astarab1aze · 6 months
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Magic cops, dawg. Sometimes they suck, sometimes they're not so bad, but there's a lot who commit murder.
A Sorcier fulfills a similar role as a police officer, but with some elevated status - sort of more like a knight class. This rank came about in the late 1600s, during the Golden Age of Piracy, and was meant to police the disregard for the law among… supernatural pirates and thieves at the time and was also in part due to Alistair Belegerande's derogation toward the untoward. Magical revolutionaries became The Man, in effect, but insodoing they united the altogether fractured magical communities all throughout North America.
Sorciers are loyal only to the supernatural world, typically. They are held in high regard for their unshakeable commitment, though there are some who quite loudly question that loyalty, especially when considering their tandem involvement with the USDRS - oh yes, they didn't used to be connected to any government (but it was all supernaturals could do to prevent widespread human knowledge of them, bending the knee to the American government and agreeing to monitoring and regulation). None are immune to corruption, which is a healthy concept to keep in mind when placing one's trust in any institution or individual. Sorciers uphold both human and supernatural laws, but there are some laws that simply don't apply to supernaturals.
Their responsibilities are not limited to policework and they may also function as the supernatural world's military force in especially dire times - their presence becomes heavier during even human calamities. They also aid in disaster relief efforts, handle civil disputes, evictions, and plenty more. Some may even get stuck with delivering the mail.
Sorciers have to follow a number of strict rules of conduct and are expected to behave as they would at work, at home. Effectively, they are rarely not working, permanently on-call and magically compulsed to fulfill their duties. They take binding oaths, which will strip them of power should they abandon their post - an extremely uncomfortable and brutal process to bear witness to, as the sorcier will become what is essentially a literal husk. This draconian practice gives rise to a large portion of the criticism the DSR and sorciers as a whole recieve, calling into question whether it's even worth becoming a sorcier if stepping a single toe out of line will lend you destitute and immobile.
They are also seen as pretentious, prideful, insensitive, either idealistic or grossly cynical, violent, too soft - you get the picture. Lots of contradictory feelings toward them.
**Loux's parents were investigative sorciers, the types who are regularly assigned to murder and missing persons cases. They were killed by another sorcier they once worked closely with, who released a stolen blackwyrm to attack and eat them.
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repdonat · 1 year
Introduction to Donat - abridged history
The REPUBLIC OF DONAT (Donatese: Република Донат / Republika Donat) is a constituent country of the State Union. It lays on the peninsula of Donat and its neighboring isles in Ripiero. Donat borders the Rutherish Commonwealth to its southwest and the Mercantile Republics of Kruhasta to its southeast. Donat has a population of around 68 million, with the city of RADOGOST being its largest and capital city. It is divided into 14 administrative divisions: 11 populates and 3 constitutional territories.
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Throughout its history, Donat has consisted of many independent realms with a shared cultural and linguistic identity, though never politically unified. The people of Donat - the Donatians - departed from Kanita and settled Ripiero through the 11th and 12th centuries, establishing chiefdoms directly correspondent to their families. These chiefdoms would further consolidate into realms ruled by dynasties, which would come to form the first kingdoms of Donat. These kingdoms are, partially, the basis of Donat's modern populates.
Donat would find itself under Rutherish occupation in the 17th century, but would finally break free during the Crimson Revolution of 1956. Initially starting as small communal protests, the uprisings that formed the Crimson Revolution would take on an armed spirit and would force the Rutherish out of the land for good, aside from the region of West Pokoska, which remains in Rutherish hands to this day.
An independent government would be formed by a man called Lazar Karaslav - the most prominent figurehead of the revolution. This would mark the beginning of a state known as the Union of Socialist Donatian Republics, or the USDR for short. Although defined as republican and popular, the USDR was highly dictatorial and allowed for little naysaying. The autonomy of each Socialist Donatese Republic was very limited, and democratic elections were not present in the state. Despite this, the USDR's policies of industry nationalization was very economically beneficial to Donat, seeing as all factories were in control of Rutherish businessmen before the revolution.
