#v. supernova swings.
a-killer-obsession · 4 months
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Shared Smiles [Heat x Reader]
Despite being forced on board against your will, you find yourself connecting with a commander, and finding solace in your shared traumas.
CW: wounds, off-screen amputation, loss of limb, comfort, trauma, mentions of mutilation, fingering, p in v sex, afab reader
WC: ~6k
Masterlist || AO3
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The chains holding you creaked slightly as you swung back and forth, blood running down over your face and dripping to the floor below you as you hung upside down. Your ankles were bound together in metal cuffs, your hands tied to your torso with chains, and your body bare save for your panties and the many fresh wounds that littered your body. Two Supernovas of the Worst Generation stood in front of you, Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid and his first mate, Massacre Soldier Killer. The captain pressed his boot against your face again, letting back off and making your body swing, the ankle cuffs digging into your skin at the added pressure the movement created.
“Last chance,” the redheaded captain gloated, kneeling and grabbing a handful of your hair to force you to look at him. You could barely keep eye contact, not out of fear but, because you'd been upside down for so long that you were nearly unconscious. “I don't usually give out mercies like this, but your skills are useful to me, and my girls enjoyed your company before you fucked up”
Said fuck up was simply rejecting the large man of his sexual advances. You'd met some of his crew, a couple of girls named Hip, Hop, Quincy, Emma and Dive, at a bar nearby. You'd seen a lot on your travels as a for-hire mercenary, but female pirates were not common on the Grandline. They'd made you laugh, a rarity for you, and hadn't judged your unusual mask that hid your mouth and the end of your nose. Of course they hadn't, they were used to a first mate who covered the entirety of his face in white and blue stripes. They didn't even ask questions about it, which was a breath of fresh air for you, only commenting on how cool the sculpting that decorated it was - a relief of a open lion's jaw, with large, sharp teeth and a lolling tongue, trimmed by a nose and cheeks curled mid roar. The whole mask gave you the appearance of having a lion's snout, and along with the clawed gloves you wore during combat, was the guiding force for the moniker the marines had given you: ‘The Lioness, [Y/N]’.
Now, had your rejection perhaps been a little harsh? Maybe, by normal standards. A large, attractive man with such infamy as him was probably not rejected often, let alone with such sass. You knew you had a knack for being too brutally truthful, never filtering your words or pulling your verbal punches. It'd gotten you in trouble on more than one occasion, but you were a talented fighter, fast and agile, you didn't usually get caught in situations like this. When the Massacre Soldier snuck up on you in the alley outside though, you found you were no match for him, he had such a high bounty for a reason.
“How bout it little kitty?” Kid purred in faux sweetness, bringing you back to reality, blinking as you fought the pull of unconsciousness. “You can join my crew, or you can stay here and get tortured till you die. This is the last time I'll ask”
Did you want to be a pirate? No, you liked running solo, you liked having the freedom to go wherever you wanted and take whatever jobs were convenient. Having your life dictated by someone else was the last thing you wanted, and being around the same people every day would make it hard to avoid forming attachments. You had sworn to never get close to others again, after your last relationship resulted in the unforgivable reason you wore the mask. Making friends you'd never see again in bars was one thing, but you weren't looking for long term relationships, platonic or not. On the other hand, you liked being alive. You would not let a man be your death, not after everything you'd been through.
“Fine,” you spat. The single word was a struggle to push out, your head felt like it was in a vice and the rest of your body was going numb as a new droplet of blood rolled down your face and caught in your eyelashes.
“Wise choice,” the first mate noted from behind his unreadable mask. “One of our commanders is gonna love that pretty little smile of yours”
“Bite me,” you spat back, voice laced with venom.
“Tell the girls to clean her up and get her settled,” Kid addressed the first mate as he used his devil fruit to release your bindings, dropping you to the hard floor unceremoniously. He threw your mask at you, bouncing with an audible clunk off your already sore head, and you grabbed it greedily. Killer watched you with empathy as you desperately covered your mouth back up, he knew that feeling well and felt like an asshole for knowing what you hid underneath. You shot daggers up at him as the mask was settled in its rightful place, the room brightening for a moment as the door opened for the captain to leave before returning to its barely lit state.
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As the months passed, you found yourself feeling surprisingly comfortable amongst the Kid Pirates. It'd taken you a while to heal and stop being so jumpy, but it came as no surprise to learn you were not the only crew member who had been hired via torture after pissing the short-fused captain off, and they all thought it was hilarious in retrospect. You hoped one day you'd find it funny too, but for now you still had aches from where new scars pulled taut on your skin as you moved. You found yourself at home among the other girls, and learned that Kid protected them with fierce loyalty. You had expected to have to reject more advances from him, but as it turned out, he treated the girls on his crew like sisters, and after months of getting past the violent way you were brought on the ship, you found yourself able to laugh in his presence. You never expected to enjoy the life of a pirate, but in truth it was nice to not have to fight for everything and take care of yourself, it was soothing to know someone had your back if you got into trouble. The girls had been diligent in tending to your wounds and nursing you back to health, and you'd gotten to know them well over the last few months. At first you thought about running every chance you got, but now you felt a pang of guilt whenever you thought of leaving the women you'd come to call friends, and ultimately pushed away the idea of leaving all together.
Much like the first mate though, you never removed your mask in front of the others. They'd allowed you to put up a curtain around your cot so you could sleep without it in privacy, you ate your meals in solitude sitting on the figurehead skull of the ship, and thankfully the showers were built as separate cubicles with doors. Nobody asked why you wore the mask, they respected your privacy the same way they respected Killer's, to ask what lay underneath would be a disrespect against both of you. As for the two that had seen, Kid and Killer kept your secret, even from the other commanders. Their word was gospel, so nobody pried, and it helped to make you feel safe here. You hadn't gone this long without someone asking about what the mask hid for months, the only questions you ever got from the crew were in regard to the mask itself. How was it made? Why a lion? Where did you get it? Is it annoying to wear? Curiosities that you couldn't fault, but always asked in a respectful manner.
This evening, like many other evenings, you found yourself drinking with the crew. It was a crew of around thirty, and although there were a few members held higher than the rest - the captain, first mate, and four commanders - it was clear the whole crew were friends, and there was no divide when they drank. You found yourself sitting next to Heat, a quiet, tall man with an almost grey skin tone, thick blue hair that fell in waves, and an almost perpetually sad expression. He was sweet, and easy to be around, and you often found yourself seeking his company. He didn't pry about your past as long as you didn't ask about his, and he was okay with a comfortable silence, making him one of your favourite people to spend time with, along with his best friend Wire, another commander who was similar in personality, though a lot more stoic, an a significant amount taller. Heat looked tough, but on a more personal level seemed far too soft to be a pirate. He didn't have a devil fruit, but he could breathe fire, and his long thorn-like tattoos fascinated you. He was an interesting man, someone you could see yourself opening up to in the past, if you hadn't sworn to close your heart from all men after the betrayal you experienced with the last one.
For obvious reasons, you didn't actually drink around the others, you just took part in the conversations. Unlike the Massacre Soldier, who could thread a straw through the holes in his mask, your mask was one solid form, the only holes being a mesh for ventilation hidden under the top row of sharp teeth, and the holes in the lion's nose where there the anatomy dictated, again so you could actually breathe. You enjoyed the company none-the-less though, and you'd never been one for drinking before the mask anyway so it was no loss. You didn't like the way alcohol made you feel, you preferred to keep your wits about you. That was another thing you enjoyed about Heat, he was your comrade in sober arms, also preferring not to drink. Apparently last time he got drunk he accidentally set fire to a bar, so he chose to stay sober for everyone's safety.
You laughed wholeheartedly as Quincy fell victim to a well planned truth or dare, admitting she'd had a raunchy sex dream about another crewmate, Bubblegum, the crew erupting in laughter as the two of them flushed bright red. The laughter died down and it was Quincy's turn to ask a question to the next victim, and your breath caught as you thought she was going to pick you, only to move one more over and pick Heat. You let out a sigh of relief.
“Truth or dare Heatie!” She coughed out, trying to quickly divert the crew's attention.
“Truth,” he replied calmly.
“Okay, mmmm,” she pressed a index finger to her mouth as she thought, “tell us who you have a crush on!”
A few of the crew went “ooooooh” as Heat turned bright red, and Kid sat up, his attention piqued.
“Look how red he is!” Kid barked, “there's definitely someone!”
“Tell us! Tell us!” Someone called out.
“It's… it's…[y/n]” he finally stuttered out, finally breaking, curling in on himself and trying to hide his flushed face from you. Your own face went pink at the admission, you hadn't expected it at all and there were butterflies in your chest. Heat quickly picked the next victim to move the attention, and you quietly excused yourself from the gathering.
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“I didn't mean to offend you,” Heat said softly as he approached where you sat on the figurehead skull, facing the ocean. You quickly wiped your tears and sniffed, replacing your mask which you'd removed to keep it dry from your crying. “Were you crying? [Y/n] I'm so sorry, please forget I said anything, it's just a dumb game”
“It's not that, Heat,” you sniffed, “it just… brought up some not very nice memories is all. It's not your fault”
“Oh, well I'm sorry anyway,” he shifted awkwardly on his feet, “do you want to talk about it?”
“The last man I was with was not kind,” you tried to explain, “he… decided I was no longer worth the trouble, and he did this,” you pointed at the mask.
“Can I… see?” He asked shyly.
You looked out to the ocean, thinking hard about whether you were ready for that, ready to let someone past that heavily guarded wall. If anyone would understand, it was him. In truth, you didn't want to carry this burden alone anymore, and you knew he was more than willing to carry it with you. You looked around the deck for spying eyes, and seeing no other life you gave him a small nod and patted the figurehead next to you, inviting him to come sit. He climbed up and sat beside you, cross legged and patient. You sighed nervously as you unlatched the mask with shaky hands, turning to him anxiously.
“Oh,” he said softly.
Staring back at him, stretching from the corners of your mouth to the apex of your jaw, were the jagged scars of a Glasgow smile, just like his own. His heart stung when he saw it, he knew the pain you'd been through, physical and emotional, and the way you no doubt feel every time you look in the mirror. You turned away from him again, replacing the mask and looking back out to the ocean.
“Did you kill him?” He asked, shuffling a little closer so your shoulders touched, staring out to the sea with you.
“Yes,” you replied flatly.
“Good,” he huffed. “How long ago did it happen, if you don't mind me asking”
“Three years,” you idly picked at the cuticles on your fingers.
“The dysphoria will pass, in time,” he assured you, then pointed at his own scars, “rival gang, eight years ago. I wore a scarf over the scars for five years before I finally got comfortable with my own reflection. It'll pass, and nobody here will judge you when it finally does”
You nodded quietly and rested your head on his shoulder, and the two of you sat in comfortable silence till you started to fall asleep and decided to head to bed.
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“MOVE, GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Heat shouted at the other crewmates that had crowded around your fallen form.
In a blink of an eye, everything had gone so very wrong. The crew had been raiding a marine base, rampaging through it as they always did, cutting down marines left and right. Nobody could have known the building you were fighting next to was structurally unsound, closed off from use years ago, scheduled to be demolished before it could collapse on someone's head. One small shake of the ground from a nearby explosion and the whole outer wall crumbled, burying you in heavy cement faster than you had a chance to register what was happening. The crew had been quick to dig you out, working together to move the large slab of concrete that was crushing you. Heat took in your seemingly lifeless body with baited breath, the limbs on your right side twisted in unnatural positions, deep purple bruises already forming on any skin that was visible, blood running from your nose and ears.
