#v kaminari
hi-speedroids · 6 months
who can eat the most ice cream within in 1 hour
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theetwinkleboy · 9 months
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mcuntainbcrn · 10 days
@oficeandwind cont. from here [x]
Another soft squeak as the creature is relocated to a more secure, and far warmer location that leads to a round of small, contented chirps from the tiny creature, settling comfortably against the puppet’s chest and dozing off quickly; it’s not every day something quite so young has such a heart racing day after all.
From the branches of a nearby tree, the scene unfolds before an unseen set of eyes belonging to someone not too keen on showing themselves, or abandoning their hiding place, at peace with remaining a silent observer for now.
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It was curious though…whomever he was, he…had one of the strangest pulses she had ever felt.
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mmriesoftvat · 9 months
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the plane ride had been long. and with so many of their group on the same flight, it had also been quiet, and therefore, boring. it hadn't left much for kami to actually do other than read, so of course he'd slept for a good portion of the flight to japan. getting off the plan upon landing had also been an easy process (aside from a mild hiccup where kaminari thought he'd lost his luggage), he'd been sure the rest of the trip would go smoothly.
not so much. it's checking into the hotel he'd booked for everyone that's an issue. turns out, not all the rooms are available right now, and won't be until the next day. kaminari stares blankly at the person behind the counter, trying to force his sleep-addled brain to function properly. after a very long pause, kaminari finally turns to ren, still wearing the same, blank and confused expression on his face.
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"...was that in english or japanese?" he asks. "i can't tell anymore." he turns back to the clerk and shakes his head slowly. "i'm sorry," he says in japanese. "can you repeat that in-" he cuts himself off, even more confused. what language is he speaking again?
"english-?" he finishes in english. what even is HAPPENING anymore??
the clerk is wearing an equally confused expression now. then, repeats the unfortunate news that not all the rooms are available right now, and won't be until the following day. LOGICALLY, kaminari understand the gist of the message. but he can't bring himself to do anything other than stare.
"wait. we're going to have to find somewhere else. shit."
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acid-attacc · 1 year
(From classclownof1a) from the angst flower Rp meme
[ dandelion ]: one of our muses has fallen sick, and the other has to look after them.
With sick Denki?
Mina knocks gently on Denki's door, she was a bit worried for the blonde as he'd been not himself during class. She whipped up some of her Oma's famous loaded baked potato soup and had gone to the store to get his favorite drink, since they were out of it in the dorm's pantry. She didnt know what was wrong with him but she figured some soup and his favorite drink would help make him feel better.
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
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Chongyun is leaning against the sofa, staring over at Kami, who's curled up, with a pillow in front of him. Kami's staring up at the ceiling, very clearly avoiding eye contact with Chongyun.
"So..." Chongyun prompts, trying to get some kind of conversation going. "You said you wanted to talk. I'm listening."
"I don't know how to talk," Kami finally says. He doesn't lower his gaze. "I'm shit at talking to people in person, you included. This is all stupid. Forget I said anything."
The corners of Chongyun's lips curl downward, anxiety starting to pool in their own gut. They don't exactly know what is going on, and the thought that Kami is hiding something is even more apparent now.
"Uh, I can't. You had a panic attack at work earlier."
"Yeah, cause I'm a mess and everyone knows it. Maybe I should call in tomorrow. Or whatever, it doesn't fucking matter." Kami offers a shrug, before shifting his position. He's stretching a leg out in front of him. "You can sit down, you know. I'm not contagious."
"I can sit down," Chongyun echoes. "But are you going to bolt the second I do?" They're moving to sit anyway. "Talk to me, I don't understand what's happening, and I don't-"
"Nothing," Kami interrupts. His gaze shifts to Chongyun. His brows furrow into something that's a mix between anger and. Fear?
"Nothing is going on, and I think that's my problem! I'm waiting for the ball to drop. Like I feel like I'm waiting for shit to go down. For Ren or Arakan or Niwa, or even you to just decide you've had enough and dip."
"I'm not going to!"
"You don't even fucking live in town, Chongyun. What if you drive back and decide you weren't serious about moving here? What then? Maybe I did push you away."
"Where is this even coming from?" Chongyun reaches a hand out to rest on Kami's outstretched leg. The second he makes contact, Kami's jerking his leg back, making an attempt to kick Chongyun away from him. "That's uncalled for," Chongyun complains.
"I never told you about..." Kami begins, trailing off immediately. He turns his head to the side, expression going completely blank.
If Chongyun were honest with themself, they'd have to say in all the years of knowing Kami, they have never seen Kami look like this before. Kami looks completely zoned out. He stays that way for several seconds.