Donat's later modern history would be a period of turbulence and frequent change of regimes. After Karaslav's death, the country was reorganized into the United Syndicates of Donat and began progressing towards the path of democracy. In 1990, Donat formed a union called Slavia with the country of Illjika. During this time period, the union was more of a loose confederation than a proper state. Things would change in 2025 with the Blackshirt Revolution, which would transform Slavia into a one-party totalitarian dictatorship under the rule of Sonya Kremenobor, hailing from the city of Karlov in Donat. This type of governance would last a mere 5 years, but would forever transform the economic landscape of the two countries.
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Coat of arms of the Confederation of Slavia from 2030 to 2049.
With the fall of the Blackshirt regime, Slavia was reorganized as a stable confederation whose constituents were politically equal. The Confederation of Slavia, which lasted until 2049, was a representative democracy with a centralized military, but under no single leader. The country of Hrozava would join the confederation in 2033 and would vote to leave it in 2049, which gave way to the abolishing of the confederation. In its place, a new state was - finally - erected once more, the State Union of Donat & Illjika.
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Coat of arms of the State Union of Donat & Illjika.
Today, Donat remains to be a constituent state inside the State Union. It is a modern and developed country with a functional but frequently unstable democracy. From constitutional crises to weird critters in your garden, Donat remains to be the bastion of modernity and industrial progress in Ripiero.
this is the most boring part of the introduction and even then its totally abridged but if youre a little nerd read up on the full history here
Interested in the world that surrounds Donat? There's plenty more! Learn more about Ulina and join our Discord server here: ULINA (linktr.ee)
Next post: Vera, the ancestral religion of Donatians
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yayroos · 1 year
lol. lmao even.
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i find it very funny when these 'stable coins' lose their peg to real currency.
(USDR or 'Real USD' is a cryptocurrency that's meant to be stable at as close to $1 USD as possible, to help facilitate people moving money in and out of crypto. There any many such stable coins and they keep losing their peg to the actual dollar.)
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szalacsi · 2 years
A 9.11 igaz tortenete - VOL.1
Vegig probalom fact checkelten tartani a sztorit. Foleg olyan forrasokat hasznalva mint a Snopes mert ugye az a Soros cege szoval ha ok leirnak valamit hogy igaz attol meg nem lesz igaz de legalab par forrast kikeresnek amibol ossze lehet rakni mi tortent.
Szoval adott egy uzletember (szarmazasanak kerdeset ratok bizom) akit Larry Silversteinnak hivnak.
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Az a kedves uriember ugy dontott egyszercsak, egesz pontosan 2001ben hogy milyen jol mutatna a csaladi portfolioban a WTC.
Mit ad isten, osszekuporgatott kis vagyonkajabol meg is vasarolta, mar eleve erdekes korulmenyek kozott amirol a szuper fuggetlen WIkipedia igy nyilatkozik.
He was interested in acquiring the original World Trade Center complex, and put in a bid when the Port Authority put it up for lease in 2000. He won the bid when a deal between the initial winner and the Port Authority fell through, and he signed the lease on July 24, 2001.
Gondolta hogy ha mar megvasarolta ezt a szep epuletegyuttest nem kellene a veletlenre bizni a dolgokat es gyorsan kotott is ra egy szep biztositast. Egesz pontosan 22 darab biztosito altal biztositotta 3.55 milliard(!) USDre azaz durvan 1500 milliard forintra. Igaz hogy utana beperelte a biztositokat ennek a duplajara mert hogy szerinte a ket gep az ket kulon biztositasi eset azaz ennek a ketszereset szerette volna megkapni. Nah de ne szaladjunk elore a sztoriban.
Szoval epuletek 99 evre megvasarolta (vagyis tartos berletet kotott rajuk egesz pontosan) ~125 millio dollarert es bebiztositotta az epuleteket, erdekes modon terrorista cselekmeny ellen is. Ugye sosem lehet tudni hogy egy felhokarcolo terrorizmus aldozataul esik ami teljesen racionalis felelem manapsag. Ha lenne egy jo biztositos ismerosom megkerdeznem mennyi ennek az eselye.
Erdekes hogy az epuleteket ennyiert sem erte megvenni mert nem voltak rendesen kihasznalva. Viszont ha ugy nezed 125Mbol 3.55MRD-t csinalni nem rossz uzlet.
