#viktor vektor/reader
buryustogether · 1 year
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viktor vektor x f!reader
word count: 2k
warnings/tags: pining, age gap, some descriptions of masturbation and sex, blood, street fighting, vik’s down bad
summary: while watching you in a street fight, viktor thinks about what’s holding him back from you.
author’s note: wrote this in class so it sucks
Viktor knew he was fucked the first time he saw you, in tow behind Jackie with a broken arm and a bloody smile that made his stomach clench in the best way possible. He knew he was fucked when you started coming around more often, bringing dinner and gossip from your latest jobs. He knew he was fucked the times you used his gym to train, and he would pretend to work while watching sweat drip down the back of your neck and imagine licking it off with the flat of his tongue.
Yeah, he was fucked.
And it was all on you.
Viktor exhaled a sigh as he locked the clinic door, then tread back down the dim stairwell and back into his cave - at least, that was what you called it. He’d shut up the place early in anticipation of the fight preparing to happen at this moment.
But this wasn’t one of his matches he watched on the network. This was a match taking place in a Kabuki back parking lot, filmed on a cellphone, streamed on an app that forced him to connect his tablet to his television so he could watch it without squinting. This was a winner takes all, loser gets shamed and maybe dies of a brain bleed later kind of fight.
And you were participating in it.
Grabbing the screwdriver he often fiddled with on his mechanical fingers, he dropped into his rolling chair so that he sat backwards and raised his arms to rest on the backrest. Absentmindedly, he began to tinker with his cyber appendages and trained his eyes on the screen.
When you’d come into the clinic last week and told you about this fight, he was wary, to say the least. You would be going up against Simon Shredder - an infamous street fighter known for pulling mantis blades on his opponents when the match wasn’t going his way. You had assured Viktor you’d be fine. You had Jackie there with you.
Viktor had snorted at that. “Like two of you is going to be a match for a half-crazed backstabber and his dozens of fans.”
“You’re always free to come along,” you had told him while you steadied the punching bag. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from glancing at the tops of your sweaty breasts, hidden behind your sports bra. “That is, if you can keep your eyes on the fight.”
Viktor twisted the screwdriver a little too hard and grimaced before shaking his hand out and flexing his fingers.
It was always something with you - wether it was flirtatious comments like that, or giving him a kiss on the cheek in thanks for a repair that lasted a little too long, or making yourself far too comfortable around him to be considered a friend and nothing more. He couldn’t count on his hands the number of times you’d stayed late to watch a fight and propped your feet up in his lap - dangerously close to his crotch, which he’d shifted to try and avoid your foot with. The last thing he needed was you realizing such a simple act could make him hard as granite.
Besides, what would a pretty little thing like you do with an old man like him? You had other young people chasing after you left and right. Like you’d ever think of him like he thought of you.
Shoving tongues down throats until neither of you could breathe. Grinding against hips. Gripping thighs and releasing small, desperate moans…
Fuck, he was a goddamn pervert. He needed to get a serious fucking grip.
Viktor turned his attention back to the screen. An official - more likely the one who arranged the fight and profited from either outcome - was speaking to both you and Shredder in the middle of the lot. Surrounding you pair were a few dozen onlookers, passing bets back and forth and pointing and assessing.
He didn’t focus on any of them. He was staring at you. Flexible trousers and a tank top, low enough to catch glimpses of the tight pink bra wrapped around your torso. Bandages wrapped around your pretty little knuckles, ones he’d wrapped himself time and time again. Eyes that were stern and intelligent, hard and steely and the most beautiful things he’d ever seen.
The official wasn’t audible over the excited chatter of the crowd, but it wasn’t hard to figure out what he was saying. No hits above the waist. No enhancements, cybernetic advancements, or anything of the sort. Fight until mercy or… well, the alternative.
Viktor’s hand had stilled, his attention focused on your opponent. Simon Shredder was a big guy, bigger than Jackie, even. Muscles the width of tires, a height that would trump even the Animals bodyguards, eyes that had been replaced with cheap optical units that made it seem like his pupils were a bloody red. He dwarfed you in every sense of the word.
He could easily kill you if the desire arose within him.
Viktor found a deep, anxious sensation swirling about his belly. He continued with his tinkering. He’d worked with you for hours just for this fight, learning how to use an opponent’s weight and momentum against them. When Jackie was down for it, he’d watch you kids spar, commenting on techniques and offering critique, and it wasn’t uncommon to end the matches with Jackie lying beneath you, arm twisted behind him and tapping for mercy.
Sometimes, after you and Jackie left, he would drag himself to his apartment upstairs and stroke his aching cock to the thought of you pinning him beneath him like you did. He’d think of you rolling your hips against his, knees digging into the floor at his sides, your fingers curled around his jaw to keep his eyes on you while you raised and lowered yourself on him.
Viktor shifted in his seat as, on screen, the official moved to the sidelines. The fight was about to begin. A sense of pride swirled in his chest when you spoke and stuck out your hand for a shake - something he’d taught you himself to do before and after every match.
“To show you’re a good sport,” he had said.
“Good sport?” you’d asked and leaned back against his shoulder. “There’s winners and losers these days, old man. No more participation trophies, I’m afraid.”
And yet, after that piece of advice, you’d began to shake the hand of every opponent you went against.
Viktor snorted with distaste when Shredder glanced at your outstretched hand, then spat at your feet and readied himself into a fighting stance. Rolling your shoulders, you followed suit.
The crowd reared, shouting their praises and insults as you pair readied to fight. Part of him wished he had accepted your invite so he could be there himself to watch as you handed this guy’s ass to him. Or so he could be there to keep you from getting your ribs caved in.
There came the deafening shot of a blank fired into the air - because no one would be able to hear if the official yelled start - and the hollers of excitement multiplied.
You and Shredder slowly circled one another, footwork placed delicately and confidently all at once. You darted forward first. With a small leap to reach his level, you barreled your fist forward - only to miss as he ducked out of your way. You didn’t even have a moment to land before he landed a blow to your upper spine, sending you staggering forward for balance.
Viktor frowned deeply. Strike to the thoracic vertebrae. Discomfort later. Possible seize-ups and pulled muscles.
The crowd reacted with mixed reactions as you spun around, keeping yourself straight. It would take more than that to put you down. Digging your heels into the tarmac, you surged forward and raised your fist -
Only for your hand to be caught just inches from Shredder’s face. People groaned. People cheered. Viktor stilled. Though the feed was rather shaky, he could make out Shredder’s lips moving, his mouth close to your ear as he murmured something to you. Then he twisted your arm, causing you to bend to prevent it from snapping, and delivered a vicious blow to your face.
Viktor’s heart skipped a beat and he leaned forward, lips parted in shock. Your smaller figure collided with the ground hard, and you flailed slightly, struggling to roll onto your hands and knees. The person streaming the fight moved in the crowd to get a better angle. From there, the camera zoomed in on your face.
Blood trickled steadily from your nose. Your left eye was squeezed shut. Scarlet dripped from your lips as you shakily pawed at your mouth.
Viktor’s breath was stuck in his throat. Possible broken nose. Bitten tongue? Black eye? Bad enough he needed to prepare a replacement?
Fuck, he never should have let you do this. Never should have agreed to help you, never should have let you walk out the door this morning and wished you good luck. He should have kept you here, where he could look after you. Keep you safe. Make you feel good. So fucking good you couldn’t stand it.
Shredder stalked across the lot and towered over you, then crouched so that he could be closer to again murmur something to you. The official was already preparing to call it off.
But then it happened - just like it always did.
You pulled through. You surprised them all. Even Viktor, where he sat in his clinic miles away.
As Shredder leaned down to be at your level, you suddenly turned and cracked him across the face with your fist. He fell back onto his ass, stunned by your abrupt blow, and you took the opportunity to straddle his chest and deliver a series of whiplash-inducing strikes to his startled expression. Blood spattered on the tarmac. The crowd erupted.
“That’s it, kid,” Viktor said. “Fuck him up.”
It wasn’t more than thirty seconds of your incessant beating that Shredder tapped the ground blindly - mercy. The official appeared in view, dragged you off the hulking man, and raised your fist to the crowd.
They cheered. They booed.
But you stood there, a smug and satisfied smile painted across your bloody expression, basking in the glow. Viktor knew that feeling; when it seemed like the world was at your feet and nothing, fucking nothing, could take it away from you.
He sighed and leaned back slightly, then glanced at the wrought iron doors that led to the stairwell. He was still for a long, long time.
“It’s bad luck to sit on these kinds of things,” Misty had told him one night, when he’d been drunk and let her do an aura cleansing and he’d blurted about his little perverted crush on you. “The fates are going to take this opportunity away from you if you wait too long, you know.”
He’d brushed her off at the time. You’d never go after an old timer like him. But yet… how was he to know if he never asked?
Viktor swore, then brought up his vision screen and called you up. It rang only once before you picked up.
“Hey, Vik!” you greeted on the other end. He watched your face, bloody and bruised, light up with a grin when you saw him. It made his heart melt and his cock ache all at once.
“Hey, kid,” he said and leaned forward. “Great fight tonight. Really. Knew you would pull through.”
“Hah! You don’t have to lie to me, old man. I know it didn’t look good.” Somewhere on the other end, he heard Jackie’s voice. “Sure, Jack. I-“
“Listen, kid.” Viktor paused, took a breath, and let it out. “Feel like swinging by the clinic? I can check out the damage, if you want. And I’ve got a few cold ones with your name on them.”
You smiled. “I’d love to, Vik.”
After you hung up, Viktor caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of a mirror.
Oh, yeah.
He was so fucked.
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yns-world · 1 year
Idol Worship
Pairings: Cyberpunk 2077 Men x Fem!Idol!Reader
Context: You’re a hyper feminine idol with a cutesy, girlie concept. As a Night City celebrity, these are some headcanons of your life with the men. 
A/N: Y/S/N = Your Stage Name
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Jackie Welles: You and Jackie had been dating for a year before your rise to fame, and have been going strong ever since. He supported your music dreams from the start, and you’ll always see him as your first fan, as well as your biggest fan (both literally and figuratively). When you started booking bigger venues and had appearances on TV shows, Jackie became worried that you’d leave him for some Hollywood slick, since that’s what everyone always did when they become famous, but you reassured him that’d you’d never leave him since he was the only one for you. 
