#was too lazy to give andy a wardrobe change
aicsweetlovemylabor · 5 years
Chapter One
Chapter One: Wardrobe Malfunctions and Car Doors
“Dem, I don’t think this thing is going to fit. It’s not lying…right?”
She knew it had been a stupid idea to try something new with only two hours until the show. Absolutely knew it was idiotic, especially when she was supposed to be there early to help get merch set up and ready. But when Demri had called her saying that she had found something at the thrift store this afternoon she just wasn’t going to wait for it. Demri had an incredible eye and there was no way Bethany was letting the opportunity go to waste. Besides, these were the last local dates before the tour started. What better way to send them off with a bang?
Turning around from her mirror, Beth faced her friend fully; shifting and trying get the fabric to lay flat. Honestly she wasn’t sure if it was supposed to go this way—Demri was spearheading the whole debacle and she was just trying to make sure that her tits could fit into it. Demri didn’t seem nearly as concerned, however, and faced her with that little quirk in the corner of her mouth. She always bit the corner of her lips, leaving a lopsided look that just seemed to magnify the gleam in her eye.
Finally a resided huff left her lips, a swipe of bangs blowing out of the way. “You’re right. I’m going to have to have to tamper with this. Or else you lose the boobs, yeah?”
Bethany swiped out of the garment without a second thought, grabbing her discarded bra from the handle to her closet door. It was incredibly thoughtful of Dem and downright sweet that she even thought Beth could fit into the bustier-like thing. But she couldn’t even move an arm without something falling out and she desperately did not want to get banned from the venue, especially as it was a consistent place for the boys.
When some last minute rehearsals had taken place last week to make sure all set lists were approved for the tour, Susan had off-handedly made the remark that if she could just get the boys to stay on a straight and narrow for two more weeks then she would be in the clear. Tonight would probably be the opportunity to take that heart. It was the last show at home, with the Mother Love Bone boys opening for them–now with Eddie as their front man. She had seen them a couple of times before—and they were good. Different from the way Andy sang. Different than the music they played before, to be honest. Everybody knew everybody, however. So she expected every time to go absolutely batshit. No sense in risking a wardrobe malfunction to send them off.
“I would much rather have your talented touches in my clothing than lose my goodies,” Bethany countered, grabbing a discarded skirt from the floor of her closet. It was a bit rumpled, but would have to do. They had already wasted too much time.
She figured she still had time to style her hair, however, and meandered around Demri towards the bathroom. She had almost been scalped when one of the curlers in her hair had caught onto the lace earlier (when Beth had given up completely on fitting into anything). However, it hadn’t seemed to have bothered Demri who was still fiddling with the top in her hands, mumbling somewhat incoherently. She seemed pretty nonplussed by some stitching in the seam, and Beth heard the slight groan of her mattress as the other girl sat with dead weight. Good. That meant she had enough time to get some Cindy Crawford-esque hair and try to look like a babe tonight, despite the couple of hours that went into a mishap of clothing. The iron was hot when Demri popped her head just in the bathroom, saying that they had about five minutes to hightail it out of there. Fuck.
Bethany stood gawking at her friend, clad in only a skirt and bra. She recovered quickly–taking it as a sign of competence and went to work quickly, with her hair already sectioned and the hairspray nearby. Besides, it was just volume and little bit of curl—her hair would probably be a fucking mess by the end of the night either way with the humidity from the building. Either way she finished in about fifteen, fixing her lipstick and adding on some eyeliner with mascara. Demri had been patient the entire time, pulling some sweaters from the closet (some of which Bethany knew were dirty and were lying on the bottom of her closet floor). She finally had found a burgundy tank top that she had forgotten to put away with her summer clothes. The cut flared high above her hips and was buttoned up all up to the chest. Beth realized it was probably Dem’s version of a compromise and put it on without hesitation, tucking it into her skirt that she pulled up just a bit higher.
She shuffled through some tights that had runs and seen better days to help complete the look as the pair of them gathered out of the door, grabbing jackets and her car keys. Bethany always seemed to have some shoes in her car so she danced over the wet, cold ground and figured she could just lace up whenever they got to the club. These tights were probably going to get trashed anyways.
They were running a bit late. They seemed to be running later when Beth had gotten her skirt caught in her car door.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Dem had become curious about the third fuck and had come around the front of the car, only to find that Beth’s black tights had been ripped completely. She had to bite her lip on that one, seeing the sad display of her friend attempting to escape her car door. The skirt was great, but one leg of the black material underneath laid limp around her ankle while the other was desperately frayed but hanging on with a last bit of hope.
