#verhovna rada
derzhava-hrozava · 2 years
"Well, it seems Korlan is still butthurt we beat them in football... they and their goonies are the cause of the strife in our continent. It was very obvious, given the whole "ignoring human lives" and violence. They also are militarizing our peaceful continent. I implore the UKC to sanction these belligerent nations, and Hrozava will be conducting heavy sanctions on Korlan, the Tokai Federation, Tuxhul, Oscana, Galindia, and Sonder, as well as cancelling free trade with Nordgis, and maintaining the closed borders with Kladiow. In the following months, fortifactions along the Kladiowian border, as well as radar fixtures along Hrozava's coast will be reactivated, and Hrozava will make efforts to wean itself off of imports from unfriendly Ailou and Tokarokan nations. The entirety of the Hrozavan EEZ will be closed off for all of these nations, and their ships will be monitored by our naval forces in waters close to our EEZ. Let them know they are being watched, and are never out of range if they attempt to harm our nation and her people. Our blessed Hrozava won't let dictators rule our future." - Mykhayl Korovky, Prime Minister of the Hrozavskyi Verhovna Rada
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inprimalinie · 1 year
Organizația Națiunilor Unite a recunoscut caracterul discriminatoriu al autorităților ucrainene în raport cu Biserica Ortodoxă Ucraineană canonică
Caracterul discriminatoriu al autorităților ucrainene față de Biserica Ortodoxă Ucraineană canonică a fost recunoscut de Organizația Națiunilor Unite. De asemenea, Biroul Înaltului Comisariat al ONU pentru Drepturile Omului a publicat un raport în care își exprimă “îngrijorarea” cu privire la persecuția împotriva bisericii, legitimată de Rada Verhovna și promovată ca “măsuri de securitate și de…
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newtimeks · 3 years
Верховна Рада ухвалила законопроект Зеленського про олігархів
Верховна Рада ухвалила законопроект Зеленського про олігархів
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#newtime #Херсон #новини
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fotoinform · 5 years
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viktorst · 5 years
Йде поступове повернення країни у часи до 2013 року - всі досягнення нівелюються та помножуються на нуль. По простому це і є повзуча, поступова окупація і повернення в ярмо московитського середньовіччя... Якщо ми це не зупинимо, то пройде не так вже й багато часу, і українці знов почнуть стидатися розмовляти українською мовою....https://ukrmir.info/verhovna-rada-poperedno-dozvolila-navchannya-rosijskim-yazykom-v-universitetah/
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autotato · 5 years
Верховна Рада ввела штрафи за перевезення дітей без автокрісла
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bubbly-studies · 5 years
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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braverph · 5 years
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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zeereblogs · 5 years
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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ibsurvival · 5 years
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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conflictcfinterest · 5 years
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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patheticappblr · 5 years
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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newtimeks · 3 years
Верховна Рада України визнала незаконними вибори до Держдуми Росії
Верховна Рада України визнала незаконними вибори до Держдуми Росії
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#newtime #Херсон #новини
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Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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fotoinform · 5 years
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Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation
Write a 5 page essay on Ukraine Prince Analysis. In fact, the further situation in Ukraine depends on elections outcomes, after the 26th of March, when Ukrainian citizens elect new Parliament (Verhovna Rada) deputies, the deputies of local authorities, etc.The future direction of this young state developing will be defined after new Parliament majority forming and new Prime Minister nominating.…
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