produsenkaos1 · 6 months
BERKUALITAS, 0818-0958-4233
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BERKUALITAS, 0818-0958-4233
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rainhalydia · 2 months
Murder, tax fraud - take 2
I've posted a bit of this before, but I've retouched the part posted a bit since, so I'm posting what will amount to a first chapter at once here. Just finished writing this silliness literally this minute after MONTHS of nothing, so I'm very happy. Will probably post on Ao3 once I've edited it a bit.
Behold, Minshan and Wangji's modern AU sexcapade:
The Jianghu is located on a three-store building, the front a refined affair of muted colors and understated refinement. The reception area is more four generation law firm than gym. There is not a whiff of sweat in the air or grease stains anywhere. Even with coming here for a year already, Su Minshan is still shocked at… well, everything about it. These days, he makes an effort to hide his awe. He knows better than to show any appreciation for what others take for granted.
Old money does things differently. He has his own gym equipment at home – weights, mats, treadmill, an ergonomic bike when he feels like taking in some fresh air – but as with everything else, coming here is not about exercising. It’s about seeing and being seen. Networking. Casual conversation in the hallways. Someone vaguely remembering your face when you cross paths on an actual business setting, and that faint recognition landing you an advantage, however small. Things that don’t come naturally to Su Minshan, which makes every small step forwards all that more crucial.
A part of him still scoffs at such a thing as an exclusive gym. He would have thought the price would be the only real barrier, an invisible but almost insurmountable deterrent, but the elite can’t have any contact with the riff-raff, not for anything as mundane as cardio or weight training. It took bribing and favors to get an invite here. When it finally arrived, it came in a golden-trimmed scroll, a password written in perfect calligraphy. So expensive Su Minshan almost felt unworthy of touching it.
He knows he is worthy of it all. He has actually worked for all he has, earned his good fortune and success. He deserves it much more than the plethora of heirs and trophy wives here, it’s an objective fact. And yet, he always feels out of place among these people who should be his peers, their silence judgment or indifference weighting on him more than the barbell he’s lifting dutifully.
The feeling increases tenfold the day Lan Wangji walks through the door.
He turns heads as he passes, as it’s to be expected. His face is perfect, even more so than in his teen years, for not even that peerless beauty had escaped a few pimples. He’s filled out too, adolescent lankness replaced by bulging muscle. If the world was fair, Minshan would say Lan Wangji had been through at least a few lipo to attain such a completely sculpted shape. As it is, he can believe he is all natural.
Of course he doesn’t notice Su Minshan. Unlike the nightmare hall monitor, virtuoso musician, star athlete that helped parents shatter the confidence of all Chinese-American kids in school, Su Minshan had been a nobody. He studied hard, got good grades, and tried his best at extracurriculars, but nothing that could grab the attention of Lan Wangki, much less amount to something like a proper rival for him.
Still, something in him burns seeing his old one-sided nemesis walk by, long shiny hair flowing behind him like he carries his own portable, invisible wind-machine for a shampoo ad effect everywhere. It would be less humiliating if he had an actual wind-machine on him. Then Minshan’s own hair, plastered to his nape, wouldn’t be so offensive.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he positions himself next to Lan Wangji and watches, arms crossed, as he goes through a series on the bench press. Three repetitions of forty, three plates each side. No spotter.
He doesn’t wait for Lan Wangji to wipe away the sweat or put away the weights. He barely waits for Lan Wangji to vacate the bench. As soon as the man is up, Su Minshan takes his place.
He can bench six plates just fine, though usually with less repetitions. It doesn’t matter now. He copies Lan Wangji’s series, arms straining under the unfamiliar push on top of having done his own training already, and only stops when he has finished the whole thing.
There’s no helping the self-satisfied smirk on his face when he’s done. Take that, Lan Wangji! You’re not the only strong guy here!
The smirk grows when he sees that Lan Wangji has been watching him, as openly as Su Minshan had done.
With a nod, Lan Wangji goes to the next exercise – the abductor. Of course perfect Lan Wangji doesn’t skip leg day. Then, he looks at Su Minshan, making sure he’s watching, and starts his series.
It’s uncomfortable, this time, to watch Lan Wangji open and close his legs. It’s impossible to not notice the bulge in his groin, perfectly tucked in and yet so big that it cannot be hidden; the movements just draw the eye there! And of course Lan Wangji is not only bigger than Su Minshan, but bigger than most porn stars. That tracks with his life.
