#very happy with ehr
strawberri-syrup · 2 years
urg i love character design
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ween-kitchens · 11 months
lizzie <3
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watch-out-it-bites · 7 months
I am so very cold I hate this and I hate everything I hate everything so much
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wosoamazing · 7 months
Summary: You and Leah get into a fight. Based on this request & thank you to the anon for giving me an idea about the fight.
Warnings: None?
A/N: I'm really sorry but the Barça x teen!reader fic, where Rs Dad died before the game might not be the next fic to come out, I will try and finish it however I am just really stuck on ideas for it, if you have any feel free to let me know.
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You walk out into the living room, where the rest of the team is. It is team bonding night, which you were invited to even though you’re not part of the team anymore, as you're currently in London visiting Leah and your family, because you can’t play due to your ankle. However you weren’t going to team bonding night as it was one of your friend’s 18th birthday and as much as you missed the team you hadn’t spent time with your friends in ages, and it would be the first 18th you could attend, so of course you didn't pass up to opportunity to party with your friends. When you walked out into the room all eyes were on you, they all seemed honestly impressed, Katie even gave you a grin and a smirk, however your sister’s face showed her clear disapproval for your very not modest outfit. You had a loose black sequin v-neck halter top on, with a pair of denim shorts that were almost too small to be appropriate, and your hair was in a very slicked back high ponytail, with a pink feather scrunchie finishing it off.
“You can’t wear that.” Your sister scowled.
“Oh what, so you only care about how I look, how I’ll damage your reputation.” you sassed her back.
“What's that supposed to mean?” She asked in defence.
“Oh, stop pretending you don’t know what I mean. It’s not like you care about anything else I do…..so why do you care what I wear?”
“I can’t believe you’re giving me attitude right now,” you scoffed at her “honestly, I’m glad you’re at Barça now, at least now I don’t have to deal with you and your attitude.”
“See I knew you didn’t care that I was leaving, you weren’t sad, you were happy.”
“I just hope you don’t treat Alexia like this.” she said, almost waving you off.
“Sorry that we can’t all be as perfect as you, Leah ‘Captain of England’ Williamson. I’m honestly glad I’m at Barça too, it means I don’t have to deal with your judgement daily. And anyway, everyone knows you’re just jealous. Sorry but I can’t help it that I’m better than you.”
“That’s a fucking low blow.” She said as you started walking towards the front door, “Where do you think you’re going in that?”
“To the party, remember. The world doesn’t revolve around you like you think it does.” You snapped back at her before slamming the door behind you.
You were waiting out the front, Leah said she would pick you up at 12:00 and with the fight you had you did not want ehr to be there before you were, to reduce the chances of you getting yelled at.
“Y/N/N,” you heard a familiar voice call out, it wasn’t Leah though, it was Beth. You walked over to her car.
“Where’s Leah?”
“Oh, she asked us to pick you up, you can stay the night if you want.”
“Fucking perfect sister my arse, yes please”
You woke up to an elaborate breakfast spread on the table, but Beth and Viv weren’t in sight. Walking further out into the main room, you saw a very familiar figure sitting on the couch, it was your sister.
“What are you doing here? Where are Beth and Viv?”
“They’ve gone on a walk. Can we talk?”
“About what, oh let me guess, what I wore last night was inappropriate, my behaviour was inappropriate, I shouldn’t act like that. Blah, blah, blah. I get it whatever.”
“Y/N, sit, we need to talk, I need to talk to you, I need to say something to you” you rolled your eyes at her as you begrudgingly moved to the couch and sat down.
“I’m sorry about last night. It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t slightly jealous of you being at Barça, or of Alexia for getting to spend everyday with you. I miss you and I’m sorry, and I was wrong, but that doesn’t mean you should’ve acted how you did, you shouldn’t have snapped.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever” you said with a slight huff, hoping to push her off.
“What?” She replied to you clearly frustrated as she leant back into the couch crossing her arms.
“No one has thought to consider how I actually feel about it, I constantly get asked something surrounding whether I’m having fun at Barça, not how I am finding it, whether I’m coping or not. No one has stopped to think that maybe this is more pressure than I needed, no one has bothered to check that the pressure isn't getting to me. Everyone now expects me to be some sort of goal machine, they expect me to be on a level most experienced players aren’t, they expect me to be some sort of God.” You took deep shaky breath, feeling your lower eyelids droop from the weight of your building tears, before you continued “You haven’t, my own sister hasn’t even, thought about whether I’m coping mentally let alone asking me. You know not once has any single one of you checked in on how I am going with my eating, something you all single handley promised me, Sam has though. And yeah sure I’m having fun but you know how much pressure there is? To improve. To show the world, to show you, to show the national team, to show Arsenal that this was the right choice, to show Barça I was worth the money. I feel like I need to score to get your validity, I constantly feel like I have to show you I am a good player, show you it’s not just because I’m your little sister, and can be moulded into the next generation you. I have yet to show you, to make you believe I am a good player, I deserve it, I deserve it all and I don’t have your name, your name isn’t what is getting me through, its my name, our name, our family name. I constantly am trying to get your approval, I constantly try to not disappoint you but no matter what I do it doesnt work. It just makes you more ashamed of me, and makes you more disappointed with me.” At this point tears were streaming down your face, Leah moved over to sit next to you, pulling you into her lap for a hug. 
“I’m so sorry bug, I know I haven't been the best sister, I am really really sorry.” She said as a few tears escaped her eyes.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
gavi x reader, where he’s all clingy on his birthday and he wants to introduce her to his family like his aunts, uncles and grandparents and she’s so nice to his younger cousins and he’s like falling in love with her all over again bc of how nice she is to everyone, fluff?
Birthday celebration
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"I'm so glad everyone could come here for my birthday" Pablo said while you were setting the table at his house in Barcelona smiling when you saw his excited face.
Pablo might be a professional athlete that is already accomplished so much but deep down he is still just a nineteen year old boy excited for his birthday party.
"Me too amor. You look so handsome" you walk up to him fixing his hair a little and he lets you leaning down to kiss your lips when the doorbell rang.
"Guests are here. Go ahead and open amor" you say and he nods rushing to the door in excitement seeing his old childhood friends Mario and Alejandro.
"Welcome guys!" you say hugging them as well smiling when you saw Pablo already opening up resents and thanking them. He was such a cute boy!
"How are you guys? How's Sevilla?" you started the small talk while taking out some drinks and food while Pablo went to open the door again to his family, Aurora and Javi.
"Hola hermanita!" Aurora hugged you first and you smiled hugging her back before Belen joined it kissing your head. His whole family was so sweet to you and your heart melted.
"Mi hija bonita!" Belen said and you blushed seeing Pablo looking at the two of you with a smile on his face.
"What would you like to drink?" you ask and even though Pablo wanted to help you sat him down telling him that he is birthday boy and should enjoy today. Aurora helped you instead.
"Here's your ice tea amor" you put the glass down resting your hands on his strong shoulders while chatting with his parents and Pablo just watched in awe taking one of your hands in his and kissing it.
Doorbell rang again and you leaned in kissing his cheek and whispering "go open up birthday boy" making him smile and do as you said.
"Feliz cumpleaños Pablito!" his abuela walked in with a cake and you smiled when you saw Pablo blushing while walking in with his grandparents into the dining room.
"Puedes darme el pastelseñora, lo pondré en la nevera" [you can give me the cake, and I will put it in the fridge] you say and the lady smiled nodding her head and touching your face gently.
"Tan linda! Será mejor que seas un buen chico, Pablito!" [so beautiful! you better be a good boy Pablito!] she spoke and you smiled nodding your head while walking into the kitchen with the cake.
