#uncluttered but potent
gigivas · 2 months
Rima Zahara: Slyly Scrutinizing, A Woven Gaze Unraveled
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Stable Diffusion series
POSITIVE PROMPTS (Copy the following) Charcoal and graphite elegantly encapsulate a Lebanese-style young adult woman with natural waves hairstyle, dressed in a crochet top, eyes narrowing in a playful glare, head tilted downwards, gazing at another in this captivating head profile portrait shot. Gracefully shaded, showcasing intricate facial expressions, maintaining a minimalistic yet expressive attribute, spotlighting the eyes, embracing a monochromatic theme, and accentuating gentle contours, all as an echo of her captivating persona and emotions.
NEGATIVE PROMPTS (Copy the following) full body shot, light, vibrant, colorful, simplistic, minimalism, plain, simple, bokeh, blurry, blur, industrial, mechanical, geometric patterns, emotionless, boring, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art, watermark, signature, text font, username, error, logo, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name, grainy, ugly, asymmetrical, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, censored, jpeg artifacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, nsfw, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, low contrast, dull, plain, modest, cleavage, asymmetrical eyes, signature, watermark, text, word, logo
(Note: Positive and negative prompts can instantly make you an AI drawing expert. Applicable to almost all AI drawing platforms and software that support input of positive and negative prompts. For example, all Stable Diffusion platforms, DreamStudio.ai, Craiyon.com, Leonardo.ai, etc.)
Midjourney v6 (Copy the following) /imagine prompt: This close-up charcoal-inspired portrait presents a Lebanese young adult woman with a natural waves hairstyle, adorned in a traditional crochet top. She playfully squints her eyes in a mock glare, her head slightly angled downwards as she engages with an unseen subject. Expertly executed in charcoal and graphite techniques, the artwork demonstrates subtle shading and intricate facial expressions that effectively display her layered emotions. Employing a minimalist yet expressive approach, the portrait prioritizes her captivating eyes within a monochrome backdrop and gentle lines that resonate with her character and feelings. Soft, ambient lighting permeates the scene, enriching the contemplative atmosphere created by the close-up portrayal of her subtly angled visage., --ar 2:3 --v 6
(Note: At https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/parameter-list, you will learn the details of how to personalize Midjourney parameters, but for now we have configured them for you.)
DALL-E 3 (Copy the following) In this intriguing portrait, a young Lebanese woman showcases her allure with a natural waves hairstyle, accentuating her beauty. Clad in a traditional crochet top, she evokes an air of cultural refinement. Her mock glare, featuring squinting eyes and a tilted head, captivates the observer, drawing them into her playful side. Recalling the allure of charcoal and graphite masterworks, the portrait is thoughtfully shaded, accentuating her expressive visage. Adopting a minimalist yet evocative aesthetic, the image zeroes in on her compelling eyes, framed by a monochrome backdrop. The soft contours of her face reveal her personality and feelings, heightened by the gentle, illuminating light that enhances the introspective ambiance. This closely framed perspective invites viewers to intimately engage with her enigmatic world.
(Note: Prompts for OpenAI DALL-E 3 also apply to any AI drawing platform that does not require entering negative prompt words, such as Microsoft Copilot Designer, Adobe Firefly, Canva.com, etc.)
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1961 Lincoln Continental
The 1961 Lincoln Continental: A Timeless American Classic of Elegance and Innovation
In the realm of classic American luxury automobiles, the 1961 Lincoln Continental stands as a symbol of elegance, innovation, and timeless design. A departure from the ornate styling of the 1950s, the '61 Continental marked a shift towards clean lines, understated luxury, and a new era of automotive design. In this article, we'll take a comprehensive look at the history, design, engineering, cultural impact, and enduring legacy of the 1961 Lincoln Continental.
The Dawn of a New Decade
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The early 1960s marked a transition from the extravagant designs of the 1950s to a more refined, streamlined aesthetic. The 1961 Lincoln Continental epitomized this shift, embracing a sense of understated elegance that resonated with the changing times. As the United States entered a new era, the Continental reflected the desire for sophistication and modernity.
Timeless Design: The Art of Proportion
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The hallmark of the 1961 Lincoln Continental's design was its commitment to proportion and minimalism. Spearheaded by chief designer Elwood Engel, the Continental introduced the concept of "slab-sided" styling, characterized by clean lines, uncluttered surfaces, and a seamless integration of form and function. This design philosophy elevated the Continental's visual appeal, giving it an enduring aura of sophistication.
