#venus's diary! 馃寠馃
fishy-kiddo 4 months
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Venus // 馃寠馃
~ biologically 17~ mentally 5-6 and occasionally 1-2 ~ 2006-2023 ~ unknown cause of death ~ she/her ~
Info post!
Dear diary,
Hi hi! My name is Venus! Ms Charrie gave me this journal to write about my feelings and stuff in because I go to her nursery school at the hotel!!
I live there with my Pubba, who everyone else calls Sir Pentious. Sometimes I call him Peni, and he gets a little annoyed because he thinks kiddos shouldn't call their papa their real name. I do it mostly to make him make a silly grumpy face though hehe!
Lots of other people live at the hotel with us. There is Ms Charrie and her wife Vaggie, nd Husk and Angel Dust. Husk and Angel have two kiddos- one looks a lot like them and is named Ace. He's a lot older than me and sometimes Pubba says I can't hang out with him. Husk and Angel's other kid is named Chiara and is a lot younger than me! Well, in her brain. She just appeared one day, with only one horn (she's an imp!!), and couldn't remember anything! She's whiny and needs lots of help, but we're besstttt friendssss!! There's also Al and Niffty, but Al isn't around often and Niffty is always busy. That's okay, I know big persons have lots of stuff to do.
I don't remember much from before either. Chiara doesn't remember stuff from before the hotel, but I don't remember stuff from when I was alive at all. Nothin. I don't mind, though. I like living with everybody here, especially Pubba and his Eggies.
Pubba says I probably forgot stuff because I don't have to deal with it now. He forgot stuff after he died too, and so did Angel and Husk and Niffty. Charrie says she's never seen anyone lose as much as I did, but I don't feel like I lost anything. I have everything I need right here.
I've got Pubba, and the other kiddos, and my stuffies, and my favorite shows and the comfiest clothes ever! I love it here! I don ever what this stuff to change!! It's safe here, and everyone is super nice and fun! I love everyone here!!
-Venus // 馃寠馃
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Chiara was really, really little today. She didn't go to nursery school at all. She was just hanging out behind the bar ALL DAY, sittin in a bouncy chair n gettin bottles n sleepin. She cried, too. Really really loud.
I asked Angel what was wrong. He just said she was havin a hard brain day and needed a break.
... I wish I could get that attention. But I'm a big kid n I'm not fussy! N Chiara is hurt! So she needs extra help sometimes n that's oki. But why can't I be baby like her? I wanna be baby! But Pubba has his works, n so do Charrie n Vabbie... It's okay doh!
I can be a big kid.
*cuddles up with Jelli in the corner of my room, lights off* Yeah, be a big kid...
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Mmm... m don wanna go to bed, Pubba!
Oh, but growing kiddos, need their ssssleep, dear... You want to be big and strong, don't you?
... *slow nods*
That's what I thought. *scoops them into his arms* Here'ssss what we shall do- I will help you get changed into pajamas, then we will get your warm milk and teether... we'll lay down in bed and I'll read you whatever book you'd like. How's that, dearest?
Mmm... can ou read litt'l whawe...? *yawns and leans on his shoulder*
Of course, Vee-vee.
Wif Jelli?
With Jelli, yes. You'll cuddle with Jelli while I read, and we will fall fassssst asleep and dream of sssswimming in a giant ocean. Do you like that?
... Mhm. *closes eyes softly*
*chuckles* Good night, my shark pup... *kisses her forehead*
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fishy-kiddo 3 months
*peaks into the room*
... hai everybody... m sorry for being gone for so long. Things have been... complicated for me lately. Bu I wanna be back! I love ou guys even tho tumblr is mean to me sometimes!! Really mean!! N shows gross things!! Bu I wanna be here n wif ou all!!
For now m here bu not really. Dunno what I'll do. I might invade sum ask boxes or write in m journal. I dunno.
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Are you feeling better from your sickness?
Mm... Yea. M still tireds lots but Pubba got medicine n it helped,,, I haven't been doin my journal work doh. But yea m better I think!
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
*biiiiggg yawnnnn*
I dinit get to doing diary todai... todai was a lot... mm. Uncle Luci is stayin here for a bit, he's nice...
I goin ta bed... ni ni.
I wearin m Bluey PJ set dat Pubba got me... comfy...