“I just wanted to look nice,” Bethany pouted, with her car key still turning the door of the sedan in an attempt to straighten her skirt out. The sour look on her face didn’t change much as Demri attempted to suppress a giggle.
“Well, it’ll be hot? Always is. You’ll fit right in!”
This had earned Demri a slap, only for the other girl to make quick work and pull Bethany’s tights off of her—tearing the material quicker than seemed humanly possible.
“What the fuck Demri? We are outside in a public street!” Bethany near shouted, her hands dropping bag and all to make sure nothing else had been pulled down. Her skirt was up dangerously high.
The other girl had simply shrugged at the mere thought, giving a coy grin in response.
“I couldn’t get your tits into that top, so show some leg and we’ll call it even.” A wink settled her sentence and because Beth hadn’t flashed all of Seattle she was able to accept Demri’s lazy ass form of an apology.
The girls had made their way to the venue soon after, with Beth holding the remnants of her tights in her hand. Her fucking shins were rubbing in her boots, but she would just have to fix it later. Sound check was soon and they had to pull shit out of boxes for merch.
While setting up the merch table was always a breeze, Beth found herself in a funk. Her hair wasn’t completely like she wanted it, there was a blister coming up on her foot. Jerry had walked around for a bit but she hadn’t seen him since Mookie had ran through their soundcheck. It was starting to be a shitty night for sending the boys off.
Bethany was listing everything else that could possibly go wrong as she was bent over the table; organizing shirts and pulling out various items when a palm laid a firm smack on the exposed portion of the back of her thigh. Beth cursed and squealed, jumping immediately with eyes blazing to find whoever thought it was cool to even try that shit. Her expression eased when she realized it was the blonde asshole who was her boyfriend that she had been trying to impress. It had seemed to work well as he let out a wolf whistle when she fully turned to face him, a hand still resting on her upper thigh.
“I’m going to personally put every oil change in that car whenever it’s due.”
Beth rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh as she crossed her arms across her chest.
“You’re an asshole, Jer. Those tights were fucking expensive.”
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riarklegirl · 6 years
Episodes 3x01-3x07 ranked from favorite to least favorite
It was difficult, no doubt about it, but I think I managed to rank all of the season 3 episodes so far from favorite to least favorite. So here we go! 
1. Cookie Monster (3x06)
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All of the plots in this episode were spot on and enjoyable for me. We meet Bowie’s mom, Cookie, for the first time and she’s such a sweetheart. Making them loveys and name cookies? I STAN COOKIE. Also the best line in the entire episode: “I never go anywhere without a roast chicken.” 
We also see the wonderful Buffy and Jonah friendship again. (It’s the content we deserve) I thought including this plot line would make the episode feel too busy at first, but it was a fun addition.
Saving the best for last...TYRUS. So many great moments in this episode that I literally had to pause the TV a few times just to freaking breathe. TJ asking Cyrus to hang out with his big goofy grin and Cyrus having those signature “heart eyes” the whole time...phew. They really do bring out the best in each other and this episode really displayed that. I loved the gun story line and thought it was handled quite nicely. 
2. The New Girls (3x07)
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This episode was ALMOST first but it went down a few points with the Bex and Bowie fixing stuff plot which I didn’t really care for...so let’s move on.
I love, love, love Libby! I am so glad this show decide to give some representation to the deaf community. I have a few family members that are deaf so this plot is very close to my heart. I really want to see more of Andi and Libby’s friendship later on. 
I absolutely loved all of the Tyrus emotional moments in this episode. It really highlights how much they need each other and how they wouldn’t have grown/changed without each other’s impact. TJ telling Cyrus that he is “The only person I can talk to like this” was such a powerful and meaningful line. We really got a peak inside both Cyrus and TJ’s minds here.
Also Ham was amazing, like always. 
3. Howling At The Moon Festival (3x02)
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This was such an entertaining episode. It was interesting to see some of Andi’s family traditions. The family-centered episodes of Andi Mack never fail to make me smile and I low-key wish we had some more of them. Poor Jonah, he was trying so hard to fix things! Extra points in this episode for the Cyrus/Jonah scene. 
