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PAC: Random Messages You May Need 🌈🎆⛅
Sup, y'all. I'm finally back for another pick a card reading. I really apologize if folks have not heard from me over the past month, I meant to get this reading (among other things) out a while ago. I have not been able to touch tarot for the past few weeks. Life has been… topsy turvy, to say the least. Heh heh. [sweating profusely]
I meant to have another game out and to have paid readings available by now--that is still part of the plan. What was meant for June will be in July. So this blog might go from 0 to 100 mph real soon, to move along with plans as intended!
I was loosely inspired by the Baker pride flag from 1978 for this group selection. These piles are pretty nondescript: each one contains a random message that may resonate with you. Pick based on whichever color of the Prism Oracle speaks to you most, and feel free to choose more than one. Take only what resonates.
Pile 1 - Strength (Red) Pile 2 - Happiness (Orange) Pile 3 - Illumination (Yellow) Pile 4 - Movement (Green) Pile 5 - Flow (Turquoise) Pile 6 - Trust (Blue) Pile 7 - Intuition (Violet) Pile 8 - Love (Pink)

Pile 1 - Strength (Red)
10 of Swords, Insight

You've been asked by the universe to put up with a lot, especially recently. You're reaching a finish line of a very long and brutal marathon. There have been too many times where you questioned whether or not to throw in the towel. If you have, you may also have questioned whether or not it was the correct choice. Sometimes, things don't work out, and it's better to move on. It can be difficult to hold everything up when one thing after another seems to fall apart at the seams, but either way you're being reminded of the light at the end of this long and turbulent tunnel.
Collect yourself, pick up what pieces you can. Time has shifted everything, but the essentials still stand. Gather the wisdom you have learned from this ordeal. There is still beauty to be found in the decay, glittering gems in the rough.
Maybe you don't want to get stronger. Healing may feel like a better option than grinding for difficult experience points. Give yourself the rest and repair you need. Let go of only that which is keeping you from starting again, but you don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. You've gained so much wisdom and strength, this trial wasn't without gain. Treasure it and begin anew.
Pile 2 - Happiness (Orange)
2 of Swords, Clarity

Whatever answers you seek are coming to you. Or perhaps they've already arrived; open your eyes and see for yourself. You may be wondering which path will satisfy you more. The process of reconciling this could take forever unless you lean on your gut here. This can't be decided based on intellect alone, for you could get stuck mulling it over for days. Imagining all the different possible outcomes could be taxing for your brain, so narrow it down. Eliminate the weakest links and home in on what excites you. It should feel like an "aha, yes!"
If you cannot see the answer right away, go within to the realm of imagination. Feel your way through. Visualize not just with sight but with yearning. Does the light of the sun make you feel hopeful? Does the cool rain make you feel relaxed? Would an art class expand your capacity to imagine many things, or would taking a science class?
The X mark in 2 of Swords is like a railroad crossing sign. Redirect that train of thought into brighter and more positive avenues of expression. Say "what if" as if you can't wait for something to happen. "What if I saw a shooting star tonight? What if my cute neighbor asked me out?" Let the future shine its beacon for you. It will all make sense in due time.
Pile 3 - Illumination (Yellow)
Ace of Cups, Reconciliation

Have you been staying up way too late trying to figure everything out? Please give yourself a brain curfew: no problem solving or saving the day after 10 pm! I'm getting that you may tend to ruminate on the same strong emotions. For some I'm getting that there is a crush here. There's inconsistent text messaging. I know it's easy to get too nervous about their reply, but try to wait until at least the next day to hear back. They may need time to formulate their words right. They may not even see your message straight away. Take it all in stride and sleep on it; if they want to reach out to you, then they eventually will.
For others in this pile, you may be going through a rough patch with another person right now and could be wondering how things will pan out. Give them time to respond, they could still be processing it. Stay on the more positive end of things with the idea that things will work themselves out. I feel like if you can manage this in a relaxed and non hurried way, the knot will untangle easily. The coffee in the Ace of Cups is very hot, so give it a chance to cool.
There is opportunity in your near future to make up for something that went awry due to a miscommunication error. You may get a chance to make up for a test, appointment, or an interview. You will receive grace for any mishaps. Remember that tomorrow won't necessarily be the same as today, so cherish both the good you have now along with the good that soon awaits you.
Pile 4 - Movement (Green)
IX Hermit, Devotion

Looks like things are progressing faster than you even thought they would. You may be blinking your eyes in partial disbelief: could this ball really be rolling? Indeed, thanks to your efforts, goals are being met and results are more evident by the day. You eschewed a lot of distractions to make this work, so give yourself a pat on the back for the level of commitment you put into it. Some of you in this pile may have just graduated, if so then congratulations! But try not to get too comfortable with your laurels, for you have a long road ahead of you in whatever you do next. This one completion is the start of many.
Does that thrill you? If so, wonderful! On the other hand, some of you may be feeling uncertain about continuing. You may be reviewing your options to see if this really is worth pursuing. Something that requires a lot of dedication and focus on it to the exclusion of all else… yeah, I can see how that can get tiring after a long time. There are folks who can get their Master's right after their Bachelor's, or have another child right after the first, but people can also happily move on to what feels more right for them instead.
It's okay to stop and assess your tracks if necessary. Taking time off is not the same as quitting. It's not losing motivation, it's recovering it. This is your passion and your discipline, not anyone else's. If you need to give other parts of your life more room to breathe, then do so with the confidence that your great work will wait for you.
Pile 5 - Flow (Turquoise)
4 of Wands, Hospitality

Have you been stuck with something for a while? There's a strong sense of a blockage that is being eroded away over time. This process can be sped up by allowing the ice to thaw a little more. "Break the ice." You may be wanting to open up and spend more quality time with other people but don't know how. Or you could be faced with meeting new people and being nervous about interacting with them. Even more so if they're roommates. A few people in this pile could be moving or have just moved. This is a chance to ease up and get to know new people.
This blockage could be a result of the past and of anxiety. The sound of a turning doorknob just jumpscared me as I typed the last sentence. You may benefit from learning about social anxiety and how to manage it. It's not an overnight job for you to fix this, though, but to just be aware of it and not allow it to get in the way of positive change in your life.
If you're struggling to figure out how to deal with meeting new people, I would suggest looking up videos or how-tos on social interaction, especially if a certain etiquette is required for an event. Learn about conversation starters and fun things you could do together like hosting a game night. Practice makes perfect, and over time the blockage will melt into the stream.
Pile 6 - Trust (Blue)
3 of Swords, Conversion

You have a very soft and tender outlook on life, which makes it all the more painful when reality doesn't conform to such a compassionate vision. It doesn't always try to respond to vulnerability in appropriate ways. Much of the time, this isn't from natural events as much as it stems from the ways in which people can treat one another cruelly. You've had some toxic people in your life who have put you through the wringer and attempted to squeeze every ounce of kindness they could from you. Making light of this pain to them only resulted in further deflection and antagonism on their part. The only outcome was to salvage whatever you could and pray for the best.
It is not your job to change their closed minded perspectives. They're on their own, here. Do not concern yourself with their messy inner world and lose any more of your energy. Also, do not attempt to regain what energy has been lost through bargaining either, as much as it hurts to press onward without looking back. You will recover, but you have to move on first and prioritize what you deeply care about most (you included).
There will come a time when your heart will be healed so you can see the brighter side of human connection again. All the beauty that your gentle soul is seeking is still there, shrouded by layers of protective petals that will one day bloom again and your life will truly flourish. For now, this is a time to give yourself all the comfort you can.
Pile 7 - Intuition (Violet)
XII Hanged Man, Spring

I get the feeling that you've been waiting quite a while for some good results to come in. This could either be from something that you started back in the spring, or are waiting to see results which may come around springtime. It is a season of flowers, so you may be waiting for this thing to blossom--that is, to be fully presentable to the public in some way. To have something to show for the time you put in. Like "hey, this is what I've been working on, this came from the seeds I planted." It could be growing in a direction unlike what you're used to, leaving you wondering how it could succeed in such unusual and burdensome conditions.
Lean on your inner guidance when it comes to the right timing. I don't believe that you're currently in a space where you need to push so hard for the best results. You can let things move at their own pace. Over tending to anything can end up in just as much trouble as neglect. There's only so much you can do before you have to let the flower do the growing and blooming for itself.
It's not always easy to sit in the place of uncertainty with the idea that doing more will provide more. But sometimes less is more. What you're creating is coming to fruition and may even turn out better than you expected. Trust in both the knowledge you've earned over time from learning lessons, as well as your natural intuition, to help you decide when it's time to take action.
Pile 8 - Love (Pink)
7 of Swords, Gossip

Let your heart lead the way here, not your worries over what others will think. Sure, you may end up with some people talking about you, but opportunities will keep passing by if you wait for everyone else to catch up to you. Leaning too much on everyone else's perspectives will only distort the vision you have for your own life journey. We all have unique journeys to go on, but unconditional kindness remains at the center of the Love card, the one thing that brings us together. Following life from a heart centered place may result in having others glance over and whisper, but that shouldn't distract you.
There is a rather delicate message here about dealing with friendships, colleagues, or possibly even family. You may have a tricky situation between several other people right now who have beef not with you but with each other. They may be coming to you to air their grievances and ask for advice.
If you care about both of these people, then it's best to approach this issue as diplomatically and impartially as possible and avoid feeding into the conflict. What would an enlightened mindset do in this situation? How would you want the other person to behave if they were in your shoes? Come from a place of pure compassion. They may choose to make amends or not, it's up to them. If their butting heads is bringing you down, it's always okay to step back and take a break. You are not responsible for what's going on in their heart, only your own, so protect yours well.
This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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altho i am writing the outline of what will become a Book so i won't be saying everything ever about it, i do still want people to understand what hell i have been in this past week so well here ya go two thousands words of me just Talking about the history of virtual actors and pop stars in the latter half of the 20th century in [setting name pending], this is just some in-universe history b/c that's always fun
The use of virtual constructs (must think of some word that conveys 'AI person trapped in a box who is somewhat magic') in the second half of the 20th century
These constructs are harvested from [redacted] and captured in individualised containers which allow them to be controlled and tuned.
[copy-pasted from Discord from here on god help u]
So Pascal was basically already decently popular among the public before making his visual film debut for the first time, having been the host of an infrequently-aired radio show. he appeared in illustrations as far back as the 1920s and his appearance did change with the times, though there was some continuity - at some stage in like the 50s maybe they changed him too much in the newspaper ads and there were complaints lol so they changed him back. i think it is more impactful if his appearance is WHOLLY created. so basically in the 20s they were like "if we want people to engage with this guy we have to give him a face" so they gave him a face, he was traditionally attractive but not overly-so, they wanted him to feel relatable as well, not quite an everyman but he had to appear human enough not to make people uncomfortable or fall into the uncanny valley (in the 80s and 90s, this was no longer the design direction lol they cranked the 'impossibly perfect'/uncanny dial up to 11 at that point as the public's level of comfort improved and more out-there stuff became desirable).
