#was drunk or it is Gus holding the knife and saying 'I'm going to kill you'
i need a edit of that drawing of peppino ">:3" Face someone pointing him a knife, is like thet cat meme lol!
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annaphoenix1994 · 3 years
Horseshoe Overlook - Paying a Social Call
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Four days went by as the coarse ropes dug sores into her wrists and ankles. She was still wearing the dress that she had changed into before her father was killed. She was only offered water early in the morning and food late in the evening. Her stomach constantly rattled, telling her brain that she was on the brink of starving as well as fatigue. She felt utterly weak and severely dehydrated. She leaned her head back as she felt another wave of nausea hit her, wondering if death would be a better option.
"What's wrong? Ya hungry?" She heard Colm mock as he sat in one of the chairs at the small table, counting heaps of money.
"Not too bad," She croaked, not wanting to give up her fight.
"Good, 'cause ya got a few more days," He smirked.
"Before what? You kill me? I can't wait." She rolled her eyes.
"No, before we turn ya in." He replied.
"I'm countin' the hours." She replied, looking up at the ceiling, wishing that those days would never come.
"Boss, you sure this is a good spot?" One of his men asked as he walked into the cabin, looking down at Minnie before giving her a sharp kick to the hip, rattling her wave of nausea once more.
Colm's brows rose as he put down the money he was counting, "We ain't been shot up yet, have we?" He snarled. "Besides, looks like her pa had some money stashed away in the chest there. Looks to be a few thousand." He chuckled, purposely fanning the money in front of Minnie, showing her that it was in fact the money she would gift to her father every time she came to visit, realizing that he never deposited it as it was stolen money.
She frowned as she remembered the thought before her hazel eyes stared daggers into Colm's, "That don't bother me." She taunted.
He pursed his lips as he didn't like being mocked by the only woman he wanted most. He thought twice about killing her himself after he had his way with her, but something about her emerald hazel eyes and her flushed complexion made him rise and he couldn't think of her feeling cold.
"What're we doin' with her?" One of his men asked.
"Few more days and I'll have you and Tom take her to Saint Denis and turn her in for the bounty. That money will be enough to get us outta this dump and somewhere nice. Sell her horse, too." Colm suggested as he finished counting the money before storing some of it in the brick of the chimney, keeping it hidden.
"And you?"
"I'm gonna finish countin' this money here and have a few of my guys follow me back to our other hideout to stash it. A place like this is likely to catch like a torch. Can't have all of it goin' to waste." Colm explained.
"Alright, boss. I'll keep a lookout while you're away," The old man said. Minnie looked at him disgusted as his thin brown hair and thick mustache coaxed his face. His brown eyes had the look of hatred in them as he did his best to be at the top of the pack, earning a special place in the O'Driscoll gang.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Arthur stretched as he awoke with the morning sun, embracing the cool spring air as it was his ideal temperature. He walked to the fresh pot of stew, spooning his bowl full before getting a tin of coffee, wondering what he was going to do throughout the day. He looked around to see what members were missing as they all had a few side quests and activities to do, seeing that every member, except Trelawny, was not present.
"Mister Morgan," He heard a familiar voice say, meeting him at the table he was eating at, taking a seat next to him.
"Yes, Miss Grimshaw?" He asked.
"Mister Matthews gave me a message for you, he said when it was convenient to head into Emerald Ranch. He's lookin' at a few business things there." Susan explained.
"Okay." Arthur nodded.
Susan chuckled, "He'll find something, too, he always does."
"That he does." Arthur chuckled.
"Well, you be well, Mister Morgan," She smiled.
"I'm always well, Miss Grimshaw." He assured as he put his daily token of gratitude within the camp funds box. With his tin of coffee, he made his rounds throughout the camp, smirking at Kieran Duffy still tied to the tree since they arrived in Horseshoe Overlook. 'He's damn lucky we picked out a tree with shade,' Arthur thought to himself as he walked up to the young man.
