#uuuh.. can you tell i've just been listening to cassandro's and cangaço novo's soundtracks a lot? lol
electricdreamachine · 9 months
I've been tagged by @skylarbee to share 13 songs I've been listening to recently (thanks so much for the tag!!! gotta warn you tho, it's gonna be a mixed bag lol)
balah ih fogoh - vandal, djonga & baianasystem
2. um girassol da cor do seu cabelo - lô borges
3. nothing works - declan mckenna
4. me usa - banda magníficos (lol)
5. da lama ao caos - chico science & nação zumbi
6. yes sir i can boogie - baccara
7. take a chance on me - abba
8. cabeça de papel - baianasystem
9. meu sangue ferve por você - sidney magal
10. yo viviré ( i will survive) - celia cruz
11. sulamericano - baianasystem
12. in blue - declan mckenna
13. dois navegantes - ave sangria
I'm supposed to tag some people, but at this point it truly feels like everyone's been tagged, so if you follow me and you see this and you haven't been tagged yet, you're tagged, i'm tagging YOU.
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