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white-reaper · 8 years ago
Combat! Repost don’t reblog!
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★★★★★★★★★★  — strength ★★★★★★★★★★ — offense ★★★★★★★★★★  — defense ★★★★★★★★★☆  — speed ★★★★★★★★★☆  — durability ★★★★★★★★★★  — accuracy ★★★★★★★★★☆   — agility ★★★★★★★★★★ — stamina ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  — teamwork ★★★★★★★☆☆☆  — stealth   ★★★★★★★★★★  — close combat         ★★★★★★★★★★  — bladed weapons ( swords, dagger/s ) ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  — blunt weapons ( club/s, staff/s )   ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆  — ranged weapons ( archery, gun/s ) ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  — superpowers / abilities ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  — traps/setups ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ — medic
Any lasting injuries from combat? ) – scar ( and only one, and in only one verse )
Fighting style?   ( BOLD any that apply. )  — commander /  duelist  /  honorable  / dishonorable /  would have others do their fighting /  stealthy  / long-ranged  /  melee  /  technological /  sorcery  / superhuman abilities  /  has fought in an illegal tourney  / a lover of fighting  / a hater of fighting  / cowardly /  reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks  /  renowned for their skill / trained /  untrained / keeps skills secret /  won a battle / lost a battle /  ruthless  / merciful
tagged by : @waveringiridescence [ thank you <3 ] tagging  : @cxrtus | @lengjing - @amarulentking - @devilesque | @demiroirs - @bornfor ( do the AU we talk about 8) ) - @disscciative - @leonherz - @urlicorice | @dualias - @skyvar ( for any of your children ) - @atlaswinged ( thought about an AU for TG? 8) ) - @choosingfreedom [ and anybody else who wants? ]
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white-reaper · 8 years ago
really  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.     RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !     TAGGED.  @leonherz   [ thanks ♡ ]      TAGGING.  @diiablerie | @demiroirs ; @cxrtus | @rusanchimenzu ; @amarulentking ; @lacrimoso | @cachinnavi ; @daturida , @atlaswinged ; @urlicorice ; @circumspects ; @choosingfreedom ; @skyvar ; @illusivedoll ; @maljefe [ whoever wants to? ]
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FULL  NAME :   Arima Kishou. NICKNAME :   White Reaper, Jack, One-Eyed King. AGE : 16 ( TG: Jack ), 29-30 ( TG ), 32-33 ( TG: RE ). BIRTHDAY :   20th December. ETHNIC  GROUP :   japanese. NATIONALITY :   japanese. LANGUAGE / S :   mother tongue, logically, Japanese, fluent in quite a few others: English, German, Chinese. he also is quite good French and Russian. SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   pansexual. ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :   demiromantic. RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   taken in his verses. CLASS :   higher class, working, but of an important lineage. HOME  TOWN / AREA :   Tokyo. 1st ward and 24th ward. CURRENT  HOME :   Tokyo. PROFESSION :   ghoul investigator.
HAIR : his hair was initially dark-blue when he was younger, but then gradually turned white over the years. he also cut it shorter, from near to his jaw, it mostly only reaches past his ears now.  EYES :   albeit his eyes are often, in the manga, shown as dark in colour, they are actually light/smoke grey. NOSE :   long and sharp, straight. FACE :  oval, near diamond shape, with a sharp line towards the chin. strong jawline, defined especially at the end. mostly apathetic features, often said to be unreadable. LIPS :   defined lips, mostly drawn into a sharp line. COMPLEXION :   pale, near ‘wintery’ and ‘chill’ in looks. he might near look sick upon how surely light-coloured his skin is. BLEMISHES :   none really. if we talk about a ‘blemish’ that should hinder someone, he was beginning to turn blind in his right eye, giving it a ‘clouded’ look, later on being completely blind in that eye. SCARS : none. in his one eyed ghoul verse, he keeps the scar along his neck from his suicide movement. TATTOOS :   none. HEIGHT :   180 cm. WEIGHT :   82 kg. BUILD :   well-built. trained, he’s surely muscular but it isn’t overbearing, defined and toned arms and legs. FEATURES :   apathetic, near ‘unmoving’. his eyes are either sharp and attentive, or they appear tired. ALLERGIES :   none. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :   smooth and neatly combed, straight and when older, only down to the ears and along the nape of his neck. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   apathetic. USUAL  CLOTHING :   wears suit and tie, when in the CCG quarters. when out in battle, a dark battle suit beneath a long and white overcoat secured by a multitude of belts.
FEAR / S :   failure. anything to do with physicians and medical attention. ASPIRATION / S :   shadowy. but to call his arrangement with Eto Yoshimura: to cleanse the world as it is rotten and give it a factory reset. POSITIVE  TRAITS :   inspirational, charismatic, respectful, ‘teacherly’, courageous, confident. NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   blunt, brutal/hostile, ‘unrestrained’, careless, scheming, sadistic. MBTI :   intj. the architect. ZODIAC :   sagittarius. TEMPEREMENT :   phlegmatic. ANIMALS :   sable. VICE  HABIT / S :  self-destructive. recklessness. wrath. doubt. FAITH :   monotheistic. GHOSTS ? :   yes. AFTERLIFE ? :   no . REINCARNATION ? :   yes . ALIENS ? :   doesn’t care. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :   doesn’t care. ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :   doesn’t care. SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION :   ‘soldier’ - ‘warrior’. EDUCATION  LEVEL :   high education, specific training in combat, languages and behaviour.
FATHER :   deceased: Tsuneyoshi Washuu. - alive, foster father: Jolly. MOTHER :   alive?. SIBLINGS :   deceased: Yoshitoki Washuu, Rize Kamishiro. - alive: Kichimura Washuu. EXTENDED  FAMILY :   partners in respective verses. he treats some of his friends like family, otherwise he does have quite a few relatives. NAME  MEANING / S :   his name ‘Arima’ is a pretty common name and means literally: has/owns a horse. ‘Kishou’ is a name that would be translated to: a noble commander/general HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   none.
BOOK :   history books, mostly about war-history, also novels in that direction. he pretty much reads anything given to him, in any language as well.  MOVIE : whatever the children want to watch with him. 5  SONGS :   Two Steps from Hell - To Glory ; Ryder - Ruins ; Koven - Petrichor ; Krewella - Ammunition ; Change My Life - Ashes Remain DEITY :   hades. HOLIDAY :   he doesn’t particularly care, anything in autumn. MONTH :   no preference. SEASON :   autumn. PLACE :   libraries, cafés. WEATHER :   any sort of weather in the dawn of the morning. SOUND :   rain in combination with light sounds, like violin or piano. he quite learned to enjoy the organising of a bar in quiet hours [ thanks to Kain ]. as well as learned to be relaxed by drawing and the sound of anything attached to it [ thanks to Hirako ]. SCENT / S :   iron, copper, earthen scents, rain, especially the scent of a soon to come rain. TASTE / S :   not overly into sweet things, he likes food or drinks with a harsh or strong taste. FEEL / S :    glass, metal, leather - any sort of material that can have a ‘smoother’ or ‘sleeker’ feel. ANIMAL / S :   no preference. NUMBER :   6. COLORS :   blue-ish colours of any kind.
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