"Please, talk to them for me!" Kieran begged.
"You got some speakin' to do of your own... About that old gang of yours." Arthur taunted.
"I said... I told you... I don't know nothing!"
"That's what I thought."
"Woah! Hold your horses there," Dutch intervened as he was accompanied by Bill, walking quickly to the situation, afraid that Arthur was going to start beating the man. "It seems the cat has got our friend here's tongue. I was thinking Mister Williamson could have a word."
"You ready to talk boy?" Bill taunted, puffing his chest.
"I told you, Mister... I told all of you. I don't know nothing, okay? They-They ain't no friends of mine. I just been ridden with them for a while." Kieran explained.
"Horseshit!" Bill hissed, clenching his fists. "You see, we heard that part, so why don't you tell the truth? Dutch, what do you want me to do?" He asked.
"Hurt him so the next time he opens his mouth, it is to tell us what is going on!" Dutch commanded. "Ah, who am I kiddin'? One of O'Driscoll's boys couldn't open his mouth but he'd tell a lie. Screw it, let's just have some fun, huh? Geld him." He said, using his fingers to mimic a scissor to Bill, seeing that he was eager to do the deed.
"Oh yeah!" Bill replied, quickly breaking away to retrieve the tongs from the fire.
"What's he doing? Where's he going?" Kieran asked before Dutch pulled down the young man's pants, exposing him.
"Oh don't worry! They're only balls, boy! Just gonna cause you trouble!" Dutch warned. "You know, in Imperial Rome, eunuchs was among the happiest and most loyal of courtiers." He explained.
"No, no, no, no... You're kidding me right?" Kieran panted, his legs shaking as Bill was coming closer with the hot tongs.
"Of course." Dutch replied.
"You sick bastards! What do you want from me?" Kieran cried, trying his best to keep his legs pressed together.
"Well, you are going to talk. The only question is now or after we got these little fellers off?" Dutch explained.
"Okay! Okay! Listen, I know where O'Driscoll's holed up and you're right, he don't like you any more than you like him. He's supposedly at Six Point Cabin! He's been talkin' about it for months. I'll take you there... Serious," Kieran panted. His eyes looked around frantically, hoping that the men wouldn't continue their torture antics. He looked over at Arthur briefly as he never said a word while Dutch and Bill were interrogating him, regarding the pale look on his face as if he were worried, but he didn't think much of it. "I don't like him. I mean, I like him even less than I like you, no offense."
"None taken." Dutch replied, fanning off Bill to put away the gelding tongs.
"Okay then, partner," Arthur finally said, taking his knife and cutting Kieran free from the tree. "Why don't you take a few of us up there right now. I got this, Dutch," Arthur nodded, jerking the young man along with him as well as Bill. "Should be fun. Alright you, come on!" Arthur said as he shoved Kieran in front of him as he pulled up his trousers, trying to hide his embarrassment.
Bill and Arthur chuckled along behind him as they walked to their horses, "Let's both hope you ain't tryin' to trick us, O'Driscoll." Arthur warned.
"I ain't no O'Driscoll!" Kieran protested.
"But you sure as shit was," Arthur growled. "John, come on! We got a social call needs makin'! Where we headin'?" He asked as his heart was beating rapidly. Six Point Cabin, the same cabin the old man he met in town told him about. The same cabin that he associated with Minnie Barlow as the old man was in fact her father. 'He better hope she ain't dead,' He hissed to himself, taking out his anger towards the young man, still wondering to himself as to why he felt the need to be so protective over her when they never even officially met.
"Up into the hills behind Valentine, I'll show you." Kieran said.
Arthur groaned as he mounted his horse, "John, you take this little rattlesnake with you... Any nonsense, kill him."
"Sure." John replied, also mounting his horse.
"We're gonna pay your buddies our respects." Arthur mentioned.
"He taking us to Colm?" John asked.
"That's what he says," Arthur grumbled. "Come on."
