#uneasy rider '88
heathengentleman · 2 months
Uneasy Rider '88
Me and my buddy got us a wild hair And figured we wanted to go somewhere So we loaded up in my ragtop Chevrolet We had a little bit of money and a whole lot of show And with Hank Jr. blarin' on the radio We got us a tank full of gas and we was on our way We figured we'd go down to New Orleans We were barrelin' down old 17 When a man with a blinking red light was on our tail He said you were doing sixty in a fourty-five But I'm gonna let you go this time But if I catch you again, I'm gonna slap you in the county jail We said "Thank you, sir, you sure been nice And you ain't gonna have to tell us twice" And we were southbound and down with the wind blowin' in our faces We kept on rolling, and pretty soon The radio was cookin' out a Haggard tune And we were pullin' into Houston and checkin' out all them places I was feelin' dry and I said "I think we ought to stop and get ourselves a drink" And old Jim said "Yeah, 'cause we got time to kill" We kept on rollin' and I seen this spot And we pulled into the parking lot Of this place called the "Cloud Nine Bar and Grill" We walked through the door, and the place was jammed The lights were low, they had a punk rock band And some orange haired fella singin' about suicide I said "Jim, this ain't our kind of place" He said "Well, let's just have one round anyway" So against my better judgement we walked on inside Went up to the bar and we sat down This fella walked up and said "I'll buy this round" And he sat down on the bar stool next to Jim He looked like a girl, but he talked like a guy He had lipstick on and mascara in his eyes And everybody in that place looked just about like him I said "Jim, this ain't our kind of bar" Let's just go on out and get back in the car 'Cause there's gonna be trouble Ain't no sense in taking a chance We was gettin' up, gettin' ready to leave Somebody grabbed old Jim by the sleeve Was this good looking girl, she was asking my buddy to dance I said "Jim, don't do it, there's somethin' missin'" There's fellas dancin' and fellas kissin' There's a fella in high-heeled shoes wearin' panty hose He said "Partner, I just can't turn this down You just go over there and have one more round I'll dance with the lady, and we'll get on down the road" So he walked away and left me alone And this funny looking fella kept comin' on And he was makin' me mad with some of the things he said And then he put his hand on my knee I said "If you don't get your paw off me I'm gonna locate your nose around on the side of your head" He said "I love it when you get that fire in your eye" I said "Well, partner, try this on for size" And I unloaded on him and he went out like a light Everybody in that place must have been his friend They all headed for me, I said "This is the end" But where I come from we don't give up without a fight They were screamin' and yellin' and scratchin' and clawin' I was punchin' and hittin' and kickin' and pawin' I was holdin' my own 'cause I've been in a scrap or two Old Jim come runnin' up out of the blue And that gal he was with come runnin' up too And proceeded to beat on me with a high heel shoe I grabbed her by the hair, it come off in my hand And that beautiful girl was just a beautiful man Old Jim just got sick right there on the floor He dropped that dude like a shot from a gun Smeared his lipstick, made his makeup run And me and old Jim started fightin' our way to the door Man, we lit out of there in that Chevrolet And I put in on the floor and she stayed that way We was goin' down the highway doing 'bout a hundred and ten We was headed for home and we was gettin' nearer Then a red light came on the rear-view mirror And that same blame cop was pullin' us over again Well, I'm sittin' here in this county jail I had to call my daddy to go our bail But I learned me a lesson that I never will forget again I done give up drinking, I've give up bars And runnin' around the country in souped up cars I'm goin' back where the women are women and the men are men
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freddie-dressage · 2 years
Sometimes you listen to The devil went down to Georgia because you like a good fiddle and then you listen to it too much and you decide to see what other music this band makes and Uneasy Rider '88 shuffles on and you decide that maybe this isn't the music meant for you anymore
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7/21/23: It was 50 years ago today, July 21st, 1973, Country singer Charlie Daniels would enter the U.S. Top 40 with his crossover 'proto-Country rap' (I didn't make that up) hit 'Uneasy Rider.' This song was a lotta fun when I was a kid... basically this drifter hippie gets stuck in Jackson, Mississippi, after his tire blows out and he has to outwit a redneck bar before escaping with his life. It's fine... it's way way WAY better than his anti-gay follow-up 'hit' 'Uneasy Rider '88' in, uh, 1988. Daniels was kind of an odd duck of an Outlaw Cowboy... like he changed (a reflection of the zeitgeist for sure) from a country hippie to a right wing populist in like 15 years, and then more or less stayed that way for the rest of his life. Oh, spoilers, he's dead. The song would top out at #9.
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genderwizard · 3 years
problem w listening to country is sometimes you will get a song in your daily mix that is violent homophobia
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deacons-wig · 3 years
Companions as cyclists:
To honor my extremely silly and indulgent Fallout cycling AU, here are the companions and the different kinds of cycling they like to do! Shoutout to fellow bike nerd @bigwinged​ for coming up with lots of this with me!!