"Siempre abuela!" Pablo smiled helping them sit down before you brought some refreshments.
"Tu español es tan bueno!" [Your Spanish is so good!] his grandpa said and even Pablo felt so proud that you were willing to learn his language just so you can speak to his family. He was doing the same by learning English and communicating to yours.
"Gracias! Tengo un buen maestro!" [Thank you! I have a good teacher!] you said kissing Pablo's head and he smiled nodding his head proudly saying that you were his best student.
Soon after, Pablo's aunt with her little kids came as well and the boy was very excited to kick ball with their Pablito as they called him. Your heart was filled when you saw Pablo playing with him and just how carefree he felt with his whole family around him.
The little girl always talked about how pretty you are and how she wanted to look like you. She was so cute and you always did her braids whenever she came by so this time was no difference.
"She just always talks about you, querida" Pablo's aunt said and of course Pablo overheard the conversation smiling when he saw how happy his little cousin was sitting on your lap and having ehr hair braided.
He couldn't imagine he finally found someone who is so kind and fits perfectly with his family. There was no doubt in his mind that you were the one.
"Alright, done! Who is ready for the cake!?" you say and both the little girl and boy jumped happily rushing with you towards the kitchen giving Pablo a little break to sit down with the rest of the guests.
"Ella es muy especial Pablito.." [She's very special Pablito..] his grandma said with a smile and Pablo blushed her words meaning so much to him.
"Es una chica tan humilde y amable. ¡Realmente trata bien a nuestro chico y no podríamos estar más felices!" [She's such a humble and kind girl. Really treats our boy right and we couldn't be happier!] his mom added and now Pablo was bright red not really the one to talk much about how he feels.
"Mamá! Ella te escuchará!" [Mom! She'll hear you!] Pablo whined while everyone laughed at his shyness.
"Él es tímido, pero está claro que ella lo hace feliz." [He's just shy but it's clear that she makes him happy.] Javi added and everyone nodded and by that time you were back with the cake singing him a birthday song.
Everyone joined in and when it was done Pablo grabbed your hand closing his eyes to make a wish before blowing his candles and everyone cheered while you moved down to kiss his head.
He stood up as everyone congratulated him once more until he finally came to you holding your waist and pulling you close.
"I had nothing to wish for..I have everything I need right here" he whispered before you both kissed and everyone applauded making you both blush and smile.
"I love you so much..happy birthday cariño!" you say while hugging him happy to have become apart of his family.
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slasherstories123 · 9 months
Hello there! I have a request on how Jason would react to a gn!s/o who Can see ghosts! His s/o doesn’t tell him bc they are too scared his would be creeped out. But they finally tell him while watching a movie together and his s/o then tells him that a particular ghost keeps following him (his mother) (Also his s/o Can see them and communicate with them)Basically his reaction and just a very fluff request:)
I see her
paring: Jason Voorhees x reader
Word count: 790
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @mrs-heelshire @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @charliedawn @sleepypersonblog @slasherscrybaby @kawaistrawberry21 @bunnysenpai31 @nobody-and-i285
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No one believed you when you said you could see ghosts. They’d look at you like you were crazy or smile and pretend to be interested in what you said. But you could see right through them. When you met Jason, you never told him about you being able to see ghosts thinking it’ll creep him out. Or maybe that he wouldn’t care. You kept it to yourself in hopes of not bothering him with something so stupid that could mean nothing to him.
The first time you saw a ghost in Camp Crystal Lake was when you first got there wanting to camp by yourself to get away from the outside world. You saw a woman in a light brown sweater with light blue jeans, and short blonde curly hair who would watch you from afar. You’d wave and try to communicate but she’d walk away or stare until you’d have to look away from her intense gaze. When you met Jason, she began to follow you and you’d try your best to not acknowledge her presence along with the other spirits you’d see along the cabins or by the lake.
Sometimes you couldn’t sleep without having a feeling that a spirit was watching you. Whenever you’re alone you’d try to communicate with the woman, but she never says anything. But she’d follow Jason a lot too. You know about Jason being a killer, but you’d never expect a victim to follow their killer everywhere. You and Jason decided to take a walk around the forest, walking hand in hand while looking at different plants and animals.
You felt at peace for once, until the woman came back. She was on the other side of Jason, she could see and feel ehr presence and it made you squeeze on Jason’s hand. It made Jason stop to look around since he saw your discomfort. “No Jace I’m fine,” You said while patting his arm to make him focus his attention on you. “No one’s here to hurt us. It’s okay.” You then squeezed his hand in reassurance.
You could tell he didn’t want to believe you but let it be when you squeezed his hand, continuing the walk down the forest. When you got back to your shared cabin a nervous pit rested in your stomach. Feeling the need to say something to him about the ghost that’s been following you. As you two were watching a movie you decided to speak up.
“Jason, there’s something I need to tell you.” You watched as his blue eyes stared down at you, wondering what you had to say. “There are two things. One, I can see spirits.. Or ghosts as people call it. I see them a lot in this forest. I can communicate with them too and some aren’t.. Necessarily happy with me here,” Jason’s eyes widened at your confession. Grabbing your hand as a way of comfort as you spoke which made you feel at ease. “Thank you, Jason, but the second thing is… I keep seeing a woman. She’ll follow me around but will tend to follow you the most.” The giant man tilted his head in confusion. You began to describe her features, and that’s when his eyes widened again. Pointing at himself. “She’s.. Related to you in a way?” He nodded.
You sat there, thinking how they could be related, it then hit you like a pile of bricks. The only way for Jason to all of a sudden become this sedimental is if it was his mother. “She’s..your mother?” He nodded.
It made sense given the backstory and urban legend of the Camp Crystal Lake killer. His mother was the first person to ever die, and he witnessed it. “Your mother watched us every time we were together Jason, and when you went on a hunt for victims I’d see her leave and follow you. She’s standing right by you.” Jason held your hand tighter with his head hung low. You placed your other hand on top of his at the sight of his mother standing by him. Hugging the big giant she called her son. Smiling at you for the first time since you’ve been there.
You gained his mothers trust. Since she’s not here. She counts on you to protect him, and to make him happy. She said a sentence that she wanted you to say to Jason.
“Jason, she says she loves you. She loves you so much and is glad to still see you alive. She’ll always watch over you too.” His masked forehead pressed against yours in a soft gesture that you couldn’t help but smile too. Holding one of his hands, movie being long forgotten.
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indras-wife · 6 months
hii!! LITERALLY loved all your other writings and thank you so much for writing my requests, lovely! I was wondering if you could write a yandere indra with a fem, medic! Reader who is super stubborn? like she never gives any attention to his advances or him whatsoever? Since she's a medic, she's constantly busy healing people to pay attention to him?
once again, thank you sooo much for answering my other requests, take your time, hun<3.
Once again another nice and awesome request! I am happy you and many others enjoy my writings. Your kind feedback encourages me to write moreeee! I got carried out a little so I hope it's okay!
Enjoy reading and I hope you enjoy it. Feel welcome to request more<3
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It was UNHEARD for the great Indra Otsutsuki, the genius of ninshu, to get wounded. He knew he was perfect and no man could hurt him. Except his brother who has gained their father’s powers.
Indra got wounded during one of the many battles with his younger brother, Ashura. He was careless and suffered a huge blow to his chest, leaving a nasty scar. Of course, Indra did not care about having any scars, because in his mind, a great warrior should have scars to show the battles he came out winning. Unfortunately, he was bleeding a lot, so he had to retrieve.
In the small village, which he founded himself, he had one specific medic who was able to heal any wound, and even heal the scars. Y/n, under Indra’s HARSH training only was able to gain perfect skills, and she realizes it too, that's why she is always ready to help him, hoping to repay back the kindness he showed her. 