'Off to rescue a damsel in distress,' Arthur thought to himself as he was hoping this ride to the cabin was quick.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Arthur's heart pounded as they approached the cabin, seeing that it was overrun with O'Driscoll's. He grew angry at what they had done, not even knowing if she or her father was alive or not.
"The cabin's in the clearin' down there," Kieran whispered. "There'll be a bunch of fellers hidin' out there too."
"Are these fellers armed?" Arthur asked.
"Armed. Drunk. Wary of strangers." He replied.
"And Colm O'Driscoll?" Arthur added.
"Oh, he'll be holed up in that cabin. Be passed out, booze blind, likely as not."
"Over there, someone's comin'." Bill warned as he motioned for them all to get down, John doing so by covering Kieran's mouth to keep him from yelling to his former gang.
"So, uh, who's gonna tell him we ain't got nothin' for the pot?" The men heard the strangers say from below the ridge.
"Let me think, the feller that spooked the game I reckon!" The other replied.
"I'm gonna drain it, I-I'll catch up," One of them said, leaning against a tree to relieve himself.
Arthur looked to John and Kieran, "Shh... Come on," He whispered to Bill, sneaking down the ridgeline.
"What're we doin' about the pisser, Morgan? The one by the tree?" Bill asked as they both took out throwing knives from their possession.
"He's yours, Williamson," Arthur directed, watching Bill nod as he easily took out the man before they both moved on to the pair of members waiting on him, also keeping watch on the camp.
"Good work. We movin' on the camp?" They heard John whisper after killing the two guards. "I left our guide up there. He's meek as a little lamb." John chuckled.
"He better be." Arthur growled.
"What about the one on the log?" John whispered.
"Kill him quietly, Marston," Arthur directed. "Get your hands dirty for a change." He teased.
John chuckled as he made his job look easy, hearing a 'Jesus Christ' from Arthur as he witnessed it.
Their stealth killings didn't go unnoticed as they were spotted by a lone guard, triggering the hail of gunfire in the quiet oasis of the wilderness. A few, long minutes later, Arthur finally halted his gunfire, insisting for Bill and John to start searching the bodies. "I'm gonna go search the cabin!" Arthur announced before being shocked at the discovery of Jameson's body hidden in the old wagon just outside the cabin. His heart broke as the old man had so much to live for, yet he wondered if the same happened to his daughter or if she had escaped. As much as he wished to rescue her, his mind immediately thought of the worst. He sighed as he holstered his pistol, walking up the steps to the cabin before being pushed down by the door, greeted by a smirking man and a shotgun barrel in his face.
Arthur accepted his fate as he braced himself for the blast, only to be halted by the man above him being shot. With a confused look, he turned his head to see Kieran shakily holding a pistol, shooting the man and saving Arthur's life.
"You alright?" Kieran asked as he made sure the enemy stopped breathing.
Arthur's breath hitched as he didn't even want to think that an O'Driscoll saved his life, let alone admit it. He lay his head back down, taking a deep breath, "Sure, thank you." He replied sarcastically before groaning to his feet, storming to the young man as he was soon met by Bill and John. "Colm O'Driscoll... He ain't here. You set us up!" He growled. "Come here!" He demanded as the young man slowly approached him with his hands up. Arthur was sure that if he was a dog, his tail would be tucked between his legs while he pissed himself.
"What?" He dared to ask.
"You set us up!" Arthur hissed.
"No, I didn't!" He protested.
"You did, Colm O'Driscoll ain't here!" Arthur argued, aiming his pistol at the young man's head.
"He was here, I swear! I sw- If I was setting you up, I-I wouldn't have saved your life," Kieran pleaded.
"It's a good point, Arthur," Bill intervened, putting himself in between Arthur and Kieran.
"Alright then, go on, get out of here." Arthur addressed.
"I won't kill ya."
"I didn't set you up,"
"Get lost!" Arthur demanded.
"Get lost?"
