#usually don't manage that many attacks per year but i'm hoping to change that this time
firespark-art · 3 months
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happy art fight!! i'm on team stardust this year, you can find me here ^^
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fifteenskies15 · 5 years
Twisted Kaguya Hime
(Tokito Muichiro x Demon! Reader)
Summary: Demons and humans never belong together, so does demon slayer and their enemy
Admin's Note: Wow, clearly I'm on roll today, I published two stories in one day, anyways, I have come back with Muichiro's content to feed to you all Muichiro stans, this might be kinda angst since reader will be a demon unde Kokushibo control but they manage to develop a feelings for Muichiro, but let's pretend that Koku had met Mui and that Muichiro have grown up now (approximately 18-20 y/o) here, as per usual, this story is gender neutral
Also, Muichiro might be a bit lovestruck here
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"Muichiro...let me tell you a little story..."
"What is it mom?"
"This is a tale of a beautiful princess called, princess Kaguya... Once upon a time... There was an old and poor bamboo cutter called Taketori no Okina, he and his wife didn't have a child and they live in poverty..."
"One day, the old man Taketori found a shining bamboo stalk he cutted it and do you know what he saw? It's a baby girl in size of his thumb, old man Taketori was so elated, he and his wife raised her like she was their daughter and not only that, there's a small gold nugget inside, so... Taketori and his wife is no longer live in poverty, and their daughter, Kaguya has grown up into a woman with an extraordinary beauty..."
"This is the part where Kaguya get her lover, right mom?"
"Many hopeful youngsters did wanted to take Kaguya as their wife, but alas she rejected them all, even with five princes lined up to offer her hand of marriage, she rejected them all regardless, the emperor Mikado is also fell in love with the beautiful princess Kaguya, but alas she's also rejected him, saying that she cannot stay in the palace, but they stay in contact together"
"But do you know, Muichiro? Every summer night when it's full moon, Princess Kaguya is always crying, her adoptive parents were greatly concerned about her, but she was unable to say what's wrong to them, until she revealed that she was not of this world and must return to her people on the Moon..."
"So that means she had to left her parents?"
"Sadly yes... Kaguya hime loves her parents and her friends in earthly being friends, she was very sad but this has to be done...the Earth is not where she belongs, however, the capital of the moon is where she belongs..."
"Even so... Kaguya always missed the protectorate and the kind humans that see her of who she is..."
"Muichiro, my dear...are you okay?"
Muichiro tear his gaze away from the moon and turn his attention to you.
A demon...
But you're more than just a demon to him and he's more than just a human to you, even though you're a demon, a being he should be hated, obliterated and sent to hell, you manage to develop a feeling towards him
Somehow he manage to grow something inside you, inside your soulless and supposed to be numb body
It's none other than love...
It's been quite a while since you feel something like this, or maybe because it's the first time you feel this, all emotions you could ever remember is sadness and rage especially what your family had done to you back then...
"Fufu... You have been gazing upon the full moon, is everything okay?"
Muichiro just give you a smile "Ah, just remembered the tale my mom used to tell when I was a kid..."
"Enlighten me..."
Muichiro rest his chin on his hand, smiling at you "The tale of Princess Kaguya"
A warm smile spread on your face "Ah, I have heard that story from an old couple I met once, it's sad that Princess Kaguya had to go back to the moon to join her people..."
Muichiro nodded, looking wistful "If she's real, I wonder what she's thinking about the humanity now..."
You didn't care much about humans (except for him, of course) but you know exactly what he meant "I don't mean to be presumptuous, but she could be weeping at how humanity change in a terrible way..."
Muichiro nodded and sighed "either it demons and people the Earth is not the same as she remembered, it's quite sad when you think about it..."
"Mmh... My so called parents are one of those people," you said laying down on the grass while looking at the moon "Poor Kaguya had to face the reality of how this world is soiled"
Muichiro lay down next to you, his mint colored eyes find your (E/C) ones "Say (name) if you are Princess Kaguya and I'm the lucky man who manage to have you as my wife/husband, but you're still had to go to the moon what will you say or do?"
You looked at him with a smile and looked at the moon "even if the heavenly beings told me to stay with them, I will not listen to them, that's probably sounds bold and too forward, but what can I say?" You grabbed his hand as your fingers intertwined.
"I'm head over heels for you, and if I'm being forced to go to the moon, I will make my way just to see you even if it means I had to rope the Earth closer to the moon"
Muichiro smiled warmly at you as he gripped your hand tighter "I would too... I know you're a demon but I can't help but having strong feelings towards you..."
He sighed and looked at the moon again "It as if it was yesterday I almost killed you, I mean, well, you did almost slaughter entire village, I don't even know what came into me and... Well... Here we are, being closer and didn't care about who we are..." He said, his face illuminated by the moon.
"If...if there is a chance you could become a human again...(Name)...will you..."
Muichiro stopped, he seems unsure about continuing his word and this is so not like him, is he...being nervous? Agitated even?
"Will I... what, Muichiro?"