Y/n knows that Indra has feelings for her. Even her friends and elders keep telling her that, but Y/n does not care. She finds chasing such matters futile and childish, and if Indra himself isn't talking about it, then she won't as well. Also…Y/n already has someone else whom she likes. Her childhood friend who is fighting alongside Indra in his wars. Of course, she did not confess, but hopes to have that opportunity one day.
“That’s a terrible scar, My Lord” Y/n spoke calmly as she entered the small tent, where Indra was already in, his upper part of kimono down, showing his broad shoulders and the terrible wound he had. It pained Y/n seeing Indra wounded, but she knew he HAD to fight. He had a very logical reason too so she didn't mind. As long as she was able to help him, she was happy.
She was carefully cleaning the blood and then healing Indra, not looking at his face. However, she felt his eyes on her, how they were studying her every move. For Y/n, Indra was a VERY intimidating man. He was cold, while the man she liked was radiating kind and warm energy. Y/n was trying not to pay any attention to her curious mind, to know why he was always so cold, but she 
“There. The wound is healed, my Lord” Y/n said, standing up and looking at his face, which was derived from any emotions. She could never know what's going in that man’s mind, but part of her did not want to know as well. She was just doing what she had to, and whatever he was thinking did not matter. “Thank you, Y/n” he mumbled, getting up and wearing his kimono back. She bowed to him, ready to leave when Indra grabbed her hand, turning her to look at him.
“Thanks for healing me. Take a day off. You are working too much.” he spoke. Y/n was taken back, considering Indra not only never told ehr to rest, but he never thanked her for doing what she vowed to do. She looked at him, and for a moment she saw his eyes soften, a sight she had never seen. 
“Thank you, my lord. I am not tired frankly, but I will finish my work earlier today” she said. Indra nodded, slowly letting go of her hand and walking out of the tent.
From that interaction, Indra was ALWAYS watching her, checking her out, following her actions with everyone. He would even try to strike more conversations with her, but Y/n was always cutting them short. To be a little more romantic, as one of his soldiers advised, Indra was giving her a few gifts such as flowers and beautiful jewelry, but Y/n was not accepting any of them. 
 It’s true that Indra already knew what type of a woman Y/n was, what were her likes and dislikes, what she even desired to have in her lifespan, but for some reason she was not accepting him and his efforts. He found out that Y/n liked one of the soldiers in his army, someone who’s energy reminded him of his own younger brother. The fact that Y/n likes him, makes Indra rage. Why him? Why not Indra? After all he is strong, handsome, full of drive and just has the means to take care of her and give the world to her. Indra found himself having ideas about killing that man with his own hands, just so he can have Y/n all by himself. That fantasy of him is another reason he was always taking that man with him to the battlefield. Every time he got wounded, the idea of him dying was getting more embedded in Indra’s mind. Maybe, he really did want that man dead, to get closer to Y/n. 
Indra’s mind got clouded with dark thoughts more when he saw Y/n and him talking together, her laughing and having slight blush. She was never this carefree around him, she never smiled or even laughed, but with him she was like a fully different person. It made Indra angrier and more jealous. He became even more determined to get her to himself. She belonged to him.
That same night, Indra walked to her house, his mind already playing the plan he had. He did hold his urges, his words and ideas for a very long time, but from now on, he will act upon them. It's about the damn time. When he reached in front of her house, he did not even care to knock. He made his way in her house, catching Y/n by surprise.
“M-My Lord..?! What are you d-doing here..?! I-I was not expecting you…!” Y/n spoke, visibly shocked from seeing Indra in her own house, uninvited. 
Indra looked at her, not caring about her shock. “I have something IMPORTANT to discuss with you, Y/n. And you better NOT disturb me, because the moment you open your mouth, I will shut you up.” he said. Y/n was taken back more by his usage of words. What has gotten into him…?
“You have been ignoring my feelings for quite some time now. You KNOW I do like you, ever since you set foot in this damn village Y/n. I tried to be nice, to respect you and not pursue you as hard as I would usually do. Everyone knows that I like you, even that loser of a guy for whom you have feelings for. Every person, every elder in this village KNOWS you are MINE. Everyone…but YOU apparently.” he spoke, walking closer to her. His sharingan was activated now, making Y/n feel more intimidated. “Why is that so hm? What does that guy have that I don’t huh? He is not as strong as me, not as handsome as me and not as respected as me! so why do you like him BUT NOT ME…!?” 
Y/n has never heard him talk like this ever. He was always reserved, not talkative and just minding his business. She wished she did not have to talk about her feelings and explain them, but if it meant getting him off her back she would do it. “My l…Indra, I have a very specific reason to like him. He is a kind man, easy to talk with and overall a good man. I have liked him for a long time and I am not ashamed of it. You lack the kindness he has, you lack his ability to communicate! Don’t you think I know how you look at me, stalk me?! You want to be honest, so I will be. I don't like you and your feelings for me do not matter in my eyes. I am healing you and others every time they need it ONLY because I feel a need to repay you back for the kindness you have shown me! I don’t owe you anything, I am allowed to like who I want and YOU are not who I like. So please, leave me alone. I want to be with someone else and NOT you” she spoke, her eyes full of determination and hope that he would leave her alone.
Indra felt angry from her words. How could she be so shameless, rejecting him after all he did for her. Coming out of his comfort zone for her, but not being appreciated. Y/n’s behavior hurt him more than all the things he had witnessed in his life. “Y/n…If this is what you want and feel, then you are leaving me NO choice….” He spoke, grabbing her face and making her look in his eyes. “I get what and who I want. And now…I need YOU. I tried to be nice with you, to be romantic, to strike up more conversations with you just so you would want me. But you really picked the WRONG way. If I cannot have you…then I will force you to be with me. Say BYE to your memories about that man because from this point on, you will have eyes only for me, your mind will have images only of me and you will belong ONLY to me” he spoke as his eyes glowed dangerously. Y/n felt danger, but it was already too late to do anything about it. She felt her consciousness slowly leaving her and her body going limp. “Now…you are MINE. Only MINE Y/n”
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punchingballs · 11 months
“Bitter Reminisce.” 
JINGLIU X S/O that’s dead.  (I'm not going to explain further.)
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Jingliu was no stranger to pain and darkness, she’s suffered for more than a century dwelling in the past after all. Refusing to accept the past, denying reality and locking herself away from the world. It was a tragic notion. But she’s well aware of it. Well aware of the consequences of the actions she made.
But… How can she ever move on? 
There’s no choice but to lament. What’s done is done, the only next thing to do is to regret as you have no other choice.
“Hey…! Jingliu.” Her mind immediately flashed back to the fuzzy and happy memories you two shared together, the memories you both shared before you finally faded away like dust swept away by the wind.
You met her at a field of flowers, likewise, she met you at a field of flowers. May it be by chance, coincidence, or fate itself, that day was the most important and happiest day of her life. It was the miracle, and the start of other miracles in Jingliu’s life.
And also the very same bitter curse that she will forever shackle herself upon.
And right now, the former swordmaster of Luofu stood above the field of flowers that you two met. But what remained of the field was simply, crusty rock, and wilted petals, lying on the ground, darkened and corrupted like her mind.
The former swordmaster took a step forward, with each step she made, she reminisced of a better time with you, with the High-cloud Quintet. “...” She only let out a soft yet bitter sigh as she fought back the urge to simply wail and mourn.
Eventually her body started trembling as she tried to fight back the swirling emotions in her heart. As if her stomach was getting squeezed, and as if her heart was pierced by a cursed spear. She felt herself slowly losing the war in her head.