Distinctive Features: Suicide Doors and Grille Design
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One of the most iconic features of the 1961 Lincoln Continental was its unique suicide doors, which opened toward the rear of the vehicle. This design element not only added a touch of drama but also facilitated easy ingress and egress for passengers. Additionally, the bold front grille design, reminiscent of classic automobiles, became synonymous with the Continental's refined presence on the road.
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Engineering Excellence: Power and Performance
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Underneath its sleek exterior, the 1961 Lincoln Continental boasted engineering prowess. The Continental was powered by a potent V8 engine that delivered ample power for effortless cruising. This blend of power and performance was complemented by the Continental's smooth suspension and refined handling, ensuring a comfortable and commanding driving experience.
Interior Splendor: Craftsmanship and Comfort
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Step inside the 1961 Lincoln Continental, and you're greeted by a world of opulence and refinement. The interior was a masterclass in craftsmanship, with rich materials, plush upholstery, and meticulous attention to detail. Every aspect of the interior was designed to cocoon occupants in comfort and luxury, creating an oasis of tranquility on the open road.
Influence on American Culture: Symbol of Prestige
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The 1961 Lincoln Continental became a symbol of prestige and sophistication, often associated with influential figures of the era. Its presence graced the driveways of Hollywood stars, politicians, and affluent individuals, solidifying its status as a vehicle of choice for those who valued luxury and style.
A Cultural Icon: From Film to Fashion
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The allure of the 1961 Lincoln Continental extended beyond the realm of automobiles. Its appearances in movies and television shows further cemented its status as a cultural icon. Additionally, the Continental's design elements, such as the iconic grille and suicide doors, became references in fashion and design, highlighting its lasting impact on popular culture.
The Legacy Lives On: Inspiration for Future Generations
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The legacy of the 1961 Lincoln Continental lives on through its design philosophy and enduring influence on automotive aesthetics. Its emphasis on timeless design, elegance, and innovation continues to inspire automotive designers and enthusiasts, shaping the way luxury vehicles are conceived and crafted.
Collector's Dream: Rarity and Appreciation
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Today, the 1961 Lincoln Continental holds a special place in the hearts of collectors and enthusiasts. Its limited production numbers and iconic status have elevated its value as a classic automobile. Owning a 1961 Continental is not just a possession; it's a connection to a defining era of automotive history and a testament to the artistry of automotive design.
Conclusion: A Timeless Beacon of Elegance
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The 1961 Lincoln Continental stands as a testament to the marriage of art and engineering, capturing the essence of elegance and sophistication that defined an era. Its legacy as an automotive masterpiece continues to resonate with those who appreciate the fusion of design, craftsmanship, and performance. The 1961 Lincoln Continental remains an enduring symbol of an age when cars were not just modes of transportation, but expressions of style, luxury, and innovation that transcend time.
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directmailsprogram · 3 months
What Makes Direct Mail Marketing a Strong Tool Even in 2024?
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In an era dominated by digital marketing strategies, the enduring effectiveness of direct mail marketing might seem surprising. However, despite the rise of online advertising, direct mail continues to be a robust tool for marketers, offering unique advantages that digital channels often lack. Even in 2024, direct mail remains a powerful component of a comprehensive marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. Let's delve into what makes direct mail marketing a strong tool in today's landscape.
1. Tangibility and Personalization
One of the key strengths of direct mail marketing is its tangibility. Unlike digital ads that can be easily ignored or forgotten, physical mail has a tangible presence that captures recipients' attention. In an increasingly digital world, receiving a well-designed piece of mail can evoke a sense of novelty and importance, making it more likely to be noticed and remembered.
Moreover, direct mail offers ample opportunities for personalization. Advanced data analytics enable marketers to tailor their mail campaigns based on demographic information, purchase history, and consumer preferences. By addressing recipients by name and incorporating personalized offers or recommendations, marketers can create a more intimate connection with their audience, leading to higher engagement and response rates.
2. Less Competition and Clutter
While digital channels are inundated with ads vying for consumers' attention, the mailbox remains a relatively uncluttered space. With fewer competitors, direct mail has a higher chance of standing out and making an impact on recipients. Additionally, since not all businesses utilize direct mail marketing, those who do can benefit from the novelty and exclusivity of the medium, further enhancing their brand visibility and memorability.