It's a fact that Silverstein took his insurers to court after 9/11 and asked for double the damages. It's also a fact that he did so on the grounds that there were two attacks (or, in insurance lingo, "occurrences"), not one. But this wasn't some premeditated scam based on foreknowledge that a terrorist attack involving two planes would occur. The cost of rebuilding the World Trade Center, which in 2004 was estimated at $9 billion, made Silverstein's court strategy a virtual necessity. Plus, he had obligations to lenders and co-investors, and still owed lease payments of $10 million per month to the Port Authority.
The court ultimately did grant Silverstein a payout of $4.55 billion, which amounted to about a third more than the maximum allowable for a single "occurrence" by his insurance policy, but significantly less than the $7.1 billion he had originally sought.
A kovetkezo lepes a sztoriban az hogy megnezzuk milyen valtozasok voltak meg amik emlitesre meltoak az epulettel kapcsolatban.
A masodik ilyen dolog pedig az hogy erdekes modon lecsereltek azt a ceget amelyik a lifteket karbantartotta (Otis Elevators) es egy masik ceg vette at az iranyitast (ACE Elevator). Az Otis ceg munkasai kozul egy csomoan segitettek a mentesben az 1993as robbantas utan, mivel sokan a liftbe szorultak. Par evvel kesobb viszont a teljes szemelyzet azonnal otthagyta az epuletet es elmenekult a helyszinrol meg mielott az osszedolt volna. Valamit tudhattak a fiuk ha nem egeszen 10 evvel a ket esemeny kozott ennyire drasztikusan mashogy viselkednek hasonlo szituban. Kulon erdekessege a sztorinak hogy a liftszerelok buszkek arra hogy embereket mentenek hasonlo szitukban, valahogy 2001ben pont maskepp gondolkodtak es inkabb elhuztak a faszba.
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A 7es epuletrol most ne is beszeljunk.
Folyt kov
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govfresh · 1 month
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cyber crime china usdr its your rith to keep the peace from nuclear war niwis your mivd yo areest them vrimibal
murders and others use our defence gorce if have to
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kenzingmedia · 4 months
uSDR Software Updated to V1.7.0 https://www.rtl-sdr.com/usdr-software-updated-to-v-1-7-0/
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megabbbmar · 4 months
商標登録insideNews: Ripple Files Trademark for RLUSD Stablecoin Instead of “USDR” or “USDX” | thecryptobasic.com
Ripple filed RLUSD as a new TM Ripple has filed a new trademark for the phrase “RLUSD,” suggesting the likely listing symbol for its proposed dollar-based stablecoin. 情報源: Ripple Files Trademark for RLUSD Stablecoin Instead of “USDR” or “USDX” Mark: RLUSD US Serial Number: 98537677 Application Filing Date: May 07, 2024 G&S Class 36, 42 Owner Name: Ripple Labs Inc. Ripple Labs 米国商標実務 TMEP…
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View On WordPress
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upd8dao · 7 months
upd8dao.com »USDR Issuer Tangible Plans to Redeem Itself as a Layer-2 for Real-World Assets« https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/03/04/usdr-issuer-tangible-plans-to-redeem-itself-as-a-layer-2-for-real-world-assets/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #UPD8DAO 道 #DAOnews #DAO #DAOs
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claudiaschiffersblog · 8 months
Котирування стейблкоїна TUSD впали до $0,97
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18 січня депег "стабільної монети" TrueUSD (TUSD) посилився - її курс опускався до рівня $0,97, згідно з CoinGecko.
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Котирування TUSD. Дані: CoinGecko. Втрачати паритет із доларом США стейблкоїн почав 15 січня. За минулі 24 години користувачі біржі Binance продали TUSD у парі з USDT на суму приблизно $301 млн. Обсяг покупок за цей період склав лише $130 млн.
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Потоки TUSD на Binance. Дані: Binance. Представники TUSD написали в X, що регулярно проводять аудити в рамках "стандартної діяльності". За словами команди, останніми днями вони спостерігали за "діяльністю спільноти, пов'язаною з майнінгом на Binance Launchpool, яка призвела до появи короткострокових арбітражних можливостей". "Це вважається нормальним аспектом динаміки ринку і коригувань ліквідності. Крім того, наші канали погашення TUSD, у яких беруть участь різні банки по всьому світу, як завжди, працюють без збоїв", - заявили в компанії. Раніше в TrueUSD повідомили про співпрацю з бухгалтерською фірмою MooreHK для проведення атестацій. Нагадаємо, 11 жовтня 2023 року забезпечений токенізованою нерухомістю стейблкоїн Real USD (USDR) втратив прив'язку, просівши в ціні на 50%. До депегу капіталізація монети становила близько $45 млн. Пізніше Moody's зафіксували 609 депегів великих стейблкоїнів за минулий рік. Загалом у період із січня до вересня відбулося 1914 "відв'язок". Read the full article
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astarab1aze · 6 months
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Places Around the World (P1)
⸻Salem's Crossing, Miami, FL.