Andi and Jonah’s “breakup” that wasn’t really a “breakup” finally feels like a healthy Jandi relationship move. I really didn’t expect it to be done this way but I was impressed. For once I didn’t have to cringe from Jandi’s painfully obvious communication problems. 
I loved the ending with the lanterns, but we STILL need to know what the wish was that fell. I wonder if the casual audience even remembers this plot by now.
4. Hole in the Wall (3x04)
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So I’m kind of lazy and don’t have much to say about this episode. But this episode gets points for the TJ and Cyrus muffin reference, TJ patting Cyrus on the shoulder, TJ and Cyrus walking in sync to the bleachers, TJ and Cyrus sitting as close as possible, and TJ and Cyr-well you get my point. 
I was iffy about the Jandi in the episode because they had such a nice ending in 3x02, ya know? But I was a fool to think it would end that easy. Jonah’s original song was a mess and I understand why Andi is reacting the way that she is, but then we get Jonah’s second song and it’s a freaking masterpiece that should win an award. 
5. The Syncing Feeling (3x05)
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Tbh, I felt like this episode was a bit weaker than the others. However, I looooved the Amber and Andi development. We are witnessing the start of a beautiful friendship. Amber had so much fun with Andi that she went home afterwards and actually GOOGLED beautiful places in the world to canoe at with Andi (according to Andi’s Texts, RIP). More Ambi scenes please! 
This episode also gets points for the Cyrus and Jonah being stuck in a canoe together. Ever since Cyrus confessed to Buffy that his crush on Jonah was gone, we haven’t really been getting some quality Jyrus friendship scenes. So this was a great addition. 
AND bonus points for Buffy trying to explain to Walker who Amber was because that was hilarious. 
6. The Boys Are Back (3x01)
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We got our boy HAM back, Cyrus returns from England and gets a new wardrobe, Bex and Bowie become engaged! And those are pretty much the highlights of the episode. It wasn’t bad, but it did feel a little boring and short to me. The episodes after 3x01 just outshine the season 3 premiere in my opinion.  
7. It’s A Dilemna (3x03)
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Andi in this episode was ugh. 🙄 I get that she’s a teenage girl going through a lot of emotions in her life right now, but it was still a bit much to me. I also did not like the plot with Bowie and his new guitar student. At this point, Shaun’s dad, Victor, is probably my least favorite character on the show. I probably would have rather watched Gus tie his shoes over this plot but let’s move on. This episode gets a million points though for showing us Cyrus in his dance class. Amazing, what a mood. 
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dr-tardis-who · 7 years
Angel of Music: Part Five
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Summary: It’s the night of the gig, while you’re up on stage you notice a familiar groups of boys. Thank god Storm decided on your outfit for the night. Songs used Bubblegum bitch Marina and the diamonds, no good Kaleo
A/N: Very long chapter, because I’m evil and love you all
Warnings: Swearing, sexual tension, mention of abusive relationship
Y/n/n-your nickname
Tagging: @beardedsteveslut @cubedtriangle @wanderdreamer
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Tonight was the night, you were doing a very big gig, and after your little run with the Holland family and Harrison. You were a little nervous, as you were stupid enough to tell Storm and the boys. Storm being, well Storm went into overload and wanted to hear every detail and immediately planned your outfit for the gig. Now here you are standing in front of the full length mirror staring at your reflection, you had to admit you didn’t recognise yourself, as you were wearing a rather revealing outfit, that was still tasteful.
“Don’t want any wardrobe malfunctions.’’ Storm said as he was dressing you, yes he was adamant, due to the fact that if he didn’t you would choose something a little more conservative. Your make up was done to perfection, complete with wings, false eyelashes and smoky eyes and ruby red lips. 
“Come on little minx, don’t want to keep that boy of yours waiting.’’ Storm calls from the other side of the door, with a sigh to try to be confident in your outfit as you walk out to the car with DJ, Alex, Storm and Andy, they do a few wolf whistles.
“Look at you, Y/n gonna get some tonight.’’ Andy teases, causing you to lightly punch his arm and roll your eyes.
“Fuck off.’’ You joke, the boys all laugh as you all get in the car. Just like last time you had gone to the venue earlier to set up most of the equipment, it was only your guitars and DJ’s keyboard that had to be set up.
“We mean it though Y/n/n, he would have to be a complete and utter div not to like you.’’ Andy says,
“Excuse me, where’s my praise after all who dressed her?” Storm asks from the passenger seat,
“Yes how can we forget our, beautiful fashion designer.’’ DJ jokes from beside you.