Your body moved just a little, and suddenly you were screaming. Awaking in absolute agony, everything was on fire, you could barely think through the pain. Only one coherent word escaped you, a shrill, desperate scream of his name, before the world went black again. Thankful that you were unconscious again so you didn't have to feel your injuries, Heat carefully lifted you, holding you close to his chest as he carried you back to the ship, tears silently rolling down his cheeks and neck as he tried his best to keep it together for you, to get you somewhere safe and start the long, hard process of healing.
For five days you slept in the infirmary of the Victoria Punk, and for those five days Heat never left your side, sleeping in an old metal chair next to you, his head against your arm and your good hand held gently in his, praying to whatever god that would listen that you'd wake up. His back ached from sleeping upright, he had deep, dark bags under his eyes, and he smelt as bad as he looked, still covered in the grime and blood from the battle, refusing to leave your side for long enough to shower. You needed him here, he needed to be here when you woke up, because you had to wake up, and he fought tooth and nail against anyone who dared to try and drag him away.
When you finally awoke, you did so with a small whimper, unable to remember what had happened, or understand why half your limbs weren't reacting the way you wanted them to. Heat had been asleep next to you, but was quickly at attention, standing over you and making sure you knew he was here before you had time to question whether you were all alone.
“Shh, don't try to move,” he said softly, stopping you from sitting up too fast with a firm but gentle hand against your chest, “you got hurt real bad, but you're safe now, you're gonna be okay”
Your hand flew to your mouth, feeling for your mask, looking up at him with wide shocked eyes when you found it was missing.
“Shh, shh, it's okay,” he took your hand back in his and removed it from your face, “only the doc saw, nobody else except Kid and Killer have come in here, and they said they'd already seen”
Your breathing calmed down again as you accepted his assurances, squeezing his hand and trying to sit up again. You wanted, no, needed to know how bad the damage was, you needed to see for yourself. You felt heavy, no doubt from painkillers, but you could still tell something was very wrong, your right arm and leg still not responsive. Heat saw your efforts and sighed, he knew there was no keeping you from it any longer.
“I'm gonna help you sit up okay?” He slid his arm around your shoulders and held the other against your chest, “But I need you to not panic. Your injuries were life threatening, Emma did everything in her power but she couldn't save everything”
You tried your best to stay calm but you couldn't help but start to hyperventilate as he sat you up and pulled the blanket that covered you aside, finally seeing the damage for yourself. Your right arm was in a cast, from your armpit to your hand, set in a bend. Your pinky and ring finger were missing, only stubs of them remained. You were wearing nothing but your underwear, your entire torso wrapped in bandages, healing graze marks and yellowing bruises peeking out from wherever the wrapping didn't cover. But the worst of the injuries was your right leg. Or rather, lack thereof, because from your mid thigh down was just empty space where your leg should have been, a bandage wrapped tightly around the short nub that remained.
Heat held you tight to his chest as you took in the damage and started to sob, your tears soaking into his corset shirt and rehydrating some of the blood and dirt on his chest. You weren't sure how long you cried for, at some point he climbed up on the bed and sat behind you, rocking you back and forth and cooing reassurances in your ear until you were able to settle your breathing and your sobs turned to teary-eyed hiccups.
“It's gonna be okay,” Heat assured, his arms around your torso as he pressed a kiss to your dirty hair, “Kid is already working on a prosthetic for you, Emma said the amount she was able to save is plenty to learn to walk again with one, it's gonna be okay, I'm gonna be here the whole time”
You nodded as you let yourself rest back against him, the weight of your emotional burden too much to bare alone anymore, letting him support your exhausted body and keep you afloat.
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A few days had passed and Emma, as the ship's doctor, had cleared you to leave the infirmary. You couldn't walk given you would need two working arms for crutches, and with your dominant arm out of action you struggled at even the most basic tasks, so Heat insisted you stay with him. He'd pulled a spare mattress from the henchmen's quarters and was sleeping on the floor with it, leaving the entire queen size bed for you. As a commander he had his own room and a small humble bathroom, nothing compared to the grand rooms Kid and Killer had, but it was private and it was comfortable, and it kept you from embarrassing yourself in the middle of the night whenever you needed to go to the bathroom. He'd even rearranged his room for you, and made Kid install metal railings, all you needed to do was hop a few supported steps to make it to the toilet. If you had to travel any further he didn't hesitate to carry you, he didn't even need to be asked, all you had to do was look at him and he was moving.
The first thing you needed after leaving the infirmary was a good wash. Emma had done her best with Heat's assistance to sponge bath what they could to keep your wounds clean of the blood and debris you'd been covered in when Heat had carried you in, but you really needed a soak to wipe away the thick layer of grime. You couldn't wash yourself though, you needed to keep your casted arm out of the water, which meant a shower was out of the question - not that you'd be able to stand in one - and with only one hand there was no way you were washing your hair on your own. Even with the one working arm, your chest and side were still aching from the deep bruising you'd received as a result of being crushed, you were lucky you hadn't broken any ribs, but every movement hurt badly.
Emma had offered to wash you, but you'd surprised yourself and Heat by asking him instead. Somehow you felt more comfortable with the idea of him seeing you naked. Not that you had anything against Emma, you just felt safest with Heat. He'd carried you wordlessly to his room, wrapped in the infirmary blanket, and sat you on the closed toilet seat in his bathroom while he ran the water. Emma had given you the all clear to remove your bandages, though the one on your amputated leg would need to be replaced afterwards, so you worked on removing them while you waited. When the water was ready he helped you to your… foot… and held you steady while you used your good arm to manoeuvre your underwear past your hips, letting it fall to the floor at your ankles and leaving you entirely naked in front of him except for your cast.
He lifted you gently and lowered you into the water, your good arm around his neck for support. Using the old bandages he fashioned a sort of sling hanging from the curtain railing to keep your other arm out of the water, so you wouldn't have to worry about holding it up yourself the whole time. He was so careful and methodical as he washed you, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks the whole time, unable to look you in the eye for shame of how much he enjoyed seeing your naked body, how much he enjoyed touching you, when such horrible circumstances had led to this.
He avoided your genitals, letting you wash them yourself, and you sighed as his strong fingers worked shampoo into your scalp, washing away thick layers of grime that a sponge bath couldn't touch. It was quiet and intimate, the only words shared being him asking consent and you granting it as he worked on the different parts of your body, wiping away the blood and dirt. You whimpered as the cloth ran over your stump, burying your face in his chest for moral support as he diligently cleaned the old blood from it, the conditioner in your hair transfering to his skin.
Finally finished, he discarded the cloth and held you close while he knelt next to the tub, and you couldn't help but cry more at the awful state of your body. He didn't question your need to cry, he just held you while you got it all out till you took a deep breath and pushed yourself away from him, nodding that you were ready to move on. He rinsed the conditioner from your hair and drained the tub, wrapping you in a soft towel as he picked you back up and carried you to the bed. He held you in his lap as he dried you with an extra towel, patting dry your hair and wiping the dewdrops from your limbs. He held you firm to his chest, your arm around his neck, your head tucked under his chin as you listened to his rhythmic breathing. It was enough to lull you to sleep, so he carefully slipped an old baggy t-shirt over you, trying his best to not wake you, and tucked you into his bed, leaving you to rest.
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It'd been close to six weeks since the accident. Your arm cast had been removed a week ago, so you were now able to get around on your own using crutches, though the distance you could go before tiring was limited. Kid had built you a beautiful prosthetic leg, even going so far as adding a lion's clawed paw for the foot to match your mask, and Emma had given the go ahead for you to try using it in a few more days. For now, your stump remained covered in a compression sock, to promote healing and make sure it was ready for the prosthetic to be fitted. Kid had become an unlikely ally in this battle, having lost a limb himself he understood how you were feeling, and had helped you through more than one dark episode while you mourned the loss of your leg.
Mostly though, it was Heat that was there for you. You were still staying in his room, even though you assured him you could manage on your own. He insisted you would be more comfortable here, and try as you might he refused to share the large bed with you to at least alleviate a little of your guilt, telling you over and over that he was more than comfortable on his mattress, even though it was clear to everyone that his back was hurting and his eyes had heavy bags. You could hear him toss and turn at night, his quality of sleep significantly diminished because of his chivalrous sacrifice, but he'd give up anything to make you even slightly more comfortable. You had to admit though, having the privacy to sleep without your mask without fear of peeping toms was a luxury in itself. You didn't wear the mask in the bedroom, more than comfortable without it in front of Heat. He still helped you bathe, but it'd become significantly less awkward, now a time for conversation and laughter. You no longer had a cast to keep dry, and you really didn't need help anymore other than getting in and out of the tub, but neither of you had said anything about it, so he happily continued to help you, and you graciously accepted the help and his company. Subconsciously, neither of you wanted to let go of that time alone together, and you secretly enjoyed the feel of his hands wandering over your body, and the way he silently scanned your curves, a quiet hunger in his eyes that never left no matter how many times he saw you naked.
On this night, the ship was on route to a winter island, the long reaching weather system already chilling the air significantly as Heat helped you into bed. He stole a chaste kiss on the top of your hair, as he often did these days, before excusing himself to his mattress on the floor.
Hours passed, and he woke as he often did, sighing to himself and twisting his torso to crack his sore back. He strolled in his sweatpants to the bathroom to get a glass of water, thankful that his natural abilities kept him well heated, so he didn't feel the chill of the snowy weather outside. You, however, were not a fire breather, and were very much feeling the cold. You were shivering in your sleep, hunched in on yourself to try and conserve any heat from escaping but failing miserably. He felt a pang of guilt at your shaking form, and opened a cupboard to get you another blanket, only to discover you were already using the extra one. What was he to do? His own blanket was barely anything, more of a thin fabric to cover him for comfort than for warmth, it wouldn't make any difference to put it over you. Should he go find you another blanket? Where from? Maybe he could wake Wire and see if he had a spare? Everyone else on the ship felt the cold the same as you though, they were no doubt all using their blankets.
Stressed that you would fall ill, he pulled at his hair, trying to find a solution, till a small whimper escaped you and the solution was abundantly clear. He lifted the blankets and slid in beside you, wrapping himself around your body, covering as much of your icy frame as he could with his hot skin. Your shivering quickly stopped, and a small smile formed on your face as you settled into a deeper sleep. He let go a sigh of relief and shuffled till he was comfortable, laying so close that his head was on the same pillow as yours. It felt like a violation of your personal space, but he couldn't bare to watch you shiver anymore, and he felt butterflies at being able to hold you so close in what was really his bed, even if it mostly smelt like you these days, not that he had complaints.
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You were so warm when you woke up, wrapped in what felt like an army of hot water bottles, your skin sticky with sweat but you were too comfy to care. It took you an embarrassing long time to realise you weren't alone, a soft breath rustling your hair gently in a rhythmic pattern that matched the movement of the warm form next to you. Your eyes traced the thorn like tattoos that ran up and down the arm that was draped over you, a thick, muscular thigh trapped between yours, a pillow of pale blue hair intermingled with your own. You had wrapped yourself around him like a koala on a tree, seeking out his warmth in the night and clinging to it so it couldn't escape. You tilted your head up, your face now millimetres from his, inspecting fondly the scars on his face that matched your own. The dark eyeliner he liked to wear under his eyes was smudged, always too lazy to remove it before he slept, and his chin was covered in a fine layer of blue stubble. You blushed at how handsome he was, and how close said handsome face was to yours, his strong arms wrapped around you like he was just as unwilling to let go as you were.