Arthur's face wrinkled as he grew angry, grabbing Kieran by the collar, "I'm lettin' you run away now go on, get out of here!"
"That's as good as killing me!" Kieran argued, daring to walk back towards Arthur. "Out there, without you- Colm O'Driscoll's gonna lose his mind about this!" Kieran pointed.
"So?" Arthur scoffed, resting his palm on his hip.
"So I'm one of you now." Kieran addressed, pointing his finger at him.
Arthur sighed, scratching at his beard, "Give me a break. Aright then," He said as he walked closer to Kieran, pointing his finger in his face, "But I'm warning you."
"Oh, I know,"
"Come on, let's get to camp." Arthur directed as his immense heartbreak couldn't dare to handle the sight of a deceased Jameson and Minnie Barlow.
"So you got the cash then?" Kieran asked, stopping Arthur, Bill, and John in their tracks.
"What cash?"
"Yeah, there's usually some cash in the chimney. Colm always talks about it whenever he plans to take over someplace," Kieran said as he attempted to walk towards the house, only to be stopped by Arthur.
"I'll check it! Rest of you boys get to camp, quick."
"See, Arthur, I ain't so bad!" Kieran proposed.
Arthur turned on his heel, "Hey Bill, you tell Dutch old Kieran ain't worth killin' just yet!" The men nodded as they made their way to camp while Arthur was eager to search the cabin for clues of Minnie Barlow, only to be stopped dead in his tracks by the woman herself, tied up harshly to the cot post with her head tilted back. His jaw dropped as he assumed her to be dead by her pale complexion. He lost all moisture in his mouth as he was still shocked. He hesitated to take a step towards her, even though he didn't think she had any life in her. 'Jesus,' He thought to himself, feeling that it was wrong to search the cabin, feeling like he was robbing her.
He slowly moved around the cabin, the two photos on the hearth catching his attention. He grinned as he looked at the photo of Jameson and his wife on their wedding day before looking at the photo of Minnie as an infant. "Minnie Anna Barlow," He said to himself before putting the photo back on the mantle before turning back to look at her still in the same position. "Guess I'll bury you and your pa someplace proper," He said quietly, knowing that she wouldn't reply. He took out his knife, cutting the rope from her ankles before locating the rope tying her wrists together, finding that there was no rope binding her. As he realized what was happening, the cold feeling of a revolver's barrel was pressed against his exposed chest. 'Smart woman,' He thought, his blue eyes meeting her hazel eyes once more. His breath hitched as she was the most beautiful woman he had seen in quite a while, which was a long while. He didn't want to admit that no matter how beautiful she was, she scared him.
"I don't think so, cowboy," She hissed. She recognized his eyes immediately, but she didn't know what he was capable of and why he was there. In a way, she was grateful that he was, even in the unfortunate circumstances that were about to unfold.
"Woah, easy," He pleaded, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"Then why are you here?" She questioned, slowly standing to her feet.
"It's a long story," He sighed, shaking his head, hiding his embarrassment by the brim of his hat.
"What? You one of those O'Driscoll's comin' to finish me off?"
"No, we just killed all them O'Driscoll's, Miss," He tried to explain. "I-I met a man named Jameson in Valentine a few days back and he invited me up here to go huntin'. Well, a couple of weeks ago, we picked up a straggler that ran with Colm and were plannin' to use him as bait. We threatened to torture him if he didn't talk and he said that he knew Colm was plannin' to hide out here and I immediately thought of Jameson," He explained, his hands still up in surrender.
Minnie sighed, lowering her weapon, "Jameson is my father. Colm killed him. He was plannin' to turn me in for the bounty. I don't have much to live for anymore, just take me in." She frowned. As much as Arthur would've liked to have eight-thousand dollars, he couldn't bring himself to take her in, especially in such a fragile state. He could tell she was on the brink of personal famine as well as dehydration. "Do you want me to take you in?" He asked.
She nodded as she refused to look him in the eyes, ashamed of herself. He frowned too before daring to step closer to her, "You know what I'll have to do." He stated.
