#v17 isn't a brute like v3 or a narcissist like v1; he's sadistic
What is being referenced with the Cassie hologram in that cut Eleutherophobia bit you linked earlier? I don't recall any "onscreen" use of the Chee duplicating anyone but Marco+Peter
Oh yeah, that's Erek's role in the endgame. Jake is technically pulling a triple-cross (quadruple cross?) on Visser Formerly-Three in the final battle, using Visser "Seventeen" (the yeerk in Tom). Visser Seventeen thinks the plan is:
V17 doesn't tell V1 the andalite navy is approaching Earth, or that James's big damn attack on the Pool ship is a ruse.
V17 "captures" an Animorph, and brings her on board the Pool ship. In reality he's bringing all 6 Animorphs with him, sneaking them past security.
The Animorphs plan to demorph on the Pool ship and take it from V1. Meanwhile V17 takes the Blade ship, waits for the andalite attack, and fucks off amidst the chaos to go conquer some other planet.
However, Jake's version of the plan accounts for V17 being untrustworthy, and goes more like:
The "captured" Animorph isn't Cassie; it's Erek. Cassie thus isn't in danger from V17. Marco and Ax really are riding "Cassie" through security, but Rachel’s in Tom's hair.
When V17 inevitably announces to V1 that all 6 Animorphs are with "Cassie," Erek pretends to be eaten by taxxon. Tobias makes sure he's the closest "taxxon" on hand when V1 gives the order, to sell the ruse.
The 5 Animorphs on the Pool ship sneak away, remorph in a back room, and take the Pool ship. Rachel rides to the Blade ship on Tom, and makes sure V17 can't get away with it.
Of course there are even more moving pieces than that - James and General Doubledday on the ground, the Hamees hidden on the Pool ship, the hosts they loop into the fight, the taxxon rebels, the way they get Erek's help - but that's why Tom knows the Animorphs can do something hinky with hologram tech.
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