#venice tattoos
isabellqq · 3 months
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voguedout · 26 days
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Angelina Jolie in Venice, 29 August 2024
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yours-stevie · 25 days
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Simply gorgeous 🖤
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soundbitemag · 3 months
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Third Eye Blind, Yellowcard, and Arizona are currently on their Summer Gods Tour throughout North America. They performed at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles California. They welcomed surprised guest Machine Gun Kelly.
See more at:
Third Eye Blind and Yellowcard live at the Greek Theatre - Summer Gods Tour — SoundBite (soundbitemagazine.net)
Photo by @veropoteart
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sebap · 4 months
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sjweminem · 9 months
real question should i get a saw tattoo while in venice beach in january
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citytattoos · 1 year
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In memoriam
Lincoln Ave between Harrison and Grant St
Venice, CA
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braveclementine · 2 months
The Café
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
"Hey! Elizabeth!"
Elizabeth turned in surprise and then felt apprehensive and angry when she saw Sharon approaching her from down the hallway. She crossed her arms over her chest, "What, Sharon?"
"Look, I just wanted to say that I was sorry for what I said during your announcement. I wasn't thinking clearly." Sharon said quickly. "I was just trying to think of a solution and I spoke aloud-"
"Look, if you just want to talk to me so that I can help you get back into the good graces' of Steve, you've got another thing coming." Elizabeth said forcefully. "Steve is never going to forgive you for what you did. He really did love you and he's always wanted kids. You should never have gone behind his back and killed his child."
Sharon's face twitched. She was clearly annoyed. "For one thing, it's my body so I had every right to do what I did. And for another, I'm not here to get back in Steve's good graces. Not through you, anyways. I just wanted to apologize for what I said. It was inconsiderate."
"Well, I accept your apology on that front." Elizabeth replied stiffly. She turned to leave and Sharon then asked, "Would you think about going out to eat with me?"
Elizabeth spun in surprise once more, "Why?"
Sharon hesitated and opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly there was a roar of lightning and then there was a flash of rainbow light outside of the windows of the Tower.
"What was that?" Sharon asked in fear, hands going to her gun.
"Heimdall." Elizabeth said with a serene smile. And without another look at Sharon, she ran for the elevator to get to the bottom floor.
Sharon glared after her.
👨‍🦳🐍 pOv 𝐂ᕼαŇقє 🦎💵
"Heimdall!" Elizabeth jumped into his arms. The dark skinned Asgardian held onto her tightly, before kissing her forehead gently.
"Hello love." Heimdall answered softly. "I am glad to see that you are still here."
"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked curiously.
"As I was getting ready to visit today, I saw a terrible vision of you going out to eat with Sharon Carter. You were ambushed by your mother and Sharon was put into the hospital while you were taken." Heimdall answered slowly.
Elizabeth paled a little and then said, "That must mean my mother is in New York! I must tell Tony so he can track her! C'mon!"
Heimdall followed Elizabeth as she ran down to Tony's lab. She paused when she saw that it wasn't empty. Tony and Trang were in a screaming match with each other. Riri was smirking in the background, keeping her head bent over whatever she was working on. Bruce meanwhile, had a hand over his face and kept trying to back up Trang.
"Um-" Elizabeth interrupted.
Trang, seething, stormed out of the lab. Elizabeth watched her go by with worry.
"Yeah?" Tony asked angrily.
"Heimdall said that my mother is in New York. I was just. . . hoping you could track her." Elizabeth replied timidly. She didn't fear Tony's dominance as much as say, Loki or Bucky or Steve, but she didn't want to make him upset with her either.
"So?" Tony asked aggressively, still pissed off at whatever Trang and him had fought about, "It's not like we're going to find her. That's useless information."
Elizabeth recoiled and quickly left the room.
"That was stupid." Heimdall said, before following the ice princess out of the room.
"Elizabeth?" Heimdall caught up to her as she stepped into the elevator.
"He's right." Elizabeth said, looking away from him. "It's useless information. I should go and ask Sharon to that lunch so that-"
"Absolutely not." Heimdall said firmly, stepping in front of her so that he could make her look at him. "I will not allow you to put yourself in harms way just because Stark upset you a little. Your mother will be found a different way, and one that does not involve you being in danger."
He could feel Elizabeth's desperation rolling off of her in waves. She was feeling useless, which he knew was partly his fault as it was his child keeping her from being able to protect herself with her powers.
"YEAH!" Elizabeth snarled, mostly to herself. "Well maybe a little danger would open Anthony's eyes, wouldn't it?"
She stalked out of the elevator and he followed once more. The super soldiers, Rhodey, Pietro, Natasha, Wanda, Loki, Katya, and Trang were in the room.
"Heimdall." Loki stated in surprise, "What are you doing here?"
"I had yet to visit Elizabeth and see her after I found out she is having my child." Heimdall answered slowly. "And my visit was sped up through a vision I saw."
"What was the danger?" Natasha asked immediately.
"Sharon was going to take Elizabeth out to lunch." Heimdall answered, watching Elizabeth sink down into an arm chair by herself, wrapping her arms around herself. "And then her mother ambushed the two of them and took her captive. Carter would end up in the hospital."
