#verse; photon readings negative [undertale]
savior-of-humanity · 5 years
since ive been kinda working on some verses as of late for chief, heres my current list of verses for chiefo! they’re under the cut; also i actually have a blog dedicated to just verses for my muses but right now all i have verses for is chief so..yeah
Light of the Covenant - After being captured by Covenant forces, the Chief has been brutally brain-washed and corrupted into becoming one of their strongest and most terrifying agents. An Arbiter of sorts, meant to be disposable and yet serve as a shining beacon for the Great Journey.
Metal Over Flesh - After a horrific accident, the Chief’s life could only be saved by using a drastic measure that hadn’t even been properly tested on humans yet - by transferring his brain and consciousness into a new body, one of metal and wires instead of flesh and blood.
Code Over Flesh - After a horrific accident, the Chief’s life could only be saved by using a drastic measure that hadn’t even been properly tested on humans yet - by transferring his consciousness into an Artificial Intelligence.
A Monument to All Your Sins - Chief has been infested by the Flood. But for reasons unknown, he has survived the infection and hasn’t been converted into a Combat Form - but he still hears whispers of the Gravemind trying to manipulate him.
Moonblood - Chief has been bitten by a unusual furred creature. However, the bite isn’t without its’ own terrifying side effects.. such as him occasionally turning into a werewolf.
Wrath of the Colossus - After being successfully captured alongside Blue Team by Cortana in the Cryptum, the corrupted AI (assuming it is even Cortana at all in the first place) decides to implant Chief into a Forerunner war-machine reminiscent of a Guardian so that he may witness first-hand of her actions to help bring “peace” to the galaxy - starting with Earth. However, he manages to overthrow her actions and effectively eject her out of the systems, but with a terrible side-effect. Now wracked with intense agony due to having no AI to aid in controlling the machine, he goes on a almost mindless rampage, trapped within layers upon layers of Forerunner alloy and machinery.
Infinite Horizons (Post-Halo 5/Halo Infinite) - Any series of events that occur after the events of Halo 5: Guardians. Will be updated in the future as accordingly to suit whatever plot Halo: Infinite will have.
In Absentia (Halo 5: Guardians) - The Chief and Blue Team have gone AWOL in search of Cortana. Any series of events that occur during the events of Halo 5: Guardians.
Awakening (Halo 4) - The Chief has awoken from cryosleep, only to find that the ruins of the Forward Unto Dawn are in orbit of a mysterious Forerunner world. Any series of events that occur during or after Halo 4.
Behold a Pale Horse (Halo 3) - The Chief must stop the Covenant’s goal of activating every Halo installation in the galaxy. Any series of events that occur during Halo 3.
Impend (Halo 2) - The Chief must fight the Covenant directly on Earth, and foil their plans to activate another Halo installation. Any series of events that occur during or before Halo 2.
Dust and Echoes (Halo: Combat Evolved) - After landing on a mysterious ring-world, the Chief must stop the Covenant from activating the ring and potentially killing all life in the universe. Any series of events that occur during Halo: Combat Evolved.
Forward Unto Dawn (Pre-Halo: Combat Evolved) - Any series of events that occur before Halo: Combat Evolved.
The World Needs Heroes - Chief has ended up in the Overwatch universe, somewhere around the year of 2076 after the collapse of Overwatch (or before that time). He is likely to join or help Overwatch/the remnants of Overwatch in some way.
Project: HADES - Chief has ended up in the Overwatch universe, somewhere around the year of 2076 - but Talon has found him. They converted him into one of their most powerful and terrifying agents known to Overwatch - a monster known only as HADES.
Monster Hunter - Chief has been deployed to the outer colony world known as Shear, to deal with a problem of Insurrectionists attacking and destroying various colonies and towns on the planet. Except it’s not Insurrectionists killing people… but giant, inter-dimensional creatures hellbent on killing and devouring everything in their path.
Goliath Among Men - After a nearly fatal encounter with one of the inter-dimensional creatures attacking Shear, the Chief is infected with some of the monster’s DNA, causing him to gradually mutate over time…and become more monster than man.
Emperor - After an encounter with some sort of parasitic, spidery alien, the Chief has just narrowly survived the rather explosive emergence of a horrifying parasite living inside of his body. But now there’s monsters on the loose, and apparently the parasite did more to his body than just tear its way out of him..
Hell’s Champion - Chief has been dragged into the very bowels of Hell itself. But instead of doing something as simple as taking his soul, the daemonic forces decided to turn him into one of their greatest champions and pawns, to serve their eternal campaign to assimilate all worlds and dimensions.
Feet First - Chief has been sent to retrieve a Forerunner artifact from Storm-Covenant forces known simply as the ‘Ring of Armok.’ However, it turns out that this artifact is actually a gate holding Hell itself back - and they’ve just opened it…
Ultimate Evolution - After an encounter with a terrifying biological hivemind-entity known only as the Zerg, the Chief has been infested - made into a terrifying warrior to serve the Swarm.
Fallen Down - Through unknown means - whether it be falling into a great chasm at the top of a mountain or being ripped through time and space - Chief has ended up in the Underground, a civilization where Monsters have been trapped and living for a unknown length of time.
Photon Readings Negative - The timeline of this strange world apparently has not taken kindly to the Chief’s presence. His body, mind and SOUL are at risk of being thrown into flux by the timeline - forced to either ‘conform’ to the energies of the timeline, be ejected…or destroyed entirely.
Darker, Darker, Yet Darker - The timeline has destabilized the Chief to the point where his body has melted, becoming an horrifying amalgamate..of himself and the dark memories and nightmares lingering in his mind, threatening to pierce the veil of his sanity. Though he is no longer at risk of being destroyed or ejected into the void.
Clash of the Titans - After being exposed to intense radiation from the resulting conflict between Rodan, Mothra, Godzilla, and King Ghidorah in Boston on Earth, the Chief’s DNA begins to mutate rapidly - resulting in him transforming into a 50-meter monstrosity code-named by the sub-division of ONI known as Monarch, “Titanus Maledict.”
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