#vernenne nats'rin
fatal-blow · 4 years
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I decided to finish it :3c
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fatal-blow · 4 years
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fatal-blow · 5 years
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i didn’t feel like finishing it but here’s Vernenne who is some dead war hero from Esurience who i like drawing cus his design is weird
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fatal-blow · 6 years
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“Speaking of people who don't care, it's really kinda funny,” Vernenne said, voice cracking.  “I was kinda famous in the community, right?  I was the fucked up kid who just wouldn't die.  I was the burden to my poor old parents.  Oh poor Alderin and his well paying job still can't support his sick mutant of a son, better pay him sympathy money to help him out.”
“But it's funny because none of them really cared,” he continued.  “Not about me, Eli; I was just some damn burden.  If Lun took my life now, no one would care.  Or they'd think it's good that I've finally been put out of my parents' fucking misery.”
Name: Vernenne-Alvette Nats’rin
Gender/Sexuality: Intersex Man/Gay
Race: Human
Nationality: Solvani
Vernenne was a legend.
Though he passed years ago, his name is on the lips of many living today.  Stories say that Sol and Lun, knowing his grand fate, fought over him, painting half of him in the name of Sol and half in the name of Lun.  Those same stories tell that Lun one, despite his mixed appearance: his “Sol” side was disfigured in the womb, and he was born without an arm, a malformed ribcage, and two weak hearts.
His parents were told that he would die within the month.  Then he wouldn’t make it to his teens.  Finally, he wouldn’t make it to adulthood.  Vernenne was nearly one hundred years old when he passed.
Touched as he was by their gods, Vernenne was also incredibly gifted with magic, not only the most powerful but with the most stamina of any mage Solvan had ever seen.  Once he was old enough to escape the eye of parents that only wanted to use him, he joined the army.  There, he was celebrated, quickly rising in the ranks.
Vernenne was nearly General until Eli showed up, shadowed by the scant’s greater tactics.  Through jealousy came partnership as Vernenne became Eli’s second-in-command, then respect, then something more.  Solvan doesn’t know that side of the story, though, and perhaps never will.
Vernenne was captured by the Ordenian’s alongside Eli and died during the escape, using his magic to bring down half the arena to block the soldiers from pursuing his fellows.  All of Solvan attended his funeral, and there’s now a holiday in his name.
Tag list: @bewarethemarbar  @goldandsapphire  @spacebrick3 @urbanteeth  @katywritesbooks  @forlornraven  @hpfitterly  @lemonfizzies  @furry-lonely-trash  @pyrrhicdreamer  @unpickingthetangles  @lady-redshield-writes  @vivariiium @editedandwrittenbyhannah  If you want to be added or removed, let me know!
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fatal-blow · 7 years
Esurience Cast List (P2.)
The much awaited (?) part two of Esurience’s cast, now featuring Eli’s group!
Part two of Esurience follows Eli’s group, bigger and more mixed than Nalaki’s, where they run into a mad scientist fae called Catkin on their insane quest to prove that the sea fae of myth are fekkin’ real.
Format goes: Name - Gender - Nationality - Race
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Eli-Vincette Hakkara - Male - Solvan/??? - Human
Eli wasn’t born Solvan, but he doesn’t really talk about where he IS from.  Or about his past much at all.  Despite being a foreigner, though, he entered the Solvani army and quickly rose to the rank of general.  He might have won the war against Orden, alongside his partner Vernenne, if they hadn’t been captured and held prisoner.  After Eli’s rather famous escape from Orden, he retired to work in a Solvan cafe.  At least until councilman Benjallidius rose to power.  He’s the leader of the group.
Likes: Tactical games, reading, Benjal
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Benjallidius-Veen Nivul - Transman - Solvan - Human
Benjal was quite the talk of Solvan when he was appointed councilman, as he’s the youngest council member that Solvan has ever had, not to mention his odd, un-Solvan-like name.  Even more rumours fly because former General Eli Hakkara agreed to become his bodyguard.  Face to face, though, Benjal is sweet, friendly, and soft-spoken.  Awkward even!  Though when it comes to the bureaucracy of the council, he’s apparently quite eloquent.  He thinks of himself as a protege of sorts to Eli.