At the beginning of your stardom, you had decided to keep your romantic life personal as to keep Jackie away from all of the fame but that proved to be difficult when you had a known stalker on your tail. This stalker followed you everywhere and caused you countless restless nights. The situation had gotten so bad that he broke into your hotel one night, but thankfully you had stayed out that night and weren’t inside when he broke in. After that incident, Jackie didn’t feel safe to have you out on tours by yourself. 
That’s when you both decided that it would be best to publicize your relationship-- one, to keep weirdos at bay, and two, so that Jackie could be with you all of the time unapologetically. 
Thankfully, the fans took to Jackie pretty well-- with the exception of your pervy fans, but you weren’t too concerned with them anymore since Jackie became an unofficial official bodyguard. There wasn’t a single picture of you where Jackie wasn’t also in it, either intentionally or unintentionally. 
Concerts, TV showings, photoshoots, Jackie was always there next to you. You were able to convince your manager to hire Jackie as full-time secretary since he was able to prove himself much more useful than the lumberjacks that couldn’t stop a fly.
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Johnny Silverhand: You had already made a name for yourself when you met Johnny, and your first meeting was at an elite club that’s only known to a select few. In the dark night club, Johnny’s body was pressed flush against yours and all you both could do was stare into each other’s eyes and sway to the pounding bass of the music. The chemistry was wild, and Johnny was hooked, but you left before the night was over, leaving him high and dry.
The next time he would see you would be on electric boards in the city, performing your latest song. That’s when he recognized you-- those eyes, those god forsaken eyes that reeled him in.
With a call to his manager and a few pulling of strings, Johnny was able to bring you into his home-studio on the pretenses of having you songwrite a song he’s been working on. Needless to say, that would be one of many “studio sessions”.
Within a month, Johnny found himself asking you to be his girlfriend, and you agreed. Johnny being Johnny, immediately wanted to publicize the relationship. To say the public was shocked was an understatement. A crazy metalhead dating the cutesy pop star? Do we need to alert the feds?
But when the paparazzi photos of the two of you spending quality time together were leaked, everything was finally clicking into place. 
At first, you didn’t want your relationship to overshadow your career so you would regularly decline any commentary or showings that had anything to do with Johnny, but after a few deep, honest sit downs with him, you both agreed that you would be able to make this business-pleasure relationship work.
After a few months of dating, not only were you able to show up to public functions together but you both featured on songs together. Your bird-like voice and his scruffy voice complimented each other remarkably well, not to mention the mixing of such polar genres. The two of you would release some of your most popular music together.
A few examples would be “Strawberry Kisses - Johnny Silverhand feat. Y/S/N”, and “Make Daddy Proud - Y/S/N feat. Johnny Silverhand”.
Johnny’s influence would definitely inspire you to expand in both your concept and your music. You would be his muse, and he would be yours.
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Viktor Vektor: As part of the industry, it’s common for idols to get cyberware and plastic surgery done to conform to societal beauty standards-- as the motto goes, “in Night City, looks are everything.”
In the beginning of your career, your manager needed you to get some cyberware done but knew you couldn’t pay for the high prices that legitimate surgeons required, so he introduced you to a man with less-than-honest credentials.
That’s where you met him. Viktor Vektor. A miracle worker based out of a dingy basement and faulty fluorescent lights. 
He treated you like a princess and you were in love right then and there. His gentle touches on your face and most intimate parts made you swoon. 
Your manager had sent Viktor a list of procedures he wanted, but Viktor only consulted with you on what you wanted, no more and no less. 
After the first consultation, you were hooked, and the feeling was mutual. You would check in at least monthly, and would find any reason to give him a call just to hear his voice. 
By the time he had finally asked you out, you both were so used to sneaking around that it was silently agreed upon to not publicize this relationship. Maybe it was taboo, with the age gap and career choice, but it was love. And to you both, that was all that mattered.
And thanks to Viktor’s connections in the industry, you were quick to become the face of high fashion and runways. Always equipped with the latest cyberware, your tech upgrades were trendsetters, with influencers and celebrities alike flocking to imitate your work. But your tech was always one-of-a-kind, that’s what Viktor vowed to do from the moment he met you. Every creation he creates for you is only for you. It’s custom-made for your body and mind, no one else’s.
Your looks had become so famous that there was a genre of cyberware named after you: Roseware, an homage to your pink and aesthetic gadgets.
a/n: i hope you enjoyed! if you did, please consider reblogging since it helps my account! :) DON'T BE A GHOST READER!!!! i would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, and comments are what keep writers going <3 i’m open to requests again (specifically for cyberpunk), please read my the posts on my pinned before requesting :) lmk if y’all have any ideas for more content like this cause this was fun to write :D
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zevrra · 16 days
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synopsis: just some random headcanons i have for the cyberpunk men! :3
tags: 18(+) only, suggestive content, mention of explicit content, cyberpunk 2077, the reader is ‘v’, includes hc’s for vik, river, goro, & johnny.
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viktor vektor—
a man who loves with his entire heart
he gets soooo excited when he talks about boxing
def accidentally falls asleep during movies
cares more about you than he does himself
is so so obedient
the second you ask for something he immediately says yes ma’am/sir
is 100% a fan of cute nicknames
the type to question why you would ever like an old man like him, especially when the two of you are intimate
is far stronger than you would’ve expected from an “old man”
noisy asf when it comes down to it
could care less about his own pleasure, he focuses everything on making you feel good
would let you ride his face for hours
switches between being a service top to a power bottom depending on the day
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river ward—
leaves you a sweet/heartfelt message every morning for you to wake up too
his love language is soooo physical touch
but also buys you flowers every few weeks to replace the old ones
would hug/cuddle with you 24/7 if he could
you fell first, he fell harder
wants to have a giant family one day
loves cooking for you
is stressed constantly from work but the moment he’s with you it all melts away
100% has a breeding kink
constantly praises you for taking him so well
also a very, very talkative man
he talks you through every second of it
a soft dom
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goro takemura—
hopeless romantic
wants to live a life of freedom but knows he will always be chained to his corpo master
doesn’t stop him from trying to live his life to the fullest and it’s all because of you
will never admit it but he loves getting gifts from you
keeps every gift you’ve ever given him
dislikes PDA as he has a very traditional outlook on life
would 100% save himself for marriage
is vanilla as vanilla can get
wouldn’t say no to trying new things inside of the bedroom, as long as they’re not too extreme, but almost always defaults right back to mr. vanilla
“i read a book on it once”
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johnny silverhand—
quality time is his love language
wants to teach you how to play guitar but explains the cords like “so you do this with this finger and flip it over here and yeah for this you do that”
finally has you in his grasp and he’s never letting go
loves teasing you every chance he gets
would never say it out loud but you are his soulmate
gets a matching “johnny x v” tattoo
knows kerry is the better songwriter between the two of them so he asked him once to write some lyrics for a song for you
def sang it to you on your bday or anniversary
oh he so wanted to fuck you the second he returned to his body
a top without a doubt
loves watching you ride his thigh when you’re really needy
shotguns smoke into your mouth when you make out
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viktorappreciation · 11 months
Chatting about foreplay with our ripper husband. That's all I heard anyway. 😘
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m1kad00 · 2 months
Cyberpunk 2077 random headcannons!!
Characters included: Viktor Vektor, Muamar Reyes (El Capitán)
Reader: AFAB
TW: Age-gap relationship, reader is a mercenary (so violence ig), my horrible grammar, pregnancy, NSFW (at least I tried)
(Possible spoilers for Muamars gig)
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Viktor Vektor
SFW Headcannons
-he probably didn't actually think about having a relationship with you... at first
-because you were out of his age range
-but of course, you managed to capture this old mans heart anyways
-I mean.. if you weren't on a mission, you were hanging around his clinic or Mistys shop
-Misty did play a big part to make this relationship work in the first place... she played her role as a cupid very well to say the least
-after you two finally got into a relationship, your visits at the clinic became even more frequent.. which made Jackie and V some people a little bit suspicious
-Misty was the first to know, obviously (she's the mastermind behind this anyways)
-Vik did not make your relationship offical immediately
-he loves you of course! Dearly. But he's not as loud about relationships as others would be.
-he's not big on PDA, but he wouldn't mind holding hands or small kisses.. just not making out or something like that
-the first time you both showed each other affection infront of others was a few weeks into your relatonship (Jackie and V were very surprised)
-his loves reciving gifts from you (have you guys seen those cute little 'waving cats' in his clinic? (idk what they're actually called I'm sorry))
-so he loves collecting little things you give him
-he doesn't care about the expense.. as long as it's from you he'll cherish it!
-jewlery, shiny stones, trinkets from one of your missions. It does not matter, he will hold onto it for eternity!
-Vik wouldv'e loved to have kids.. (let's be real that ain't happening anymore)
-but if it actually would be possible he'd be sosososo happy!!
-the chances he'd actually be able to have children of his own were slim
-I headcannon him to be around 60 (so he's Gen Alpha lol (he was maybe born around 2017))
-however he would be super worried that you would have a miscarriage or an accident or something like that, so he made sure you would be well rested in those 9 moths
-no more missions or hard work
-he made you spend your time mostly in his clinic, at Misty's or at home (not in a bossy and toxic way, but in a caring and sweet way)
-with the pregnancy, Vik also made you settle down for the time being
-being a merc with a toddler is not the best idea
-but he is a very caring person and an incredible father, so he was there when you needed him
-morning sickness? He definetly has a trick up his sleeve for that matter!
(I hate kids lowkey so I won't proceed.. for now)
NSFW Headcannons
-this man is very, very, very experienced
-he was a pro boxer after all.. he knows what he's doing!
-I'm sure this man was a bit freaky in his younger years
-so whatever you're into, he's into
-exept causing you pain, that's a turn off for him
-also he's more of a dom, but for you he'd also be more subissive
-he also loves breeding (absolutely not because I'm into that)
-holding you in a chokehold while doggy is just perfecton
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Muamar Reyes (El Capitán)
-realtalk, no one talks about my pookie
-he might have a goofy bowl-cut but he's precious
-not even pinterest had a picture of him :((
-someone has to write for him at some point
SFW Headcannons
-you two probably met because of V
-you both went on one of his missions together, that's when he first saw you
-he instantly was head over heels
-he (smoothly) asked for your number, because he "might have some gigs for you in the future".
-not even one day later he got a gig for you.. what a coincidence!
-which was basically just you driving him around.. I mean you're getting paid! Who are you to complain?