"YES!" Bucky said enthusiastically and then asked, "Did she die?"
Steve cleared his throat angrily and Bucky sunk down a little. "Can we track her mother then? Cause she has to be in New York for that to happen."
"Anthony said there is no point." Elizabeth bit out, staring at the wall.
"What?" Katya and Natasha gasped at the same time.
"Ugh." Trang groaned, "That's my fault. He's so angry with me that he's taking it out on you. Listen, I'll track your mother down, promise."
Elizabeth shook her head as Elijah and Lan entered the room, "It's whatever. Anthony's right. There's no point."
"Hey!" Bucky said angrily. "There is a point! Finding Lucinda and putting her behind bars would mean you would get to go home!"
"James!" Elijah snapped angrily. "Stop getting her hopes up! She's been off radar-"
"She's in New York right now." Steve interrupted. "But Tony is refusing to track her down."
Elijah's eyes were suddenly alight with flame. He didn't even bother using a door, flaming up and flying out the window, presumably to either go and track down Lucinda himself, or to go down to the lab and kill Tony.
"Maybe," Elizabeth said, perking up. "Sharon and I could still go out to eat, but you could all be in the background-"
"NO!" Steve, Bucky, Heimdall, and Pietro all shouted.
Elizabeth scowled.
"Wait!" Katya said in excitement, "Lan or Loki could pretend to be Elizabeth and go with Sharon instead!"
Everyone looked around, "You know what." Loki said slowly, "That's really not a bad idea. Elizabeth?"
She hesitated and then said, "Okay. But please. Heimdall said she managed to capture me and put Sharon in the hospital. Please be careful Loki."
"Of course I will pet." Loki said, kissing the top of her head. Carefully, he turned himself into Elizabeth for every detail. Shrinking down, his black hair becoming longer and turning brown. His stomach bumping out a little. Eventually, he was an identical copy.
"That's amazing." Elizabeth said in awe.
"Alright, I'll see you when I get back with a new prisoner." Loki said darkly and then left the room.
"I'm gonna go back down to the lab and tell them the plan." Trang sighed, "And possibly consider the idea of apologizing to that asshole."
Rhodey chuckled, "I'll go with you and hopefully be a mitigator."
"And I should probably go down too to convince Elijah not to kill Tony." Lan sighed. The three of them left the room.
"I'm gonna go take a nap." Elizabeth said softly and looked over at Heimdall, "Do you. . . want to come upstairs?"
"Yes, but I must find Thor first." Heimdall said, getting up from where he had been sitting down, coming over to her. "I will be there in ten or twenty minutes."
Elizabeth smiled and he felt a warmth spread through him. She was not his soulmate, but he loved her as though she was.
She left the room and he looked at the others, "Do any of you know where Thor is?"
"I think he's in the training room?" Sam asked questioningly. "Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y., where's Thor?"
"On the grounds Mr. Wilson." F.R.I.D.A.Y. answered.
Heimdall bowed his head slightly in thanks, and then headed downstairs to find him.
👗🥒 𝓹𝐨v cĤA𝐍Ꮆ𝐞 🪃🫑
"Where are we going to eat?" Loki, who was still disguised as Elizabeth, asked Sharon.
"I figured just down the street at the bakery." Sharon said, clearly uncomfortable. Loki thought it was strange that the blonde Agent had asked Elizabeth to eat if she was uncomfortable around her.
"Why'd you want to do this? You clearly don't want to." Loki said bluntly.
Sharon flushed a little, "Like I said, I was inconsiderate with how I spoke the other day. This is just a sorry thing. That's all. I'm not trying to be your friend."
"Okay." Loki answered and stayed quiet.
The bakery in question was actually one of Elizabeth's favorites. Whenever someone did actually manage to piss her off and couldn't fix it with sex, they brought her here and treated her and she always forgave them. Loki smiled a little.
"What are you going to get?" Sharon asked as they stepped into the café. "It's my treat, of course."
Loki thought for a moment, knowing he had to go with something that Elizabeth would eat, not himself. She didn't like nuts or any sort of dessert with fruit in it. He scanned the items and said, "I think I'm going to get the extra large cinnamon roll."
Sharon nodded, "Okay, I'll go and get that. How about you find a table so you're not on your feet for too long?"
Loki nodded and decided to get a table that wasn't close to the windows, and sat in the seat so that he could face the windows and see out of them.
Sharon came back with the large cinnamon roll. She herself had gotten a small chocolate dessert.
Loki kept his eyes flickering to the windows, perhaps a bit to much because Sharon noticed, "Am I making you nervous? I'm sorry. I really am just trying to apologize."
"No." Loki said in a soft voice that he knew Elizabeth would have done at that exact moment, "I know. I'm the one who should apologize. Heimdall came down today and said that he had a vision that my mother was in New York. I guess I'm just nervous, being out of the tower, that's all."
Sharon's eyes widened. "Did you tell Fury? That's something he should know, isn't it?"
"I think Tony is trying to track her down." Loki lied. "I'm sure someone will tell Fury."
"I'm surprised they let you out of the tower knowing that your mother was around." Sharon said, narrowing her eyes and Loki cursed internally because Elizabeth always called Fury 'Nick' and she always called Tony 'Anthony'.