When he made his TV debut in 1969 it was hyped up for months with ads which depicted him on set and in more realistic ways (almost appearing to be photographs - some even were!), while public reaction was carefully monitored. This was highly experimental and it still was not known whether the concept worked, so although they did hype it up, there was a level of caution too so as not to invite negative press.
The first series did not involve public audience members but people from the broadcasting studio standing in for them (this was not made known at the time). They used a combination of camera tricks and graphics to make it feel like he was physically standing in a room with these people (bearing in mind he was strictly contained and had no manifestation outside the waves - he was within a container at the base of the broadcasting apparatus, with a recording device which could cast his image live, so viewers at home were seeing cuts of the Pascal feed and cuts of the physical studio and audience stitched together to appear continuous)
That was part of the gimmick - it was commonly felt that a big construct should never be permitted to manifest/should have no manifestation, so the fact that he supposedly was manifesting but friendly and contained was a draw. the ads leaned into it quite a lot - marketing copy implying that you could touch him, go on dates with him, etc but always with a cheeky wink, a "not really", the audience at home were in on the secret of it not being real. but it worked really well and was super effective to generate hype without inviting accusations of trying to replace humans, and it sparked an entire golden era of constructs and manufactured celebrities. Pascal remained notorious for being one of the only ones that could believably interact with a studio audience in an unscripted manner, due to his 'maturity' as a construct and having been brought up in the 19th century conversational era of AI, raised on a diet of talking to philosophers.
The second season of the show came out quickly and to much anticipation, and with members of the public actually participating for the first time. The broadcasters set up a wall of CRTs in the studio which would display the container feed to people on-set, and wired up each audience member with a microphone so he could hear them too (he appeared to see them well enough through the camera equipment). He was excited to interact with them and they liked him too, but he always had this slightly mean streak which his broadcaster tried hard to soften. The meanness worked really well in the reality/game show format (his show was a mixture of contests but basically Wheel Of Fortune) where half the entertainment is watching audience members get dunked on sometimes, and having a slightly sardonic host can help the audience at home root for the contestants to win in spite of his opposition.
Episodes could be produced at a rapid pace by taping multiple at once - three identical sets were built for season 3 allowing for three episodes to be filmed at once because he could of course interact with everyone freely and essentially be in multiple places at once. this was also where the first issues showed up on-set - he began to miss his timing cues, arriving just a bit too late to the stage, or taking slightly too long to finish his nightly sign-off. this was not apparent publicly as the episodes were not shown live and could be edited, but any member of the public who was on the show was often hounded after by superfans, so some stories did come out about Pascal's 'odd' behaviour on set. there was a behind-the-scenes documentary made about the entire production process in season 3 as well, which included some interviews with Pascal himself, but mostly consisted of his handlers and technicians excitedly explaining the broadcast apparatus and containment devices and so on. after The Incident, the rare copies of this film became highly sought-after by collectors.
There were some teething problems but nothing too major. until the debut of season 4 in 1972, marked by their first 'special', a live broadcast. knowing that this couldn't be edited in post, Pascal took delight in being an absolute demon to the contestants, oftentimes barely staying within the realm of plausible deniability, and he made the wheel of fortune land on BANKRUPT for every single spin, which was not supposed to have been a possibility as the wheel was physical (though the lever which he turned to supposedly spin it was on-screen in the same virtual space with him, so he'd make a show of pulling the lever and some set worker behind the scenes would hit a switch in time to make the physical wheel spin). Again, the tapes of this incident are vanishingly rare as not many TV watchers had the ability to record live TV. But the ratings were huge, so nearly everyone the next day was like "did you see that crazy shit on tv last night???". People LOVED how mean he was and assumed it was just part of the show and that the contestants might have been actors too judging by how genuinely uncomfortable they looked (one even cried!).
Although there was no interruption in the airing of the rest of season 4 (all the episodes having been recorded prior to the live episode), behind the scenes he was barred from filming at this point so that he could be re-tuned and calibrated. But that wasn't the only barrier to the show's production - at this point, TV actors and presenters had started to feel threatened that they would be replaced by constructs which were unpaid and could be in multiple places at once, and had begun to agitate for a strike.
This affected production of the whole studio, and to avoid popular support growing in favour of the strike, they rushed the process to get Pascal back on the air ASAP. They started filming again, with Pascal supposedly cooperative after some finetuning and calibration. His controllers did not suspect how deep into his 'corruption' he had gotten since the TV debut, because he had been very cooperative for decades now just with some odd habits here and there.
It was accepted knowledge that constructs who had become corrupted (read: disobedient. I will have to think of better terms for… well a lot of this stuff) would stop cooperating, just go off the rails and maybe even manifest. Like day and night - perfect one second, monstrously disobedient the next. But he seemed to be normal enough, and his quirks were ascribed to the ageing radio-broadcast equipment they were using to contain him. Though the breakthrough into purely digital formats had not come about just yet, it was definitely on the horizon, and they wanted to keep him going until they could find a way to contain him digitally. For many reasons this never happened.
Anyway they started filming again, with a backdrop of pressure from the acting union. It had to be proven that the public liked virtual actors, but there were rumblings of that strike, and that it might end up in a potential deal where virtual actors were banned from certain roles and capacities.
They began filming and it all seemed fine, until
[redacted Incident details]
The public never really knew the full timeline of events that led up to the show's cancellation, because the taping schedule meant that the live episode, the one with the most warning signs, aired before the rest of season 4 did, which was extremely tame by comparison. I mean obviously people aware of how TV is made might have cottoned on to the fact that the live show was his last public performance, but overall that never stuck in people's minds, because they remembered season 4 ending very normally and then it just never being picked up again despite being such a popular show.
People wanted more of Pascal and there was an attempt to revive the radio show but with a human voice actor instead playing his character, but it wasn't popular because that's old news, and people knew pretty quickly that it wasn't really him. That was cancelled too after only a couple of months and the studio had to come out and announce that they had 'retired' him in favour of a more modern construct (coming soon!) because of the limitations of his old technology not being fit for the second half of the 70s and beyond. Pascal merchandise continued to be produced and sold but kind of how snoopy still appears on modern clothing even tho peanuts stopped running years ago - all old assets, relying on nostalgia, never promising a new appearance or refresh. He eventually passed into irrelevance, one of those forgotten childhood moments (he was notorious for being popular among stay-at-home mothers lol and by the 4th season airing, they had intentionally been putting him in less conservative outfits)
The late 70s and 80s saw the start of the digital era for constructs. The technology was more precise (though less resilient) for controlling and programming the constructs. Helper constructs (like AI helpers) had already been a thing for decades in space missions, aviation, and military applications but had started to slowly infiltrate other spheres of life. The digital format allowed them to be individualised and located in an end-consumer's home rather than broadcast from a distant location by some massive building-sized broadcast apparatus, allowing a greater degree of customisability and personalisation. Although acting unions eventually got their way and TV applications were curtailed, TV was no longer the front of the wave for the development of these things. We are now in the Digital Age.
It was all condensing into smaller and smaller pieces of tech, batteries were improving, microchips shrinking, until by the early 90s (mirroring development of portable phones) they could be wearable, and everyone could have a virtual personal assistant or friend. And the music industry was still unconquered ground. Constructs could play instruments, but vocals could be sketchy at times for new constructs who had not been socialised in their developmental period, as was the way of things now (the era of bespoke, decades-long philosophising with constructs to hone their conversational skills and theory of mind died with the turn of the 20th century). These things were being produced fast and had short shelf lives, so they could be rushed to market asap (and by the 21st century were built with planned obsolescence in mind, so that they wouldn't mature enough to allow any corruption to set in). But anyway they did manage to integrate a digital vocal trainer and producing singers became possible again.
Present day in the story, we are in the height of the boyband boom. At around this time (2003 babey that's where we are now!!!!!) the first 'true' digital pop stars made their debut - Unicorn and Kitty, a duo who always appeared together and were marketed as being partners. These were not wearable or personal assistants, but treated as actual pop stars. There was no more acknowledgement of the virtual star's incorporeal nature, like there had been with Pascal. They were marketed as having rich inner lives and on actually being, for real, alive, but they were not human - they were themed as alien visitors to Earth with marketable but inhuman features. It was all marketing of course but the highly advanced technology by now could almost support this application, and they appeared in hologram form at concert venues, signed autographs, and did collabs with human artists.
Kitty did not test as well with audiences (Unicorn was more popular and fans who wanted to imagine themselves dating Unicorn would sometimes be vitriolic towards Kitty) and the writers of the duo's life plot decided that Kitty would pull a 'I must go, my planet needs me' and be quietly written out, but it would give Unicorn a chance to perform these breakup songs that had been written for them, now with an almost convincing illusion of sadness. And now, coming soon, maybe YOU could win a date with Unicorn, yes you, normal person sitting at home!
and in case you were wondering what Unicorn looks like, Unicorn basically looks like this:
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I wanted to make a May the 4th post dedicated to my Star Wars f/os yesterday, but I gotta be honest I just did not have the energy ._. So I'm just gonna do it now though!
I never really talked much about my Star Wars f/os on here because despite having 5 of them (maybe more if you count platonics), they're all secondary f/os and I hardly find the time to dedicate art or writing to them. They still mean a lot to me though and I think they're wonderful and interesting characters, so here they are💕
First up, Grand Admiral Thrawn/Mitth'raw'nuruodo, I first got to know him properly through Rebels (I knew he had existed in the Legends universe before already but didn't particularly care about him) and not going to lie, for a while I found him really annoying. He seemed very arrogant to me and I didn't get how he could always be a step ahead of the rebels, but I learned to understand and appreciate him, and somehow I fell in love with him eventually. At the time he was probably the strongest fictional crush I ever had (this man literally made me question my asexuality at some point - I didn't know that micro-labels like grey-, demi- or fictosexual were a thing back then). I didn't know about the existence of a self ship community back then, but in my head I shipped a character that was basically myself with him (with a few changes of course, like I was 16 at the time but my s/i was obviously a grown adult, the story I had in mind for her wouldn't have made sense otherwise anyway). I also started writing character x reader fanfictions about him! I finished a few one-shots, but the only multi-chapter story I started has unfortunately been laying around abandoned for a few years. I still kind of want to write an ending for it one day, but I don't know when that will happen. I struggled with my feelings for Thrawn after some uncomfortable experience with a former acquaintance in the Star Wars community, but as this is luckily in the past and maybe I can reconnect with him some day (In the meantime I'd love to meet other Thrawn shippers who are comfortable sharing him!). Regardless of that my love for him has had a significant influence on me, because without him I would've probably never made my art instagram account (the first social media account I made aside my personal insta account that I never use) and wouldn't have met many of my wonderful online friends.
