, hearing a wet pop as it went in over and over and over until you were glued to him. His thrusts grew sloppy, instincts telling him to reach as far into you as possible. He didn't have much longer.
A few more harsh thrusts and warmth spilled into you, painting your insides white. You yelped as a sharp pain stabbed through your neck when you suddenly clamped around him as you came.
"Happy birthday Nari!" You rasped, still recovering from your high.
Tighnari lapped at the wound he gave you. "It was all I could ask for. Thank you, my lotus," he kissed your forehead, "I love you with all my heart." He smiled at you like the sun, pulling you against him into a long cuddle, wrapping his tail around your legs.
"I love you too!" You smiled, snuggling into him.
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afyrian · 5 months
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ch. 7 - january 25 masterlist
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    rintarō taps his finger against his steering wheel, smiling to himself, "thanks again guys, honestly it was a great birthday."
  he turns off the car, holding his key in the palm of his hand. rin looks up at the apartment building and notices a light on in the front window. he shakes his head as the two brothers argue over who made his birthday the best. "well the food made the evening, right, suna?"
  "you know what would make my evening, us getting off the phone so i could go see y/n as she texted me earlier about a surprise," rin opens his car door, turning the phone off of speaker and bringing it up to his ear.
  "oh right, how's the whole married to your crush-since-childhood thing?" atsumu taunts him, his voice sarcastic and filled with a sense of humor.
  rintarō rolls his eyes, grabbing his wallet and locking the driver side door. truthfully, it's difficult. knowing that this marriage is only lasting because of some technicality, that it's not the emotion. he takes in a deep breath, "i've tried to tell her, i have. it's just hard. i mean, like what if it ruins the friendship."
  both of the twins stop their laughing and joking, hearing the truth in his voice. "the problem is is that if you don't, it may just make it more awkward. plus it's pretty easy to tell she's hardcore in love with you. when you guys came to check out the restaurant, she like couldn't keep her eyes off of you," osamu pipes in, his voice overpowering the embarrassment rin is already feeling.
  "you're right- you're right, it's just too daunting," he starts, walking up the stairs to the second floor, your door just a few steps away, "well, i'll talk to you guys later, i'm heading into the apartment."
  he turns off the phone, shoving it into his pocket before unlocking the front door. rintarō enters the front room and notices a mini cake sitting on the table. it has frosting covering it haphazardly, 'happy birthday honey' written in sloppy cursive. he smiles to himself, giving a short laugh as he looks around the room for you. 
  however, all he can see is your head peeking over the edge of the couch. it's tilted onto a cushion as the rest of your body sits limp in a deep sleep. he looks at you for a moment, noticing every freckle and spot that makes you unique. he smiles once more, juggling whether he should help you to bed or simply covering you up.
  rin purses his lips, turning to put away the cake first before deciding anything. he washes a few dishes, making sure that whatever flour and sugar dropped from the mixing bowl was wiped up. despite him cleaning everything up on his birthday evening, he can't help but feel happy. happy knowing you put in the effort to make his birthday amazing. 
  he puts the cake in a container, turning back to where you are, sprawled across a couch. your hair sits wildly and one of your socks are practically falling off of your foot. honestly, it's hard to say when you've looked more attractive than in this moment. the simplicity of it all, it's something rin has fallen in love with.
  instinctively, he brings one arm under the crook of your knees and the other behind your back, letting your arm rest over your shoulder. you mumble something under your breath along the lines of 'happy birthday rin'. 
  your quiet voice makes him scream internally until he sets you on your bed, pulling the sheets up over you. you take in a deep breath, stretching a little. he bites his lip, about to tip toe out of your room before you say something quietly. it's barely audible, but due to the quiet of the house, it echoes wildly through your ears.
  "birthday sleepover?" 
  he remembers the times the two of you would spend your whole birthdays together. from early in the morning til the following day. it hasn't happened since the two of you were in middle school, but hearing it sends a blush to his face. rintarō shakes his head a little, "you're just tired, we can eat the cake for breakfast."
  "please," your hand reaches out for him, wrapping your fingers around his. 
  rin can feel himself slipping from his common sense. the feeling of your fingers gripping onto his makes your heart beat quickly. "alright.. yeah, birthday sleepover," he walks over to the door, "just give me one moment."
  knowing that the smell of the bar likely is all over him, he quickly changes into a set of comfortable pajamas (making sure to not sleep shirtless). rintarō walks back into your room and lays on the opposite side of the bed. he lays over the sheets, turning his back to you so that he doesn't end up wrapping his arms around you in the middle of the night.
  he waits until he can hear you snoring lightly, you scooting a little closer to him until he quietly whispers, "i love you."
  rintarō knows that he doesn't have the courage to tell you when you're awake. watch every micro expression you show, waiting for a return or a rejection. he takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes, letting the darkness of night overtake him. sure it's not the most insane birthday he's ever had, but laying next to you, feeling you breathing. it's like nothing he could've asked for. 
  and throughout the night, somehow, the two of you find yourselves tangled together. your leg is crossed over his, his arm laying under your head. and whoever wakes up first won't say anything about it. they'll simply sit there for a moment and look down at the other with a smile ridden on their face. and maybe it isn't the most conventional, but it's the two of you, and you don't have to be conventional.
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a/n: idk i kind of love this chapter
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kongchipachi95 · 15 days
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Seungkwan x reader
Pov: you haven’t been dating long, but your hard working bf calls you on his way home from work to Netflix/ramyeon & chill.
Tw: male oral (receiving), penetration, heavy kissing
You had been scrolling through Netflix for almost 30 minutes trying to find something to watch but nothing seemed to grab your attention. You were about to settle for a movie you hadn’t seen in a while when the screen on your phone lit up, Seungkwan’s smiling face with his round rimmed glasses displayed.
“Hey babe,” you answered.
“Hey beautiful! I just got off my schedule early, are you busy?” he asked, sounding a little tired.
“No, I was just trying to figure out what to watch on Netflix,” you exasperated.
“Oh, are you hungry? I can bring some ramyeon if you’d like and we can watch a movie,” he suggested with a hint of flirtation in his voice.
“Yeah, I could go for some ramyeon. You know what I like,” you flirted back.
“I’ll be quick then,” he told you right before hanging up the phone.
You tidied up the room a bit, putting things away that were just lying around and freshened up in the bathroom. You spritzed some perfume on and put your hair in a stylish bun. Instead of the ratty oversized shirt you always wore around your apartment when you were alone you opted for a loose white crop top t shirt and bike shorts. You didn’t want to look too put together but more effortlessly casual. If he was tired you wanted him to know your apartment was a place for him to relax after a hard day’s work with no pressure to socialize. You had been dating for a few months and this was the first time he’d called you as he was leaving the studio. Usually he would text you when he got home and let you know he was going to chill before going to bed.
After about 45 minutes you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to see Seungkwan waiting for you holding two decaf americanos and a convenience store bag. He was wearing his favorite cotton shorts and a perfectly fitted shirt that was neither too big or too snug. If comfort was a person, it would be Seungkwan. He smiled his signature million dollar smile and gave you a long kiss before entering the apartment. He set the bag down on the coffee table and started taking the items out. He had gotten a big container of rabokki since he knew you were always up for tteokbokki and ramyeon since you had agreed to it. He really was the most considerate boyfriend you’d ever had. You noticed he was always thinking about you and your preferences keeping in mind food items you *might* want later. He helped you pick a movie you would both enjoy and started eating.
As you were slurping your ramen some of the juice splashed onto your shirt.
“Oh no!” you groaned, about to start wiping it off. Out of instinct, Seungkwan immediately reached over with a napkin, wiping away at your chest when his hand slowed down after he realized where exactly he was wiping. You saw him slightly biting his lip, his eyes on your breasts. Your heavy breathing didn’t help as he watched your breasts rise and fall with every exhale. He started wiping again, this time not so much on your shirt as he was rubbing what was under the shirt.
“I think it’d be easier if you take it off,” he said, his voice getting a little deeper. He was looking at you the way someone stranded in the middle of the desert would look at a bottle of water just out of reach. He subconsciously licked his lips, making you feel a warmth growing in your center.
You slowly slid your shirt over your head, making sure to pause as you slipped it over your ears, sticking your chest out slightly. You figured his eyes would be on your breasts popping out of your sports bra. Playing with them when you were alone together and kissing was becoming one of his favorite pastimes. Your hair fell in layers over your shoulders, falling onto your face covering your eyes. He gently pushed them out of the way so he could see your face and kissed your lips gently yet carnally. Like he wanted more but he was doing everything in his power to control himself. Your hands found themselves on his shoulders, feeling the muscles rippling under his shirt as his hands explored your body. They wandered onto his neck and the sides of his face pulling him towards you, your tongue dancing circles around his. Since he was sitting next to you, you sat him back onto the sofa and straddled his lap. You could feel his bulge growing and straining against his shorts. You moved your hips the way you knew he liked, the rolling grind that could bring him to climax without even taking his clothes off. He let out a small moan against your mouth as you kissed.
You reached for his lean waist, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side. You sat back slightly to admire his body, something he was adamant about keeping active to stay healthy and it was paying off. You could see his chest rising and falling with the heavy breaths of his excitement.
He reached up and dragged his thumb across your cheek, a soft yet carnal look in his eye. Like he was going through the emotional turmoil of wanting to care for you one minute and wanting to rip your clothes off the next. Thankfully he decided on the latter. He dove his face into your neck, licking and kissing in such a way that was making your toes curl. You couldn’t help but throw your head back and open your legs to receive him. You could feel his bulge pressing against your pelvis making the throbbing all the more intense.
You let out a moan, begging him to make love to you on the sofa. He slowly slid off of you, sitting back and sliding his pants down to his ankles. He reached for your hand and pulled at your wrist so you were straddling him. He tapped his hard, pink cock against your stomach. You could see a drop of pre-cum sitting on top, begging to be licked. You leaned back so you could drink it up, never breaking eye contact with him. As you slid your tongue across his smooth shaft he closed his eyes and sucked air in through his teeth. You could see his hands gripping the seat cushion, so you reached for one of his hands and placed it on the back of your head. He looked down at you.
“Are you going to be my good girl today?” he whispered through heavy eyes. You nodded your head and moaned on his throbbing shaft, forcing him to close his eyes, throw his head back and tighten the grip he had on your hair. You sucked a temp, feeling his muscles tense and you pleasured him on your knees. When you felt like he was getting close to cumming he tore your mouth away from his body, watching you out of breath.
“You want me to cum all inside of your mouth?” he asked aggressively. While he was normally the sweetest boyfriend you could ask for, there were times when his aggressive side came out that drove you absolutely insane.The innocence that normally hung from his face was gone. He had transformed from the baby faced boyfriend to a sexy bad boy wanting to make a mess out of you.
You responded by moaning a reply which sent vibrations through his body and his grip on your hair tightened. You started off slowly, making sure he felt every single move you made. Then you started picking up the tempo and felt his thigh muscles tighten with pleasure. He was a vocal lover, responding to your moves so you knew you were doing a good job. Once he felt like he was getting close to climaxing he pulled your face away from his groin. You held eye contact with him, your hair in strands across his face, spit dribbling from your mouth and out of breath. It was the sexiest thing he could have ever seen, and he wanted you that much more.
“Lie down,” he commanded you. You complied, lying on the sofa as he stood up and stood out of his shorts and boxers. He hovered over you while he reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom from his wallet.
“Ah, so you planned this huh?” you asked him with a devilish grin.
“Not necessarily, but I was losing control when I was around you so I thought I better be prepared just in case.”
In truth, it was the first time you have ever made love to each other. You had resorted to heavy petting and making out on the sofa while you watched tv but the tension between you was building into something that neither one of you could no longer contain yourselves. Every makeout session was getting more heated than the last one. And this time was no different in the rest in the sense that you were going to go all the way tonight.
He had an adorable face as he slid the condom onto his hard, throbbing cock. You could see it twitching as he dragged the latex across his shaft, making the throbbing wet mess in your core even more unbearable. He hovered over you, the tip of his dick poking your center. You could smell the faint scent of his shower gel, his face so close to yours you could feel his breath on your face.
“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he said as he looked into your eyes. It made your heart and lotus swell even more.
“I think I’m falling in love with you, too,” you replied. He leaned down to kiss you a slow, passionate kiss as he slid into you. You could feel his shaft expanding you and you moaned into his mouth. His arms rested on either side of your neck as he kissed you gently, asking if you were okay. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you during a time that should be special for the both of you. He slowly grinded his pelvis against yours, making sure you weren’t in any pain before finding his rhythm and speeding up. You threw your head back in pleasure and he took it as an invitation to plant kisses on your neck before digging his face into your cleavage. His face wandered over to your hard nipples and his tongue circled around them causing you to squeeze his waist between your legs. He felt your insides clutch around his shaft and he moaned in pleasure. The combination of his thrusts and your squeezing was bringing you both closer to ecstasy at the same time.
“You’re going to make me cum,” you announced in short gasps.
“It feels that good, huh?” he looked at you with heavy eyelids.
“Yes, please don’t stop, Seungkwan,” you groaned.
He picked up his pace, finding a good rhythm and let his hips apply enough pressure that he was hitting the right spot. You felt his shoulders tense up and his eyes rolled back as he came.
“You feel so good, I’m cumming,” he moaned. You tightened your grip around his waist as the both of you rose with the wave and let pleasure take over your bodies. As the wave was crashing down he kissed you with an uninhibited passion that he had never had before. You lay on your back out of breath as he slowly lowered himself onto your chest, letting his head fall into the crook of your neck.
“That was so amazing, you’re so amazing,” he whispered in your ear. You heard the slightest sniffle and turned your head to look at him. He was looking at your so lovingly, a tear falling from his eye.
“Seungkwannie, why are you crying?” you asked him worried.
“You make me so happy, I didn’t think I would find someone like you,” he chuckled. You held him tighter, kissing his cheeks and wiping his tears away.
“You make me happy, too, Kwannie,” you smiled at him. He kissed you on your lips, a deep long kiss and kissed your eyelids as you both starting feeling the heavy hand of sleep come over you. You nestled into each other like perfect puzzle pieces on the sofa. He reached behind himself and pulled the pillow off of the back of the sofa and draped it over both of your bodies just as you drifted off to sleep on his shoulder. Skin against skin, you didn’t know a safer place in the world that you would rather be than in Seungkwan’s arms.
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partyanimal167 · 9 months
A Chef's Treat- Sanji x F!Reader
Not gonna lie, I've been a little nervous to write Sanji's character, but I want some practice, and I love the idea of someone cooking for that man. (As a chef, that's all I ever want) Here's a little fic to test the waters with that sweet boy.
CW: none, fluff, fem reader, black fem reader in mind, not proofread bc I'm emotionally exhausted
It was your job to feed people, and you took it very seriously. There wasn't a reason for anyone to be hungry when you're around.
You saw a lot of people come and go on your island. The bright, hot weather meant that people to could vacation year-round, and there was plenty of yummy food always in season. It was your own personal paradise, and while you did like to see other islands, your home was in that busy seaside town.
And the sea meant all kinds of people, so who knew what your customers would be like to day. You had just finished up your small break when you heard a good amount of commotion at the entrance.
"Food time!"
The servers peeked from the back and whispered amongst themselves nervously.
"What's going on?"
The group turned towards you before looking back on the dining floor. "It's the Straw Hat crew!"
"...okay, and? We see pirates every day here." you grumbled as you fixed your apron around your waist.
"They're dangerous!"
"They destroy towns!"
"Look at the bounties!"
You rolled your eyes. "As long as they have Berry, then I don't see a problem." You walked out to the main dining area, waving at your regulars as you saw the crew settle in.
A red-head pulled on the cheek of Straw Hat. You were a bit surprised yourself. You heard the tales and read the paper, but up close and personal, the crew seemed like a hungry bunch of friends who were goofing off.
You placed a basket of bread down which was immediately grabbed by the captain. "Welcome, I'm the chef here. Thanks for coming by. What can I get you to drink?" A mess of orders was shouted by the captain--mainly being meat--but you did here the drinks ordered: sake, wine, milk, tea, orange juice, water. You nodded and went to back where you glared at your servers who gave into your stubbornness and prepared the drinks.
When you returned, the woman reached into her bralette and handed you a stack of berries. "This is just to start. I have no idea how much this idiot is going to eat." You were shocked by the amount but giggled to yourself. The money was secured, so there was nothing to fret over.
The crew was there for a few hours--eating and drinking--when a blonde man entered and joined them carrying four large bags filled with groceries from fruit to cured sausages. He placed the items down carefully before squeezing himself on the edge and lighting a cigarette.
"Got everything you need?" the long-nosed one asked.
The man sighed deeply but looked satisfied all the same. "Yes thankfully. I'm surprised Luffy hasn't eaten everything from this place yet. I could use a bite to eat myself."
"Well, I'm glad to be of service." you beamed at the man as you placed a plate of vegetable pasta in front of him. "Here's somethin' light for you." the man looked up at you, and it was like his eyes became hearts.
"Mademoiselle, the heavens must be blessing me if I get to me you on this simple day." he cooed at you.
You chuckled before waving your hand. "Just call me, y/n. And eat up!"
"I'm Sanji," he then paused, "I'm never one to refuse food, but how could I take the fruits of your labor?"
You giggled before shaking your head. "Don't refuse the chef! I want you to enjoy my food. You must know how I feel."
And Sanji did, so he took a forkful and placed it gently in his mouth. The flavors bombarded his tongue, and he felt his cheeks warm from the obvious care and attention that was made. He practically melted in his seat and looked up at you with soft eyes. "Delicious," he purred.
"Great!" you clapped your hands together. "There's more where that came from!" you turned to go back to the kitchen.
"Wait," Sanji stood and called, "I must learn how that's made! Let me follow you to the kitchen."
You pushed him back into his seat by the shoulders. "This is the time for you to rest. Us fellow cooks rarely get treated by others, so enjoy this Sanji. Please~" you winked.
The man seemed to enter his own loving, floaty headspace. He swayed in his chair as you came back and forth with dishes to try. The Strawhats spent the entire day in your establishment, and while the navigator didn't seem too pleased to hand her money over, everyone had a good time.
Sanji went on and on about how much he enjoyed your food that it did have you blushing and giggling a bit. It was always nice to feed people, but it was great to hear compliments from people who cooked as well. The Strawhats promised to come back the next day, but as they were leaving, you grabbed the cook and pulled towards your kitchen--ready to see what you could cook up together.