"Kami?" Chongyun prompts. That spark of fear they felt earlier is back, even stronger now. "You with me?"
"I don't remember," Kami whispers. "I don't remember half the shit she did..."
"She?" Chongyun's head tilts to the side as they purse their lips in confusion. "You mean Ei? Or Yae?"
"No, it's..." Kami blinks a few times, snapping out of whatever trance had just held him in a vice grip. "Nevermind, I don't know how to talk about it." His gaze again lands on Chongyun, but he doesn't look as frustrated. "Look, some shit happened to me, and it's eating at me. I told Ren about it."
Chongyun's jealous over that. He doesn't have a reason to be, Ren is Kami's family. But Chongyun's known Kami for years, they're practically brothers at this point. At least, Chongyun had always seen Kami as an elder brother. Why would Kami go to someone he hasn't spoken to directly in years?
But then again, Chongyun had pushed Kami to talk to him more. Is this the result of cousins finally bonding? Chongyun shoves that feeling of jealousy aside, it's not worth getting upset over in the first place.
"Have you told your sibling, too?" Chongyun asks.
"I want to," Kami says, looking down at the pillow, Kami's fingers play with the corner of the pillow, folding it over and pulling it back up, and repeating the process. "God knows I want to talk to Arakan, and even you. I want to just scream at people so bad about what I went through, but I also don't want people thinking I'm even more weak than I already am? I mean, what if people leave?"
"No one's leaving you," Chongyun says firmly. "People care-"
"You don't know that!" Kami spits out. "God, stop telling me I have people in my corner. Yeah, you're there, but I don't know Ren and Arakan, and I know Niwa even less. I don't know them. I don't know what they think or how they feel, and for all I know, they still hate me! I can say some shit and mean it, and they say they care, but fuck. What if it's all just another fucking mindgame? What if I'm still being...nevermind. Fuck it, nevermind."
"Talk to me!" Chongyun says forcibly. "Jesus, Kami, talk to me! Tell me what's going on with you so I can help!"
"Please go back home. Tomorrow or the day after," Kami says. "Not because I want you to leave, fuck. If I was allowed to be selfish I'd have you move in with me right now. Cause yeah, I just. I dunno 'Yun, I need people. But I can't drag you down with me when I'm trying to get my head sorted. I'm so fucked up mentally." Kami waves his hand around his head to emphasize his point. "I had shit done to me. Like. I can't tell you details. God I want to. But crying and leaning on people is doing more harm than good at this point. I'm tired, I have a headache. I don't fucking know left from down anymore."
"What about therapy?"
"Yeah," Kami nods. "Therapy. I need it, I know I do. But I need some time to myself. In this apartment, or something. The past several days were really fucking overwhelming. You here, people constantly coming and going, and half of said people being so mentally screwed up. I. Fuck. I need a day or two alone."
"What about Cyno?"
"I'm not ditching him to the streets. He needs a home, I have a bedroom and a bed. I still want him to live here, but I need a day or two. I fucking need space. Physical space, not emotional."
"Okay. I can leave. I'll go back home and keep checking up on you. But don't you stop talking to your family, okay?"
"Do you think I can trust them?" Kami looks at Chongyun, staring intently. "I want an honest answer. Maybe you don't know them that well either, but you can talk to them easier than I can."
Chongyun stares back. This is a hard question to answer, because while Chongyun and Ren have joked with each other on streams before, in spite of being different categories, Kami's right. Chongyun doesn't know Ren outside of social media, and they know Arakan even less, other than Arakan seems introverted.
"I think you can," Chongyun says carefully. "They're your family. Just because your mom and aunt messed up doesn't mean they did."
"I know, but I feel like there's. It's all shit, 'Yun. I feel like everything is shit. Garbage."
"It's not." Chongyun rests his hands on Kami's knees, pulling on them to lower his legs. "Look, I may not know exactly what happened in your life, and I don't expect you to tell me, either. But I do expect you to keep trying. With everyone, with a therapist, or whatever you think helps, because whoever you were when we first met, I know you're not him anymore."
"I feel-"
"You're not. You're happier, you're more outgoing, you're even making giant steps to keep going. You have a great job, you're starting a new career, and you have gained a lot more over the past few years than you realize. You're not alone."
They watch Kami swallow a few times, blinking rapidly. But Chongyun hopes the emotions are positive, rather than negative.
"Thanks, little bro. Man, I am shit." He forces a laugh. "Go home though. You've been helping keep the peace around here. Go take time for yourself too. Don't be like Niwa, don't take on more than you can chew. Cause if you fall, I don't think there's hope for the rest of us."