“Oh fuck you, you’re just jealous that you’ll never be my masterpiece, of beauty.’’ Storm says giving you a wink. Causing you to laugh from the back, this is what you loved about been with the guys, the jokes and banter always managed to bring a smile to her face.
“What are you thinking about?” Alex asks,
“Nothing.’’ You reply,
“You’re thinking about a certain blonde, aren’t you?” Storm teases,
“No, I’m just been sentimental.’’ You say looking out the window, watching the world whizz by.
“What are you boys all getting dressed up for?” Nikki asks, her sons, who were  all dressed in nice button up shirts and various jeans/pants.
“Y/n’s band are playing tonight.’’ Paddy says from his spot on the couch the only one not going.
“Oh how nice, we should all go.’’ Nikki says causing the three Holland boys to stop in their tracks,
“What?” Tom asks,
“We’ll all go, it’ll be nice.’’ She says,
“But mum, it’s not really your scene.’’ Harry says,
“Nonsense. It’s a pub.’’ She says, the boys knowing that there was no point arguing with their mum, unless they wanted to be grounded. And Tom didn’t want to go through the embarrassment of that. He sent a quick text to Harrison explaining the situation, and how they’ll have to alter their plan in order to get Y/n’s attention.
“Really mum, I don’t want to go anywhere just to see my brothers and Harrison make heart eyes at some girl.’’ Paddy says not moving from his spot on the couch.
“Hey, it’s Harrison that’s in love with her, we just wanted to get them together.’’ Tom blurts out in a rush only to be slapped on the back of the head by Sam, and Harry to roll his eyes.
“You’re trying to set Harrison up?” Nikki asks,
“He’s fancied her since the night we met her.’’ Harry admits.
“That’s very sweet of you boys.’’ Nikki says with a smile,
“We’re just doing it, he’ll stop acting like a crazy stalker on her social media.’’ Sam adds.
To say that Harrison was mortified, would be an understatement. When he arrived at the Holland house to pick up the boys, he wasn’t aware that they had told Nikki everything, who had told Dom. Harrison shot a ‘really’ look at Tom who offered an apologetic smile, that looked more like a grimace.
“Really, you told your mum?” Harrison asks,
“It’s ok Harrison, I think it’s sweet. She seems like a sweet girl.’’ Nikki says that causes the four older boys to think ‘if you only saw her film clips’ simultaneously. 
“So we’re all going then, they start playing in ten minutes.’’ Dom says. With that they all file out of the house locking the door and piling into the car.
You all got there a little early so with everything tuned and ready to go, you guys were able to enjoy a drink or two before starting. You weren’t planning on getting completely pissed (drunk) tonight, as you weren’t in the mood to party too hard tonight. Actually all you wanted was to curl up with your current book you had been reading, with a cup of tea and your headphones in. And maybe a cuddle with DJ, he gave the best hugs in the world. It’d been hard for you in the last few months as you broke up with your ex, as they had cheated on you five months ago. You didn’t do one night stands or rebounds, so you focused on your music and just being happy for a change. You weren’t bothered about getting into another relationship, that was until Harrison walked in. Yes after a few encounters you had found him very attractive, and fun to hang out with and all the boys liked him. And that was a big thing for you, as they were like family to you.
“Hey, Y/n/n get your head out of the clouds, we have a show to put on.’’ Andy pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Let’s kill it.’’ You smirk wickedly.
Getting up onto the stage you slip your electric guitar over your torso, in front of the microphone. The drums count you, Storm and DJ in as you begin to strum drawing attention to you and your fellow band mates. DJ starts to sing, he was opening tonight it made sense as he had the voice an angel and the range of Brendon Urie. You couldn’t help getting lost in the song as you played one of your favourite songs.
‘Kiss your baby goodbye, come on love it’s alright’
‘Won’t know unless you give it a try’
Unbeknownst to you a certain group were purely gazing at you as you played the guitar solo, a smile illuminating your face brighter than any highlighter.
“Thank you.’’ DJ says doing his little introduction, it wasn’t until you looked out into the bar properly that you noticed the certain blonde with his friends. Feeling a little braver and flirty tonight, you confidently begun your next song.
