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#Streetart by #Cheone @cosimocheone in #Thessaloniki, Greece, for #URBANACT @urbanact.gr #arte #art #graffiti #murals #murales #arteurbana #urbanart #muralism #muralismo #cultureisfreedom #artisfreedom #curiositykilledtheblogger #artblogging #photooftheday #artaddict #artistsoninstagram #artcurator #artwatchers #artcollectors #artdealer #artlover #contemporaryart #artecontemporanea https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYJc0pg2rQ/?igshid=1g7hv7xeqdfoh
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Per la 49^ edizione del Santarcangelo Festival in programma da venerdì 5 a domenica 14 luglio 2019 a Santarcangelo di Romagna l’invito è quello di Allenarsi a non fare nulla. Una chiamata alla resistenza improduttiva lanciata dalla direzione creativa dell’evento in collaborazione con MACAO e CHEAP che disegna assieme a Maddalena Fragnito dei messaggi sotto forma di poster affissi nelle bacheche di via Irnerio a Bologna, sulla necessità di un nuovo approccio detox nelle nostre frenetiche esistenze.
Rallentare, sperimentare la delicatezza, allenare i sensi a nuove visioni, cercare spazi e tempi altri, più intimi e profondi, per il confronto, con sé stessi e con gli altri.
Questi sono anche i temi di The Floaters una vasca di deprivazione sensoriale, nata dalla collaborazione di MACAO con i designer Erasmus Scherjon, Gero Asmuth, Travis Broussard e con la performer Hrefna Lind Larusdottir. La vasca sarà allestita nel Supercinema di Santarcangelo per tutta la durata del Festival: qui gli spettatori potranno immergersi e entrare in contatto con una dimensione altra di sé, azzerando ogni rumore di fondo.
Un Festival slow & gentle. Un’edizione fortemente radicata nel desiderio: di provare piacere, di riposo, di un respiro più profondo. Il bisogno di entrare in contatto con la seducente, splendida complessità del tutto. Il desiderio di uno sguardo più vicino. Ti riconosci in questo sentire?
5-14 Luglio 2019 - Santarcangelo di Romagna Info: 0541 626185 - [email protected] Biglietti in vendita online sul sito www.santarcangelofestival.com Photo credit: Michele Lapini.
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Colors in Greek islands - The movie
#Vimeo#urbanact#mural#graffiti#ldspro#aegean#islands#streetart#leros#leipsoi#fournoi#agios efstratios
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Special Urban Active subscription cover for the October issue which is out NOW. #OctoberIssue @willypeter.96 @metropolitan_mmanagement in the last @louisvuitton collection by @mrkimjones shot by @rickguestphoto @east__co #styledbyme @ericdownstylist for @menshealthuk #UrbanActive grooming @ididthemakeup @callmyagent.fr photo assistant @frankie_lodge04 style assistant @86done production @needafixer #mensfashion #mensstyle #menswear #louisvuitton #kimjones #stylist #stylistlife #locationshoot #menshealth #menshealthuk @jan_robert_ #willypeter @tallydamm https://www.instagram.com/p/BnHET_vFG-S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ioqj6xt7vsxr
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Art by Argentinian Fio Silva (@fio.silva) for Urbanact in Pathos, Albania (2019) #fiosilva #urbanact #pathosstreetart #streetart #lamolinastreetart 📷 via artist bit.ly/3e28UcM (bij Pathos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXoiLWLMsr9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Αλλάζει χρώματα μέσα από τη δράση UrbanAct "Χρώμα Στα Νοσοκομεία" –
Αλλάζει χρώματα μέσα από τη δράση UrbanAct “Χρώμα Στα Νοσοκομεία” –
default Η UrbanAct (www.urbanact.gr) σε συνεργασία με τη διοίκηση του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Λάρισας, εκκινεί ένα πρόγραμμα δημόσιων τοιχογραφιών στο νοσοκομείο, σε μια προσπάθεια να αναβαθμιστούν αισθητικά οι χώροι του και να δοθεί χρώμα και ελπίδα σε όλο το προσωπικό και στους εργαζόμενους στις δύσκολες αυτές εποχές. Σύμφωνα με σχετική ανακοίνωση, «η εν λόγω δράση είναι ενταγμένη στο πρόγραμμα…

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⚡️Sic Transit Gloria Mundi ⚡️ Kolaboracja wykonana przez @fruitofthelump !!! Freedom & QRWO the zerwane films @freedomgallery.pl @pracownia_n22 #sictransitgloriamundi #freedom #poster #pracownian22 #n22 #szczecin #warszawa #express #urbanact #urbanart #pasteup #plakat #partnersincrime #friends #photography #silkprint #sitodruk #graffiti #kolaż #collage https://www.instagram.com/p/CNovUxfH05h/?igshid=19pnoodic1jih
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August 2017
Outtakes from the Mens Health shoot
Great working with @superdupamoto crew again. Thanks @sdm_clumsy @sdm_real_izzy@ashman46 !!! Style Director @ericdownstylist Stylists Assistant @86done Grooming @danieldyer72