Chongyun delivers a light pap to the cheek. "Don't worry. I'll help all of you through this. I'll force dms or something. And hey, I'll be back permanently before anyone knows it."
Kami doesn't say anything to that. Instead, he just leans forward and gives Chongyun a hug, letting his body relax.
"Thanks 'Yun. Know that I... y'know. Care."
"I love you too, Kami."
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tagging: @artificeheart, @erabundus
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redxriiot · 1 year
Lovin’ the idea of Kiri and electroreception again
#//Looking over old hcs#//And I love this so so much#//Let's see new ones...#;mun has spoken#hc#//Mans most definitely was the kinda kid who drew fucken nightmare fuel art#//Bc he picked up on electrosignals from others and he made up stories about how haunted they were based on intensity#//And imagined the kindsa creatures that would manifest based on the signals. Got v creative; he did#//Not that he KNEW what it was for the longest time; not until he learned about sharks and went !!! Thas ME. I do that!#//Nah; mans just noticed smth weird; his friend didn't see/sense it; concluded he must be psychic#//Both the teacher and his mom were Not Amused whenever he explained why he drew the things he drew#//Fast forward; the people he can most pick out from anywhere; even out of water are Midoriya and Kaminari#//Kami obvi bc he is practically a walking electrical current#//Which is good; bc Kiri liks having eyes on him All The Time; and like this; he can always know where he is and what he do without looking#//Midoriya; unwittingly bc if the vestiges and OFA#//He doesn't know what's up; he just knows Midoriya screams MASSIVE energy and danger#//Esp when OFA is thrumming and being used in more and more capacity#//But he loves it#//Loves it LOTS when Deku uses OFA near him and makes his survival instincts go haywire#//Can get a sensory overload if he sticks too close and is with him for too long; but he likes that too#//Tsu is easier to distinguish than most others too#//She more water than most of them#//But yeah; Kami and Deku? He can track 'em down p easy#//Though it might be a little trickier in a super busy super urban area or if there's a massive generator of electricity nearby#//Too much of that muddles him up#//Which is why he tends to get headaches a lot; both bc Quirk and bc of that sense#//He can pick people out if he focuses/zeroes in on who he wants to find but the incessant buzzing of man-made electricity is Oof#//It made him real irritable as a child and he got used to it over time; but boy oh boy he Does Not like when that threshold is pushed#//Save when Midoriya does it; he'll happily indulge simply bc it him. And he gets too starry eyed to care he's being overwhelmed#//& Kami; but he might wince through his ultmoves. though hardening does take the edge off; in combat is fine
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flfverse · 1 year
Hiii woke up at five to pee and saw your kiri post so I HAD to drop in w my thots obvi
I’m such a trans!o kiri lover, mainly bc crossed with the “stealth dom” idea you mentioned it really adds some flavor to the class lineup? Like, it seems to me that so far everyone in class a feels pretty confident in their orientations, trans or not, and that’s great of course but I’d love to see someone who maybe doesn’t like their orientation/doesn’t feel confident in it too! And thinking about kirishima’s other self confidence issues in canon makes me feel like he could be a good fit 🤔
His “manliness” seems more to me like a catch all term he uses for people who live proudly and have good hearts beyond just being a traditional “man”?—it makes me think maybe he would find honesty and self confidence manlier than just being a dom, so I think he would really admire people who live their truths without shame! But on the other side of that, I think that would make him struggling with his own orientation even more interesting, because it creates the question of “is it manlier to be confident and satisfied with the orientation I was born with or to be proud and open about who I feel I truly am knowing others will criticize me?” Which of course begs the question, dom to sub or sub to dom? (Since I’m assuming we’re operating with those two terms for him!)
Being sub to dom might make that question easier to answer for him, since he’ll face criticism by being a sub hero or a trans hero either way, so it ultimately comes down to looking for the answer in himself. I can see that route being slightly easier, because like selectively bigoted people will see that and be like “wellll if he’s been a dom all along it makes sense to have him be a hero” while still side eying subs like hawks or midoriya in the field. So it’s like “hmm do we prefer a sub hero or a trans hero” and that’s some kind of public dividing question.
Butttt on the other hand, dom to sub kiri might make the question harder! Because he’s living comfortably (on the outside) as a dom hero (student? I feel like he’d probs be going through this soul searching during school but idk how your timeline shapes up w that lol) and has so much to lose by being openly trans AND a sub. But I think his friends who attended the pride rally would probably tell him that it’s okay not to be out to everyone, that he’s allowed to come to terms with things in his own time and that he doesn’t owe anyone else an explanation. I think he would take comfort in that until the day he was ready to be “manly” about it and come out in a public way. There would be more backlash from the variety of bigots, which is of course good for ✨flavor✨, but especially there could be puppy kiri!!!
