#vs slick who didn't have ENOUGH faith in the jedi despite being with two who seemingly cared about the clones as people
antianakin · 1 year
Slick as a character deserves more nuance than canon OR fandom have chosen to give him. Canon makes him out to be no more than a selfish greedy murderer who doesn't truly care about the other clones at all. Fandom uses him as a battering ram against the Jedi who was just fighting The Man and didn't realize that the enemy who'd been killing all of the other clones for months now would in fact use the information he gave her to kill all of the clones.
Slick knowingly betrayed everyone he knew and everyone he cared about (and everyone who cared about him) because he was offered money and a way out of a situation he felt trapped in. There's a level of sympathy to that, but Slick is also objectively WRONG about the Jedi and their involvement in the clones' situation and even if he weren't, the choice he makes is just a really stupid one that does more to hurt the other clones than it does to help them.
Slick deserves to be explored more in a post Order 66 situation where he now has most of the truth about what the clones were and what they were meant for and the Jedi's actual role in it all. I'd love to see a Slick who maintains that the clones were slaves of the Republic, but acknowledges that maybe the Jedi had become slaves of the Republic a little, too. That the Jedi were the victims in all of this, same as the clones. They were always intended to be doomed together. They'd either all survive together or they'd all die together. And now that the Jedi have been destroyed, the clones have lost the one group of people that were standing between them and annihilation. And all Slick can do now is watch as more and more of his brothers are sent on suicide missions and replaced with these new stormtroopers.
But I don't have a single ounce of faith or trust that anyone who is most likely to end up tackling Slick in that time period would actually do that kind of story the justice it deserves.
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