Located in the underbelly of Miami, Salem's Crossing serves one of many meeting places for supernaturals alongside Time's Square in New York, Alcatraz in San Francisco, The Denver Pavilions in Colorado, and others. It behaves as a sort of 'pocket dimension', a place separate from the non-magic world, and all entrances into this 'dimension' can be closed at-will from any suspiciously prying eyes. This easy departure from the world as a whole allows the supernatural world to remain hidden and inaccessible to non-magic people and even other sorcerers if necessary. The presiding sorcerers have a tendency to move entrances as well, thus further preventing detection from non-magic folk in accordance with the Secrecy & Safety Statutes agreed upon by Sorciers and the USDRS.
Aesthetically, Salem's Crossing might appear as a place 'out of time' as it maintains a strange mashup of French, Spanish, and contemporary magic and non-magic motifs, decor, and other design choices from prior eras (chiefly the 1800s). For example: The Bubbler's Brew looks akin to an old carnival ground, dripping in Vaudevillian presentation and Creole ornamentation; The Tattered Cover looks like any old bookstore you might find in, say, Salem itself, with northern coastal construction and plain color schemes, though the inside is a bit of a different story for obvious reasons; and so on.
It is connected to Salem, Mass. and is widely regarded as a more culturally diverse extension of the city, merely located in Miami, FL.
The street all the important shops are on is named Rum-Runner's Circle, and it serves as a sort of hub for the Southern sorcerer states in 'dimensional' conjunction with New Orleans' French Quarter. This is also where the first Gildebanque's was opened, with the other two in Time's Square and Alcatraz respectively (Gildebanque's is run by the Gilde Family and Tommy-knockers, landmark accomplishment in unifying supernaturals).
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Individual Locations
Nightingale's, a general sorcery supply store based in Salem's Crossing, established in 1732. Owned and operated by Talula Burke, who was the Summoning professor at Belegerande's in the 80's. This is the best place to go when shopping for school or to resupply on the basics.
Bubbler's Brew, an apothecary based in Salem's Crossing, established in 1949 by the Oddry-Collins family. Their inventory contains all the ingredients necessary to brew a fine restorative, invisibility potion, something that'll make you grow taller, shorter, rounder, balder-- If you've the money for it, they do also have rarer ingredients, from blackwyrm organs and glands to whole firenewts, dragon eggshell, dragon glass, whole styxie, boonie wings, crocodingo glow sacs, drakodil feet, and plenty, plenty more. All ingredients are ethically sourced uwu !
The Tattered Cover, a bookstore containing magical and mundane publications of most types, connecting Salem's Crossing with the heart of Denver. Working in conjunction with smaller bookstores, an intricate web strings together yet more populations of supernaturals. In a way, it's more or less a supernatural highway with revolving doors and a bookshop.
Gretle's, once known as 'Of Arsenic & Sugar' and 'The Sug' (Dale Gribble's wife opened this place), is a candy and snack franchise that's been around since 1801. Run by witches with a unique talent for it, it's been pumping out all sorts of famous magical confections such as FrankenLeeches, Snallygobsters, among others.
Strychnine Theater, which isn't so much a theater as it is an event arena held entirely underground in Salem's Crossing that is generally used for illegal dueling tournaments among other illegal activities. It was once a highly respected institution, the scene of many elegant magical plays, operas, and other acts, but fell into shabbyness and disrepair, then to crime and cruelty, with the introduction of the drug Noxium, which has the same effect as heroin when ingested (but was otherwise a great topical ointment for snap-trap bites), by poachers, scoundrels, the odd murderer or two, etc. Now, it's a hotbed for all manners of illegal activity.
