#very glad nan didn't leave that note for phu
iguessitsjustme · 1 year
The Promise - Ep 8 Thoughts
-HAH. Look at Nan and Party sleeping together limbs entwined. Suck it Phu you deserve this pain. 
-Phu and the dramatic sad music. I don’t care - WAS HE TRYING TO BURN THE LETTER? Gaslighting piece of shit. May all of your coffee beans burn when you roast them from now until forever since you seem fine with burning things that shouldn’t be burnt. 
-Party > Phu. Party is an actual adult ready for an adult relationship and is able to communicate. Phu never progressed past his teenage years and has continuously lied to and ghosted the man he claims he loves. Phu doesn’t love Nan. He loves the idea of Nan and the idea of himself with Nan. 
-I love Party because he says what I’m thinking. And he’s the only one that holds Phu accountable. Not just to Nan but he holds Phu accountable to himself as well. 
-Good looks can’t make up for your shit personality, Phu. Nan is truly too nice. And definitely too good for Phu. 
-Okay here’s the thing about Phu’s Granny. She’s a good person and I like her but she enables Phu and lets herself take the blame for his hurtful actions. Being supportive also means letting Phu face the consequences for his actions. Whether they’re positive or negative consequences, Phu needs to face them. 
-Oh so Dina is telling Nan for Phu because he hasn’t said anything himself. 
-Nan being mad that Phu went back on his words to live with him. Now he’s forcing the issue. I’m glad he’s standing up for himself here but I’m upset that Phu will get to live with him because I hate Phu in case I haven’t made that painfully clear. 
-Oh so Phu gets it from his Granny. She should not be keeping this from him. Her friends are right. She’s depriving him of his ability to choose. She’s depriving him of his ability to spend as much time with her as possible. He did almost exactly the same thing to Nan (minus the illness). The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. 
-Dear Nan, please cook for me instead of Phupha thank you.
-I take that back he should absolutely cook for Phupha. Phupha deserves this monstrosity. 
-Happy birthday you asshole. I hope this food poisons you. 
-Phu, what makes you feel like you’re entitled to Nan’s answer to Party? Go away I hate you
-There are times I wish y’all could watch these shows with me because I have a very expressive face.
-Oooooo I LOVE this new addition. Khunkhao baby. Be the spark that makes Phu fix himself. Make him be the reason he needs to work for it. Oh bless I’ve only had him for 3 seconds and I adore him already. 
-I am evil cackling. EVIL CACKLING. This is the BEST. I fucking love Party. You know he’s going to enjoy Phu’s pain. I love that for him. 
-I appreciate the show’s commitment to Nan matching Gie Gie’s colors every day. Truly best friends. 
-Stop having a moment with Nan. Phu I hate you. Thank god it’s over. 
-I fucking love Khunkhao. Since I know Nan and Phu are endgame (unfortunately), I’ll go ahead and ship him and Party. 
-Every time Phu opens his mouth I become irrationally angry. I have no sympathy for Phu.
-HOLY SHIT ARE THEY BROTHERS??? Fuck me I didn’t see that coming but I should have. 
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