#unfortunately I'm two chapters in to what I have very roughly outlined as minimum 7 chapters
ilovedthestars · 1 year
👻Is there a scene that you find intimidating that you have yet to write?
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Very unfortunately, the first thing that came to mind for this is a scene/sequence of scenes that comes pretty much right after where I've currently left off in Old Unit, Young Unit. Yeahhh. I'm hoping I'm not stuck on that for too long. Basically, I thought I had chapter 3 all lined up and finished, and then I added a whole plot point in between chapters three and four, and now there might be a whole other chapter's worth of events in the middle there, but it's mostly transition between things actually happening, and I don't want it to get boring, but I'm also trying to keep the chapters at even-ish lengths and the sensible chapter breaks just don't work out nicely, and...and as you can see I find this intimidating, lol.
If you'd asked me a few weeks ago my answer would have been the SecUnit Fight Club scene in chapter 2 of OU,YU because I'd been stuck on that for a while. I'm still ambivalent about it, but it gets the job done I think. I really need to do with the chapter three/four transition what I did with the fight club scene, which was stop stressing about how hard it would be to write and just sit down and do writing sprints until I figured out what I was doing. I'll probably try that soon, because I don't want to stall out on this wip--I'm really excited about getting to the events of (what is currently) chapter four!! (And after that I will have some more plot things to sort out, because there ends the part of this fic that I have actually solid-ish drafts of, lol.)
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