‘Oh dear diary, I met a boy, 
‘He took my dull heart, filled it joy,
‘Oh dear diary we fell apart, welcome to the life of electra heart’
‘Oh sugar pink, lick-a lips, fill me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss’
‘I’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch’
When you ended the song, you were all applauded and, you got a few cat calls that you never, really worried about. You smiled brightly at your fellow band mates, Storm merely gave you a knowing wink noticing Harrison sitting completely in awe of you. His plan was working perfectly, so far.
You guys take a break for about half an hour before your second set, you’re standing at the bar laughing at something Andy said as you help him carry the drinks you guys had ordered back to your table. When you both get back to the table you see Tom, his family and Harrison with your fellow band mates.
“What the hell did you get?” Alex asks you,
“A mojito.’’ You answer sipping your drink lazily,
“Shouldn’t you be drinking a beer or something?” Sam asks, the group laugh,
“She’ll have to be the only person I know that hates beer with a passion.’’ DJ explains,
“I drink anything but beer.’’ You say a little shy. A slight blush dusting over your cheeks, as you notice Harrison’s eyes on you. The boys tease you lightly for a minute or two.
“It’s ok Y/n beer isn’t for everyone.’’ Harrison says placing a comforting arm around your bare shoulders, a pleasant tingling sensation went down your spine as his fingers made contact with your smooth skin. The air between you both becoming a little thick, the others notice too.
“Come on Y/n/n, we have to get back up there.’’ DJ says pulling you both back into reality.
“Yeah, ok.’’ You reply.
As you walk back towards the stage Harrison’s face falls a little, he wanted to hold you a little longer. 
“Come on mate, ask her out for fuck’s sake.’’ Tom nudges his friend, teasingly.
“And do you suppose I do that?” Harrison asks frustratedly, as they begin to play another song. Tom did answer his question but Harrison was to enthralled with hearing the beautiful and unique voice, up on stage. Ever since Harry had come across their Youtube, he had spent most of his lazy days watching almost every video they had made. 
It was safe to say now he really liked you, and not just because of your talent but because of your personality, how bright and refreshing you are. Not like the other girls that just want that five minutes of fame, to tell a good story. But because you were genuine and caring, not to mention you were gorgeous especially tonight. You outfit was seductive but your face and eyes still held a innocence to them.
Packing up was always your least favourite thing to do, since everyone was way too drunk not to spill their drinks, and you been rather petite always had some drunken dumb-ass nearly falling on top you. With a huff you collect the cords from the microphones and place them in their correct containers.
“Hey Y/n?” You hear someone ask you, you turn to see Harrison looking a little tipsy, but not enough to worry you.
“Hey Harrison, enjoy the show?” You ask,
“Yeah it was awesome.’’ He replies,
“I’m glad you guys came.’’ You say with a smile,
“Yeah me too, hey do you need some help?” He asks,
“Are you sure you should be handling equipment in your state?” You question cocking an eyebrow with a slight smirk.
“I’m pretty good actually.’’ He retorts feigning hurt,
“Sure, I appreciate it.’’ You say handing some equipment that’s all ready to go, you pick up some as well. He follows you through the rowdy crowd of drunks, to the door where the cars are. You both continue to talk as you stop with the rest of the boys who are at the cars, watching the scene unfold before them.
“Look at them.’’ Storm sighs dramatically as if he were watching a romance film,
“They do look cute together.’’ Tom admits,
“It’s good to see her smile like that again.’’ DJ murmurs,
“What do you mean?” Nikki asks,
“Her last relationship....was...well shitty.’’ Alex explains.
“Shitty’s an understatement, borderline abuse is what it was.’’ Storm snaps, with malice dripping from every word.
“What?” Tom asks looking back at you and Harrison, in complete shock.
“Our friend is very innocent to a point, but her ex took advantage of her. Even to this day we don’t know the full story. But from what we do know it was borderline abusive.’’ Andy explains quietly. He took the news of your past relationship harder than anyone, he saw you as a little sister. Someone he needed to protect from all the evil in the world.
“But she’s so sweet and beautiful.’’ Nikki says feeling lost for words,
“Trust me, we know. Her ex cheating on her was actually a blessing in disguise, it’s also one of the reasons, we decided to bring her along. To get back the Y/n we know and love.’’ Storm says, smiling as you both approach the group.
“So you guys, leave me to do all the work?” You tease,
“Well we know how much you love packing up after a gig.’’ DJ says sarcastically, causing you to roll your eyes.