His eyes fluttered open, his dark irises immediately focusing on you and his pupils blown wide in surprise as he realised the position he was in. He tried to pull away, an apology on the tip of his tongue, but you pulled him back to you, pressing your lips to his on instinct, in a desperate plea for him to stay. For a moment he didn't move, frozen in fear that this wasn't real, that you hadn't really kissed him, till he finally accepted the reality and kissed you back. His kiss was tender, full of devotion and longing, and you made a small moan as his tongue ran over your bottom lip and his hand wove into your hair. You opened your lips for him and his tongue dove inside, rutting against yours with his own quiet moan as you held him tight, pulling lightly on his hair to wordlessly beg for more.
He rolled you on to your back, pressing his thigh further up between your legs, and you whimpered into his mouth as you tried to roll your hips to rub against him, desperate for friction but unable to get it with your stupid useless stump. Understanding your frustration he ran his hand quickly down your front, threading it under the waistband of your pyjamas and your panties to slide between your wet folds. He pressed a thumb to your clit, circling it as his index finger toyed with your entrance, before sliding in and pumping you with slow, shallow movements that made you cry out. You hadn't realised how badly you needed him, how much you needed him inside you, filling you and sharing your breaths. He pulled away from the kiss and you could see your own feelings reflected in his eyes, all that longing and need and love. Love you didn't think was possible for you to even feel again, but it was there, without a doubt, and you knew he felt it too.
He watched your face carefully as he slid a second finger inside you, then a third, his pace quickening as your walls fluttered around his digits, his clothed erection rutting against the thigh of your good leg in his own desperate need for friction. He wanted to he inside you so badly, he wanted to feel your hot wet walls take him in and see your face contort as you came on his cock, the thought alone was almost enough to make him cum as he groaned and kissed you with fervour. He swallowed your moans as you clamped down on his fingers, your back arching off the bed as you came hard, shuddering underneath him.
As soon as your high had settled, you were sitting up and trying your best to claw away at his pants. You wanted him inside you so fucking bad, you'd already cum once but you ached with need. He pushed down his pants, his cock springing to attention, red and swollen with equal need, precum leaking from the tip. You eyed him hungrily, he was thick and longer than average, a set of three piercings running up the underside, you wanted to know how they would feel inside you. He helped you pull off your own clothes before settling between your legs, his tip prodding at your entrance but not yet inside, much to your frustration.
“Are you sure?” He asked nervously. You pulled him down by his neck and kissed him, forcing your tongue in his mouth before biting his bottom lip, pulling a groan from him.
“Please, Heat,” you begged, “I need you inside me, please”
He returned his lips to yours as he slid inside you, stretching you out, till the need to breathe was too much and you broke the kiss to pant, holding his shoulders tight as he sheathed himself inside you. You let out a stuttered moan, your breathing haggard as you rolled your hips to try and get him to move. He pumped you deep and agonisingly slow, just enjoying the pull of your walls on his length, till you wrapped your good leg around him and pressed your heel against his ass, moaning and clawing at his back as his pace finally picked up. He buried his face in your shoulder as he fucked you hard and fast, holding the headboard above you for support while his other hand held your hip tight, his fingers leaving bruises in your skin. You cried out a flurry of curses, mixed with his name and a string of yes yes yes as he groaned and panted in your ear, whispering sweet nothings and praising you for how well you were taking him.
His movements became erratic as you started to tighten around him again, your fingernails sinking into the skin on his back as you screamed his name and came hard, clamping around his cock and pulling him forcefully with you. His thrusts stuttered and stilled as he unloaded inside you, his hot thick load dripping out of you for lack of space as he shook and groaned. He collapsed to your side, pulling you with him, his softening cock still buried inside you as he held you to his chest. You draped your leg over his hip, kissing him softly, slowly, your tongues pressing together with more careful and tender movements, no longer driven by the carnal need for him to be inside you. You were full and content, comfortable despite his cock still buried in you, you felt like you could stay connected like this forever. He made you feel safe, and beautiful, despite your scars and mutilated body, as he pressed loving kisses over your Glasgow smile, and you returned the favour with kisses traced along his.
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🔎 I wanted to send a better article after that last post of randomness. I LOVE these articles (which then send me down random side quests).
First one features a bunch of high school coaches talking about facing Azzi. I love reading what they have to say because they all respect her so much.
The coach for Sidwell talks about the gameplan for the championship game. What I didn't know is Kiki Rice played that game for Sidwell as a sophomore. And I found this long highlight with their commentary.
This video has Azzi's championship interview:
Of course step up has highlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZfVsCCGOIg
Houzmazoo does as well and I love him just yelling that's the match up right there (for Azzi vs Kiki): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPboERy3n8o
Second article is a month after Geno has gotten to work with Azzi.
“I think most of it is what I expected,” Auriemma said. “She’s very quiet, very much introverted, really doesn’t say a whole lot. But her game is much older than her age. Her footwork is the kind of footwork that you would expect from someone going into the pros, someone who has spent three or four years perfecting that. That’s how good her footwork is. And her ability to get shots off and the way the shot comes off every single time, the exact same way, I mean, I knew it, but when you’re watching on a regular basis, it’s pretty amazing.”
On Thursday, he just motioned, letting his arms flail and swing to represent Bueckers’ herky-jerky style and closing his hands together to demonstrate Fudd’s skills — coordinated, tight, together.
Third is a month before she started freshman year basketball season. Just 5 things about her. It is fun to read that she caught Geno's eye as a 7th grader.
I love it when you go down a rabbit hole because you always make amazing discoveries and I get to enjoy them 😘.
Newbies should be required to read these articles and watch these videos to be able to talk about Azzi.
Fudd is, in essence, a supernova — a complete scorer with unlimited range, a point guard’s handle, and no ego. Her jump shot has been lauded by NBA superstar Stephen Curry, and there are comparisons to WNBA and UConn legend Maya Moore in her overall game.
Azzi basically met all the NCAA players in high school, she knows everyone. I wasn't expecting 50 minutes for the highlight video (I'll watch it at another time 😅).
Of course, Azzi was MVP of another championship game.
When can I see her play again? I miss her shot so fucking much😭.
Give us Houzmazoo as a commentator in the NCAA, he's so entertaining: "oh that's far enough" "tough" "step back, shot *lol*" "good D, that's the match up".
Fudd’s footwork in drills is just about always the same, which is to say it’s almost always perfect. The way she catches the ball and shoots it? Same every time, whether 10 or 25 feet from the basket. “Azzi just walks around like she’s good,” Auriemma said Thursday outside Gampel Pavilion
Geno is going to play her 30 minutes per game, isn't he? He loves Azzi too much 😌.
“All we have to do is get her open,” Auriemma said a couple weeks ago. “Boom, boom, boom. It’s up in the air before you can get your hands up. Swish, swish, swish. Right in (the defender’s) face. Her free throws and her shots from three feet beyond the 3-point line are exactly the same, no difference, no added anything, same routine. A lot of it is God given. A lot of it is her working her butt off every day. I don’t say anything about her shot other than ‘Good job.’”
The Bueckers-Fudd era has begun — almost. (we're having it this year 💫)
Fudd landed on the Huskies’ radar as a seventh-grader, and took an unofficial visit to Storrs during her freshman year at St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C.
I don't even have to say anything about this 🤠:
Fudd and Bueckers are nearly inseparable. They’ve been spending most weekends together since UConn’s season ended, working out privately with Alex McLean, an assistant coach with the NBA’s Washington Wizards.
“They’re very, very close. They’re also extremely competitive with each other, which you would expect,” Scribner said. “While they’re great, great friends, they both want to beat each other on the court.”
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acapelladitty · 8 months
Monomania (fic)
Pairing - Homelander/Hughie (The Boys)
Summary - In the midst of a messy fight, Homelander comes to a somewhat stunning conclusion involving Hughie.
Link to Part 2 & Part 3
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It was incredible, unthinkable even, that Homelander had found himself in this situation.
Hugh Campbell. Hughie. Starlight's little pet human. The gangly asshole who nipped at William's heels as William actively sought out as many different pain in the ass ways of inconveniencing his life as possible.
Hugh Campbell.
A pathetic human.
But a pathetic human who was currently trading hits with him due to the compound v which flowed through his veins to give him access to the sort of power that he probably used to jack off thinking about.
"Little Hughie." Homelander spat, dodging a messy right hook. Hughie had strength, yeah, but it was clear that neither man was a particularly trained fighter even if Homelander still held the advantage. "A fucking waste of skin compared to the people he surrounds himself with. One day that little girlfriend of yours is going to find herself a real man.”
Ducking under another swing, Homelander landed a strike of his own and his fist bounced off Hughie’s chest with a pained grunt.
“Supes and humans? A mess. Trust me. I've made enough of them." Homelander continued, refusing to allow his growing exertion to show on his features as he pushed Hughie off him – his heart thumping in his chest as his jaw throbbed in discomfort.
Hughie snarled his anger, his boyish features twisted into something almost inhumane as he threw fists with an obvious lack of thought. In the heat of the fight, Homelander could hear how laboured Hughie’s breathing had grown; how erratic and fucked up it was as his blood rushed through his veins and his pulse jumped with every strike. The stench of adrenaline, hot and heady, also hung in the air and the sheer potency of it was intoxicating.
Almost absent-mindedly, Homelander adjusted the crotch of his suit as he flew to the side to narrowly avoid a kick. Adrenaline and anger. Two familiar feelings which sat low in his belly and made his cock twitch despite his fury. He was the fucking Homelander and fighting like this-
His thoughts were knocked clean out of his head as a sharp fist caught him on the temple - sending his body stumbling backwards as the sheer indignation of being caught out burned within his chest like a serpent’s venom.
It only lasted a moment as Hughie's furious expression was quick to fill his sight. Panting and red-faced with the effort, Hughie looked down at him with such intense contempt that it actually made Homelander pause as long fingers wrapped around his throat and started to squeeze.
Even with the compound v, its potency already feeling like it was beginning to fade as Hughie’s movements grew more sluggish, it would be a hard task to choke him out and Homelander took a moment to look - really look - at the man attempting to kill him.
Hughie was handsome in a basic sort of way. He lacked the bulk and muscle of William but he certainly wasn't as scrawny and pathetic as he seemed to be on first glance. In his rage and erratic movements, a few curls of his brown hair had fallen over his forehead and remained plastered there by sweat.
Tall as fuck too.
It wasn’t often Homelander fund himself having to tilt his head to meet someone's gaze and what a gaze it was.
Pure hatred oozed from every millimetre of Hughie's eyes as the blue there appeared to grow steelier by the second and the utter intensity of his gaze, malicious as hell, made heat pool in Homelander's stomach as he drank in the undivided attention.
Atop him, Hughie’s body was an inferno of heat; a mixture of exertion and the compound which was burning through his unfamiliar cells like a supernova. Caged as he was against the wall, the pressure of Hughie's body pushing against his own was surprisingly erotic as the adrenaline and the attention and the flex of the hands around his sensitive neck caused his cock to grow harder between his legs.