Sanji!!! I promise to write you more next year! You deserve it.
I want more chef fics! I feel like it's such an overlooked profession in fandoms, but I wanna come home from a long day in the kitchen and read about the kitchen with my favs lol
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scoops-aboy86 · 6 months
Obsessed with the idea of working at scoops ahoy causing Steve’s weight gain. Maybe Eddie comes into the store at some point
Oh hell yeah, it’s such a goldmine of opportunities. 
Does Steve start snacking on purpose or does it creep up on him over time, during the slow hours when the only so-called customers are Erica Sinclair and her sampling horde? Is it the cold, thick ice cream that calls to him? Nibbles of toppings? The crunch of an empty cone that broke in the bag and it’s just going to go to waste otherwise? I think we all know he’d eat the bananas, they’re fruit and therefore healthy and therefore he can have as many as he wants. 
Or… (Brace yourself for 4067 words, 1k for every day this sat in my inbox. 😅)
Eddie has resorted to entering the mall for its air conditioning, and stays for the music selection in the Sam Goody. He’s about to leave when he passes Scoops Ahoy, and—is that King Steve? Oh, he has to go in. 
The store is otherwise quiet, and Steve’s coworker that Eddie vaguely recognizes from school is hanging out the window behind the counter, accepting a free employee’s cone that Steve has just scooped for her. “I can’t believe you eat so much of this stuff,” Steve is saying, and Eddie is surprised to hear a lot more genuine confusion than derision in his tone. 
“It’s ice cream, Steven,” the girl retorts, rolling her eyes. “Pretty sure it’s universally beloved by anyone who can stomach dairy or has ever experienced a heat wave.”
“It’s pure sugar,” Steve protests. “You’re going to get hyper and crash in an hour or two, and then you’ll be cranky while we’re closing up again.”
“That’s the plan, dingus,” she says with bright sarcasm, and takes an exaggerated lick of her cone before rocking backwards and snapping the window shut. 
And well. What is Eddie to do with King Steve’s apparent disdain for ice cream but dare him to eat some? He’ll let Steve pick his own favorite flavor, he’s not an animal, but— “Well well, I see how it is, Harrington. You’ll sell it but you won’t eat it? I’m pretty sure that’s negative advertising. Should I maybe… tell the manager?”
Steve whips around, and puts his hands on his hips that reminds Eddie terrifyingly of his gym teacher… who, now that he thinks about it, also coaches the basketball team, he’s pretty sure. Hilarious. 
“The manager isn’t even here today,” Steve snaps. 
“Oh, I could come back,” Eddie says with a smirk, and leans against the glass case to look him dead in the eye. “Whatcha got against the ice cream here, huh? Is it not very good?”
The jock pinches the bridge of his nose, another look he swears he’s seen in response to his forced attempts at sportsball over the past five years. “Jesus Christ,” Steve mutters, and pulls his ice cream scoop from his side holster with a little spin to get it in the ready position—what the hell, people can actually do shit like that in real life? “Please tell me you’ll go away if I give you a free cone.”
“I’ll go away if you eat a free cone,” Eddie shoots back. 
“Fine. Whatever.” Steve slides one of the back panels on the display case open and digs a scoop out of the tub of chocolate ice cream, grabbing a cone to plop it into. 
“Two scoops,” Eddie prods, amazed that it’s turning out this easy and amazed again when Steve just rolls his eyes and does it. “And I’ll hang around for a bit to make sure you don’t cheat.”
“Munson, I swear to god—”
Eddie flutters his eyelashes and slaps a hand to his own cheek. “Oh heavens,” he exclaims in a bad falsetto, “King Steve remembers my name, I might faint!”
Watching Steve bite and try to swallow as much of his reluctant treat as possible to get it done and Eddie gone faster is a spectacle only made better by the brain freeze visibly hitting Steve a second later. 
The next day Eddie goes back and half annoys, half challenges Steve into eating another ice cream treat. Robin, the coworker, thinks it’s hysterical and even helps him badger Steve into doing it. She gives Eddie a high five and, the following day when he comes back and does it again, introduces him to the You Rule You Suck board. She marks another two ticks in the latter column, one for each scoop. 
It’s six days of this in a row before Steve seems to realize how committed Eddie is to the bit. As soon as Eddie comes into the ice cream parlor on the seventh day, Steve just starts automatically preparing himself a two scoop cone of chocolate ice cream while scowling at him. 
So, on that seventh day, Eddie gives it a rest and actually orders something for once: a scoop of orange berry sherbet in a cup. Robin gets it for him and he accepts it with a bow, letting his change slide into the tip jar for the entertainment. “Thanks,” he says with a grin. “Don’t like ice cream much myself, but sherbet always hits the spot.”
Steve crunches loudly on the last of his cone and pushes his way into the back room to sulk his way through his fifteen minute break. 
And Eddie keeps coming back, because he’s grown to appreciate Steve and Robin’s idle banter in between customers—though his official reason is to mooch off the mall’s AC. Steve treats him more like a pest than a freak, which is. Refreshing? It’s something, anyway, Eddie thinks. Can’t quite decide if it’s amusing or annoying, so he sticks around to find out. And to check out the royal ass in those little shorts, thank you corporate America. 
Within a few weeks, Eddie has gotten used to planning his campaigns in a cool and only slightly sticky environment on a daily basis and also witnessed Steve interacting with his brood of young teens. (The hands on hips comes out again. Pinching the bridge of his nose with a heavy sigh keeps making repeat appearances. Threats with no actual weight behind them are made. Eddie isn’t quite sure how he feels about Steve reacting to him the same way he does a bratty gaggle of incoming freshmen, but it is also so funny to watch and then needle him about with Robin.) And Steve has started eating ice cream of his own accord. 
“Whatever,” Steve grumbles when rudely confronted by this fact, which happens every other day or so; Eddie and Robin take turns. He adds a third scoop to his cone without even seeming to think about it. “Everybody loves ice cream.”
Gradually, Eddie’s interest in Steve has shifted. He still gives the guy a hard time, all grins and theatrics and toeing the line, but the King—former King, really, since high school, for Steve, is over and Eddie and Robin have both personally witnessed some of his spectacular flops in the flirting department that really drive that fact home—is actually not that bad. A lot of the popular jock swagger is gone, replaced by tolerant exasperation and a sarcastic, delightfully bitchy streak that Eddie just loves to poke at. 
But more than just that, there’s… more of Steve. The ice cream floodgates have opened, and Eddie has definitely noticed the way Steve’s little sailor shorts showcase his imminently grabbable ass better by the day. Every part of Steve is looking a little softer, Eddie can tell through his shirt that he’s getting a little belly, and there is nothing the metalhead wants more than to touch. 
It’s becoming a problem, actually. He watches Steve lick at an ice cream cone every day and, increasingly, the image is burning itself into his brain. Eddie didn’t ask for this, doesn’t necessarily think getting so attached is a good development, for his reputation or his sanity, but that doesn’t stop him from picturing it at night. 
So sue him, Steve is pretty and Eddie is a young gay man with a healthy sex drive and a strong right hand. And it gets a workout aaaaaall summer.
By the end of August, they’re actually kind of friends. Steve is locking up Scoops after a long, grueling solo shift because Robin had called out with a summer cold. Eddie helps, because yeah he’s not an employee but he’s been hanging around long enough to know how to do it all, and Steve… Steve gets a bit winded these days, if he has to do it all by himself. 
It had taken him a while to size up from his first uniform, belly and more than a few stretch marks peeking a little out the bottom before finally giving in and putting in the request. By the time the replacement finally arrived the blue sailor shirt kept riding up by a good fraction of an inch, and Eddie’s cue to realize he was staring again had come every time Steve tried to pull it back down, or hike up his straining shorts in an unsuccessful attempt to split the difference… So, basically, any time Steve wasn’t behind the counter, because it happened constantly. And then he’d be staring again by the time it happened again a few minutes later. Probably would have been less stressful to just keep looking. 
Even with the resized uniform, and the next, Steve kept eating ice cream without any sign of regrets or second thoughts. He was up to three or four cones a shift now, one right after clocking in and the rest timed to just before predictable busy hours so he could ride the sugar high through the turbulent waters of food court customer service. Three scoop minimum, with a constantly revolving selection of toppings and more often than not in one of the big cones that came pre-dipped in chocolate and rainbow sprinkles. 
But always chocolate ice cream, though, same as Eddie always getting his scoop of sherbet in a cup. 
“No accounting for taste,” Eddie sighs as Steve hands him his usual as a thank you for helping and starts scooping himself an all chocolate ice cream banana split. 
“Excuse you, Munson, chocolate is a classic,” Steve retorts, barely glancing up. “It’s chocolate. Everybody’s heard of it. Who’s heard of orange berry sherbet?”
“You literally sell it for a living.”
“Mostly only to you.” Ice cream acquired, Steve turns to the side counter and starts adding whipped cream and various toppings. “I mean, regular orange sherbet was my grandad’s favorite. You, Eddie Munson, have grandpa taste.”
Eddie slaps one hand over his heart, while the other (the one with more rings) clacks dramatically against the display glass. “Excuse you, what about me says grandpa to you? Is it the long, dark hair? My dexterous and nimble musician’s fingers? The very youthful twinkle in my eye?!”
“I literally just told you it’s your taste in ice cream,” Steve replies, with maraschino cherries rounding out his already round cheek and a bitchy roll of his eyes. 
Despite being annoyed, the sight swamps Eddie with a now familiar feeling of wanting to grab Steve by the face and, just. Aggressively make out with him. Taste that sticky red fruit on his tongue. Feel how soft he is, all that extra padding around his middle, how increasingly heavy that belly rests on his thighs throughout the journey from empty to full. 
All of which is crazy, because it’s Steve Harrington, Hawkin High’s golden boy athlete. And yet. 
Since the tables have all been wiped down already, Steve waves for Eddie to follow him into the employees only area. He’s been back there before but tonight he’s surprised to see several tubs of ice cream crowding the break table. “Oh. I thought you tossed the empty tubs out earlier…”
“They’re not empty,” Steve says simply, settling into the nearest chair with a huff like it’s a relief to sit down. Which Eddie can believe, from the way he’s a little bit flushed. And then, then, Steve hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and tugs them down to let his belly out over the top of them, digs a hand in to dig the bottom of it out. Breathing room. And it’s necessary, is the thing, because there are indented red lines on his skin from where the seams have been pressing. Eddie is staring, and he knows that Steve knows—is pretty sure, suddenly, that Steve wants him to. When his eyes flick up to the other boy’s soft face and the smug little smile there, Steve winks and gives his belly a pat. “I'm empty, though. These should be melted enough for you to pour for me by now. You want to, don’t you?”
“Uh,” Eddie says. Simultaneously, his throat has gone desert-dry and his mouth fills with spit. He has never wanted to bite someone more than he does right now. “Yeah?”
The grin widens cockily, and Steve slouches in his chair a bit, spreading his legs and letting his belly drop between them to put himself even more on display. “I knew it,” he crows, digging a spoon into his banana split to load up the opening salvo. “I knew you were watching me. It’s the shorts, right? They make my ass look great.”
And wow, the sheer amount of ice cream and banana he crams in his mouth belies his own words, hazel eyes flashing as if challenging Eddie not to look at his lips with their sheen of lip gloss and melted ice cream, the way he licks the spoon to make sure he’s gotten every last trace of chocolate and whipped cream. Telegraphing, I know it’s not just the shorts.
Eddie swallows hard and tries not to grind his teeth because, yeah. Urge to bite. “I’m, uh, not going to tell you. Wouldn’t want to inflate your big head any more… Not when your eyes are already that much bigger than your stomach.” He waves vaguely at the tubs on the table. “These are three gallon tubs, man. Even mostly empty, there must be at least a gallon of melted ice cream here, on top of everything you’ve put away today.” 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Steve scoffs. The second spoonful is already passing his plush lips before Eddie can reply, eyes glued to the way they pucker around the metal as he draws it out slowly, once again clean. There’s a single dribble of chocolate running down his chin, though, reaching and dripping from the suggestion of a second one onto the front of his sailor shirt… the shirt that will have to be sized up again soon, a testament to just how big Steve’s stomach really is.
“Wait,” he sputters, brain catching up to Steve’s words, “wouldn’t be… What?”
So Steve explains that, after Eddie had first goaded him into eating ice cream at work, it had truly hit him for the first time how much ice cream Scoops Ahoy’s company policy had them throwing out at the end of each day. He’d started with just finishing off the scraps of chocolate left at the bottom of a mostly empty tub on one of the maybe once a month occasions he got stuck closing up alone. The next time there hadn’t been any almost-done chocolate slated for the dumpster out back, so instead he’d stirred chocolate sauce into the softening Cookies N Cream until it better suited his taste buds. 
And he’d liked it. The ice cream itself, of course, but also the tight, intense feeling in his stomach that came with being overly full. 
So, since he didn’t close up solo very often, he’d started sneaking a tub or two out to his car when he could get away with it. The contents would always melt before he got home, and since he didn’t have unlimited chocolate sauce on hand there…
“...I’ve ended up expanding my horizons.” Steve winks. “Among other things. There’s something really freeing about getting all sticky on your own kitchen floor, you know?”
Eddie is still standing, holding his cup of sherbet and mouth dropped open while he processes this. Of course he’d known that Steve had to be aware, on some level, of what he was doing to himself… but this is so closely aligned with his own secret fantasies that he can’t help but suspect it’s some sort of trick. An elaborate trap designed to definitively out him as a freak. He narrows his eyes, then stalks forward to further investigate the tubs, trying to ignore the hard-on forming in his jeans. There’s Vanilla Chip, USS Butterscotch, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Cinnabon Swirl, and something he thinks might be Cherries Jubilee with most of the cherry parts already scooped out. 
“You don’t like any of these flavors,” he accuses, crossing his arms and leveling a stare at Steve, trying really hard to convey more skepticism than lust. “You hate anything but chocolate, even if it’s something else and chocolate. I actively judge you for it on a daily basis.”
Steve shrugs. “Drinking it is different from eating it.”
Which, okay, makes some sense, Eddie supposes, but that makes no sense. Neither does the concept of Steve Harrington chugging ice cream straight from the tub on the floor of his fancy rich boy kitchen, smeared in chocolate like a pig rolled in mud, maybe with his uniform stripped off the second he got home because it was getting too tight, or because he wanted to watch himself expand with each greedy gulp—
Eddie takes a deep breath and gets ahold of himself before he resorts to jamming his hand down his pants and… getting ahold of himself. He just has one more question, and if that checks out then he’s going for it. “How much weight have you gained since you took this job, Steve?”
Steve gives him an exact answer, down to one decimal point and Eddie is already stalking forward, putting his forgotten, melting cup of sherbet down and grabbing the nearest tub.
It pours nice and smooth over Steve’s lips, down his throat, and into a bottomless pit apparently from the way he never signals to pause or slow down. He just keeps gulping it down, moaning when the chocolate from the Vanilla Chip avalanche down from where it was all piled at the bottom into his mouth. When it’s cookie dough pieces that takes him a little longer to get through, and he returns to bites of his banana split between mouthfuls. Streaks of pale cream line his neck, beading in the chest hair just barely peeking out the top of his shirt like he’s begun sweating cream, and while chugging he increasingly often has a free hand rubbing tight circles over his stomach. 
He breaks away from the rim of the last tub with a gasp. The last thick dribbles of USS Butterscotch splatters on his cheek from Eddie’s attempt to shake whatever’s left out. “So full,” he slurs, looking up at Eddie from beneath heavy eyelids. 
And then he pushes past it, ignores whatever signals his stuffed gut is trying to send him, all his attention rerouted into sluggishly cramming the last of the banana split in his mouth. 
Eddie drops the empty tub to the floor and lurches forward to lick sloppily at the other boy's cheek, at his chin, at his neck. A ringed hand brushes over the swollen belly between them, only for Steve to grab on and guide him to press harder, explore his waist and love handles. Then they’re kissing, both of their faces sticky with sugar and dairy, and Steve tastes like the inside of a honey pot, he’s so sweet. 
It’s not just the way he tastes. Steve’s pupils are blown, reactions slow as he kisses back lazily but with a happy hum. Eddie wonders if he would even be able to get up right now, with so much inside him. 
“Can’t believe you,” Eddie marvels, nipping at slick lips. “Can’t believe you like this—” he gets his fingers up Steve’s shirt and drags it up to knead at the padded suggestion of ribs, at softened, hairy pecs that are just as sensitive as Eddie had dreamed, from the whine he gets from just a testing squeeze “—so fucking much, but you do, don’t you sweetheart?” 
He drops his touch down to the straining arch of Steve’s belly and feels the underside of it, lifting a little, testing; even being careful, he jars a string of breathy hiccups loose. “Edd—hic—ieee,” Steve whines, trying to squirm, trying to press into his touch, but can barely manage anything before he has to stop and catch his breath. “‘M so…”
“Is that why you’re such a brat all the time, Steve, because you’re hungry?” Eddie coos. He leans in to kiss him again, then drops to his knees. “All I have to do to make you docile is fill you up. Takes a while, but.” He slaps the plump roll spilling over the side of Steve’s shorts, surprising a burp followed by a groan out of him this time. “Well worth the wait, big boy.”
At which Steve giggles, and mumbles something that sounds like an echo of ‘wait,’ but Eddie’s not sure of the spelling. 
“If you’ll pardon the pun,” he adds dryly, and grins when that gets him another giggle. “Well spotted, Stevie.”
And then, because Eddie figures that he has been admirably patient up to this point, wriggles his way into the blue sailor shorts straining before him for his treat. With Steve’s ragged moans of yes and fuck and Eds ringing in his ears right up until Steve’s thick thighs clamp around his head in the ecstasy of orgasm, and it’s worth it. 
The wet stain seeping through the front of Eddie’s jeans proves it. 
He helps a very dazed, very sated Steve clean up after—though, honestly, Eddie does almost all the work. (Steve slurps down his little cup of melted sherbet no problem though, smiling serenely as Eddie gives his still exposed belly an approving slap.)
“You okay to drive home, man?”