3. Enhanced Targeting and Measurement
Advancements in data analytics have revolutionized the way direct mail campaigns are targeted and measured. Marketers can leverage sophisticated algorithms to identify and segment their target audience with precision, ensuring that their mailers reach the most relevant recipients. Additionally, tracking technologies allow for comprehensive performance measurement, enabling marketers to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns in real-time and make data-driven adjustments as needed.
4. Integration with Digital Channels
Contrary to being a standalone marketing strategy, direct mail can complement and enhance digital marketing efforts. By integrating direct mail with digital channels such as email, social media, and websites, marketers can create cohesive, omnichannel campaigns that maximize reach and engagement. For example, a direct mail piece featuring a QR code or personalized URL (PURL) can drive recipients to a specific landing page or online promotion, facilitating seamless online interactions and conversions.
5. Creative Freedom and Brand Storytelling
Direct mail offers unparalleled creative freedom, allowing marketers to showcase their brand personality and tell compelling stories through tactile materials, innovative designs, and interactive elements. From eye-catching postcards to dimensional mailers, the possibilities for creativity are endless. By captivating recipients' senses and emotions, brands can forge deeper connections and leave a lasting impression that transcends the ephemeral nature of digital ads.
In conclusion, while digital marketing continues to dominate the landscape, direct mail remains a potent tool for marketers seeking to cut through the noise and engage their audience effectively. With its tangibility, personalization capabilities, reduced competition, enhanced targeting, and seamless integration with digital channels, direct mail marketing offers unique advantages that contribute to its enduring relevance in 2024 and beyond.
Direct Mailing Program – ​​​Wix
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shereen1 · 4 months
Unleashing Information Elegance: A Guide to Captivating Infographic Design
In today's information-overloaded world, attention is currency. Grabbing and holding it takes more than just words – it requires visual storytelling that's both informative and eye-catching. Enter the infographic: a potent blend of visuals and data that transforms complex information into digestible bites of brilliance.
But crafting an infographic that truly shines isn't just about throwing charts and icons onto a page. It's an art that demands strategic planning and mindful execution. This guide will equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to elevate your infographic designs from good to "wow!"
1. Know Your Audience:
Before pixels hit the screen, understand your target audience. Are you engaging data-hungry professionals or casual scrollers on social media? Tailoring your visuals and tone to their interests and reading habits is key. Speak their language, not jargon.
2. Define Your Story:
Data alone isn't a story. Distill your message into a clear, concise narrative that resonates with your audience. What problem are you addressing? What solution are you offering? This guiding narrative will inform every design decision.
3. Prioritize Clarity:
Infographics shouldn't leave viewers deciphering hieroglyphics. Keep your visuals simple and uncluttered. Use intuitive icons, color-coding for differentiation, and clear labeling. Remember, less is often more.
4. Embrace Visual Variety:
Ditch the monotonous chart parade. Spice things up with a mix of graphs, illustrations, diagrams, and even photographs. Visual variety keeps eyes engaged and reinforces information in different ways.
5. Color with Confidence:
Color evokes emotions and guides the eye. Choose a palette that aligns with your brand and narrative. Use contrasting hues to highlight key points, and maintain accessibility for those with visual impairments.
6. Typography Takes Center Stage:
Fonts aren't just window dressing. Choose ones that are legible, scalable, and complement your overall design aesthetic. Avoid overusing fonts, and ensure good hierarchy with sizes and weights.
7. Data's the Driving Force:
Numbers might not lie, but they can bore. Present data in visually compelling ways that are easy to understand and compare. Remember, infographics are all about making complex information approachable, not replicating a dry spreadsheet.
8. White Space is Your Friend:
Don't cram every inch with information. White space allows elements to breathe, making your infographic less overwhelming and more visually appealing. Think of it as the canvas that brings your data to life.
9. Design for Sharing:
The beauty of infographics lies in their shareability. Ensure your design is optimized for different platforms, from social media to presentations. Opt for responsive formats and consider providing multiple resolutions for download.
10. Test and Tweak:
Don't assume perfection on the first try. Get feedback from others, test different layouts, and analyze how your infographic performs. A keen eye and willingness to iterate can make all the difference.
Bonus Tip: Tools to the Rescue!
Several online platforms like Canva, Visme, and Piktochart offer user-friendly templates and design elements to jumpstart your infographic creation process. They're great for beginners and seasoned designers alike, saving time and streamlining the design process.