With Hughie's hands still around his neck, Homelander easily jerked his head forward in one swift movement and caught Hughie's lips in his own, his actions not fully coming to terms with his thoughts until Hughie recoiled his head in disgust.
The first thing that registered in his head, aside from a burning shame, was a dull pain as Hughie's fist once again connected with his temple. The second was the warmth of lips against his own as Hughie followed the blow by pressing his face in close enough to allow Homelander to capture his mouth once again. Hughie’s lips were soft, nothing like his hard eyes, and Homelander snapped his teeth down on his lower lip, something victorious growling in his chest as he immediately tasted blood and Hughie pulled away with a throaty grunt of pain.
"You're a fucking monster." Hughie hissed.
The fury, that wickedly intoxicating fury, still radiated from his eyes but something predatory - something familiar - lurked in the shadows behind it and the hint of it send a coil of arousal through Homelander’s groin.
Little Hughie had a dark side it seemed, and in that instant Homelander decided that he was going to make it his new project to push the other man as far as he could to see how deep the darkness ran.
Shoving Hughie off him as though discarding a blanket, Homelander readied himself for another fight as he watched Hughie scramble to his feet – confusion and rage now at war on his handsome features as he attempted, vainly, to settle his breath. His eyes dropped for only a second to the undeniable bulge which tented at Homelander’s groin, evidence of his shameful desire, before snapping back up as a snarl overtook his mouth once again.
With the fresh seeds of obsession sewing their way into the landscape of his fragile mind, Homelander tensed himself up for barrle once more as a familiar smirk settled across his lips.
Little Hughie.
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FTF: How Powerful Is...?
A prolonged breakdown on a character detailing all their scaling, powers, stats, skill, and abilities to determine exactly how powerful they are.
This Week's Character....
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Serial Designation N!
For this analysis, I'll be using all eight episodes of Murder Drones's only season, with supports from the occasional author statement from series creator Liam Vickers and evidence from promotional material when necessary to support a feat or ability.
Attack Potency and Durability
N is a Disassembly Drone. A Worker Drone created by the JC Jensen corporation who got violently ripped apart and rebuilt by an Eldritch Monstrosity known as the Absolute Solver to become its tool in destroying all life. As such, he's capable of effortlessly ripping apart standard Worker Drones with ease, knocking their heads off in a single swing.
This means that N's power scaling kinda covers every tier in the Murder Drones universe's scaling chain, so I'll start from the bottom and work my way up.
The first feat in the chopping block is the Copper 9 explosion, which several characters scale to in numerous ways.
This explosion destroyed the planet's core, flash froze the planet, and wiped all human life from its surface. The blast itself reaches Country Level, but when factoring in the Kinetic Energy of the rubble the explosion blasted into space, the explosion reaches up to Large Planet levels of destructive energy.
Most ordinary Worker Drones were far away from the epicenter when the blast occured, meaning they only took about 8 Terratons worth of energy from the boom. This would already make N a comfortable country buster for being able to slaughter them, but there's more to it.
Worker Drones infected by the Absolute Solver, an eldritch digital virus effectively, get all kinds of reality warping super powers when taken under the Solver's thrall, making them far stronger than your average drone. N scales quite comfortably to this, as he can fight against Infected Worker Drones quite comfortably, even taking on a fully possessed infected Uzi while doing his best to not hurt her.
Seeing as Nori Doorman, another Infected Worker Drone, was right in front of the blast when it went off, they should be capable of enduring the fully planet destroying force of the explosion. That's a staggering 6 Ronnatons of TNT.
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So, Copper 9 Core Collapse has a kinetic energy capable of destroying planets. Nori tanked it, Uzi's equal to Nori, N's comparable to Uzi.
This cosmic level of strength is fairly consistent for the stronger characters in the series. During the final battle against the Solver, Uzi, N, and V are capable of shaking the whole planet of Copper 9 and creating continent sized explosions all throughout.
But, all of this pales in comparison to the Solver itself, who did... this to the Earth.
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Given the size of that black hole and the Gravitational Binding Energy needed to keep such a mass geld together, the Solver would be more than capable of destroying stars. That Black Hole would have a GBE of roughly 3 Foe, Foe being the measurement used to quantify supernovas.
Universe Buster?
The Absolute Solver likely wouldn't cap out at being just a star buster. The Absolute Solver, while disguised as a human named Tessa, describes itself as a threat to the entire universe in a conversation with N, with supplementary material backing it up on this.
Tessa: We know it mutates in damaged Al. It took Cyn as a host, then it took everything. The humans here saw what was happening at home. Thought they could understand it. (She pulls up a security feed of a possessed Nori before the feed gets cut out.) All they did was spread it.
N: Then Uzi... You can fix her, right? That's why you're here?
Tessa: (Gets up and takes N's hand) I'm here to find which drones were infected. When we get to the labs and find that list, I'll need you to choose the universe over one little drone, N. Before she's not herself anymore...
This is backed up by the "Alternate Universe" advert, where the final battle is described as "the world is ending, reality is breaking apart".
A blink and you'll miss it freeze frame bonus in Episode 7 even goes so far as to imply that the Solver is 87 days away from destroying the universe in a Big Crunch scenario.
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There are... a few different ends to this, so I'll tackle each in turn.
Low End
Taking 87 days to destroy the universe. It normal takes 282500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 joules to destroy the universe. Divide that by 87 days or 7517000 seconds and get 37581482000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 joules or 375800000000000000000000000000000000000000 Foe. (Multi-Galaxy Level+)
This calc fits with "Tessa's" insistence on the Solver spreading, implying this is an overtime effort. The Solver even mocks the heroes for "clearing the way on this planet too".
Mid End
Many have speculated that the Big Crunch, if it happens, will happen 100 Billion years from now, when the universe is 100 trillion light years across.
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Currently, this would make it 1075x larger than our own. A high mid end would just put this at 1075x universe busting, but a more conservative estimate would have us repeat the above process on this much larger number, getting us about 40400000000000000000000000000000000000000 Foe (Multi-Galaxy Level)
Assuming it happens all at once would support the reality collapsing statement, which suggests the world is actively ending from the fight, so there is precident for the higher mid-end.
High End:
The Big Crunch would destroy time itself as well, granting 4-D levels of energy.
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Now, it is important to not N is not a perfect equal to the Solver. Hell, he gets his heart ripped out twice by the thing. But he is still capable of harming it and should be comparable enough to scale, placing him anywhere from Multi-Galaxy to Universe Level+ depending on how ine interprets the minutiae of the Solver's universe threatening power. There are countless different ways to argue for and against it (the show takes place in the year 3071, which would kill Mid End interpretations but wouldn't effect low or high ends. Unless you want to argue humanity evolved several trillion years later in this timeline. Personally, I'd go with High End as it seems to mesh best with all the statements and info and requires less assumptions to explain potential contradictions.)
Numerous Disassembly Drones are capable of catching bullets and dodging rockets mid air, but there are much higher ends we can reach.
The Disassembly Drones are capable of turning their hands into laser weapons. Now, lasers may travel at light speed in the real world, but in fiction, there are a few criteria one has to meet to make sure they're operating like a real laser. For example, traveling in a straight line (✔️), it is shown to be heat based (✔️), and it is described as using photons or being light based by a credible source (✔️, Uzi's railgun is made of photons and it uses similar technology). As N's lasers meet these criteria, he should be relativistic to light speed for being able to dodge them.
This is nothing next to N's most impressive speed feat: his piloting. The Disassembly Drones were sent in one way drop pods all the way from Earth to Copper 9 in a neighboring system, traveling at speeds around 6582x faster than light.
Not only can Worker Drones react to and dodge incoming drop ships, but N manually piloted his to Earth and manually flew it through Copper 9's rings in the finale. This is consistent with him being able to fight Solver infected Worker Drones without getting sucked in by their Black Holes.
Disassembly Drones are the ultimate killing machines. Their hands can transform into any weapon that they might need, from rocket launchers to machines guns to laser canons. Disassembly Drones have created Ninja Stars, Flag Guns, Bubble Wands, Virus Injectors to shut down other robots, and EMPs. Their default when in murder mode, however, are retractable claws and wings to pick off their prey like vultures.
Disassembly Drones also have scanners built into their eyes, allowing them to record and playback their memories at will, scan for weaknesses, and even detect the main character's plot armor.... somehow. Of note is the injector tail N has sticking out of his back, full of nanite acid that can melt through almost anything. Luckily, their saliva neutralizes it.
N's also nigh unkillable, surviving the frozen over hellscape of Copper 9, falling from orbit and bursting into flame, and the vacuum of space without any need for oxygen or protection from radiation. When damaged, N can regrow his entire head, survive as nothing but a heart, and come back by having his consciousness put into another body back on Earth (though, without his memories).
However, if N gets destroyed beyond what he can regenerate from, his body will be taken over by the Absolute Solver to assimilate enough matter to allow him regenerate again, though it's unclear if this still applies now that the Solver is dead.
Skill and Intelligence
You'd never guess it if you met him, but N's a killing machine, easily assisting the Solver in wiping out humanity on Earth and getting such a high body count on Copper 9, he and his squad built a spire of corpses so high it blotted out the moon. He can even be fairly street smart when the situation calls for it, ignoring voices trying to lure him into a spooky basement and sussing out that the Solver was impersonating Tessa and cutting her head off mid monologue. Unfortunately, his genuinely caring personality and naivety can undercut him sometimes. Which leads us to....
Despite his sole purposes as a genocide machine, N is an absolute sweetheart once you get to know him. Trusting and kind to the point of sometimes being naive, he once befriended the cannibalistic serial killers who were in the middle of cutting him open by giving them advice on how to do it better. This same trusting personality is what led him to turn on the Solver in the first place when Uzi tricked him into thinking she was a fellow Disassembly Drone and got him to realize the workers he was massacring were people too.
But, that said, he is still a killing machine. He's constantly at risk of overheating, to the point where he can't stand in sunlight without dying and has to devour other drones so their oil can cool him off. He's so hot, human flesh melts on contact with him.
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He's also susceptible to getting hacked or having his memories wiped and his regeneration isn't perfect. He'll occasionally regenerate with some of his systems still malfunctioning, such as his eyes and scanners breaking down to not let him identify who he's talking to.
In conclusion, N is every bit the Murder Drone he was built to be. With galaxy busting strength at a minimum and speeds easily in the thousands of times faster than light, he's an unstoppable monster wrapped up in the skin of a lovable golden retriever. Not bad scaling for a show with only eight episodes.