Steve hums, then yawns—giving himself a third chin for a second there. “‘M not sure if I’m good to stand up,” he admits. “‘Sfine, I can sleep here…”
Eddie rolls his eyes and grabs both the other boy’s hands. “Oh no you don’t. If you stay, some security guard is going to find you here looking like a stowaway on the Good Ship Lollipop, and we can’t have that. I’ll give you a ride, come on—up on three. One, two… two and a half…”
Fifteen minutes later he hustles a slow-moving Steve into the back of his van, where the guy can at least lay down and stretch out while his body attempts to digest. And Eddie wonders—is this what he’s become? Spending his entire summer at the mall palling around with the former King of Hawkins High, filling said dude full as a tick exactly once and getting them both off in the process, and then driving him home like a nice boy at the end of a respectable date? 
No one has called Eddie a nice boy since approximately kindergarten, and respectable probably never. But he glances over his shoulder to see his stuffed and sleepy sailor boy cuddled up under the blanket he keeps back there in case of emergencies, knows that beneath it Steve is still spilling out of his shorts because once undone they’d been impossible to zip and button up again, and feels… something at the look of utter contentment on his face. Something that’s been growing in him for a while, if he’s being honest with himself, intertwined with every sardonic comment and light ribbing at Steve’s expense. And Steve always gives as good as he gets—except tonight, when he’d just let Eddie take and take, letting go completely. They could be good together, Eddie thinks; especially since what they each want seems to mesh so well.
Steve has already been wearing the results of this particular brand of hedonism for months now, so maybe he won’t even regret it come morning. 
Maybe if Eddie leaves his number after getting Steve home (probably only as far as the couch, for simplicity’s sake), Steve will call. 
They can hang out somewhere outside of Scoops Ahoy, maybe even call it a date. Maybe Steve will let Eddie feed him sweet nothings under the stars and smile that sweet little smile at him again when he gets full, all happiness and trust. It’s a heady prospect, one that knocks Eddie’s dumb heart for a loop just considering it. 
He ends up parking in the woods just a short walk from Steve’s house and crawling in the back of the van with him. One quick change into an emergency pair of clean boxers (he keeps a lot of stuff back there in case of emergencies, okay?) and he makes himself comfortable as the big spoon to Steve’s invitingly cuddly form. 
And wonders, as he dozes off, what they’ll do for breakfast. 
Permanent tag list: @hotluncheddie
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anon1nn1t · 1 year
its ur birthday and george has a whole day planned 4 u... pronouns she/her, can it be rly fluffy and can it be smut
Omg anon I had the best time writing this, as you can tell. 😅 Yeah, I got very carried away … in all seriousness though, thanks for all the requests, guys !!
Feel free to send a request
George wasn’t good at expressing his emotions to you verbally, or to anyone for that matter, and you were fully aware of this. You never tried to force him to say "I love you back" or to shower you with compliments. But this didn’t mean he didn’t show his love for you in other ways, for example, through acts of service.
Today was your birthday, and George was beyond excited. It was the perfect opportunity for him to express his love for you through things other than words. He had started thinking of different ideas weeks before your actual birthday, so when your birthday actually came, he was more than prepared.
You woke up to a warm, calming smell. You yawned and rubbed your eyes; when you opened them, George was entering the room with a breakfast tray filled with different foods. "Look who’s finally awake. Good-morning birthday girl!" he said. He walked over to you and placed the tray on top of you, your mouth dramatically hanging open. "You did not," you said. " Oh, but I did," George said with a giggle. "George, this is so sweet, seriously, thank you. ", you said. "You’re welcome; now eat up!" he said.
He walked out, and you didn’t even know where to start. There were eggs, toast, sausage, pancakes, etc. And of course some orange juice on the side. You ate up all you could before deciding to throw on one of George’s t-shirts and some biker shorts. You opened the door to George, Sapnap, and Dream, all blowing party horns, your hands flying up to your ears. " Happy birthday Y/n! ," they all yelled simultaneously. "You guys are ridiculous," you laughed out. " Oh, but you haven’t even seen the rest!" Dream says before grabbing your hand to guide you downstairs. You go downstairs to a fully decorated house.
You couldn’t stop the tears that were forming in your eyes; your hands coming up to swat them away. "Why are you crying?" George asked sincerely. "I love you so much," you said with a laugh. He gave you a warm smile before saying, "I love you too." It was a rare moment between the two of you when he said, "I love you back," because you knew he didn’t really know how to say it to you.
A few hours later, you and George were cuddling on his bed when all of a sudden he got a text, and his face immediately lit up. "Watcha smiling at?" you asked curiously. "I want you to close your eyes and sit up," he said. You tilted your head a bit, eyebrows furrowed, but you did as told. "George?" you asked after a bit. "Open your eyes," he said. When you opened your eyes, you were in complete shock. " George, you are insane," you squealed out. He had bought you your dream dress. It was a puff-sleeve corset mini dress that you had been wanting since you laid your eyes on it, but you never actually planned on getting it. "Go try it on. We have somewhere to be," he said with a smirk.
When you two finally got in the car, you started to feel uneasy. "Georgeee, just tell me where we’re going," you said anxiously. "Just relax. It's nothing big," he assured. You nodded while biting your lip, trying to think of every possible place he could be taking you, when his right hand came to gently rest on your thigh. "Relax," he repeated. You calmed down, knowing you could trust him. However, it didn’t take you long to realize he was taking you to your favorite restaurant.
* About two and a half hours later *
You stumbled inside the house as soon as George unlocked the door and started to make your way to your bed. You were exhausted; you were surprised that he would’ve planned so much just for you. But once you reached the stairs, you stood completely still, jaw dropped, trying to fathom what you were seeing. There were two candles on every step, one on the left and one on the right. Additionally, each step had flower petals in the middle, creating a path.
George stood behind you, giggling at the way you were in complete and utter shock. You slowly walked up the steps, taking in the view, not realizing they were leading you straight to your room. You walked in to an even bigger surprise. The petals led straight to your bed, which was completely covered with gifts. Chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals—there was everything. You started crying for the second time tonight; you felt so loved. You turned around to run into your boyfriend’s arms, and without a thought, he wrapped his arms around you too. Usually he would be a little taken aback, not knowing what to do with his hands, but today he knew exactly what to do.
"Thank you. I love you so much. This is too much, really," you said with a sniffle. "It was no problem. After all, it’s your birthday," he said. "Speaking of which, we can’t have you crying on your birthday, now can we?" he asked while wiping away your tears. You shook your head no before furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. You looked up at him, your head slightly tilted, trying to think this through. "Wait, how did you set this up?" you asked. "I got Sapnap and Dream to do it while we were gone. They left a bit ago. It was still my idea though, and I wanted it to be a surprise," he explained. You leaned up to give him a kiss, which quickly turned heated.
His hands were all over you, heading down towards your thighs. He tapped them twice, a sign for you to jump up, so you did. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, while he grabbed your ass for support. You never broke the kiss. He walked you over to the bed and sat you down so he could take all the gifts off. When he was done, he signaled for you to lay down, which you gladly did. He climbed on top of you, his mouth latching onto your neck and starting to leave wet, sloppy kisses. "Can I make you feel good, love? You gonna let me make you feel good?" he asked into your neck. You nodded rapidly, wanting him to do something. "Use your words, baby," he said. "Yes, George, please," you whined out. And at that, he started to take off the dress.
Once the dress was completely off, he had to stop for a second to just admire your body. You were so perfect, just for him. He smiled to himself before spreading your legs and giving your clit a gentle kiss. You whimpered at the feeling, his hands coming up to rub your sides. "Are you sure this is okay with you?" he asked for the final time. "I’m sure George; just please do something. I need you," you reassured. He moved his head between your thighs, licking your folds. You whined out in pleasure; his tongue now kitten-licking your clit. You cried out; his tongue was working wonders; you could already feel the knot forming in your stomach.
He pushed a finger into you, pumping in and out of your hole while he continued to lick your clit. You bucked your hips into his hand, and if it were any other day, George would’ve said, "Don’t do that" or "Be good," but for today, he let it slide. He added another finger, earning a particularly loud moan from you. He sped up his tongue, added a third finger, and curled them unexpectedly. It was all way too much, and you came on his tongue without warning.
He quickly cleaned you off with his tongue, rubbing your thighs gently before standing up. He let you catch your breath for a second before helping you stand up as well. You started to get down on your knees, but he swiftly took hold of your hand and lifted you back up. "What about you?" you asked, confused. "Don’t worry about me; today was about you," he said with a smile. You gave him a weak smile back, heading towards the closet. You threw on some jammies and did your nightly routine, with George by your side the entire time.
Once you were done, you headed towards the bed, lying down on your side. George climbed up next to you on his side, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. "I hope you had a good birthday. I love you," he yawned out. "I had the best birthday ever, George. Thank you again for everything. I love you too," you said. He nodded while snuggling his head into the crook of your neck, a yawn now leaving you instead. "Goodnight," he said. "Goodnight," you said back.
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munsonshair · 2 years
guitar necklace ~ eddie munson x reader
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summary: you & your boyfriend, eddie munson, have been dating for quite a while. he’s the main guitarist/ vocalist for his band, Corroded Coffin. when it’s their biggest concert yet, he surprises you with the best gift ever.
warnings: cussing, smoking, cum eating (M?&F), kinda smut?, slow burnish, drinking, kissing in public, NOT proof-read
a/n: it’s been TOO LONG since i’ve had any time to write a oneshot. i’ve mostly been drowning in work but i have time now lolll. i was inspired to write this oneshot because how cute would it be to be a rockstars girlfriend?? added some-ish smut for the first time, let me know how i did<333
“God you’re so good Y/N.” Eddie manages to say as he desperately pants.
He’s gripping his fingers into your ass, making you slam hard on his cock. The coldness of his rings hits your bare ass, making you tense up.
You’re wearing nothing but a short black skirt. Your bare chest exposed to your boyfriend. As well as a lacy black thong that Eddie seemed to have moved of out the way.
You’re on top on him while he’s sitting down on the edge of his bed. His pants are on the floor as well as his jean jacket. He struggles to keep his moans in but it feels so good. You collapse down on his lap. With every thrust, his nails dig deeper into your ass.
Definitely gonna leave a mark.
Just the two of you guys alone in Eddies trailer.
Could this day get any better?
With his boxers still on, you couldn’t take all this teasing anymore.
“Eddie, can we.. you know.” You shyly ask your boyfriend as if it was the first time you guys had ever fucked. Asking was always your top priority no matter what.
“Use your words, sweetheart.” He bites his lips and give you a smirk. He runs his hands on the outside of your torso, outlining the curves of your body.
“Would you please just fuck me already?” You desperately say. Eddie is taken by surprise by your response and his eyes immediately got darker. You could see the lust in them.
He needed to feel you. And now.
Eddie flips you on your back and starts kissing your neck. He leaves lovebites as he goes down towards your chest, sucking your right tit while grabbing the other with his left hand. He bites your nipple ever so slightly and you wince at the small pain that’s soon to be washed over by pleasure.
With your body exposed to him, he makes his way towards your lower stomach and admiring your looks.
He looks up at you, “God you’re so fucking beautiful Y/N. I could stare at you like this all day.”
Your face instantly gets red. No matter how many times he’s seen your naked self, you can’t help but get shy when he talks to you in that tone.
He slides a finger under your thong in an attempt to take them off. But just as he’s about to, there’s a knock on the door.
“Open up Munson!” Yells his Uncle Wayne from outside the trailer.
God fucking damn it.
He’s home from work earlier than expected you though to yourself.
Eddie looks up at you and let’s out a loud sigh.
“Fuck!” Eddie yells out. He lays his head on your hip and kisses your thighs. “We shall continue this later, princess.”
“That we shall.” You reply back to him, smiling.
Eddies helps you get dressed by handing you your clothes. Once your down changing, he looks down at you and says, “You’re so fucking pretty, Y/N.”
He puts your head up by putting his fingers on your chin and kisses your forehead.
“I think your uncle is waiting outside, baby. Go open the door before he starts getting suspicious.” He say to him as your flutter your eyes.
Eddie smiles back at you and points to the door, guiding himself out of his room.
“About time!” Yells Mr. Munson upon entering the trailer. He looks at Eddie, noticing his hairs a mess and sees you step out of Eddie’s room brushing the ends of your hair with your fingers. “I’m just going to pretend nothing happened here.” He whispered to Eddie. He then smirks at him and gives him a fist bump.
Eddie bumps his fist and turns to face you. He mouths the words “You’re so beautiful.” As he does this, he exaggerates the words. You playfully mouth back “Stop” and you couldn’t help but get shy.
Thats when the phone rang.
Eddie picks it up and come to find out it was just Gareth.
“Hey man,” Gareth began to say on the other line. “You still coming tonight? We kinda need you Munson.”
Today was Tuesday meaning that tonight Corroded Coffin would perform at the Hideout. It was their biggest night yet. Everyone was going to be there, even those who didn’t know who Corroded Coffin was. Just a cool night to hang out.
“Yeah man I’ll be there. If my lady lets me, that is.” Eddie responds to Gareth as he looks up at you. You playfully hit him on the shoulder, telling him you’ll “allow” him to.
“What gives!” Yells Jeff in the background. He and Gareth seemed to be preparing themselves for tonight without Eddie since they’re not much of a stage performer like Eddie is.
“Fortunately for you dweebs, my lady had given me the okay.” Eddie smile up at you and blows you kisses. You mirror his actions and you begin to get your things ready since you’ll need to get dressed soon.
It was currently late in the afternoon and Eddie was going to play around midnight.
“I’ll see you guys later at my place. 10 pm sharp and if you’re late, you don’t perform. Got it?” Eddie tells the others and hangs up.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Eddie ask you since he sees you with all your things.
“Baby it’s getting late and I have to get ready for your biggest show ever. I have to shower, change and-” You’re interrupted by more input of your boyfriend.
“What’s wrong with doing that here, sweetheart?” He looks at you with big eyes. How could you ever be mean to him. He’s so adorable.
“There’s nothing wrong with that however, I don’t have my necessary equipment here.”
“Necessary equipment?” He questions you.
You were planning on shaving your legs, pampering yourself and doing your makeup and unfortunately, Eddie’s place did not have your materials.
“Yes, my materials are at my house babe. I’ll tell you what. We both can shower at my place and we’ll get ready there. And before you say anything, we’ll be back before 10 ‘sharp’.” You say adding quotations on the word sharp as to mimic him.
“This is why I love you.” Eddie smiles at you and quickly gets up and pushes you towards the couch. His body’s on top of yours and you immediately feel the heat rushing to your cheeks and to your lower stomach.
You whisper to him to remind him that you guys aren’t alone.
Eddie let’s out a huge sigh and goes into him room.
He comes back with a go-bag that’s stuffed with clothes. He seems to have packed a couple of shirts, pants, deodorant, and a pair of pants. And finally, his iconic leather jacket and sleeveless denim jacket.
The both of you go inside his van and you take off to your house.
The drive there was no more than ten minutes. To let time pass quicker, Eddie was blasting his mixtapes to get him in the mood to perform. He would rock his head up and down. His lovely curls moving in sync. He would tap the steering wheel to the beat of For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica.
The van is filled with Eddie’s voice singing the lyrics. He then asks you to open the glove compartment and to roll one for him.
“And where’s my please?” You give him a small smirk.
“Sweetheart, may you please roll one for me?” His chocolate brown eyes look at you and you couldn’t help but instantly give in.
You take out the rolling paper and around half a gram of the bud. You begin by taking the bud in between your fingers and breaking it apart allowing for the pieces to land on the paper. You then make the crutch to allow the shape to form and begin rolling. You make sure the sticky side is facing upwards and try to even the level of the pieces by allowing them in the center. To finish off, you pinch the paper in your fingers and begin shaping. Afterwards, you tuck, lick, and seal and you make sure to light it for him while it’s in his mouth.
“God, could you get anymore perfect?” Eddie says to you in admiration.
The things you could do to him right then and there.
He rolls down the windows and you guys soon approach your driveway.
You live in a middle-class neighborhood with your both parents. Your father is an electrician while your mother is a telemarketer. Your parents relationship was lovable. They loved each other dearly. In fact, they were what you want yourself and Eddie to be like in the future. Your role models.
Your parents loved Eddie dearly since he was your first boyfriend. Even though your father would tease Eddie about his long hair and how it was around the same length as yours, he would never insult him. Your mother loved him regardless of anything.
As you’re about to get out of the van, Eddie gets out of the van first and rushes over to your side to open the door.
“What a gentleman I seem to have.” You say to him as you give him a slight curtesy.
“Anything for you, darling.” He says as he kisses your forehead.
He opens the front door and allows you in first. You announce both of your arrivals only to come to find out that it seems they have both gone out.
“Home alone, I guess.” Eddie tells you and you agree.
You go up to your bedroom and get your clothes ready while Eddie lays down on your bed and wraps himself in your blanket.
“I could be here all day. I don’t have to go to the concert, you know.” He tells you with a smirk.
“Sure you wouldn’t, Eds.” You reply and get back to finding an outfit to wear. You’re not sure what exactly to wear but you know you want to look hot.
You search for what seems ages and finally find an outfit that seems good.
You pick out a denim jacket with a couple of rock patches and paired it with a tight corset-like leather black crop top and black jeans with a chain attached on the belt line. To finish off the outfit, you decided to choose black boots and for jewelry, you went with black and silver bracelets.
God, you looked hot.
You put the outfit on the bed next to Eddie and he says, “Woah babe. Who you trying to impress, hm?”
“Everyone there Eds duh.” You playfully roll your eyes.
That’s when he gets up from the bed and tackles you. You’re both on the floor and he whispers in your ear, “Well in that case, I’ve got to make sure everyone knows whose slut you are.”
You feel the immediate wash of red all over your face and feel that tingle on your lower stomach. Eddie moves your hair out of the way and makes his mouth towards your neck. He plants new lovebites on your neck, making sure they’re visible to everyone. He sucks on your skin and it feels amazing. There’s nothing for you to do but take all of it in.
Eddie gets off the ground and helps you get up. You look at the fresh lovebites that Eddie plants on your neck and you turn towards him returning the favor.
“Looks like I’ve got to do the same thing then.” You smirk at him and then kisses his raw pink lips. He passionately kisses you back, moving his hand down your back and onto the top of your ass.
You make your way out of his mouth and move his curls out of the way from him neck. You suck on his beautiful soft skin and caress his face with your left hand.
He moves his hands even lower and grips your ass with both of his hands. He begins to grunt and pant as you’re kissing his neck and he’s gripping onto you. You begin feel his bulge starting to get harder by the second so you move you hand towards the outline and move your end ever so slightly.
You begin to tease him and he can’t take it anymore. After not finishing earlier in the day, he wants it more than ever before.
He pushes you on the bed and tells you how badly he needs you.
