#wake up and makeup
hidekomoon · 4 months
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Paramore albums redesigns: Brand New Eyes (2009)
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aliencatart · 3 months
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having himerita thoughts and missing them everyday of my life
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gomzdrawfr · 10 months
sleepy mornings
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some alt and discarded ver below the cut :]
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xie lian asked to get his eyeliner done !!! !!
follow for more tooth-rotting hualian <3
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somegrumpynerd · 9 months
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Do you think the determination stops dripping when he sleeps or does he ruin every pillow he has?
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newvestroia · 3 months
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Can a girl and a guy with a 5 hour makeup routine ever be rivals???
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artiststarme · 8 months
Happy Halloween!
The first Halloween they have after the events of Spring Break is the best Eddie had ever had. He’d always loved Halloween with its mystery and secrets, the hidden horror found in the films, and the candy everyone passed out to the kids. He loved watching the kids of the trailer park dress in their second-hand costumes to pretend to be fairies, princesses, and pirates like he too had once before. But before 1986, he’d always been alone. He would smear makeup on his face and run door to door in the early evening before anyone else was out then he’d saunter home and hide from the bullies outside with a lap full of candy and the small TV screen playing a horror flick. 
Halloween of 1986 though brought a new opportunity. Eddie could put on a mask and cease to be the boy that everyone in the town despised. He would no longer be a “known” killer that mothers pulled their children away from. He wouldn’t be the idiot that flunked out of high school after three tries. He wouldn’t even be the freak that people sneered insults at. That Halloween night, Eddie was able to just be himself with his friends. 
He and Steve weren’t dating at that point, but he could feel they were close. Eddie saw the way his eyes never strayed quite too far away from him and felt how his hands reached for him whenever he turned away. It wasn’t different on Halloween. 
Eddie’s face was covered with black and white paint and his hair was let loose on his back, the curls unruly and full. He was masquerading as a member of KISS, the only metal band that Steve could stomach to listen to for any period of time. Above all though, he wasn’t Eddie Munson. 
Steve dressed as Ferris Bueller wearing a costume eerily similar to Tina’s Halloween Party several years prior and matched with Robin who went as his best friend Cameron Frye. The kids dressed in random costumes that meant little to Eddie beyond recognition that they were having fun. 
The whole Party went door to door in Loch Nora for the full size candy bars then around the Wheeler’s neighborhood for some of what Dustin called, “the cheap shit”. When the night was over and most of the houses were out of candy to pass out, everyone headed back to the Byers’ house for the sleepover of all sleepovers. They carved pumpkins and ate pie, they made pumpkin seeds and cookies, they almost gave Hopper a heart attack when they started a food fight that wrecked the entire dining room (Eddie started it but he’s taking that with him to the grave). 
When the kids were too tired and the girls had retreated to bed, Steve led Eddie out to his car where they watched the stars and smoked some cigarettes. They ate all of Dustin’s candy and traded secrets under the gaze of the brightened moon. Eddie’d long forgotten about his face paint up until the point where Steve’s lips met his in a light kiss that shot electricity through his bones. They kissed and hugged until their noses were cold from the chilly weather and they had no choice but to head back inside. 
It was the best night of Eddie’s life. 
The morning after was not. He woke up with a bruising jolt from Steve’s elbow making contact with his jaw. His stomach hurt from the excessive consumption of sweets and his lungs were tight from the chain smoking. Most of all though, his head hurt from the loud raucous of the kids finding his facepaint all over the lower half of Steve’s face. 
He dealt with the outraged confusion of the kids, the stern ‘talking-to’ (more like screaming match) from Hopper for defiling his adopted son, and even the not so subtle looks from Robin and Nancy. Everything was worth it in the end when Steve carefully wiped off the makeup on Eddie’s face with nimble fingers and gentle swipes until all that was left was some slight staining of skin and his lips meeting Steve’s. 
Halloween of 1986 was the best of many moments to come. It turns out that for Eddie, ‘86 was his year after all. 
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couldtheycatchkira · 3 months
i think the question that this blog asks often has a totally different answer depending on whether you choose to interpret it as either:
- if [character] was a detective in the death note universe, would they catch kira?
- if kira was a villain (of the week, even) in [character]'s universe, would they catch him?
for example, if the icarly crew, behaving as they do on their own show, were transposed to the DN universe and tasked with finding kira, they'd probably fail. but if light yagami was dropped into the icarly universe they'd get him for sure. after like a few episodes where he's a recurring villain in a pathetic way. because that's the logic of the icarly universe.
(if you couldn't tell I've been thinking about the icarly gang catching kira since i saw the poll lmao)
((This is also a good take. Sometimes, you think to yourself - if the Death Note were somehow some sort of remotely-induced alchemical attack, would Scar be able to figure it out? Would Light, the adoptive son of Grumman (and therefore adoptive uncle of Riza Hawkeye), ever come to know who Scar was until it was too late? Or would his "in" with the Amestran military to come into multiple pieces of confidential information?
And sometimes, you think to yourself - if Scar was put into the Death Note universe he is going to be so busy turning other people into ragù that Kira is just not on his radar - until his older brother, notable medical malpractitioner, is almost killed in a freak accident. Then, Kira is now on Scar's hit list. Is Light able to find out that a deep-web hitman is after him, one who is methodically tracking down everyone who knows Light? (Also, the brother wasn't actually a target, word just spreads and Scar jumped to conclusions, like he always does.)
Much to think about!))
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gayandfullofdismay · 4 months
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KDJ: ugh I feel like I’m being electrocuted…
KimCom, electrocuting him: wtf why isn’t this working
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marciliedonato · 1 year
Mcr girlies (gn) waking up on the morning of March 11th
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"'I love you to the core'" RYAN??? RYAN???? I'M UNDER YOUR FUCKING BED RYAN!!!!!!
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jinnazah · 5 months
what kills me is how people here in the west are so …. willfully, blissfully, ignorant of what’s transpiring in palestine. like i have even seen poc, even seen HIJABIS still buying starbucks and i’m like …… i guess dumbfounded at this point. “oh but it’s just one drink” “oh but my one dollar won’t make a difference if i spent it or not” “well it’s not my problem, the middle east is always at war”
are people so arrogant they think they are the exception to what’s happening in palestine? in fact. the victim blaming against the palestinians is insane “well they should’ve just left” “well they should’ve agreed to a ceasefire” “well they shouldn’t have let hamas take over” you guys make me sick to my stomach!!!! my god this rhetoric is so narcissistic it hurts!!!!!
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
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ox-imagines · 2 days
Sometimes I think about morning Zenji and how cute he'd be
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What about your Human AU, when does Eddie get into the lake?!
uhhhh *rolls dice* the group gets Shitfaced™️ and Eddie wakes up on a partially flooded raft in the middle of yeah, the lake <3 no idea how he got there <3
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sunshinegalxx · 2 months
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love u tumblr
sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite
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