By following these guidelines and unleashing your creative spirit, you can craft infographics that not only inform but also inspire. Remember, it's all about captivating your audience with a visual feast that makes data dance. So go forth, infographic warriors, and conquer the world of information with style!
This article provides a solid foundation for creating impactful infographics. You can personalize it further by adding examples of successful infographics, showcasing design tools and resources, or weaving in case studies that illustrate the power of visual storytelling.
Remember, the best infographics are those that strike a balance between information, design, and audience engagement. Let your creativity flow and unleash the power of infographic magic!
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teamhomes2 · 7 months
Best construction company in bangalore
10 Innovative Interior Design Ideas for Your Home
Are you excited about giving your living spaces a rejuvenating
makeover? Do you envision a home that truly reflects your distinct
personality while highlighting your creativity and flair? Your search
ends here! This blog offers ten inventive and invigorating interior
design concepts for your dwelling. Dive into this blog for
comprehensive insights into all your interior design-related
questions. The TeamHome experts are here to offer professional
guidance and enhance the beauty of your abode.
Why Innovative Interior Design Ideas?
Have you ever pondered the notion that your home transcends being
merely a physical space? It serves as an extension of your character
and a blank canvas for your imaginative expressions. Delving into
imaginative interior design concepts empowers you to craft a living
environment that embodies your distinct essence, brimming with
aesthetics, utility, and coziness. These concepts can serve as a
wellspring of inspiration, whether you aim to completely transform
your entire household or focus on a single room.
10 Interior Design Ideas - Beautiful and Aesthetic
1. Natural Element
Let's start with a breath of fresh air—literally! Bring the outdoors
in by incorporating nature-inspired elements into your interior
design. Large, leafy houseplants can add a touch of green elegance to
any room. Think hanging planters, potted palms, or a lush vertical
garden. Not only do they provide aesthetic appeal, but they also
purify the air, creating a healthier living environment.
2. Play of Light
Lighting often goes unnoticed, yet it plays a pivotal role in
interior design. Take the opportunity to explore a range of lighting
fixtures and configurations to establish the ambiance in every room.
Whether you're contemplating pendant lights, chandeliers, or advanced
smart lighting systems that offer control over brightness and color,
lighting has the power to metamorphose a space from a warm, intimate
setting to a vibrant and well-lit one, tailored to your personal
3. Colors That Speak
Colors serve as potent means of expression. Opt for a color scheme
that aligns with both your individuality and the intended function of
the room. Subdued pastel shades can cultivate a tranquil ambiance in
bedrooms, while dynamic and lively tones can inject vivacity into
your common living spaces. Embrace the idea of blending and
coordinating colors, and contemplate the inclusion of accent walls or
colorful furnishings to convey a bold statement.
Minimalist Magic
Minimalism centers on the principles of simplicity and utility. This
design philosophy aims to streamline your living area, favoring
clean-lined furnishings while fostering an atmosphere of uncluttered
spaciousness. Embracing minimalist interior design concepts can
impart a sense of tranquility and roominess to your home, enabling
you to fully savor every facet of your decor.
Open Shelving Charm
Open shelving is a brilliant way to showcase your cherished items
while adding a dash of uniqueness to your interior design ideas.
Install open shelves in your kitchen to display your exquisite
dinnerware or in your living room to showcase your book collection.
It's a simple yet effective way to personalize your space.
Artistic Expressions
Art serves as the heart and soul of your
interior. Opt for artworks that resonate with your personal
preferences and harmonize with the overall aesthetic of your home.
Whether it takes the form of a captivating canvas, an artful gallery
wall, or sculptural pieces, art bestows depth, character, and a
unique identity upon your space.
Eclectic Elegance
Who says you have to stick to a single design style? Mixing and
matching different styles can result in a captivating and eclectic
look that's entirely your own. Blend vintage pieces with modern decor,
or combine industrial elements with rustic charm. The key is to
strike a balance that feels harmonious to you.
Luxurious Textiles
Luxuriously soft textiles possess the remarkable ability to swiftly
metamorphose any room. Ponder the inclusion of opulent throws,
cushions, and rugs to craft a welcoming and cozy atmosphere. The
artful interplay of textures, such as velvet, faux fur, and natural
fibers, imparts both dimension and comfort to your interior design.
