#was much easier. which also somehow didn't kill it so i did have to flush it down the toilet
faethfigueroth · 3 months
just killed a wasp that got into my bathroom i'm literally shaking
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devildom-tyrant · 5 years
Ahhhh Ty!!! Same faves!!! Same faves!!! I'm still new to the game rn, chapter 3 lol, but what do you think would happen if Mc went along with Levi's plans for the lols and offered Mammon to break the pact right after Levi left or something? I really didn't like how forceful mc is in the game with how they barely even lived in the place yet they're there forcing their way through the demon's lives. Really peeved me especially on the next arc of belphegor tower, no respect for the house. ~👑
*Keep me updated with your feelings in the other chapters!  I definitely wanna hear about what you think!  =D  
I have to agree; the way the pact’s made so easily didn’t sit well with me, and I also didn’t like how you don’t get a choice and have to kinda sneak around their house despite Lucifer’s rules.  It’s like… you just got there and you’re going to be that nosy?  I guess it’s because you just appear in Devildom and they’re demons and fuck, this is all new and interesting and there’s a spooky voice calling from upstairs, what kind of demon shit’s going on here??  But it still felt a little early for that lol.  
ANYWAY, here’s you some nice introspective on the Mammon pact!
The day after you helped Levi with his plan, you can’t help but feel a little uncomfortable.  Everyone is making a big deal about the pact you made with Mammon — when in truth, you didn’t actually know what a pact entailed.  You’re honestly still a little fuzzy on the details, but when you told Mammon to pay Levi back and he actually did, you couldn’t help but stare.
It didn’t seem like he would do casual things; if you asked Mammon to stop being so wanton with his spending, he would blow you off and do as he wished.  But when you commanded him to hurry down the stairs so you wouldn’t be late, his body moved so fast that he tripped and rolled down the steps while Levi somehow filmed it and the rest of his brothers laughed.  
Your face had flushed as hot as Mammon’s; you hadn’t meant for that to happen, and you felt mortified.  Even as you apologized, he grumbled and waved you off, and you felt guilty the rest of the day.
Even though Mammon was made fun of all day for “being tricked” into a pact with the exchange student, he still spent the day walking around with you, and after classes were over, he asked if you wanted to go shopping down the main stretch.  
“I went through all that trouble for Goldie, and ya better believe I’m gonna treat her right!  She’s begging me for a night out!  So, what’dya say?”
Goldie, of course, is his credit card — which he’s cradling against his cheek with a broad grin.  
“Are you just asking me because of the pact?” you blurt, unsure if this is some kind of side-effect of the bond.  He seemed bothered by the fact that he had to show you around before, but now he’s going out of his way to invite you?
His brows furrow.  “That?  Pfft, no!  I’m supposed to be your chaperone or whatever, and if you go by yourself and get killed by some random demon, then Lucifer’s going to be pissssed.  N-not that I care!  I’m not afraid of him!  It’s just a hassle to deal with, and I’d rather be spending my time with Goldie!”   His attention turns back to the piece of plastic in his hand.  “Don’t you worry, girl!  I won’t let that jerk Lucifer get his hands on you again!  We’ll never be apart!”
You feel your eye twitch slightly, but you give in and spend the evening on the town with Mammon.  He’s so excited over being reunited with his credit card that he can’t get the giddy grin off his face, and he’s always sure to buy whatever the most expensive brand is.  After a bit, his good mood becomes contagious, and you shake off your guilt to enjoy your time looking through the various devil products.  Most of them seem like off-brand things you’ve seen in the human world, but there were also some manga, video game, and TV show merch that you recognized.
When you get back to the House of Lamentation, you’re seeing Mammon in a bit of a new light.  He was fun, he was engaging, and he asked for your opinions on nearly all of his purchases (and then bought them regardless).  
After dinner — where his brothers continued to tease him — you ask Mammon if you could speak to him, and he shows up in your room.  
“‘sup?” he asks, plopping onto your bed with complete familiarity.  
You’re not sure where to sit; you feel nervous, and you stand in front of him, wringing your fingers together.  
“Um, I wanted to talk about the pact.”
“That’s all anyone’s talkin’ about, huh?” Mammon sighs, mumbling under his breath, “I’ll show ‘em a poor excuse for a demon.  They kept forgettin’ I’m the second oldest–and therefore second strongest!”
“Look, I, uh…”  Just come out and say it.  “Do you want out of the pact, Mammon?”
He blinks slowly, staring at you as if you just announced you were actually a dog in a human suit. “What?”
“The pact.  I went along with Levi’s plan to see what would happen, but it’s not like I want to have power over you or something.  I mean, you don’t really know me that well, and now suddenly you’re getting made fun of and…”  The words came rushing out of you, but you suddenly trail off.  His expression had hardened while you were talking, and it’s difficult to think while he’s looking at you like that.  
“The pact’s not somethin’ I intend to back out of.  It’s not that simple, for starters, and that’d be a pain… but it’s also not that big of a deal.  I’m used to gettin’ made fun of, and I’ll get those assholes back, don’t worry.”
“But, I feel bad that I… that you got tricked.”  You couldn’t bring yourself to say that I forced you into this, even as the words were on the tip of your tongue.
“You really think I entered a pact jus’ for Goldie?  I mean, hell yeah, she means that much to me, and Levi was threatening to tell Lucifer about it, but I could’ve managed to get her back some other way.  I’m not that much of an idiot, sheesh!” 
He crosses his arms, frowning at the implication, while you slowly sit down on the bed beside him. 
“Why then?”  Your heart is hammering in your ears; you’re not a fan of direct confrontation, but you’re beginning to realize your stay in Devildom is going to require quite a bit of it.
Mammon doesn’t look at you.  His tanned face slowly begins to turn pink.  “You seem interesting… for a fragile human that can’t do anything.”  
Suddenly, he shrugs and bolts up from your bed, whirling toward you with his hands planted on his hips.  “I mean, you don’t even have any magical power, so it’s not like you can utilize even a quarter of a pact, so I’ve got nothin’ to worry about there!  And being in a pact with THE Mammon means it’s less likely some rando’s gonna eat your soul, and that makes it easier on ME.  See, the pact actually works out in my favor, and — and I figured all of this out from the get-go!  Yeah!”  
He definitely just came up with all of that on the spot, but you can’t help but smile.  Is he trying to make you feel less guilty about the whole thing?  
“Thank you, Mammon.”
His cheeks flare pink again, and he looks away.  “Wh-what are you thanking me for?  I was just explainin’ that I’m not an idiot — that I actually planned all of this to make it easier to slack!  So if anything, I’d say I’m a genius!”  
You nod along, agreeing with a sarcastic tone that he doesn’t catch until ten seconds later, and the two of you fall into your usual banter.  He lingers in your room… and it kick-starts a nightly ritual of him coming there after dinner to hang out.  
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