Still, Su Minshan watches, flustered and angry about it, until Lan Wangji is done. Then he does the same thing as before: jumps on the machine as soon as it’s vacated, repeats the exercise precisely like Lan Wangji did.
They go on like this through what must be Lan Wangji’s full routine, and then some.
At the final exercise, Su Minshan’s leg betrays him. His calf cramps, contracting painfully, and he falls on his ass instead of completing his squat.
He mutters a curse under his breath as he massages the traitorous muscle. Lan Wangji looms over him, undefeated. Nothing new about that, except for the conceited smirk on his lips. Su Minshan sees it as he looks up and almost forgets to be annoyed: barely there, it’s the most expression he’s ever seen on Lan Wangji’s face.
“Shower,” Lan Wangji commands, looking down on him, and turns around, effectively ending their impromptu competition.
Su Minshan splutters a protest, red-faced on all the wall-length mirrors in the room. He watches as Lan Wangji once again commanders all the attention from every eye as he exits, thankfully leaving Minshan to get up and drag himself around, leg still spasming, with some privacy.
A contrarian part of him wants to refuse to retrace Lan Wangji’s steps. Why should he obey him? Who is he to give Su Minshan orders? But he’s not a kid anymore. He’s not about to go home sweaty, disrupting his day even more, to give a figurative middle finger to someone not even looking his direction to see it anymore.
He gives his back a literal middle finger instead.
When he enters the bathroom, Lan Wangji is sat on a bench close to the lockers, a leg crossed over the opposite knee, arms crossed, a shower kit on his lap. Waiting for something. He doesn’t move when Su Minshan enters, nor does he turn his eyes away as Minshan undresses, uncouth and uncaring about it as always.
Su Minshan shoves his dirty clothes in his bag with haste, slipping quickly into a shower stall, feeling inadequate and judged. Maybe he’s not as chiseled as fucking Lan Wangji, but it’s not like he has anything to be ashamed of. Fuck stupid Lan Wangji.
To add insult to injury, the shower refuses to give him any hot water. He gets a violent lukewarm blast to the face and a gush up his nostrils.
Fuck this stupid shower. Fuck this stupid rich people gym.
He’s still coughing when he hears footsteps approaching. Then the stall door opening. He turns around, alarmed, and almost falls on his ass again when he slips on some leftover soap from somebody’s else shower.
Lan Wangji stops his fall by grabbing his forearm.
Casually, like he hasn’t just invaded another guy’s shower, he closes the door behind him. They stand in the spacious cabin, staring at each other, Lan Wangji’s freakishly long fingers around his arm the only point of contact between them. Lan Wangji makes no move to kick him out of his own shower. So, no, despite being completely naked, he’s not here to steal Minshan’s cubicle in some weird power play. Nor could he have miraculously predicted Minshan snapping his neck and decided to interfere to save the gym staff the clean-up; not even perfect Lan Wangji, the next stage of human evolution, has developed that kind of foresight.
Su Minshan is all out of ideas about what is happening.
It dawns on him all at once, though, when Lan Wangji reaches for his cock.
Su Minshan watches, fascinated, as Lan Wangji generously pumps him to half-mast with a soft palm that’s nonetheless dry as fuck. He’s had his own gym hook-ups, of course. He’s cruised before. Never in a million years he’d have acted like he did if he was trying to seduce someone into his pants. But that’s what passes for flirting on Lan Wangji’s mind.
It soon becomes clear that as mind-blowing as that insight into Lan Wangji’s thought process was, it’s also incomplete. Su Minshan watches with a sense of both amusement and doom as the gears clearly go on turning in Lan Wangji’s brain and translate into astonishing actions. Minshan’s lost their competition, true, and that apparently means a two-minute handjob is all he gets before Lan Wangji clearly grows bored with it. His dick is also, absurdly, half-hard despite no touching yet, despite Minshan’s hands lying flat and disinterested at the side of his body. He finds something about this bizarre bathroom adventure enticing despite all odds. Or perhaps he’s that horny behind his mask of indifference.