Mirewood Crossroads, which is simply another name for any liminal space throughout the swamps of the South, most of which are defunct or overtaken by poachers, drug dealers, murderers, ambitious thieves, the vilest necromancers who've no respect for the dead, unchecked vampires, frogmen, wild animals, supernatural beasts, and other such things. Nothing's been quite right about them either, not since they'd been mostly abandoned. Who knows what may be found there? Maybe a mirror or two remains active. The Mirewood Crossroads locations that are still in use today are located in the town square of Salem's Crossing, Belle's Hollow in Belle Valley (named for Alistair Belegerande's beloved wife, Isabella), one in Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama.
Fleur de Lis', Very Nice™️ supernatural fashion store located in Salem's Crossing, run by Fortuna Damaris - the only known true fae in North america. She broke away from the Court to pursue her dream, connecting with the strange, mortal, and human, and create. Since the 1850's, she's been happily running Fleur de Lis' and has a permanent business contract with both Belegerande's and Madame Scrivener's schools. She alone designs and produces their school uniforms, drapes, bedding, etc. Fleur de Lis' as a business has exceptional marks, but is quite expensive.
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fmarkets · 11 months
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Uas Drone Corp Reports Significant Operating Loss of $-0.173 Million in Q3 Financials for 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=USDR&date=2023-11-12091414&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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blockchainfeed · 1 year
The stablecoin landscape has been stagnant for the last two months, barely exceeding $123 billion as we approach the third week of October. Even though fiat-pegged token trading saw a spike this week, on October 13, stablecoin transactions made up 2 #Blockchain #Crypto
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ailtrahq · 1 year
A Polygon-based real estate-backed stablecoin called Real USD ($USDR) has lost over half of its value in a matter of hours after it was drained off of its liquid collateral, leaving only rental properties in the UK backing the cryptocurrency. According to on-chain data from the Tangible decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), the entity behind the real estate-backed stablecoin, the protocol’s $DAI reserves were completely drained with the only liquid assets remaining being of little over $6 million in its insurance fund, for over 45 million USDR tokens worth a supposed $45 million when pegged. The protocol’s treasury also includes the native token of Tangible, TNGBL, which also saw its value plummet amid a liquidity shortage that made it nearly impossible for large token holders to liquidate large amounts, as its bid depth on leading decentralized exchange Uniswap is below $5,000. Amid the crisis, some USDR token holders started moving to sell their holdings for the popular USDC stablecoin, often at steep discounts. According to Lookonchain, the decoupling of USDR saw a trader seemingly accidentally swap 131,350 USDR – worth $131,500 before the depeg – for 0.00000000045 USDC. Meanwhile, a maximal extractable value (MEV) bot pocketed $107,000 from the transaction. If the trader hadn’t made the move, their 131,350 USDR would, at the time of writing, still be worth around $69,615.5 at the current price of $0.0533 per USDR token. USDR, it’s worth noting, is still backed by a number of UK rental properties, according to Tangible’s website. Tangible, the protocol behind the token, allows real-world assets to be tokenized on the blockchain. Its marketplace features items such as gold bars, fine wines and luxury watches that can be bought with USDR, the protocol’s own dollar-pegged stablecoin. Each item has a corresponding tangible NFT (TFNT) that can be exchanged or redeemed for the physical asset. Featured image via Unsplash.
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postsofbabel · 1 year
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scribeme · 1 year
Obama Hasn't Changed Since Columbia University – US Daily Review
Obama Hasn't Changed Since Columbia University
March 31, 2014
Read Time:5 Minute, 59 Second
By  Wayne Allyn Root, Special for USDR
I told you so. Thirty years ago Obama, my Columbia University Class of ’83 classmate, was rarely seen. Thirty years later he can’t be bothered to attend national security meetings about a crisis that could lead to World War III. Some things never change.
You might ask, “What do Obama’s college days have to do with his Presidency today?”
The answer is everything. By college, a person’s personality, attitude and behavior is usually fairly well set. That’s why Obama’s Columbia days tells us so much about his behavior as President today.
What do I know about Obama at Columbia? Nothing. I never met him. As I’ve reported countless times, I was a political science major and Pre-Law at Columbia from 1979-1983. Even though I thought I knew everyone in the political science department, neither I nor any of my friends at Columbia ever met, or saw Obama there.