Likes: Practicing magic, reading, Veel, helping people
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Serentagra Nivul - Female - Solvan - Human
It isn’t a coincidence that Sera and Benjal have the same last name.  They were adopted by the same father, but the age difference and the fact that Serentagra moved out of the city (among...other things) meant that the two have never met until they run into each other during the apocalypse.  Sera has a very black and white view of Solvan and Orden, and because of that works with the Underground: an organization that smuggles mundanes into Orden, and magic users into Solvan.  It was through this line of work that she met Gulden and Gerel, her datemates.
Likes: Makeup, being right, arguing, being the best
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Gulden Bens - Male - Ordenian - Half-Giant
Gulden is a self-proclaimed anarchist and would rather not be doing what he’s told.  His rebellion of Orden strict structures led him to work in the Underground, smuggling people to and from Solvan.  He’s rather charming when the mood strikes him, but so contrary that it can be hard to get along with him at times.  He, along with Gerel, was caught in Solvan after the apocalypse, leading him, Gerel, and Sera to joining up with Eli and Benjal.
Likes: Chaos, excitement, war stories, sex
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Gerel - Transwoman - Ordenian/Avin - Human
Gerel escaped slavery in the Land of Ava and, along with her beardog Baga Bish, managed to find her way into Orden, where she met Gulden.  While she was welcomed in the country, she was always destined to be an outsider, leading her to joining the Underground.  She’s very blunt and to the point, and carries a deep mistrust of strangers.  She seems to warm rather quickly to Benjal and Eli, though, quick enough to make Sera jealous.
Likes: Baga Bish, sex, shooting stuff, being lazy
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Catkin Anthyllista - Freuline - Cress - Light Fae
Even for a fae, Catkin is quite the character.  They lived through the worst of the Sonus/Cress war, but didn’t quite come out whole.  During the apocalypse they find themself on the coast of Orden, looking for the mythical sea fae as a part of their “research,” with an ultimate goal to create a fae who is a hybrid of light, dark, and sea.  They end up joining Eli’s group when he bribes them with books about possible locations of the sea fae.  No one’s quite sure why he wanted them to join at all.
Likes: SCIENCE, wreaking havoc, dissection, climbing
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Vernenne-Alvette Nats’rin - Intersex - Solvan - Human
Vernenne has had his fair share of struggle in his long life.  Born a chimaera with what would have been a twin sister, the left half of his body (affectionately referred to as the “sister half”) isn’t in a good way.  He was born without a left arm and with a limp, and that’s only a sample of his physical shortcomings.  His birth had Solvan in an uproar, though, when it was discovered that he had a focus, albeit a near useless one.  Wanting to escape his overbearing family, he joined the army and, due to his nearly god-like ability with magic, rose to the rank of lieutenant beneath Eli.  Apparently they were quite close, until Vernenne died during the escape from the Ordenian prison.
Likes: history, magic theory, being as far away from Orden as physically possible
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fatal-blow · 7 years
“never trust a survivor until you learn what they did to stay alive” for the starter meme thing lol
charcoalrustedskin said: Never trust a survivor until you learn what they did to stay alive 👀
Y’all spoil me.
Vernenne’s fingers glided across the young man’s face where a mark had been left, a firm thumb wiping away the tears slipping out.  The chains keeping him bound jangled as he slumped back against the wall with a sigh.  Gulden’s eyes peered up through his bangs.
“Look at them.  They cannot even treat their own right,” Vernenne said.
Gulden wiped his tears.  “I left the stupid hose on.  That’s why.”
“Is that what this country demands of you?  Perfection?”  He laughed bitterly.  “Trust me.  An Ordenian could never attain that.  Not in a system that beats down and brainwashes.”
Gulden shrugged miserably.  “Yeah, I guess.”
“Do you know why I fought the war against your people, Gulden?  It’s not because you’re mundanes.  No, you’re a pack of sheep led by a minister who would raise Rend himself to keep his people in the dark.  Because of that, you know nothing.”
The boy, little more than sixteen years old, jerked a little with sudden energy.  “I know something.”
Vernenne couldn’t help but smirk, reminding him of the stiffness of the left side of his face.  “Mm, how to be loyal, I’m sure.”
