#victor literally on his knees to get riya's attention. leroux not even looking riya's way while she's making eyes @ him
msommers · 1 year
5, 8, 24 and 32 for riya/victor and 6 for any riya ship (or potential ship?) of your choice!
thank youuuuuu. now pretend i published this in a timely manner and didn't forget to hit post the other night xoxo // development questions for couples
How do they consciously realize that they like the other character? Does it take them a while?
there was a solid year before they made things official in which they played a game of push & pull because they both were getting such a kick out of it, and i think riya's genuine feelings would have manifested somewhere during that time. riya's interest was purely surface level for a while as she found entertainment in his persistence and displays for her attention and [redacted horny shit], but the actual moment of realizing she Liked the guy beyond their game would have taken a few months. almost certainly after noticing that he wasn't getting tired of her teasing and it only encouraged him further, she loved that he couldn’t be deterred by any of her more attitude-filled responses or bad moods. 
i think victor probably had his realization talking to bastian tbh. bastian would have been tired of having to watch his brother flirting with riya as he had to constantly be nearby to do his due diligence as her guard, and victor would've been given a moment of "no wait, it's not like that. i want more" while being admonished for choosing the worst lady to pick as his next temporary fixation. of course that made bastian's life more miserable because victor doubled down on his efforts to gain riya's true affection with bigger acts but that's not his problem, maybe just go take 15 and relax for once while they have some fun, bud.
What do they think about romantic love? Do they have baggage surrounding it? Do they idealize it? Is it an object of longing and wanting, or were they really not thinking about it until they started falling for the other character? What are their expectations like?
neither of them had big thoughts about it as they'd spent a lot of years going through lovers like they were flavors of the week/month. riya likely had the strongest outlook on it because of what a romantic her father is and how she'd seen him display it over the years to her mother, but i wouldn't say she had that kind of love as her #1 priority. they both discovered what that kind of love was like together as they grew closer and found no desire to end things. riya expected romance to be digging in roots together and building a family because of what she'd seen from her father's happiness, but turns out her and victor's romance was more like discovering they wanted to share the thrill-seeking with each other. it used to be just following whims for the excitement in the moment for just oneself, but then ideas came with thoughts of "i want [him/her] here for this" and it was clear the love had reached a deeper level than it had with others. 
What would their partner do that would really turn them on, perhaps unintentionally?
one of victor’s plays during that year of chasing was getting onto his knees and hamming it up with some praising, not-so-subtle flirting, and lowkey begging for her attention because he thought she’d get a kick out of it, and hey maybe they’d have some fun in a side room before she shooed him away for the night if she got enough of a laugh out of it. turns out he flipped some switch in her because something Awakened in riya seeing him like that and he for sure secured her attention for the entire evening with that one lmao every instance after that was very intentional, homeboy spent a lot of time on his knees for this woman.
first of all, riya knows all too well when she’s doing something to get somebody hot and bothered tbh. now for the actual answer: riya’s incredibly tactile and doesn't shy away from being touchy with her lovers/partners at all times. victor loved it in general but the 👀 came whenever she was grabby with him. stuff like taking his chin in hand to shift his focus to where she wanted it, pulling him in by the neck or chin for a kiss, holding him still there before said kiss just to tease him, pushing/pulling him around in bed when she wanted him somewhere specific, etc etc. he was a sucker overall for her being the more dominant one
How do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? Do they have lots of mutual friends? Did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did?
they probably do have a lot of mutual friends now that i think about it, and i’m sure none of them were surprised by the time they made it official. definitely some people who weren't so happy (out of jealousy or annoyance, take your pick), some who were excited by it, and a few who didn't give a fuck because they assumed the pair would move on to a new person like they had been doing for years. they both had plenty of lovers in the past and suitors in the present, it would have been no surprise if they'd called it quits, but those odds got lower with each year that went by! insert more bastian going thru hell about it goofs here
How do they react to the realization that they like the other character? Is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
(a second post for the riya/leroux tag bc spotify shuffle played the leroux song while i was brushing my hair and that's basically god herself telling me what to do here)
riya's entirely comfortable with it because it didn’t really have time to develop into anything really deep?? it was mostly her just projecting the idea she’d be down to make a moaning room out of any free space if they had half an hour or more to fool around, y’know. plus she's used to developing attraction and connections to people relatively quickly. she was fine to throw a few flirts his way to check the vibes and then continue on without making a fuss about it 🤷‍♀️
i can only presume any leroux reaction would be along the lines of "i literally cannot think about this right now" given the Everything that was going down during the time they had together, and he's not exactly built like riya over there. no time for moaning rooms or making eyes @ each other there's work to be done you little freak (he wouldn't call her that) ((she'd be fine if he did tho. might even like it))
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