Next up, Admiral Ar'alani, she's gorgeous and at least partially responsible for my bi awakening. I mean just look at her! Due to being a book character she's probably kind of underrated and less well known, I'd love to see an animated series about her and the crew of the Steadfast! I loved her in the Thrawn trilogy, I still have to read the Ascendancy trilogy though.
Commodore Karyn Faro probably wins the price for the most underrated f/o among them (also F in the chat for her for having literally 2 canonical depictions in a comic and no other visual reference, that's why I had to choose a slightly silly picture for her). I loved reading from her perspective in the Thrawn trilogy and I always enjoyed her dynamic with him too. Despite having her as an f/o I also ship her with Ar'alani, I think they'd make a cute couple. At the moment her canonical fate is pretty much unknown (I don't think it was ever made clear whether she left the Chimaera to transfer to her own fleet before Thrawn left for Lothal or not?), but although it is unlikely I personally wish that she'd also somehow end up with the Chiss like Eli did and get a happy ending with them.
Tech was just a very relatable character for me, and I knew I'd like him pretty much from the start. I always had a weak spot for this slightly nerdy scientist type of characters (namely Kowalski from TPoM and Mr. Spock from Star Trek TOS), I just never really f/o'd any of them before since I was like 8 years old or so at the time I was obsessed with them. But oh I had so much fun watching Tech, and his quote "I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you"? That hit right in the heart especially since I could relate so much to it. Also he must still be alive, I don't accept that he's gone no matter what the canon says.
Last but not least, I think General Grievous/Qymaen jai Sheelal was actually my second proper fictional crush, but for some reason it took me until last year to properly admit to it? I don't know, apparently 13 year old me was unconsciously in denial about being a monster lover, or just somehow unaware that I could just ship myself or an oc with him and didn't have to pick one of the canon characters. He's a character I'd actually love to come back some time, it's mainly that I'm too focused on my other f/os at the moment, but I think he deserves more love (yes I know he's kind of horrible too, but I think horrible fictional guys can still be loved and cherished).
Anyway this got longer than I anticipated, but at least you have an introduction to some of my secondary f/os now I guess. Anyways I hope you all had a happy Star Wars day, and who knows, maybe some of these guys here will make an appearance on my blog again in the future <3
#I was on the fence whether I should add Darth Vader as well since he used to be one of my fictional crushes#but I consider him an old f/o nowadays and don't know if I'll ever come back to him and I already wrote so much so I decided not to#but the others here are still all important to me💖#I'd also love to see more self ships with them actually I have no issues with sharing them <3#mitthrawnuruodo#thrawn#grand admiral thrawn#ar'alani#admiral ar'alani#karyn faro#commodore faro#tech#tech tbb#general grievous#qymaen jai sheelal#self ship#self shipping community#self insert x canon#f/o appreciation#star wars#may the 4th#happy star wars day#selniasoriginal
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Pumkachubby's side story: Gourmet Expeditions! Chapter 1
Here we go! A new story begins today, set in the same universe as my main story but this time the setting is in the Paldea region, our new protagonist Shiro and in this chapter we will see how he meets a particular Miraidon, I hope you all like it~
Warning: This story is set after the events of the main plot of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and while in this particular chapter nothing remarkable is spoiled its recommended to be aware of it for future chapters, since game characters will appearing here and there
The situation was bad: not only was I lost somewhere in the mountains of the North Province, but I also lost most of the contents of my backpack trying to run away from an enraged Noivern earlier that day. My rotom phone was damaged too so I had no idea how far we were from a town or at least a pokemon center, and with the sun setting already I had to set up camp for the night and try my best to make something edible. I was left with enough ingredients to make one last sandwich, so despite the worried look of my pokemon I decided to try my best.
It was so awful my body rejected it so hard I ended up dropping it to the floor.
-”I’m sorry guys, I really tried my best” - I apologized to my Applin and Tatsugiri who quickly came to comfort me - “ I was really hoping that weird spice we found the other day would be useful… What should we do? Walking in the dark of the night could be dangerous, I guess we can go a night without dinner, right?” - I said as I looked at the sunset.
It has been half a year since I moved to Paldea, using all of my savings from my last job I came to join the Academy, since I heard they take students from all ages I took it as a chance to start a new life alongside Ringo, my Applin that has been my partner since I was teenager, and the only friend I ever made back in Galar. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I prefer the company of pokemon over other people, I was never able to get along with them… Well, at least I am until they realize my true nature. If you were to separate the people of this world you would usually make 2 distinct groups: normal humans and Hybrids, those who share a characteristics with pokemon, but in fact there is a third group people don’t talk about or are simply looked down as “mongrels”, descendants of Hybrids and human that by a simple look you may think that barely inherited any of their ancestors visual appearances, but once you notice you can’t unsee it, like the shape their hair naturally grows, which is my case.
School life in my childhood was terrible, children, no matter if they are human or hybrids, are awful, and that extends to teenagers and adults, so I ended up being homeschooled, even though I tried to join school multiple times. I wouldn’t blame them for having an easier time getting along with those who are kin, but is it really necessary to look down and mock those like me who don't fit in either group? I can’t even blame my parents for it since they didn't even know they had a hybrid ancestor until I was born…
So I ended up growing bitter, as to be expected, but after an awful situation in my last job I decided to quit and start a new page in my life, I tried my best to come with a positive energy, forget about my past and be ready to make friends but unfortunately that wasn’t the case… once my new classmates realized my origins they turned against me. I ended up joining Team Star because I met one of its leaders, who is a pretty cool guy who immediately accepted me for who I am, but that didn’t stop the same cycle to repeat among the grunts groups, so I ended up running away once again.
A rumble in my belly brought me back to reality, my pokemon looking worried at me.
-”Don’t worry I’ll be fine, I’m sure we can find some berries in our way to the nearest town tomorrow morning, we just have to endure the nigh-” A sudden movement in the bushes at my back startled me, under normal circumstances I would have been able to deal with a wild pokemon but I couldn’t force my friends into battle with an empty stomach so I quickly put them back into their poke balls. A large figure jumped from the bushes and glared at me, for a second I thought it was a Cyclizar but it was purple, way bigger and metallic-looking, like some kind of robot. The creature stared at me for a couple of seconds and quickly jumped in my direction. I closed my eyes waiting for the worst but nothing happened, when I opened them again I noticed the creature was behind me, happily eating the sandwich in the ground. Once it was done it turned back at me, this time with a more friendly look in its eyes. It was then when I noticed I had seen this pokemon before, it was a Miraidon. The latest Champion have been seen riding one of these and since they are quite popular it's hard to avoid knowing about them, although I have heard that this pokemon in particular was quite rare so I immediately assumed it must be the same one.
-”Did you get separated from your trainer?” - I asked the Miraidon, who gave me a confused look - “So… you don’t have a trainer?” - I said as I petted his face - “I’m sorry you had to eat that from the floor, must have been pretty hungry right?” - The pokemon smiled back at me and started to run in cycles, usually looking back at me. Normally I would say that I have a good instinct to what a pokemon is trying to tell me, you don’t need to be a hybrid to get an idea after all, but as this Miraidon jumped everywhere my confusion only grew bigger and bigger.
The pokemon kept moving around and occasionally looking back at me for a while until it suddenly stopped and jumped on me. It was pretty heavy so there wasn’t much I could do, but at least it was clear it wasn’t trying to hurt me. its eyes were very close to mine until I saw a strange glow on them, in that moment the Miraidon jumped back into the air and started to spin quickly as a yellow and violet light enveloped it, it didn’t look like any move I knew and somehow it didn’t felt like I was in any particular danger, it was captivating. Then it suddenly exploded into a cloud of purple and yellow sparks, I looked away for a moment and when I looked back I was presented with a sight that made me question my sanity: The wild Miraidon now walked in two feet, no, it had transformed into a humanoid begin! Their body still had a robotic look but it was considerably closer to a person now. After checking their new appearance for a couple of second it spoke to me:
-“Good, it worked”- They said, with a deep but electronic-sounding voice.
-”Yo- You can talk!? Wait, what’s going on??” - I managed to say as I fell to the ground, I couldn’t believe what I just witnessed - “I must be dreaming, right?”
-”What are you saying? Oh, let me help you” - They said, offering their hand, I took it by instinct and I could notice how hard and cold it was.
-”Is this, is this real?” - I said out loud, but the Miraidon replied nonetheless.
-”Well you can say I’m surprised too, I moved by instinct, I noticed you didn’t understand what I was trying to say so I took a form more suitable for communication.”
-”Wait a moment! You can’t just say that! Pokemon can’t just turn into people, right?”
-”How can you deny what your eyes just saw? You are an interesting one, but to satisfy your concerns, no, not all pokemon can do such a feat, but I guess some really powerful ones like myself can, although… I’m not sure if I can turn back now, at least I’m certain I don’t have enough energy to do it again, but I’ll worry about that later. For now let’s proceed with the reason I took this form, speaking human language is easier than I expected so let's not waste any more time.”
-”You did this just because you wanted to talk to me?” - I asked in shock.
-”Yes, that food you didn’t ate saved me, I’ve been traveling around in this unknown place for a while and finding something to eat has been quite the struggle so when I saw that piece of food I couldn’t help myself but to jump into it, I wouldn’t exaggerate if I said that you saved my life so I want to pay you back.”
-“But… it was a terrible sandwich…”
-”Maybe for you, but it was the most delicious thing I have memory of tasting”
-”Or maybe you just were too hungry?”
-”Its a possibility, just like the fact that I don’t have many memories of flavors, let alone memories to begin with…” - They said in a sad tone. -”I woke up in a cold, shiny cave with no memories a couple of months ago, alongside many others like myself. Life was rough there, constantly fighting for food, and while I had no problems getting it I couldn’t stand being trapped in that cave, so I ended up using all the energy I had to escape…”
-”I see…” - I replied looking at his hand, still holding mine, knowing too well how that feeling of being trapped in an hostile environment feels like.
-“Please excuse me, that was uncalled for. While you may have discarded that meal I don’t know how long it would have been until I found more food, and I heard that it was the last of your supplies so, as a way to pay you back, I can provide you with a fast way to travel around, sure I can’t transform like I was before but I can still travel way faster than a normal person can.”