-it turns out you both were indeed very compatible
-you both got along great (and he was lowkey flirty)
-after that day you got gigs from him constantly
-not only to chauffeur him anywhere he wants but also quick simple gigs like stealing cars for him
-Muamar would always ask how you are after gigs (in a playful way, so his intentions weren't as obvious)
-at some point he asked you out anyways
-he invited you to dinner
-after that he drove you both to his spot, where you can see Santo Domingo clearly
-there he would tell you how much he loves you
-Muamar is actually very open about his relationship
-so he's very into PDA
-some guy gets to close to you for his liking? He'll personally confront him about how he's too close to his lovely girlfriend.
-he needs to touch you 24/7. He's driving? Hand on your thigh. You two are walking? Hand holding. No matter where you both are going, people will know you are his.
-Muamar would want kids of his own, but would also be open for adoption
-they would grow up in Santo Domingo, but under diffrent circumstances
-since he hired V to steal that Arasaka medical truck, he wanted to make sure the people of Santo Domingo would not live in fear
-he would want his children to grow up without any health issiues caused by a simple cup of water, unlike him
-he would adore his kids, seriously
-even tho he looks like the villain from Minions, he still has an awesome style (so will his kids)
-would do anything to be a good dad
-he'd go all out to make the house/apartment super save for your kids
-once they'd grow up he would play with them in the backyard
-super corny dad jokes
NSFW Headcannons
-just like Vik, he's experienced
-I can't imagine someone from NC to not be experienced
-average size, nothing to complain about
-he's more of a dom
-loves loves LOVES you on top of him
-his favorite positions are doggy and cowgirl
-car sex.
-you riding him in the back of his car while he's guiding you, holding your waist
Author Note
I am sorry for writing such bad NSFW HC's. I tried my best, I just needed some content of my favorite Night City legends on here. Especally of Muamar. I hope more people will appreciate him. Thank you for reading this by the way <33
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Does anyone still write for cyberpunk 2077 or know anyone who still does and takes requests, more specifically for the character Viktor vektor?
I feel like yet again I'm extremely late to jump of the fan band wagon,I played the game when it first came out but at the time I wasn't really reading fan fics
So if anyone if taking requests for or knows someone who is please please please say or drop a name in the comments
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bisexualiteaa · 3 months
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Viktor Vektor x Fem!V Reader (SMUT MDNI!!)
CW: established relationship, pre-Konpeki Plaza incident, slight deviation from plot, slight deviation from story, slight deviation from game, mentions of injuries, mentions of surgeries, cursing, dirty jokes, accidental Voyeurism, masterbation, getting caught, p in v, unprotected sex, oral (m and f receiving) fingering, cream pie, possible spelling/grammar errors.
AN: Hi guys! Been a minute but I’ve been suuuper hooked on Cyberpunk and lately the hyper-fixation has resurfaced. There is a criminal lack of smut for our favorite Ripper-Doc daddy Viktor here and I wanted to help change that! Please be forgiving, I wrote this rather late at night and on a manic whim, but otherwise I hope y’all enjoy! ♥️
It had been a few days since the last time you got a chance to see and spend time with your favorite ripper doc, and more recently your boyfriend Viktor. You were on a rather stressful, yet important mission with Jackie that you had just returned from. You were happy to finally be done with it so you could relax some and recoup from your injuries obtained from it. It was nothing major of course, some bruises, sore muscles and a couple of nasty looking gashes but nothing terribly urgent. However, you knew Viktor knew best about these sort of things and would help you out, plus you knew it was an excuse to stop by his clinic. Not that you really needed one, you were his partner after all, but you took the opportunity anyway to pay him a surprise visit. “Don’t know about you chica, but I’m starving, thinking of going and grabbing a bite to eat. Wanna come with?” Jackie offered kindly, as he always did. Something you normally took him up on after missions as big as these were to celebrate coming back from, but since you’d gotten with Vik, you spend a lot less time at the bar drowning your stress with tequila shots and spending it with your loving ripper. The days of pondering if anyone would miss you if you didn’t come back from missions, or pondering if you would ever find someone to come home to after them that would be glad to see you back alive were over. You didn’t feel a need to get as wasted as you used to before, not with Vik around. You had proof that someone in Night City cared if you came home, cared if you made it back alive. That was more than you could ever want. “Thanks Jackie, but I think I’m gonna pay Vik a visit. Haven’t seen him since before we left, might see if he wants to grab lunch together and have him check out the damage” you replied, watching as a knowing grin reached your best friend’s face. “No hard feelings chica, I get it. I’m sure he wants to know his el cariño is safe and made it back in one piece. I’ll probably drop by afterwards to see Misty, bring her something to eat from her favorite place as a surprise. Have fun playing doctor” he said with a grin and wiggle of his eyebrows, making you laugh and roll your eyes at his silly comment. “Yeah, yeah. See ya later Jack” you replied, making him laugh before waving goodbye as he started to walk towards his and Misty’s favorite place to eat and from there that’s where you two parted ways.
As you made your way to the ever familiar back alley clinic, whose path you’ve likely taken over a million times in the years you’d known him, you couldn’t help the excitement that began to flutter in your stomach with seeing him. Sure you’d been on missions before where you couldn’t come and see him after, but for the most part, you spent all your free time together. Whether it was enjoying some drinks together while watching old boxing matches, or having nice date nights, there was a reason why some of your things were left at his apartment and why some of his things were left in yours. Spending the night over was a common occurrence between the two of your apartments. You smiled warmly as you greeted Misty, giving her a hug, assuring her that both you and Jackie were safe and well, then letting her know Jackie would be by later for her before descending to Viktor’s clinic. You entered as quietly as you could in order to surprise him, but also not to distract him incase he was in the middle of a procedure or with a patient. The clean smell of sanitary products and rubbing alcohol, mixed with his cologne, filled your nose with a sense of familiarity that had you relaxed already. You were glad to be back. You found him to thankfully not have any clients at the moment, and instead found him lounging in his chair watching something rather intently on one of his monitors. You figured it was likely one of his old boxing matches, he always liked to watch them in his free time when he didn’t have any clients or after the shop was closed up for the day. He would sit, picking apart his techniques and sort of reliving his younger days through them all, sometimes even using them to give you tips on how to better your close combat skills. You couldn’t quite see what it was that he was watching, but judging by the occasional sounds of what sounded like skin being slapped or hit, you figured it to be the case.
That was, until you saw his head tip back. His eyes fluttering shut and a deep, almost gravely, groan escaping his throat that left you blushing. It was soft, quiet enough to just barely be heard but you would never mistake that low timber for anything, not when you heard it just about every night you shared a bed with the man. “V…” he quietly moaned, further proving your growing suspicion that you had accidentally walked in on him working off some stress. You’d never walked in on him taking care of himself before, you didn’t really know what to do in this instance. You wanted to look away and turn around to allot him his much deserved privacy, but you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away from the sight of him like this. The pornographic sounds of his whines and moans, the slick sound of his pre cum as lube that clearly was being lathered up and down his dick as he pumped it in his hand. You wondered if maybe you were dreaming, that this was all some heated dream you’d wake up from but no. This was real.
You were surprised at the fact that he still hadn’t noticed your presence, usually he was so vigilant when it came to people coming into his clinic, or at the very least he would spot you through the reflection off of his monitors. Yet it was as if you weren’t even there. Even as you stood just feet away from him, completely enamored and absorbed into watching how his tattooed arm would flex, showing off the veins and muscles underneath all the ink as his large hand would glide up and down his shaft. A blush rose to your cheeks as you watched him please himself, unable to help the heat that coursed through you at the sinful sight you had walked in to see. Paired with the utterance of your name from his lips, you could feel the fire beginning to stoke in your core with growing need, morphing from a small ember into a raging flame rather quickly. You let your curiosity get the better of you, doing your best to peek your head at what he was watching, and trying to do so without disturbing him or being caught. Seeing as you now knew what he was up to, you were curious as to what it was that grabbed the man’s attention, what fantasies plagued his mind that you could keep in the back of yours to use sometime. You wondered if he would be the type to be embarrassed by his browser history, or if he was rather vanilla. However, to your surprise, instead of seeing him browsing through any porn sights Viktor was watching a sex tape you both had made a few weeks back. One where you were riding him, donned in a nice lingerie set that he had surprised you with as a gift after seeing you admiring it at one of the stores he accompanied you to. You remember coming home from that date night, having finished a rather fancy dinner at one of your favorite restaurants, followed by a trip to the mall where you had no idea he bought that set for you when you weren’t looking.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the decadent display of Viktor, the calm, collected and never untidy ripper doc, with his pants dropped just enough to allow him to hold his dick in his hand, jerking off in his chair to a video of you riding him in a cute teddy bodysuit with the bottoms of it pulled to the side. You grinned to yourself, almost with pride, as that heat filled your core upon your discovery. You left him like this. You did this to him. You unraveled the man that was always so put together, and something about knowing that sent pleasant shivers through you. You couldn’t help the way your body grew almost unnaturally hot, the way your need for touch had grown nearly unbearable as you watched him get off. Your need to be with him, to feel him had grown so much more apparent. It had only been a few days but to you, it might as well been weeks, months even with the way your body craved him like an addiction. But he was the finest addiction in your eyes, and perhaps now you weren’t the only one in need of a fix.
