#victoria sr appearing in the generation between where only taya's father was in charge is also an idea that works
nerdkiller · 2 years
i get the sense that maybe Victoria Sr. never had real powers *not just because the additional game docs for Classic kinda prove that the Mistresses actually don’t* but also also in the sense that her influence is made up period. that she’s a figurehead for a greater power. The way that Capella uses Taya feels like a clue into how Victoria Sr. must’ve used Taya’s grandmother... unfortunately we never get any info about this figure, but still. There’s something so telling how linked Capella’s and Taya’s rooms are in their construction, and how they share a metaphor of being a queen bee with a hive of loyal workers. Taya’s/the Kin’s powers (or powerful) are continually affirmed to be real in a way that the Mistresses’ just aren’t, i.e. the fact Taya really did seem to keep all those floors accessible to her alive, how it was impossible for her to get sick for most of the game, and other ways the game mechanics are on her side in a way that isn’t reflected with Capella
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