Loki shrugged, "I'm sure I'll pay for sneaking out later." He gave Sharon a small smile, "I don't like being on the wrong foot with people."
Sharon nodded and then Loki caught sight of Lucinda, lurking out of the windows. He averted his eyes, making it seem like he was only paying attention to the dessert. It was really just to sweet, how did Elizabeth like this?
A shot rang out and he ducked immediately under the table, kicking out Sharon's chair at the same time.
"Stay down!" Loki shouted, trying to keep up Elizabeth's façade. It was a good thing that she couldn't use her powers while pregnant, otherwise, Sharon would probably be wondering why he wasn't using the water powers.
Sharon drew her gun, shooting towards Lucinda who ducked away. Loki dropped the illusion and Sharon shouted in shock. "Loki!"
"Sorry. Would've told you but I didn't want to put you on edge." Loki admitted. "Heimdall told us that he had foreseen you and Elizabeth being captured and hurt. So I'm here to prevent that."
"A little warning would have been nice!" Sharon muttered, shooting again.
Loki ran for the window, jumping out of it and following Lucinda, who was on the run now.
Lucinda bared her teeth as Loki gained on her and then ducked down an alleyway. Loki dodged when she shot an electric blast towards him and drew his knives. "Where's my daughter?"
"Never here." Loki said, transforming into Elizabeth and then back into himself. "You can come quietly, or I'll take you by force. Whatever the saying on Midgard is anyway."
Lucinda grinned and more agents came through the alleyway. There were at least twenty and it was a small space to fight in. Loki tensed.
"Now," Lucinda said, walking backwards so that she could get away. "You can either try and keep chase with me, or you can get back to the tower. I'm always prepared, Loki of Jötunheimar . I sent someone else to go after her there, just in case. He might even have her right now."
Loki hesitated and then ducked as he was shot at again. Lucinda was already disappearing and the HYDRA agents were converging on her. He fought against them, feeling a panic that he needed to get back to the tower, before suddenly realizing that no one had gone after Elizabeth at all. She had been trying to distract him so that she could get away.
And as he slit the throat of the last guard, all of them laying at his feet, he knew that she had succeeded.
😗🦖 ρ𝓞𝔳 匚ʰ𝔞N𝕘Ẹ 😙🫲
Elizabeth left the common room after the others had gone down to Tony's lab. She was glad that Heimdall was here, because she really wanted to talk to him about their child. For Elijah and Bucky, they were always here in the tower so there was no question about if they were going to be around or not.
But Heimdall? He always had to be on Asgard. He was their primary defense. He was their seer into the future. He had to stay on Asgard, even if he wanted to be here. So how would he spend time with his child? Would she have to take their child to Asgard? Would their child stay on Asgard? She didn't want to be parted from the child, that was for sure.
Elizabeth sighed, cracking her neck as she stepped out of the elevator. She was feeling to tired to really deal with the hard questions right now. Hopefully Heimdall and Thor would finish their conversation soon and he would cuddle her to sleep. She definitely wouldn't mind staring into his beautiful yellow eyes as she drifted off.
The door behind her opened, which was strange because this floor was for her, Elijah, Katya, and Lan only. There were some empty rooms, but no one stayed in those. Elijah and Lan were in the lab and she'd left Katya in the community room. So-
She felt something prick her neck, and everything went black.
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psychedeliccait · 3 months
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nights in venice
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anokha-swad · 4 months
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venicewalls · 7 months
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kwojciechowicz · 8 months
Aphrodite in Venice
Dobre wieści! Mój obraz, "Afrodyta z Tatuażami" będzie pokazywana w Wenecji w ramach The Artbox Projects !
Good news! My "Aphrodite with Tattoos" will be exhibited in Venice in April 10-30th!
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Classic Touch Tattoos | Tattoo Shop | Tattoo Artist in Venice CA
Ours is a well-reputed Tattoo shop in Venice CA; We offer a range of tattoo styles, including traditional, fine line black and grey, and lettering, to suit your specific needs. Our experienced professionals will work with you to create a custom design that reflects your personal style and preferences. We use only the highest-quality ink and equipment to ensure that your tattoo is vibrant, long-lasting, and meets our rigorous safety standards. Moreover, as a leading Tattoo artist in Venice CA, we have the talent and creativity to bring your ideas to life. From small, intricate tattoos to large-scale, full-sleeve designs, we have you covered. So, if you want to schedule an appointment, call or visit us today.
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monzabee · 1 year
short stack (social media au) - ln4
Summary: The one where the internet is obsessed about the height difference between you and your boyfriend, Lando.
