#usually i'd only be able to put animal attributes on a human bUT HEY
astro-inthestars · 1 year
Welp I've gotten myself busy because of a sudden burst of inspiration to draw the responses to this post .....and thus I've drawn myself three new fursonas. (5 if you count the quadrupedal versions-)
Anyways! Here's the first input!
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@just-jammin @the-real-aurora-borealis in that order <3 they assigned me ferret!! Plus points for galaxy ferret, or starry stoat!
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Next up:
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@twipsai this one's Twippy's and I adore it <3 btw <3 Arctic Fox!!
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And last one!
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This one's from @thefunnyalice !! First time being assigned a bird, and honestly I love that!! Perfect bird drawing practice <3
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(...except his ass did not draw the normal bird version because it was too hard but shHH.)
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