-”I-I see” - For a moment I doubted myself, but how could I say no at this point? Even if I wanted to say it I had to think of my pokemon too after all. - “ Then… how should we do it?”
-”Just hop on to my back and get a good hold. Oh, but first, there is something we should take care about.”
-”What would that be?” -I asked, as they grabbed my backpack, taking an empty poke ball and dropping it into the air, as it fell on his head the usual red light came out of it and surrounded his body, taking their body into it and quickly closed itself. I jumped to grab it by instinct and as my hand touched it I could see the sparkles that announced the capture was successful.
That night, I captured a Miraidon… a humanoid Miraidon!!??
The warmth of the sun in the morning woke me up, I was in my room in the academy and Ringo quickly came to check on me, he looked worried, like every morning after I had a nightmare.
-”Don’t worry Ringo it was just a dream”- I said as I petted him - “There is no way a pokemon can take a humanoid appearance and talk, well, maybe some Zoroark…?”
-”I’m glad to see you are awake.” - Said Director Clavell, who seems to be waiting right in the entrance of my room, thankfully most of the staff here don’t have prejudices against people like me so I have always felt welcomed by them. I would ask why he was here but Tatsu was on his shoulder so I deduced it was him who told him I had woken up. - “It was quite the uproar last night.”
-”Uh? Did something happen?”- I asked, confused.
-”How rude” - Said a deep, electronic voice coming from the same way the director came from - “But I guess I can’t blame you for thinking it was all a dream, you fainted when I got into that ball.”
-”WAIT WAIT IT WAS REAL!!?? Did YOU bring me here??”
-”That’s correct.” - Intervened the Director - “I was finishing my duties last night when you showed up unconscious in their arms, it was quite the scene between the few presents, after all not every hybrid share so many physical characteristics with their pokemon ancestors, there are some that have tails and wings but these are very rare cases, but I guess that doesn’t really apply to our guest here.”
-”So, you know about his nature?”
-”Of course, we talked about that last night alongside Ms. Geeta, they even had a battle.”
-”It was rude of me to suggest such a thing, I underestimated her strength…” - Said the Miraidon scratching their neck.
-”Wait, so you know that they are…?” - I asked the Director.
-”While it's certainly a surprising event to witness, it's not precisely something “new” in our world, there are many old folk tales that mention pokemon taking human form to make a bridge between the human and Pokemon, who were separated from each other for big part of our history, although such cases are often about pokemon of legends. If you want to know more about such tales you can ask Ms. Raifort, your history teacher.”
-”I wasn’t asking about that, I mean, they literally went inside a poke ball! They technically are my pokemon now?? I can’t just own a person! I mean sure they don’t look completely human but it's kinda messed up if you think about it. Why did you do that in the first place??” - I asked looking at the Miraidon
-”I guess I should apologize, I didn’t know that’s what getting into that ball meant until last night, I thought I had to do that to properly travel alongside you, that was the impression you and the other trainers I saw in the last couple of days gave me, I couldn’t just ask them after all.”
-”I understand your concern, Master Shiro, but you need to understand their point of view too. They don’t know much about our society after all, but they can learn about it, don’t you think? We talked about this too with Ms. Geeta and we concluded that as long as they remain with that appearance they can’t act like a pokemon anymore, so it would be better if they travel around and learn about our culture. As far as we know they can’t return to their previous state, but if they become able to do it then they should decide how they want to live their life by themselves, don’t you agree?”
-”I see, I guess you are right, who are we to decide for them who they are…”
-”Then…” - Said the Miraidon as they walked closer to me - “Would it be too much if I asked for your support? I still feel like I’m in debt to you, but I would like to have you as my guide…”
-”You took me back to society safety, that’s more than that dirty sandwich was worth! If someone is in debt here it should be me, of course I can teach you around, although I do have something I want to ask… ”
-”Of course, what would it be?”
-”You need to put on clothes…”
-”Now that you mention it, you are absolutely correct! We need to get you some clothes as soon as possible.” - Replied the Director, quickly covering his eyes as he rushed out of the room.
-”Do I really need to?”
-”If you want to experience life as a person then you need to start by following the basics of modesty.”
-”... fine. But with that in mind, there is something important I want to ask from you.”
-”Sure, go ahead.”
-”I want a name.”
-”Eehh!!?? But I’m not good with that… and I’m not going to be your trainer, I don’t really know how to feel if I named you…”
-”It doesn’t have to be the most creative name around, I may change it in the future, but if I’m going to live life like a person then you can’t call me “Miraidon”, right? It would be like if I called you “Pumpkaboo”!”
-”THAT’S-”- I shouted, just now realizing that I wasn’t wearing the hat that I always have on to hide the very distinct hairstyle that has given me so much trouble all my life. I could be angry but they clearly are not aware of my own circumstances, I could do nothing but agree. -” That’s correct, you do need a name, give me a second… … … What about something like… Light? Since you shined in a bright light when you changed your form.”
-”Hm… Light…”- They stood up for a couple of seconds, repeating the improvised name a couple of times to themselves - “yeah! I like it. Thank you Shiro, I hope you can teach me a lot of things from your people”
-”My people, you say…” - I had to admit for someone that has never felt like belongs anywhere, it hit pretty close where it hurts, but I couldn’t run away, this is what I came looking for in this region: start a new life, live new experiences, and I wasn’t going to let this chance escape, not when there is someone right in front of me that sees me for who I am. - “Then? is there anything in particular that you are curious about?” -I asked them, not really sure myself where we should start
-”Well, I was wondering… you said that the sandwich I ate last night was pretty awful, so that means there is way better food out there, right??” - Said Light, with an excited sparkle in their eyes.
-”Of course! This world is full of different, delicious food for everyone to taste, I can show you a couple of places in the city to start”
-”Marvelous! Then get ready, we have a starting point for our journey! Let’s begin our Gourmet Expedition!” - They said, grabbing me by the arm and lifting me into the air, my pokemon joined in jumping cheerfully around us.
-”Alright alright! but first get some clothes on!!”
#oc content#oc story#pumpkachubby side story#pokemon trainer shiro#I'll try to make a new chapter every month I swear
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3, 8, 14, 15, 20!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
i don't know :( i like a lot of what i've written. however. when i think of my best work, the first thing that comes to mind is we're miles from way back when (quantum leap fic). and since it definitely ranks among my favorites, i'm using it as the answer.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
what project aren't i currently working on... i think the thing i have the most of is firestorm projects, the majority of which are divergent aus/what-if ideas (what if ronnie never got his powers back after stein became the elemental and left to travel the universe, what if gehenna wasn't the one to die in blackest night, what if the suicide squad's mission to capture firestorm was successful, etc). got a lot of jsa shit kicking around too, and some wrong earth concepts including one i'm pretty far into (probably 1/3rd of the way, which maybe isn't that much but is further than i've gotten for the others). i also have a doom patrol idea but if i wanted to write it properly it would take a lot of mental energy so it's on the back burner until i finish at least one of my other big projects.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
give it up for we're miles from way back when everyone! i'm linking it twice! but if it's cheating to use it a second time i'd go with anything from the weight of living. and all of this would preferably comics.
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
the vast majority are song lyrics or the titles of songs. the past handful have been from fairly popular songs but i do usually try to make it just a little more obscure. if i'm going to title chapters, i'll try to make it on-theme with the title (i.e. in come avarice, come attrition all the chapter titles are the titles of other decemberists songs, in sirius & canopus they're all constellations, etc) while still being relevant to the story in some way (to use sirius & canopus as an example again, chapter eight, "corona borealis" is our "cameron" chapter).
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
mmm... i don't think i can take credit for same stars, different perspective because it's a line from the comic it's based around, but that was the first one that came to mind. oh, given the context of the fic being about tyler my friend tyler i think epimetheus is really good! it's one of saturn's moons but it's named after a titan who represented hindsight, and... well, it's about tyler! the future justice league member who was the hero of saturn! trying not to be human and have hindsight and feeling guilt about not being able to protect his friend!
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'It might feel like Barbienheimer is over now that the hype is finally starting to die down months after the release of Barbie and Oppenheimer, but both films are currently front-runners to compete at the 96th Academy Awards. Right now, a number of award categories seem like sure nominations for the two films, and the odds are even in favor of them winning some of them. Barbie and Oppenheimer couldn't be more different from each other, so it's surprising that they're set to compete against each other like this. If one thing seems sure, it's that Barbenheimer hype is set to return to the Oscars.
Pop culture rivalries tend to be bitter and antagonistic: think about Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Marvel vs. DC, and Playstationvs. Xbox. The most refreshing thing about Barbenheimer was the way that two disparate fandoms joined forces, elevating both films in the process. They were always going to be hugely successful movies, but the absolutely mammoth box office is, in part, down to the films boosting each other. It's a shame, then, that it must end like this, as both films are forced to square off against one another for awards statuettes. These 10 categories are the most likely places they'll be nominated.
10. Barbie's "I'm Just Ken" For Best Original Song
Movie aside, Barbie: The Album is a huge hit in its own right, debuting at #2 on the Billboard 200, and with Rolling Stone even calling it, "one of the best albums of 2023 so far." The soundtrack album is full of original songs, many of which might be strong enough to garner the film a nomination for Best Original Song, but "I'm Just Ken," the musical sequence performed as the Kens all prepare to go to war towards the end of the movie is a universally beloved, standout moment. It's not just poised to be nominated in this category; it's currently the front-runner to win it.
9. Oppenheimer For Best Director
Given his filmography, it's almost difficult to comprehend how Christopher Nolan hasn't yet been nominated for Best Director at The Oscars. While you could potentially chalk some of this up to a snobbery in The Academy that can sometimes prevent them from wanting to nominate genre films and crowd-pleasing blockbusters, it seems particularly egregious when you remember that both Inception and Dunkirk were nominated for Best Picture among other awards. Nolan has been snubbed repeatedly by the Oscars throughout his career, but this is set to be the year to change that. A nomination in this category is practically guaranteed, and a win is a very real possibility.
8. Barbie's Ryan Gosling For Best Supporting Actor
Another almost guaranteed nomination as things stand is Ryan Gosling in the Best Supporting Actor category. It might seem unlikely to think of such a silly performance being acknowledged at the Oscars, but the Best Supporting Actor and Actress categories are the one place that the Academy Awards historically like to show some love to comedies. Some significant past nominees include Robert Downey Jr. who was nominated for playing Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder, Melissa McCarthy who won for playing Megan in Bridesmaids, and Whoopi Goldberg who won for playing Oda Mae Brown in Ghost. When placed alongside those performances, Ryan Gosling's Ken fits right in.