Pairing: lando norris x reader (model used: lisa from blackpink)
Warnings: google translate korean, cursing, internet, lando slander but not really, apparently i can't spell tattoo, i know lisa is not taller than lando, but for the purposes of this post she is, thank you🤞
Request: "hello love xx i was wondering if you could do a lando norris social media au i can't stop thinking about where landos girlfriend is about 4cm taller than lando and the fans just adore it x thank you"
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
yourusername tagged location: venice, italy
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Liked by bulgari, voguekorea, f1wagss and 654,983 others
yourusername: 감사합니다, @bulgari, 마법 같은 밤
lightlysdarling: look at her🤩 look at how she glows🤩
kjsbtch: @yninyourarea wake up she's blessing us again !!
yninyourarea: i love that this is the first thing i've seen this morning🤭 계속 죽여!
landobrazil: bella menina!!
zendaya: 🩷🩷
view all 345,635 comments
ynbrazil: not her blessing us on the main😶‍🌫️
landonorris: i think i lost my phone number, can i get yours?
yourusername: boo, i have a boyfriend👎
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Liked by daniel3.jpg, f1gossippreserva, yourusername and 123,847 others
lando.jpg: looking camp right in the eye
lusciouslando: the biggest simp for his girlfriend, as he should😭😭
view all 465 comments
yourusername: we're going to get sued big time😐😐
lando.jpg: do you know a good lawyer @daniel3.jpg daniel3.jpg: what am i doing here yourusername: i'm calling my lawyer🙃 lando.jpg: come oooon yourusername: 난 당신을 차단 해요
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yourusername tagged location: london, uk
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Liked by blinkarea, landonorris, britishvogue and 564,938 others
yourusername: 해? 영국에서? 🤭
isapizza: queen of posing awkwardly to fit in the frame😭
view all 2,456 comments
landonorris: how tall are you, again?🫠
yourusername: taller than you🤭
landonorris: ouch
georgerussel63: now that's just sad, mate
alex_albon: i call that a burn🔥
orange_papaya: IS THAT A TATTOO?? ON MOM??
ynyesrizz: no stop🫣 no it's actually there🫣
yourusername just posted a story!
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Liked by landonorris, f1wagnews, danielricciardo and 493,847 others
landonorris: short stack for the short stack tagged users: yourusername
tomholland2013: short kings club
zendaya: boy...
yourusername: z has spoken 🫣🫣
papayuh: i love my height difference couple🫶
view all 1,456 comments
noriastri: imma need to be adopted ASAP
georgerussel63: where are our pancakes?? @alex_albon
alex_albon: yeah, where are our short stacks??
yourusername: you're not short🤷‍♀️
landonorris: burn baby burn
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Emperor's Children have a sex drive
Boom! This is canon. It took me to read a lot of literature and write down all the hints, but it was worth it.
Here we go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
First of all, we need to start with Julius Kaeseron, who experienced sexual attraction to Bequa, and later to the demonette. Fun fact. In my native language, because of the translation, not only Julius appreciated the delights of the composer, but also Lucius, lol.
JULIUS WATCHED WITH barely contained excitement as the blue haired composer crossed the stage and descended into the orchestra pit to take her place on her conductor’s podium. Dressed in a scandalously translucent dress of gold and crimson, the gossamer thin material hung with precious stones that glittered like stars. The cut of her dress plunged from her shoulders to her pelvis, the swell of her breasts and the hairlessness of her flesh clearly visible beneath. ‘Magnificent!’ cried Fulgrim, clapping furiously with the audience at Bequa’s appearance, and Julius was amazed to see tears in his eyes. Julius nodded, and though he had no real memory of feminine splendour or any frame of reference against which to compare her, the composer’s curves and obvious womanhood stole away his breath. Julius had felt such stirrings of emotion when he gazed upon his primarch, heard a particularly inspiring piece of music or went into battle, but to feel his senses aroused by a mortal woman was a new experience for him.
Bequa Kynska thrashed like a lunatic atop her conductor’s podium, jabbing and slashing the air with her baton, her hair a wild comet of blue as it whipped around her head. Julius tore his eyes from the magnificent sight of her and looked out over the audience to witness its reaction to this sublime, raucous music.
And yes, in all of these examples, you can see that Julius doesn't just find the girl and the demonette beautiful. He notes that he was delighted by femininity. Moreover, he even calls it seductive. Seductive. Not the most commonly used word in the Space Marine vocabulary.
Julius had never seen anything so simultaneously beautiful and repellent, a naked female creature that evoked both a potent loathing, and a perverse sensuality that gnawed at the pit of his stomach. Hair like needle horns swept back from her oval face, with its green, saucer-like eyes, fanged mouth and luscious lips. Her body was sculpted perfection, lithe and sensuous, but with only a single breast, and her skin was loathsomely tattooed and pierced. Each of her arms terminated in a long crab-like claw of glistening red chitin and moist flesh. Despite the lethal claws, the creature was disturbingly seductive, and Julius felt moved in a way he had not been since he had been elevated to the ranks of the Astartes. She moved with languid, cat-like grace, her every movement redolent with sexuality and the promise of dark pleasures and excesses unknown to the minds of mortal men. Julius ached to taste them.
And here you can see that the space marines did not yet know how to unleash their emotions. How to have pleasure other ways than battle:
The Astartes too were swept up in the surging power generated by the Maraviglia. Blood was spilled as the emotions of the Astartes were overloaded with sensational excess, and were vented in the only way men bred as warriors knew how. An orgy of killing spread from the stage, blood running in rivers as the power of the music thundered through La Venice.