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mirandamckenni1 · 7 days
Chappell Roan - Red Wine Supernova (Magician's Cut) Listen to "Red Wine Supernova" now: https://ift.tt/24pS03v Creative Direction by Ramisha Sattar Cinematography by Ryan Clemens Production Design by Sam Neidenbach Executive Producers: Gia Rigoli & Vero Kompalic Producer: Andres White Associate Producer: Grace Perkins Production Company: Discordia 1st Assistant Director: Julia Ponce Diaz Production Assistant: Frank Pfeifer 1st Assistant Camera: Jake O’Connor 2nd Assistant Camera: Justin Wall Key Grip: Alexander Barrett Gaffer: Em Shaffer Best Boy Grip: Ellia Thornburg Best Boy Electric: Tyler Maynard G&E Swing: June Bernardin Art Director: Amber Krieg Wardrobe Stylist: Genesis Webb Key Make-Up Artist: Chloe Gingold Make-Up Assistant: Nancy Lazaro Book Artwork by Jenifer Prince POST PRODUCTION Editor: Raven Peterson Colorist: Strack Azar VFX Artist: Anderson Mills Lyrics & Graphics: Ramisha Sattar CAST Magician: Magical Katrina Old Woman: Patty Sherman Management: Nick Bobetsky & Ruby Anton Island Records: Natasha Kilibarda & Liv Kooker Subscribe for more official content from Chappell Roan: https://ift.tt/s8BmVoE Connect with Chappell Roan: https://ift.tt/Cm52taL https://ift.tt/HsZIEjg https://ift.tt/aC5Id7o https://twitter.com/chappellroan https://ift.tt/ru3tCDi https://ift.tt/bGthW50 https://ift.tt/nu8R5IA #ChappellRoan #RedWineSupernova #MagiciansCut LYRICS She was a playboy Brigitte Bardot She showed me things I didn’t know She did it right there Out on the deck Put her canine teeth In the side of my neck I’m in the hallway waitin’ for ya Mini skirt and my go-go boots I just want you to make a move So slow down, sit down, it’s new I just wanna get to know ya Guess I didn’t quite think it through Fell in love with the thought of you Now I’m choked up, face down, burnt out Baby, why don’t you come over? Red wine supernova Falling into me (Let’s pick it up now) I don’t care that you’re a stoner Red wine supernova Fall right into me I like (I like) what you like (what you like) Long hair (no bra), that’s my type (that’s right) You just told me want me to fuck you Baby I will ‘cause I really want to I just wanna get to know ya Guess I didn’t quite think it through Fell in love with the thought of you Now I’m choked up, face down, burnt out Baby, why don’t you come over? Red wine supernova Falling into me (Okay y’all, let’s pick it up now) I don’t care that you’re a stoner Red wine supernova Fall right into me Well, back at my house I got a California king Okay, maybe it’s a twin bed and some roommates, don’t worry we’re cool I heard you like magic I got a wand and a rabbit So baby let’s get freaky, get kinky Let’s make this bed get squeaky Baby, why don’t you come over? Red wine supernova Falling into me I don’t care that you’re a stoner Red wine supernova Fall right into me via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS6ixn2berk
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year
0 notes
mortuislupus · 4 years
the first bloom of spring is always a defiance.
i. before persephone, there was kore, as wild as a summer gale; a whirling fire.
                                                                                amaurot, before the fall.
On a single world, the metropolis of lights littered the cityscape like stars, light and dark in perfect balance beneath the plumes of illumination and shadow, and the people of Amaurot knew nothing but peace. Capricious creation was unabated by rules or restrictions; an understanding that each should play their part to the betterment of the star. It was a land where whales swam in airy expanses and architectural wonders could be articulated as easily as breathing. How could they know what would befall them? How could they predict?
Kore bathed beneath the starlight and warm air, naked feet swaying to-and-fro as jacaranda flowers fell from silvery hair, and when Hades looked upon her wicked in her whimsy, he was sure he could love no one else. Hers was the firm but gentle hand, the birth of flowers and the heat to melt the winter frost. His was the cool wit, carefully laid plans and elegant opulence, and when he spoke his taunt was met with her crooked grin.
“You’re making a reputation for yourself.”
The fourteenth member of the Conclave --- the betrayer --- as she slipped down from the branches each movement was less to preserve her modesty and more to protect the delicate dreams sprung forth from endless imagination. She met him eye to eye, amber hues on honey gold, and she was unafraid.
“Why would I worry about what anyone else has to say?”
Persephone, bringer of destruction, oh how he lamented thee as she was swaddled in radiant light. How he raged.
ii. you’ve whet your teeth on the bones of those who came before you.
                                                                                 the first, lightwashed.
Feral woman. Amber eyes. A reflection --- a refraction --- if she were Kore, she was naught more than a shade; a cruel manifestation to the god of whom she became the sacrificial lamb, and Emet-Selch hated her. Hydaelyn had taken her pound of flesh, marring her with scar tissue and distrust, with one eye continued to stare coldly before him even as he extended his ‘welcoming’ arms towards compatriots all too eager to flourish their blades. It was all so trivially boring after so many eons --- far more acute than the fury he felt at her meddling.
“I thought that I might try to see eye to eye. To understand what drives the hero of the Source. To determine if our goals are truly incompatible.” To watch as your beloved light tears you asunder; as it rips and disintegrates you.
The bold words that threatened to burst from Koret’s lips were silenced by the protection of her friends, but the contempt within her was unmistakable. The stupid girl glowered under her war-wounds and hatreds, her distain for her god, and it was all he could do smile.
Let the imperfections be erased. Her existence expunged like every fault who came before her.
iii. at the edge of tartarus, she crumbles before the light.
                                                                                  mt gulg, radiant.
Holy ichor splattered itself across elegant marble, the momentary dark a betrayal to the people that the Warrior of Darkness might have brought the night. To say there was no humour there would be a most facetious lie --- long had the notions of the girl with moonlight hair disintegrated into ash like the ruins of their beloved city, and in her doppelgangers she would die again ( and again and again ). 
Emet-Selch stepped close and knelt before the shade, his calm explanations not a balm as it was sinking the knife ever deeper, and he could not help but revel to himself the myth of light reborn in the goddess’ puppet. ‘Persephone, she who causes death, how you outdo yourself.’
“You will hunt the innocents to feast on their sweet, sweet aether,” he taunted, honey-gold watching the way molten light cast itself off her like solar flares; threatening to engulf her like a supernova, “Those few with the will left to fight will rise up against you. But before your absolute might, they will know despair.”
“Not if I eat you first,” she snarled like Cerberus at the gates, iron chains around her neck, and the pathetic swing of a weakened hand earned naught more than bemused laugher --- barely a recoil.
“I would love to see you try.”
iv. at the styx she is reborn. fleeting. ephemeral.
                                                                                  amaurot, the underworld.
At the fragmented edges of memoria eternal, she struggled against the inevitable; a battered, broken thing he might have almost taken pity on had her existence had not so otherwise been a blight. As she struggled one foot further than the next, her friends scattered like broken marionettes, the incredulous jeers that spilled from Emet was not akin to the same bewilderment he felt from the fourteenth all those years ago. Who was she to deny the wisdom of her peers; to forsake them, and he, in her stubbornness?
“Why waste your final moments in futile defiance? Weary wanderer --- you’ve no fight left to fight! No life left to live!”
Yet still, even as the light brought her to her knees, the girl-turned-beast did not relent. Not even when her screams shot across evocation, and the light engulfed her in a sacrosanct glow. She fought because that was all she could do --- because there was aught else to do. The light collapsed on light like a black hole turned white until it expanded, throwing him back with a power he knew from an Amaurot once soaked in glory. 
It was then the screaming receded and the silhouette stood.
“You will not decide our fate!”
Three voices spoke in unison. A chimera remained. One side doused in crimson red, the other moonlight white. But it was the face that remained the same; two burning eyes instead of one, accompanied by a snarl all Koret’s own. For the first time, Emet balked. For all the times he convinced himself she was not, Kore remained.
She would not forgive. Her love was the pomegranates long since left to rot, the underworld she had denied.
“Whatever it may be, this will end here.”
v. you will not allow her to forget.
                                                   “Remember. Remember that we once lived.”
Milennia on they stood across from one another in that self-same city, a moment frozen in time where even briefly the sundered and the unifier were people again. A shade could not know her fate; it would be a cruel jab for him to dictate it. So he asked it of her. He begged her to remember.
Kor stared back ever unafraid. Not so whole as to be complete, but lacking the light that sought penance on her body. She nodded once.
Hades conceded it to be enough. For the first time, he welcomed the endless sleep.
In the cold Underdark, beneath the churning waves, life bloomed in the sarcophagus of twisted steel and melted stone. In the ash, Persephone ushered in spring alone.
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captainkurosolaire · 5 years
Distraught... I am...
 With a vibrancy of light refracting off his gleamed hues from the bundle of release his muscles increasing in adrenaline swarming his vascular veins drawing out as concentrated aether was restored from the concealment. A new underlining stance shifted a new emergence blossomed before the demon and absolutely excited him in captivating appetite a tongue met of the devil slipperiness disgusting hung off his lips coiling against what had grown prune for ages. In a test he shredded forwardly a burst of chaotically dangerous aether streaming like a tidal wave towards the pirate. His eyes flickering in glower reading in detection. He started walking slowly towards the volatile attack before, in a stutter step. The pirate vanished in a variation of <Shukuchi> the Voidal, however redirected course preparing to predict the other prediction feeling the cascading shadow of the ruffian attempting to pounce in breakers distance. The pirate begun sucking in a vacuum of air and bloating himself purposefully to anchor down his ascension above at faster pace. His calloused hands coiling and strapping onto two jagged parallel horns parked on the demon as the tendrils attempted to seize a bind. Being halted as the Miqo’te balanced on the shoulders and begun releasing a barrage of knees to the upper spine column right between the ridge of the cranium. Swinging off in finesse as each tentacle came closing in hopping off as the Voidal hunched over in pain barely holding himself up from being exploited in weak-points. “ENOUGH!!!” A rage was unsettling and festering through a nerved higher-class how was it even possible that an accused mortal from sight alone was denting against him.
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Every answer was standing before the demon, humanity;the form of being mutually imperfect but a driven thing brokered the lines between them. Humanity held hope and in that hope laid potential, within that potential resided the dreams, within those dreams, were a soul’s cry... The Miqo’te stood back himself and drew in a large pocket of air from inflated lungs throughout his lungs and shouted in a savage feral growl, a rune seal on his forearm flickered alliteratively as his inner-instincts were stirring.
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The demon sprouted his set of wings and flew high above in orbit where he couldn’t be released and began channeling in and drawing aether through his palms. Swift fingers dialed up a string of structured hand-signs drawing out externally a flood of clones from his essence break them in weaker variants and replicas of him. Starting with merely four before they started to cast their own Jitsu hand-signs and repeat the process. The original ran up and used their agility with hasten legs of its racial heritage to springboard off and latch to the demon and weigh him down and delay the casting. Animistic grunts traveled against them as one attempted to secure himself while the other attempted to flail from the mounting, more clones started to repeat the process by bouncing off another and sink down the demon all them latching on the Voidsent biting and gnawing, clawing and scraping in defiance like a pack of hyena’s. Being mauled by a brutal pile up, the demon erupted in all his immense stored aether with a supernova of negative energy repelling and destroying all who were stacking. Huffing covered and wounds of life’s nectar pouring through nearly every layer with accompanied bruises.
Clones dissipated everywhere in scatters leaving only the traces of the substance that was used to create them a string of fluid as marking of their essences trialing from a body’s natural water storage. The original entirely slid from the force his back being slit up against the pressure like being from a pressurized sonic boom. Rough skinned tips bleeding underneath his nails and dirty from the crags started to waver a sign there was still a little left in him. The twisted one huffing still from the exchange started to recuperate itself with slower regeneration, its prey was prone and sapped for what it knew. Beginning to march towards the gap between them before being stopped and unable to move in paralysis... “What....” He was sealed it seemed but how? Stricken in disbelief <I can’t move...> turning and hissing out in detest, “WHAT DID YOU DO?”