The more she reminisced of the time you two spent together, the more her heart wilted like the flowers that once covered these fields. “Kh…!” She once more, fought back the urge to cry. With each memory that flashed in her head, with each smile that she remembered, and with each word that you spoke to her… 
The more the pain got worse. And the more that she realized, that the past can never return.
As she simply shook her head, her legs gave up as she kneeled on the ground, helpless and in despair. Eventually the most important memory in ehr life, played again, like the chorus of a sad song about a tragic love story. Replaying in her head like a ghost that haunted her till the end of time.
“Jingliu, what type of flower do you like?” You asked while looking towards her, a small smile on your face. Jingliu’s ears perked up as she looked at you, her scarlet eyes brightening when you called her name. 
“I don’t know much about flowers.” Jingliu monotonously replied, though her tone didn’t hold emotion, her heart was filled with fuzzy and blooming happiness whenever she was with you.
“I see… But, if I had to choose what flower would suit you… then it would be a Scilla Forbesii. I always admired its nickname, Glory-Of-The-Snow.” You spoke while gently holding up a flower in your arms, you made a small ethereal smile.
Jingliu was stunned, however, she managed to make a coherent reply with a softer voice than yours. “... I see.” She simply replied, not finding the words to say to you, or not having the courage to say the true feelings she wanted to say.
“Jingliu… Are you spacing out again?” You suddenly asked her with a cheeky smirk. “At that rate, no man would ever want you!” 
“But I want you.” Is what she would like to say, but eventually she once more, chickened out and never had the chance to say those words. 
“You see, guys like girls who listen to them.” You said while gently slouching in a tree, letting a butterfly fly over towards your nose. The butterfly sat on your nose,while you paid no attention to the butterfly. 
“I see. I was simply thinking about the past.” Jingliu replied while you opened your eyes, the butterfly flew away while you gazed towards her. 
“Hm? Honestly, you shouldn’t let the past affect your future.” You suddenly said while having a nonchalant smirk on your face. 
“What do you mean?” Jingliu asked for clarification, while a bit surprised and confused by what you said.
“The past shouldn’t define you, humans are strong because they can change after all.” 
That sentence was the sentence she held deep within her heart, however. As she found herself awake from the reminisce of a century ago, she stared at the wilted flowers that she was kneeling on. A few teardrops fell from her face while she felt her heart clenching once more.
“Then answer me… now that you’re gone… what should I do?” She desperately asked while mourning, sobbing and wailing for a person that never existed anymore. She found herself staring at the ground, devoid of emotions, only the bitter void in her heart that she can’t fill up anymore. 
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astroyongie · 4 months
XG June Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly and have fun
love: it seems like she is dating someone at the moment. This is someone older than her and they have been around ehr for quite some time. despite the age difference it does seem to be a serious relationship
career: she is super happy with her current idol life situation. She believes that they have the good amount of fame for their music, they have good company 8in her opinion) and the money is also well earned. overall she is happy 
self: she has been focused a lot on her own goals and on her own abilities. It feels like Jurin wants to push forward and show the world her capacities on a bigger scale. 
love: chisa also is dating at the moment, this one person seems to be someone she works with but they aren't an idol. yet they are someone that has been able to bring her quite some comfort inside the company and insider her career 
career: she is equally happy with how things are going. Chisa believes that she is able to have the perfect harmony between being an idol and having a private life without being disrespected. she is happy 
self: despite all of that, she still struggles with her past anxieties and depression that has been going on for quite some years. she is having help for that, but there’s days where it can be quite complicated 
love: she too, is in a relationship with the same person i have been picking up from my past readings on XG. So far things seem to be going well for her and she is just living her life according to how she wants. 
career: another member to be quite happy with how her career is going, since she has the freedom to choose what she wants to show to the public. Cocona is also very creative and she will have the opportunity to cast out her talents for the public thanks to her sponsor 
self: her health however seems to be a little more on the downside. She probably feels weak or has some issues when it comes to having heavy headaches. she just need to watch for those 
love: Hinata is equally in a relationship and she is equally super happy with how things are going. This person and her have quite a healthy relationship and things seem to be doing well. In such cases, I don't have much to say about them. 
career: She is very hardworking and she has been doing her best in order to show the best side of herself when she is on stage. Hinata is someone who is very resilient yet has strong boundaries. everything that she shows to her fans seem to be at least 75% genuine 
self: she is fine health wise but she is also super happy overall. This girl is bright as the sun which I find ironic due to her name. 
love: Maya is actually single. She came out of a complicated relationship where there was a lot of toxic behavior happening through her partner. it seems to have taken a lot of weight from her shoulders but the pain of events that have happened to her, are still haunting her sleep
career: so far she seems to be the only one to be frustrated with how her life is going. she probably would want more for XG and she thinks that the company are delaying them and not allowing them to be more known due to certain restrictions 
self: her mental health isn't the best. she has a lot of negative and neglecting thoughts about herself and others, she restricts herself a lot from things in life (food for exemple) and she also has a very victim mind which does not help her 
love: she is single and enjoying her life. Juria is the type of girl that know she power and also privilegiate her friendships. so she has her side pookies but she doesn't have a main one since she doesn't want to get attached. she also has been spending most of her time gossip and be around people she cares/friends
career: she is so happy about her career, she is so hopeful that XG will be able to have a bigger influence as time passes. She believes that her group has the capacity for that. she also seem to have a very good career ahead of her 
self: her health however seems to be a little weak/fragile. she often tries to become too perfect which can impact her negatively. Juria also needs to be careful with her boredom that could lead to her making harsh decisions 
love: this girl is single after coming out from a harsh breakup. At the moment there's still a lot of regret and disappointment about what has happened. she feels like she has failed this relationship, almost like she blames herself form benign abandoned by her partner 
career: she is feeling very anxious about things, about people's opinion of her and just working overall. Although she feels blessed to have such good opportunities, she often wonders if this is the right path for her. 
self: she has been self isolating a lot, she hasn't been communicating with people about her feelings and i feel like she isn't okay overall. harvey also feel like she has lost her spark in her energy 
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sketchfanda · 11 months
A Little Moxxie Love:Cotton Candy Queen Bee
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Somedays Moxxie had to wonder if he was somehow the luckiest and unluckiest guy in all of he’ll all at once. Born into wealth but it eas a mafia family,had a wonderful mom but lost ehr to his asshole of a dad. Who apparently couldn’t even tell the difference between a bisexual and a homosexual, no surprise there. To say nothing of that moron Chaz,which lead to him being in jail where he’d meet Blitzo. How much better or worse can vary because hey he met and married Millie, the most wonderful and damn fine sexiest thing to come out of the Wrath circle. Who of course was one very kinky, horny little imp who thought very highly of him in the bedroom, which of course he knew had to do with the current situation he found himself in. It was the usual familiar sort of situation, as he eyed his smiling wife sat in a couch in the corner, her tail wagging snd her eyes twinkling with eager mischief for the show she was about to enjoy. A familiar situation, Millie about to indulge in voyeurism watching him go at it with another woman. Only instead of their apartment or some room in a motel or hotel, they were in the bedroom of the personal beehive like home….of Queen Beelzebub herself. Or Queen bee,just plain Bee even, standing right before him in a sultry pose with those four arms of hers, her lava lamp midriff and liquid like tail glowing with a gleam thst gave a bit of atmosphere to the room. To say Moxxie’s brain was going a mile a minute was an understatement and really who could blame him? Not just anyone, let alone an imp got to be an intimate set up like this with the Queen of Gluttony after all but of course here he was and going by the fact she was stripping naked, she wasn’t here to have just a friendly chat or anything….
