#volptid- winter sawsbuck mimicry- 'voltaic' 'cryptid'
kariachi · 5 months
Okay, Ossy fakemon...
The Mimic Pokemon
Normal type
Baby Stage
A small, fluffy pokemon vaguely reminiscent to a fawn with four short, thick legs ending in small paws, head is large with a short muzzle and large, pointed ears, eyes are small and black, body and head are bubblegum pink, legs and paws are dark brown, muzzle and ears are white, nose black, a white band reminiscent of a single angry eyebrow forms a stripe across the forehead
Ability- Mimicry/Intimidate [Hidden Ability- Cute Charm]
BST- 215 (HP- 37; Atk- 29; Def- 41; Sp.Atk- 28; Sp.Def- 42; Spd- 38)
Evolves- Lvl up with high affection
"While their parents hunt, Fauxn are typically left alone in the nest. For it's own safety, this pokemon pretends to be a more dangerous target than it really is." "People not taken in by this pokemon's disguise often mistakenly assume it's been abandoned. Dozens of Fauxn are kidnapped by well-meaning individuals each year as a result."
The Copy Pokemon
Normal type
Stage 1
A mid-sized, lean pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long legs ending in two-toed paws, large head has a long muzzle and large, pointed ears, eyes are large, round, and yellow, possess fangs and two horn buds on the top of the head, main color is red-brown with black hornbuds, paws, and nose, muzzle, throat, and underbelly are off-white, three small, off-white splotches go down each side
Ability- Trace/Adaptability [Hidden Ability- Costar]
BST- 334 (HP- 70; Atk- 64; Def- 43; Sp.Atk- 62; Sp.Def- 41; Spd- 54)
Evolves- Lvl 30 with either 3 rock-types (Oreien), water-types (Ambuck), flying-types (Nimicry), or electric-types (Volptid) in the party
"Upon evolving, Mirrling gather in small packs headed by their parents in order to learn how to survive. This pokemon often becomes highly aggressive when raised in solitude." "By copying it's parents actions this pokemon learns to hunt and fight. What Mirrling evolves into depends on the types around them."
The Stony Mimesis Pokemon
Rock type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long, thick legs, very heavily built for it's inspiration with stony plate armor over the body and head, grey-brown stone plates stack to form a round 'tail' and give the illusion of jowls on the face, forelegs end in two large, clawed 'fingers' on the knuckles of which the pokemon walks, hindlegs end in two-toed paws, forelegs slightly longer than hindlegs, horn buds have become round, brown, palmated antlers which stick up and forward, ears remain large and pointed but droop, body is primarily grey with an off-white underbelly and black feet and nose, muzzle bears prominent large teeth and fangs, eyes are angular and red
Ability- Shell Armor/Rock Head [Hidden Ability- Reciever]
BST- 530 (HP- 95; Atk- 86; Def- 116; Sp.Atk- 65; Sp.Def- 100; Spd- 68)
Evolves- N/A
"With slow movements and a harmless silhouette Oreien approach their prey with ease before attacking. This pokemon's rocky armor shields it from any retaliatory blows." "In ancient times, people would capture this pokemon in release it in the hunting grounds of their enemies. Despite their predatory nature, Oreien are caring parents and will sleep in piles with their Fauxn and Mirrling young to shield them."
The Aqua Mimesis Pokemon
Water type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long, thick legs, heavily built and made to appear larger via a mane of water around the throat, water also appears to flow over and cover the lower legs, the hind of which end in two-toed paws and the fore in two large, clawed fingers on the knuckles of which it walks, forelegs slightly larger than hind legs, hornbuds have become large black antlers that swept back and up, antlers are two tined with multiple branches of the top of the longer back tine, ears a large, pointed, and droop, body is primarily blue-grey, with an off-white underbelly and a watery blue rear, muzzle bears prominent large teeth and fangs, eyes are semi-circular and red
Ability- Water Absorb/Water Veil [Hidden Ability- Receiver]
BST- 530 (HP- 100; Atk- 116; Def- 67; Sp.Atk- 95; Sp.Def- 65; Spd- 86)
Evolves- N/A
"Commonly found at the water's edge, Ambuck uses it's similarity to a peaceful pokemon to lure prey close before striking. Legend says that drinking this pokemon's watery mane will turn you into a Ambuck yourself." "Don't be fooled by this pokemon's placid demeanor, Ambuck is a successful predator who beats it's prey down with harsh blows before bringing it back to it's young."
The Cloud Mimesis Pokemon
Flying type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long legs, narrowly built, forelegs end in two large-clawed toes, hindlegs in two-toed paws, forelegs slightly longer than hindlegs, feet rarely properly touch the ground, hornbuds have become orange, two-tined antlers sweeping back and to the sides, with several prongs branching off from the longer back antler, translucent white cloud pools around the antlers in great amounts, flowing behind the pokemon as it moves, another mass of cloud forms at the chest, flowing under the belly, main color is rich brown with an orange stripe going down it's side and an orange muzzle, feet and nose are black, ears are large and pointed, muzzle contains large, prominent teeth and fangs, eyes are semi-circular and red
Ability- White Smoke/Neutralizing Gas [Hidden Ability- Receiver]
BST- 530 (HP- 65; Atk- 86; Def- 95; Sp.Atk- 100; Sp.Def- 67; Spd- 116)
Evolves- N/A
"By appearing to be another pokemon at first glance, Nimicry is able to catch it's prey off guard. Hunters who see packs of this pokemon running overhead simply go home." "This pokemon is known to travel vast distances in the air in search of fresh hunting grounds. Nimicry are fast enough that often the first sign of an attack is clawmarks."
The Lightning Mimesis Pokemon
Electric type
Stage 2
A large pokemon vaguely reminiscent of a deer with four long legs, possesses a large patch of long, spiky yellow fur around the chest and shoulders, legs end in two-toed clawed paws, hornbuds have become simple two-tined black antlers pointing almost straight up with the longer second antler showcasing three prongs and a zigzag formation, ears are large, pointed, and end in spiky tufts, main coloration is dark orange-brown with a yellow stripe down the side, underbelly and muzzle are off-white, nose and feet are black, muzzle contains large, prominent teeth and fangs, eyes are angular and red
Ability- Volt Absorb/Lightning Rod [Hidden Ability- Electric Surge]
BST- 530 (HP- 86; Atk- 95; Def- 65; Sp.Atk- 116; Sp.Def- 67; Spd- 100)
Evolves- N/A
"The most solitary of it's line, Volptid will even leave their young in related pokemon's nests. This pokemon doesn't use it's claws to hunt, instead striking down it's prey with powerful attacks." "Aggressive and territorial, it's in one's best interest to stay out of this pokemon's way. Volptid pretend to be less dangerous pokemon before striking their unwary prey with electric attacks."
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