“Their system can suck it.  Have you seen my mask?  I wasn’t gonna give ‘em the satisfaction of making something good.”
He relented.  “Ah, well, that is why I enjoy you, Gulden.  You are the black sheep.”
He puffed up with pride.  “Hey, tell me what Solvan’s like.”
“I haven’t been there in decades.”
“Yeah, but you still remember stuff, don’t’cha?  Ain’t that old.”
Vernenne chuckled.  “Well it was not without its own...issues, rest assured.  But our citizens are informed, at least.  Our cities are gorgeous, nothing like the haphazard collection of dirt and metal that you call home...”
He could have talked about Solvan for hours.  He missed the plants, that lingering smell of blooming flowers and vegetation wherever he went.  The sweeping architecture, vivid with colour, pleasing to the eyes.  Orden was so...drab.  It smelled of dirt and oil and burnt rubber that made his eyes burn.  The only plants were struggling grasses, sick and weak.
“Well, ah.”  Gulden pursed his lips.  “You know.  I met some people from the Underground yesterday.”
“The Underground?”
“They smuggle mages and scants in Solvan, and mundanes into Orden.”
Vernenne lurched forward, excitement sending a hardly restrained shudder through him.  “That would be--!”  He faltered.  “That would be wishful thinking.”
Gulden shrugged.  “I mean.  It would be, you know, shitty if I removed your chains to bathe you and didn’t hook ‘em all back up right...”
“With a focus I am as good as useless.”
“Well we got some stuff.  Y’know, to spice up the arena battles.”  Before Vernenne could respond, Gulden leapt to his feet.  “My shift’s up.  See you next week, Vernenne.”
He spent the week wondering if Gulden had the spine to go through with it.  It was well within his ability; the idiot boy was drawn to chaos like a moth to a flame.  And the uproar that would be caused, were the “Demon Doden” to escape?  Prime entertainment.
Really it was the only reason he endeared himself to Gulden.  He couldn’t stand his stupid accent otherwise.  The curve his horns, much like the ones that had gutted his allies, his friends, during the war.  Hands that could snap a bird’s wing with the slightest twist, just like they’d broken Ain’ri’s.
Oh Ain’ri.  She’d won the battle, but at what cost?
Well, as it happened, Gulden held true to his promise.  When he left for the night, the chains were loose on his skinny wrist.  He slipped free and lurched over to the corner, where the old focus badge had been dropped.
He sucked in a sharp breath when the light hit it.  That was the general’s insignia, emblazoned on the top.  This had been Eli’s badge.  Sol, had his escape been successful?  He supposed he would find out once he was back in Solvan.
The door of the cell stood no chance.  He blasted it opened, straight off its hinges and into the opposite wall.  The guard’s shocked face appeared in the doorway.  With the badge at his lips, Vernenne sucked in a breath.  He flicked the badge outwards.  The firebolt burned straight through the guard’s face and they fell over, dead.
Vernenne stepped over them, wincing at the stiff state of his muscles.  Going as fast as his awkward gait could take him, he rushed down the hall.
The next he kept whole, ripping their skeleton from their body to animate.  He couldn’t but grin at the thought of the Ordenians being forced to fight their own, dead or not.  The next one, he thought, he would leave the skin on.  And he did.
He made nearly a dozen soldiers before the fatigue was too much.  Fortunately, he’d found the exit, where he faced down another Ordenian.  It was Gulden.
He was beckoning him along.  “I’ll show you where the--”
Vernenne touched the badge to their lips, then cut him off with a flick of his wrist.  He slammed Gulden upwards, into the ceiling, then into the floor.  While he lay, stunned and groaning, he planted a foot on his head.  Gulden froze, eyes huge with panic.
“Rend curse you,” Vernenne spat.  “Did you really believe me?  Did you really think you were fucking special, augurn?!  You’re just as stupid and pathetic as the rest of the fucking horns.”
He touched the badge to his lips, ready to spit a spell to finish it off, when commotion down the hall distracted him.  The guards had broken past his undead soldiers.
Not about to waste time killing some useless kid, he took off down the hall in the opposite direction.
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