“Hey Vik” you finally spoke, casually enough to not let on that you’d been watching him for a while now, but it was still enough to make him jump and do his best to tuck himself back into his pants as fast as he could without raising any suspicion. “V! Shit, you startled me kid” he said, making you chuckle as he powered off the monitor he was watching the video on. “Glad to see you made it back in one piece, started to worry when I didn’t get a call or text from you” He added, making you smile softly at his concern for you and your safety. It always made you feel loved, cared for in a way that only Viktor could make you feel. “Sorry. I meant to text you but, thought dropping by for a surprise would make your day a little brighter” you said, a blush rising to your cheeks as you looked at him, trying your absolute hardest to look him in the eyes and speak to him like you didn’t just see him fucking his hand and wishing it were you. His face was flushed a slight tinge of red, his breathing still not fully under control yet and you could see the outline of him through his pants. Was there anything this man could do and not look so damn good while doing it? “I clearly do more for you than just startle you by the looks of it. Was coming by to surprise you and see if you wanted to grab lunch but I think I walked in on a more…intimate matter. Been a stressful day, or did you just miss me?” You asked with a playful grin and watched as his face turned even more red upon the realization that you had caught him in the act. He chuckled a little at your question, hoping it would ease his nerves some from being caught. You’re his girlfriend after all, he knew he didn’t need to be ashamed of you catching him, you’d been together long enough and known one another long enough for that to never be an issue. Yet being walked in on like he was a horny teenager incapable of resisting the hormonal influxes, left him more than just a little embarrassed. “Ahh, seems I didn’t hide the evidence quick enough. Forgive me, it’s been a rough few days and I so happened to stumble across the video we made. Had me thinkin’ about you” he admitted as you came closer to him, looking him up and down and enjoying the slightly disheveled and rather flustered sight of him that you were graced with. “You don’t have to explain yourself or apologize to me babe, I get it. It’s been a rough few days for me too, nothing to be ashamed of. It’s nice to know I’ve been on your mind like you’ve been on mine” you said sweetly, your hands massaging his shoulders to help relieve the tension from them, and judging by the groan that left him, you’d say it was appreciated. “You’re always on my mind, kid” he said, making you giggle as your hand traveled down his arm comfortingly before you leaned down to kiss him softly and slowly. “Purely or impurely?” You asked between kisses with a cheeky grin, making him laugh. “I think we both know the answer to that, V. I might be getting old, but I’m still a man” he said, making you giggle. “I’m flattered, truly” you replied with a smirk that never seemed to leave your lips. “Do I even dare ask the same question in return?” He asked with a playful grin of his own, making you hum in response. “You’re always on my mind, Vik. Purely and impurely” you admitted before kissing him once more, allowing you both a peaceful moment to enjoy being back in one another’s presence again. Getting lost in the feeling of his lips against yours, the taste of him dancing on your tongue. “Although I have to say, it’s pretty hot seeing you all disheveled and desperate in your normally clean and orderly clinic. Was quite the sight to walk in to” you said, making him chuckle as he pinched your hip playfully in retaliation, making you yelp in surprise and him smirk as he pullled you into another kiss, wanting to feel you against him again, be close to you after not seeing you for the past few days.
You hummed pleasantly into it, wanting nothing more than to melt into him as your legs straddled his lap. “Need some help? I happen to be pretty good at helping you work off stress” you offered between kisses, making him chuckle as his hands found their way to your hips again, soon resting there. A deep, gravely groan left his throat into it at your kind offer and the way you rolled your hips against his. “Fuck, I missed you kid” he said, making you giggle softly into it. “I missed you too, Vik” you replied softly, pulling away to look into his eyes beneath his dark shades, your hand resting on his stubbled cheek. God it felt good to be back. “What do you say I help you take care of that tension and we go grab lunch afterwards, hmm? My treat” you asked, making him chuckle as your fingers drew absent minded shapes along his chest and collarbone. “Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse” he said, making you giggle as you got up from his lap only for a moment, swaying your hips as you sauntered towards the entrance to his clinic, locking and closing off the gate so that no one would try to stop by and interrupt your much needed alone time. “Good! We can even record it if you’d like. Happy to make another tape with you seeing you liked the last one so much” you suggested with a wink, making him chuckle. How could he say no?
You smiled happily as you straddled him on his chair once more, his large hands resting on your ass beneath your short skirt, groping it on occasion as he kissed you deeply. You both moaned into it as you rolled your hips against his, feeling his clothed dick throbbing and rubbing against your aching clit. As you moaned into your shared kiss, his tongue began to explore yours, tangling in a fight for dominance that neither of you truly cared to win. You just needed one another. You could taste the coffee he’d been drinking, mixed with the addicting taste that is him. Your hands were at the back of his head, fingers carding through and tangling in his dark hair in a desperate attempt to keep him as close to you as you possibly could. You wanted so badly to take things slow, to savor the feel of him against your skin but you both were so desperately in need that you knew it was going to be impossible to take things slow at this rate. You both felt like two feral animals in heat, you could hardly keep yourselves off of each other.
When you both broke for air was when you started removing each other’s clothes. First was his scrubs shirt and under shirt, followed by your shirt and bra, then next was his pants and boxers. You truly could never get over the sight of him naked. From every part of his toned and muscular body, to the dark, but well groomed, happy trail leading to his dick, you swore there was no better sight in this world than the man that sat before you. You sunk down to your knees in front of him, practically drooling over the sight of his cock that throbbed with need just inches from your face. You laid teasing butterfly kisses to his inner thighs, your hands squeezing and kneading them as you worked your way towards where he needed you most. “Missed you so much, Vik” you said, your eyes fluttering up to look at him through your lashes from where you were kneeling. Had he no restraint, he would have likely cum right then and there from the sight alone. You had a wonderful way of making him feel young again. “Missed cuddling you” you started as you laid another kiss to his inner thigh. “Missed getting absolutely ravaged by you” you added, placing another sweet kiss, this time to the underside of his shaft, making him groan as his dick twitched against your soft lips. “Missed waking up to you” you continued as your lips finished their ascent to his tip. “Missed this…missed you so much, daddy” you said sweetly, your tone dripping with sweet saccharine as you threw out one of his favorite things to be called by you, and that was what really got to him. His hand came to your head, fingers carding through your hair to keep it out of your face as you dragged your tongue up his length before swirling it around his sensitive cock head. He groaned as you did so, making you giggle as you looked up at him while you did it. “Yeah? Daddy missed you too, baby. Missed that sweet mouth and this gorgeous body so fuckin’ much” he admitted, making you hum as you wrapped your lips around just his tip, giving a few sucks while looking up at him before popping him back out of your mouth. “Gonna show you how much I missed you” you said, your hand cupping his balls before wrapping your lips back around him and taking as much of him as you could. He groaned as you did, spreading his legs more to allow you better access before tipping his head back. “Fuck…good girl. You always make daddy feel so good, daddy’s perfect girl” he praised as you bobbed your head up and down his shaft, being sure to use your tongue to swirl around his head, and stroke the sensitive vein that traveled along the underside. You looked up at him through your lashes as you did, granting him the sight of your teary eyes as mascara began to run and transfer onto your cheeks as well as the look of pure pleasure and love that filled your eyes upon looking at him. You wanted nothing more in this world than to make him feel good, to make him anywhere near as happy as he makes you and damn it you were going to do whatever it took to make that happen.
The sloppy, near pornographic sound of your mouth on his dick and his low moans filled the space of the otherwise empty clinic. You looked up at him, marveling in the way his brows knitted together with pleasure, the way his eyes, when they weren’t fluttered shut, were trained on you. Watching intently from beneath his shades as his cock disappeared and reappeared from between your lips. “Doin’ so good for me. Makin’ me feel so good, you miss the taste of me while you were gone? Miss having daddy’s cock in your mouth?” He asked, making you look up at him and mumble a “yes” the best you could with him sitting heavily on your tongue. “It isn’t polite to talk with your mouth full, baby- fuck…but I’ll forgive you” he replied, pulling your head off of him before you would make him cum. “Can’t let the fun end here though, sweetheart. Got too much I want to do to you” he said, sending pleasant tingles straight to your aching core as all sorts of ideas began to race through your mind at what he had in store for you.
You yelped playfully in surprise and interest as he picked you up effortlessly, your legs wrapped around his hips as he placed you down in the operating chair. You grinned and giggled as he climbed on top of you, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as your eyes trailed his every move. “You know, I always have fantasized about having sex with you in your operating chair” you admitted, making him chuckle as your arms looped around his neck, looking up at him with a lustful, yet loving gaze. “I know” he said, making you blush out of surprise at his reply. “You *knew*? How?” You asked, genuinely curious now, making him grin wider. “Last time I upgraded your chrome and put you under for it, when you woke up you were still rather out of it and told me” he admitted, making you laugh because that sounded exactly like some shit you would do. “Fuck, of course I did. Well, hey, at least it shows you how much I want you” you replied with a giggle, making him chuckle. “Dirty girl, whatever will I do with you?” He asked, making you grin as your eyes peered up at him with that half lidded expression he loved so much. “Fuck me good and show me how much you missed me” you answered coyly, making him chuckle again as you giggled mischievously. “Ask nicely, only good girls get treated like that. You gonna be a good girl for me?” He asked, making you shake your head yes as he removed your underwear from you, tossing them aside to be forgotten about until later. “Be so good for you, daddy” you replied in almost a whisper, making him grin. “Good girl. How about you let daddy repay the favor of you making him feel so good then, hmm?” He asked, making you bite your lip again as his lips trailed down your body, stopping at your chest to bring one of your sensitive nipples in his mouth, sucking and laving his tongue over it before letting off with a pop to pay attention to the other one. Your body arched up against him with a whine, your fingers finding their way into his hair once more as he showed some love to your tits before returning to his original path. He made it down your chest, past your stomach, soon kissing your inner thighs as you’d done to him before sliding your skirt up a little and finally reaching your dripping cunt.
Viktor wasted no time, almost as soon as your skirt was lifted up enough to allow him space to slot himself between your legs, your cunt was on his mouth. You moaned as his tongue flicked and circled your clit with practiced precision, your eyes rolling to the back of your head from the blissful sensation. “Fuck! Vik, oh my god…feels so fucking good” you moaned desperately as your chest heaved with every breath you took, your hips rolling against his tongue in time with his rhythm. He chuckled into you, looking up at you from between your legs to see you writhing with pleasure, pride filling his chest at the way he already had you nearly crumbling in his hold. Your head was tilted back, your bare chest rising and falling with each labored breath you took and your thighs held him captive in a near vice like grip. All the lovely things he’d been picturing while you were gone, he could finally have now. “Always such a sweet thing for me” he praised, spreading your thighs apart and pinning your hips down as he indulged in you as if you were his last meal on death row. You bit your bottom lip to hold back the loud moan that threatened to leave you as his tongue circled your clit in a rhythm that left your head spinning. “Oh no, none of that. I’ll warn you if you’re being too loud, I want to hear you, baby” he replied before diving back down to flutter his tongue against your clit and occasionally prod your entrance with the wet muscle. You sighed blissfully as he did, feeling that knot beginning to pull taut within you rather quickly. “Better. Keep makin’ those pretty sounds for me” he said as he continued at the pace he was at, feeling the way your cunt fluttered around nothing and hearing the way your voice grew a little higher in pitch. All tell-tale signs that your climax was near. “Give it to me baby, c’mon, cum for me” he said, making you look down at him, and you swore if it weren’t for the way his tongue worked you expertly, it would have been the sight alone of him between your thighs devouring you that sent you to your peak. “Fuck! Vik!” Was all you could get out before your thighs tensed, your back arched and a powerful orgasm washed over you, making him moan into you at the sight before helping you down from cloud nine.