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Dear Diary,
Yesterday Chiara was having a bad day. I don't mind, especially because it helped Ms Charrie forget about homeworks. But she says I haveta do it now. I haveta write out what my daily routine is. belgh.
8:30 - If 'm not up by dis time, Pubba wakes me up and helps me get ready for the day. Little things like getting me dressed n brushing teef n going potty n washing my face. Then we go downstairs n see everyone else n have breakfast! Usually I have yogurt or cereal, but sometimes we have big special breakfasts like pancakes or burritos or somethin called "tamagoyaki". I like those days.
9:00-12:00 - This is when nursery school is! We do lots of stuff. Sometimes it's about numbers, or colors, or people in a town, or animals! Right now it's about routines. Ob'iously. But Ms Charrie we'll be done this Friday! I hope we learn about somethin fun this time.
12:00-12:15 - I like to stay after school "ends" for a bit to help clean up cuz I'm a big kid! Ms Charrie says she's thankful that I help, cuz sometimes our games can be messy. I like helping!
12:15-1:00 - Lunch time! It takes a while because me n Pubba like cooking together n the other's lunches are usually gettin finished when we get there. So we gotta wait a bit. I don't mind though. Sometimes me n Pubba get to play a game while we wait, like hide n seek or tic-tac-toe!
1:00-3:00 - Me n Pubba time! We do a lot of stuff n it changes every day! Sometimes we watch Octonauts, or do arts n crafts, or play with stuffies, or go on an adventure! I like when we go to the aquarium- it's filled with fish from Earth n da Envy Ring too! Ms Charrie says she'll bring all of us to that ring on a field trip... someday.
3:00-3:30 - This is usually a lil check-in time! Potty, snack if I need it, or some quick quiet time. Sometimes quiet time lasts a LOT longer than I think, so sometimes my routine gets a little messy after this, n that's oki!
3:30-5:00 - Pubba has to work around here, so I usually hang out wif other littles or help around da hotel! I play wif Chiara n her Monster High Dolls sometimes, or color wif Blake, n stuff like that. Sometimes we watch movies!
5:00-6:00 - Homeworks :( While da adults make dinner, I gotta do homeworks if I have it or Pubba will be upset. We have n entire hour for it cuz Pubba says I "pro-cras-en-ate" a lot.
6:00-6:45 - Din din! Everybody eats together n its great! Sometimes we all have the same stuff, n sometimes we don't. I don't mind, but I like it when Pubba makes me sushi!
6:45-7:00 - Clean up time! We make sure my bed is allll ready for ni ni, we get my clothes for tomorrow, n we choose my stuffies for the night! Also, we put away any other toys that me or anyone else left out, cuz this is when everyone else is getting ready for ni ni!
7:00-7:45 - Baf time!! Dis is my favorite time. I get comfy pajamas, n I play in the water for a long time! It's great! Pubba helps me wash my hair n makes sure I don't forget anythin. Sometimes he pretends to be a big scary sea serpent n it makes me giggle.
7:45-8:00 - Dis is just finish up time. Go potty or put on a pull-up if I need it, brush teefs, n say ni ni to everyone else! I wan a little snackie sometimes, so we do that when I want it. Warm milk is good too, but I don't have it all the times :)
8:00-8:30 - Bedtime stories! I cuddle wif Jelli n Pubba reads me a story or two, or even makes up some sometimes! He's not very good at makin up stories- he always thinks too hard bout how tings work, so dey aren't very fun -but he likes it :)
Den I go ni ni n wake up in da mornin!
... Dat was kinda fun. No... But Charrie says we're gonna be done soon now! I shoulda done dis earlier...
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Dear Diary,
Today is mother's day! Ms Charrie let us take a break from learning about routines to celebrate. Instead, we read a book called "Pup and Bear" n did lots of fun stuffs! Like coloring pages n crafts n telling stories!
I told Ms Charrie that I don have a momma, n she said that's oki. Some people don have mommas, n some don have papas. Some have two mommas, or two papas, n some have more than that! But Ms Charrie said we can still appreciate the people who take care of us todai. That's what its REALLY about.
That's why she read "Pup and Bear". It's about a bear taking care of a wolf pup that got lost, even though he isn't her kiddo. It reminds me of me n Pubba. But then the pup had to leave, n I got sad. Ms Charrie called it "bitter-sweet". I hope I never have to leave Pubba.