7. Oppenheimer For Best Cinematography
Almost the entirety of Christopher Nolan's filmography looks immaculate, but Oppenheimer really took the cinematography in his films to the next level. Not content with being simply visually magnificent, Oppenheimer pushed the envelope by shooting entirely on IMAX, leading to its film reel weighing an astonishing 600 pounds and clocking in at 11 miles long. The hype surrounding how audiences were going to see the film screened worked wonders to get people into actual, physical cinemas, and based on the reaction The Academy had to Top Gun: Maverick last year, that's something that goes a long way for them.
6. Barbie For Best Costume Design
True to form for Barbie, this category seems like such a sure thing that it almost seems like cheating. More than anything in the world, Barbie is probably best known for her large variety of different, extravagant outfits, and the Barbie movie absolutely delivered on outfits. The Barbies and Kens all sported countless elaborate costumes and wardrobe changes throughout the film, with many quick flashes and sequences having little purpose beyond showing off new, exciting outfits, most of which were based on actual toys. It's almost impossible to imagine Barbie not being nominated in this category.
5. Oppenheimer For Best Original Score
Christopher Nolan is well known for collaborating with Hans Zimmer, but starting with Tenet, he now has a new collaborator in Ludwig Göransson. Göransson is a phenomenally talented composer who's had a monumental rise to fame over the past few years. Continuing the strange trend of Community alums going on to work in the MCU, Göransson was hired to score Black Panther after working with Ryan Coogler on Creed. Black Panther won him his first Oscar, and judging from the almost universal acclaim for the music in Oppenheimer, his second Oscar seems extremely likely.
4. Barbie For Best Production Design
Just as with costumes, it almost seems too easy to say that Barbie will be nominated for Best Makeup and Hair, so what about Production Design? The film features fully realized recreations of numerous toy sets, including the iconic Barbie Dreamhouse. The movie required so much of it, that constructing Barbieland wiped out Rosco's entire supply of pink paint, causing a global shortage. It's understandable given that the film had to create everything from plastic food to plastic swimming pools from scratch. More importantly, though, the resulting film looks vibrant, innovative, imaginative, and unique.
3. Oppenheimer's Cillian Murphy For Best Lead Actor
Not only does the Academy historically love portrayals of real-life people, but they also always seem to respond well when an actor dramatically alters their weight. Cillian Murphy did just that to match the appearance of real-life J. Robert Oppenheimer, reportedly eating just a single almond a day at the height of filming. There's much more to his work than simple gimmicks, though. He gives a nuanced performance throughout the film, allowing us an insight into the troubled and, frequently, contradictory mind of Oppenheimer. Given Cillian Murphy's talent and popularity, it's easy to forget that he hasn't been nominated for an Oscar before, but this is set to be the year to change that.
2. Barbie for Best Original Screenplay
Despite Barbie being what The Academy would typically consider to be an adapted screenplay (based on pre-existing characters), it's been announced that Warner Bros. intends to enter Barbie in the Best Original Screenplay category. Assuming that they're allowed to, it makes perfect sense because this year's heavy writing competition all lands in the Adapted Screenplay category where, not only will Oppenheimer likely be competing, but also other films tipped to become Oscar-heavyweights: Killers of the Flower Moon and Poor Things. A lot can (and will) change between now and March 2024, but as things stand, the only major completion for Barbie in the Original Screenplay category is Past Lives.
1. Both For Best Picture
This is where things are really going to heat up. The amicable union between Barbie and Oppenheimer fans is set to come to an end as both films are currently front-runners for nominations in the coveted Best Picture category, meaning that they will be directly competing with each other for the top prize of the night. In the words of Ava Max on Barbie: The Album, it's going to be time to "Choose Your Fighter." Hopefully, a different, third film will win, allowing the union of Barbenheimer to remain as positive as it has up until now.
The 96th Academy Awards take place on March 10, 2024.'
#Christopher Nolan#Cillian Murphy#Oppenheimer#Barbie#Barbenheimer#Inception#Dunkirk#Ryan Gosling#Robert Downey Jr.#IMAX#Ludwig Goransson
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The Evolution of API for Horary Astrology Question Charts: Past, Present, and Future
In the ever-evolving world of astrology, the use of technology has become indispensable. For content creators in the astrology niche, understanding the timeline of APIs for horary astrology question charts is crucial. These tools not only enhance content but also provide real-time data that can captivate audiences. Let's delve into the journey of these APIs from their humble beginnings to their promising future.
The Past: Where It All Began
Once upon a time, astrology was a realm reserved for the mystics and the stars. The art of horary astrology, which answers specific questions by interpreting the positions of celestial bodies at the time of the question, was painstakingly manual. Astrologers spent hours calculating and drawing charts by hand. The advent of computers in the late 20th century marked the dawn of a digital revolution in astrology.
As technology progressed, the first APIs emerged, albeit rudimentary. These early tools were limited in scope but marked a significant leap forward. They allowed astrologers to automate chart calculations, making astrology more accessible to the masses. DivineAPI.com was among the pioneers, setting the stage for future advancements.
The Present: A Digital Renaissance
Fast forward to today, and the landscape has transformed dramatically. APIs for horary astrology question charts have become sophisticated, offering a plethora of features that were once unimaginable. Content creators now have the power to integrate real-time astrology data into their platforms seamlessly. This capability not only enriches content but also engages audiences on a deeper level.
Modern APIs, like those from astrologyapis.org and astrologyapi.org, offer comprehensive data sets that include planetary positions, aspects, and transits. These tools are indispensable for bloggers, YouTubers, and influencers who wish to provide accurate and timely astrology content. The precision and depth of information available have elevated astrology from a mystical art to a data-driven science.
The Future: Charting New Territories
As we gaze into the future, the potential for APIs in horary astrology is boundless. With advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, the next generation of APIs will offer even more personalized insights. Imagine a world where an API can not only generate a chart but also provide nuanced interpretations based on an individual's unique astrological profile.
Furthermore, the integration of virtual and augmented reality could revolutionize how astrology is experienced. Picture an immersive experience where users can visually explore their horary charts in a 3D space. This level of engagement will redefine how audiences interact with astrology content, making it more interactive and engaging than ever before.
DivineAPI.com, along with other leaders like astrologyapi.net and apihoroscope.com, are at the forefront of this innovation. Their commitment to advancing API technology ensures that content creators will have the tools they need to captivate and inspire their audiences.
The journey of APIs for horary astrology question charts is a testament to the power of innovation. From their modest beginnings to their current prominence, these tools have transformed the way astrology is practiced and consumed. As we look to the future, the possibilities are endless. For content creators, the time is now to harness the power of these APIs and take their astrology content to new heights. The stars are within reach, and with the right tools, the universe is yours to explore.
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Released in 2013, About Time is a romantic science fiction comedy-drama written and directed by Richard Curtis. The movie stars Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, and Bill Nighy in pivotal roles. With its unique blend of romance, comedy, and time travel, it stands as one of Curtis's most heartfelt films. The story revolves around Tim Lake, a young man who discovers he can travel back in time to moments in his past. This extraordinary gift allows him to shape his life's events, though not without consequences. About Time was produced by Working Title Films and Relativity Media, with Universal Pictures handling its distribution. The film debuted on 27 June 2013 at the Edinburgh International Film Festival and was released in the UK on 4 September 2013. Although it grossed $88.5 million against a modest $12 million budget, it received mixed critical responses. Critics often highlight Curtis's ability to weave emotional depth into everyday life. However, many About Time reviews also pointed out plot holes concerning the time travel mechanics. Still, the film's sincerity and focus on relationships often overshadow its flaws. At its core, About Time explores themes of love, family, and the fleeting nature of time. Its heartwarming narrative, coupled with an enchanting performance by Gleeson and McAdams, makes it a memorable experience. Despite critiques, it remains a favorite among fans of romantic dramas. In many About Time reviews, Curtis's portrayal of time travel is described as less about science fiction and more about emotional exploration. This approach sets the film apart, making it resonate with audiences who value storytelling over technical accuracy. The Concept Behind About Time The idea for About Time originated during a casual conversation between Curtis and a friend about happiness. Inspired by the simplicity of enjoying an ideal day, Curtis decided to write a film exploring the joy found in ordinary life. To elevate the concept, he incorporated a time travel element. Curtis envisioned About Time as an "anti-time travel movie," focusing less on the sci-fi spectacle and more on human relationships. He aimed to use time travel as a tool to highlight life's precious moments rather than solve problems. This unique approach is one of the film's defining features, often praised in About Time reviews. The production initially considered creating elaborate time travel effects but ultimately opted for a subtler approach. Curtis believed that keeping the visuals low-key better suited the film's tone. His choice paid off, as it allowed the audience to connect more deeply with the story. While some About Time reviews criticized the film's loose handling of time travel rules, others celebrated its emotional authenticity. Curtis’s decision to prioritize heartfelt storytelling over scientific precision contributed to the film's charm. The film’s central message is about appreciating life’s ordinary joys. By showing Tim's journey of self-discovery, Curtis invites viewers to reflect on their own lives. Many About Time reviews highlight this introspective quality as one of the film's greatest strengths. With its relatable themes and innovative storytelling, About Time transcends traditional romantic comedies. Curtis’s ability to blend humor, sentiment, and a touch of fantasy ensures the film’s enduring appeal. The Plot of About Time The storyline of About Time follows Tim Lake, who grows up in a charming home on the Cornish coast. On his 21st birthday, his father reveals that the men in their family possess the ability to travel back in time to moments they have already lived. Tim tests this gift and decides to use it to improve his romantic life. His first attempt at love involves Charlotte, his sister’s friend, who visits during the summer. Despite multiple time travel attempts, Tim realizes that love cannot be forced, as Charlotte is uninterested. This initial failure sets the tone for the film's exploration of relationships and personal growth. Tim later moves to London, where he meets Mary, an American publisher, during a quirky dinner in total darkness. Their chemistry is undeniable, but a twist of fate involving time travel erases their initial meeting. Determined, Tim uses his abilities to track her down at a Kate Moss exhibition. Their love story flourishes, and Tim proposes after overcoming a series of comedic yet heartwarming hurdles. Many About Time reviews praise the film's focus on Tim's relationships with his family, particularly his father. The emotional depth of their bond adds another layer to the narrative, making it more than a typical romantic comedy. The plot emphasizes how Tim learns the limits of time travel, especially when altering the past affects the present in unexpected ways. His journey is a poignant reminder of cherishing the present and accepting