Chuckling lowly to himself as the delinquent started to raise himself in the hardest as his muscles and everything he was trying to contort and break out. “I ended it.” His finger shaping into a mocking pistol before shooting it off soundly at the demon just to see him try to fight the restraint. He’d start trying to stifle through to a sealed up box and open up blank scrolls. What really happened was a crafty plot but a temporarily one that he had no idea to share with the demon. When his clones each were destroyed he calculated that and was trying to cause like most to act on impulse, the pirate lacked conventional methods at being outright intelligent, but he was combat cunning. His clones each broke at certain intervals close together the fluids compounded into aether which was then used as a pentagram. Though this was only a temporarily binding stasis for when fluid dried it was over. He saved this technique for the exact scenario though he would have preferred to use it against his fellow possessed companion on why he came here, this demon was his responsibility for if he had never went for those relics this would have never happened.
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The sinister started to frantic and within that he sent a distress signal through the area where another of his fellow brethren had watched the spiraling events. Joy of victory didn’t last long as right before the scrolls were imprinted with the stain of his oozing blood to make a permanent banishment with, suddenly a cosmic-speed beam shot in a scatter gun through the Seeker sending him collapsing forward instantly. With a joining of two of them the odds were stacked to impossible odds no matter how much vigil or preparations were piloted and played for hunting Voidsent & surviving, this wasn’t him holding mastery of the field an actual proper hunter held. He strictly was only set to defeat one threat of this class, not two. Hope was shattered, despair awakened a fourth eye. As the silhouette of the other Voidal broke the temporarily cage that was holding it giving it freedom. “I want to torture this one... There is reason he’s lived this long, I wish to extract and devour its essence. I’ll offer his closest beloved treasures after I survey the Intel of his inner-workings. As your reward and feast.” Said between the unspoken younger demonic cloud casting nights abandoning shadow through out the realm, drumming steps against dreaded gravity to realization it was heard half in frequency to the tipped feline’s eardrum but was restrained from mustering an ounce of resolve left beyond waggles. His hand felt only but a hilt of a remainder weapon that was lost earlier as he brought it to his face though it was just but a broken scimitar left. He was only stuck awaiting for imminent death at this point...
B L A C K D E V I L  S A G A ~ Master-List of Previous Chapters
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megapeach404 · 2 years
Sorties rap fr  : 
Novembre 2019
01/11 : Kalash - Diamond Rock
Triplego - Yeux Rouges
Lotus - 240
Lary Kidd - Surhomme
Dinos - MackLeBizz
Maes - Street 
Bene - Bout de rêve
Alkpote - Booska Pote
Key Largo - Booska Cru
06/11 : Swing 
08/11 : Alkpote - Monument
Siboy - Twapplife
Ghetto Phénomène - Money Time
Bené - El naya
OR - Chemin de frères
Babarr - Mort ou vif
Chich - Französisch 
15/11 : Captaine Roshi - Attaque
D.A.V - Divergence 
22/11 : IAM - Yasuke
Tsew The Kid - Diavolana
Niro - Stupéfiant 
29/11 : Dinos - Taciturne 
Gradur - Zone 59
Sch - Rooftop
Décembre 2019
06/12 : La Hyena - Thugz of anarchy 
Dibson - Tous les jours
Franglish - Monsieur (réédition)
13/12 : 404 Billy - Supernova
Doums - Pilote & co
Tayc - Nixia tome III
Relo - Plume 13
22/12 : Mac Kregor - Voyageur urbain
Janvier 2020
03/01 : 4Keus - Vie d’artiste
06/01 : 6Rano - Negro
10/01 : Népal - Adios Bahamas 
    Leone - Pourquoi nous
17/01 : Demi Portion - La bonne école
  Maes - Les derniers salopards 
  Michel - Le vrai Michel
  Les Alchimistes - OSEF
  Moka Boka - Juste
  Nelick - PiuPiu
24/01 : La Fouine - Bénédictions
31/01 : Mister V - MVP
    Larry - Cité blanche
    Juicy P - Snowfall
Février 2020
06/02 : 6Rano - French Drill
07/02 : 7Jaws ft Seezy - Rage
    Isha - La Vie Augmente
    Chily - La 5ème chambre
    Sultan - Eternel Challenger 
14/02 : Sultan - Eternel Challenger 
21/02 : Usky - Porte Dorée
    Kofs - Santé & Bonheur
28/02 : Tengo John - Temporada
    Naps - 
    Timal - Caliente
0 notes
kpopinformant · 7 years
N/A = Not Available
1TYM: Hip-Hop Village / Black
100%: Perfection /  N/A
2NE1: Blackjack (Korea) or Blackjack Nolza (Japan) / Hot Pink
1NB: N/A / N/A
24K: 24U / N/A
2AM: I Am / Metallic Grey
2PM: Hottest / Metallic Grey
4MINUTE: 4NIA / Pearl Purple
4TEN: N/A / N/A
14U: Only U / N/A
8EIGHT: Sweet Voice / N/A
9MUSES: MINE / Silver & Purple
A PINK: Pink Panda / Pink
AOA: Elvis / N/A
APEACE: Hana-one / N/A
AA: W / N/A
ASTRO: Aroha / Space Violet & Vivid Plum 
A.C.E: Choice / N/A
AILEE: Aileeans / N/A
A-PRINCE: A-Land / N/A
AST’1: Eunice / Pearl Purple
AFTER SCHOOL: Play Girlz & Play Boyz / Yellow
B.A.P: Baby / Spring Green
BIGBANG: V.I.P / Black & Yellow
B1A4: BANA / Pastel Apple Lime Green
BABY V.O.X: Baby Angels / Pearl Baby Pink
B2ST: B2UTY / Dark Grey
B.I.G: Beginning / N/A
BATTLE: Battle Destiny / Pearl Gold
BABY VOX RE.V: Second Wing / Pink
BERRY GOOD: Very Berry / N/A 
BIG STAR: Only One / N/A
BLACK PEARL: N/A / Pearl Black
BLACK BEAT: Soul Black / Pearl Black 
BLOCK-B: BBC / Black & Yellow Stripes
BoA: Jumping BoA (Korea) or SOUL (Japan) / Pearl Yellow
BLADY: Hi Ade / N/A
BOYS REPUBLIC: Royal Family / N/A
BgA: Kpoopers / Silver & Gold
BP RANIA: A1ST (A first) / N/A
BOYFRIEND: Bestfriend / N/A
BIGFLO: Wave / N/A
B.O.M: Bloomer / N/A
BUZZ: Buzz’s Happy People / Blue
BTS: A.R.M.Y / N/A
BYUL: N/A / Purple
BROWN EYED GIRLS: Everlasting / Yellow & Black
BTOB: Melody / Sky Blue
BULLDOK: Hotdok / N/A
C.N. BLUE: Boice / Blue
C-CLOWN: Crown / Pearl Forest Green
CHAOS: ChaoNyx / N/A
CHI CHI: Shy Girl & Shy Boy / N/A
CHAKRA: Goddess / Purple
CLC: Cheshire / N/A
CHOCOLAT: Chocolatier / N/A
COSMIC GIRLS (WJSN): Ujung / Airforce Blue, Vivid Tangerine & Timerwolf
CHAE YEON: N/A / Apricot
CO-ED SCHOOL: Classmates / N/A
CODE-V: V-intage / N/A
CSJH THE GRACE: Shapley / Pearl Pink
CRAYON POP: Popjusshi & Popgirl / Apple Green
DALMATIAN / DMNT: Dalmate / N/A 
DAL SHABET: Darling / N/A
DRUG RESTAURANT (JJY BAND): Jungbrahimovic / N/A
D-UNIT: Unique / N/A
DGNA (THE BOSS): Master / Pearl Terracotta
DAVICHI: Girls High / N/A
DAY6: My Day / N/A
DBSK/TVXQ: Cassiopeia (Korea) & Big East (Japan) / Pearl Red
DIVA: N/A / Pearl Purple
EPIK HIGH: High Skool / Black
ERU: Hi Eru / Pearl Green
ELECTROBOYZ: Teamelectro / N/A
EVOL: Voller / N/A
EXO: EXO-L / Grey
F.CUZ: For U; Runway (Korea) & F.antasia (Japan) & F1 (China) / Twinkle Light Silver
F(X): N/A / Pearl Light Periwinkle
F.I.X: Polaris / N/A
FLY TO THE SKY: Fly High / Sky Blue
F.T. ISLAND: Primadonna / Yellow
FIESTAR: Let★s / N/A
FIN. K.L: Pinky / Red 
G.O.D: Fan God / Sky Blue
GAVY NJ: Happiness / N/A
G.NA: G.Ni / N/A
GOT7: I Got7 / N/A
GUGUDAN: Dan-jjakn / N/A
GONG YOO: Yoo & I / N/A
GP BASIC: Spade / Purple
HELLO VENUS: Hello Cupid / Lime Green
HISTORY: Storia / N/A
HYUNA: A-ing / N/A
H.O.T: Club H.O.T. (fans referred to as White Angels) / White
HITT: Hitter / N/A
HOTSHOT: Hotple / N/A
INFINITE: Inspirit / Pearl Metal Gold
IKON: iKONIC / Orange-Red
ISAK N JIYEON: N/A / Pearl White
INX: N/A / N/A
IVY: Ivynus / Lime Green
JAY PARK: Jay Effect (fans referred to as Jay Walkers) / N/A
JANG NARA: Fly Nara Love / Pearl Blue
JJCC: Key / N/A 
JESSI: Jebbies / N/A
J-WALK: Police / Yellow
JESSICA JUNG: Golden Stars / Gold
JEWELRY: Jewel Box / Pearl Blue
JUNIEL: Banila / N/A
JYJ: N/A / Pearl Red
JBJ: Joyful / Dolly Yellow & Cornflower Blue
JO SUNG MO: Sungmo Maria / Transparent
KIM HYUNG JUN: Junus (Korea) & Jjunaway (Japan) / N/A
KIM BUM: Bummies / N/A
KIM JONG KOOK: Papitus / N/A
KIM SO EUN: Angels / N/A
KIM CHUNGHA: N/A /  Pantone 374c, Pantone 332c & Pantone 358c
KARA: Kamilia / Pearl Peach
K.A.R.D: Hidden Kard / N/A
KNK: Tinkerbell / Twinkle Silver & Rose Gold
KCM: N/A / Pearl Emerald Green
KOYOTE: Little Ssun / Pearl Blue
KINO: Leaf / N/A
LC9:  Love Beat / N/A
LABOUM: Latte / N/A
LEDAPPLE: L.E.D.A. / Pearl Teal
LOVELYZ: Lovelinus / Pinkish-Purple
LEE MIN HO: Minoz / N/A
LEE SOO YOUNG: Crystal / Pink
LEE HYORI: HyoRish / Red
LEE SEUNG GI: Airen / Pearl Mint
LUNAFLY: Lukie / N/A
L.A.U (LU:KUS): AndU / N/A
M.I.B.: Busterz / N/A
MBLAQ: A+ / Pearl Chocolate
MVP: Victory / N/A
MC THE MAX:  N/A / Ivory
MC MONG: Dream-kids / Pearl Peach 
M.FECT: Mfectable / N/A
M. PEROR: Kingdom / N/A
M.I.L.K: Milky Way / Pink
MONSTA X: Mon bebe / N/A
MAMAMOO: Moomoo / N/A
MONSTER: N/A / Black
MR.MR: Miso / N/A
MISS A: Say A / N/A
MYNAME: MYgirl / N/A
N-SONIC: Super Sonic / N/A 
N-TRAIN: Eternal / N/A
NCT: NCTzen / N/A
NU’EST: L.O. Ʌ .E / N/A
NRG: Cheonjae Ilwoo / Pink
OUTSIDER: Presto / N/A
ONE WAY: One Love / N/A
OH  MY GIRL:  Miracle / N/A
PARK HYO SHIN: Soul Tree / Green
PARK SHIN HYE: Star Angel / N/A
PAPAYA: N/A / Pink
PARAN: Blue Ciel / Pearl Sapphire Sky Blue
PENTAGON: Universe / UniNavy
PSY: PSYcho / Black
RAINBOW: Rain-nous / All 7 colours of the rainbow
RAIN: Clouds / Silver
RAINZ:  Rainzer /  Lilac Breeze & Aqua Sky
ROMEO: Juliet / N/A
ROYAL PIRATES: Royal Treasure / N/A
RED VELVET:  ReVeLuv / Coral Pink
SE7EN: Lucky 7 / Lime Green
SECRET: Secret Time / White
SEEYA: SeeYa With You / Pearl Light Pink
SECHS KIES: DSF or  YellKies / Yellow
SONAMOO: SolBangOol  / Pearl Sapphire Green
SEVENTEEN:  Carat / Rose Quartz and Serenity
SG WANNABE: Love Room / Pearl Gold 
S#ARP: N/A / Red
S.E.S.: Friend / Pearl Purple
SHU-I: Was-i / Purple
SHINHWA: Shinhwa Changjo / Orange
SHINEE: Shawol / Pearl Aqua Green
SHE’Z: Holic / N/A
SISTAR: Star 1 / Fuschia
SM THE BALLAD:  Balladears / N/A
SF9:  Fantasy / N/A
SHINVI: Linos / Pearl Teal
SPEED: Deeps / N/A
SNUPER: Swing / N/A
