#wanna explain these new editing decisions you've made???
lokisasylum · 3 years
Honest question: why they chose Jungkook for the OST if it's a BTS webtoon? I was expecting a group song or a song with the 4 vocalists. Everyone got the spotify account thanks a work not connected to BTS, except Jungkook. I hope they give an OST to Jimin too. And I'm bitter because Suga wanted to give his song to Jimin years ago, but the company said no, and now there is a Suga × JK for a webtoon created by the company. Jimin is the only one jobless, he doesn't have a new solo work even if we had 3 ost in 4 months and rap line is working too. I don't like that people keep saying he doesn't want to do nothing because that's not true, Jimin always talks about performing, dancing and singing and he is not lazy. But people now see him like the jobless member.
Touchy subject/s you've brought up Anon, which is why I will try to answer everything I can in a single post and then I will close down Anon Asks because I don't want people to take this as a Green Light to talk shit about other members as it has happened in the past 24 hours with other bloggers.
So hang tight, this is gonna be long.
To answer your first question: "why they chose Jungkook for the OST if it's a BTS webtoon?"
I don't know, but I and I'm sure MANY others expected Bighit/Hybe to come up with a whole OT7 album like they did for BTS World (I mean, come on all members write songs, I'm sure they could've coughed up a few for it). But for some reason they ONLY chose one member (with Yoongi as producer) for a single song that will also be sold in a "limited edition CD". My only guess is that they did that because JK's character is the protagonist *shrug* and it helps to promote the webtoon. Go figure.
But in the end its all gotta do with the Company and the decisions THEY want to make for better or worse (and lately its been for worse in most cases. Hello NFTs~♫?). Which is why I will always have beef with Company stans (which are worse than obsessed solo stans, because these people could be shown video footage of the company doing something on purpose that could damage one or all of the member's images and the company stans will be like "They know what they're doing, its you who doesn't wanna see the rEaLiTy")
No joke, I remember a while ago I wrote a pretty lengthy post starting with a screenshots from a fanmeeting where an Army asked Jimin through a post-it what he wanted to do later on (if he had future projects) and Jimin wrote that he WANTED to do Solo Work in 2018 (the fanmeeting was back in...2016 or so). And so I made a light joke on it like:
- "Oh, what a coincidence that BTS almost disbanded in 2018. Can you imagine if this had come true and all of them had signed with a different label? We could've had all their solo works/mixtapes ect out by now."
And this one company stan (who was also a hardcore shipper) made it her job that day to harass and try to prove me wrong (for HOURS) and how allegedly I didn't care about the group for "wishing for them to disband just so we could have new music" (yes, Karen missed the memo that day). And even while I tried to explain to her that it wasn't about wanting them to disband but rather have more freedom to do what they really want since they all have projects, she STILL insisted that
"Well, they signed contracts didn't they? They gotta suck it up and deal with that."
As for Jimin, of course Jimin is NOT jobless, we KNOW he writes/composes songs even without being given his own studio like the others, we KNOW he gets tons of collab-offers left and right (lately Pink $weat tweeted about wanting a collab with him and we know Khalid has wanted to for years, among other artists and yet for some reason it never happens or the collab is given to someone else). But like I mentioned in the beginning, its all on Bighit/Hybe and the shady things they do.
- Jimin composed the melody for BS&T, didn't get the credits.
- Jimin wrote and composed "Friends", it got chosen for a Marvel movie and he found out about it through a Vlive. In addition its been brought to attention that they tampered with the credits to the song on Spotify by putting JK's name right next to Jimin as composers when we know Jimin is the only member of the group credited in the song as composer/writer. (Even Taehyung referred to it as "Jimin's 'Friends' song that he made")
- Suga as you said wrote and composed "People" with Jimin in mind, but another producer said NO and that Yoongi should do the vocals himself, yet they had no problem with letting him feature RM in "Strange". (There was also that one interview where Tae is talking about his mixtape or wanting to try new styles and Yoongi immediately jumped in and offered to write a "bossa nova" for him. You can very clearly see Jimin in the back looking uncomfortable).
- Taehyung wrote a Christmas Song he wanted to sing with Jimin and AGAIN one of the PDs didn't allow it because the lyrics were "Too intimate for 2 men" and they had him sing Jimin's part with ADORA, so Taehyung never released the song. HOWEVER, during the VMINKOOK vlive after the PTD concerts in LA, it was revealed right in Jimin's face that the company had asked JK and Tae to make a Christmas song together "like the one Tae did the year prior" (and right after VMin had been talking minutes prior about writing/releasing songs together again).
- Also didn't Taehyung promised (and this was all caught on tape by HIM) to help Jimin write/compose "The Next Filter" by August 2021? What happened to that? Did another PD say no again? Hmmmmmmmmmm.
- "Dream Glow" from the BTS World soundtrack was supposed to be Jimin's solo collab with Charli XCX. The lyricist even wrote the parts that Jimin sung ESPECIALLY FOR HIM because he LOVED Jimin's voice and the way he conveyed emotions while singing. But for some reason the company decided to add JK and Jin (instead of giving Jinkook their own song/collab. Like what was the point in that if they were gonna autotune the fuck out of Jin's voice instead of leaving it natural like jikook’s voices?).