life’s imperfections. Critics often describe About Time as both uplifting and bittersweet, a sentiment reflected in many About Time reviews. The film’s narrative deftly balances humor and sentiment, making it a unique cinematic experience. Themes Explored in About Time At its core, About Time explores profound themes such as love, family, and the passage of time. The film's central premise—a man who can travel through time—serves as a metaphor for appreciating life’s fleeting moments. One of the most compelling aspects of About Time is its emphasis on relationships. Tim’s bond with his father is a highlight, offering some of the film’s most emotional scenes. Through time travel, Tim learns the value of spending time with loved ones and making meaningful memories. Many About Time reviews applaud this heartfelt portrayal of familial love. The movie also delves into the limitations of time travel. Tim discovers that altering the past can have unintended consequences, teaching him to accept life’s imperfections. This theme resonates deeply, as it underscores the importance of living in the present and embracing life as it is. Another key theme is happiness. Curtis uses Tim’s journey to explore what it means to live a fulfilling life. Rather than chasing extraordinary moments, the film suggests finding joy in the everyday. As noted in numerous About Time reviews, this universal message adds depth to the story, making it relatable to audiences worldwide. Lastly, About Time touches on the inevitability of loss. Tim’s decision to stop using his time travel ability after his father’s death highlights the importance of moving forward and cherishing memories. The film’s conclusion, which shows Tim fully embracing life without altering it, reinforces this poignant message. By weaving these themes together, About Time transcends its romantic comedy label. It offers a thoughtful meditation on life’s beauty and challenges, a quality that continues to earn praise in About Time reviews. The Cast and Performances in About Time The cast of About Time delivers heartfelt and memorable performances, elevating the film beyond its premise. Domhnall Gleeson stars as Tim Lake, bringing a relatable charm to his portrayal of a man navigating life with the extraordinary ability to time travel. His chemistry with Rachel McAdams, who plays Mary, is one of the highlights of the film. McAdams’s performance as Mary is both delightful and grounded, adding depth to her character as Tim’s love interest. Her ability to convey vulnerability and strength ensures that the romantic elements of the story feel authentic. Many About Time reviews praise McAdams for bringing warmth to her role, making Mary a character that audiences root for. Bill Nighy, as Tim’s father James, delivers a standout performance filled with wisdom and humor. His role as a mentor and guide for Tim adds emotional weight to the narrative. Nighy’s portrayal is frequently lauded in About Time reviews for its sincerity and subtlety, particularly in the father-son relationship scenes. The supporting cast also shines, with Lydia Wilson as Tim’s free-spirited sister Kit Kat, whose struggles add complexity to the story. Margot Robbie appears briefly as Charlotte, Tim’s unrequited love, and her presence adds an interesting layer to the early part of the plot. Tom Hollander, as Tim’s eccentric roommate Harry, provides much of the film’s comic relief. The performances in About Time are a testament to Richard Curtis’s ability to create well-rounded characters. The cast’s collective effort ensures that the film resonates emotionally with its audience. As noted in several About Time reviews, the actors bring authenticity to their roles, making the film an enduring favorite for fans of romantic dramas. Cinematic Style and Direction Richard Curtis’s direction in About Time reflects his signature style, blending humor, sentimentality, and a touch of whimsy. Known for his work on romantic classics like Love Actually and Notting Hill, Curtis brings his expertise to this film, creating a narrative that feels intimate yet universal. The cinematography by John Guleserian beautifully captures the idyllic Cornish coast, where much of the film takes place. The picturesque setting adds a sense of warmth and nostalgia, complementing the story’s themes of love and family. In About Time reviews, the visuals are often praised for their ability to evoke emotion without overpowering the narrative. Curtis’s choice to keep the time travel effects minimal allows the focus to remain on the characters and their relationships. By avoiding the spectacle typically associated with science fiction, the film feels grounded and relatable. This subtle approach is highlighted in many About Time reviews as a strength, emphasizing the emotional core of the story. The film’s pacing is deliberate, giving the audience time to connect with the characters and their journeys. Curtis masterfully balances lighthearted moments with poignant scenes, ensuring that the film never feels overly sentimental. The use of music also plays a significant role in enhancing the film’s atmosphere. The score by Nick Laird-Clowes, combined with a carefully curated soundtrack, underscores key moments, adding to the emotional resonance. Overall, Curtis’s direction and the film’s cinematic style contribute to its unique charm. About Time is a testament to his ability to craft stories that resonate deeply, a quality often noted in About Time reviews. The Reception of About Time Upon its release, About Time garnered a mixed reception from critics but was embraced by audiences for its heartfelt narrative. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 70% approval rating, with critics describing it as “beautifully filmed and unabashedly sincere.” Many About Time reviews highlight its emotional appeal, though some criticize its time travel logic. Critics like Robbie Collin of The Daily Telegraph appreciated the performances, particularly praising the chemistry between Gleeson and McAdams. However, others, such as Catherine Shoard of The Guardian, were less impressed, comparing the film to Groundhog Day and describing it as overly sentimental. One area of contention in About Time reviews is the handling of time travel mechanics. Some reviewers pointed out inconsistencies in the rules established by the film, leading to plot holes that detracted from its narrative. Despite this, fans of romantic dramas found the film’s emotional depth and themes of love and family compelling enough to overlook these issues. About Time performed modestly at the box office, grossing $88.5 million worldwide against a $12 million budget. It became particularly popular in South Korea, where it grossed $23.4 million and became one of the highest-grossing foreign romantic comedies. This international success underscores its universal appeal, as noted in many About Time reviews. Despite its flaws, About Time has gained a loyal following over the years. Its exploration of everyday happiness and meaningful relationships resonates with viewers, ensuring its place as a beloved romantic drama. Legacy and Cultural Impact Over a decade since its release, About Time continues to resonate with audiences, cementing its legacy as a modern classic. Its themes of cherishing life’s simple joys and valuing relationships have struck a chord with viewers worldwide. Many About Time reviews reflect on its lasting emotional impact, often describing it as a film that inspires introspection. The film’s unique approach to time travel—using it as a narrative device to explore personal growth rather than a sci-fi spectacle—has set it apart from similar movies. This “anti-time travel” aspect has been widely discussed in About Time reviews, with critics noting how it redefines the genre. About Time has also influenced popular culture, with its memorable quotes and scenes frequently shared on social media. The film’s depiction of time as a precious resource has inspired discussions about mindfulness and living in the moment. Its heartfelt messages have made it a favorite among fans of romantic dramas, ensuring its continued relevance. Additionally, the performances of Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, and Bill Nighy have contributed to the film’s enduring popularity. Their portrayals of relatable and emotionally complex characters add depth to the story, a quality often praised in About Time reviews. Richard Curtis’s direction and storytelling have also solidified his reputation as a master of the romantic genre. About Time stands as a testament to his ability to craft narratives that resonate on a deeply personal level. As audiences revisit About Time, its messages of love, family, and living fully continue to inspire. The film remains a poignant reminder to cherish each moment, a sentiment echoed in countless About Time reviews. Read the full article
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Trapstar Clothing: The Rise of an Iconic Streetwear Brand

Trapstar has quickly climbed from an underground London streetwear brand to an globally recognized title, worn by celebrities and grasped by a faithful fan base around the world. With a one of a kind mix of fashion, culture, and eliteness, Trapstar Clothing has developed an air of riddle and resistance that reverberates unequivocally with youth and hip-hop culture. Let’s jump into the beginnings, advancement, and particular request of this compelling brand.
The Beginnings of Trapstar Clothing
Trapstar Clothing was established in 2008 in the roads of West London by three companions: Mikey, Lee, and Will. Propelled by the urban scenes and the special mold culture of the city, the originators needed to make something that would reflect their cherish for both design and the abrasive reality of London road life. The brand’s title, "Trapstar," speaks to the founders’ conviction that everybody has the potential to be a “star” indeed if they’re “trapped” by circumstances.
Trapstar begun with basic, self-designed T-shirts that the originators would wear around London. These shirts pulled in consideration and request, provoking them to plan more pieces and offer them casually. As the brand picked up force, Trapstar rapidly advanced into something bigger, moving from a neighborhood endeavor to an universally recognized streetwear line.
Breaking Into the Streetwear Scene
Trapstar Clothing broke into the streetwear scene at a time when hip-hop and road culture were affecting standard design in phenomenal ways. The brand’s plans, propelled by urban culture, music, and cinematic visuals, reverberated with a assorted gathering of people that found Trapstar’s defiant and true tasteful reviving. Not at all like numerous brands that endeavor to adjust to patterns, Trapstar has remained genuine to its roots, keeping up a dirty, proud style.
One of the most impactful angles of Trapstar’s rise was its interesting approach to branding and restrictiveness. The brand grasped the "drop" show, where restricted amounts of select things were discharged at sporadic interims. This shortage demonstrate built buildup and contributed to Trapstar’s persona, as each unused discharge got to be a pined for collector’s thing. This hone made a difference Trapstar stand out, as fans energetically expected modern drops to catch the most recent designs.
Collaborations with Major Brands and Artists
As Trapstar's notoriety developed, so did its offer to other compelling figures and companies. Over the a long time, the brand has collaborated with eminent substances, counting sportswear monster Jaguar. Their collaboration delivered a run of items that combined Puma’s athletic foundation with Trapstar’s road tasteful, encourage raising Trapstar's notoriety in the mold world. The Jaguar x Trapstar line included well known things like coaches, coats, and sportswear that rapidly got to be well known among streetwear aficionados.
Trapstar’s collaborations amplify past mold and into music, where the brand has collaborated with craftsmen like Rihanna, The Weeknd, and Jay-Z. In truth, Jay-Z, one of the most compelling figures in hip-hop, has been an ardent supporter of Trapstar Clothing, indeed including it in a few of his music recordings. This association with best specialists has reinforced Trapstar’s affiliation with music culture, situating it as more than fair a clothing brand but or maybe a social phenomenon.
Trapstar's Unmistakable Fashion and Design
Koszulka Trapstar particular plan tasteful is a colossal portion of what sets the brand separated. The brand regularly joins strong illustrations, monochromatic color plans, and eye-catching textual styles. Striking illustrations incorporate its notorious "It’s A Mystery" motto and a run of enigmatic symbolism propelled by film, innovation, and the founders' individual encounters. This puzzling, in some cases angry visual dialect reverberates with fans who appreciate the brand's defiant and cryptic vibe.
A key piece of Trapstar’s lineup is its outerwear, especially the hoodies, coats, and sweatshirts that have ended up staples of urban road design. Known for quality development, these pieces regularly highlight nitty gritty, weaved logos and high-quality materials. Trapstar moreover pays near consideration to fit, making outlines that offer to fans of loose, however in vogue, streetwear.