The cherry on top, Minshan reflects, is that having won their little dispute, Lan Wangji thinks that has entitled him to top. He abandons the useless pursuit of trying to arouse Su Minshan further and presses on his waist to make him turn around. When he doesn’t turn, he slips his hands behind Minshan to knead at his ass and graze fingertips at his hole. It’s a forceful touch, with much more strength than necessary, and yet Minshan hesitates. He could stop this now with a word. He’s no more inclined to like Lan Wangji than he was before entering the strange parallel universe of this shower stall, but the man is objectively hot. Out of Su Minshan’s league entirely, some would say.
In the end he turns, more out of curiosity than anything else.
Lan Wangji, it must be said, is efficient about it. He’s focused. Once he’s inside, he hones in on Su Minshan’s prostrate like a fucking precision missile. He pistons in and out like a man possessed. Like a sex machine.
Mechanical is the exact word that flows gently into Minshan’s mind as he’s plowed into.
The only hiccup is at the start, when Lan Wangji tries to enter him dry, despite the weapon of mass destruction he carries between his legs. Su Minshan has to turn back with a “hey!” and slather his cock with the gym’s expensive soap before he can damage anything. Aside from that, it’s perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie Minshan has ever lived through. Perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie in the story of all mankind.
Lan Wangji comes inside without asking, like the rude asshole he is. By then, Minshan has long since flagged. He’s counting the drops of water running down the wall tiles for entertainment when it happens: with a stronger thrust, Lan Wangji flattens his hips against his ass checks, going as deep as humanly possible, and groans on Minshan’s ear.
Orgasm makes him generous again. He’s barely pulled out when he reaches a hand around Minshan again to cup his flaccid cock.
“No need,” Minshan says, batting his hand away as he turns around.
Lan Wangji’s face shifts into smugness again, an unfairly good look on him. He clearly thinks that he’s some sex god that made his partner come untouched. It’s possible that that’s even something that happens to him, Minshan thinks; some people are into being used as a sentient fleshlight, and those kind of freaks would be in heaven with Lan Wangji, human jackhammer.
Su Minshan is willing to accept his own share of guilty in this case. His satisfied smile, fixed on his face despite his best efforts since Lan Wangji’s first thrust, is certainly doing nothing to disabuse the man of that impression.
He keeps smiling, somewhat more subdued, as he showers and dresses himself. He smiles as he nods goodbye to Lan Wangji, as he leaves the gym and walks to his car on the parking lot. He even smiles through a wince when he sits on the leather seat, at the reminder of the earlier act.
Lan Wangji is bad at sex. Perfect, unbeatable Lan Wangji who knows no defeat in any area of life, is terrible at sex.
Su Minshan raises a toast with the long-forgotten bottle in the cup-holder before starting his car. The room temperature tap water tastes like victory.
He glows the rest of the day.
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majumapankonveksi · 2 days
TERMURAH!!! HP/WA 0898-3641-257 Konveksi Seragam Sekolah di Kota Banjarbaru
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Kami adalah jasa konveksi no 1 di Surabaya, dijamin puas! Melayani Pesanan Kaos Event, Promosi, Gathering dan Seragam dengan Banyak Pilihan Model serta Bahan. Melayani Pesanan Kaos Polo Shirts, Caddy, Wangki, Raglan dan Custom dengan Bordir Berkualitas. Melayani Pesanan Jaket Bomber, Windbreaker, Harrington, Coat, Swetter, Hoodie, Varsity dan Lainnya. Melayani Pesanan Kemeja Panjang dan Pendek untuk Berbagai kebutuhan serta Banyak Pilihan Bahan.Melayani Pesanan Wearpack Safety, Coverall dan Rompi dengan Model dan Bahan Sesuai Kebutuhan.Melayani Pesanan Seragam Sekolah, Seragam Kerja, Seragam Komunitas, Seragam PDH dan Lainnya. Ini Alasan Memilih Maju Mapan Konveksi : 1. Harga kompetitif 2. Banyak pilihan produk 3. Jahitan rapi dan Berkualitas 4. Banyak Diskon 5. Jaminan Tepat Waktu 6. Berpengalaman Maju Mapan Konveksi @mmkonveksi_official Hp/Wa 0898-3641-257 Jl. Tuban I no 72 surabaya 60171.
