#usually i wld learn from voice lines but those doesn't exist yet
maplleaf · 2 years
《 Solace 》
Kaveh x gn!reader drabble
cw: angst but ends in comfort, slight insecurity, stress is sexy /j
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Kaveh is emotional. Even in his work he places his heart and soul into his creation. It's no surprise that he's emotional in his personal life. That brought many great moments in your relationship, the suave architect who pours out his feelings for you; causing your heart to beat faster each time he talks.
Kaveh is not the type to bottle up his feelings until it bursts out, but he does keep it to himself if he finds a reason to do so.
When Kaveh does let his vulnerable side out, he finds solace in whoever's shoulder he's leaning on. Even with how stressed or frustrated he feels, the tears would slowly stop pouring as he stayed close with his significant other.
Which brought him to this moment.
Kaveh was recently assigned on designing a project for a well-renounced scholar. Problem is that he just couldn't keep up with his endless requests and redesigns.
The scholar wanted this to be implemented, only for him to change his mind right after Kaveh finished the design. As an architect who pours his heart into every project, every time the scholar made changes or dismissed his designs in the first place; it pissed him off.
...But it's not like he could do anything about it, this client is important after all; the payment too high for him to pass on. It could even cover a large sum of debt he finds himself drowning in.
To make it worse, this particular day just isn't it.
There's only two more days until the final sketch has to be finished, but Kaveh had to sleep late due to this project, and when getting more materials outside the house his roommate accidentally brought two keys instead of one.
Luckily, you were there to save him, his lover.
You weren't using your office room for the day and offered Kaveh to work there, since he is locked out of his house after all. When you offered him the room, you swear you saw him fall in love all over again.
Kaveh sighed as he snapped back to reality, as annoying as Alhaitham is, he has to agree with one of his points; work is work. So he sucked it up.
He can't be distracted right now. Leaning heavily against the desk with his back in an uncomfortable position from sitting like that for so long, Kaveh continued on sketching on the rough paper.
After what feels like eternity, the sketch was done. Kaveh couldn't help but lets out an air in relief; a huge smile all over his face.
He's done! The final sketch is done two days before the deadline! That indecisive scholar might want to change something, but he can tweak it a little. What matters is that his back would have the well deserved break tonight!
Right when he stood up to finally rest in your arms peacefully, his arm accidentally made contact with the worst object he could ever think of; a mug filled with water.
As gravity worked perfectly, the mug fell and poured water all over the paper.
Panic ran through Kaveh's mind as he hopelessly tried to take the paper away from the cursed mug. At last, when he sees the finished sketch, it's wet, the graphite from his pencil barely visible, and the paper barely holding on before breaking into two.
The entire week's stress seems to hit him all at once. Kaveh can't help but let his frustrations out. Placing the paper on the dry area of the table, Kaveh leaned back against his chair and buried his face in his hands. He worked so so hard on this but it was ruined because he didn't look at the area around him.
He couldn't even hear the mug breaking as it rolled off the table. Hearing what sounds like glass shattering from the other room, you went to check your office space out. Kaveh told you he'll be staying here until the project is done so you didn't want to disturb him, but glass shattering doesn't sound good at all.
After a few simple knocks, you opened the door slightly. "Darling, are you okay?" you asked, peaking your head through the door. When seeing Kaveh with his hands on his face, you knew what exactly is going on.
Walking over to the blonde, carefully avoiding the mug's remaining on the floor, you placed your hand behind his head and leaned him over to your frame. It didn't take long before Kaveh wrapped his arm around your waist, face against your stomach as tears fell out.
Combing your fingers through his hair, you observed the area around you two; spotting the paper he excitedly showed you earlier that day drenched in water.
"Even if I care about it, I-I just messed it up..." his hold of your growing tighter. It's so frustrating, to work hard on something only for a simple mistake to erase all that progress and push you back to square one. "What kind of architect would drown in my kind of debt?"
"Kaveh..." you couldn't help but murmur, rubbing his back in hope it would soothe him. "It'll be fine, I'm sure the client would understand this type of accidents," Kaveh's tears is getting slower the more you make contact with him.
"You worked so hard on each of your project, and all the results were beautiful," you leaned back to look at Kaveh's face, wiping away the tears with your fingers. "You're the kind of architect who draws your creations with your soul, that's what kind of architect you are."
Kaveh's tears stopped forming, but the blonde still took short breaths and sobbed before properly calming down. Kaveh's red eyes look up to yours, his glassy and uncertain whilst yours brought him a sense of comfort; home.
Leaning down, you pressed a kiss to Kaveh's forehead. "One of the reasons I love for you is because you weren't ashamed to have emotions, even in your line of work. A single mistake won't define yourself as an architect."
Kaveh couldn't utter a single word; a culmination of all the pressure he felt earlier turning him quiet. He's frustrated, but your words slowly calmed him down. The messy blonde locks being combed through by your fingers soothing him.
It was in this moment that Kaveh realize how much he loves you, how much he's glad you still take him in your arms even after being in debt from his project; it was all too much for him to place into words.
So Kaveh stayed quiet, letting your voice guide him through the next few days as he re-do the sketch.
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