The look on your face was one he did everything he possibly could to ingrain into his memory forever. You always looked absolutely stunning in his eyes, but underneath the fluorescent lighting of his neon signs, the medical lights and the reflecting blue light of his monitors, you looked ethereal. Your furrowed brows, your kiss swollen, spit slickened lips that were opened in an O shape, your pupils blown wide with lust and need as you looked up at him. He admired the scratch marks and hickeys that now adorned your skin, his eyes tracing their descent down to where your bodies were connected. With each intense thrust of his hips, he watched as your breasts would jiggle along with your thighs and ass, a display he just couldn’t get enough of. He swore you were a goddess lying before him, and he had no idea how he was the man lucky enough to win your affections but he was damn proud of it. His one hand was planted next to your head, keeping him up and stable as his other gripped your thigh while he rutted into you. The sounds of skin slapping against skin, paired with your shared pants and moans, filled the air of the clinic in a sinful cacophony. “Vik…” you let out, making him snap back into reality as he smiled softly down at you. He loved the sound of his name falling from your lips. It had never sounded sweeter than when spoken by you. “Yeah, honey? Feel good?” He asked, as if he even needed to with the sounds that you were making for him. You could have easily been mistaken for a cock drunk whore with the way you were reduced to nothing but incoherent babbles and whines of his name. You shake your head yes at him in response nonetheless, knowing that your mind was too lost in pleasure to form a coherent response, much less the proper words to speak them. Your arms reached out for him, begging him to close the distance between you and kiss you. A subtle, yet sweet reminder that you weren’t here just for the sex, you weren’t around just because you needed a good fuck. You were here because you wanted *him* and craved the intimacy of having him against you. He chuckled as he closed the distance between you, lowering himself enough to bring his lips to your softer, but slightly chapped, ones while still angling his hips to hit those spots deep inside you that made your eyes roll back. You moaned sweetly into it, your hands migrating all over his body as your sweet kiss turned into a passionate, almost carnal battle of tongues and teeth. Your nails dug crescent shapes into his back, as well as leaving trails of puffy red lines along his skin from pleasure as you were both swept up in the heat of the moment. “Viktor…” you sighed blissfully as his tip nudged that spot deep inside of you that had you seeing stars, your body arching a little from the cushioned chair you were lying in. “Right there, fuck…!” you moaned, making him grin and chuckle as he angled his hips to specifically brush past that spot.
You could feel the coil in your stomach beginning to wind tight again, with each stroke leaving you closer and closer to tipping off the edge and into pure bliss. “Cum for me, V. I’ve got you” he assured as his gaze once again fixed on you. Despite the fact that he was dangerously close to his own climax, Viktor was a man of class. He always made sure you finished first, no matter how long he had to prolong his pleasure for. His free hand trailed up your thigh to your core, his fingers rubbing tight circles into your clit to push you further towards the edge. After all, what’s more romantic than steamy, welcome home sex where you cum together? He felt your walls close around him a little tighter, fluttering slightly, a sign his fingers were doing just the trick in helping you reach your peak. “Oh fuck, Vik! ‘M gonna-“ was all you could utter out before your orgasm washed over you like a tidal wave, leaving your body arched from the chair as you clung to Viktor for dear life. Your cunt clenched down around him, milking him of everything he could possibly give you as he came in you with a deep, sexy groan. You both sat still for a moment, panting in the effort to catch your breath and calm down as you both took the time to bask in the glorious afterglow together. “I love you, V” he spoke, breaking the peaceful silence with heart spoken words. You smiled warmly up at him, he didn’t need the words in response, that gorgeous smile of yours was enough of a reply in his eyes. You hummed pleasantly as he kissed you, his lips a tender, sweet caress compared to just moments before as you felt him pulsate inside of you with each rope of his seed that filled you. “I love you too, Vik” you replied with a happy smile, pressing your forehead against his, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment to enjoy the intimacy for just a little longer.
When Viktor found his forearms aching was when he finally pried himself from you, albeit begrudgingly, but he knew better than to risk the mobility and surgical precision of his hands and arms. You giggled as he sent you the most star struck look, smiling at you with nothing less than pure love and adoration after he pulled out and looked for a towel to help clean you up. “Now that’s one hell of a sight” he commented as he came back over, gesturing to you on his operating chair, naked, legs spread and his cum dripping out of you. You giggled again before hissing in over sensitivity at the feel of the wet towel cleaning your spent pussy. “Maybe next time I’ll dress like a nurse, and let you do it again” you quipped with a grin, making him shake his head and laugh as he stopped the recording and helped you retrieve your clothes before putting his own back on. “Already bad enough that I’ll never be able to look at it again without picturing me fucking you in it” he said, making you grin. “But is that *really* such a bad thing?” You asked playfully as you leapt up from the chair, on slightly wobbly legs, to get dressed, earning an eye roll from him at your jest. “Yes and no. While it’s a great mental picture, it’ll be hard to explain to clients why I might be a little…lost in thought when I ask them to lay on it” he replied, making you hum. “Fair point, but was it worth it?” You asked, making him laugh as he came up from behind you, wrapping his muscular arms around your frame as he placed a quick kiss to your cheek. “Always” he replied with a contented smile, feeling your hands come up to touch his arms as you leaned your head against him. “You really know how to wear me out, kid” he joked, making you giggle. “Well, a handsome ripper once told me that if you aren’t feeling a hundred percent; that you should stay home, hydrate and rest. Recovery is always important” you replied, making him laugh as he pinched your hip playfully to get a squeal from you. “Not that you ever listen to that advice” he jabbed, making you laugh. “Touché but c’mon, Vik! Just let me have a good excuse to drag you from the clinic and spend the day with you. I’m still buyin’ lunch!” You said, giving him your best puppy dog eyes you could to convince him to close up for the day and spend it with you. “Alright, alright. I guess closing up early for once to spend time with you wouldn’t hurt” he said, making your eyes light up with joy as you smiled happily. “Fuck yeah! Should probably head home and shower first though, I can’t say I’m exactly the most presentable” you said, making him quirk a brow at you in interest as he got all his things together. “Just where are you planning on taking me?” He asked, making you smile excitedly. “‘member our first date? Thought maybe we could pay it a visit again. Get all gussied up and treat ourselves to a nice night filled with champagne, good food and love” you said, floored at the fact that you could think of something so mushy and romantic on such short notice. “So long as you’re there, any of it sounds delightful” he said as you both walked out of the clinic after locking up. “Careful Vik, say shit like that and you might charm me right out of my panties again” you joked, making him chuckle. “Maybe that’s the idea” he said with a flirty wink before holding out his hand for you to take as you both walked to his car. You laughed as you both walked as one thought filled your mind.
Fuck was it good to be back.
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fic--writer · 1 month
A snippet from an upcoming fic
Fandom: Cyberpunk 2077
Pairing: Viktor Vektor/Fem!V
Warnings: Strong language
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Message from Jackie to Viktor Vektor:
"Hey, Doc. Is it just me, or does our kiddo have a crush on you? Do what you want, of course. But, por favor, be nice to her. Remember that she's my dear choom and deserves respect. Comprende?
P.S. You'd have to be an idiot to pass up a juicy chica like this."
"Jackie, you're right, she's our kid. But I am only fit to be her dad. And when you reach a certain age, you throw away all illusions. From then on, life gets easier."
"Illusions? Didn't you give her your last shirt? Come on, I know you'll never take eddie from her. Will you say it doesn't mean anything? If this is out of friendship or the kindness of your heart, then where are my free implants, Doc?! And who in this whole fucking town would care about another strange couple! And to be honest, I don't know anyone who could take care of V better than you!
And i saw you two making out apasionado. So stop fooling yourself, HOT DADDY chooms... Piénselo detenidamente."
From V and Johnny's conversation:
"What do you need to know when dating an older man V? Their pension is paid at the beginning of the month. Ahaha."
"When are you going to shut up?"
"Transferent love... Oh, young people don’t read Freud at all. Seriously V, what kind of relationship did you have with your father?"
"That's fucked up. I'm gonna take some blue pills and get you the fuck out of my head, Johnny."
And may my readers forgive me if you expecting Baldur's Gate fanfictions from me. but I need to switch things up a bit.
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writing-fanics · 19 days
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David Martinez x Reader?
Childhood friends to Lovers, they grew up together in the same Megabuilding together
Always having each others back?
Or maybe she’s from another megabuilding and is Viktor Vektor daughter.
she joins maines crew wanting to make name for herself like her father did when he was a boxer
She’s either a merc or a netrunner
She was there for him when his mother died, comforting him offering him a place to stay which he declined multiple times
but she was there to help
basically just edgerunners David x reader
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ghostie-ghoulie · 1 year
Hey there! I'm Ghostie-Ghoulie. I have had this app for years and always wanted to post, so here I am!
Currently, I'm obsessed with anything Until Dawn or Resident Evil related. I can't ever shut my mouth about them.
My content will either consist of possible art or my fanfiction about certain fandoms I enjoy.
This is an 18+ blog! So, if you are a minor, please, in the most polite way possible, leave my page.
These Fandoms that I am a part of happen to be:
Until Dawn
Resident Evil (a personal favorite)
Horror movies (Ghostface, Hellrasier, Chucky, IT, Etc)
The Wolf Among Us
Mortal Kombat
Team Fortress 2
Star Wars
Star Wars: The Bad batch
Ghost (band)
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Spiderman (mostly the spiderverse movies)
Dark Deception
Devil May Cry
More fandoms can be added later!
I will write Smut, oneshots, small imagines, and multichapter stories. I'm a sucker for smut, so you're gonna get that out of me once I finally get the hang of it.
Important note: I only write XReaders for now. I know that might suck for a lot of people, but it is something I heavily enjoy. I know people don't like it (Y/n, I'm looking at you), but the stereotypical cringe XReader stories that drive me up a wall will not be here. I will try my hardest to make the apperence vague, but personality might be a challenge. Though, hey! Everyone needs their practice. I can't go writing an emotionless reader, eh?
The readers I write for will mostly, if not entirely, be gender neutral or feminine. I'm sorry if this is a major letdown, but I do not trust my abilities to delve into a male reader just yet. I most write for male characters in general, and as love interests, but I can write for women when it comes to romance. I am both for ladies and gents.
Another very important note: I have a major history regarding mental health. Stress comes to me easy, and with stress comes heavy burnout. My brain gets fried, and my creativity goes down 6 feet under. All I ask is that you be very patient with me until I recover. This might mean small breaks or long breaks. Requests may be hard to handle, but if I'm ready, I'll think about doing them. You are able to send in asks! I may not be able to do full requests, but maybe some thoughts for a writing I could possibly start off with.