But they learn quickly and start trying a lot of different things. This can be clearly seen in "Reflection Is Cracked". And yes, there is even a special place for more intimate things:
"Which was not to say that the observation deck went unused. Those who imbibed the toxically hallucinogenic cocktails brewed by Apothecary Fabius found enlightenment in its infinite vistas, and many indulged their freshly awakened carnal hungers with vicarious feasts of flesh and blades. Discarded bodies and torn heaps of broken glass lay strewn throughout the bay, and the occasional moan issued from a jumbled pile of clothing and leather restraints."
The same story mentions that they had fun with prisoners on one of the planets for several days. At first, one company abused the slaves, later handing them over to another.
During the Siege of Terra, the Emperor's Children also tortured mortals. Moreover, it is not specified exactly how. If this were ordinary literature, then “more direct and crude enjoyment” could be perceived as a, ahem, dubious agreement. But since Warhammer 40k is here, use your imagination.
Simple pleasures had given way to complex debaucheries. While their allies fought and died the Emperor’s Children slaughtered more than a million people and rendered them down to create endless varieties of drugs and stimulants. Countless thousands more died to give the Emperor’s Children more direct, if cruder, enjoyment.
How exactly did they have fun? Not specified. But I think that everything was there. And yes, this is an important point.
In Angel Exterminatus, Julius even emphasizes that they began to experience pleasure in EVERYTHING. They began to look for pleasure in all things.
The Lords of Profligacy had lifted the suffocating veils of the mundane from their eyes and shown them unlimited worlds of sensation and indulgence. Undreamed vistas of excess in all things: noise, music, bloodshed, hedonism, torture, violence, adoration and most of all, worship. Every second not spent indulging desires declared taboo in an earlier age was a waste of life, and Julius Kaesoron had long since declared that no act of indulgence would remain beyond his grasp.
And yes, sexual attraction is a matter for every person. While most Space Marines will be attracted to ladies, some will look at men. Yes, I can nitpick, but c'mon, just read this passage:
Lonomia Ruen detached himself from the advance, and Lucius cursed. Since the death of Bastarnae Abranxe, Ruen had transferred his cultish adoration to Lucius. For a while it had been an interesting diversion to have a slavish devotee, but Lucius was already tiring of the man’s desperate need. ‘Your body is a wonder,’ said Ruen.
In the first book about Fabius Bile, a lot is described about how the Emperor's Children have fun on the ship:
The observation deck had become a place of contemplation and experimentation for the masters of the Quarzhazat. A place to indulge in pleasures of body and mind. Slaves bearing immense narcotic generators staggered to and fro, filling the air with a pleasant fug. Emperor’s Children sat on marble benches looted from Imperial temples and eldar crone worlds, or lounged on cushions made from the flayed hides of prisoners, speaking softly to one another of past debaucheries and future ecstasies. They wagered on gladiatorial bouts, watching as unlucky crewmembers gutted each other with rusty blades or, in some cases,hands and teeth. Elsewhere, the crude gutter-poetry of lost Nostromo warred with ear-splitting songs culled from the manufactorums of Chemos and Cthonia. The more artistically inclined among them painted obscene murals on the wall and deck. Armour was peeled away from flesh, so that brands could be applied, or the bite of a tattooist’s needle.
And here we see this:
In the shadows, more intimate entertainments were being enjoyed, to judge by the screams of slave and Space Marines alike. The smell of blood and worse was strong on the air.
Moreover, their leader clearly loves his daemonettes too much. These are the interesting hints you can find in books.
The Radiant seemed to enjoy these occasional slaughters, and openly encouraged them, when he wasn’t leading a hunt or consorting with his Neverborn courtesans.
Oleander really distinguished himself, since apparently he started an affair with Fabius' daughter Melusine:
Oleander, it crackled. It has been so long, my love... come to me... come... He took a halting step forward, despite himself. Desire surged up in him, rising wild. His limbs trembled with need and his brain sparked with longing. A face swelled in his mind’s eye, inhuman and beautiful and terrible in that beauty, teased into the open by the electricfingers stroking his soul. He had danced to this rhythm before, however, and he recognised a lie when he heard one. He forced himself to stop, though his every instinct begged that he go forward. ‘No,’ he croaked. ‘No, I know her febrile stink, and you are not her,’ Oleander said. ‘She would not ask – she would demand.’
In the short story "A More Perfect Union" by Richard McCormick it's implied that some Emperor's Children are having sex (or something like sex). And not only with slaves but with each other.
Xantine to Euphoros:
'It has boon some time since you made your way to my bed chamber, my lord,' he said, draping a purple cloak around his naked body and drawing himself up to standing height with a predator's grace.
Euphoros to Xantine:
'I was worried, I hear pillow talk from from souls who tell me you are lost to your ...'* he looked at the empty containers. 'To your predilections.'
In the book Pariah, the simply amazing character Teke the Smiling appears. And yes, he not only notices the beauty of Beta and Judika, but also wants to “have fun” with the girl. He calls her "sweet" many times as if in mockery. And jokes that she should take her friend on board as "plaything".
‘My, but you’re beautiful,’ Teke said to me, regarding me intently. ‘As beautiful as the boy. Those eyes, that mouth. The hard absence of soul. It’s such a shame he’s been spoiled.’