“How badly, Eds? Show me.”
Eddie soon takes off his belt ever so quickly and unbuckles his pants. He then takes off his shirt as to give you a better view. He’s standing over you and you couldn’t help but admire his beautiful body. The slight outline of his abs looking over you.
He gropes his cock and gives you a look that is now burned into your brain. His once chocolate eyes soon turned dark as he’s staring down at you. He takes out his cock and you immediately get the message. You begin to stroke it with your hand and his precum starts to leak out of his tip.
You use both of your hands to jerk your boyfriend off, pleasing him. It’s like you could never get used to his length no matter the times you’ve been with him. You part your lips open and lick the precum off of his tip and quickly take it in.
As you continue, Eddie puts his hand around your head, guiding your head to go further but at your own pace. You try to take all of his cock but it’s too big for you so you continue to use your hand to fill in the space you couldn’t take.
You swirl your tongue around his tip and Eddie’s grunting harder than ever.
He’s so close but he can’t finish without you first.
“I need you already, sweetheart. Lay down for me.” He tells you and you quickly respond to his instructions.
He takes your skirt off as well as your black panties.
“God you’re fucking beautiful, Y/N.” He looks you up and down and you’re flushed with a feeling of shyness. But before you can process that, he makes his way to your core and begins his work.
He takes his tongue and pushes himself into you. You curls his tongue and your walls clench around him. You take your hands and move them into Eddie’s curls, twisting pieces of hair strands which gives Eddie a clue to go faster.
He flicks his tongue faster across each one of your folds and makes his way to your sensitive bud. He grazes his tongue above it, making your hip move upwards to just some sort of friction. He takes your hips and pushes them to the bed, making it even harder for you to feel pleasure.
“Be my good girl, yeah?” His desperate voice is enough to help you find that sweet blissful feeling.
You moan in response and he continues to lick your folds. He then takes his thumb and puts the pad on your bud which makes you even more sensitive. The coldness of his finger makes the feeling even more pleasurable.
He takes his middle finger and makes you put your mouth on them. You suck his finger and he then moves his hand towards your entrance. He begins teasing you by slowly moving his finger up and down.
“Please… Eds.” You manage to say under your breath. “Need you…”
With that, Eddie pushed his finger inside you and begins to move back and forth, making you whimper at the feeling of the emptiness without him. He then takes both his middle and ring finger and pushes them inside you. He instantly begins to curl them whilst in you and you begin to clench around them.
You can already feel your orgasm building up in your core. The thought of your finishing on your boyfriends fingers is almost enough to bring that forth.
While you’re busy trying not to finish, Eddie brushes his tongue across your sensitive bud, making the feeling even more uncontrollable to keep in.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Finish just for me.” Eddie harshly tells you. It seems like the sight of you finishing in front of him can make Eddie finish instantly.
With those words, you let go of that feeling you’ve been holding in and your orgasm begins to float away. Your eyes flutter as it goes on and your vision becomes more disoriented. Your heart is racing and you’re sweating harder than ever.
As your high comes down, Eddie seems to have taken this sight to his advantage by jerking his own cock off to you. He’s sitting above you now and you thought the least you could do was return the favor so you get up and lay him on the bed.
You climb on top of him and take control. You take him cock with your hands and begin to stroke it in an up and down motion while your mouth focuses on the precum leaking out. His eyes are closed in order to not finishes quickly. He’s taking this to his advantage.
“Look at me, Eds.”
Eddie manages to open his eyes and looks at you. It’s taking almost everything in him to not finish at your gorgeous sight.
“Fuck… Y/N.” He moans in response to your moves. “Can I…?”
“Use your words, baby.”
“Fuck… Can I please cum for you?”
You nod in response and watch as his high begins. He thrusts his hips in the air, making him even more vulnerable. The white thick liquid begins to leak from his pink tip. His eyes are closed and he rides his high out. He’s grunting harder then ever at this point.
You allow him to finish over himself and some gets on your hand as you were holding him from the base. You took this to your advantage by making sure his eyes were open for him to see what your next move was.
You take your hand that’s covered with the thick substance and lick it all up. You playfully take your finger inside your own mouth, sucking it and staring hard into Eddie’s beautiful eyes.
“Fuck Y/N, your actions are enough to make me cum again.” Eddie smiles at you and grabs your face, passionately kissing you. And fuck is he desperate.
His tongue is deep inside your mouth, the taste of his cum still lingering in your mouth. It’s like he loves how he tastes. And fuck was that hot.
You break the kiss, insisting you both have to get ready.
“Five more minutes, sweetheart?” Eddie begs you with his pleading eyes.
You look at him and kiss his forehead and say, “Let’s go get ready, Eds. I’ll give you what you need later.” Giving him a wink at the end of your sentence.
He smiles back at you and kisses your forehead as well. He helps you get yourself ready for the shower and asks if he can join you. You of course say yes because, why not?
The shower felt amazing. The hot water pouring on both of your warm skin. The relaxation of your muscles begins to settle and it feels more than great. Eddie helps you wash your hair and you return the favor, getting each one of his curls in lathered up with shampoo. You can’t help yourself but admire his beauty.
The steam forming in the bathroom is being seen now by both of you which tells you that times almost up for the shower. You tell Eddie you’re going to pamper yourself and he immediately gets the clue and steps out of the shower. He takes a bath towel that was hanging in your bathroom and wraps it around his waist.
You begin your self made spa and continue in the steamy bathroom. The warmness of the water against your now smooth skin could be enough to put you to sleep. After being in the shower for a couple more minutes, you step out and as it turns out, Eddie had stolen the towel you use for your hair.
“Of course he did.” You mutter to yourself, smiling.
You come out of the bathroom with your hair still wet, making a trail of water drops to your room.
“Well don’t you look darling?” Eddie makes his smart remarks about your looks.
“Haha. Very funny Munson.” You begin mocking him. He seems to have his black ripped jeans on and he’s shirtless. God could your boyfriend get anymore gorgeous?
You settle for one of Eddie’s shirts as your temporary outfit as well as a pair of maroon panties with a lace trim.
You change into your new outfit and Eddie can’t get his eyes off of you. How his shirt looks on his beautiful girlfriend. How his shirt is getting drenched because of your wet hair, allowing him to see the outline of your breasts. Your nipples showing though because of the cold hair hitting against them.
“You done drooling, Eds?”
Eddie quickly goes back to wag at he was doing, adjusting his pants along the way. You couldn’t help but notice it and chuckle to yourself for a bit.
You say down at your vanity and begin your makeup. You knew you wanted to go for a more subtle yet noticeable eye makeup so you decide to use a light gray eyeshadow color on your upper eyelid and darker gray on your lower lid. You finish off with black liner below your waterline and you smoke that out a bit. To finish off your eyes, you curl your lashes and put on black mascara. For lips, you went with a simple dark red lipstick.
“How do I look?” You ask Eddie who seems to be memorized by your skills.
“Woah there, sweetheart. You look incredible. So fucking beautiful.” His mouth is basically dropped to the floor as he continues admiring you.
Your cheeks are immediately flushed with heat. You couldn’t help but smile instantly. The way he made your heart feel was indescribable.
You finishes off your makeup with just a little powder to cover some blemishes and you’re finished. You collect your outfit pieces and begin to change out of Eddie’s shirt. Before that, you need to find a bra that would look good with the shirt you’ve decided to wear.
You look inside your drawers and search for the perfect bra. At this point, you didn’t care if it had matched with the color of panties you had on. You end up finding a dark blue bra that wouldn’t show under the shirt you’ve picked out. You begin to put your arms through the straps and you ask Eddie to help you with strapping it from the back.
“God I’d thought you’d never ask.” He says and quickly gets off the bed and heads towards you. He ends up taking his time and you complain to him and ask him to hurry up.
“I’m not used to putting them on, you see. Taking them off is my area of expertise.”
This little-
“Oh wow, very funny Eds.” He begins to laugh at his own joke but you’ve gotta admit, it was pretty clever. What seemed to be ages, he clipped the bra and asks you to stay still a while. You ask him if anything’s wrong and his response wasn’t words, it was actions.
He holds both your breasts from behind and his only excuse was to make sure everything’s in tact. You allow him to ‘check’ and ask if he’s done.
“Actually no. Turn around, darling.” He asks you and you have no choice but to follow his instructions. That’s when he kisses the top on each breast and then says he’s finished. He gives you a thumbs off just so you know.
You smile it off and gently smack his torso for taking so long.
You both change into your outfits and you knew you were the best dressed couple ever. His outfit consists of a black graphic t-shirt, black ripped jeans and his iconic jean jacket paired with his lather jacket. His jewelry consists of a silver skull, cross with skulls, and a hog as well as a chain bracelet.
He turns to you once you’ve finished putting on your black boots and tells you, “Ive um… Ive got you something.”
“Eds you know I don’t like it when you spend your money on me.” You couldn’t help but feel guilty knowing you didn’t get him anything in return. I’m fact, it didn’t even cross your mind to get him something earlier especially since it was his biggest show ever.
“I know and just so you know… I kinda made it?” He says nervously. Why was he scared? He pulls out his wallet from his pocket and takes out a necklace. Attached to it, is his guitar pick. “I don’t know… it’s kinda stupid I know-”
“Oh my god Eds.” You interrupt him. Oh my god indeed. His guitar pick? You were sure he loved it more than anything else in the world. And for him to just give it to you? You couldn’t help yourself but get teary eyed.
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry. I really wasn’t trying to making you emotional.” You could hear the guilt in his voice. You couldn’t say anything. To say ‘thank you’ to him, you hug his torso tightly. He takes you in his arms now and he runs his hands up and down your back.
“Eddie I love it. Thank you so much, really.” You look up at him, your eye makeup getting ruined by your tears. You bring your head up to kiss him. “I love you, Eds.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
You hand him the necklace so he can help you put it on and all you could think about is how sweet your boyfriend is.
You both stand there hugging each other, enjoying both of your guys’ energy towards each other. You catch a glimpse of the clock and noticed it’s thirty minutes till ten so you eventually break the hug and thank him one more time and tell him that it’s time for you guys to get going.
You tell Eddie to leave his go-bag here so he can spend the night and get your black purse and head out your bedroom door, Eddie following behind you.
You write a quick note to your parents stating you’ll be at Eddie’s concert and you wouldn’t be home till around dawn.
You head out the door and Eddie rushes in front of you to open the van door for you. You give him a slight curtesy and he closes the door behind you. He goes to his side and starts the van and heads to his trailer.
You end up being in charge of music and choose one of his favorites for him to practice his guitar on, My Last Words by Megadeth. He imitates the riff of the guitar from the song while driving. I guess he’s getting his practice on right now.
The van is filled with Eddie’s voice as he continues to sing the bell out of that song. He was definitely born to be a performer.
It took about two times of hearing that song on blast on the way to his place but now it seems like you can memorize the best perfectly.
As you guys approach Eddie’s place, you see Garth, Jeff and another guy whose name you don’t remember standing outside his door.
“Looks like we might be in a little bit of trouble, babe.” You quietly say to Eddie who already seems to be ‘mouth arguing’ with Jeff.
“We’ll be alright, darling.” He says as he parks the van. He gets out quickly and rushes to your side and open your door. You thank him and you stay by your boyfriend’s side as you approach the rest of the band.
Gareth seems to be ticked off but technically it’s not passed ten so they shouldn’t be as mad.
“We’ve been waiting for ten minutes, Munson.” Jeff tells Eddie, scoffing.
“Yeah yeah whatever. Be glad it wasn’t more.” Eddie snarks back at him. Whatever Eddie does, he’s attractive no matter what.
All of you guys go inside Eddie’s trailer and you sit yourself down on the couch while the rest of the boys get their gear ready. Eddie tells them where to set up and how the shows going to go down Sure they’ve performed before but that was only for you, a couple of drunk guys, and some other girls. And boy were they boy crazy for Eddie.
Eddie may be ‘Hawkin’s Freak’ but he definitely had girls wrapped around his finger. As the loyal boyfriend he is, he has always kept his distance from them.
But tonight was their debut night in a way. Not like scouters for an upcoming band, but an opportunity for more fans. You couldn’t be anymore prouder for Eddie and his upcoming passion for music.
“We’re gonna practice a couple songs, K?” Eddie tells the rest of the guys and they all agree. “Up first is… our newest one? That sound good?”
They all agree collaboratively. To your surprise, you haven’t heard Eddie mention a new song which struct your interest. With Eddie being the vocalist and lead guitarist, meaning he was the songwriter, you were very much intrigued.
Eddie gets his electric guitar from his bedroom and plugs it in. He begins testing a few strands and give the guys a thumbs up.
“Sweetheart, as much as I’d love to have you here, this song is kinda personal.” Eddie tells you and you furrow your brow. “I kinda need you to wait in the van for a little.” What does he mean by personal?
“I can’t just stay here and cover my ears?” You reply back to him.
“No. I don’t want you to listen, can you go outside?” He says, sounding more stern.
“Come on, Eds. Please?” You look at him and try analyzing his facial expressions but he’s blank.
“Can you just go outside, Y/N? Fuck, I kindly asked you and you can’t understand a simple no?” He yells at you. His eyes are stern, cold almost.
Woah. That’s never happened before. What the fuck is wrong with him?
“Oh. Yeah that’s fine.” You quietly say to him, in a melancholic tone making sure to avoid eye contact. You couldn’t even look at him in the eyes. You make your way outside of his trailer, making sure to get your purse and you’re instantly hit with the cold air.
It’s the middle of fall in Indiana and he expects you to just wait outside? You go inside his van and the cold air hits your exposed collarbone. It’s just you, alone. That’s also never happened before. Eddie was always with you.
You can still hear the beat of the unfamiliar song, the drums banging, the guitar riffs, Eddie’s muffled voice. You couldn’t help but be annoyed. All you wanted to do was be there with him. Maybe it was a surprise? Maybe he didn’t want you to hear it because you might think it was bad? Maybe he didn’t want your criticism?
What the fuck? And why would he yell? He’s never done that, why now?
The songs over about three or four minutes later. It’s quiet now. You peak your head out the window to check if anyone’s coming and to your surprise, no one comes. Is he really making you stay out here?
You hear the now familiar song starting again and there’s your answer. He does want you to stay. What the fuck? You can’t even do anything but sit there and just wait.
About ten more minutes pass and at this point, you’ve decided to make the most of your independent time. So, you decided to open up the glove compartment and pull out ‘the lunch box’. Eddie usually keeps his supplies in there and you thought that this would only make things fair.
He yelled at you? For no fucking reason?
You take out the familiar paper and begin making your perfect joint as you once did for him. You finish off with the same old tuck, lick, and seal trick and light it.
You take the joint between your fingers and part your lips open and begin relaxing. You didn’t need Eddie and his stupid voice. The smoke making your thoughts almost clouded.
You take your first couple hits and your mind soon starts to relax. No more worrying about Eddie and why he yelled at you. There was no thoughts, to be quite honest. Just blissful peace.
For about an hour, you see yourself still outside waiting to be called back in. You were on your third joint at this point, going through the same process each time. Your mind was completely stress-free. You didn’t mind the cold breeze that would hit against your neck anymore. You felt like you were floating in mid air.
Your moment of piece is then broken when you hear Eddie’s voice talk to the guys as they were getting ready to leave. The smoke that filled the van was slowly escaping through the small cracks of the window. You look over to the sound of his voice and see him smiling with the band members.
So much for yelling at me. Douchebag doesn’t even care.
“Hey man, is your van okay?” Gareth asks Eddie as he notices the smoke coming out of the crack. All of them turn to you and you turn your head, facing the other way.
“What the fuck?” Eddie mutters to himself as he hurries to your side. You hear his footsteps increase so you quickly lock the doors. “Open up, Y/N.” He orders you, sternly.
Not this again.
You turn your face, now facing him and you look at him with disgust. You furrow your brows and squint your eyes. Of course you were upset, you waited nearly more than an hour outside and he expected you to just wait there and not do anything.
You roll your eyes at him and you agree to open the doors. You didn’t even want to speak to him anymore. Even if you had argued with him, it would’ve pissed you off even more. You step out of the van and the smoke instantly escapes. All the smoke that was building up was quickly releasing. Eddie offers to help you get out but you quickly move your arm out of the way, making it known that you didn’t want to be touched.
You glance over to the guys and see Gareth and the other members are in shock. Their eyes are open, mesmerized by the smoke disappearing into thin air.
You make your way to the passenger side and get in. You can’t even look or speak to Eddie. How dare he raise his voice at you and not even give you a simple explanation? How hard was it to just apologize? You sit yourself down on the seat and turn your body away from the other side.
Eddie can’t even say a word but just stare at you. He’s confused as to why you’re acting that way. He continues staring at you till one of the guys ask if he can open the doors for their equipment.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll do it right now.” Eddie replies softly. He leans inside the van and quietly asks you, “You okay, darling?”
You nod in response but continue looking out the window. Eddie rejectably accepts your answer and helps the guys with the instruments.
Once everything’s done, Eddie begins to drive off to the Hideout. The ride there is quiet. The van is filled with an intense, thick air. You continue to look out to window, not making any commentary to anyone.
As you all arrive at the Hideout, you make your way to the ‘bar area’. This area was just some guy whose dads a bartender giving everyone their preferred drinks.
“Give me some of the Pale Ale.” You ask the blonde bartender. He nods in response and passes you the bottle.
You open the bottle and start your journey. You glance over and Eddie and the guys setting up and getting a bit of practice in. You couldn’t help but scoff and continue chugging your drink.
About thirty minutes pass by and you’re on your fourth bottle. Many may even say you’re a lightweight since you can’t seem to hold your alcohol down as well as others. However you still manage to find your way to the front of the stage.
You push some people that are starting to settle in as you make your way. That’s when you noticed the huge crowd that’s on the floor.
Oh my god. You think to yourself. The floor quickly gets full by people from school and some people you don’t even know.
As the crowd rolls in, you’re right in front of the main microphone. You drink your beer when you hear the announcement made by your boyfriend, “Who’s ready for Corroded Fucking Coffin?!”
The crowd goes fucking wild and you couldn’t help but join them. You yell out in response in anticipation.
“I said, who’s ready for Corroded Fucking Coffin?!” Eddie yells out even louder than before. The crowd looses it. They all yell and scream in excitement and that’s when Eddie comes out.
Eddie sees the crowd and is taken by surprise. The entire floor is covered in familiar and new faces. He scans the room and locks eyes with you. He gives you a wink and a small wave.