Bee:-w-“Like hey now, Little Guy,no need to be so nervous. Your lady there is okay on this you know….”*she playfully quipped,walking over to him sensually as thst honey like tail of her swayed lazily behind her. Those pink hazy eyes of his locked on him as he felt like a mouse cornered by a cat. The fact he was currently sitting shirtless might have only added to the overall mood for him…*
Moxxie:”Oooh crumble…well Uhm,ms.Bee,I mean yiur highness,I mean miss queen Bee yiur highness,I mean my lady,I mean…”*and of course there went his brain going all haywire. Making him fumble with his words as his nerves were getting to him.*
Millie:^w^”Deep breath now,hun….”*She reassured her hubby,as she sat cross legged on the couch. Her body trembling and tingling with anticipation at what was sure to be a hell of a show. Sure Moxxie was all nervous right now but once he got in the mood,she knew he’d bring his A game.*
Bee:”You heard her handsome. Just relax…and just Bee is fine.”*the rather easy going part queen added,one claw reaching out To scratch and teases under his chin. Grinning playfully as they watched the imp hitman take a deep breath,inhaling and exhaling before he seemed like he wasn’t as anxious or jittery mere seconds before.*
Moxxie:”Right so Miss Bee,I mean ma’am,Uhm Bee. If you’d just remind me how and why we are doing this? I mean besides that I Millie had Something to with it…”*shooting a teasing glance at his wife,who simp,t gave him a cute little blep his way. He just couldn’t stay mad at her…*
Bee:”Aah wasn’t much,your cute little hellhound gal pal and your lady here told me all about how you,like,get around? Course I got interested and wanted to sample the goods and seemed a fair trade to let the cutie get some quality time with Tex ya know…? Somethjng me and your little lady got in common we like our men to be happy..” *the gluttony fox bee couldn’t help but snicker at Moxxie’s deadpan glance as he rolled those sweet little eyes of his at that statement.*
Millie:”and a deal’s a deal Moxxie. So we’re all good here.”*his wife waved off. She may not seem it on the surface level but right about now she was horny as all fuck. Her baggy black jeans hiding her slit gushing out pussy juice like oil struck from the ground. She’d seen and joined in on Moxxie with succubi,other demon girls,just in hell alone. But the queen of gluttony herself? This was going to be hot.”
Moxxie of course couldn’t help but remember that yes indeed, that’s the how and by he found himself about to get sexually intimately and acquainted with Bee. Apparently Loona had somehow been to one of the gluttony queen’s infamous and legendary parties. They’d kept in touch and Millie of course got involved which lead to their usual game of arranging these kind of set ups for him. The fact it meant Loona was right now busy getting hot,wild and pornographic with Vortex was the deal sealer for the snarky tsundere hellhound. Which would explain the room next door across the way shaking and echoing with the howls and moans he was familiar with her making when she was getting nicely and intensely fucked. The fact she scored this opportunity for a mutual swing was at her nice of her so he couldn’t complain. It helped Bee had opted to have this in her own room away from the prying eyes and ears of her latest party certainly helped, he felt he didn’t need a repeat of the viral pseudo incest live show he and Millie caused at thst summer camped as Moxxine and Millerd. The Imp hitman casting aside any remaining doubt or nerves as he undid his pans. Dropping them along with his boxers as Bee widened her eyes slightly at the sight of his fully exposed cocky. The crimson red length and girth rising to be more stiffer than the rifles or shotguns the imp was used to handling in the job but knew how to use just as well. His own natural lethal weapon, primed and ready to go rock a woman’s world.
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Bee:*a look combining shock and surprise on her face before it took on an expression of sultry desire. Licking her maw as she strode okn over the Imp, the wolf bee purring at his determined yet nervous he seemed.*”Well well Little Man, wasn’t expecting such a treat…like I know you’d be lacking but THAT is a nice surprise…now we are ally gonna party……”*soon as she said this,she pressed her lips to his as one of her hands grasped and began to stroke his imp shaft. Pre oozing from the tip as her remaining 3 hands caressed and massaged his torso. Finding that despite his slim looking frame he had some muscle tone to him. Relaxed moans pouring from her as she felt Moxxie’s tongue dance against her own,the imo finding her saliva, no surorise had a sweet tangy taste akin to honey.*
Millie:0/./0”oh this is so damn fucking hot…”*the shortstack wrath imp squirmed,a bundle of aroused energy in her seat getting turned on just watching her husband and the gluttony queen making out. Gripping the couch arms as she looked on at Bee kissing her way down along Moxxie’s neck and chest. Licking her lips and shuddering at hearing her hubby groan with ecstasy as Bee latched her muzzle into his cock. Proceeding to suck and blow as that warm honey like saliva soaked and lubed up his length and girth, the wolf bee feeling her spine tingle,her lava lamp midriff and tail glowing at Moxxie proceeding to buck his hips in response to her sinful fellatio.*
Moxxie:”Oooooh crumbs…..”*Seemed understandable this was all Moxxie could say as the candy sweet,sugary blow on Bee was giving him was unreal. But that didn’t mean the imp was going to stay idle and not give back as good as he was getting. Which was how Bee now found herself laying flat on the bed, lusty howling moans as Moxxie ate her out. His reptilian like tongue probing away at her slit as he licked and lapped up her nectar. No surprise given her nature and being that it had a flavour and texture akin to honey. Her fours closed hands grasping the sheets,her wings fluttering, midriff snd tail glowing with a cozy sensual haze. If she was getting horny before, the imp hitman’s oral skills were working her into going into heat.*
it was only natural then that moxxie and the gluttony queen’s fire okay would lead them right into the main event. The honeycomb walls and ceilings echoing with the sounds of crimson skin slapping against golden fur mixed with primal sounds of passionate ecstasy. The bed’s springs shaking and creaking as the bee wolf took it doggy style. Her lava lamp midriff a liquid tornados in response to thst length and girth pumping into her slit. The inner muscles of ehr oussy stroking and massaging that alpha imp cock as the tip pounded at the door of her womb. Her tail wrapped around his waist as the slimes warmth massaged and soothed his muscles, his hips becoming nearly a blur as his heavy golf ball sized smacking her clit as her ass and tits jiggled and bounced every impact. Millie by this point had stripped off her clothes,naked as they were as she played with herself with lusty abandon. Squeezing her tits and and probing her pussy with abandon, eyes glowing with pink hearts at this front row up close and personal display of her Moxxie’s raw sexual prowess. Nothing got her more turned on than this.