Cait: Volunteers at a bike co-op, builds Frankenstein/double decker bikes, does bike jousting and bike moshes. Organizes Critical Mass events to take over the streets, and makes sure women, femmes (trans women front and center) and the LGBTQA+ community at large are included in the Boston DIY bike scene.
Curie: Wheelchair and handcycle user. Doing her Ph.D. on disability and cycling from a wellness and culture standpoint. Likes biking for fitness but also enjoys things like fancy ascetics and those wine bottle holders you can strap to the bike.
Codsworth: Hipster cyclist. Has an extensive collection of pristine historical bicycles, his penny farthing is his pride and joy. Resident authority on the history of cycling.
Danse: Cyclocross and downhill mountain biking. Extremely athletic and competitive. He works at Maxon’s fancy, elitist bike shop but feels uneasy about it for some reason. (The reason is it sucks and is super classist.) He eventually makes better friends.
Deacon: Bike messenger. He’s an urban cycling veteran, has a collection of random bikes and builds them as a hobby. Mostly he’ll ride fixed gear bikes but also enjoys getting out of the city and exploring. He also organizes unsanctioned bike races for messengers and other daredevil city riders. Hates cars but owns one. Knows everyone.
Hancock: Really into street racing and BMX. Always at the skate park, getting stoned and doing sick tricks. Also a key organizer in an anarchist collective that runs the Third Rail, a punk venue heavily frequented by bike messengers and the DIY and bike activist scene.
MacCready: Ultimate bike dad. Heavily involved in the youth bike groups and trying to get kids active and excited about cycling as a way to get kids active, make friends, and feel like they have agency over their transportation! Rides a tandem bike with Duncan.
Nick: Ex cop-turned-vigilante who does bike safety classes, keeps an eye out for bike thieves and helps hunt down stolen bikes. Very much regrets his role as a cop and how the force would over-police and harass cyclists who didn't always look “respectable.” Does his best to look out for people and give back.
Piper: Quintessential bicycle rights activist. She makes zines about how bikes will change the world, lobbies the city for more bike lanes, how to combat car culture, and works with Cait to make space for women cyclists in particular. Has probably (absolutely) done a naked bike ride.
Preston: Runs a community bike organization that does it all--organizes rides, teaches classes, does fundraisers, reaches out to communities of color and low income communities to get everyone biking. Works out of Sturges' bike co-op. His favorite kind of riding is bike camping and long distance touring/traveling by bike. He gets so busy running the non profit he doesn't ride as much as he would like.
Strong: You know those cruiser bikes with the ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE TIRES? That could dent  a car? He rides those. On mountains, on the street, across your yard. Wherever.
X6-88: Bike messenger by day, professional competitive road cyclist 24/7 at all other times. A competitive racer, he uses being the physical demands of bike messengering to keep up with his racing. Extremely cool, the fastest guy in Boston, 11/10 intimidating but actually loves being part of the bike community.
ADA: Curie and MacCready's friend and fellow hand cyclist, also into ebikes and accessible cycling. Very sweet and inclusive, does a lot with youth!
Old Longfellow: Runs a crusty old mechanic shop that needs new lighting badly. No one knows how the fuck he's still in business, but he has the best stories and you can bet he's a fucking legend even if no one is sure exactly why.
Gage: Bike jousts with Cait. Probably has a bike gang or crew he rolls with. ACAB, slashes bike cops' tires.
Glory: Another bike messenger. She's also a competitive racer, though she like track racing (pretty much the NASCAR of bike racing). One of the best messengers in the city, undaunted by red lights, cabs, or six way intersections.
Tinker Tom: The mastermind behind the franken-bikes. Taught Cait and Gage everything he knows about bike jousting. Always scavenging parts to make the weirdest bikes and bike art he can. Expert welder.
Sturges: Runs a community bike co-op that is part of Preston's nonprofit. They have a tool library, hold classes and have drop in space for people to come fix their bikes, learn mechanics, and build their own rides. Big into used parts and recycling. Has a big bike trailer so he can haul stuff around. 
Maxon: Owns a fancy, extremely expensive bike shop. Doesn't see the value of anyone who rides bikes if they don't wear lycra and their bike doesn't cost at least 2k. Thinks bike lanes belong to whoever can ride the fastest. No one likes him.
Father: Developer of self-driving cars. Hates bike lanes and fun.
Kellogg: Lobbyist for the self-driving car industry and thinks bike lanes are the reason Boston traffic sucks. Likes fun but hates when anyone else has it.
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bretthorton · 3 years
Tumblr media
1. Uneasy Rider 2. Long Haired Country Boy 3. The South's Gonna Do It 4. The Devil Went Down To Georgia 5. In America 6. Still In Saigon 7. Drinkin' My Baby Goodbye 8. Uneasy Rider '88 9. Boogie Woogie Fiddle Country Blues 10. Simple Man
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opspro2005 · 4 years
Charlie Daniels - Uneasy Rider '88
RIP Mr. Daniels,
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