‘I don’t want to hurt you, Bequin,’ he said. He paused. ‘Well, of course, I do. Very much. Right up to the unthinkable point where it becomes a pleasure for both of us. But I can’t. I’m not allowed to. You’re too valuable.’
‘You have provided us with it. Within just hours of knowing you, Bequin… sweet Mamzel Bequin… you have already performed an extraordinary service for us.’
‘Oh, he likes you, doesn’t he?’ said Teke, smiling at the Curst. ‘Do you want to bring him too, as your plaything?’
And I like how in the sequel the two girls talk about Teke.
‘I don’t have to imagine,’ she said. ‘I’ve met them. A brief encounter with the one named Teke. Thankfully, I was well warded. It was hard to tell what he wanted more – to kill me, or copulate with me.’ ‘Both, I should think. At the same time.’
Also worth mentioning is Telemachon, who was infatuated with Nefertari. Mostly due to the fact that she is a Drukhari. And he wanted to kill her for the Dark Prince. Is there any sexual connotation here? Well:
‘My angel. My lovely angel, you know nothing of what you speak. You’ve spent a lifetime running from the Youngest God. But he loves you, sweetling. He adores you and all of your kind. I can hear him sing each time you breathe. And one day, when you leave your flesh behind, you will be his. A concubine of spirit and shadow, claimed by your true love at last.’
Telemachon closed his eyes, breathing in her breath, drinking her every exhalation. Being near her was rapture. ‘Let me touch you,’ he said, shuddering. ‘Just let me touch you once.’
‘You live in defiance of his hunger, lovely angel... Let me taste you. Let me bleed you. Let me kill you. Please. Please. Please.’
Telemachon’s hunger for her was still a palpable thing, an aura that invisibly stained the air around him. He was imagining the salty richness of her blood on his tongue, and the thought made him shiver.
I want her, came the swordsman’s wish, as clear as if he’d spoken it aloud. He did not send the words to me, but his murderous desire was fierce enough that I couldn’t help but sense his thoughts.
 A feather. A single black feather. I tore it from the fine golden chain that bound it to the pistol grip and crushed it in my hand. ‘Is this from her wings?’ I demanded.  ‘But of course.’ ‘You diseased creature. Stalking her. Watching her.’ ‘And more.’ The onyx of his eyes flashed with reflected light. Telemachon was smiling. His facemask didn’t change, but I sensed whatever was left of his face behind the silver twisting in mirth.
And I really like that the Thousand Sons Space Marine stubbornly says that he doesn’t need Nefertari. That she is simply his property and she has no value to him in the Black Legion. Also he when Telemachon speaks of Nefertari:
I will end him. My mind inferred the tigrus-lynx’s violent eagerness as words, though as ever no words were spoken.
‘Do you value your life so little?’ I asked him, surprising myself with my own honesty. ‘This hunger for her will be the death of you.’
And the Chaosites have clearly expanded their vocubular. Just imagine what the Space Marines said smt like that during the Great Crusade:
‘Prey,’ the wych hissed again, echoed crudely by her sisters. ‘Oh no,’ Lucius grinned. ‘You are quite mistaken, my lovelies. I am not being hunted by you. It is you who are being hunted by me.’
Even Abaddon knows how to speak with ladys even if they are eldar which is really funny:
‘The Maiden of Commorragh,’ he greeted her.
‘They are gone.’ Nefertari broke in, still wearing her smile. ‘Their bodies hang in my Aerie if you wish to introduce yourself to them the way you have to others.’ Abaddon snorted in amused resignation. ‘What a wretched little darling you are, alien. And what of Falkus? Where is he, Khayon?’
I also found two interesting comments on reddit, but alas, I could not find exact references in the books. I'm still a human being and this is a Tumblr post, not a dissertation:
The Emperor's Children are quite possessive of the Daemons of Slaanesh. Fighting honour duels for a kiss of a daemonette or to catch the eye of a Keeper of Secrets. They showered even the least of Dark Prince's daemons with affections and gifts. It is because of this they are jealous of the Word Bearers like Saqqara who needed none of that to be beloved by daemons.
And another one:
The bile series straight up has the ec doing kinky shit only just off screen and one of the things Fabius gets accused of when he's setting up his new men is that he's just making a harem for himself.
I also like reddit about Fulgrim because it's true:
I’m pretty sure there is a pretty blatant scene in Slaves to Darkness that shows Fulgrim’s interest in EVERY excess and sex is part of the equation. It’s like a bunch of cultists and demons in the Webway essentially worshipping Slaanesh by experiencing excess including sex, gluttony, etc. Fulgrim is taking part, but it’s not exactly clear what he is taking part in. He’s a demon prince by this point obviously.
He was the only primarch who was married. He can lie himself that he didn't really loved his adoptive parents and wives but can't lie me:
Fulgrim sat back. ‘I was betrothed, once,’ he continued idly. ‘Several times, actually. Political marriages, of course. Made to seal binding agreements, or open negotiations with certain executive dynasties.’ Pyke didn’t reply. His tone had become sombre. A rare thing, for Fulgrim. The Phoenician seemed to always be smiling, laughing at some joke only he understood. But now, he seemed tired. He rubbed his face. ‘I outlived them all, one way or another.’ ‘Did you love them?’ Fulgrim smiled slowly. ‘Some. I think. At first. After a time, I stopped. Love was a weakness I could ill afford in those days. A billion lives rested on my shoulders, and any hesitation on my part would have doomed them all irrevocably.’ He laughed softly. ‘Or so I told myself then.’ ‘And now?’ ‘Now, I know it would have. There is no room for weakness in this galaxy. No room for imperfection.’
