#ur telling me u don't commit everything to muscle memory bc ur working memory is shit?? skill issue
bobtheacorn · 1 year
I figured out today that my supervisor at work thinks that I've been "taking notes" on how to run the printer/do my job in general, because I'm moving to nights (bc fuuuuuuccckkk waking up at 6 am, also i wanna spend time with my child) and he said I was doing a good job but to "keep taking lots of notes! You've about filled that notebook up, but it will come in handy later!" ........Sir this notebook is full of ninja turtle (and usagi) fanfic. I'm supposed to be taking notes????? On what? I push the green button and the cup goes into the printer and gets sprayed w ink and a pretty (objective) picture comes out on it, this is not rocket science.
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