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I couldn’t be more #excited than I am today at this moment in my life. Not only am I at @urbanactionshowcase as @bittenappletv for official press for #urbanaction I got to be on the #redcarpet for my first #kungfu #film as lead, got to be a #nominee mingle with more #filmmakers & #actors made new #friends #shoutout to VERA!!! & chat with the Au-spiring 😉 @itsceliaau from @wuassassinsonnetflix on @netflix & @perryyungofficial from #warriors ....get shy around #wandavelez of the #lizzies & more for tomorrow & I got a #cute @hbo #swagbag & I got flowers from the incredible Peace & ShoClark https://www.instagram.com/p/B4obNK3Fr3C/?igshid=cnnhdcwvggud
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I couldn’t be more #excited than I am today at this moment in my life. Not only am I at @urbanactionshowcase as @bittenappletv for official press for #urbanaction I got to be on the #redcarpet for my first #kungfu #film as lead, got to be a #nominee mingle with more #filmmakers & #actors made new #friends #shoutout to VERA!!! & chat with the Au-spiring 😉 @itsceliaau from @wuassassinsonnetflix on @netflix & @perryyungofficial from #warriors ....get shy around #wandavelez of the #lizzies & more for tomorrow & I got a #cute @hbo #swagbag & I got flowers from the incredible Peace & ShoClark https://www.instagram.com/p/B4oaVr8nai-/?igshid=1493ttucyxtnh
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#Streetart – #ARCY @ #Volos, Greece, for #UrbanAct @arcyart @urbanact.gr Click for more info: https://barbarapicci.com/2019/07/01/streetart-arcy-volos/ #arte #art #graffiti #murals #mural #murales #murali #arteurbana #urbanart #muralism #muralismo #cultureisfreedom #artisfreedom #curiositykilledtheblogger #artblogging #photooftheday #artaddict #artistsoninstagram #artcurator #artwatchers #artcollectors #artdealer #artlover #contemporaryart #artecontemporanea https://www.instagram.com/p/BzXf49JlEkE/?igshid=15djfxjen2czr
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Posted @withrepost • @koone Sunsets 🌤 || collab with the homie @a_l_x_ender 🙌🏼❤️🙌🏼 || swipe for a closer look !! ❌ no photoshop ❌ . . . . . . . ========================== Sony A7RIII Sony G-Master 16-35 F2.8 . . . . . . ====================================== #koone #sonyimages #sonyalphasclub #welevitate #createcommune #artofvisuals #urbanaction #street_ninjas #heatercentral #agameoftones #citygrammers #cityunit #urbanphotography #createexplore #meistershots #citykillerz #exclusive_shot #illgrammers #justgoshoot #streetmobs #teamoverkill #urbex #streets_vision #fatalframes #lostplaces #urbanexploring #killeverygram #streetdreamsmag #urbanandstreet #minimalmovement #kwillsofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/B3m_VdTBSMF/?igshid=rhkhksgulr96
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Sunday mood. Urban Active shoot for the October issue out NOW. #OctoberIssue @willypeter.96 @metropolitan_mmanagement #romainedavid @prm_agency in @hm @hm_man @riverislandman shot by @rickguestphoto @east__co #styledbyme @ericdownstylist for @menshealthuk #UrbanActive grooming @ididthemakeup @callmyagent.fr art editor @jesswebb4 photo assistant @frankie_lodge04 style assistant @86done production @needafixer #mensfashion #mensstyle #menswear #louisvuitton #kimjones #stylist #stylistlife #locationshoot #menshealth #menshealthuk @jan_robert_ #willypeter @amybmoran @zeltadenham @ajr1987 @mikeydale https://www.instagram.com/p/BnPC_hCFqx2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qdama37wad56
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Το «Ευχαριστώ» της UrbanAct για την προσφορά γιατρών και νοσηλευτών στη μάχη κατά του κορονοϊού Στους γιατρούς και τους νοσηλευτές που δίνουν σκληρή μάχη τους τελευταίους μήνες στην πρώτη γραμμή κατά της πανδημίας, αφιερώνει η UrbanAct το πρόγραμμα της με τίτλο «Χρώμα στα Νοσοκομεία.
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Paint the walls paint your mind. @insta.kez in Lipsoi Island for the “Colors in Greek Islands” of @urbanact.gr ph: @panteliz #graffiti #streetart #streetstyle #colors #kez #urbanact #leipsoi #lipsoi #lipsoiisland #panteliz (στην τοποθεσία Lipsoí, Dhodhekanisos, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/panteliz/p/BvOz_eznsb6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u60s1pgjrtc4
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#urbanact #urban #graffiti #graffitiart #streetart #streetartist #athens🇬🇷 #neoscosmos #greece🇬🇷💙 #streetphotos #greece🇬🇷 (στην τοποθεσία Neos Kosmos, Athens)
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