SS501: Triple S/ Pearl Light Green
SMASH: smaSHE (Korea) & Smile (Japan) / N/A
SPICA: Mercury / N/A
SAMUEL:  Garnet / Rhodolite & Garnet
SUNNY HILL: H:LLËR / Sunshine Yellow
SUPER JUNIOR: E.L.F / Pearl Sapphire Blue
SUGAR: Sugar Island / Apricot
SUPERNOVA: Tinkerbell / Pearl
T-ARA: QUEENS (Korea) & Sweet Treasure (Japan) / Pearl Ivory
T-MAX: Mighty Max / Midnight Blue
TWICE: Once / Apricot & Neon Magenta
TEEN TOP: Angel / Pearl Light Lavender
TRAX: TRAXIAN / Pearl Cobalt Blue
TWO-X: Doubling / N/A
TASTY: 2Wings / N/A
TAHITI: N/A / Black Pearl
TINY-G: Mini-Me / N/A
THEEASTLIGHT.: Sunnies /  N/A 
TEI: Tenia / Pearl Blue
TRITOPS: Tristar / N/A
TOPPDOGG: ToppKlass / N/A 
U-KISS: Kiss Me / Pearl Fuschia
VIXX: Starlight / N/A
VAV: Vampz / N/A
V.O.S: Soulmate / Pearl Burgundy
VICTON: ALICE  / Blue Atoll & Blazing Yellow
WONDER GIRLS: Wonderful / Pearl Burgandy
X-5: Xenia / N/A
YOUNHA: YounHapia / Light Pink 
ZE:A: ZE:As / Pearl Gold 
  I spent far too long on this. If there are anymore to add, please feel free to do so, if any are wrong please let me know too x
All information is from online, if any information is wrong please let me know. Information can be found on websites such as ALLKPOP, KPROFILE, NOWKPOP, and KOREABOO. Some information is also from interviews which members took park in.
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Download Roger Sanchez - Release Yourself Radio Show 1021 for free now!
Artist: Roger Sanchez Show: Roger Sanchez – Release Yourself Radio Show 1021 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House Source: RSS
Discover more Roger Sanchez live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Release Yourself Radio Show episodes HERE
Roger Sanchez – Release Yourself Radio Show 1021 Tracklist
Release Yourself with world renowned DJ, Producer, Radio and Podcast host Roger Sanchez. More Roger Sanchez on http://rogersanchez.com
Riva Starr ft Gavin Holligan – Scat Dub (Snatch!) DJ Wady & Afroloko – Casino Royale (Downtown Underground) Diplo & Mat. Joe – Conga Rock (Higher Ground / Mad Decent) Din Jay – This Is House (House & Chips)
Hot Release Riva Starr – Ride This Sound ft Imaginary Cities (Oliver Dollar Remix) (Club Sweat)
Deetron – Dr Melonball (Nu Groove) Husky ft Mr V – We Rave Tonight (Alaia & Gallo Remix) Sander Dellariva – Stab Jam (Supernova Remix) (Flashmob)
Release Yourself Spotlight Ben Hemsley – Through 2 You (Ministry Of Sound)
Eli Brown – My House (Factory 93) Ali Story – Wheels Of Motion (Club Sweat) ? – One Thing
Release Yourself Flashback Carol Sylvan & Mood II Swing – Closer (King Street)
Dario D’Attis & Markus Homm – Let’s Try (Saved) UCH – Genius Of House (Sam Divine Remix) Milk & Sugar – House Dimension ft Ron Carroll (Brokenears Remix) (Milk & Sugar)
The Release Yourself Guest Mix with Vincent Caira Together – Vincent Caira (Spacedisco) Out May 13th Waiting For You (Roger Sanchez Remix) – Wolf Story, Queen Rose (No Fuss) Random – Jovonn (Nu Groove) Dreams For Sale – Oliver Dollar, Mike Agent X Clark, Dr.Tingle Fingers (Industry Standard) New Jack – Hatiras, Vincent Caira (Spacedisco) You Don’t Love Me – Vincent Caira (Spacedisco) Back To The Funk – Paul Najera & Jr. Quijada (Robsoul) Trick Disco – Hatiras (Subtractive) Hold Me Up (JJ’s Extended Vocal Mix) – Junior Jack, Glory, Jocelyn Brown (Defected) Ain’t No Need To Hide (Sam Divine Extended Remix) – Sandy B (Champion) Just Do You – Jason Hodges, Vincent Caira (Robsoul)
The podcast Roger Sanchez – Release Yourself Radio Show is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Roger Sanchez - Release Yourself Radio Show 1021 for free now!
Artist: Roger Sanchez Show: Roger Sanchez – Release Yourself Radio Show 1021 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House Source: RSS
Discover more Roger Sanchez live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Release Yourself Radio Show episodes HERE
Roger Sanchez – Release Yourself Radio Show 1021 Tracklist
Release Yourself with world renowned DJ, Producer, Radio and Podcast host Roger Sanchez. More Roger Sanchez on http://rogersanchez.com
Riva Starr ft Gavin Holligan – Scat Dub (Snatch!) DJ Wady & Afroloko – Casino Royale (Downtown Underground) Diplo & Mat. Joe – Conga Rock (Higher Ground / Mad Decent) Din Jay – This Is House (House & Chips)
Hot Release Riva Starr – Ride This Sound ft Imaginary Cities (Oliver Dollar Remix) (Club Sweat)
Deetron – Dr Melonball (Nu Groove) Husky ft Mr V – We Rave Tonight (Alaia & Gallo Remix) Sander Dellariva – Stab Jam (Supernova Remix) (Flashmob)
Release Yourself Spotlight Ben Hemsley – Through 2 You (Ministry Of Sound)
Eli Brown – My House (Factory 93) Ali Story – Wheels Of Motion (Club Sweat) ? – One Thing
Release Yourself Flashback Carol Sylvan & Mood II Swing – Closer (King Street)
Dario D’Attis & Markus Homm – Let’s Try (Saved) UCH – Genius Of House (Sam Divine Remix) Milk & Sugar – House Dimension ft Ron Carroll (Brokenears Remix) (Milk & Sugar)
The Release Yourself Guest Mix with Vincent Caira Together – Vincent Caira (Spacedisco) Out May 13th Waiting For You (Roger Sanchez Remix) – Wolf Story, Queen Rose (No Fuss) Random – Jovonn (Nu Groove) Dreams For Sale – Oliver Dollar, Mike Agent X Clark, Dr.Tingle Fingers (Industry Standard) New Jack – Hatiras, Vincent Caira (Spacedisco) You Don’t Love Me – Vincent Caira (Spacedisco) Back To The Funk – Paul Najera & Jr. Quijada (Robsoul) Trick Disco – Hatiras (Subtractive) Hold Me Up (JJ’s Extended Vocal Mix) – Junior Jack, Glory, Jocelyn Brown (Defected) Ain’t No Need To Hide (Sam Divine Extended Remix) – Sandy B (Champion) Just Do You – Jason Hodges, Vincent Caira (Robsoul)
The podcast Roger Sanchez – Release Yourself Radio Show is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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RENT 2017 Japanese Production
Proshot Montage
Murai Ryouta - Mark
Dohchin Yoshikuni & Yoonhak (Supernova) - Roger
Jennifer & Aono Saho - Mimi
Mitsunaga Taichiro - Collins
Hirama Soichi & Kiyama Haruki - Angel
Kamiki Aya & SaraMary - Maureen
Miyamoto Miki - Joanne
NALAW (CODE-V) - Benny
Arai Shunichi, Chiba Naoi, Kobayashi Yuka, MARU, Naraki Shunkaku, Okamoto Yuki - Ensemble
Nagao Teppei - Swing
Tokyo: 7/2-8/6 | Aichi: 8/10 | Osaka: 8/17-22 | Fukuoka: 8/26,27 | Official Site
Tag: #rentjp, #rentjp2017
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mirandamckenni1 · 7 days
Chappell Roan - Red Wine Supernova (Magician's Cut) Listen to "Red Wine Supernova" now: https://ift.tt/24pS03v Creative Direction by Ramisha Sattar Cinematography by Ryan Clemens Production Design by Sam Neidenbach Executive Producers: Gia Rigoli & Vero Kompalic Producer: Andres White Associate Producer: Grace Perkins Production Company: Discordia 1st Assistant Director: Julia Ponce Diaz Production Assistant: Frank Pfeifer 1st Assistant Camera: Jake O’Connor 2nd Assistant Camera: Justin Wall Key Grip: Alexander Barrett Gaffer: Em Shaffer Best Boy Grip: Ellia Thornburg Best Boy Electric: Tyler Maynard G&E Swing: June Bernardin Art Director: Amber Krieg Wardrobe Stylist: Genesis Webb Key Make-Up Artist: Chloe Gingold Make-Up Assistant: Nancy Lazaro Book Artwork by Jenifer Prince POST PRODUCTION Editor: Raven Peterson Colorist: Strack Azar VFX Artist: Anderson Mills Lyrics & Graphics: Ramisha Sattar CAST Magician: Magical Katrina Old Woman: Patty Sherman Management: Nick Bobetsky & Ruby Anton Island Records: Natasha Kilibarda & Liv Kooker Subscribe for more official content from Chappell Roan: https://ift.tt/s8BmVoE Connect with Chappell Roan: https://ift.tt/Cm52taL https://ift.tt/HsZIEjg https://ift.tt/aC5Id7o https://twitter.com/chappellroan https://ift.tt/ru3tCDi https://ift.tt/bGthW50 https://ift.tt/nu8R5IA #ChappellRoan #RedWineSupernova #MagiciansCut LYRICS She was a playboy Brigitte Bardot She showed me things I didn’t know She did it right there Out on the deck Put her canine teeth In the side of my neck I’m in the hallway waitin’ for ya Mini skirt and my go-go boots I just want you to make a move So slow down, sit down, it’s new I just wanna get to know ya Guess I didn’t quite think it through Fell in love with the thought of you Now I’m choked up, face down, burnt out Baby, why don’t you come over? Red wine supernova Falling into me (Let’s pick it up now) I don’t care that you’re a stoner Red wine supernova Fall right into me I like (I like) what you like (what you like) Long hair (no bra), that’s my type (that’s right) You just told me want me to fuck you Baby I will ‘cause I really want to I just wanna get to know ya Guess I didn’t quite think it through Fell in love with the thought of you Now I’m choked up, face down, burnt out Baby, why don’t you come over? Red wine supernova Falling into me (Okay y’all, let’s pick it up now) I don’t care that you’re a stoner Red wine supernova Fall right into me Well, back at my house I got a California king Okay, maybe it’s a twin bed and some roommates, don’t worry we’re cool I heard you like magic I got a wand and a rabbit So baby let’s get freaky, get kinky Let’s make this bed get squeaky Baby, why don’t you come over? Red wine supernova Falling into me I don’t care that you’re a stoner Red wine supernova Fall right into me via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS6ixn2berk
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ada-open-1612 · 5 years
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                           workshop | installation | activism
                                    Žitomlin, Belgrade, Serbia
                                            Mikser Festival
                                           May 25 - 28 2017
                                     BLACK BOX PROJECT
  The ancient man, today's Homo Sapiens, met a daybreak of his consciousness (awareness) and awakening of reason in contact with the mysterious "black monolith", opening the portal to Altamira, in the distant time before the burning of his first flame.