I'm gonna try n draw him a picture todai. I don tink m the best at drawin but its fun n I know Pubba will like it no matter what!!
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Dear Diary,
I'm sposed to be doin homeworks again but I don want to. So I'm not. Pubba isn't here anyway, so he don't gotta know.
I wanna play! Bu Chiara is takin her nap n everyone says I gotta be quiet. I don wanna be quiet now. I wanna scream. I dunno why. I jus hate hate HATE homeworks!! I wanna cry ebey time Ms Charrie gives us stuff, even doh that's almost always.
Pubba was supposed to help me on homeworks tonight. Bu he's busy helpin Lulu wif somethin. I think dey're building somefin. I dunno what.
My homework is about routines. I like routines, but I don like being forced to do stuff! I'm sposed to read a lil story and write out wha da person's routine fo da day is. I don wanna! No no no!!
I know MY routine. I know Pubba's. I know Chiara's. Das enough! Das all I need! I don wanna learn about dis! I wanna cry n sleep like Chiara does all da time. Pubba says I don't havta take naps cuz I'm a big kid, but sometimes I do. But Pubba says I can't nap at homework time.
I wish someone was here-! :(
I wanna p'ay wif my fishie toys n hab sensory time like Pubba always does. Bu Pubba busy, n eberyone else is too, an- an-
I don like bein lil sometimes... Hmph!!
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Dear Diary,
Today Venus is helping me write for Ms Charrie. (I'm writing this right now hehe!! - Venus) She told us to write about our favorite things, so that's what I'm doin. I'm gonna try to write five things but Venus says they'll help me think of things that are good if I can't.
My Monster High dolls. (whenever me and Venus play together, I give him Lagoona and he likes it lots. I like Draculaura and Frankie and Ghoulia)
My papas, cuz they are always there for me and never get mad even if I can't talk and cry for hours. even when my head hurts a lot and I just can't do anything but lay in bed and hug my stuffies.
My brother, Ace, cuz he's mean to everyone else but loves me and gets me. He keeps me safe from people who think I'm no good.
Being wif my papas n knowing they are safe n not getting hurt. I like when dey sing for me. even the songs that are all lovey n aren't actually for me but for each other. then i know they'll never leave me or each other.
Sensory quiet time. I like the break from all the stuff happenin all the time. (Ms Charrie always has a sensory area set up in the corner of the school room)
Board books cuz they're short so I can know what's happenin n I can bite them when my papas aren't lookin n they won't ever know.
Pasta papa makes. even though he likes it fancy and always adds tons of spices, he always leaves out some for me with only butter n is really good.
That's all I got right now. Venus helped me a lot wif the end. I like her a lot too, specially when they help me. They get it when my brain is sad at me.
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fishy-kiddo 4 months
Dear Diary,
Todai at nursery school Ms Charrie told us all to write about our favorite things ever n why. So here's mine!
The ocean n water! I dunno why but I like it lots and it makes me feel safe.
Pubba! He takes care of me and gives amazing hugs and loves me even when I'm grumpy.
Jelli, my favorite stuffie! She makes me feel safe too n whenever I leave the hotel she comes with me n protects me from mean peoples.
Sharks n whawles! I dunno why jus like the ocean but dey also make me feel safes n I feel a lot like dem. I think I wanna swim wif dem someday and I tink it'll be nice.
Bedtime when i'm sleepy. Pubba always tucks me in my crib n gives me my teether or milk and I get to look at my glowy stars and cuddle wif Jelli while he reads or sings lil lullabies.
My best friend, Chiara. she can be whiny n hard to play wif sometimes but that's cuz she's younger than me so its okay. sometimes it feels like I'm her big sibling and I like that.
Rice n sushi n cold things like that cuz its yummy. it makes me really really happy n me n Pubba make stuffs like that all the time.
Ms Charrie's nursery school!! I like da routine n the kids there, n I love when it's my turn to pick the book of the day n I choose a book about the water!!
I also like the Eggies but they are too much sometimes n don't get that they're too much n Pubba has to take them away cuz I get too overwhelmed. So they aren't my favorite things.
Chiara is feelin' too little to write or speak much todai, so imma help her write her list in a minute!! I don mind helping her at all n its fun lots of times!!
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