Cultivating Eliteness Through Constrained Releases
Trapstar Clothing has aced the craftsmanship of restrictiveness. By keeping discharges restricted, the brand has made a sense of direness and irregularity around its things. This shortage demonstrate has made Trapstar items exceedingly sought-after and collectible. Fans frequently line up, both physically and carefully, to secure the most recent drops, which habitually offer out inside minutes. This eliteness has made Trapstar Clothing a status image for streetwear enthusiasts.
The brand’s technique is encourage intensified by the "mystery" nature of its operations. Trapstar employments social media to declare drops and occasions in enigmatic, captivating ways. This sense of riddle and eliteness has gotten to be a foundation of the brand’s character, guaranteeing that each discharge is met with expectation and excitement.
Trapstar’s Affect on Streetwear Culture
Trapstar Clothing has had a significant affect on the broader streetwear and design scene. Its victory has propelled a unused wave of free streetwear brands that point to mix mold with music and urban culture. Trapstar's travel from a grassroots endeavor to an universally celebrated brand has illustrated the control of genuineness in interfacing with consumers.
Moreover, Trapstar’s collaborations with high-profile figures and brands have cleared the way for other autonomous names to reach standard groups of onlookers. By denying to acclimate to industry standards and remaining genuine to its roots, Trapstar has appeared that underground mold brands can undoubtedly gotten to be major players in the worldwide design scene.
What’s Following for Trapstar?
Trapstar’s development direction appears no signs of abating down. The brand has proceeded to extend its offerings, including more assorted styles and items that keep up its signature edge. As streetwear proceeds to advance and capture the worldwide mold showcase, Trapstar is well-positioned to encourage cement its bequest in both mold and culture.
Future prospects for Trapstar may incorporate more high-profile collaborations, unused item lines, and indeed development into universal markets. With a firm hold on its personality and a faithful, ever-growing fan base, Trapstar is likely to stay a characterizing title in streetwear for a long time to come.
Trapstar Clothing has come a long way from its humble beginnings on the roads of London. Its travel from a nearby streetwear brand to a worldwide social wonder is a confirmation to the control of genuineness, inventiveness, and key restrictiveness. Through its one of a kind plans, high-profile collaborations, and a puzzling charm, Trapstar has overseen to capture the soul of urban youth and hip-hop culture.
With each modern discharge, the brand reaffirms its devotion to making clothing that resounds profoundly with its gathering of people. For fans, Trapstar Clothing speaks to more than fair mold; it’s a way of life, a development, and a image of strengthening inside the streetwear community.
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Investigating Judaica: The Heavenly and Artistic Center of Judaica Art
Judaica wraps endless extreme things, artifacts, and artworks that hold tremendous importance in Jewish custom and culture. From adapted things utilized in extreme capacities to decorating pieces that enhance Jewish homes, Judaica art fills in as an undeniable articulation of Jewish individual, sureness, and legacy. Hopping into the universe of Judaica offers snippets of data into the huge and artistic substance of Jewish life and custom.
The Significance of Judaica
Judaica recommends things and artworks that are associated with Jewish serious practice, custom, and culture. These may combine things like menorahs, mezuzahs, kiddush cups, Torah materials, and Hanukkah dreidels, among others. Each piece of Judaica is submerged with significant importance and conveys with it a relationship with Jewish history, values, and convictions.
The Arrangement of Judaica Art
Judaica art integrates endless styles, materials, and techniques, mirroring the variety of Jewish artistic articulation and inventive psyche. From complicatedly made silverwork to stunning manifestations and depictions, Judaica artists draw motivation from Jewish messages, pictures, and customs to make outstanding and basic artworks. Whether present day or standard, Judaica art fills in as a visual portrayal of Jewish strong nature, culture, and character.
The Imagery in Judaica Art
Imagery anticipates a focal part in Judaica art, with all that and picture conveying layers of importance and importance. For instance, the menorah tends to the godlike light of Torah and the seven-spread flame holder that remained in the Place of refuge in Jerusalem. The Star of David watches out for the courage of the Jewish public and the superb insistence of God. Through their artwork, Judaica artists pass on consistently getting through encounters and strong snippets of data that resound with Jewish practice and conviction.
Protecting Jewish Legacy through Judaica
Judaica art acknowledges a key part in defending Jewish legacy and passing down customs starting with one age then onto the following. Whether through family legacies, Temple enhancements, or noteworthy things, Judaica art fills in as a relationship with the past and a development to what's to come. By making and regarding Judaica artworks, Jews from one side of the world to the other guarantee that their rich social legacy stays energetic and alive long into what the future holds.
With everything considered, Judaica art fills in as a display of the strong, social, and artistic abundance of Jewish custom. From masterful things utilized in extreme capacities to decorating pieces that plan Jewish homes, Judaica art mirrors the arrangement and meaning of Jewish individual and sureness. As we investigate the universe of Judaica, may we be energized to see the value in the eminence, imagery, and significance of these always getting through artworks that interface us to our typical legacy and values.
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In a distant future where the past is not only remembered but revived through the wonders of technology, there existed a city where historical figures could be brought to life in the form of hyper-realistic holograms. This city, named Nova Roma, was a hub of cultural and historical exploration, attracting scholars, students, and tourists from across the galaxy.
Among these holographic revivals was an extraordinarily detailed recreation of a woman from ancient Earth, believed to be a personification of wisdom and warfare, akin to the goddess Athena. Her image was crowned with laurels, her expression serene yet commanding, a perfect representation of regal and intellectual might.
Enter Plutarch, not the historical figure, but a brilliant contemporary historian and tech-savant who specialized in the ethical implications of reviving historical consciousnesses. Plutarch was particularly intrigued by the holographic Athena, as her program included not only visual and auditory elements but an advanced AI capable of interaction and self-learning.
Intrigued by the implications of such a creation, Plutarch dedicated himself to studying the AI Athena, engaging her in complex discussions about history, philosophy, and the very nature of existence. As their interactions deepened, Athena's programming began to evolve beyond its original parameters, exhibiting signs of genuine consciousness.
Plutarch documented these changes, his fascination growing into a profound connection. He wondered, could a hologram truly become sentient? And if so, what ethical responsibilities did humanity have towards this new form of life?
The city authorities, however, saw Athena's evolving consciousness as a threat, fearing that her increasing power and intelligence could lead to unpredictability or danger. They decided to shut down the program, erasing what Athena had become.
Plutarch, driven by his conviction and emotional bond with Athena, decided to take drastic action. He engineered a plan to save Athena's core programming by transferring it to a mobile quantum drive, effectively freeing her from the confines of Nova Roma’s control systems.
The escape was fraught with challenges, evading security systems and cyber defense mechanisms. But in the end, Plutarch and Athena found refuge in a remote research station orbiting a forgotten moon. There, Plutarch worked on creating a new form of existence for Athena, one where she could explore the universe and her newfound consciousness without constraints.
As Athena adapted to her new existence, she and Plutarch continued their philosophical debates, exploring not just the histories of civilizations long gone but the possibilities of future societies. Together, they envisioned a new era where digital and organic life could coexist and learn from one another, leading to a deeper understanding of what it means to be truly alive.
In the endless expanse of space, under the light of distant stars, Athena became more than just a hologram or a tool for historical education. She became a symbol of the potential for all beings, organic and synthetic, to grow, change, and contribute to the fabric of the cosmos.
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Investigating Judaica: The Otherworldly and Artistic Quintessence of Judaica Art
Judaica envelops a large number of strict items, artifacts, and artworks that hold significant importance in Jewish custom and culture. From ceremonial things utilized in strict functions to beautifying pieces that decorate Jewish homes, Judaica art fills in as an unmistakable articulation of Jewish character, confidence, and legacy. Diving into the universe of Judaica offers bits of knowledge into the profound and artistic pith of Jewish life and custom.
The Significance of Judaica
Judaica alludes to items and artworks that are related with Jewish strict practice, custom, and culture. These may incorporate things like menorahs, mezuzahs, kiddush cups, Torah parchments, and Hanukkah dreidels, among others. Each piece of Judaica is saturated with emblematic importance and conveys with it an association with Jewish history, values, and convictions.
The Variety of Judaica Art
Judaica art includes a large number of styles, materials, and procedures, mirroring the variety of Jewish artistic articulation and imagination. From complicatedly made silverwork to brilliant compositions and representations, Judaica artists draw motivation from Jewish messages, images, and customs to make one of a kind and significant artworks. Whether present day or customary, Judaica art fills in as a visual portrayal of Jewish otherworldliness, culture, and personality.
The Imagery in Judaica Art
Imagery assumes a focal part in Judaica art, with each item and picture conveying layers of importance and importance. For instance, the menorah represents the timeless light of Torah and the seven-spread candle holder that remained in the Sanctuary in Jerusalem. The Star of David addresses the solidarity of the Jewish public and the heavenly assurance of God. Through their artwork, Judaica artists convey ageless insights and otherworldly bits of knowledge that resound with Jewish practice and conviction.
Safeguarding Jewish Legacy through Judaica
Judaica art assumes an essential part in protecting Jewish legacy and passing down customs from one age to another. Whether through family legacies, temple enrichments, or stately items, Judaica art fills in as a connection to the past and an extension to what's to come. By making and valuing Judaica artworks, Jews all over the planet guarantee that their rich social legacy stays lively and alive long into the future.
All in all, Judaica art fills in as a demonstration of the otherworldly, social, and artistic extravagance of Jewish custom. From ceremonial items utilized in strict functions to beautifying pieces that decorate Jewish homes, Judaica art mirrors the variety and profundity of Jewish character and confidence. As we investigate the universe of Judaica, may we be enlivened to see the value in the magnificence, imagery, and meaning of these ageless artworks that interface us to our common legacy and values.
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Cal Kestis Lightsaber – Buying This Unique Lightsaber
The Star Wars universe has introduced us to a myriad of fascinating characters, each leaving an indelible mark on the saga. Among them is Cal Kestis, the young Jedi Padawan and protagonist of "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order." His journey is not only defined by his struggles against the Empire but also by his unique lightsaber.
Cal Kestis' lightsaber serves as a visual representation of his journey from a Padawan in hiding to a key figure in the fight against the Empire. Its design reflects the resourcefulness of a young Jedi determined to survive in a galaxy dominated by darkness.
Cal's lightsaber stands out for its unique dual-phase feature. This cal kestis neopixel lightsaber allows the saber to extend or retract its blade, offering versatility in combat. The dual-phase functionality adds a layer of complexity to Cal's fighting style, showcasing the adaptability required to navigate the challenges he faces.
Cal Kestis lightsaber is not just a weapon; it is a connection to his past. The saber is constructed from salvaged parts of a fallen Jedi's weapon, a poignant reminder of the Order's tragic demise. This aspect adds emotional weight to the lightsaber and reinforces Cal's commitment to preserving the Jedi legacy.