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konveksimm · 3 months
"Kami adalah jasa konveksi no 1 di Surabaya, dijamin puas! Melayani Pesanan Kaos Event, Promosi, Gathering dan Seragam dengan Banyak Pilihan Model serta Bahan. Melayani Pesanan Kaos Polo Shirts, Caddy, Wangki, Raglan dan Custom dengan Bordir Berkualitas. Melayani Pesanan Jaket Bomber, Windbreaker, Harrington, Coat, Swetter, Hoodie, Varsity dan Lainnya. Melayani Pesanan Kemeja Panjang dan Pendek untuk Berbagai kebutuhan serta Banyak Pilihan Bahan.Melayani Pesanan Wearpack Safety, Coverall dan Rompi dengan Model dan Bahan Sesuai Kebutuhan.Melayani Pesanan Seragam Sekolah, Seragam Kerja, Seragam Komunitas, Seragam PDH dan Lainnya. Ini Alasan Memilih Maju Mapan Konveksi : 1. Harga kompetitif 2. Banyak pilihan produk 3. Jahitan rapi dan Berkualitas 4. Banyak Diskon 5. Jaminan Tepat Waktu 6. Berpengalaman Maju Mapan Konveksi Hp/Wa 0898-3641-257 Jl. Tuban I no 72 surabaya 60171. @mmkonveksi_official
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0857-8478-5833 (WA) konveksi celana teknisi surabaya
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan Vendor konveksi  surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ konveksi celana teknisi surabaya Terbaik, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya murah, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya berkualitas, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya 2023, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya 2024, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya custom, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya Bergaransi, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya Online, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya Terpercaya, konveksi celana teknisi surabaya Terdekat,
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konveksi-di-surabaya1 · 6 months
0857-8478-5833 (WA) konveksi jumper surabaya
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan Vendor konveksi  surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ konveksi jumper surabaya Terbaik, konveksi jumper surabaya murah, konveksi jumper surabaya berkualitas, konveksi jumper surabaya 2023, konveksi jumper surabaya 2024, konveksi jumper surabaya custom, konveksi jumper surabaya Bergaransi, konveksi jumper surabaya Online, konveksi jumper surabaya Terpercaya, konveksi jumper surabaya Terdekat,
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konveksi-surabaya · 6 months
0857-8478-5833 (WA) konveksi kaos surabaya
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan Vendor konveksi  surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ konveksi kaos surabaya Terbaik, konveksi kaos surabaya murah, konveksi kaos surabaya berkualitas, konveksi kaos surabaya 2023, konveksi kaos surabaya 2024, konveksi kaos surabaya custom, konveksi kaos surabaya Bergaransi, konveksi kaos surabaya Online, konveksi kaos surabaya Terpercaya, konveksi kaos surabaya Terdekat,
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0857-8478-5833 (WA) cetak kaos satuan surabaya
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan Vendor konveksi  surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ cetak kaos satuan surabaya Terbaik, cetak kaos satuan surabaya murah, cetak kaos satuan surabaya berkualitas, cetak kaos satuan surabaya 2023, cetak kaos satuan surabaya 2024, cetak kaos satuan surabaya custom, cetak kaos satuan surabaya Bergaransi, cetak kaos satuan surabaya Online, cetak kaos satuan surabaya Terpercaya, cetak kaos satuan surabaya Terdekat,
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b86clothing · 7 months
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Untuk sablonnya bisa memilih ada sablon rubber,plastisol dan sablon DTF (Digital Printing). Jika desain yang anda inginkan lebih detail seperti gambar foto bisa memakai jenis sablon DTF.
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majumapankonveksi · 2 days
TERMURAH!!! HP/WA 0898-3641-257 Konveksi Seragam Sekolah di Kabupaten Tapin
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Kami adalah jasa konveksi no 1 di Surabaya, dijamin puas! Melayani Pesanan Kaos Event, Promosi, Gathering dan Seragam dengan Banyak Pilihan Model serta Bahan. Melayani Pesanan Kaos Polo Shirts, Caddy, Wangki, Raglan dan Custom dengan Bordir Berkualitas. Melayani Pesanan Jaket Bomber, Windbreaker, Harrington, Coat, Swetter, Hoodie, Varsity dan Lainnya. Melayani Pesanan Kemeja Panjang dan Pendek untuk Berbagai kebutuhan serta Banyak Pilihan Bahan.Melayani Pesanan Wearpack Safety, Coverall dan Rompi dengan Model dan Bahan Sesuai Kebutuhan.Melayani Pesanan Seragam Sekolah, Seragam Kerja, Seragam Komunitas, Seragam PDH dan Lainnya. Ini Alasan Memilih Maju Mapan Konveksi : 1. Harga kompetitif 2. Banyak pilihan produk 3. Jahitan rapi dan Berkualitas 4. Banyak Diskon 5. Jaminan Tepat Waktu 6. Berpengalaman Maju Mapan Konveksi @mmkonveksi_official Hp/Wa 0898-3641-257 Jl. Tuban I no 72 surabaya 60171.