You give him a small wave back and smile back at him.
“All right, we’re gonna start off with a new song I’ve recently worked on.” Eddie tells the crowd.
The guys nod in response and they begin with the familiar noise you’ve heard in Eddie’s van. But this time, the instruments are clear.
Eddie begins singing his new song and it’s beautiful. With lyrics consisting of ‘you’, he’s directly speaking to you. Oh my god. You feel the knot in your stomach instantly form.
‘Lay where you're laying
Don't make a sound
I know they're watching
They're watching
All the commotion
The kiddie-like play
Has people talking
They're talking
Your sex is on fire
As he continues singing, he continues looking at you. His dark brown eyes glistening under the bright stage lights. His brown curls getting in his vision, squinting his eyes. He’s singing to you, directly to you.
God he’s beautiful. God I’m such a douche…
The dark of the alley
The breaking of day
Head while I'm driving
I'm driving
Soft lips are open
Them knuckles are pale
Feels like you're dying
You're dying
Your sex is on fire
Eddie reaches his hand out from the stage and pulls you in. You stumble for a little, considered the four beers in your system. You keep your balance by grabbing into his torso and your head slightly pressed against his chest.
You forget that he’s performing in front of a large crowd at this point. He continues his beautiful song and makes you face his.
But it's not forever
But it's just tonight
Oh, we're still the greatest
The greatest
The greatest
And you
Your sex is on fire
He looks at you up and down and grabs your face. He tells you in your ear, “I love you Y/N. I’m sorry for being a douche.” He looks back at you and you couldn’t help but kiss him.
Your lips meet his and the kiss is passionate. Nothing too much, yet nothing too little. His soft lips make your heart beat faster and you break the kiss. You whisper to his ear, “Let’s finish this later, Eds.” You smile to him.
“Of course, sweetheart.” Eddie responds and smiles back at you.
a/n: thank you all so much for reading!! i am deeply sorry for the delay on the upload of this oneshot, as said on the blog, i had injured my wrist and was unable to have full mobility. please let me know if i did any good at writing this type of smut. (and yes i realize sex on fire wasnt released during the 80s) HOWEVER it sounded JUST like eddie so i was like, why not??? anyway, please let me know how i did overall,,,feedback is always appreciated <333 till next time, loves!!!
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maskedtruths666 · 2 years
Part 5 of the paid story. Denise finds fun in sneaking around and having to lead a double life.
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As the week went by, the anticipation built up for Denise as the trip got closer.
“As a man of my word, I have a dress I’d like to buy for you. And I’d like to take you out for dinner as well. I’ve booked a suite for us. You don’t have to stay the night. We can have dinner and have a nice fuck and we are done for the evening.” Henry said to Denise the day before her flight.
“Sure, send me the details and I’ll meet you there.” Denise replied, excited.
She then quickly texted Jared, “Hey babe, I will be late tonight. Finalizing some stuff before the trip. You can sleep first.”
Henry and Denise made their way once again to MBS where he bought her a stunning dress. The moment she walked out of the dressing room, he could not keep it in and instantly got a boner. He had half a mind to take her there and finish in her.
As they were walking around and window shopping, Henry could not stop staring at her and lusting over how amazing she looks. He then made her pose for him as he took a few pictures of her, just for his own fapping sake.
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They soon went for dinner where Henry was eagerly anticipating the end of it and when it finally arrived, he hurriedly walked her to their hotel room.
In the lift, Denise decided to tease him a little and despite the cctv, she knelt down and unzipped his pants. Out popped his throbbing dick and she gave it a little lick.
The lift ride up was about a minute and a half and Denise was full on sucking his dick by the time the lift doors opened. Henry scooped her up and carried her all the way to their room door.
The moment they entered their room, he unleashed the beast. He was undressed in a manner of seconds and he pushed her on the bed. He spread her legs and went straight for her pussy. He ate her out with such passion and desire that she orgasmed within minutes.
“Oh fuck Henry. Your tongue is magical. Oh yes, don’t stop licking me. Fuck, you’re so good.” Denise moaned so loudly, she didn’t give a care in the world.
“You’re so irresistible. I’m going to be balls deep in you every single day we are overseas and your boyfriend will never find out.” Henry growled, as he continued eating Denise out even after she’s orgasmed.
“We’ll see. My boyfriend is very perceptive. He might find out.” Denise said, breathless from her orgasm and reeling in the pleasure.
That triggered Henry who stood up and flipped her around. He bent her over and without warning, penetrated deep into Denise.
“Oh fuck. Don’t stop. Fuck me harder and faster please. Ugh.” Denise moaned ever so loudly and her moans are like music to Henry’s ears. It turned him on even more as he thrusted deep into Denise. As he thrusted into her, he pulled her hair back with one hand and with the other, he grabbed her cute breast. That seemed to turn Denise on.
“You’re so fucking wet and I bet you’re enjoying this more than your boyfriend fucking you right?” Henry grunted as he was balls deep in her.
“Yes. Your cock is perfect for me. I want all of it in me. Fuck me harder. Mark me as yours.” Denise moaned as she was about to reach orgasm again.
With that, Henry turned her around. Spread her legs wide, pinned her down and thrusted into her. As he was fucking her from the front, he could see that Denise was giving in to lust and every ounce of pleasure she’s receiving was painted on her beautifully sculpted face with just the right amount of make up. Her face showing all signs of pleasure, her moans were magical and with that, Henry decided to mark her. He grabbed both her breasts and grabbed them hard as he fucked her harder and harder. Once he decided that was enough and her breasts were red, he gave them a love bite. He bit her two breasts until they were red all over with teeth marks.
Little did he know, that the mere act of touching or caressing is a major turn on for Denise. As Denise was being marked by Henry and continually fucked by him, she was experiencing an insane amount of pleasure. Pleasure she’s never felt before.
She thought to herself, “How could a man who has been with her for a few times know how to unlock her turn ons and pleasure her way better than her boyfriend?”
As she was busy taking in all the pleasure, Henry was about to unleash his cum. He could not make up his mind on where he wanted to finish.
“I’m about to cum so hard.” Henry announced as he was intensively thrusting in and out of her.
“Ruin my make up.” Denise said, surprising Henry.
“Are you sure?” Henry asked as he was trying to control his cum.
“Yes, make me feel like a dirty whore. Your dirty and personal whore.” Denise moaned and looked at Henry seductively, maintained eye contact.
That was it. That did it for Henry. He pulled out, knelt over Denise and unleashed streaks of hot cum all over her beautifully sculpted face and that definitely ruined her make up. He drenched her in his cum.
Denise seductively licked the cum off her face and said, “I hope you can give me more of this delicious cum in the coming days.”
“Fuck, you are one wild lady. I like that.” Henry said as he lay down beside her, breathless.
She turned to him and gave him a kiss and whispered to his ears, “I want to join the mile high club. Fuck me in the toilet tomorrow on the airplane after I’ve fucked my boyfriend.”
The end! Part 6 coming up.
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mcrdvcks · 2 months
Down Bad - Chapter 24
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Chapter Summary: Amina's body set's itself back on track, which gives Amellia the chance to give Amina surgery. While helping Omega for a school project, Amina and Hunter come across a rare flower.
Word Count: 13.1k+
Pairing: Hunter x fem!Jedi Original Character
Notes: hi again!!
i totally forgot when i was going to post this yesterday that it had a looong smut scene (all hail the mighty sex pollen trope!), so i wanted to review and edit it before posting it. please be kind, because it's my first time doing a sex pollen scene
so, if anyone has any requests they'd like to see for hunter, amina, or anyone else in the story, don't be afraid to comment! i'd love to hear y'all's ideas!
TW: periods, cramping, mention of blood, surgery, sex pollen, overstimulation, unprotected piv, mulitple orgasms
(also can we talk about this gif!?)
Series Masterlist - Chapter 23 → Chapter 25
AO3 Link For Chapter
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Amina groaned, feeling the stabbing, pulsating pain in her lower body. She wanted nothing more than to stay in this uncomfortable bed on the starship, because getting up meant she’d have to deal with a whole other world of problems.
She curled up in bed, bringing her knees to her chest. A few moments later, her comm started dinging, so using the Force she brought it to her.
Anakin popped up in the hologram, “hey, Lucky. Just thought I would check in.”
“Hey.” Amina rasped.
She watched as Anakin furrowed his brows before speaking again, “it’s back? The Red Wave?”
Amina let out a small chuckle before wincing in pain, “it’s supposed to happen every month, you know. But I get lucky enough for it to happen so randomly it could happen every 4 months, or every 2 weeks.”
He kept his expression before looking around whatever room he was in, “I could come and help you. I’m sure Obi-Wan and our battalions can handle it.”
“Ani, you can’t keep leaving whatever mission you are doing just to help me.”
His eyes flashed with frustration before he masked it with a more controlled demeanor. “The Council isn’t going to let you have a day off. This is the best we can do. Ahsoka can come along with me.”
Amina sighed before giving in. She was in a lot of pain, and it would be a while before she would even stand up to go to the bathroom. “Okay. Fine.”
Anakin’s relief was visible, and he gave her a small smile. “We’ll be there soon. Just hang in there, Lucky.”
The hologram flickered off, and Amina let out a long breath. She hated feeling this way, so helpless and dependent on others. But Anakin always seemed to know when she needed him, even if she didn’t want to admit it.
Amina walked into the kitchen pouring herself a cup of caf as she leaned against the counter. Her stomach was hurting, and she felt like bantha fodder.
Hunter was out at work helping Shep, and Omega was at school. Amina grabbed three fruit pastries and sat on the couch.
Amina took a bite of one of the pastries, the sweet tang of fruit filling her mouth as she chewed. She glanced around the room, the familiar sights and sounds of their home offering a small measure of comfort in the midst of her physical turmoil.
After she finished eating the pastries and her caf, she quickly went to the bathroom coming across a harrowing discovery. Blood.
At first, she thought she was dying, but that thought lasted only a half a second. She had been on hormone therapy for 3 months now, been through the mood swings, lost appetite, and nausea.
But now, she entered her least favorite part of womanhood once again after over 2 years. She put on an absorption pad and washed her hands.
As she sank onto the couch, Amina couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. She picked up one of the datapads lying on the coffee table, trying to distract herself from her racing thoughts.
But no matter how hard she tried to focus on the datapad, her mind kept wandering back to the pool of blood in the bathroom. She felt a knot forming in her stomach as she thought about what it could mean for her and Hunter's dreams of starting a family.
She wanted a baby, but a small part of her couldn’t help but feel scared for how Hunter would react. Would he act like the Council and be angry at her pain? Or would he be more like Anakin and actually care about her pain?
Amina knew it would be the latter, but a small part of her wouldn’t let her believe it.
Just then, the front door opened, and Hunter stepped inside with Omega, his expression tired but warm as he caught sight of Amina on the couch. "Hey, sweetheart," he greeted, crossing the room to wrap her in a gentle hug. "How was your day?"
“I’m gonna kill myself.” She mumbled into the pillow.
Amina's words hung heavy in the air, her voice muffled by the pillow pressed against her face. Hunter's heart clenched at the sight of his wife in distress, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow as he knelt down beside her.
"What's wrong, Amina?" Hunter's voice was soft, filled with worry as he reached out to gently brush her hair away from her face.
“The Red Wave.” She said, lifting her head from the pillow, “that’s what Anakin called it at least.”
Omega’s eyes widened in understanding as she nodded while Hunter looked from Amina to Omega.
Hunter's brow furrowed in concern as he took in the scene before him. He could see the distress etched on Amina's face, the lines of worry deepening with each passing moment. Without hesitation, he moved closer to her, kneeling down beside the couch to offer his support.
"What's the Red Wave?" Hunter asked, his voice gentle yet filled with urgency. He reached out to gently place a comforting hand on Amina's shoulder, his touch warm and reassuring.
Omega sighed, “maybe Amellia needs to give you a lesson too.” She told Hunter.
"Amina," Hunter began, his voice gentle yet filled with urgency, "what's going on? What's the Red Wave?"
Amina took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she struggled to find the right words to explain. She glanced at Omega, silently pleading for her support as she prepared to share something deeply personal with Hunter.
"The Red Wave," Amina started, her voice soft yet tinged with sadness, "it's what Anakin used to call it. It's... it's my period."
Hunter's brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to process Amina's words. "Your period?" he repeated. “But… that’s good, isn’t it? The hormone treatment is working.”
Amina wanted to slap him, “no, I hate my period.”
Omega hummed in agreement, “I can get you a heating pad and some muja fruit.”
“No, not muja fruit. Haroun bread.” Amina said.
As Amina reclined on the couch, her discomfort palpable, Hunter's concern deepened. He couldn't fathom why his wife, whom he loved dearly, would despise something that indicated her health was improving. But he also knew better than to push her too hard. Instead, he opted for a more supportive approach.
"Alright, no muja fruit," Hunter conceded, his voice soft and understanding. "Haroun bread it is. Omega, could you fetch some for Amina?"
Omega nodded eagerly, her youthful energy propelling her off the couch and into the kitchen in a flash. She returned moments later with a warm loaf of Haroun bread, some pain killers, and a glass of water.
"Here you go, Amina," Omega said, offering her the bread with a gentle smile. "I hope this helps."
“Thank you, honey.” Amina replied, eating a piece of the bread before taking the painkillers.
As Amina sat on the couch, nibbling on a piece of Haroun bread and taking the painkillers Omega had brought her, Hunter couldn't shake the feeling of concern gnawing at him. He watched his wife closely, his heart heavy with worry as he saw the discomfort etched on her face.
"Feeling any better, sweetheart?" Hunter asked, his voice soft with concern as he reached out to gently squeeze Amina's hand.
Amina managed a weak smile, her eyes flickering with gratitude as she met Hunter's gaze. "A little," she admitted, her voice soft and tired.
“Are you in a lot of pain? Is that normal?” he asked worriedly.
“Yeah.” Amina stated.
Hunter thought she was going to continue but she didn’t. “Is there something else?”
Amina turned her head away from him, “it’s stupid.” She murmured.
"It's not stupid, Amina," Hunter said softly, his voice filled with reassurance as he reached out to gently cup her cheek, urging her to look at him. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here for you, always."
Amina's heart ached at the warmth and sincerity in Hunter's voice, the love and concern evident in his eyes. She knew she could trust him with anything, yet the fear of burdening him with her troubles still lingered in the back of her mind.
"It's just..." Amina began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words to convey her thoughts. "I don’t like having my period because it reminds me of before the war and during it.” She looked over at him as he nodded at her to continue.
“I always had painful periods, and before the war it was fine. Me and my Master would just stay on Coruscant and meditate. But when the war started it was hard for me during that time of the month. I was in pain and Anakin would come up with excuses on my he needed me to work with him on missions just so I could rest for a day instead of being yelled at by the Council.”
Amina looked down, “I guess… a part of me thought you would be mad at me too.” She whispered.
As Amina whispered her fears to Hunter, his heart ached with empathy. He reached out, gently brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek, his touch tender and reassuring.
"Amina, sweetheart," Hunter began, his voice soft and comforting. "I could never be mad at you for something like this. It’s a normal part of your life.”
Amina's eyes flickered with relief at Hunter's words, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She leaned into his touch, her heart swelling with gratitude for his unwavering support.
"I know it's silly," Amina admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I just... I didn't want you to think less of me because of it."
Hunter's heart clenched at the vulnerability in Amina's voice, the raw honesty of her words piercing through his defenses. He reached out, gently brushing away a stray tear that glistened in the corner of her eye.
"Amina, look at me," Hunter urged, his voice filled with tenderness as he locked eyes with her. "I could never think less of you, not in a million lifetimes. You are the strongest person I know, and I admire you more than words can express."
Amina's breath caught in her throat at Hunter's words, the warmth of his love washing over her like a soothing balm. She felt a sense of peace settle over her, the weight of her worries lifting ever so slightly in the presence of his unwavering support.
"Thank you, Hunter," Amina murmured, her voice choked with emotion as she reached out to clasp his hand in hers. "Thank you for always being there for me, for loving me despite my flaws."
Hunter's heart swelled with love as he squeezed Amina's hand gently, his eyes shining with adoration as he gazed at her.
"I will always be here for you, Amina," Hunter vowed, his voice filled with conviction. "No matter what challenges we face, no matter how dark the road ahead may seem, I will stand by your side, now and forever."
Amina felt her heart flutter at Hunter's words, the depth of his love washing over her like a tidal wave. She leaned in, pressing her forehead against his, their breaths mingling in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
"I love you, Hunter," Amina whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "More than words can say."
Hunter's heart swelled with love as he gazed into Amina's eyes, his own filled with a depth of emotion that words could never fully express.
"I love you too, Amina," Hunter replied, his voice a soft murmur that resonated with the echoes of their shared love.
After 3 days of Amina’s period, and only being able to curl up on the couch or the bed, Hunter told her they were going to see Amellia about it.
“Well, it’s a good thing that you have your period, since it means the hormone therapy worked, but there are a lot of cases where having scar tissue can make your period more painful than normal. But the good news is, now we can look at getting a Hysteroscopic surgery to remove the scar tissue," Amellia explained, her tone hopeful yet cautious. "It's a minimally invasive procedure that can help alleviate your symptoms and improve your chances of conceiving."
Amina's breath caught in her throat at the mention of surgery, her mind whirling with a mix of fear and hope. She glanced at Hunter, her eyes searching his for reassurance as she tried to process the news.
“When could we do it?” Amina asked.
“Well, I don’t have all the things I need here, so I’d need to order them off world. And I would prefer to perform the surgery when you are not on your period since it provides better visibility. Give me at least a week, I should have the materials and your cycle should be over by then.”
Amina sat on the chair, her mind buzzing with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation as she absorbed Amellia's words. The prospect of surgery was daunting, but if it meant finally finding relief from the debilitating pain of her periods and increasing her chances of starting a family with Hunter, it was a risk she was willing to take.
"Okay," Amina replied, her voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling inside her. "Let's do it."
Hunter squeezed Amina's hand in silent support, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determination. He knew how much this surgery meant to Amina, and he would do anything to ease her pain and help her achieve her dreams of motherhood.
Amellia nodded, a small smile of encouragement gracing her lips. "Alright then. I'll start gathering the necessary materials and prepare for the surgery. We'll schedule it for next week, once your cycle has ended."
Amina let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, a sense of relief washing over her at the thought of finally taking action to address her condition. She glanced at Hunter, her heart swelling with gratitude for his unwavering support.