As for the puppy kiri agenda: I’m all in, please give it to us even if it’s just a crumb I’m begging 🙇 but I think it would be just. So delicious. To get to read kirishimas like first scenes trying to figure that out with a dom? Doesn’t have to be sero if it’s pre their arrangement but just like a homie he trusts not to mock him. Because the angst/hurt/comfort potential of a trans oriented kid working through figuring out their new orientation (pre hrt to make it more frustrating? Question mark? 👀) is just So Real to me I’m practically frothing at the mouth. Like I’m on my hands and knees over here wren just to see kirishima trying and getting frustrated and embarrassed and having to be reassured is so special to me wahhhh. Or GOD if he’s like “lol guys I’m def a dom” to his friends and like a sub friend asks to scene and he’s like “ofc bro!” But then they do it and he’s like “why does this feel so fucked up..?” Typa beat. Cue drop. Or just a baby spiral hehe. But I wanna know what that realization looks like now UGH why do you do this to me!!! /pos 💞
So this is me coming out and saying I’m pro dom to sub Kirishima lmao sorry I had to lay all that out just to get to this point.
I was also sooo curious, since you’re thinking about kink variety atm, and since it’s no man’s land for bkdk, if you have anyone in mind who really enjoys pain? Or also, just if you had any other particular kink varieties you were thinking about!
ANYWAY loved the new chapter I had an awful day and it really held me together getting to read the fic again so thank you!!💞✨
WAHH anon this was so nice to wake up to <3
you’re SO right that it could go in pretty much any direction lol, so many options, but i’m definitely leaning toward trans!sub!kiri i think. i feel like he would try to hide it for a while (maybe from the class for at least a year, and from the public into adulthood i can see easily) for fear of backlash, but also out of worry that he’s maybe…appropriating sub/trans issues? he’s just an ally, guys, he’s not Actually trans haha…ha..
and ugh the angst potential anon your MIND…..i can absolutely see him trying to dom someone and freaking out about it. i wonder who the first person he’d come out to is 👀 the heart says sero perhaps? or one of the other trans kids? at any rate i imagine it’s not bakugou bc he’s nervous about their friendship (bakugou of course thinks that was stupid when he does find out).
and 🥺 trying to sub for the first time and puppy kiri in general is so. i love him he deserves the WORLD. i’m thinking either bakugou or sero for that but who knows who knowsss
OKAY BUT KINK VARIETY……ehehe. it is a little hard to figure out but so far i have kaminari being my sort of catch-all “will try anything once” guy. i think shinsou is like a huge sadist (which may just be some fics i read talking, but shh) but also like, the biggest sweetheart, and he will flip in a second once you get to aftercare.
i’m sure i’ve had other thoughts but i can’t think of them right now lol??? idk. this is an open invitation for everyone to send me their headcanons.
pain is one of those things that i don’t mind reading but doesn’t personally appeal to me so it’s like…who do i give that to. shouto, to match shinsou. i’m realizing that i haven’t thought much about class a beyond my five main guys. oh! as i’ve mentioned izuku is my little exhibitionist. i should do more with that sometime. and this isn’t exactly a kink but now i have a hc that kaminari does a lot of solo stuff, for fun not necessity, and the gang has an unspoken agreement to keep an eye on him if he wanders into the common room during/after that.
also i want to shinsou to use his quirk SO bad but we know that. i feel like it would take a long time for him to get comfortable with that, though. and gags/muzzles are not something he would ever do, verbal answers are important to him. i think shouto would be a bit of a service sub/dom bc *gestures at backstory* but at the same time pillow princess shouto rights. he can be both, right?
as far as outside of class a….gah this is really hard. i usually scroll ao3 for inspo lol and i will be honest i have mostly been looking at puppy play recently bc i was thinkin about kirishima soo. no thoughts. head empty. i have no idea what dabihawks are going to be into really yet bc hawks has sooo much trauma and a lot of misconceptions to work through and it could go lots of ways for him. i will say that i definitely know for sure handfeeding and gags are hard nos for him right now, which we saw in FF chapter 8. and i know why. but i’m not telling yet >:3. that is something i want him to get over tho. for healing. yes. OH also i feel like hawks would take a lot of comfort in cnc eventually, bc again, the trauma. other than that, i have no idea.
and ofc to no one’s surprise toga is rlly into blood and knives in all parts of her life. good for her. i thiiink once i implied shigaraki’s also into pain? so there’s that.
i think i was all over the place just now. whoops. anyway i’m adding Several things to my wip list because of this ask and the Only reason i’m not going to scribble something out for kiri right now is because i have a huge essay due tomorrow night that i have not started ✌️ but if i make good progress on that and i still have the itch i may do it. i may do it anyway. i’m not known for my decision making skills.