"I don't care what you have to do. Those men tossed me around like a ragdoll and I couldn't fight back. They starved me and tried to take advantage of me, only to beat me harder when I fought back. Please, Mister, swinging by the neck is far better than this pain I'm in now," She frowned, holding her wrists together, waiting for him to tie them together.
There was no way he was turning her in, but he wasn't going to tell her that. He looked down at the sores on her wrists before looking back at her delicate face, "Do you have any more weapons on you?" He said quietly.
She shook her head, dropping the pistol on the floor.
"Turn around," He said even softer, hating himself for even having to talk this way to a woman, especially one he was minorly attracted to, but he shook that thought from his head as he had to treat her just like every other bounty. He had no idea what she was capable of.
She nodded as she did as he asked, turning her back to him, hoping that he was just going to shoot her, but he didn't. She started to sob quietly as she felt his calloused hands gently grip her wrists, gently tying them back together, trying ever-so desperately to not cause more pain to her.
"Thank you for bein' so cooperative, Miss," He said as he started to guide her towards the front door. He was relieved that she didn't respond as the sound of her voice alone made his skin flush. "You have a horse?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"Yeah, tied up over there," She replied, her eyes fixated on the ground below. "C-Can I see my father?" She asked. His breathing hitched as he didn't know what to say. "I...Erm, I don't know where he is..."
"I do," She frowned, looking at her feet. "They dumped him over there - didn't even bury him," He nodded as his reply, simply following her to where she saw the O'Driscoll's dump her father's body. He stood back to give her privacy, but couldn't help the burn in his chest as he heard her sob after collapsing to her knees. After a few moments, he slowly approached her, seeing that Jameson's body had already started decaying. If he wouldn't have known Jameson by his mustache and clothing, he would've looked like a stranger. "Miss... W-We need to go. The law probably heard all of those gunshots..."
"Then leave me here. They'll come for me." She cried as he helped her to her feet, noting that she was weak.
"I can't do that, Miss."
"Why not? Have other plans for me?" She snapped. He understood that she did it because she was scared and no longer valued herself, feeling like she had given up.
"No, that's not it. C'mon, let's go," He said quietly, untethering her horse from the tree he had been tied to. "Do you have any belongings you wanna take with you?"
She bit her lip, "His banjo and the money I had left for him. I'll burn it before I let the O'Driscoll's get the rest of it... And some of my clothes."
"Okay, I can help you, but we gotta hurry up and get outta here," He warned.
"This I know," She replied. He nodded as he cut her loose, keeping the pistol he had taken from her in his off-hand holster, afraid that she was going to try to rob him. He helped her grab her essentials from the cabin, especially the two photos that were on the mantle that he remembered. He helped her put her extra clothes in a burlap sack, wrapping the two photo frames in a pillowcase to protect them before putting them in the sack too. She grabbed her father's banjo as Arthur slung the burlap sack over his shoulder, ushering her out the door of the cabin, hearing a few weeps coming from her pale lips as he couldn't understand how hard it was for her to leave her home, especially knowing that her father was still there. "You think you're okay to ride your horse?"
"H-Honestly, no. I don't have enough energy." She panted.
He nodded before turning around and picking her up to place her on his horse before tethering her horse to his own, putting her belongings on the saddle, tethering them with the provided saddle strings. He couldn't explain why he did so, but he had figured it was because he was selfish and craving a woman's attention, even if it wasn't intentional. His action didn't make much sense, but he didn't care. 'At least I asked her,' He thought.
"Alright, let's get you back to camp," He said.
"Camp? I-I thought you were takin' me in for the bounty?" She questioned, confused.
"You thought a lot of things, Miss. Remember when you saved my life on that train?" He questioned as he looked up at her from the ground as he was about to mount his horse.
"Yeah?" She questioned, holding brief eye contact with "the man in blue" as he had verified his identity with her as they have in fact met before.
"Let me save yours."
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