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Millie:”just couldn’t help myself,ya know?”*The wrath imp quipped as she knelt on the bed,licking away where Moxxie’s dick met and connected with Bee’ a pussy lips. The pair in a mating press as the gluttony queen used her four arms to hold her own legs back, grunting Moxxie deeper reach and penetration. Millie got so turned on,she added herself to the mix. That was after 5 rounds in from her man cumming inside the honey bee wolf. Not that Bee didn’t mind, if anything it was nice case of lust and gluttony going hand in hand.*
Bee:”mmm you taste sweet as you look cutie…”*the gluttony queen quipped erotically as the shortstack imp sat on her muzzled face. Her tongue lapping away at Millie’s sloppy pussy,drinking up her juices as the tangy taste dazzled her tastebuds. Noting a rather cotton candy flavour to her delight as husband and wife made out above her, moxxie fucking her in basic but effective missionary as his shaft jackhammered away into her sticky,warm honeypot.*
Moxxie:oooh crumbscrumbscumcrumbscsnt’sstopwon’tstop…”*The imp hitman’s words like his mind going a mile a second as pleasure filled his libido to levels you’d never think an imo his height and what not could be capable of. Fucking his wife’s pussy as Millie laid atop the queen of gluttony, the two infernal hotties making out as their tongues danced together in a shared mutual lust for the alpha male imp rocking their worlds. His heavy balls smacking their clits as he switched between which pussy or eben their assholes he’d be fucking. The bedsheets stained with sweat,honey and juices as the room was becoming a mess.*
As the party was going on inside Bee’s mansion,a veritable flavour morty of sweets,confectioneries and booze flowing. All the while their hostess was having the time of life in her own way. Her and Millie changing it up between one on one to two on one with Moxxie any and every instance he came. Their holes overflowin and oozing with his seed with so far no signs of slowing down to a stop. Which was all well and good for Loona as the longer they went at it,the longer she got some one on one time with Tex. The hellhound roadie’s room becoming a more trashed than his boss verosika on one of her Bee honey fuelled benders. The queen of gluttony thinking even in her orgasmic haze that this little arrangement wasn’t going to be just a one time thing that was for sure. Millie was a spitfire and her husband more than exceeded expectations. How sweet it truly is…
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
Hello, I've been reading a lot of your stuff about the Denali sisters and also read your first chapter too (Very good btw) I have to say I love the Denali sisters, Tanya especially but I am conflicted because I feel as if the way people see them is very different from how I imagine them, and hey that is alright because to each their own and in the end we write/read many times to comfort ourselves. Thing is, when are we crossing a line here? I love what you're doing, love their wild side, their more predatory way of seducing reader (who in my mind is their mate, weather we believe in mate stuff or not is a whole diff story but thats my reasoning behind choosing reader) but we're facing stuff ehre like kidnapping, abducting and only the writer knows what more is in store for poor reader, and that in my eyes is not a healthy relationship, is making them (my fav characters in this case) to be hella toxic and shit and though I'm loving all your HC's and loving the chapte, even wanting to read more to see where it leads as I said I can't help but feel sad because falling in love is one thing but this is just pure idk, instinct? I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma of sorts, like ofc I know this is fiction ands tuff but yk I think way too much over things that I shouldn't. Idk if that made any sense because it's hard to put into words what I mean and I suck at explaining stuff, a clsoed book would be easier to read than me lol. I understand vampires are intense,a re possessive and jealous but to what extent? ANYWAY i'm sorry for this long ass ask and I hope it doesn't bother you the things I said? if it did I'm really sorry I didn't ask any of this with ill intention, I'm honestly curious. Have a good day <3
Hello there!
First of all: Thanks a lot for your very honest opinion on this and that you felt comfortable enough to reach out to me. Critisism is important and always very much appreciated. 🫶
I also wanna thank you for complimenting the stuff I´ve done so far, I´m really happy you like it! <3
I agree with you that ppl view them differently, and that´s absolutely alright. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and, sometimes, that opinion vastly differs from ours or how we´ve come to understand someone else´s view on them. Which, again, that´s absolutely alright.
Now to the story I´m writing:
You correctly stated that it´s not a healthy relationship, at all. (Not at its current stage, at least.) However, this was entirely my intention when I started writing it. I want the sisters to come across as these feral, instinct-driven beings who more or less turn a blind eye to MC´s struggles (at first). That´s the great thing about fanfiction: You´re not bound/limited to canon. You can go absolutely wild and try out things and storylines you´ve always wanted to see playing out. This is me going absolutely wild.
Does that mean I see the Denali sisters solely as masochistic, sadistic beings who only have their own interests at heart? Absolutely not. (Something that becomes more clear as we progress further with the story.) This is merely a different take on them. I still very much see them as your loving girlfriends/mates/wives who´d do absolutely anything for you...in an alternate universe. (At least with how things currently stand.) 😅
I´ve always been drawn to darker topics that really question the morality of it all. I´m aware that this is not for everyone, and that´s totally fine. But that´s what tags and warnings are for. If you feel like this story isn´t for you, then I kindly ask you to skip this one. I´d be very sad to lose you as a reader, but I´d absolutely understand your reasoning for it. ❤️
"I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma"
You hit the nail right on its head here, actually. This is exactly what I had in mind right from the start when it comes to MC. Reader will NOT be this naive, foolish girl easily brainwashed into doing the sisters´ biddings. I myself don´t find such a storyline appealing either. I love MCs who fight back, who come out on top despite everything they´ve been put through. Reader won´t fall in love with any of them for a long, long, long time. Which also means there won´t be anything physical going on, aside from Tanya´s pesky advances, lol.
Speaking of: No matter how persistent any of the sisters get, there won´t be any non-con stuff. Not in a way that causes MC harm *points to Tanya´s unwanted advances*. This is a line I don´t wanna cross. Any advances towards MC will be written in a way that (hopefully) comes across as both spicy AND hilarious. Something like Tanya getting a book thrown in her face for trying to steal a kiss, lmao. (Which is very likely to happen btw. MC is a lil spitfire.)
So, what I’m really asking is for you to have a bit of faith in me and my writing, and to wait for the next chapter, where the sisters will officially be introduced, before you give up on this story. It will get feral and instinct-driven at times, yes. But there´s more to it and to the sisters.
Next chapter might just give an insight into that already. ;3
To sum it up: This story will be less about falling in love and more about becoming a better/the best version of yourself.
This is what we´re aiming for:
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Fingers crossed we gonna make it there! 🤞🤞🤞
Thanks again for your very elaborate and valid ask. ❤️
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beantothemax · 3 months
BEAN i tried the crosscode demo bc like broke and i saw it had one and was like :O
ITS SO GOOD I LIKE IT A LOT lea's very so good i love her already with ehr one (1) word and all the expressions are so very delightful and thwe movement feels fluid as hell and i liek it and the art is so good SHE HAS A DASH STOPPING ANIMATION DID YOU KNOW LEA HAS A DASH STOPPING ANIMATION A LIL ANIMAITON WHEN SHE SKIDS ON THE GROUNDAFTER RUNNIN FOR ALL THE DIRECTIONS I LOVE IT SO MUCH ITS SO CUTE AAA also funny dialogue its great i like this game now
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A MOST JOYOUS OCCASION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im very happy you like lea so much she is so splendid………. what if they made a girl who went ‘hi!’
very glad you had fun!!!!!!! hope that if you get it you continue to have fun :]
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professional-termite · 10 months
alr heres the masterpost for the pride group that larry will join in my transfem larry au fic im working on. this is probably subject to change but yk
Raissa Narges - AFAB non binary lesbian, she/they, age 38. After moving up to New York to get away from her parents a few weeks ago, she moved in with her online friend Dylan Reinfield and started working at the museum as the new night guard. Because the tablet is gone, she has no idea there was ever any magic there, and uses the job as an excuse to walk through the musuem and go insane because her special interest is in history. She meets Larry when he is standing outside the museum, and brings him in because he decides to lie and say hes never been inside. She ends up getting to be friends with him, and being the one to eventually invite him to the pride group in the first place. Larry/Lily likes to bring her little inventions, and eventually gifts her a custom-built flashlight with a little radio and keyring attached. (they end up dating ofc ❤️❤️)
Dylan Reinfield - Unlabelled AMAB masc person, he/they, 40. Has lived in New York his whole life. Peppy, bubbly, and fun, he works as a hot dog vendor and likes to peddle his wares outside the museum, much to Leslie McPhee's disdain. When Richie McPhee eventually comes down to visit, they hit it off, and Leslie is forced to deal with the fact that Dylan is actually pretty chill. Obviously, they end up dating.