- The collab with Lauv for "WHO", notice how neither Jimin or JK were allowed to promote or talk about the song since before and after it came out. And Bighit didn't even tweet about it and Lauv himself has expressed his disappointment through the bird app. Yet it was okay for JK to sing "WHO" during his birthday Vlive and nobody really batted an eyelash or tried to stop him even though he was doing the vlive from his studio at the Hybe building.
- A lot of people don't know this, but when the MOTS:7 album was released in 2020, Jimin's solo "Filter" surpassed the title track (ON) in streams on multiple platforms so the company had it taken down for nearly 24 hours WITHOUT A REASON since this did NOT happen to the other songs and when ON got the necessary streams THEN they put it back up. (This was confirmed by both KArmys and I-Armys who investigated said platforms and the emails and responses they received was that the company requested for the song to be taken down). The song still broke MANY records and continues to do so, but most Armys are "weary" of it for some reason.
- Sung/woon WANTS to collab with Jimin, he said it through a live stream but then mentioned that maybe it will only be possible after Jimin does his military service.
- Ta/emin also mentioned in an interview that after the first collab he did with Jimin the two had even written songs together, but apparently they weren't given the chance to actually go forth with the collab.
I could go on and on about these things FOR DAYS because there is YEARS worth of evidence that the company's always getting in the way when it comes to Jimin, but gives a green light for the others. And this is not me throwing shit at the wind, KArmys have been bringing up these issues since they started years ago. (Even the Korean media called out Hybe for the poor lighting during Butter performances where Jimin is left in the dark during the dance break).
But what's truly sad is that the majority of the fandom, especially Baby Armys have been groomed for so long into believing that the reason Jimin doesn't get the same opportunities as the others is because "he's not good enough", "not talented enough", "he's lazy", "he's not interested". When it is simply NOT true. How many years has Jimin been asking Yoongi to write or compose a song for him only for it to be left hanging in the dark?
They even made it seem like its “Jimin’s fault” that most of their latest albums since FAKE LOVE era have so many high notes which most of the members struggle with at the moment of recording. When they themselves revealed that it is actually Pddog who FORCES them to do those impossible high notes in songs because “he likes how it makes the songs sound better.”
During one of the behind the scenes clips for the BE album, specifically the one where they're all sitting around this livingroom like area. Many of the members say they want to sing/subunit with Jimin but for some odd reason RM keeps intervening... Yoongi says that "its time for them to bring out miniminiz (their subunit)", but right away RM mentions that "they already did Tony Montana". Tae & Jimin said they want to work together and RM again mentions "but you guys did "Friends"", Jimin then mentions wanting a subunit with JK and AGAIN RM brings up "Oh but you guys did that other song (referring to their cover of "We Don't Talk Anymore, pt 2" that came out for one of the past FESTAS). In the end Jimin just smiles and says "Just know that I'm ready to work with any of you." (and that shit HURT to watch)
We really don't know what's going on behind the scenes or who is pulling the strings on what they do, what they say, what's allowed, what isn't, what benefits the company, or if it was part of the bargain for the new contracts they renewed in 2017. And sadly we may never know until maybe years later when BTS finally disbands and one of them speaks up.
That’s the Kpop/Idol world for ya.
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davearcilla · 3 years
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By:Dave SanJuan Arcilla
MODULE 7 : Writing
In this Module it tackles about Writing lets start by defining writing according to what I've learned writing is a form of making literary Works or creating new creative work such as poem novels etc in this module its also discussed what is a Blog and the steps on Writing process so lets start the reflection on what ive learned about Blog
BLOG - according on what I've learned the blog is like a web Or site that you can Put whatever things you wanna share thoughts or opinions about certain topic the blog is commonly used as a marketing strategy of other business but not only for them but for everyone to express their feelings and thoughts Making Blog help them to freely explain or express the things in their mind that might help other people to cope up in their everyday life. For me Blog is very useful specifically to those people who love reading because blog is very knowledgeable platform where you can learn different things.
After stating my reflection about blog or what I've learned about it now lets move on to the next which is the Steps in writing process
Writing process have such steps in making them in this Blog i will Inform or reflect on what I've learned about the steps and also share my knowledge about it lets start
Steps in Writing Process
In first step according to what I've learned you must think very well what are you planning to make and stick to it until the end decide according to your own decisions and understanding in order for you to make it well
In Second step you must search from anything that you needed in order to make a good work you must search with the reliable source in order to make your research valid or trustworthy because anything you search can help or may cause problem to you.
In this step you must put into your own words about what you understand in the things you've search for also get or site some thesis statement because it might help you to givw strength to your work. Also give credits to the real owners of the ideas you have been search for in order for them to gain acknowledgement in others.
STEP 4: Revision
In this step you must read carefully and understand clearly your work in order to get it better and revise the unnecessary things you've put it will help you to have a better work revision is a process of checking every single details about your work and making it right or better for the sake of your work.
In this last step you must check now every single sentence in your work capitalization and every thing you put in your work because even a simple mistake you've made has a big impact in your work and how your educator will grade it so be sure that you check every single sentence or words in order for you to have a better work.
In this Module i can reflect that it make me better in writing because the way my teacher state every knowledge that he transfer for us is a big help to be a better student i hope he educate more student and may God Bless him for his good deeds keep safe always sir thank you so much ❤️
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