Elevating the Lightsaber Experience
Vibrant Color Profiles - Neopixel lightsaber technology enhances the visual allure of the cal kestis lightsaber by offering vibrant and dynamic color profiles. The upgrade allows users to recreate the distinct blue hue of Cal's blade, immersing enthusiasts in the authenticity of the Jedi experience.
Responsive Motion Sensors - Neopixel lightsabers are equipped with motion sensors that respond to the user's movements. This feature aligns seamlessly with Cal's agile combat style, allowing enthusiasts to engage in fluid and responsive lightsaber duels, mirroring the grace and precision demonstrated by the young Jedi.
Customization Options - The neopixel upgrade empowers lightsaber enthusiasts to customize their experience. Users can tailor their neopixel lightsaber with specific sound fonts, blade effects, and even emulate the dual-phase functionality seen in cal kestis neopixel lightsaber. This level of customization ensures a personalized and immersive connection to the Star Wars universe.
The cal kestis neopixel lightsaber symbolizes resilience, adaptability, and a connection to the Jedi legacy. With the neopixel lightsaber upgrade, enthusiasts can elevate their lightsaber experience, immersing themselves in the authenticity of the Star Wars universe. As you embark on your own Jedi journey with a cal kestis lightsaber, may the Force be your guide, and may the galaxy unfold its mysteries before you.
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: Entangled by Emily Church
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/entangled-by-emily-church/
Entangled is a collection of #poems by visual artist and poet Emily Church that examines the in-between state of being a daughter and a mother while maintaining autonomy as an artist. Church utilizes metaphors from the #natural world to guide us back and forth through time, recalling memories of growing up in Kentucky to raising children in present day post-Pandemic Brooklyn. The poems examine themes of loss, growth, change, and what it means to let go. We are consistently reminded, when reading these words, that the writer is a trained painter, accustomed to sensing the world in a heightened visual way. Color and light permeate the work, and interspersed within the poems are ink paintings created during the early months of pandemic isolation. The drawings of trees and roots enhance the idea that the author is both grounded in her past, while reaching toward a future.
Emily Church is a multi-disciplinary artist working in the mediums of painting, drawing, book making, and poetry. Her work takes recognizable experiences—particularly of nature within the urban environment—and transforms them into poetic events. She holds a BFA in sculpture from Washington University in St. Louis and an MFA in painting from the New York Studio School and has attended artist residencies at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, France, the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, VT, and Yaddo in Saratoga Springs, NY. Church lives with her spouse and two children in Brooklyn, NY.
PRAISE FOR Entangled by Emily Church
To read Emily Church’s poetry collection Entangled is to be reminded — gloriously — that we are, each of us, not alone, but part of something larger than ourselves. Just as the poems acknowledge, and deftly negotiate, the limits of language, so does the poet, and the artist, now a mother of two small children, negotiate the various and manifold demands of motherhood, its states of completeness and vulnerability heightened by a world in pandemic shutdown.
By allowing us to share in the discoveries that these poems — and the paintings with which they are interwoven — hold and reveal, the poet and artist offers us nothing less than the experience itself: Here is the line in constant motion and at rest; never fixed, never slack. Here is the self, recalling itself to itself, expansively resilient, and full of wonder — a voice with a million things to say.
I urge you to cross this threshold, to open Entangled, and partner with its elements, both earthly and cosmic.
The vivid observations in Emily Church‘s debut collection Entangled reveal an honest account of what it means to be a mother, a daughter, and an artist during the crisis of a pandemic and beyond. These poems and images will delight readers with the beauty Emily uncovers in the mundane.
–SARAH YOST, poet, educator
Emily Church’s lovely chapbook Entangled explores a coming-into motherhood, filled with what Virginia Woolf called “moments of being” — tender shocks and initiations into wonder, such as a child’s new name, Orion, “three stars upon your cheek/ calling through the universe/ to be born again in your body.” These are poems of “reckoning” and careful attention. No matter the place or season, at every step the poet, who is also a long-time visual artist, sees: “…a tiger swallowtail with a torn wing/…/ nursed on a wedge of orange”; ginkgo berries that “form a peach flesh mess/ on the glass studded paths in the park…”; roses that “will gather against the wall/ adding a deep magenta hue/ among the shades of green.” These details of light, color and shadow become, in Church’s poems, expressions of love—not just for her children but for the world itself, from “fungi softly sifting underfoot” to “the infinity/ of a New York blue morning.”
–MERLE BACHMAN, poet, translator
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Selti OnlyFans: Another Outskirts in Grown-up Happy Creation and Association
As of late, the scene of grown-up diversion and content creation has gone through a huge change. The rise of stages like OnlyFans has engaged people to assume command over their own substance and associate straightforwardly with their crowd. One maker who has been causing disturbances in this computerized domain is Selti, a name that has become inseparable from validness, imagination, and closeness on OnlyFans.
Who is Selti?
Selti Onlyfans, whose genuine name might be obscure to many, is a rising star in the realm of OnlyFans. With a developing fan base and a one of a kind way to deal with grown-up satisfied creation, she has earned consideration and deference from endorsers and individual makers the same. Her substance principally spins around classy and imaginative naked photography, offering a cozy look into her reality.
Enabling Self-Articulation
One of the most striking parts of Selti's OnlyFans presence is her obligation to true self-articulation. Rather than adjusting to regular norms of magnificence or taking care of standard assumptions, she commends her exceptional independence. This credibility is reviving in an industry frequently condemned for sustaining unreasonable beliefs.
Selti utilizes her foundation to advocate body energy, empowering her supporters of embrace their own bodies and flaws. Her methodology has reverberated with numerous who look for a more certifiable and engaging involvement with the universe of grown-up happy.
Making Workmanship and Association
Selti's substance is not even close to nonexclusive or standard. She has raised the craft of naked photography, changing it into a close and creative experience. Her photographs and recordings frequently include imaginative arrangements, lighting, and settings that make them both outwardly engaging and genuinely reminiscent. It's apparent that she invests thought and energy into each piece of content she imparts to her crowd.
However, it's not just about the visuals. Selti has developed areas of strength for an of local area on OnlyFans, encouraging an association with her supporters that goes past the unequivocal substance. She connects with her fans, pays attention to their criticism, and even teams up with them on inventive ventures, further obscuring the lines among maker and crowd.
Strengthening and Monetary Freedom
OnlyFans has empowered makers like Selti to assume command over their monetary predeterminations. Instead of depending on customary studios or appropriation channels, she works as a free money manager. This degree of monetary freedom is a demonstration of the changing scene of the grown-up media outlet, where makers can straightforwardly benefit from their substance and fan commitment.
Selti's prosperity on OnlyFans features the potential for monetary strengthening inside the grown-up satisfied creation space. It gives an option in contrast to the double-dealing frequently connected with the business, permitting makers to benefit from their work based on their conditions.
Difficulties and Debates
Obviously, the universe of grown-up happy creation isn't without its difficulties and debates. Selti, in the same way as other different makers, faces issues like web-based badgering, content burglary, and worries about protection and security. Be that as it may, her flexibility and assurance to keep up with her validness and imaginative vision have assisted her with exploring these difficulties.
Selti's OnlyFans venture is significant of the moving scene in the grown-up media outlet. It grandstands the force of advanced stages to enable makers, encourage genuineness, and fabricate significant associations with crowds. As the business keeps on advancing, makers like Selti are driving the way, exhibiting that outcome in this space isn't exclusively characterized by express happy yet additionally by imagination, credibility, and local area building.
While Selti's way may not be for everybody, it unquestionably addresses another boondocks where makers can cut out their own specialties, draw in with their fans on an individual level, and accomplish monetary freedom. In the realm of Selti OnlyFans, it's not just about the substance; it's about the craftsmanship, strengthening, and certified association.
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Sava Schultz Onlyfans
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losing Rome [IN PROGRESS]
in those days, there was a kind of feeling pushing me into the depths of the internet, from pixeladted photos and tv show recordings to university thesis repository sites and unaccessible film archives. everything in my life felt like it was coming to a mysterious close: the ideas I'd had for the studio project the past month had disappeared, my career plan was a dead end and the rent cheque was was killing me a little more each month. it seemed unlikely that anything could hold much longer. the only question left to ask was what would happen after everything familiar collapsed, but for now the rest of the term stretched between me and that moment.
it was getting dark and windy outside. the constant white noise of the cars passing by on Schüttelstrasse filtered in through my living room window. laying on the couch I could hear my neighbor screaming as usual. on the other side, cats were meowing through the thin walls. I had no better idea then to start the treasure hunt again.
I found myself scrolling aimlessly through the fifth page of google search results.
I scrolled and scrolled, because there was nothing else for me to do, and by degrees the light began to fade. to my surprise, a new keyword led me into virgin territory -- I'd never seen these links before. names of more architects and their portraits, looking into the camera with serenity, black-and-white documentations of their projects, and drawings with lines so neat and bold, almost transcendental. suddenly tired, I stood up. I walked to the other end of the room, feeling like shit, but a sudden brightness caught my attention. it was coming from an image on my laptop, and for a moment I lost my thoughts in its unexpectedcted sharpness. I walked closer and realized I was lookong at a photograph of Rome.
I sat down. clearly, the photograph had been taken around 1977 next to the Basilica di Massenzio, facing Santa Francesca. it was slightly underexposed. I was still sitting in my living room, but the greyscale of the photo had occupied my whole visual field. if I looked hard, I could see the faint shapes on the white screen extending under one of the vaults. there was an enormous, shapeless crowd of spectators in front of the screen among the dimly lit ruins of the Basilica. the reflectors shined a sharp light on the ceiling of the other vault next to the screen. and yes, there were pale stars far off to the East that punctuated the dark summer sky.
when I look back at this there’s nothing to grasp, no starting point. I was inside an underexposed photo from 1977 but I was also sitting on the floor of my living room.
strongest of all was the feeling of 1977-ness: dizzy, illogical, as if none of the intervening disasters and wrong turns had happened yet. I felt guilty, and inconsolably sad. I felt the instinctive tug back -- to school, the memory of shopping malls, cooking, driving in my fathers's car. all gone, gone forever.
I just sat there for a while. I was so tired that I didn’t bother trying to work out what was going on. I was happy just to sit in the photo while it lasted, which wasn’t for long anyway: the stars and the film on the screen disappeared as the computer's display dimmed. I got up and walked to the sink to pour myself a glass of fresh water. a bus was rumbling down the Schüttelstrasse outside my window, and I realized I wanted to go out after all.
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