And do you know why this is a lie? Because after Fulgrim become a daemon prince, he immediately got N'kari as his consort:
Fulgrim reached the dais and flowed up its side. The bloated thing squirmed in greeting, uncoiling its bulk and twining it around Fulgrim as he embraced it. The thing purred up at the daemon primarch, baring its teeth. Fulgrim ran a hand over its hair. ‘There, N’kari, my delight… We will have bliss again once this is done with, but he is family, and that means I should listen to what he says, hmm? At least a little.' N’kari… It was not its true name – that was a thing that would have broken reality to speak – but in the realm of the warp it was like a signature drawn in atrocity. Layak had glimpsed it and heard it at the edge of bloody visions, but never seen it before. Now it sat before him. N’kari… Eater of Delight, the Son of Ruin, the Daughter of Delight, one of the Six Courtesans of the Dark Prince. Fulgrim settled next to the exalted daemon, their snake bodies intertwining with a sigh, then turned his gaze back on Lorgar.
Fulgrim squirmed, a hand running through N’kari’s hair, while another picked a wet, red fruit from a silver platter and held it out to the bloated daemon. Layak noticed that the exalted daemon’s face was a warped echo of Fulgrim’s own, a fattened parody of the daemon primarch’s primarch’s soul-breaking perfection. N’kari ate the fruit and licked Fulgrim’s fingers.
‘Which war is this, brother dear?’ said Fulgrim, running a finger over N’kari’s cheek.
Fulgrim snarled as soon as Layak willed him speech. ‘I will take your soul and–’ ‘Your consort has already issued the necessary threats.'
N’kari walked to Fulgrim’s side, its bull-headed form shrinking and thinning until it was a slender figure wrapped in red silk, its skin the colour of a shark’s belly, its eyes black orbs. A delicate crest of bone and skin ran down the centre of its scalp. ‘Where the Prince of the Princes goes, so go I,’ it said, its voice a melody that promised bliss and suffering. ‘I am bound to this and to him. As you command him, so shall I follow your will.
By the way let's not forget the words of my man Tyrell, Renegade Lord of Arden IX (Codex: Chaos Space Marines (8th Edition, pg. 52):
Take care, lest your protests grow tiresome. I have asked for so little! Anyone would think that I have asked you to sacrifice yourselves and your sons! And yet, in Slaanesh's boundless and pleasing mercy, I have asked only for your daughters. Surely you would not deny me my small enjoyments?
And I don't care what fandom thinks about my beloved Ian Watson. I don't like he's other space marines. But his Children of Emperor are great:
Were the screaming tethered female prisoners hallucinating while abominations were perpetrated slowly and perversely upon their flesh? A few tormentors had shed items of armour, exposing grotesquely mutated rampant groins, their organs of pleasure bifurcated and more, with squinting eyes sprouting from them, and with drooling lips. Others had no need to shed armour. Chaos Spawn had materialized: wolf-sized creatures with legs of spiders and bodies of imps, with questing tentacles and phallic tubes. Jaq himself almost believed that he was hallucinating. A snake-like umbilical cord connected these spawn to the swollen groin-guards of their master – who stood back, roaring and whinnying with delight, as they guided the spawn in the ravishing of their captives, soaking up the sensations of these roving external members. Corralling other hysterical captives were beastmen slaves armed with serrated axes. A Chaos Tech-Marine monitored these slaves. His armour was studded with spikes. Each shoulder pauldron was in the shape of giant clutching fingers. He wore a nightmare helmet shaped like a horse’s head, eyes glowing red. One of the shaggy beastmen drooled and dropped his axe. The beastman reached out a paw to caress a particularly voluptuous captive. Immediately the Tech-Marine adjusted a control-box strapped to his forearm. The disobedient beastman’s metal collar exploded, severing his head. The head fell. It bounced and rolled amidst the captives even as the beastman’s body was tottering.
I almost forgot to add that in the book Renegades: Lord of Excess Xantine emphasizes that he is fascinated by love. He liked to kill, torture and just look at lovers. So much so that he was delighted with the way his personal daemonette of Slaanesh hugged him. The usual hug after sex, something personal and more sensual.
Later, he warms up to Cecile, a psyker, but not enough to not use her as a navigator. Although the book mentions that he didn't want to know whether she sighed in surprise or pain when he loaded the helmet on her.
He also called one woman, whom he had picked up a long time ago (she interested him because she laughed when she learned that she had become with the inhabitants of the world, who kicked her out of the city, calling her a witch) a muse.
It is clear that, first of all, the Emperor's Children derive pleasure from murder and torture. But still this is not enough. Some may have their own personal obsession. For example, Lucius' fencing. A Space Marine was mentioned who sought satisfaction in the spiritual realm rather than the material. They may love music, food, or take drugs. Including fucking. It's just not their main goal.