"Thank you, Amellia," Amina said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "For everything."
Amellia waved off Amina's gratitude with a dismissive gesture, her focus already shifting to the task ahead. "Don't mention it," she replied, her tone brisk yet kind. "I'll see you both next week for the surgery."
Amellia stepped out of the room before poking her head back in, “actually, I’ll see you for dinner, right? The whole group? I’m going to make smoked kaadu ribs.”
Amina nodded with a smile. "Sounds great, Amellia," she replied, her voice warm with gratitude.
As Amellia left, Amina turned to Hunter, her heart fluttering with excitement at the prospect of spending time with their friends. "What do you think? Smoked kaadu ribs sound delicious, don't they?" she asked, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Hunter chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he nodded in agreement. "They do indeed. I can't wait to taste them," he replied, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.
They started to set the table while Hunter made a Berbersian crab salad. Amina handed Omega 6 cups to put on the table as she put down the plates.
“What’s Amellia bringing?” Omega asked Amina.
“She’s bringing smoked kaadu ribs. It’s kaadu meat with a sauce, cabbage slaw, and a berry muffin. It originated from Naboo.” Amina answered.
Omega grinned eagerly as she placed the last cup on the table, her youthful energy palpable in the air. "I can't wait to try those smoked kaadu ribs," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Amina chuckled softly, "I'm sure they'll be amazing," she replied, her voice warm with reassurance. "Amellia is an excellent cook."
As they finished setting the table, the front door swung open, and Amellia stepped inside, a large tray of smoked kaadu ribs in hand. Her eyes lit up with a warm smile as she caught sight of Amina and Omega in the kitchen.
"Hey, everyone!" Amellia greeted, her voice bright with cheer as she made her way into the kitchen. "I brought the smoked kaadu ribs. They're all ready to go."
Amina smiled warmly at Amellia, her heart lifting at the sight of their friend. "Thanks, Amellia," she said, gratitude shining in her eyes. "They smell delicious."
Amellia beamed at the compliment, setting the tray of ribs down on the table with care. "I hope you all enjoy them," she replied, her tone sincere. She looked around the house, “where’s Crosshair and Wrecker?”
“I’ll go get them!” Omega said, as she walked out the front door.
Amina nudged Amellia with her shoulder, “have you talked to him again?”
Amellia blushed, “no. I’m not usually a nervous person but…”
“Maybe today will give you the little push you need to talk to Crosshair again.” Amina said.
"Yeah, maybe you're right," Amellia replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. She glanced at Amina, her gaze searching for reassurance as she tried to gather her courage. "I'll talk to him tonight."
Amina smiled warmly at Amellia, her eyes shining with encouragement. "You've got this," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "And if you need backup, just let me know."
Amina finished her daily lesson with the children of the island as she walked over to Amellia who was waiting at the edge of the grassy field. “So?” She asked.
Amellia groaned, “I couldn’t do it. I have asked out so many guys, and out of the 6 guys I’ve dated, I was always the one who cut it off. But I can’t ask out one guy? Old age is getting to me.”
Amina chuckled, "you're 28, Ames. You've still got plenty of time."
Amellia sighed, her shoulders slumping with defeat. "I know, I know," she replied, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "But it's just... I don't know why I can't seem to do it."
Amina reached out and gently squeezed her friend's shoulder. "It's okay, Ames. Maybe you just haven't found the right moment yet."
Amellia nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, maybe you're right," she said, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes. "Thanks, Amina."
Amina smiled warmly at her friend. "Anytime, Ames. You know I'm always here for you."
They walked over to their houses, Amellia’s right next to Amina and Hunter’s as Amellia glanced over at Amina, “you know- now, this may be weird of me to ask, but… is there any way you could ask Crosshair if he…”
“Likes you?”
“Or anyone.” Amellia said, raising her hands in a placating manner.
Amina hummed, “I don’t know if he would tell me that- ”
“Well, what about Hunter? He’s his brother. Or even Omega, Crosshair seems to do whatever Omega wants.”
“Are you talking about Crosshair?”
Amina and Amellia turned towards the voice, which was Omega standing behind them.
“Yeah- no, I mean no.” Amellia quickly said.
“He looks at you.” Omega spoke softly. “It kind of reminds me of how Hunter and Amina looked at each other before they got together.”
Amina narrowed her eyes at Omega, a hint of amusement flickering in her gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," she repeated, her tone laced with playful defiance.
Omega raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of her lips. "Sure, Amina," she said, her voice teasing. "Keep telling yourself that." She walked in between the two women as she turned her head upwards towards Amellia, “when we go on our morning walks, sometimes he looks up the mountain in the direction of your house.”
Amellia's cheeks flushed a light pink. "Really?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Omega nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! I've noticed it a few times. He tries to be subtle, but I'm pretty good at noticing things."
Amina chuckled softly, shaking her head at Omega’s perceptiveness. "Well, there you have it, Amellia. Straight from Omega’s observant eyes."
Amellia bit her lip, a mixture of hope and nervousness swirling within her. "Maybe...maybe I should talk to him," she said, almost as if trying to convince herself.
Amina placed a reassuring hand on her friend’s shoulder. "You should. You never know until you try."
Omega nodded in agreement, her youthful enthusiasm infectious. "Exactly! And if you need any help, you know where to find us."
Amellia smiled, feeling a bit more confident with her friends' support. "Thanks, you two. I’ll give it a shot."
They continued towards their houses, almost to Hunter and Amina’s house when they saw Hunter and Crosshair walking towards the house in front of them.
Omega gently pushed Amellia forward as Hunter ruffled Omega’s hair, “how was school?”
“It was good! I was going to ask Amellia to help me with some math homework.” Omega looked up at Amellia expectantly, trying to get her to go along with her story.
“Y- actually I have s- some papers that need signing.” Amellia said quickly, “good night.” She patted Amina’s arm before turning around and walking back to her house.
Hunter raised an eyebrow as he watched Amellia retreat back to her house, then turned his gaze to Amina, clearly seeking answers. Amina sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"It's complicated," she said finally, giving him a small smile.
“Complicated?” Crosshair asked, his toothpick in his hand.
Amina hummed, “yep, complicated.” She opened the door and looked back at Omega, “want some juice?”
Omega nodded eagerly. “Yes, please!”
Hunter chuckled, shaking his head as he followed Amina inside. Crosshair lingered for a moment, his gaze drifting in the direction of Amellia's house before he stepped in behind them.
As they settled inside, Amina poured juice for Omega and herself. She turned to Hunter with a warm smile. “Want some juice too?”
Hunter nodded, giving her a grateful smile. “Sure, thanks.”
As Hunter settled into his seat at the kitchen table, Amina joined him, placing a glass of juice in front of him with a gentle smile as Omega sat between them.
"So, what's on the agenda for tonight?" Hunter asked, breaking the silence that had settled over the room.
Amina glanced at him, her expression softening with affection. "I was thinking we could watch a holo-movie," she suggested, her voice warm with anticipation. "We haven't had a movie night in a while."
Hunter nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That sounds good," he replied, reaching for his glass of juice. "Any preferences?"
Amina shrugged, a playful glint in her eyes. "Surprise me," she said, a hint of mischief dancing in her tone. "As long as it's not one of those sappy romance dramas."
Hunter chuckled, shaking his head. "Noted," he said, amusement coloring his voice. "I'll find something action-packed for us."
Omega perked up at the mention of a movie night, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Can I pick the snacks?" she asked, her voice eager.
Amina and Hunter exchanged a knowing glance, both of them smiling at Omega's enthusiasm. "Of course, kiddo," Amina replied, her voice warm with affection. "Just try not to eat all the popcorn before the movie starts."
Omega grinned, her eyes shining with mischief. "No promises," she said, her tone teasing as she reached for her glass of juice.
Eventually, the time came for them to head to the living room and choose a movie. Omega eagerly led the way, her excitement palpable as she perused their collection of holo-movies, carefully selecting the perfect one for their movie night.
Once they were all settled on the couch, popcorn in hand and movie ready to play, Amina couldn't help but steal a glance at Hunter. Despite the challenges they had faced in recent months, she felt a deep sense of gratitude for the man sitting beside her, his presence a source of strength and comfort in her life.
Hunter caught her gaze and offered her a warm smile, his eyes soft with affection. In that moment, surrounded by the ones she loved most, Amina felt a sense of peace wash over her, the worries of the outside world fading into the background as they lost themselves in the holo-movie playing on the screen.
As the credits rolled and the movie came to an end, Amina stretched her arms above her head, feeling a sense of contentment settle over her. "That was fun," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction.
Hunter nodded in agreement, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, it was," he replied, his tone warm with affection. "Thanks for picking such a great movie, Omega."
Omega beamed at the praise, her eyes shining with happiness. "You're welcome!" she exclaimed, her excitement infectious as she glanced between Amina and Hunter. "Can we do this again tomorrow night?"
Amina chuckled softly, ruffling Omega's hair affectionately. "We'll see," she replied, her voice gentle. "But for now, I think it's time for bed."
Omega's expression fell slightly at the mention of bedtime, but she nodded in resignation. "Okay," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. "Goodnight, Amina. Goodnight, Hunter."
"Goodnight, Omega," Amina replied, her voice warm with affection. "Sleep well."
One of the nurses at the medical center gave Amina anesthetic through her iv as Amellia walked in. “Alright, I’m going to let that settle into your system before performing the hysteroscopic surgery to remove your scar tissue.” Amellia said, looking up from her datapad.
Amellia smiled reassuringly at Amina, her expression gentle and comforting. "You're doing great, Amina," she said, her voice calm and soothing. "Just try to relax and let the medication do its job."
Amina nodded, her eyelids growing heavy as she fought against the urge to succumb to sleep. "I trust you, Amellia," she murmured, her words slurred slightly by the effects of the anesthesia.
Amellia's smile widened at Amina's words, a sense of pride swelling within her chest. "Thank you, Amina," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "I won't let you down."
With that, Amellia turned her attention back to her datapad, her focus shifting to the task at hand as she prepared for the hysteroscopic surgery. She double-checked her equipment and reviewed Amina's medical history, ensuring that everything was in order before proceeding.
Meanwhile, Hunter sat by Amina's side, his hand clasped firmly in hers as he watched over her with concern. Despite his outward calm, his mind was racing with worry for his wife, the thought of her undergoing surgery filling him with apprehension.
"You'll be okay, Amina," Hunter murmured, his voice low and reassuring. "I'm right here with you."
Amina squeezed his hand gently, her gaze meeting his with a look of gratitude and love. "I know, Hunter," she replied, her voice soft but filled with conviction. "I trust you."
Hunter smiled at her words, a sense of warmth spreading through his chest. He leaned in closer, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before settling back into his seat, his presence a source of comfort and strength for Amina.
As the minutes passed, Amina could feel the effects of the anesthesia intensifying, her eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment. She fought against the urge to drift off to sleep, wanting to stay conscious for as long as possible before the surgery began.
Amellia glanced up from her datapad, noticing the change in Amina's demeanor. She walked over to her patient, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's time, Amina," she said gently, her voice calm and steady. "I'm going to start the procedure now."
Amina nodded, her eyelids fluttering as she struggled to keep them open. "Okay," she murmured, her words barely audible as she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness.
She blinked the fogginess away from her eyes before closing them due to the bright white lights above her.
She looked to her side to see her brother, Ahsoka, and Blu standing by her bed. “Huh?”
Anakin grabbed her hand, “you scared me- all of us. Two pieces of metal to the gut?”
"To be fair, it wasn't my fault Separatists shot us down," Amina replied with a small smirk, her memories from the past flooding back as she spoke.
"You were supposed to wait for backup," Anakin chided gently.
"I was waiting for backup when we got shot down," Amina replied, her tone playful despite the seriousness of their situation. She remembered the chaos of the battlefield, the blaster fire raining down around them as they fought to survive.
Anakin squeezed her hand tightly, his expression filled with a mixture of relief and worry. "We're just glad you're alive," he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you."
“Aw, come on Ani. You know that won’t happen. My middle name is Lucky.”
He chuckled, “only because I gave it to you.”
“Well, too late now. It’s permanent.” She flicked his nose playfully.
Hunter watched anxiously from his seat, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for any sign of trouble. He trusted Amellia implicitly, but the thought of anything going wrong filled him with dread.
Minutes turned into hours as the surgery progressed, each moment feeling like an eternity to Hunter as he waited for news of Amina's condition. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Amellia emerged from the operating room, her expression weary but relieved.
"It went well," Amellia said, her voice soft but tinged with exhaustion. "I was able to remove the scar tissue without any complications."
Hunter let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders sagging with the weight of his anxiety. "Thank you, Amellia," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "You've done a great job."
Amellia smiled tiredly at Hunter's words, a sense of satisfaction washing over her despite her fatigue. "It was my pleasure, Hunter," she replied, her voice warm with appreciation. "I'm just glad everything went smoothly."
With that, Amellia excused herself to update the medical records and check on her other patients, leaving Hunter alone with Amina as she began to stir from her anesthesia-induced slumber.
Amina blinked groggily, her gaze unfocused as she struggled to regain her bearings. She reached out for Hunter, her hand searching for his with a sense of urgency.
Hunter took her hand in his, squeezing it gently as he leaned in closer. "I'm here, Amina," he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness. "Everything's okay."
Amina let out a sigh of relief, her tense muscles relaxing as she felt the reassuring presence of her husband beside her. Hunter gently stroked her hand, his touch grounding her as she began to fully wake from the anesthesia.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice a comforting balm. "How are you feeling?"
Amina blinked a few times, her vision slowly clearing. "Groggy," she admitted, her voice hoarse. "But okay. How did it go?"
"It went well," Hunter replied, a smile tugging at his lips. "Amellia was able to remove the scar tissue without any complications. You're going to be just fine."
Amina managed a small smile, relief washing over her. "That's good to hear," she murmured, her eyes beginning to drift closed again.
Hunter squeezed her hand gently. "Get some rest," he said softly. "I'll be right here."
Amina nodded weakly, her exhaustion pulling her back into a light sleep. Hunter watched over her, his heart filled with a mix of relief and love.
The next morning, Amina woke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the windows. She stretched carefully, mindful of her still-healing body, and turned to see Hunter dozing in a chair beside her bed.
"Good morning," she said softly, her voice gentle.
Hunter stirred, blinking sleep from his eyes as he sat up. "Morning," he replied, a sleepy smile spreading across his face. "How are you feeling?"
"A little sore, but better," Amina said, giving him a reassuring smile.
Hunter reached out and took her hand, his thumb brushing lightly over her knuckles. "I'm glad to hear that," he said warmly. "Amellia will be in soon to check on you."
As if on cue, the door opened and Amellia stepped inside, her expression brightening when she saw Amina awake. "Good morning," she greeted, her tone cheerful. "How are you feeling today?"
"A bit sore, but better," Amina repeated, giving Amellia a smile.
"That's to be expected," Amellia replied, glancing at her datapad as she approached. "But everything looks good. You should be able to go home later today."
Amina nodded, feeling a sense of relief at the prospect of returning home. "Thank you, Amellia," she said sincerely. "For everything."
Amellia smiled warmly. "It's my job," she replied. "But I'm glad I could help."
Hunter stood and stretched, his muscles stiff from a night spent in the chair. "We'll take it easy today," he said, his tone firm. "No pushing yourself."
Amina rolled her eyes playfully. "I know, I know," she said, her voice light. "I'll take it easy."
Amellia chuckled, giving them both a knowing look. “Before I let you two get ready, I just need to go over your recovery. It’s normal to have light bleeding for up to two weeks after the procedure, as well as cramping pain for a few days. And I would advise you to not have sex for a week. If you develop a fever, you will need to come back to the medical center.”
Hunter nodded, his expression serious. “We’ll keep an eye on everything.”
Amina smiled, feeling reassured by Amellia’s thoroughness. “Thanks, Amellia. I appreciate it.”
Amellia gave them a warm smile. “You’re welcome. Now, take it easy and let me know if you need anything.”
As Amellia left the room, Hunter helped Amina get dressed, his movements gentle and careful. “You heard the doctor. We’re going to take it slow.”
Amina rolled her eyes playfully. “I know, Hunter. I’ll be good.”
Hunter chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’m just making sure. Let’s get you home.”
They made their way back to their house on Pabu, the warm sun and gentle breeze providing a comforting backdrop. Hunter kept a steady hand on Amina’s back, guiding her carefully.
Omega was waiting for them at the house, her face lighting up with relief when she saw Amina. “Amina! Are you okay?”
Amina smiled, hugging Omega gently. “I’m fine, Omega. The surgery went well.”
Omega sighed in relief. “I’m so glad. I was worried.”
Hunter ruffled Omega’s hair affectionately. “Amellia did a great job. Amina just needs to rest for a while.”
Omega nodded, her expression serious. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t do anything she’s not supposed to.”
Amina laughed softly. “Looks like I’ve got two people looking out for me.”
Hunter and Omega shared a look, both of them determined to ensure Amina’s recovery went smoothly. They spent the rest of the day relaxing, Hunter and Omega taking care of everything while Amina rested on the couch.
A few days later, Amina was feeling stronger, the initial soreness from the surgery beginning to fade. She was careful to follow Amellia’s instructions, taking it easy and allowing her body to heal.
One afternoon, while Hunter was out running errands, Amina and Omega were sitting on the porch, enjoying the warm Pabu weather. Omega was working on her homework, her brow furrowed in concentration.
“Need any help?” Amina asked, glancing over at Omega’s datapad.
Omega looked up, her expression relieved. “Actually, yes. I’m having trouble with this math problem.”
Amina scooted closer, looking at the problem. “Let’s see. Ah, okay. You need to use this formula here.”
They spent the next hour working through Omega’s math homework, Amina patiently explaining each step. Omega’s face lit up as she began to understand, her confidence growing.
“Thanks, Amina,” Omega said, her voice filled with gratitude. “You’re really good at explaining things.”
Amina smiled warmly. “I’m glad I could help. You’re a quick learner, Omega.”
Omega beamed at the compliment, her eyes shining with happiness. They continued to chat, their conversation light and easy.
Later, as the sun began to set, Hunter returned home, his arms laden with groceries. “I’m back,” he called, his voice carrying through the house.
Omega jumped up, rushing to help him. “Do you need any help?”
Hunter smiled, handing her a bag. “Thanks, Omega. How was your afternoon?”