I am very understanding when it comes to emotional and mental related things because I have experienced my fair share of dealing with it. These topics will show up sometimes in various writings. If these bother you, worry not! Warnings will be placed.
This is a page friendly one towards everyone. I do not stand for hate of any kind. Sure, we're through a damn screen, but I still won't tolerate it. So please, no hate or arguments. If opinions differ, it doesn't mean we need to clash.
Characters that I could possibly write for consist of:
Until Dawn
Chris Hartley
Mike Monroe
Josh Washington
Matt Taylor
Resident Evil
Leon Kennedy
Karl Heisenburg
Luis Sera
Jack Krauser
Albert Wesker
Devil May Cry
Johnny Cage
Vergil Sparda
Dante Sparda
Nero sparda
Mortal Kombat
Syzoth (Reptile)
Tomas (Smoke)
Bi-han (Sub-Zero)
Kuai liang (Scorpian)
Liu Kang
Johnny Silverhand
Viktor Vektor (he needs more love and attention. I love him sm)
Team Fortress 2
(Possibly the rest)
Star Wars
Captain Rex
(Probably will write for a bunch of clones, tbh)
Hondo Ohnaka
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Boba Fett
Din Djarin
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf
I think that's all I've really got for now. More of course can be added later to masterlists. I'm just giving you good ideas on who I would love to write for.
(I will probably reform this because damn it looks jumbled, but hey, I'm inexperienced with actually posting on Tumblr.)
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buryustogether · 1 year
plssss viktor vektor smut, maybe after female v got injured and had to be rushed to him?
mr doctor man
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viktor vektor x f!reader (v)
wc: 5.2k
summary: an argument with your ripperdoc/friend with benefits leads to a distraction during an important street fight. luckily, he’s not going to hold it against you.
warnings/tags: friends with benefits, allusions to sex and hook ups, swearing, blood, reader gets the absolute shit beat out of them, fighting, angst, vomiting, gun violence, love confessions, allusions to smut
author’s note: ask and ye shall receive
partially inspired by mr doctor man by palaye royale
“ mr doctor man
questions his hands
lost his mind
clinically fine ”
Viktor was sure he was out of his mind.
When he’d become a ripperdoc, he did so with one goal, one job, in mind; helping the injured, making sure everyone in this city had a fair chance at facing whatever was waiting out there for them. He was supposed to protect his patients, make sure they were fit and safe from the very things he installed deep within their muscles and memories.
He was supposed to take care of his patients, not fuck them into oblivion.
You couldn’t help but admire the raised red scratches your nails had inflicted upon Viktor’s back as he sat tinkering with the new piece of chrome he was about to put into your open forearm. Sweat was still in the process of drying on the back of your neck, cooled by the hum of conditioning that eased out of the grates overhead. Sure, you’d come in this afternoon to grab some new tech - but you could have done that over in Kabuki. Corpo Plaza. Arroyo. Anywhere you passed on your way here. But those clinics didn’t have Vik, didn’t have the glint of his glasses when he glanced your way, didn’t have the ‘tats inked into his arm that you held onto for dear life when he was railing into you hard enough to make you see stars.
No, this was your favorite clinic by far. And it wasn’t just because you lived only five minutes away.
“So tell me, kid,” said Viktor as he gingerly placed the reinforced piece of chrome into the meat of your arm. You held your breath at the strange sensation as his expert hands slowly adjusted the metal. “You’ve never exactly expressed interest in physical combat gear. Thought you were more of a gun steel gray kind of girl.”
He talked to you like you weren’t a thing, like you weren’t a couple.
Because you weren’t. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you didn’t know exactly what you were. You’d been friends, of course, when Jackie had first brought you in with him to get his nose popped back into place after a bar fight tilted away from him. You would come over in the evenings with dinner after he closed the clinic and watch fights. You would help clean up when he needed the extra hands. And when friendly banter turned more and more flirtatious, you hadn’t been obliged to stop it.
When slaps on the shoulders turned into kisses, and those turned into finger fucks, and those turned into full-on poundings on his table or against the wall, you hadn’t protested one bit. You wanted there to be something more to it all, wanted him to think about you the same way you did him - when you were alone eating breakfast by yourself, when you were driving across town, when you were in bed at night, anywhere and everywhere all at once.
But you’d never said a word of it.
You didn’t want to cross a line you knew you couldn’t see, take whatever this was one step too far and lose one of your best friends. So you left everything where it was - don’t fix what’s not broken, right? Don’t meddle with things doing just fine on their own, right?
So you kept your mouth shut and your legs open.
“Oh, yeah,” you said and stared up at the ceiling above your head. Across the room, the low sounds of a match beginning to start murmured from the television. “I’ve got a fight in Heywood coming up in a couple of days. Guy’s known for being built like ‘Saka Tower, so I figured I’d steel myself up before going to get my ass handed to me.”
You expected Viktor to smile, for him to chuckle and for his bare abs to tense up like they did when he found something amusing. But he didn’t. Instead the corners of his mouth tilted downward as he pulled the machine that would hotwire your skin back together over to the table. “What’s this guy’s name?” he asked offhandedly.
His sudden change in tone irked you slightly. “I don’t know. Heard he goes by Decard. Big in the Badlands, apparently, and he came into town looking for competition that wasn’t walking on four legs or eating after the four-legs.”
Pursing your lips awkwardly, you drummed your fingers on your bare sternum - you were both still in the bare minimum after your little late afternoon romp - and pulled your focus back overhead. You took a breath and pushed it out. “Got a problem with me fighting or something?”
Viktor looked up at you over the rims of his glasses - fuck, that steely gray of his irises were something else - and fixed you with a warning stare. “Don’t bring your attitude now, kid,” he said and rotated the machine patching you up. Even as the conversation was going south, he was still intent on giving you the best treatment he was capable of.
“Well, I mean - sorry, but it suddenly seems like you’d rather be literally anywhere else than here.”
“I will be, if you keep running your tongue like that.”
Your stare turned into a glare as you looked up at the ceiling above your head. What the fuck was this? You and Viktor hardly ever fought - and if you did, it was over who was going to win the match you were streaming. Fuck all, you just sucked his dick until he whimpered, and now he was giving you some weird kind of cold shoulder?
You waited until the machine had done its job and your arm was back together before shoving off the table and gathering your clothes that had been scattered across the clinic floor. You could feel him - sitting in just his pants on his stool - watching your movements like a hawk. “You know what,” you said, bristling as you tugged your clothes back on, “if you’re going to go full blown hermit on me out of the blue for no fucking reason at all, I have no reason to be here.” You angrily yanked your shoes over your feet, not bothering to tie the laces. “Don’t bother showing up to the fight. I’ll have Jackie there if I get my spleen shot out.”
“Didn’t know there was an extended invite,” Viktor said as he pushed away from the table on his stool and rolled over to his desk.
“There would have been if your stage four terminal dickery hadn’t ruined the party.” Snatching up your holsters from his side table, you stopped for a moment while you clasped them over yourself. “What was that, anyway? What’s your deal? One minute we’re hot and heavy, and the next you’re acting like you want to be rid of me.”
Viktor rolled his eyes - you saw it in the reflection of the dirty mirror hung opposite his desk. He picked up that damned screwdriver he was always tinkering with and began to adjust the calibrations of his mechanical fingers. “Maybe if you got your head out of your ass for once, V, you’d see that it’s just the opposite. I don’t think you should be sticking your neck out more than you already do for a couple extra eddies. You and Jack already run around pulling enough shit. Street fighting when you should be resting isn’t exactly the move you’d pull if you’re playing with a full deck of cards.”
Fuck, he was good. He could roll five different insults into one and make it sound like he was actually worried about you.
“I’m sorry,” you said and cocked your head at him pointedly, “this coming from one of Night City’s greatest ring fighters?”
He shook his head in that way he did when he was getting ready to put something to rest - an argument, an idea, a patient… It made something in your gut twist. It made you feel small and childish - like you both knew he was right about this. Like he was talking to a little girl who refused to give up the fight just for the sake of fighting. “You’re stubborn, kid, and that’s a good thing most of the time. I’m not going to tell you what you can or can’t do. Go on. Kick some ass and prove me wrong.” He paused his tinkering for just a moment, and you thought he was going to rise and kiss you goodbye like he always did - but he just turned up the volume on the television. “I’ll be here either way.”
Overwhelmed with that sickening, roiling feeling in your belly, you threw up a hand and stalked toward the gates of the clinic. “Whatever, old man.”
As you stormed up the stairs leading into the alleyway between Viktor’s clinic and Misty’s shop, a coil of guilt turned itself about in the hollows of your chest. Maybe he was right - about your head being stuck up your ass. Your entire life you’d been fighting for your fair share in this city, being raised in the shadows of those who proved themselves time and time again to be bigger than you. From the time you knew how to properly hold a gun and throw a punch and speak your mind, you hadn’t let anything stop you - which hadn’t always been a good thing. A couple broken bones and black eyes had taught you that much.
But fighting - whether it was for your life or not - was all you knew. Arguing, and challenging, and defying… it felt as if it were in your blood like part of your DNA. The feeling of desperate survival never went away, no matter how much money you had or how full your belly was. Once it was there, it never went away.
This was what you told yourself two evenings later, when the stars and the moon were blocked out by the smog and the nighttime air was disrupted by thumping music and excited shouts and the wails of sirens in the distance. It was what you told yourself when you popped out the cricks in your neck and accepted pats on the back from those who had bet their monthly rents on you. And yet despite the fight about to happen in a few minutes’ time, despite the dozens of people surrounding the basketball court where it was to take place, your mind was stuck back in the clinic. Your ears still rang with the words both you and Viktor had hissed, your chest still stung with the venom laced between breaths. He had not called you, despite having a little get-together-date-night-come-over-and-let’s-fool-around-thing set up for last night. You had not called him, despite desperately needing encouragement for this fight, because you had caught a glimpse of Decard, and you’d almost choked on your own spit.
“Aye, V,” said a voice in your ear, and you were pulled back to the sidelines of the basketball court, where a crowd had gathered to watch the smackdown. You looked up at Jackie when he clasped your shoulder in a tight grip, forcing your attention up to his face. “You doin’ okay, choom? You nervous?”
Swallowing thick, you furrowed your brows and waved a feeble hand. Your knuckles had already been wrapped in bandages - something Viktor usually did before your fights, because he knew the best ways to keep them tight when you threw your punches. You had wrapped them yourself, and they were already falling loose. “M’fine,” you answered over the radio blaring across the lot. “Just… mind’s somewhere else.”