“At least Harrison’s more help, than you lot.’’ You retort causing the blonde to blush slightly.
“Hey, you’re not stealing my assistant.’’ Tom cuts in jokingly,
“Oh I don’t know, but I think your bro-mance is way too intense for me to get in the middle of.’’ You reply, causing Tom’s brothers to laugh.
“Hey are you guys going out afterwards?” Sam asks,
“We weren’t sure, it’s up to Y/n.’’ Andy says,
“Oh yeah great idea, let’s ask the most indecisive person on the planet to make a decision.’’ You answer.
“True.’’ Andy says, with a laugh.
“I personally wouldn’t mind a few quiet drinks.’’ Alex pipes up,
“That actually sounds nice.’’ You agree, you weren’t in the mood to let loose tonight, personally all you wanted was to go to bed with a good book and music in your ears.
“Really, never did I think I would see the day that Y/n L/n , would agree to a quiet drink.’’ DJ teases,
“Oh fuck off it’s been a long week.’’ You reply,
“I’m up for some drinks.’’ Tom says happily, the rest of the boys agreeing too, as well as Harrison. You couldn’t help the sense of Deja vu, filling you. You look as Harrison smiling softly.
Andy ended up the designated driver with you all in the back as well as Harrison, Tom, Sam and Harry. You were leaning against Harrison who was sitting next to you, you had drunk way more you should of. And after that prick made a pass at you, Harrison had gotten all of you thrown out due to him, kindly telling random man to fuck off he didn’t listen. So you go between both men not wanting Harrison to get hurt, so you had taken the punch that was meant for Harrison, to the ribs. So now you were on your way to hospital, just to make sure there was no serious damage.
“That was still a stupid thing to do.’’ DJ mutters,
“What do you expect me to do, huh?” You ask your words slurred,
“Harrison’s a grown man he can take care of himself.’’ DJ counters,
“Doesn’t matter. You would do the same for me. Makes no difference.’’ You retort.
“Yes it does.’’ Harrison says, speaking for the first time, you look at him trying to focus your eyes due to your drunk state,
“What do you mean?” You ask,
“You could’ve gotten seriously hurt, or worse. Whether you like it or not, you’re a girl and it makes a difference.’’ Harrison says, his heart slightly breaking due to the look on your face.
“Yes I’m a girl, get the fuck over it, believe it or not I’m stronger than I look and am more than capable of defending myself.’’ You snap with anger.
In the hospital was tense between you and Harrison as you waited for your scan to come back. You hadn’t spoken a word since you were in the car, you merely drank your small cup of water that the nurse gave you to sober up, slowly. Harrison sat in a chair on the other side of the room observing you, you were tense and upset, something was bothering you it was right on the edge of your lips you just couldn’t bring yourself to say it. You run your fingers through your hair swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, as your feet didn’t touch the ground. Yes you’re a child.
“Must you do that?” Storm asks,
“Yep.’’ Is all you reply with before going back to your own train of thought, for a moment Harrison thought he saw unshed tears in your eyes, but he didn’t want to upset you. He did feel guilty that he made you so upset, but he couldn’t help but voice his opinion. He was about to say something, when the doctor came into the small room.
“The good news is there’s no damage to your ribs, the bad news is that, there is slight bruising. My advice is not to do anything strenuous, for the next few days.’’ The doctor says kindly, you nod.
“Can I go home now?” You ask, your voice smaller than usual, Harrison thought it was to do with the fact that you’re tired.
“Of course.’’ The doctor says helping you off the bed, DJ wraps his arm around your shoulder protectively. As you all walk out of the hospital.
Back in the car, you had fallen asleep almost as soon as DJ buckled you in, the car ride was quiet, none of the boys saying anything.
“She did just want to help.’’ Andy says quietly breaking the tense silence,
“She could of gotten herself hurt.’’ Storm counters,
“Yes, but we all know that she doesn’t care about her own safety, when it comes to helping others.’’ DJ adds,
“She’s going to be the death of us all. Even you mate.’’ Alex says nudging Harrison playfully, causing the blonde to blush madly.
“No point denying it mate, we all know you like her. And don’t worry she likes you too.’’ DJ reassures Harrison,
“Not after tonight.’’ Harrison murmurs,
“Give her time she’ll forgive you. Just say sorry.’’ Storm says,
“That’s it?” Harrison asks,
“Yep.’’ DJ answers with a nod.
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