Smart Home Innovations
Step into the future with smart home technology. Incorporate smart
thermostats, security systems, and voice-activated assistants into
your home. These innovations not only enhance your convenience but
also contribute to a modern and futuristic interior design.
10. Personalized Spaces
Infuse your living space with your unique essence by crafting
personalized areas that cater to your hobbies and passions. Whether
it's a snug reading alcove, a home fitness zone, or a tranquil
meditation corner, these spaces are a reflection of your identity,
elevating your overall sense of well-being and comfort.
Innovative interior design ideas are the key to transforming your
home into a haven of beauty, comfort, and personality. In the world
of interior design, there are no boundaries, only boundless
possibilities. It's about crafting a home that tells your story, one
room at a time. Every home is unique, just like its inhabitants.
We're here to help you create spaces that resonate with your soul,
elevate your comfort, and inspire creativity. Our team of experts is
ready to collaborate with you, turning your vision into stunning
interiors that you'll cherish for years to come.
With TeamHome, your vision is our blueprint, and your dream home is
our mission.
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rameshkumar34643 · 7 months
Web Design for E-Commerce: Crafting an Exceptional Online Shopping Experience
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, establishing a robust online presence is imperative for businesses seeking success in the e-commerce arena. The prosperity of an online store extends beyond the quality of its products or services; it is deeply rooted in the user experience offered by the website. This article delves into the essential elements of web design for e-commerce, with a focus on creating a seamless and engaging online shopping experience. Web Designing Company In Delhi NCR
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1. Intuitive Navigation: The Foundation of User Experience
The initial step in creating an effective e-commerce website involves ensuring intuitive navigation. Visitors should effortlessly locate what they seek without unnecessary clicks. Implement a clear and concise menu structure, logically categorizing products. Incorporate search functionality with auto-suggestions to expedite the user's journey. Intuitive navigation enhances user satisfaction and encourages prolonged engagement with the site.
2. Mobile Responsiveness: Catering to the On-the-Go Shopper
Given the surge in smartphone usage, mobile responsiveness is not merely an option but a necessity. Ensure your e-commerce website is optimized for diverse screen sizes, providing a seamless experience across devices. A responsive design not only enhances user experience but also positively impacts search engine rankings, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites.
3. Visually Appealing Design: Creating a Memorable Impression
The aesthetics of your e-commerce site significantly influence users' perceptions of your brand. Invest in a visually appealing design that aligns with your brand identity. Employ high-quality product images, maintain consistent color schemes, and adopt an uncluttered layout to create a positive first impression. A visually pleasing design enhances user trust and stimulates exploration of your product offerings.
4. Streamlined Checkout Process: Reducing Abandonment Rates
A convoluted or prolonged checkout process contributes significantly to cart abandonment. Streamline the checkout process by minimizing the number of steps and offering a guest checkout option. Integrate popular payment gateways for convenience and provide progress indicators to keep users informed about their journey. Simplifying the checkout process enhances user satisfaction and encourages the completion of purchases.
5. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Guiding Users Towards Conversions
Strategically placed and compelling CTAs play a crucial role in guiding users through the conversion funnel. Use clear and action-oriented language for buttons like "Add to Cart," "Proceed to Checkout," and "Complete Purchase." Employ contrasting colors to make CTAs stand out, drawing attention to the next step in the user's journey. Effective CTAs contribute to a smoother user experience and drive higher conversion rates.
6. Personalization: Tailoring the Shopping Experience
Personalization proves to be a potent tool in e-commerce web design. Leverage data to personalize recommendations, product suggestions, and the overall user interface based on past behavior. Implementing a personalized shopping experience enhances user engagement, increases the likelihood of repeat visits, and fosters a sense of connection between the user and the brand.
7. Security Measures: Building Trust with Users
Security holds paramount importance in e-commerce, particularly when handling sensitive customer information. Clearly communicate your website's security measures, such as SSL certification and secure payment gateways. Display trust badges prominently to assure users of a secure transaction environment. Establishing trust through visible security measures is essential for converting potential customers into loyal patrons.
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maacwanowrie · 10 months
Minimalist Graphic Design: The Art of Less Is More in Visual Communication
In the world of graphic design, where visuals vie for attention in a crowded digital landscape, the philosophy of "less is more" has given rise to a powerful and impactful approach known as minimalist graphic design. Rooted in the principles of simplicity, clarity, and deliberate restraint, this style embraces the idea that by paring down elements to their essential forms, a message can be communicated with greater efficiency and resonance.