There came a look across Jackie’s face that told you he already knew exactly what you were talking about. You didn’t want to think about how he did. “Listen,” he said and grasped your other shoulder. “Worry all you want after, chica, but when you’re out there?” He used his knuckle to shove your chin in the direction of the court, where the fixer who had arranged the fight was arguing over bets with a corpo. “Your mind’s got’ta be out there, too. Otherwise you’re goin’ to get your ass handed to you and your brain won’t catch up ‘til you’re hurtin’ tomorrow.” When you looked back at him, mouth stretched into a taut line, his gaze softened a bit. He jostled you. “These kind’a things don’t last forever, choom. Trust me - Misty’s been on my ass enough times that she knows it better than I do, and we always come around. Just… let it go for a few minutes, yeah?”
Steeling your heart and sharpening your expression, you nodded your head slightly and took a breath. Just for a few minutes. Nothing but left hooks and dodges and roundhouses for just a few minutes. “Okay,” you said and shook yourself out. “Okay.”
“Atta’ girl.” Jackie clapped your hand in his own, then spun you around and shoved you in the direction of the court. “Now go and kick some ass. Drinks on you at the Afterlife to celebrate your victory, aye?”
Rounds of both cheers and taunts followed you as you walked onto the court to meet the fixer and your competition. Upon facing your opponent, you found your neck craning up. And up. And still up. Decard was fitted with an entire body of chrome and tech, more cyber than human in every sense of the word. Nearly seven feet tall. Fists of collapsable nanotech. Cybernetic eyes pixelated red that made his pupils look as though they were bleeding from the inside out. You’d be lying if you told yourself he didn’t intimidate you to the point that if you weren’t being watched by hundreds of eyes, you’d probably have pissed yourself just a little bit.
“Alright, people,” said the fixer as he tallied up a number of bets. A quick glance at the pad in his hand told you that the onlookers’ faith lay more at Decard’s steel-toed feet than yours. “Please don’t turn this into a crime scene. I’m already on a watchlist for these kinds of things, so let’s keep this quick and clean. Hopefully I don’t have to tell you both that no cybernetic advancements are allowed. Gorilla arms, thermal knuckles, mantis blades, the whole shebang. No killing - perioud. ‘Kay?”
“Sure,” you said.
Decard growled from low in his throat.
Once the fixer had left the court and motioned for the pair of you to get ready, you took a moment to assess your opponent. As you dug your toes into the dirty tarmac, you looked him over. His head, of course, was an option, throat exposed over the collar of his tank top. But you doubted you’d have much time to grab at it, even if you got past those mechanical arms of his. You were scrambling to find a weak spot, to find some way this didn’t end in you limping away with a broken arm and a shattered ego, when your gaze shifted slightly behind him and into the crowd after catching a subtle glare of glass.
Fuck - he’d shown up. There he was, standing with crossed arms and a wide stance amongst the young onlookers streaming on their phones and squealing with excitement. Viktor met your eyes across the distance.
Then an earth-shaking, rib-crushing blow landed to your sternum, sending you tumbling over yourself in a heap of flailing limbs to the feet of the crowd. Pain like thunder blossoming violently across the sky expanded from your chest where Decard struck you, but you weren’t given much time to process what had just happened before the crowd was pulling you to your feet and pushing you back onto the court.
You had barely regained your breath before Decard came charging at you, steel teeth bared like some kind of animal as he barreled in your direction. Turning on your heel, you just barely managed to miss him - then took a running leap up onto his back and sat yourself on his hulking shoulders. The crowd erupted in surprise. Clenching your jaw and fighting with everything you had to stay on top of him while he bucked and pulled at your legs with a grip that would surely leave bruises in their wake, you locked an arm around his neck and began to squeeze. It wouldn’t take more than maybe twenty seconds for him to start getting lightheaded, even with all those implants. Maybe fifteen if you were lucky.
But it turned out you weren’t lucky. Very, very, very unlucky, in fact.
Decard backed up across the court as you tried to choke him out, heading straight for the rusted old hoop on a metal pole that creaked when a breeze blew it the wrong way. With a great roar and a heave, he slammed you back into the pole. Howling, searing, thundering pain overtook you, spreading from your spine to your shoulder blades to your hips, all throughout every nerve ending and fiber inside of you. Your vision whited out for just a moment as you slipped off the man’s shoulders and dropped to the warm tarmac. Goddammit, that hurt. That hurt like a bitch. That hurt like your vertebrae had cracked and one wrong move would put you six feet under.
With a low groan that you felt echoing in your very bones, you slowly propped yourself up on an elbow. You coughed and spat out a bit of saliva mixed with blood that pooled from where you’d bitten your tongue after being slammed into the pole. You knew after a blow like that you wouldn't be able to finish. As much as you fucking hated it, you were going to have to forfeit. All those cameras on you, all those eyes and bets… all fucking wasted.
And Viktor… fuck, he wouldn’t ever let you hear the end of this. If he spoke to you again outside of emergency clinic visits and checkups.
Sucking in a shallow breath, you stretched out a hand and patted the ground once, twice, three times. Those who saw it groaned at the fight having been so short. Eddies were being passed around, deposited into accounts as you began to make your way to your feet to slink off the court with your tail between your legs. But you didn’t quite make it.
Before you could find your footing, Decard’s large cybernetic hand snatched up the vulnerable skin of your throat and lifted you off the court into the air. Panic flooded your systems as your eyes widened and you gasped, trying to pull in air around the blockage on your neck. A few people cheered, thinking the fight was still on. No matter how much you kicked and flailed, they didn’t seem to get the hint that you had forfeited. You didn’t want to fight anymore.
They said you don’t always get what you want.
“Some shitshow for a merc I’ve heard so much fuss about,” Decard said, just inches from your face as he lifted you closer to him. Up close, you were able to see his cybernetic gaze flashing back and forth between your suddenly terrified eyes. “I was hoping I’d get a run for my money.”
You gasped around his iron-knuckled grip, uselessly kicking your feet against his chest plates. “M’done!” you wheezed out, listening to your heart pound wildly in your ears. “Y’win! Let me go!”
Decard grinned a sickening smile and brought his lips to the shell of your ear, so close you swore you felt his tongue brush against your lobe. “Come on and show me what you’re really made of, mercenary.” Then he turned and threw you across the court, sending you sprawling over yourself for the second time that evening. Another roar went up from the crowd as the cameras began filming again and new bets were placed.
Vision hazy and your spine screaming in protest, you scrambled out of the way just in time to miss Decard’s boot cracking the concrete where you just lay half a moment ago. You weren’t lucky enough to evade his next blow, a backhand that had you careening to the ground once more. Smack after punch, blow after kick, you were slowly losing the ability to raise your arms to even cover your face as he followed your pathetic little parade around the court.
The crowd seemed to be loving your beatdown. They cheered for more, for you to just give up, not knowing that you already had.
Upon coming to rest on your aching back from a roundhouse that had knocked you off your feet, you tilted your bloodied and bruised face to catch a glimpse of two figures arguing violently with the fixer who organized the whole event. Through the blur twinging the edges of your vision, you recognized Viktor and Jackie practically screaming at the man, gesturing wildly back and forth between you and the man approaching to possibly finish you off. Without your permission, your vision screen kicked in to read their lips and translate what they were saying.
“He’s fuckin’ killing her, idiota!” Jackie said and raised a hand to your form cowering on the ground.
“She tapped out fair and square,” snarled Viktor and poked a mechanical finger in the fixer’s chest. “Call it off before it goes any further.”
The fixer raised his hands in defense, shrugging a shoulder to prove his point. “Listen, chooms, just because you lost your bets doesn’t mean you’ve got to take it up with me.”
“She forfeited!” Viktor said. “Everyone with their eyes in their head saw her call for mercy.”
The fixer grinned sadistically. “I didn’t see anything.”
Snapping back to the court, you raised your gaze to the tall, sinewy mass of a man who towered over you with a heaving chest and a sick emotion of satisfaction sitting upon his stupid fat lips. For the second time, he raised you into the air by your throat and held you up like a trophy for all to see. You didn’t have the energy to fight back this time, couldn’t even if you thought it would do something. You simply gasped for air and gripped his forearm, hoping you’d black out sooner than later so you wouldn’t have to keep enduring this torture.
“Too bad no one’s going to remember your name,” Decard said to you over the noises of the onlookers. “V, was it?”
Through the blood spilling over your lips and the ache in every damn inch of your body, you snarled and spat, “Go fuck yourself.”
“Oh, I will,” he replied. “To the image of you begging for mercy like a fucking dog.”
The words had barely escaped his lips when a miracle graced the old basketball court. A deafening gunshot like a firecracker went off just feet from your ear and an instant later, you were dropped from being suspended in the air. Forcing yourself to look up from the dirt digging into your cheek, you watched as Viktor, now standing on the court before a kneeling Decard as he screamed and cradled the blown-apart junction of his knee, leveled his handgun with his opposite shoulder.
“Don’t bother showing your face to any ripper in this fucking city,” Viktor warned, then cracked off another bullet into Decard’s shoulder. The man howled over the sounds of the crowd stampeding for their vehicles and the streets, then collapsed in on himself. “They won’t have any mercy on you.”
It was the last thing you saw before you rolled onto your side and vomited, allowing yourself to fall into that everlasting darkness behind your eyelids.
The first thing that hit you when your senses returned was the faint smell of cleaning alcohol, the kind that docs used to sterilize equipment before they dug deep into your chest. The second thing was the familiar sound of a television playing the sounds of a boxing match; the ringing of the bell and the commentator’s voice would have lulled you back to sleep, had it not been for the ache that thrummed like fire beneath your skin all across your body. From your toes to your scalp it hurt, pulling a low moan from the back of your throat.
Your brow scrunched, you opened your eyes and blinked a few times before recognizing the ceiling overhead as the same one you had glared at while fighting with Viktor two days ago. You were in his clinic, propped up on the operating chair with an IV stuck in your arm and bandages wrapped around your torso. Your spine bitched at you as you sat up and swept your gaze across the clinic. Viktor was nowhere to be found.
Fuck, you wanted to go home. Go home and take the longest nap in the history of time. How long had it been since the fight - since you got your ass almost literally handed to you on the internet for thousands of people to see? Your vision screen told you it had been almost twelve hours.