Orianne Perwin - Trans girl, she/her, age 34. Family is from the UK on her dad's side and Honduras on her mom's side. Book obsessed and has a special interest in Warriors Cats. Has a small YouTube channel where she talks about the latest Warriors news and posts theories. Generally, she is very bubbly and happy, and constantly tries to cheer everyone up and make them friends. Currently in a throuple with Sylvestar Perko and Sonam Kruger.
Sylvestar Perko - Trans guy, he/him, age 36. Moved to the US from Canada at the age of 7. His parents are Croatian and Mexican respectively. He loves Wings of Fire and has a special interest in it. He owns a YouTube channel dedicated to his fan art and animations about it. He and Orianne met online through a forum for trans fans of Warriors and WoF. Although neither really knows anything about the others' series, they love infodumping to each other constantly and being infodumped to. He generally is a bit more reserved than Orianne, but once he feels comfortable he will never stop bringing you every single new tidbit or fact he learns. Currently in a throuple with Orianne Perwin and Sonam Kruger.
Sonam Kruger - AMAB genderfluid, pronouns change on a daily basis, age 33. Born and raised in the US, Sonam is a freelance artist and streams his painting process on zer Twitch and YouTube. Xey found faer love of art through many different book series, but right now her main interests are in Wings of Fire and Warriors Cats, which is how e met ehr partners Orianne and Sylvestar. Generally, she is quiet and a lot shyer than his partners, but they both love xem for it. Currently in a throuple with Orianne Perwin and Sylvestar Perko.
Matías Gomez - Trans man, he/him, age 56. Originally an immigrant from Spain, Matías has been struggling with identity his whole life. Originally, he thought he was a lesbian, and even had a long term girlfriend and a daughter, Antonia, with her. However, after joining the pride group, he realised he was trans, and broke up with his girlfriend on friendly terms. Now, he and Antonia live together full time, and he's generally just living his life to its fullest. He's not interested in any relationships; he literally just wants to chill.
Antonia Gomez - Cis bisexual girl, she/her, age 19. Antonia is struggling financially right now. After being kicked out of college due to a legal misunderstanding, and breaking up with her boyfriend after coming out as bisexual to him (he's a biphobic asshole and very punchable), she moved back in with her dad and has been attending a local community college. Generally, she just wants to recover mentally and meet new queer friends like her who will accept and love her.
Essence Martelli - AFAB Non-binary lesbian, she/her, 45. Her parents are both Italian immigrants and moved to the US when they were in their 20's. She works as an accountant, but sells her knitting and baked goods on the side. She and her wife are generally just upstanding members of the community, and sometimes bring their toddler sons, Jason and Alfie, to meetings.
Payton Martelli - Cis lesbian, she/her, 40. Has lived in New York City since she was 4 years old. Works part-time as an engineer, and does animation work on the side when she can. Generally, she's the one who takes care of her and Essence's kids, and she enjoys it greatly. She is also a massive supporter of BLM, and wears a pin with the symbol on it constantly. She LOVES giving hair care tips, and helps Larry/Lily whenever asked. Like, she will drop everything and help her if Lily works up the courage to say "hey, I have no idea what I'm doing."
Misha Holub - AFAB xenogender aroace, ze/zem, 23. Attends the local community college with Antonia, and is currently working towards a masters in English. Ze is from a Ukrainian-American family, and speaks Russian and Ukrainian (although not well). Zey are currently married to and in a QPR with zer best friend, Addison Holub. Zey are generally the one who brings in new books about queerness and the queer identity. Zey absolutely LOVE fantasy novels, and have an entire shelf dedicated to all the series zey have hyperfixated on.
Addison Holub - Cishet asexual guy, he/him, age 25. Graduated from the local community college with a degree in English and a creative writing minor a year ago. Speaks Spanish as a second language. Currently holds the club record for "most pizza eaten in under 20 minutes." Loves food, chilling, and listening to his partner ramble. During most meetings, he finds a way to lay down with his head in Misha's lap. Lives with his partner and his friend Berny because he's very very ADHD and struggles to hold down a job because of it.
Berny Soler - AFAB transmasc sapphic aromantic person, it/they, age 28. Its parents were from Spain and Mexico respectively. It speaks almost entirely Spanish, to many peoples' disdain, but does know how to speak English if it needs to. Generally, it spends most of its time during meetings talking to Antonia and Matías. It likes to discuss food and recipes, and works as a cook. Its favorite foods are usually cakes and pies, and it adores homemade whipped cream. Sometimes it even brings a straight up bowl of it to eat and share with everyone at the meetings.
Harley Morgan - Cis bisexual woman, she/her, age 78. Comes to meetings to keep up with "the youth" and make new friends in the queer community. Despite being older and not always "getting" certain identities, if you misgender any members of her pride group, you will get whacked with her purse. That is a promise. Generally, she's everyones supportive mom/grandma figure, and she's the second person Larry goes to about possibly being trans. She loves everyone a lot, and has a partner she's been married to for 50 years.
Tsering Morgan - AMAB non binary bisexual, they/them, age 80. Immigrated to the US from Tibet when they were 10. They met Harley in grade school, and she was the only one to not make fun of their accent. Although they didn't date until after college, they were always inseperable. They were there for each other when they were discovering their identities, learning what it meant to be queer, and fighting homophobia/transphobia/biphobia. They took on Harley's last name when they got married, not just because they hated the idea of patriarchy, but because they felt it showed how much they loved her. I ❤️ these elder queers. My beloveds.
yeah ik this is a lot but im still tagging you @secretly-larry-daley you cant escape my ocs 👹👹���
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korealog · 2 months
(1) I‘m still life (ENG/DE) — Thursday, 25.07.24
It's me again, can you believe it? Two days in a row KoreaLog, wohoo! Since I can't hide what I'm going to tell you next for long when I get back anyway, I'd better do it now. Please don't be to shocked ;) I had a relaxed start to the day on Thursday as I had an appointment at a tattoo studio at 2pm. So, now it's out! I am now one tattoo richer & I don't regret it at all. I've been planning this tattoo for 6 months, with motif & quote and what it should mean. I've been following the tattoo artist for over 2 years now, so it was an even greater honour to get the tattoo from her. There are 2 wildflowers, underneath you will find a saying in Korean, it reads as follows: ‘이젠 내 자신을 위해 살거야’ Translated, it means that I want to live for myself from now on! It stands for me prioritising my own wishes, goals & my own happiness from this moment on. From now on, I will make decisions that benefit me instead of always looking out for others. This tattoo means an incredible amount to me. Also because I was able to have it done here in Korea. Because this journey is the start of my own path and my own dreams! I feel incredibly at home here, almost as if I've found the missing piece of the puzzle. And yes, I know that might seem totally strange to you. Germany doesn't give me the feeling of being at home. Since I've been here, I've been able to get to know a completely different side of myself & met so many lovely people! I will carry these memories in my heart forever.
But enough sentimental talk now. After the tattoo appointment, I went to Hongdae, one of the most popular neighbourhoods in Seoul, especially for young people. Shopping, busking and eating as far as the eye can see. There's something new to discover on every corner, you can't stay here long enough. I spent 2 hours at the street performances again. There is a lot of dancing here, especially in groups! The atmosphere was correspondingly electric. At around 7 pm, I settled down in one of the many restaurants & ate Tteobeokki. Afterwards, I wanted to walk along the streets until I was approached. 2 young, very pretty women engaged me in conversation :D Totally lovely people! We talked for quite a while, both in Korean and in English. Later they told me that they had studied Korean culture & now practise the traditional festivals and customs in cultural centres with lots of other people. Before I knew it, I Wasen my way with them to take part in a memorial ceremony. On the way we talked a lot about Korea but also Germany & the differences.