Those who take graphic design courses after 12th can work in many different areas, such as animation, fashion, and interior design. Even though these areas are just starting out, there is a good chance that they will lead to more job opportunities.
At its core, minimalist graphic design champions the notion that every design element, from lines to colors to typography, serves a purpose. It advocates for the elimination of unnecessary embellishments, leaving only what's vital to convey the intended message. This philosophy not only enhances the visual aesthetics of a design but also enhances its effectiveness in communicating to the audience.
One of the fundamental principles of minimalist design is whitespace, often referred to as negative space. Whitespace doesn't necessarily mean "empty" space; rather, it's the deliberate use of open areas around and within design elements. This practice allows the eye to rest, emphasizes the content that remains, and enhances the overall visual hierarchy. By judiciously applying whitespace, minimalist designers guide viewers' attention and create an elegant and sophisticated aesthetic.
Color plays a pivotal role in minimalist graphic design. Designers often opt for a limited color palette, choosing hues that resonate with the intended message and mood. The colors themselves become a part of the design's narrative, contributing to the overall visual language. The juxtaposition of a few carefully chosen colors against ample whitespace can create a striking contrast that grabs attention and conveys a message in a memorable way.
Typography, too, is subject to the principles of minimalism. Clean, legible fonts are favored, with an emphasis on hierarchy and spacing. Each typeface selected becomes a deliberate part of the design's identity, evoking a specific mood or tone. With careful consideration of typography, designers can convey complex ideas succinctly and make text-heavy designs more approachable.
In the digital age, where attention spans are shrinking and information overload is a constant threat, minimalist graphic design provides a breath of fresh air. By embracing simplicity and stripping away excess, designers can capture and hold the viewer's attention. This approach is particularly effective for conveying essential information quickly, making it a popular choice for branding, packaging, and user interfaces.
Minimalist design isn't devoid of creativity; rather, it requires a heightened level of creativity to communicate a message using fewer elements. Every line, shape, and color choice must be deliberate, with the aim of evoking a specific emotional response or conveying a particular idea. This creative restraint challenges designers to think critically and strategically about their choices.
Furthermore, minimalist graphic design aligns with the evolving consumer mindset. People are drawn to designs that are clean, uncluttered, and easy to understand. In an era saturated with information, a well-executed minimalist design stands out by offering a visually soothing experience that doesn't overwhelm the senses. It's a testament to the power of simplicity in a complex world.
In conclusion, minimalist graphic design is an art form that marries aesthetics and functionality through the principle of "less is more." It champions simplicity, clarity, and purposeful design choices, making it a potent tool for effective visual communication. By employing elements such as whitespace, limited color palettes, and typography, minimalist designers create designs that resonate with audiences in a profound and memorable way. In an age of visual noise, this approach is a refreshing reminder that sometimes, the most impactful messages are those delivered with elegant simplicity.
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The Nymph and The Satyr
Parties were never really any fun without Crowley. Humans could be entertaining, but they did get on his nerves. And food was much better with a friend. He’d drunk his fill of wine and eaten his fill of grapes and oysters and breads-- but parties he set up had a habit of turning from dancing and singing, to a lot of moaning. It might have been part of his job to get humans to do things they rather wouldn’t, and when he was in the right mood, he could argue that there was something very lovely about the sounds of moaning and gasping and skin slapping- It was the sound of love in its rawest, most potent form, after all. But even Aziraphale didn’t like to hear only it for an hour straight. 
It hadn’t even taken that long, really, for the demon to get tired of resting his hand on his cheek and staring at a good deal of naked humans illuminated by candlelight, swaying and rocking as they pleased. He had his last cup of red wine and decided, then, that he’d rather make his night much better by going to see his angel friend. And why he hadn’t attended this particular party. Must be busy, hm? Maybe with gardening. The goat-eyed man pulled himself up to his feet and snuck off behind red curtains, making a quick getaway before anyone really noticed. Not that any of them would. They were clearly quite busy.
The dark streets of Greece were empty as he stepped out into them, straightening up his robes. The damn things did ride up quite a lot at times. Quite comfortable, but surely this wasn’t the peak of fashion humans had to offer? At some point they had to invent something else, surely. He lamented it all the way through to the marble walls that hid Crowley’s garden. He glanced around. No one around. White wings unfurled and he took a few good gusts to get himself up, just far enough up to grab onto the ledge. He pulled himself up as smoothly as he could manage, and grinned at the sight of what was ahead of him. A garden entirely filled with green. Not a spot in place. Looked nearly like the Garden of Eden. ...Of course it did. But as his legs rocked on either side of the wall, he noted he didn’t see Crowley. He scanned the high walls of the structure itself. A candle lighting one of the rooms! Aha! 