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nitronapalm · 6 months
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Various Memes -- ACCEPTING
@sunbreathr asked:
‘ i’m don’t think i’m getting this. ’ ( from kaminari )
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The ash blonde was fucking trying to keep his temper, he really was, but it was hard when he was getting frustrated with this dual technique he was trying to help Pikachu with and Kaminari just didn't seem to be getting it. He pulled them off so easily with the nerd and Kirishima, and yet for some fucking reason he couldn't seem to with Pikachu, and he didn't know where either of them were going wrong with it.
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He let out a slow breath through his nose, fighting back the growl that threatened to surface. Fuck, how does Teach do this shit?
"S'try some other shit for right now, since this isn't fucking working right now. See if doin' somethin' fucking else helps, maybe we can fucking go from there." He at least hoped that worked, that was some of what he'd seen Teach do at times and he could at least try to take a page outta his book.
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sunbreathr · 6 months
@ppigtails cont from x
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❝ Man that sucks, ❞
A flash of sympathy, hand rubbing the back of his neck as Denki hesitated at the edge of the common area. He should just go, sneak back to his room with a simple ' oh well, too bad! ' But ....
Denki sighs, moving closer to where Sakia was sat. ❝ Now that I think about it, I still have some work to do too. We could study together if you want? ❞
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hi-speedroids · 6 months
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this is what you get now shitty ms pain doodles
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vsagis · 1 year
“at least i'm not afraid of ghosts.”
From Tokoyami!
HORROR & SLASHER PROMPTS. / @wolfpackmuses
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"Hey, if you saw it out of the corner of your eye like me, and were as sleep deprived as I was, you'd think it's a ghost and get scared too!"
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mcuntainbcrn · 5 months
@mmriesoftvat liked for a starter!
Of all the places she could have found herself, this was a treasure trove - a bit overwhelming at times from the near constant relay from the extensive root systems, but there were so many new species of plants to add to her arsenal, ample areas she could take cover where one could be looking directly at her and never see her...it was perfect, almost perfect enough to set down roots.
Not that she ever could allow herself such a luxury - so long as humans existed, it would never be safe to remain still; it was almost as if the universe managed to take hold of those wistful thoughts and forcefully rub her nose in it - footfalls approaching; whomever it was, she wasn't keen on meeting and she was quick to tuck herself away into the trunk of a large tree.
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mmriesoftvat · 4 months
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"i don't see what's so great with penacony anyway. what is it, some stupid dream land? i can dream too, and i don't need some gambling city in order to have fun."
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stangalina · 1 year
I like to think that one of the lessons Aizawa taught class A is "always have a knife".
You never know when you'll need a knife so never not be in possession of a knife. As such every member of class A has a knife hidden somewhere in their hero costumes. His gift to them when they graduated were custom engraved knives with their student number on them.
Not on board? Ok. Just imagine how funny it would be tho.
Villain: "Number one hero Deku! I am punch proof! The more you hit me the stronger I get! How will you defeat me now-"
Midoriya: "Knife."
Villain: "Wha-" *gets stabbed*
Midoriya: "Knife."
Hero: "Oh no! We're tied up! However will we escape!"
Tsuyu: "Knife."
Hero: "What?"
Tsuyu, pulling a knife off the bottom of her foot with her tongue: "Knife."
Groupie getting a hug: "Are you using your quirk or are you just happy to see me?"
Kirishima: "It's a knife."
Groupie: "...What?"
Kirishima: "Knife."
Villain, completely insulated in rubber: "You're a one trick pony chargebolt."
Kaminari, reaching down into his boot: "Oh boy are you wrong my dude!"
Hero: "You need to calm down."
Bakugou, reaching down into his V-neck: "Listen here you son of a BITCH-"
Kouda: "Stop scaring the pigeons! They're a domesticated species that we abandoned back into the wild. They're sweet creatures who are pets by nature!"
Douchebag: "Or what?"
Kouda: "..."
Douchebag: "..."
Kouda: "..."
Douchebag: "oh my GOD HE HAS A KNIFE-"
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dspd · 2 years
I saw it and can't unthink it
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