To be continued…
Ich bin’s wieder, kaum zu fassen oder? Zwei Tage hintereinander KoreaLog, wohoo! Da ich das, was ich euch als nächstes erzählen werde, eh nicht lange verstecken kann, wenn ich wieder zurück bin, mache ich das ganze lieber gleich. Bitte nicht aus allen Wolken fallen ;) Donnerstag bin ich entspannt in den Tag gestartet, da ich um 14 Uhr einen Termin bei einem Tattoo-Studio hatte. So, jetzt ist es raus! Ich bin nun um ein Tattoo reicher & ich bereue es in keinster Weise. Ich habe dieses Tattoo schon 6 Monate vorher geplant, mit Motiv & Zitat und was es für eine Bedeutung haben soll. Die Tattowiererin verfolge ich mittlerweile schon seit über 2 Jahren, es war mir also eine umso größere Ehre, von ihr das Tattoo stechen zu lassen. Es sind 2 Wildblumen geworden, unter ihnen findet ihr einen Spruch auf koreanisch, er lautet wie folgt: „이젠 내 자신을 위해 살거야“ Übersetzt bedeutet das Ganze, dass ich ab jetzt für mich selbst leben will! Es soll dafür stehen, dass ich ab diesem Moment meine eigenen Wünsche, Ziele & mein eigenes Glück in den Vordergrund stelle. Ab jetzt werde ich Entscheidungen treffen, dir mir zu gute kommen, anstatt immer nur auf andere Acht zu nehmen. Dieses Tattoo bedeutet mir unglaublich viel. Auch weil ich es hier in Korean machen lassen konnte. Denn diese Reise ist der Start für meinen eigenen Weg und für meine eigenen Träume! Ich fühle mich hier unglaublich wohl, fast so als hätte ich hier mein fehlendes Puzzelteil gefunden. Und ja ich weiß, für euch mag das vielleicht total komisch klingen, aber Deutschland gibt mir nicht das Gefühl zuhause zu sein. Seit ich hier bin habe ich eine ganz andere Seite von mir kennenlernen dürfen & so viele liebe Menschen kennengelernt! Diese Erinnerungen werde ich für immer in meinem Herzen tragen.
So jetzt aber genug sentimentales Gerede. Nachdem Tattoo-Termin ging es für mich auf nach Hongdae, eines der beliebtesten Viertel in Seoul, vor allem für junge Leute. Shopping, Busking & Essen so weit das Auge reicht. An jeder Ecke gibt es etwas neues zu entdecken, hier kann man sich gar nicht lange genug aufhalten. Ich habe 2 Stunden wieder bei den Straßen-Performances verbracht. Hier wird sehr viel getanzt, vor allem in Gruppen! Die Stimmung war dementsprechend elektrisierend. Gegen 19 Uhr habe ich mich in einem der vielen Restaurants niedergelassen & Tteobeokki gegessen. Danach wollte ich noch etwas die Straßen entlanglaufen, bis ich angesprochen wurde. 2 junge, sehr hübsche Frauen haben mich in ein Gespräch verwickelt :D Total liebe Menschen! Wir haben uns ein ganzes Stück unterhalten, sowohl auf Koreanisch, als auch auf Englisch. Später haben sie mir erzählt, dass sie koreanische Kultur studiert haben & mittlerweile mit vielen anderen Leuten die traditionellen Feste und Bräuche in Kulturzentren praktizieren. Ehe ich mich versah, war ich mit den beiden unterwegs um eine Gedenkzeremonie mitzumachen. Auf dem Weg haben wir uns viel über Korea aber auch Deutschland & die Unterschiede unterhalten.
Fortsetzung folgt…
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mattdillon · 7 months
kicking in the fucking door at the apocalyptic trumpet blast katsignal that is your reblog of the "send me a character" meme with the whole greek squad: tyndareus, hippodamia, agamemnon, tydeus, my beloved diomedes tydides, and the one, the only helen tyndaridas.
First impression — it's been so long but i think it was curiosity
Impression now — someone give that man some chalk, some milk and tuck him in. he is so stressed.
Favorite moment — i like it whenever he establishes rapport with pony and whenever he tells texas to fuck off.
Idea for a story — 70s era fic with him hanging out with helen and pony all day
Unpopular opinion — i don't have one!
Favorite relationship — tyn and atreus and tyn and helen are jockeying for first
Favorite headcanon — literally, omega4omega but texas is the singular exception and he kinda regrets that at times
First impression — the first time she came up i felt sad, esp bc at that point, pelops and her weren't a real even relationship and one where he was closeted
Impression now — i love ehr so muuucchhhhhh
Favorite moment — possessing helen to stab paris when he hurt pony
Idea for a story — i would really love to write a fic of her and pelops at some point, or something where she was able to meet pony while alive
Unpopular opinion — i have none
Favorite relationship — her and all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren
Favorite headcanon — mene + pony have her hair type for the most part and wear it similarly lengthed at different points; she liked jennifer immediately and could tell she was The One; she was way more impulsive in life than what she is in death
First impression — i envisioned the entirely wrong man at first so he was also super old to me on accident
Impression now — insane drip, garbage personality
Favorite moment — any time pony decides to square up with him and also any time mene tells him to go fuck himself
Idea for a story — i wouldn't write it but i would read the comedy of aga being annoyed with a new sibling
Unpopular opinion — hm. i don't think i have any?
Favorite relationship — him and mene being super toxic is fun for what it can force pony to do
Favorite headcanon — in sacramento aus, he's having a really good time and is kinda happy he got what he wanted. but has no idea orestes is going to kill him and when he can't get mene or helen, would go after pony
First impression — who's he?
Favorite moment — taking in molly
Idea for a story — i would like 5k of tydeus and dio and molly, 80s movie style. mene and pony can cameo.
Unpopular opinion — zero
Favorite relationship — him and dio, him and molly
Favorite headcanon — he knew all along about the cenzo and atreus relationship conflict before either realized what was going on
First impression — i have got to make this guy the most fun guy ever
Impression now — he's some guy and he's perfect
Favorite moment — literally anytime he's roasting mene or hanging out with him. and when he made pony dinosaur mac and cheese even though it was hurting his spirit
Idea for a story — him and molly getting together and all the awkwardness initially involved. or something in podverse.
Unpopular opinion — it's equally funny to have him with ace but not as much depth.
Favorite relationship — him and tydeus tugs at the delicate strings of my heart
Favorite headcanon — could not be happier to mostly be a stay at home dad for his kids first few years of life
First impression — me, watching troy way back when: nice dress but she's boring :(
Impression now — i love her and i will stab on sight if anyone thinks her and paris are meant to be together
Favorite moment — too many to choose from but her releasing a pigeon inside is an all timer
Idea for a story — my id is always calling to me about helen finding out about pony being with her very divorced brother
Unpopular opinion — paris/helen is evil
Favorite relationship — pony and helen bffs forever
Favorite headcanon — her and pony having the same height sometimes makes me all happy
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ellecdc · 6 months
hi hello my friend
firstly, how are you dear? hopefully, everything is going just amazing for you, also i REALLY love your cat, i get cuteness aggression every time i see ehr
secondly, i have fallen in love with your writing ever since discovering CBBH. I was binge reading them at 3 am and then shed some more happy tears when i found more on you page
thirdly (this is getting longer than expected):
The potential ANGST with seer reader???? like, the many possibilities to make us cry. i am like already painting a picture for a part two where we just see a (very) bad situation (maybe with the kids :() and jehshendjehbejdbe
this is not a request so feel free to ignore this but i just wanted to confess my undying love to you and then quickly mention that you have made my daydream about the POTENTIAL scenarios that could make me cry at 3 am
okay first of all hi I love you I hope you're the bestest.
okay thanks love you byeeeeeeee
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