Millenniums later, at the present moment, the same "black box" - the carrier of record  (code) od space odyssey stands on the coordinates of the interstellar space portal. On the one side stands the Man, the contemporary artist, on the other, the Little Prince, the child of the universe. At the same time, with their hands they both reach the "black monolith".
The field of portal is O:TVORENO (O:PEN) by contact. Only with the heart that Man can see rightly the code 1:6:12.
 ...In the spring of 2017, on the planet Earth, on the Internet, Stefan finds a contest for the "BLACK BOX" project within the Mikser Festival, which takes place in and between the silos, in the area of Žitomlin in Dorćol, in Belgrade. Faced with the current theme of the project "Fall into the Future", trying to solve the riddle of the BLACK BOX, he o:pens the portal to the other side, into the interstellar space of ideas, from where the coded message of the Little Prince comes...
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    “The "Black Box" platform was created in 2015 as an initiative for the support of young authors in the field of visual arts and the presentation of their creativity in the broadest public. With the current theme, each year more than 60 young authors selected at the competition by an expert jury are represented. The goal of the "Black Box" project is to point out problems that burden young creators in the contemporary social context, their empowerment to publicly express themselves and contribute to the solution of social problems and the improvement of community life through their visions. "Black Box" also emphasizes the importance of art installations in alternative urban spaces, their accessibility to a wide audience, and the connection of artistic practice with other spheres of life - science, technology, economics and society.
“The Black Box project has become an important platform for young and alternative artists who are often affirmed or professionally determined in the fields of architecture, design and other natural and social areas. Black box is a trip to something important, unspoken and sharp! This year, the contest was attended by artists of completely different education, age and affinity, which confirms our belief about an open platform that defines itself. The theme "Fall into the Future" is a dark hint of opportunities in the future and artists understood the context of the moment in which they exist. They come up with solutions of high artistic and aesthetic character, very different in the expression, and yet with a strong common denominator to defend the dignity of humanity and existence in understanding the alienated processes in which we live".
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Under the symptomatic slogan "Fall into the Future", the Black Box 2017 exhibition shows the visions of the near future of a young generation of artists who stands on the ruins of institutional culture and is in a space without perspective, surrounded by walls of impossibility and restrictions for creative work. Although a synonym for consternation, the "Black Box" is at the same time a chance to accumulate energy necessary to demolish the walls behind which the future awaits us. What is this future, we will find out at the Mixer Festival, through the works of young creators whose powerful works comment on the social circumstances they seem to be unable to influence, but whose creative energy is still capable of triggering change”. *
* festival.mikser.rs
  ...In order for the Little Prince to continue his space odyssey by unlocking the black monolith, AΔA has to recreate the same black box on Earth, transforming the code into a concept, the concept into a spatial installation...
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  [event site plan]
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Conceptually, the Black Box Odyssey is a reference to the representation of the monolith  in the film story by Arthur Clarke and Stanley Kubrick, and refers to the trans-universal key of existence of/(and the connection between) the thinking man (homo sapiens), act/work, art and transcendental. Thus, through the black box, the dichotomy of the "Fall into the Future" theme communicates as an allegorical link between regression and progress, possibilities and impossibilities, problems and potentials, presented and hidden, clear and unclear, whose solution is in code 1:6:12.
The installation shows 1 black cube, stretched by chains on its 6 sides, as accumulated energy and overstressed matter, passive and unusable in space, showing the state of the overcome and burdensome conventions of the institutional culture and their effect on new generations of artists and the act of art itself in whose frameworks are often trapped and/or stretched.
Nowdays and the near future are the era of Remix culture, where act (of art) and work (of art) represent a constant regenerative collective activity, where they (the act and work), as material (data), process and medium (product), are recycled and updated in a continuous creative play (on the principles of digital tools of copy / cut and paste). It is this kind of play that inspires and reveals the last part of the code and the very essence of the art installation. By "tearing" six sides of the box into 12 equal parts, the tension is released and by intervention the stretched cube is divided into 12 swings, as active, usable elements - the symbols of the play of/and art, which are universal, wherever they are further set or appear as a place in the public space.
In this act (way), the artist and the child who swings equate themselves in the playing man (homo ludens), and the odyssey of one idea, through this play and interaction, communicates and becomes socially distributed (shared) as a meaning or code of culture.
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 Technical description:
The 60x60x60 cm cube is composed of 12 swings or 4 wooden boards: 60x30x3 cm, 54x30x3 cm and 54x27x3 cm, which are painted in black and interconnected with screws. On each board there are two U-threads (total 24) Ø 10 mm, fastened with nuts and washers at ~ 5 cm from the edge of the shorter side, linked with the 24 rows of chains (cables, ropes, etc.), which are connected to adequate elements on the site (silo, crane, wood ...) by use of appropriate anchors, carabiniers, etc. By developing the concept of play of/and remix, the product obtained is disassembled (decoded) by tools and becomes the second product - a swingville in the public space.
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 [conceptual animation]
  > Segments of workshop & exhibition manual. Thw whole publication is on  this link <
  ...While there is a threat for the Little Prince to be trapped forever in the gravitational field of the black monolith, events on Earth take place in a joint action in a short four-day period:
  - Stefan takes the material for a black box and goes to Zvezdara, into a carpenter's workshop of Milan Gordić, with whose help he assembles the cube, which he carries to silos the next day.
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   - The next day the workshop team of the AΔA group: Luka Višnjić, Lazar Stanojčić and Đorđe Milosavljević Gera are setting up the installation inside the space of a silo cylinder, and during that time Boris Nestorović is filming material for a short film about this action.
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                - By opening of the festival, the exhibition opens, by opening of the exhibition the visitors collectively unlock the code of spatial installation O:TVORENO 1:6:12: ODISEJA CRNE KUTIJE (1:6:12: A BLACK BOX ODYSSEY).
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          - While on the last day of the festival Stefan and Luka o:penly share and exchange ideas in the "Black Box" discussion with Marko Lađušić, professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Dejan Miljković, professor at the Faculty of Architecture and other exhibitors, the Supernova of BLACK BOX gives birth to twelve swings that as a gift to other planets the Little Prince carries, on his journey IN THE SPACE OF FREEDOM...
Thus the "black monolith” made Man, today's artist, become the Spaceman, a Man of (Architectural) Space / Cosmos.
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(AKA, i didn’t know where else to put these.)
honestly though-cassandra would absolutely learn how to do card tricks to impress the boys- maybe even just on her own. cassandra- oh my god- cassandra’s that person who will pull out a deck of cards at a party and will do magic tricks to get out of having to actually have meaningful conversations with people 
as the boys get older, cassandra isn’t as afraid to swear around them- by now, it’s nothing they haven’t heard before…but she’s always careful not to swear around the boys & splinter
however she still does not let the boys swear casually- if its out of anger, or surprise, she’ll let it slide, but other than that…she’ll make them go brush their teeth. this comes from her misunderstanding the concept of washing someone’s mouth with soap- she thinks the goal of it is to simply clean their mouth. donatello has the best dental hygiene bc of this
party poppers
cassandra always has party poppers on her, without fail. she carries usually 2 or 3 in her bag or pocket, and it’s gotten the point where she’ll use them for the most mundane of things. just did the dishes? time to fucking party. mikey’s been cooking? party popper. donnie made something cool? that gets TWO party poppers.
the best time though is after a battle, when everyone’s tired and aching, and suddenly cassandra’s just. popping party poppers.
working retail
cassandra tried working retail, but whenever someone got upset with her or customers started yelling at her, she’d just. start crying. she couldn’t handle the pressure so she quit and became a firefighter instead
cassandra would rather run into burning buildings than deal with the public
favorite foods
cassandra loves apples and crunchy peanut butter. her family has caught her just eating peanut butter straight out of the jar with a spoon many times before. her favorite food ever is pop rocks, and is usually eating them at the worst possible moment.
cassandra smells like cinnamon & apples & campfires & (sometimes) sweat. she might smell like smoke if she’s just got home from work, but she usually takes showers right away after getting from responding to a fire.
glow in the dark stars
okay but- glow in the dark stars being something unique to earth, and cassandra being just in love with them, so she puts them all over the lair on the ceiling, in her bedroom, in paola’s cabin, and in her spaceship. glow in the dark stars e v e r y  w h e r e
the tree in the dojo
cassandra loves to sit in the tree in the dojo. sometimes she’ll sit in on the boys and splinter training and just sit up there watching them. cassandra likes being up high and swinging on stuff, so she probably sits on the tire swing a lot too
all versions of cassandra need glasses- classic cassandra usually wears contacts, but keeps her old glasses on hand in case she needs them. hellion has either healed or eyes or hasn’t, but just refuses to wear glasses.
the nickname nova
if you haven’t read “hello, clairvoyant?” you probably have no idea where the ship names splinternova & shenova comes from. cassandra uses the alias “nova” when she first starts talking to splinter over the phone. nova is also a childhood nickname. she got it because of her bad temper- her friends would joke and say she was “going supernova.”
…which is a really morbid joke, actually. “going supernova” is when a fire inclined capellan unleashes their strongest attack, which could decimate several square miles, and then dies immediately after- i’ll get into that more when i talk about capellan inclinations. but the name nova stuck nonetheless.
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