At the 30th class reunion last May, I tracked down legendary Columbia History professor and Presidential Historian, Henry Graff. For 46 years, all the American political leaders who attended Columbia were in Professor Graff’s classes. Not Obama. Graff never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.
The problem is, Obama defenders and the media (I know, they’re the same) interpreted what I said wrongly. I never said Obama didn’t attend Columbia. I said he was never in class. I said while it was strange only one or two students, one professor, and one foreign exchange student (who was his roommate off campus) claim to have ever seen him at Columbia, they prove he most probably attended the university. I’m sure he wouldn’t be the first college student to rarely, if ever, attend classes. I said he was like “the ghost of Columbia.”
What it means is simple. Barack Obama is exactly the same today as he was as a student at Columbia thirty years ago: arrogant and egotistical. He’s either too lazy, or thinks he’s too smart to have to actually do the work expected of him. Nothing has changed in 30 years.
I’m sure he was rarely ever in class at Columbia because he had more important things to do. Besides, he already knew everything. Obama has always believed Obama is brilliant and better than the rest of us. What more could Columbia teach him?
President Barack Obama talks on the phone in the Oval Office with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the situation in Ukraine, March 1, 2014.
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
It’s the same today. He rarely attends important meetings. In the past two weeks he’s skipped two national security meetings focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a crisis that could lead to World War III. Yet our President chose not to attend.
Do you think this is conservative propaganda or exaggeration? Hardly. Obama’s absence from both national security meetings was reported by many media, including Reuters.
Why did Obama skip the first meeting? He chose to attend a White House Film Festival. Just like his days at Columbia University, Obama had more important things to do.
Even if Obama isn’t impressed by Russia invading Ukraine, certainly he finds America’s jobs crisis important, right? Wrong.
Obama could find no time to meet about the sky high unemployment in America either. Even leftistHuffingtonPost.com reported in July 2012 that Obama had not convened a meeting of his Jobs Council in six months.
Politico updated the report in January 2013 – Obama never bothered to convene one meeting of his own Jobs Council in a full year, even with unemployment and under-employment at crisis levels.
Even more remarkable, within two weeks of that story, Obama closed down his Jobs Council – with 12 million Americans still counted officially as unemployed.
President Barack Obama waves to a group of on-lookers while golfing at Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs, Mass., on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2013. (AP)
With over 92 million working-age Americans not working, and men suffering the lowest workforce participation rate since record-keeping began, Obama thought it unimportant to even continue having a Jobs Council?
So what was important in Obama’s life? Golf & fundraisers.
PolitiFact.com, the non-partisan fact checker, confirmed our president golfed 10 times and attended 106 fundraisers during just the original six-month period where he could find no time, or interest, to attend even one meeting of his own Jobs Council. Can you imagine the updated numbers for the full year?
And, where was he the night of the Benghazi attack? Both Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey testified Obama was absent that night.
Four brave Americans died while Obama was “absent.” What could be more important than a U.S. embassy under attack with American lives at stake? What could be so important that Obama never checked in to ask a question or discuss a rescue attempt from 5:30 p.m. EST until the next morning (when everyone was dead)?
Just like his college days, Obama believes he’s too gifted to do the actual work of president. He’s just too busy to have to worry about unemployed Americans. He’s just too important to have to bother to check in every night. Those are all things only “the little people” have to do.
In this Aug. 11, 2013 file photo, President Barack Obama reacts as he misses a shot while golfing on the first hole at Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs, Mass., on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. (Credit: AP)
History will show that George W. Bush, the man the leftist media painted as “arrogant, elitist, and out of touch,” played 29 rounds of golf as president, until quitting in August of 2003 out of respect for the troops in harm’s way.
Meanwhile Barack Obama, “the man of the people” has played 163 rounds of golf and counting, while America is at war…while Russia threatens World War III…while the economy is in shambles…while millions have given up hope of ever working again…while record numbers of Americans are living in poverty…while black unemployment is double that of white…while food stamps, welfare, disability and all entitlements soar to record levels.
Nothing has changed since Columbia University. Not Obama’s personality, not his attitude, not his behavior. We have a president who thinks of himself as too smart…too gifted…too important…too busy…to give a damn about his job, or the economy, or the American people.
Either that…or he does care. And he’s not in our corner. I’ll let you decide.
Wayne’s latest book is: “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon.” 
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