Again, cheating a bit with his wings, it only took a moment before Azir was suddenly sitting in the arched window of Crowley’s room. Filled with plants, just like the garden. He rested his bare feet on the side of the window and rolled down to lay on his back as he gazed into the room, illuminated in an orange flicker by the candlelight. 
“I don’t understand how you can keep things so nice and clean and uncluttered. I mean, other than your plants,” Aziraphale sighed, playing with the silver pin on his shoulder that kept his brown-colored chlamys together. The fabric, outlined with a deep green line, draped and piled between his legs where his leg at the clothing’s opening had kicked up to rest on the window, and the curls on his head fell where they might as he turned his head to try to peek at a scroll resting on a nearby table. He reached for it, wiggling his plump fingers as he found it just outside his grasp. He huffed and gave up, instead letting his arm simply drop over the windowsill. 
“...Perhaps I’m a bit tipsy still, but I’m feeling rather peeved that I didn’t see you tonight at my party. It’s always just terribly boring alone.” 
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thomassborn · 3 years
4 Tips for Workday Wellness: How to Unwind on the Clock
If you looked around for it, you’d likely find a number of articles for tips on how best to unwind after work. Not that suggestions for post-work kicking back aren’t helpful, quite the opposite. It’s just that many of them seem to accept a stressful workday as a foregone conclusion, and it shouldn’t have to be. There are probably going to be stressful moments from time to time with any job. However, with a workday wellness strategy or two and the assistance of a high-quality hemp-derived CBD tincture, you can make some on-the-clock unwinding a reality.
Take a Break, Take a Walk, Outside if Possible
One of the easiest ways to decompress at work is just unplugging and walking around from time to time. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the easiest things to forget about. A brief break and a quick walk can help to recenter you, clear the cobwebs, and pick up some energy. For longer breaks or at lunch, take a walk outside if you can, preferably in a natural setting—the more trees, grass, or water, the better.
Work Some Hemp-Derived CBD Into Your Day
Hemp-derived CBD interacts with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating functions like mood, memory, pleasure, motor control, and much more. Hemp-derived CBD binds with those receptors but is non-intoxicating. Buy CBD oil online or another hemp-derived CBD product to add to your workday routine. It may help you unwind and keep a clear head.
Schedule a Lunchtime Massage
When it comes to melting away tension, there isn’t much that can match the massage. A lunchtime massage can prove to be just the thing for a blissful midday repose and recharge. Consider augmenting the stress-erasing power of the massage with hemp-derived CBD to optimize the benefits of each. If your massage therapist is nearby, you could work in a half-hour massage during lunch. Otherwise, consider booking them for right before or right after work.
Clean and Organize Your Workspace
Stress tends to take up more brain-space than is convenient or fair. The result can be falling behind on tasks like cleaning and organizing your workspace. Clutter piling up in the workspace can then contribute unconsciously to even more tension. Nip that cycle in the bud by setting aside some time to thoroughly clean, organize, and unclutter your workspace. Not only is the act of cleaning and organizing itself often calming and satisfying, but you will also just feel better with a nice, tidy space.
About CBDistillery
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In 2016, CBDistillery
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was founded by a team of Colorado natives who were fed up with the hemp-derived CBD marketplace being dominated by low-quality but overpriced CBD products. Their ambition was to provide pure, potent, and high-quality hemp-derived CBD products available at a fair price. CBDistillery is now recognized among the most reputable and most successful providers of hemp-derived CBD products online. The hemp-derived CBD products available from CBDistillery now include their signature line of hemp-derived CBD 500mg, 1000 mg, and 2500 mg tincture oils, and more. CBDistillery also carries hemp-derived CBD gummies, hemp-derived 500 mg CBD capsules, topical hemp-derived CBD products, and even a CBD tincture for dogs. To ensure that same high level of quality, CBDistillery remains dedicated to the utmost transparency. All of their hemp-derived CBD products are clearly labeled with their CBD content, and they all include links to third-party test results.