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konveksimm · 3 months
"Kami adalah jasa konveksi no 1 di Surabaya, dijamin puas! Melayani Pesanan Kaos Event, Promosi, Gathering dan Seragam dengan Banyak Pilihan Model serta Bahan. Melayani Pesanan Kaos Polo Shirts, Caddy, Wangki, Raglan dan Custom dengan Bordir Berkualitas. Melayani Pesanan Jaket Bomber, Windbreaker, Harrington, Coat, Swetter, Hoodie, Varsity dan Lainnya. Melayani Pesanan Kemeja Panjang dan Pendek untuk Berbagai kebutuhan serta Banyak Pilihan Bahan.Melayani Pesanan Wearpack Safety, Coverall dan Rompi dengan Model dan Bahan Sesuai Kebutuhan.Melayani Pesanan Seragam Sekolah, Seragam Kerja, Seragam Komunitas, Seragam PDH dan Lainnya. Ini Alasan Memilih Maju Mapan Konveksi : 1. Harga kompetitif 2. Banyak pilihan produk 3. Jahitan rapi dan Berkualitas 4. Banyak Diskon 5. Jaminan Tepat Waktu 6. Berpengalaman Maju Mapan Konveksi Hp/Wa 0898-3641-257 Jl. Tuban I no 72 surabaya 60171. @mmkonveksi_official
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0857-8478-5833 (WA) konveksian di surabaya
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan Vendor konveksi  surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ konveksian di surabaya Terbaik, konveksian di surabaya murah, konveksian di surabaya berkualitas, konveksian di surabaya 2023, konveksian di surabaya 2024, konveksian di surabaya custom, konveksian di surabaya Bergaransi, konveksian di surabaya Online, konveksian di surabaya Terpercaya, konveksian di surabaya Terdekat,
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konveksi-di-surabaya1 · 6 months
0857-8478-5833 (WA) tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan Vendor konveksi  surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya Terbaik, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya murah, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya berkualitas, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya 2023, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya 2024, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya custom, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya Bergaransi, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya Online, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya Terpercaya, tempat konveksi pembuatan topi di surabaya Terdekat,
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konveksi-surabaya · 6 months
0857-8478-5833 (WA) konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan Vendor konveksi  surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur Terbaik, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur murah, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur berkualitas, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur 2023, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur 2024, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur custom, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur Bergaransi, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur Online, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur Terpercaya, konveksi kaos surabaya kota sby jawa timur Terdekat,
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0857-8478-5833 (WA) sablon plastisol surabaya
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Anafa Garment merupakan perusahaan sablon-plastisol-surabaya yang menerima berbagai pesanan baju seperti kaos baik oblong, krah/ wangky/ polo shirt, untuk kemeja/ HEM seperti seragam kerja, seragam kantor, seragam bengkel, seragam pabrik, seragam SPBU dll. Untuk jaket seperti jaket baseball/ varsity, jaket bomber, jaket bolak balik, jaket masjelis, jaket hoodie, jaket jumper, jaket komunitas, jaket untuk olahraga/ sport dan bebagai macam peruntukan jaket. Jasa kami mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis baju tersebut di atas sesuai permintaan baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun partai besar. Dengan pengalaman team yang kami miliki tidak perlu Anda ragukan lagi. Yuk, percayakan saja pembuatan baju pesanan anda di team Anafa Garment jl.Penjaringan NO.30B, Rungkut, Surabaya 60297 0857-8478-5833 (WA) https://anafagarment.com/ sablon plastisol surabaya Terbaik, sablon plastisol surabaya murah, sablon plastisol surabaya berkualitas, sablon plastisol surabaya 2023, sablon plastisol surabaya 2024, sablon plastisol surabaya custom, sablon plastisol surabaya Bergaransi, sablon plastisol surabaya Online, sablon plastisol surabaya Terpercaya, sablon plastisol surabaya Terdekat,
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justinepush · 3 years
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Demonfire on red carpet because why not?
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