“It was good! Amina helped me with my homework,” Omega replied, her tone cheerful.
Hunter glanced at Amina, his expression softening. “How are you feeling?”
Amina smiled, feeling a sense of warmth at his concern. “Better. Just taking it one day at a time.”
Hunter nodded, setting the groceries down. “Good. We’ll keep taking it slow.”
The next morning, Amina and Omega were up early, ready for their morning walk. Amina had been cautious about not overexerting herself, but the gentle walks had been a good way to keep moving without pushing too hard.
As they walked along the path, the island’s beauty surrounding them, Omega glanced up at Amina. “Do you think Amellia will talk to Crosshair today?”
Amina smiled, the memory of their conversation with Amellia coming to mind. “I hope so. She just needs a little push.”
Omega nodded thoughtfully. “Maybe we could help somehow?”
Amina chuckled. “I think we’ve done enough pushing for now. Let’s see if Amellia can find the courage on her own.”
They continued their walk, enjoying the peaceful morning. The island was a sanctuary, a place of healing and renewal, and Amina was grateful for every moment they had here.
When they returned home, Hunter was waiting for them, breakfast ready on the table. “Perfect timing,” he said, his smile warm and welcoming.
Amina returned Hunter's smile, feeling a rush of affection for her husband as she took in the sight of him standing in their cozy kitchen. It was moments like these, simple and mundane yet filled with love, that made her grateful for the life they had built together on Pabu.
Omega practically skipped over to the table, her enthusiasm contagious as she eagerly pulled out a chair and settled into her seat. "Thanks for making breakfast, Hunter," she chirped, her eyes shining with excitement.
Hunter chuckled, a fond look in his eyes as he ruffled Omega's hair affectionately. "You're welcome, kiddo," he replied, his voice warm with affection. "What's on the agenda for today?"
Amina took a seat beside Omega, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her as she looked around the kitchen. "Well, I need to tend to the garden in the front," she said, reaching for a slice of toast. "There’s some weeds that need to be pulled out.”
Hunter nodded, his eyes softening as he looked at Amina. "I'll help you with that after breakfast," he offered, his voice gentle. "We can get it done together."
Omega perked up at the idea. "Can I help too?" she asked eagerly, her youthful enthusiasm shining through.
Amina smiled warmly at Omega. "Of course, sweetie. The more, the merrier," she replied, her tone filled with affection.
As they finished their breakfast, the sense of togetherness and love filled the room, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Afterward, they all headed outside, ready to tackle the garden as a team.
The morning sunbathed the island in a golden glow, the air fresh and invigorating. Amina knelt by the flower beds, her hands moving methodically as she pulled out weeds and tended to the plants. Hunter worked alongside her, his strong presence a comforting constant. Omega darted between them, her laughter ringing out as she helped with smaller tasks.
It wasn't long before the garden looked tidy and well-maintained, the flowers standing tall and proud in their beds. Amina sat back on her heels, wiping a stray strand of hair from her forehead as she surveyed their work with satisfaction.
"Great job, everyone," she said, her voice filled with pride. "The garden looks beautiful."
Hunter straightened up, stretching his back as he smiled down at Amina. "We make a good team," he said, his tone warm and affectionate.
Omega beamed, her eyes shining with happiness. "It was fun," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "Can we do it again sometime?"
Amina chuckled softly. "Of course, Omega," she replied, her tone gentle. "There's always something to do in the garden."
They spent the rest of the morning relaxing on the porch, enjoying the peacefulness of the island. Hunter and Amina shared a quiet moment, their hands intertwined as they watched Omega play with Lyana and Jynna.
Even Wrecker ended up coming over, and him and the kids played with water guns on the grass.
A few weeks later, Amellia arrived at their house for a follow-up appointment. She greeted them with a warm smile, her expression bright and reassuring.
"How are you feeling, Amina?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.
Amina smiled warmly at her friend. "Much better," she replied, her tone cheerful. "I've been taking it easy and following your instructions."
Amellia nodded, her eyes scanning Amina for any signs of discomfort. "That's good to hear," she said, her tone professional yet friendly. "Let's do a quick check-up to make sure everything is healing properly."
Amina nodded, feeling reassured by Amellia's presence. She knew she was in good hands with her friend and trusted her implicitly.
As Amellia conducted the check-up, Hunter stood by Amina's side, his presence a comforting constant. Omega watched with wide eyes, her curiosity evident.
"Everything looks great," Amellia said finally, her tone filled with satisfaction. "You're healing beautifully, Amina. I would say things could go back to normal, but continue to take your hormone medication.”
Amina sighed in relief, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, Amellia," she said sincerely. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you've done."
Amellia smiled warmly at her friend's words, a sense of pride swelling within her. "It's my pleasure," she replied, her voice filled with genuine affection. "I'm just glad I could help."
As Amellia prepared to leave, Amina and Hunter walked her to the door, their hearts filled with gratitude for their friend's care and support.
"Thank you again, Amellia," Hunter said, his voice warm with appreciation. "We couldn't have done this without you."
Amellia smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "You're welcome," she replied, her tone gentle. "And remember, I'm always here if you need anything."
With that, she left, leaving Amina and Hunter feeling a renewed sense of hope and gratitude.
Amina, Hunter, and Omega walked along the shore looking at the different plants. Omega had a school project where she had to choose one plant native to Pabu and write a short paper on it.
Since Tech was no longer around, they had to do it the hard way. Walking around the entire island.
“Is this one native?” Omega asked again, holding up a pink leaf as Hunter scanned it with his datapad.
“No.” He replied simply.
Omega groaned, “ugh, this is taking forever!”
"It's okay, Omega," Amina said, her tone gentle. "We'll find the right plant soon enough."
Omega sighed, her shoulders slumping with defeat. "I just want to finish this project already," she muttered, her frustration evident.
Hunter looked up from his datapad, a reassuring smile on his lips. "We'll get there, Omega," he said, his voice calm and steady. "We just need to keep looking."
With renewed determination, they continued their search along the shore, the warm sun overhead and the gentle sound of the waves lapping against the shore providing a soothing backdrop.
Omega stopped walking and turned around to face Amina and Hunter, “maybe we should split up?”
Hunter nodded, “alright, find some various plants and bring back leaves or petals and meet back here in 10.”
Omega ran off going South, before going up the mountainside as Hunter and Amina walked West before doing the same.
Amina would pick up leaves on the ground or pick petals off of flowers before handing them over to Hunter as he scanned them.
"I'm starting to think this assignment is a scam," Amina huffed, her voice tinged with exasperation as she picked up yet another leaf and held it out to Hunter.
"We already have tried that leaf," Hunter said calmly, his tone patient as he glanced at the leaf Amina was holding out to him. He could sense her frustration, but he also knew they couldn't afford to give up just yet.
Amina groaned in response, letting the leaf fall from her hand as she cast her gaze out over the shore. They continued walking up the mountainside as Hunter bent down and picked up a small leaf.
Amina walked a few paces away from him and bent down over a white flower with a gold center. She brushed her fingers on the gold center as some of the pollen flew into the air, as well as some on her finger.
Hunter bent down beside her, tearing the flower from its stem and holding it up to scan it. “Nope, still not native.” He said, as the wind blew some of the pollen into the air and Hunter dropped the flower. “Come on, Omega’s probably waiting for us.”
Amina placed her hand in Hunter’s as they went back to the spot where they split up to see Omega walking towards them with her hand full of various leaves and petals.
“I think I found 12 different ones. I hope one of them works.”
Amina smiled warmly at Omega, "I'm sure one of them will work perfectly," she said, her voice filled with reassurance.
Hunter nodded in agreement, a proud smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You did a great job, Omega," he said, his voice warm with pride. "Let's see if one of them is native.”
Omega would hand Hunter one leaf or petal at a time as he scanned it. Once they got to the 9th one, Omega was hoping that this one, or the other 3 she had would be right.
He scanned it and looked at the information, “seems like this one is a native flower. It’s called a Cantri flower.”
Omega let out a squeal of delight, her excitement bubbling over. "Yes! I knew we could do it!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness. She grabbed the petal from Hunter’s hand, dropping the other 11 leaves and petals. “Come on, let’s go home! I want something to eat.”
Amina and Hunter chuckled as Omega led the way back up the side of the mountain to their house. Amina pulled on her dress’ collar, billowing air into her chest.
It was suddenly uncomfortably hot outside to her, but everyone else seemed fine. Hunter pulled off his jacket, draping it over his arm that was holding the datapad as his other arm draped around her shoulder.
His touch was electric, and it heated her in a completely different way. But she couldn’t tell what was making her so uncomfortable.
Once they turned off the walkway of the mountain and down the brick walkway, Omega turned around to face them as her smile dropped. “Are you guys, okay? You seem kind of… off.”
Amina exchanged a quick glance with Hunter, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to suppress the discomfort coursing through her body. "Yeah, we're fine, Omega," she replied, forcing a smile onto her lips despite the unease swirling within her. "Just a little tired from all the walking, that's all."
Hunter nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Amina's attempt at reassurance. "Exactly," he said, his voice steady but lacking its usual warmth. "We'll be back to our usual selves once we get some rest."
Omega studied them for a moment, her brow furrowing in concern before she finally nodded. "Alright, if you say so," she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Let's get back home then."
As they continued down the path, Amina couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that had settled in her stomach like a heavy stone. She stole a glance at Hunter, who walked beside her with his usual calm demeanor, but she could sense the tension thrumming beneath the surface.
They passed by Amellia’s house when she walked out, holding a small tote bag. “Oh, hey you guys! I was just about to go shopping at the market- Maker, why do you two look…” Amellia trailed off. She tsked before opening her door, “come in, come in.”
“We’re fine Amellia, just tired- ” Amina started as Amellia cut her off.
“In the house. Now.” Amellia stated, as Amina and Hunter shared a look and begrudgingly gave in, walking into Amellia’s house with Omega behind them. Amellia pulled out her datapad, “what symptoms are you feeling?”
“Hot, and… just off.” Hunter said as Amina nodded in agreement.
"Hmm," Amellia murmured, her brow furrowing in concern as she tapped away on her datapad. "Hot and feeling off... Those symptoms could indicate a variety of things." She glanced up at Amina and Hunter, her expression grave. "Given your recent history, Amina, I think it would be wise to run some tests, just to be safe."
Amina exchanged a worried glance with Hunter before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," she said, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Better to be safe than sorry."
Hunter placed a comforting hand on Amina's shoulder, his touch grounding her as they waited for Amellia to finish her assessment. He could sense Amina's anxiety, mirroring his own, but he knew they had to remain calm for Omega's sake.
“But it is weird that Hunter is also feeling this way. Have either of you come into contact with someone who was sick?”
“No.” Amina and Hunter replied at the same time.
“Okay…” Amellia tapped on her datapad, looking at a flower petal in Omega’s hand. “Oh, were you guys outside?”
“We were helping Omega find a plant native to Pabu.” Hunter answered.
Amellia hummed, “it could be dehydration or heat exhaustion, or you came into contact with a poisonous plant, or something bit the two of you. I’ll take some blood tests and me and Omega will go over to the medical center to process them.”
She grabbed the pen and grabbed a blood sample from the tops of their hands, “okay, go home and drink some water. If you feel any pain, maybe take low dose pain medication until I figure what’s wrong.”
Omega and Amellia walked out first as Hunter and Amina followed, walking a few seconds to their house and entering.
Once inside, Amina sank onto the couch, her thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of worry and fear. She glanced over at Hunter, who was pacing back and forth across the living room, his brow furrowed in deep concentration.
It was hot, even hotter than before it seemed, and there was a burning sensation slowly building up in her body. And Hunter pacing around wasn’t making it much better, especially now that he was twirling his comm in his fingers.
She reached behind her and untied her dress’ strings, before pulling her arms out of the short puff sleeves. A short sense of relief washed over her before the discomfort came back.
Hunter, still pacing back and forth, glanced over at her, concern etched into his features. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
Amina shook her head, a sigh escaping her lips as she sank further into the couch cushions. "Not really," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "If anything, it's getting worse."
Hunter stopped pacing and approached her, kneeling down in front of her with a furrowed brow. "We'll figure this out, Amina," he said, his tone firm yet gentle. "Amellia will run some tests, and we'll know what's going on soon."
His hands on her knees didn’t add any comfort, in fact it made the burning sensation worse. She looked at his face, noticing sweat building up on his forehead as she brushed it away.
Hunter didn’t seem to be any better than her as he took his hands off her knees and slipped off his shirt, throwing it to the side.
As Hunter discarded his shirt, the air seemed to crackle with tension, the heat of the moment mirroring the rising temperature in the room. Amina's gaze lingered on him, the muscles of his chest rippling with every movement, and she felt the urge to trace the skeletal tattoo of his ribs with her fingers and tongue.
Amina swallowed hard, her throat dry as she struggled to find the words to break the suffocating silence that enveloped them. "Hunter," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I... I’m going to get us some water.”
As Amina spoke, her voice quivered with uncertainty, her thoughts tangled in a web of emotions she couldn't quite unravel. She rose from the couch, her movements slow and deliberate, as if weighed down by an invisible burden.
Amina made her way to the kitchen, her steps heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unaddressed fears. She filled a glass with water, her hands trembling slightly as she brought it to her lips and took a sip, the cool liquid offering a brief respite from the suffocating heat that seemed to engulf her.
But it didn’t help much. So, without thinking, she slipped completely out of her dress, leaving her in only her brassiere and underwear. Amina tossed her dress on the kitchen table behind her.
She grabbed another glass and filled it with water, walking into the living room where Hunter moved himself to sit on the couch. She placed her glass of water on the caf table and reached her other hand out with his glass.
Instead of taking the glass he grabbed her by the wrist, the cup falling to the floor, rolling underneath the table as water soaked the rug.
Hunter pulled her onto his lap, his rough hands slowly moving up her back as she let out a low breathy moan. His hands tangled in her hair at the base of her neck as he tilted her head downwards to face him. The heat between them was palpable, a magnetic force drawing them closer as Amina’s breathing grew heavier.
“Hunter...” Amina murmured, her voice a soft plea.
“Shh,” Hunter whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. “Just let it happen.”
His fingers traced the curve of her spine, eliciting a shiver from Amina despite the oppressive heat. She straddled him, feeling the hard muscles of his thighs beneath her. As his hands roamed over her body, the burning sensation inside her seemed to intensify, a fire that could only be quenched by his touch.
“You’re so beautiful,” Hunter said, his voice husky with desire. He slid his hands down to her hips, pulling her closer, pressing her against his growing erection. Amina gasped, the friction sending sparks of pleasure through her already overheated body.
“Hunter, I... I need...” Amina stammered, unable to form coherent thoughts. Her body moved on its own, grinding against him in a desperate attempt to alleviate the burning ache between her legs.
“I know,” Hunter replied, his grip on her tightening. “I’ve got you.”
His hand slipped between them, fingers finding the edge of her underwear. He pushed the fabric aside, his fingers sliding through her slick folds. Amina’s head fell back, a guttural moan escaping her lips as he began to stroke her, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.
“Kriff, you’re so wet,” Hunter groaned, his own arousal evident in his voice. He circled her clit with his thumb, teasing her until she was panting, her hips bucking against his hand.
“Please, Hunter,” Amina whimpered, her hands clutching at his shoulders. “I need more.”
“Patience,” he murmured, his voice a low growl. He slid two fingers inside her, her walls clenching around him as he began to pump them in and out, his thumb continuing to circle her clit. The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and relief that made Amina’s head spin.
“Yes, just like that,” Hunter encouraged, his free hand gripping her hip to steady her as she rode his fingers. “You’re doing so good.”
Amina’s movements became more frantic, her breath coming in short gasps as she chased her release. Hunter’s fingers curled inside her, hitting that perfect spot that made her see stars. She was close, so close.
“Come for me,” Hunter commanded, his voice rough with need. “Let go, Amina.”
With a cry, Amina’s body tensed, her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave. Her walls pulsed around his fingers, her juices soaking his hand as she trembled in his arms. Hunter held her through it, his lips pressing gentle kisses to her neck.
“Good girl,” he whispered, his voice full of pride. “You did so well.”
Amina slumped against him, her body boneless from the intensity of her release. But the burning sensation inside her hadn’t completely abated; it was still there, a simmering heat that demanded more.
“Hunter,” she murmured, her voice hoarse. “I still... I need...”
“I know,” he said, his tone gentle yet firm. He shifted her off his lap, grabbing her thighs as he positioned her hips on the armrest of the couch. Amina’s heart raced as he stood, unbuttoning his cargo pants and pushing them down along with his boxers, freeing his erection.
Hunter’s eyes were dark with desire as he stepped between her legs, his hands gripping her hips. “Hold on,” he instructed, his voice a low rumble. “This might be rough.”
Amina braced herself, her hands gripping the couch cushions as Hunter lined himself up with her entrance. He pushed into her in one swift motion, a gasp escaping both their lips as he buried himself to the hilt inside her.
“Kriff,” Hunter groaned, his grip on her hips bruising. He pulled back slightly before thrusting into her again, setting a fast, punishing pace that had Amina crying out in pleasure.
“Yes, Hunter, yes,” she moaned, her nails digging into the fabric of the couch. The heat inside her was almost unbearable, but every thrust, every movement brought her closer to another climax.
“You feel so good,” Hunter panted, his thrusts becoming more erratic. “So kriffing good.”
Amina’s legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper as she met his thrusts. The room was filled with the sound of their bodies slapping together, their breaths coming in ragged gasps.
“Hunter, I’m gonna... I’m gonna come,” Amina gasped, her body tensing as the coil inside her wound tighter and tighter.
“Do it,” Hunter growled, his thrusts becoming harder, faster. “Come for me, Amina. Let me feel you.”
With a scream, Amina’s orgasm hit her like a freight train, her walls clamping down around Hunter’s cock as her entire body convulsed with pleasure. Hunter followed her over the edge, a guttural roar escaping his lips as he emptied himself inside her, his hips jerking with each pulse of his release.
For a few moments, they stayed like that, Hunter still buried deep inside her as they both caught their breath. The heat between them had lessened slightly, but the burning sensation was still there, a lingering reminder of the mysterious flower’s effects.
Hunter gently pulled out of her, helping her sit up. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice full of concern despite the lingering haze of desire in his eyes.
Amina nodded, her body still trembling from the intensity of their coupling. “I’m okay,” she said softly, her voice a bit shaky. “But... I think…” She trailed off, as Hunter kneeled down and gripped her thighs, pulling her closer over the armrest.