He took a deep breath, he sat up then look at you, directly into your eyes "I know it's been a half of year since we met but... I have been thinking... I don't want to lose you just yet, so...will you marry me?"
You widen your eyes, and you have strange feeling inside your chest...
Was it your heart beating?
How is it possible?
But you couldn't help it and you smiled...
"Well, isn't that sickeningly sweet?"
All too familiar voice cutted you before you could say yes, and to see upper moon one.
Your creator, Kokushibo.
"Kokushibo-sama!" Your body went autopilot and bowed at him, Muichiro just froze, but it's obvious his eyes are gleaming with rage
"Now it's clear why you have been disappearing lately" his eyes looked at Muichiro who looked like he's veins about to pop, Muichiro gritted his teeth as he saw an upper moon in front of his eyes "You have been doing some disgusting thing with my descendant, I see... That behavior is clearly not something to be forgiven"
Kokushibo slowly unsheathed his sword and glaring down at you "You're awfully aware that his Lordship is not pleased with your tomfoolery, (name)..."
You gulped and freeze in fear, you have once got the taste of a punishment from your Creator and you can't imagine when his master knows about what have you been doing behind his back, before you know it, his grotesque looking sword were swung towards your head and to be blocked by Muichiro.
"Like hell I would let you touch her/him, I don't care if you're an upper moon, but if you touch her/him, I won't hesitate to fight you here and now..."
Kokushibo looked at his descendant in amusement, he manage to parry his attack, causing Muichiro backed away from the impact.
"How valiant, you think you have what it takes to defeat me?"
Muichiro disregard him and looked at you "(name), are you alright, my dear?" You just nod, a warm tears trickle down from your (E/C) eyes, Kokushibo just clicked his tongue and hit Muichiro's pulse point
He nonchalantly stepped over him and grabbed you by your collar, as he glared at you
"(Name), I'm sure you're aware that this place is not for you and no longer your home, and on the note, humans and demons doesn't belong together..." He said as he glowered at you, you swore you could hear venom dripping from his words "...and whether you like it or not, you don't belong to him" Kokushibo said pointing at the unconscious Muichiro, and pointed his sword on his chest.
"Even though he's my descendant, my kin, he's the enemy of his Lordship, I won't hesitate to kill him right in the spot" he pressed the tip of his sword as if he was going to pierce his sword through Muichiro's beating heart.
"I'm still merciful enough because I like you (name), it's your choice... Come with me and I'll let him live... For now...or..." He pressed his blade slightly harder that blood sapping out, slowly tainted his uniform "No, no, no!! Don't kill him, please!! I will come with you, but please spare him, Kokushibo-sama!"
Kokushibo looked at you then put his sword back to his sheath, walking towards you with a smile, it's rather mocking... "It wasn't so hard now wasn't it?" He said as he put his hand on your cheek
"And I am a man of my word, I won't kill him, at least for now, and you..." He paused for a bit "...you will stay with me till that day comes" he turn his heel and looked at the sky, "The moon is beautiful, but as beautiful as it is, in few hours the moon will sink and the sun will rise, we better go unless you wanted a worse death than being killed by his Lordship"
Honestly you would rather die because of the sunshine than come with him (despite the fact he's your creator) but if it means he kept Muichiro stay alive...
Then you had no choice
You looked back at Muichiro's unconscious form and teared up slightly, and dropped something in purpose as you followed Kokushibo to fortress of infinity...
"I'm sorry, Muichiro..."
Few hours pass, Muichiro came back to his senses, he jolted awake and looked around "(Name)?! (name)!! Where are you?!" He winced when he felt sting on his chest.
"That bastard..."
He looked around for you and to see something gleaming under the moonlight
It's your amulet necklace...
He took it and looked at it, it has (F/F), hollyhock and ginko leaves symbol on it, he remembered the day you showed it to him
"See this amulet, Muichiro? I made it myself, I added the ginko leaves because for some reason it reminded me of you..."
"Oh really? And I could guess that (F/F) is your favorite flower... Is that supposed to be the symbol of our unification?"
"Maybe? Okay, yeah, maybe it is..."
Somehow he could feel sadness radiating off the inanimate object he's currently holding.
He knows...
He knows that you won't see each other from now on.
"(Name), my love..."
A single tear fell on the amulet as he gripped on it, sadness replaced with rage as he gaze upon the imposing, full moon
"Just like princess Kaguya, you left me to be somewhere you belong to..."
He looked at the amulet as he remembered that tonight is the last night he see you
"Just like princess Kaguya, someone take me away from you just like how they separate her from the emperor..."
He put the amulet around his neck and gripped his sword
"Of all the things had happened, I will twist the tale, just you wait, my dear..."
His once full of life mint eyes turn back into his lifeless one but it gleamed with desire and vengeance
"I will came to you, and make sure you fall into my arms once again..."
Admin 15: Oh damn, Mui is a lovestruck yandere in the end,....and I kinda live for it, maybe I should make something with yandere trope for my next story, hehe
Anyways, I'm so sorry that this story make no sense, I might be on roll but I guess I'm being overexcited about it
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