So everyone who is against “sex among space marines” can relax. Yes, there is sex drive, but this is just one of the pleasures. Besides, only the Emperor's Children have this thing… at least I haven't found any other Space Marines yet. But judging by my excellent analysis, if I try, who knows.
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putellasawfc · 3 months
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mapi leòn as a girlfriend is the type to …
gf!mapi is the type to … ramble on at bedtime, the clock ticking away into the early hours of the morning but she can’t sleep, so she decides you can’t either as she goes on and on about anything and everything. “do you think mermaids exist?” “what if the world is going to end but the government just don’t want us to know?” “should i go blonder?” “we need to book that vacation tomorrow before it’s too late.”
gf!mapi is the type to … beg you to let her tattoo you, she just won’t give up no matter how many times you tell her you’re not looking for a tattoo yet. she assures you she knows what she’s doing, she’s even drawn out a few ideas for you without you knowing. she just really wants to be the one to give you your first tattoo.
gf!mapi is the type to … get clinger, the more exhausted she gets. after a gruelling training session, or an intense match, the woman is hanging off you any way she can. her arms linked with yours, fingers intertwined, hand on the small of your back, arms wrapped around your waist with her chin resting on your shoulder and her favourite of all: getting a piggyback ride back to the changing rooms.
gf!mapi is the type to … be the first person to jump on you to celebrate when you score a goal, whatever type of goal it is. a simple tap in that didn’t take much? she’s all over you. a long range shot that hits the top corner beautifully? she’s cradling your face in her hands with the cheesiest grin on her face. you get the match winner in an important game? her arms are wrapped around you like you might disappear if she doesn’t hug you hard enough.
gf!mapi is the type to … be almost brought to tears when she sees how well you and bagheera bond so quickly. it’s no secret that, that cat means everything to her, and if you didn’t get along it wouldn’t be the end of the world but she’d be upset that her two favourite beings weren’t clicking. but she doesn’t have to worry about that. not when she returns from the store and spots the two of you cuddled up together whilst taking a nap on the sofa.
gf!mapi is the type to … take an excessive amount of pictures of you till her camera roll is 80% you (& bagheera). she’s always snapping photos of you, even if you’re doing something as mundane as folding laundry. she thinks you’re the prettiest girl she’s ever met, and she makes sure to remind you everyday. you cringe at some of the pictures when she shows you, some of them not being the most flattering. but she just playfully swats you away, grumbling under her breath with a frown. ‘stop being mean to yourself before i get it printed out and stick it on the living room wall.’
gf!mapi is the type to … miss you so much when you have to go on international duty. you’re never usually gone for long unless it’s for a big tournament, but she counts down the minutes until you’re back almost the second you leave. phone calls, texts, facetimes and social media interaction’s just aren’t enough for her. she needs to have you back with her in person asap.
gf!mapi is the type to … buy your football shirt and wear it proudly with the most adorable smile on her face. she has every barcelona shirt with your name and number on the back, wearing it whenever she would come to watch the team whilst she was out with injury.
gf!mapi is the type to … talk about the two of you getting married so casually, as if it was inevitable. she’ll randomly suggest places for your honeymoon, ‘venice would be nice wouldn’t it? or would you prefer somewhere colder?’ or she’d point out decorative bits and claim that would look nice on the table during the reception, as if you were already engaged.
gf!mapi is the type to … be annoying at the most inconvenient times. you could be watching a movie that you’ve been dying to see for weeks, and she’ll start fidgeting beside you, which eventually leads to her talking your ear off, and then suddenly she’s tugging on your arm and poking you, and trying to tickle you because she’s unhappy with the lack of attention she’s receiving.
gf!mapi is the type to … comment the stupidest things on your instagram posts. she’ll do it sat beside you, giggling away to herself as if she’s the funniest person in the world. you’ll post a picture of yourself during a training session, and no sooner than five minutes later there’ll be a ‘working hard or hardly working? 😏’ comment appearing. you have to fight the urge to delete it.
gf!mapi is the type to … paint your nails for you when you’re struggling to stay between the lines, especially when you’re using your non dominant hand to paint. she’ll take over for you when you ask, her tongue poking out whilst she concentrates, taking her job very seriously.
gf!mapi is the type to … argue with the ref until she’s red in the face when you get fouled, and the ref decides it was a clean challenge. her arms are thrown around as she tries her best to not raise her voice, absolutely appalled that the ref is letting the player get away with the foul on you with no consequences. she’ll make sure you’re okay, and then target said player for the rest of the game.
gf!mapi is the type to … have you try new skincare products with her. she’ll buy a big package of different lotions and oils and creams, eager to try them out and get her skin gleaming. but she wants you to get in on the action too, the two of you will have plenty of self care nights which include taking stupid selfies with face masks on and a lot of kissing.
gf!mapi is the type to … make sure you know how much she loves you everyday. she’ll make sure your favourite foods are stocked up in the house, she’ll give you a foot massage whilst you watch tv together, she’ll call your name just to say ‘i love you’ every so often, she’ll give you her jumper to wear the second she suspects you’re getting chilly, she’ll randomly message you huge paragraphs about how much you mean to her when she’s feeling a little sentimental. she’ll make sure you never question her feelings towards you.
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