With a grunt, you carefully pulled the IV from your arm and swung your legs over the side of the chair - only to crumple to the floor the moment you tried to stand on your own two feet. Just a few seconds later, you heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, and you prayed it would be anyone except your doc. You couldn’t face him, not after he had to save your ass after telling you not to fight. Hell, you almost wished it would be Decard coming to finish you off.
But you recognized the bottoms of the shoes rushing toward you as Viktor’s, and you could do nothing but whimper and groan as he gingerly lifted you off the ground and back onto the chair.
“Jesus, kid,” he said as he carefully stuck the IV back into your skin. “Only just came to and you’re already trying to walk out like nothing happened.”
You said nothing as he sat back on his rolling stool beside you and brought up your vitals on his tablet. You couldn’t bare the thought of looking into those eyes of his as he chastised you for being so fucking stupid, for not heeding his advice. He probably thought you were an idiot, a naive kid so blinded by chasing glory she didn’t realize she was running straight into the sun.
But it seemed that Viktor didn’t get the this-is-supposed-to-be-awkward memo. “Hate to say it,” he said as he scrolled through his device, “but you had a close call, kid. Popped a vertebra out of place in your spine, fractured four of your ribs, dislocated a finger or two… I could go on, but I’d like to save time where I can. In other words, I’ve never had a patient come in quite as fucked up as you.”
“Gee, thanks.” You exhaled a painful breath, unable to push down the bubble forming in the bottom of your throat. Just when you thought you’d be able to ignore it, it ruptured. “Why don’t you just tell me off for being so stupid and send Misty to take me home?”
Viktor didn’t look at you. And that made you all the more furious. “I’m not doing this again, V,” he said and rolled away to deposit his tablet on his workbench. “Shut up and take a rest from it, will you? You’re fogging up the place with that hot head of yours.”
“In case you forgot,” you shot back, struggling to sit up straight in the curved operation chair, “you’re the one who started this shit. So don’t you try and pin it on me.”
He stood and remained there on his feet for a moment, hands placed firmly on his hips and nodding his head with pursed lips - like he was preparing himself to have this same spat again. A pang of guilt shot through you, but you beat it back.
“You know what?” he said and finally looked at you through his glasses. He threw out a hand and let it smack against his thigh. “Fine. I did start this. I’ll own that. But I only started it because - and this may come as a surprise to that thick skull of yours - but I actually care about you, kid. I do really give a shit if some shady bastard you decide to throw hands with over a few eddies manages to get the better of you and leave you bleeding out in a dumpster on the wrong side of Pacifica.” He ran his good hand through his hair - and over his temples, which were just beginning to show through his dark tresses with a few streaks of gray - and began to tread closer. “Maybe what we’ve got between us is a fun way to kick off a bit of stress for you, and I’ll keep myself in check if it is, but goddammit, V, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if you got yourself gutted in a fucking streetfight!”
You realized he had gotten closer to your chair and raised his voice only when you flinched at his sudden outburst. He seemed to understand, too, just how close he had come, because he at once stood straight again and began to back off.
You reached out your hand and grabbed his wrist. “It’s not,” you found yourself whispering when he glanced at you over the rims of his glasses. You swallowed thick and forced the words up and out. “Just… just some outlet. I… I love you, Vik.” A wave of tears threatened to overtake your vision, turn your eyes watery and your voice wavering. “I know it doesn’t really seem like it a lot of the time, but I promise I do.”
There were a long, silent few moments in which neither of you moved. Neither of you spoke. You squeezed your eyes together, suddenly afraid you had gone too far. That’s what you always did. You either went so far the line wasn’t even a line anymore, or you fell short enough that you didn’t even know there was one to begin with. You started to release his wrist, feeling as though you had fucked up yet another one of the good things in your life, when you felt his fingers angling your chin up so that he could press his lips to yours.
It was just like the millions of other times he had kissed you, when you were both in a rush to get your clothes off and climb on top of the other, and yet it was different all at the same time. This kiss was deep and genuine, relieved and thrilled. Sweet. Loving. He tasted like a faint twinge of whiskey, and when you grabbed his shirt collar to pull him closer and he grunted, a fan of breath swept across you like a ghosting whisper.
When you finally pulled apart, Viktor rested his forehead against yours and gently kissed the slope of your nose. “You better rest up quick, kid,” he murmured against your lips. “Because when you do, I’m going to spread those legs of yours and show you just how much I fucking love you.”
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yns-world · 1 year
cyberpunk 2077 masterlist
johnny silverhand
idol worship
never fade away
'till death do us part
boyfriend headcanons
jackie welles
idol worship
viktor vektor
idol worship
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zevrra · 18 days
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silver heart; clouded judgement—
𖥔 ࣪˖ ⊹₊ ⋆
synopsis: after the heist mission, upon hearing the bad news about how their life is going to go; V is comforted by Vik who wishes he could do more.
tags: 18(+), cyberpunk 2077, lil angsty, lil sad oops, two povs (maybe i dunno i tried), hurt/comfort, v(y/n) x viktor, a lil underlining feelings, one-shot, tw for mention of character death, spoilers if you have not played the game too!
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Viktor Vektor. He was the best goddamn ripperdoc in all of Night City. He had always been there for you. Always patched you up when you needed it. Gave you the best of the best cyberware he could get his hands on and never expected anything back. You always paid your dues to the old timer, always.
So why now, when you needed him the most, he couldn’t help you? You survived breaking into Arasaka Tower. Jackie died but you survived. You were shot in the damn head and somehow survived but now? Now you had months, maybe weeks to live because of some stupid chip in your head.
“Vik please. You gotta help me,” You plead to the older man. He sits before you, exhausted. You don’t know how long you had been asleep but you knew he had been looking after you. If he could save you from the bullet lodged in your fucking skull why couldn’t he take out a stupid chip? “Tell me what I need to do, please.” You beg but Vik just sighs.
“I wish I could kid. The relic inside your neurolink it’s…” He begins, following up with a shake of his head. He moves closer to your bedside. A hand touches your shoulder in reassurance but the look on his face tells you it’s terrible news. “It’s already seeing you, your soul, as a threat to its host. The data encrypted on the chip began overwriting your own the second you died. There’s nothing I can do.”
Even if you had heard him explain it to you in simpler terms a million times, you would never understand. It was your body after all. You were still alive, soul intact. Why can’t your own body recognize you? Even worse, you got stuck with a terrorist taking over your body. Truly how long would it be before you ceased to exist?
A sharp pain to your head cripples you and your thoughts. You can’t help but cry out in agony, a hand flying to your head in some pathetic attempt to stop the pain. Vik’s hand squeezes your shoulder but he can’t do much more than to relieve the pain that plagues you. He hands over a couple of pills and you swallow them without hesitation.
All of this was happening far too fast. You were on top of the world days ago. Pulling off the biggest heist of your life. The death of Saburo by his own son. Jackie dying in your arms. Your own untimely death and the miracle of coming back to life, only to be told you too were going to die a horrible, horrible death. Where you would simply be replaced by some data on some stupid fucking chip.
“I’m so sorry V.” Vik mumbles softly. The hand on your shoulder moves to your cheek. His thumb wipes away tears you didn’t know you had been crying.
You lean into his touch, sobbing into his hand. “I don’t wanna die Vik.” You weep as the tears begin to fall.
Vik frowns deeply. His hand slides from your cheek down your back as he wraps his arms around you. Hugs you close to his body. “I know, kid. I know.” He mumbles into the crown of your hair.
Your bottom lip wobbles before you finally let loose. Your arms move to wrap around his back, hands pressed against his shoulder blades as you sob into his chest. His touch is soothing but it does nothing to truly comfort the agony going on in your head. It was a start though.
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“There’s nothing I can do.” Viktor whispers. How could he let this happen to you. You meant more to Vik than he’d like to vocally admit in the moment, yet maybe he should’ve. Should’ve a long time ago. Because now, you sit before him like a broken shell of your former self. Dazed, confused, angry, hurt, and saddened.
And it was all his fault.
He of course blames himself. He should’ve warned the two youngsters about working with such a well-known fixer like Dex. Well-known for dumping bodies in the river after he hired the cheapest mercs he could find. But when you came to him to tell him the good news…you were so excited. Running into his clinic, laughing about how you were going to be a legend in Night City with this newest job. Even going so far as to beg him to install some new cyberware. Which you had never requested to have been done before. How could he say no to you?
Well, he fucking should have.
Oh god how he should’ve told you no. He was too weak to those pretty eyes and now because of his stupidity you were going to die. And he could only watch.
“I’m so sorry V.” He mumbles sorrowfully. Placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you in any way he could. In all his years of being a doctor, never in his life would he have thought he’d never be able to cure someone. Especially someone he cared so deeply for.
Always thought he would be your savior. And now with Jackie gone too, could he really help anyone? Was he even worthy to be a doctor anymore?
Behind his glasses he watches as the tears begin to fall. Jackie’s death was enough of a reason to cry, but V had held out. Wrapping up their emotions in a suffocating bundle. Yet now upon learning about their own death, and how he himself would be unable to help at all, sends the tears finally over the edge. And Vik could only watch.
His arms move to hug around V. He presses his face into your hair as wail after wail wracks your body. Sobs of not wanting to die beat against his chest and directly into his heart. Every pained cry stabs him like a knife. Why couldn’t he do more for you? Why out of all the low lives in this godforsaken fucking city did it have to be V? As someone who deserved none of the pain and heartbreak thrust upon them. You were a kind soul who should’ve had everything.
Now, because of him, you would end up with nothing but flowers placed at your grave.
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I'm struggling to see the difference
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 1 year
Cyberpunk hero: Yamikumo
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uNrC9pg by Solarnol Having decided to save the person who had bullied him since the beginning, Mikumo nearly pays the ultimate price for his first real act of heroism, proving himself to his hero. However, he is saved when a former co-worker of one of All Might’s long time friends rebuilds him. What kind of hero will he be now? What could Possibly go wrong? Words: 8184, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game), Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Hagakure Tooru, Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Viktor Vektor Relationships: Hagakure Tooru/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Viktor Vektor & Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Tags to be added, Beta Read, (I am the beta reader lmao), Hagakure Tooru is a Good Friend, Hagakure Tooru Needs a Hug, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Protective Midoriya Inko, Protective Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Viktor Vektor is a quack doctor, Idk what that means ask Trav, rarepairing, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Midoriya Izuku is Akatani "Yamikumo" Mikumo, Mikumo Akatani is a little shit, Mikumo Akatani slays, Inko is badass, Tags Are Fun, this is beta read, wait i've already said that, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Bashing, he gets redeemed don't worry, Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, No Smut read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uNrC9pg
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