She could feel his warm breath across her pussy, his hands making marks on her thighs. Hunter’s grip tightened as he spread her legs wider, positioning her legs over his shoulders. Amina’s breath hitched, anticipation coursing through her body.
“Hunter…” she murmured, her voice filled with both desire and uncertainty.
“Trust me,” he replied, his voice low and husky. His tongue flicked out, teasing her folds before delving deeper, lapping at her slickness. Amina gasped, her back arching as pleasure shot through her like a bolt of lightning.
His tongue moved expertly, alternating between slow, deliberate strokes and quick, teasing flicks. Amina’s hands gripped the couch cushions, her knuckles turning white as she struggled to maintain her composure. Hunter’s fingers dug into her thighs, holding her in place as he devoured her, his mouth relentless.
“Hunter, please…” she whimpered, her body trembling.
Hunter’s response was a low growl, his tongue plunging deeper, tasting every inch of her. He found her clit, circling it with his tongue before sucking on it gently, sending waves of pleasure crashing through her. Amina’s moans grew louder, her hips bucking against his mouth.
“You taste so perfect,” he murmured against her, his breath hot and tantalizing.
Amina’s response was a throaty moan, her body writhing with need. She could feel the tension building inside her, a coil winding tighter and tighter. Hunter’s hands moved from her thighs to her hips, pulling her even closer, his tongue driving her closer to the edge.
“Hunter, I’m going to…” she gasped, unable to finish the sentence.
“Do it,” he commanded, his voice rough with desire. “Come for me, Amina.”
With a cry, Amina’s orgasm ripped through her, her body convulsing as pleasure flooded her senses. Hunter didn’t stop, his tongue continuing to work her through her climax, drawing out every last shudder of pleasure. When she finally stilled, he pulled back, his lips glistening with her arousal.
“You’re incredible,” he said, his voice full of admiration.
Amina panted, her body still trembling from the intensity of her release. She barely had time to recover before Hunter stood, his eyes dark with need. He lifted her effortlessly, carrying her towards the bedroom. The urgency in his movements was palpable, a reflection of the burning desire they both felt.
Once in the bedroom, Hunter pressed her against the wall, his hands roaming over her body. He kissed her fiercely, his tongue claiming her mouth as his own. Amina moaned into the kiss, her hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer.
“Turn around,” he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.
Amina obeyed, turning to face the wall. Hunter’s hands were on her in an instant, pulling her underwear down and tossing it aside. He positioned himself behind her, his body pressing against hers, his erection hard against her ass.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his breath hot against her ear. “I can’t get enough of you.”
Amina shivered at his words, her body alight with desire. Hunter’s hands gripped her hips, lifting her left leg slightly as he positioned himself at her entrance. He pushed into her with one swift motion, a gasp escaping both their lips as he filled her completely.
“Kriff, you feel so good,” Hunter groaned, his grip on her hips tightening.
He set a brutal pace, each thrust hard and fast, driving them both towards the edge. Amina’s hands pressed against the wall for support, her body rocking with each powerful movement. The burning sensation inside her seemed to lessen with each thrust, replaced by waves of pleasure that had her crying out with every breath.
“Hunter, yes,” she moaned, her voice trembling. “Don’t stop.”
“I won’t,” he promised, his voice a low growl. “You feel so good.”
His hands moved to her breasts, squeezing them roughly as he continued to pound into her. Amina’s head fell back against his shoulder, her moans growing louder with each thrust. Hunter’s teeth grazed her neck, sending shivers down her spine.
“Come for me again,” he commanded, his voice full of authority. “I want to feel you come around me.”
Amina’s body responded to his words, the coil inside her winding tighter and tighter. She could feel her orgasm building, a tidal wave of pleasure ready to crash over her. Hunter’s thrusts became more erratic, his own release nearing.
“Yes, Hunter, yes,” she cried, her body tensing.
With a scream, Amina’s orgasm tore through her, her walls clenching around Hunter’s cock. The intensity of her release sent him over the edge, a guttural roar escaping his lips as he emptied himself inside her. They stayed like that for a moment, their bodies pressed together, trembling with the aftershocks of their climaxes.
Hunter slowly pulled out of her, turning her to face him. He kissed her gently, his hands cradling her face. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft.
Amina nodded, her body still tingling with the remnants of pleasure. “I’m okay,” she replied, her voice a bit shaky. “That was…”
“Amazing,” Hunter finished for her, a satisfied smile on his face.
Amina smiled back, leaning into his embrace. The burning sensation inside her had lessened considerably, though it wasn’t completely gone. She looked up at Hunter, her eyes full of love and desire.
“Hunter,” she whispered, her voice still husky from their earlier activities.
He looked down at her, concern mixed with the lingering heat of their passion. “Are you still feeling it?”
She nodded, biting her lip. “Not as bad, but it’s still there.”
Hunter’s hand caressed her cheek, his eyes searching hers. “Then we’ll keep going until it’s gone.”
Amina nodded, her hands sliding down his chest, tracing the lines of his muscles. She dropped to her knees in front of him, looking up at him with a mixture of desire and determination. Hunter’s breath hitched, his hand tangling in her hair as he watched her.
“You don’t have to,” he said, though his voice betrayed his need.
“I want to,” Amina replied, her hands moving to his hips. Hunter’s hand tightened in her hair as she wrapped her lips around the tip, her tongue swirling around the head.
“Kark, Amina,” Hunter groaned, his hips jerking forward involuntarily.
She took him deeper, her mouth working over him with fervor. Hunter’s other hand joined the first in her hair, guiding her movements. His control slipped as the pleasure built, his hips thrusting into her mouth.
“Look at me,” Hunter commanded, his voice rough.
Amina’s eyes met his, her gaze heated and full of want. Hunter’s grip tightened, his thrusts becoming more insistent. She gagged slightly, but the look of determination in her eyes only spurred him on.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” he praised, his voice strained. “Such a good girl.”
Amina’s hands moved to his thighs, steadying herself as he fucked her mouth. Her eyes watered, but she didn’t pull away, her tongue working against him with each thrust. Hunter’s breathing grew ragged, his control slipping further.
“Fuck, Amina,” he groaned, his hips snapping forward. “I’m gonna…”
Before he could finish, his release hit him, his cock pulsing in her mouth. Amina swallowed as much as she could, the rest spilling from the corners of her lips. Hunter’s grip loosened, his body trembling with the force of his climax.
He pulled back, lifting her to her feet. “Are you okay?” he asked, wiping the remnants of his release from her lips as she sucked it off his thumb.
Amina nodded, feeling a rush of affection and desire for Hunter. "I'm okay," she replied, her voice soft but steady. She gazed up at him, her eyes still clouded with need. "But it's not gone yet."
Hunter's expression hardened with determination. "Then we keep going." He scooped her up effortlessly, carrying her to their bed and gently laid her down, his hands caressing her body. He could feel the heat radiating off her, the aphrodisiac flower still wreaking havoc on their systems.
He positioned a pillow under her hips, elevating her slightly. Amina's breath hitched as she felt his intentions, the anticipation building once again. Hunter kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth as his hands roamed her body, squeezing her breasts through the fabric of her brassiere.
“Hunter…” she moaned against his lips, her body arching towards him.
“Shh, I’ve got you,” he murmured, pulling back to look into her eyes. “You’re my good girl, right?”
She nodded eagerly. “Yes.”
“Good,” he growled, his hands slipping behind her to unclasp her brassiere. He ripped it off her, the sound of fabric tearing filling the room. “I want to see all of you.”
Amina gasped as the cool air hit her bare skin, her nipples hardening instantly. Hunter’s hands moved to her breasts, kneading them roughly before taking one nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting gently.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice husky.
“Yes,” she moaned, her hands threading through his hair. “It feels so good.”
Hunter’s free hand trailed down her body, his fingers slipping between her folds once more. “You’re so wet,” he murmured, his thumb circling her clit. “You like having my come inside you, don’t you cyar’ika?”
Amina’s hips bucked against his hand, her body desperate for more. “Hunter, please…” She whined.
Hunter’s grip tightened on Amina’s hips, feeling her desperation as she moved against his hand. "Patience, sweetheart," he whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "I’ve got you."
Amina's response was another whimper, her body arching into his touch. "Hunter, I need you," she pleaded, her voice trembling.
Hunter’s fingers moved faster, his thumb pressing harder against her clit. "You like this, don’t you? My sweet girl needs more, doesn’t she?"
"Yes," Amina gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders. "Please, baby. I need you inside me."
Hunter groaned at her words, his own arousal surging. He shifted her, adjusting the pillow under her hips, elevating her just right. He lined himself up with her entrance, pausing to look into her eyes. "You ready for me, sweetheart?"
"Yes, Hunter," Amina replied, her voice breathless. "Please, I need you."
With one swift motion, Hunter thrust into her, a gasp escaping both their lips as he filled her completely. "Oh, Maker," he groaned, his hands gripping her hips.
Amina’s back arched, her body responding to the overwhelming sensation. "Hunter, yes," she moaned, her hands clutching at the sheets.
Hunter set a relentless pace, each thrust deep and powerful. "You feel so good, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice rough. “So good.”
Amina’s breaths came in short gasps, the intensity of their connection driving her wild. "Harder, Hunter," she begged, her hips meeting his thrusts.
Hunter’s grip tightened, his hands moving to pin her wrists above her head. "Like this?" he asked, his voice a low growl as he drove into her harder, his cock hitting deeper with each thrust.
"Yes," Amina cried out, her body trembling. "Oh Maker, Hunter, yes."
Hunter's eyes were dark with desire as he continued to thrust into her, his pace relentless. "You like that, sweetheart?" he growled, his voice rough. "Does that feel good?"
Amina could only nod, her breath coming in short gasps. "Yes, yes, it feels so good," she moaned, her fingers creating a fist as Hunter kept a steady grip on her wrists.
He leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke. "I want to hear you, Amina. Let me hear how much you need this."
Amina's moans grew louder, her body arching into his touch. "I need it so much, Hunter," she whimpered. "I need you."
Hunter's thrusts became harder, each movement driving him deeper inside her. "You're so perfect," he murmured, his voice full of admiration. "So perfect for me."
Amina's nails dug into her palms, her body quivering with each powerful thrust. "Hunter, I'm so close," she gasped, her eyes meeting his.
Hunter's eyes burned with intensity as his thrusts becoming more forceful. "Come for me, Amina," he commanded. "Let go for me."
With a scream, Amina's body convulsed, her orgasm crashing over her. Her walls clenched around Hunter, pulling him deeper as he continued to pound into her.
"That's it, sweetheart," Hunter growled, his grip on her wrists tightening. "Such a good girl."
He didn't slow down, his own release building as he drove into her over and over again. "You feel so good," he groaned, his voice strained. "So kriffing good."
Amina's body shook with the force of her climax, her moans filling the room. "Hunter, please," she begged, her voice hoarse. "I need more."
Hunter's eyes darkened with desire as let go of her wrists and pulled her closer, his hips slamming into hers. "You want more, sweetheart?" he growled. "I'll give you more."
His hands moved to her hips, lifting them slightly as he angled himself to hit deeper. Amina's breath hitched, the new angle sending waves of pleasure through her body.
"Yes, Hunter," she moaned, her fingers clenching around his biceps. "Just like that."
Hunter's pace was punishing, each thrust harder than the last. "You like it rough, don't you?" he growled, his eyes locked on hers. "You like when I take you like this."
Amina's response was a choked moan, her body trembling. "Yes, Hunter, I love it," she gasped. "I love it when you take me like this."
Hunter's hands moved to her thighs, spreading her legs wider as he drove into her. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice full of admiration. "So kriffing beautiful."
Amina's eyes fluttered closed, her body overwhelmed by the intensity of their connection. "Hunter, I can't," she whimpered, her voice trembling.
"Yes, you can," Hunter growled, his hands gripping her thighs. "You're strong, sweetheart. You can take it."
Amina's body responded to his words, the coil inside her winding tighter and tighter. "Hunter, I'm going to," she gasped, her eyes squeezing shut.
"Do it," Hunter commanded, his voice rough. "Come for me again, Amina. I want to feel you."
With a cry, Amina's orgasm tore through her, her walls clenching around him. Hunter's grip tightened, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he followed her over the edge.
"Kriff, Amina," he groaned, his hips jerking as he emptied himself inside her. "You feel so good."
They stayed like that for a moment, their bodies pressed together, trembling with the aftershocks of their climaxes. Hunter slowly pulled out of her, his eyes searching hers.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft.
She nodded, letting out a soft sigh, “yeah, much better.”
Amina leaned her head against Hunter's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time. Despite the uncertainty of their situation, she found solace in the arms of the man she loved.
Hunter's fingers gently traced circles on her back, his touch comforting and reassuring. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, his lips lingering against her skin as he savored the moment. For him, there was no greater joy than being with Amina, sharing these intimate moments that bound them together in a way that nothing else could.
His head moved off the pillow as Amina got onto her elbows, “what is it?” She asked.
“Amellia is at the door.” He responded.
Amina hurriedly got off the bed and grabbed a pastel green nightgown and quickly slipped it on going to the front door. “Yes?”
“I ran your blood tests and I found out what is wrong. You probably ran into some sort of flower that contained a strong aphrodisiac, or in simpler terms, a sex pollen. The best course of action would be to- ” Amellia looked up from her datapad, finally looking at Amina and a few of clothes strewn about the living room.
“Oh. It seems you already figured out the antidote.” Amellia said, tucking hair behind her ear.
Amina adjusted her legs, the soreness from her and Hunter’s escapades settling in. “Seems so.”
“Well, that’s good. Because sometimes if you don’t do anything, it can actually lead to death.”
Amina blinked rapidly, sex pollen? It seemed like something out of a cheap holo-drama, not anything that would happen in real life. “W- wait. Sex pollen is real, and it can lead to death?”
“Yes.” Amellia stated, “and masturbation won’t work, you have to really exhaust yourself. It’s quite strenuous actual- ”
Amina cleared her throat, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she struggled to find the right words. "Um, yeah, okay, great. So... we're cured because we... well, you know," she stammered, her gaze flickering nervously to the scattered clothes strewn across the living room floor.
Amellia nodded, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, it seems you've stumbled upon the antidote quite effectively," she said, her tone laced with amusement. "Sometimes, nature provides the most unexpected solutions."
Amina shifted uncomfortably, the weight of the situation settling heavily on her shoulders. The idea that something as innocuous as a flower could have such potent effects seemed almost surreal. Yet here they were, living out their own unexpected romance amidst the chaos of their daily lives.
"So, what now?" Amina asked, her voice hesitant. "Do we just... wait for the effects to wear off?"
Amellia nodded, her expression serious once more. "Yes, that's usually the best course of action," she replied, her tone professional. "But if you experience any lingering symptoms or discomfort, don't hesitate to come see me. I'll be here to help."
Amina offered a grateful smile, her heart still racing from the intensity of their encounter. "Thank you, Amellia," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "For everything."
Amellia returned the smile, her gaze warm with understanding. "Of course, Amina," she said, her tone gentle. "Just take care of yourselves, alright? I’ll have Omega stay overnight with me.”
With a final nod, Amellia bid them farewell, leaving Amina and Hunter alone once more in the quiet confines of their home. Amina turned to face Hunter, her heart fluttering in her chest as she took in the sight of him, shirtless and tousled from their earlier activities.
"I can't believe that actually happened," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Hunter chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Yeah, me neither," he said, his tone light. "But I'm not complaining."
Amina's cheeks flushed with heat as she met his gaze, her stomach fluttering with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Despite the unexpected turn of events, she couldn't deny the rush of emotion that surged through her at the thought of being with Hunter, intimately and unreservedly.
"I guess we should probably clean up," she said, her voice tinged with reluctance as she glanced at the scattered clothes strewn across the floor.
Hunter nodded in agreement, a playful smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, probably," he said, his tone teasing. "But first, I think we should... take a shower."
Amina's cheeks flushed with heat at his suggestion, but she nodded in agreement. "Yeah, a shower sounds... good," she said, her voice breathless with anticipation.
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y'all have no idea how excited i am for the next chapter!! that's where things start to get real interesting…
tags: @callsign-denmark
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Can I request kayce dutton yellowstone
Reader isn't used to going anywhere for the holidays ( Thanksgiving) they go to her parents house but this year theyve been together for two years kayce suggests they go to his and she's nervous
🦃 Better Eating Turkey Together
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Sitting with my feet laying across the couch today wasn't much different than every other day for me. I knew it was Thanksgiving but for me that just meant me and my parents just eating at home. The front door opened where my boyfriend of two years came in the living room removing his cowboy hat sitting down beside me. "So I came up with an idea. Care to hear it darlin'?" Turning my body so I was facing him I lay my head on his chest replying. "Sure what came to your head cowboy?" He draped his arm over my shoulder resting his chin on top of my head. "How would you feel about having dinner at my family's ranch tonight instead of just staying home?" Lifting my head up from his chest I shake my head not needing him to do anything special for today. "Kayce, you don't have to do anything like that for me. Go be with your family."
He shifted to face me tucking hair behind my ear taking my other hand in his. I knew he meant well but he didn't have to try and make this day special for me. "You're part of my family, Y/n. So I want you to be a part of our holidays. Please just give it a try for me." His brown eyes locked onto mine where I gave in sighing. Grabbing my flannel jacket we headed to his families ranch. Stepping up onto the porch I chuckled covering my mouth with my hands laughing at what we heard. "Do you know there's four different forks and spoons on that table, Rip. Four, there's an oyster spoon on the table. Do we eat oysters!" Beth's voice hollered from the living room where Kayce enters the house first grinning ear to ear.
"If you don't like the room, then eat in a different room. At a different fucking table. I mean, look, there's a table right here. Why don't we eat right here?" Rip asked pointing to the living room table until we entered the room. He removed his hat waving at me with a smile. "How'de Y/n. Have you come to join the family?" Shrugging my coat off Kayce sat it on the couch before his father and Beth brought in the food letting me have the first bite of turkey. "Thank you for allowing me here tonight, Mr. Dutton." He smiled seeing his son eyeing my direction with a loving look. "Please Y/n call me John. It was Kayce's idea after all." Eating some more turkey I have to say even with all the fighting that happens its nice to change things up. Leaning over to Kayce I kissed his cheek smiling. "Thank you for this, Kayce." He kisses my forehead smiling.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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