Take the edge off at work or wherever with hemp-derived CBD products from www.thecbdistillery.com
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lauragfollett · 3 years
4 Tips for Workday Wellness: How to Unwind on the Clock
If you looked around for it, you’d likely find a number of articles for tips on how best to unwind after work. Not that suggestions for post-work kicking back aren’t helpful, quite the opposite. It’s just that many of them seem to accept a stressful workday as a foregone conclusion, and it shouldn’t have to be. There are probably going to be stressful moments from time to time with any job. However, with a workday wellness strategy or two and the assistance of a high-quality hemp-derived CBD tincture, you can make some on-the-clock unwinding a reality.
Take a Break, Take a Walk, Outside if Possible
One of the easiest ways to decompress at work is just unplugging and walking around from time to time. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the easiest things to forget about. A brief break and a quick walk can help to recenter you, clear the cobwebs, and pick up some energy. For longer breaks or at lunch, take a walk outside if you can, preferably in a natural setting—the more trees, grass, or water, the better.
Work Some Hemp-Derived CBD Into Your Day
Hemp-derived CBD interacts with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating functions like mood, memory, pleasure, motor control, and much more. Hemp-derived CBD binds with those receptors but is non-intoxicating. Buy CBD oil online or another hemp-derived CBD product to add to your workday routine. It may help you unwind and keep a clear head.
Schedule a Lunchtime Massage
When it comes to melting away tension, there isn’t much that can match the massage. A lunchtime massage can prove to be just the thing for a blissful midday repose and recharge. Consider augmenting the stress-erasing power of the massage with hemp-derived CBD to optimize the benefits of each. If your massage therapist is nearby, you could work in a half-hour massage during lunch. Otherwise, consider booking them for right before or right after work.
Clean and Organize Your Workspace
Stress tends to take up more brain-space than is convenient or fair. The result can be falling behind on tasks like cleaning and organizing your workspace. Clutter piling up in the workspace can then contribute unconsciously to even more tension. Nip that cycle in the bud by setting aside some time to thoroughly clean, organize, and unclutter your workspace. Not only is the act of cleaning and organizing itself often calming and satisfying, but you will also just feel better with a nice, tidy space.
About CBDistillery
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In 2016, CBDistillery
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was founded by a team of Colorado natives who were fed up with the hemp-derived CBD marketplace being dominated by low-quality but overpriced CBD products. Their ambition was to provide pure, potent, and high-quality hemp-derived CBD products available at a fair price. CBDistillery is now recognized among the most reputable and most successful providers of hemp-derived CBD products online. The hemp-derived CBD products available from CBDistillery now include their signature line of hemp-derived CBD 500mg, 1000 mg, and 2500 mg tincture oils, and more. CBDistillery also carries hemp-derived CBD gummies, hemp-derived 500 mg CBD capsules, topical hemp-derived CBD products, and even a CBD tincture for dogs. To ensure that same high level of quality, CBDistillery remains dedicated to the utmost transparency. All of their hemp-derived CBD products are clearly labeled with their CBD content, and they all include links to third-party test results.
Take the edge off at work or wherever with hemp-derived CBD products from www.thecbdistillery.com
The post 4 Tips for Workday Wellness: How to Unwind on the Clock appeared first on #CBDMOVEMENT™ BLOG.
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source https://blog.thecbdistillery.com/4-tips-for-workday-wellness-how-to-unwind-on-the-clock/
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sknews7 · 4 years
COMMENTARY: Note-taking by hand is a powerful memory tool – National
Do you choose up any outdated pocket book and pen whenever you want them, or do you will have a factor for Moleskines or Montblancs?
Whether or not or not you’re choosy, know that instruments for the arms are instruments for the mind. Handwritten notes are a strong software for encrypting embodied cognition and in flip supporting the mind’s capability for retrieval of knowledge. And secondly, whenever you take notes by hand, your arms create a sturdy exterior reminiscence storage: your pocket book.
READ MORE: (April 7, 2016) Should students take notes on paper or laptops?
Taking notes by hand is a win-win, and belongs in every student’s cognitive tool kit. Studying take notes by hand successfully, and ingrain note-taking as a key studying and research software, can start as early as Grades Three or 4, however it’s by no means too late to start.
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We reside in a digital age the place day by day functioning entails digital communication. Automaticity in keyboarding is a crucial ability too, and the instruments and functions for digital communication will proceed to evolve and have their place. However keyboarding doesn’t present the tactile suggestions to the mind that contact between pencil or pen and paper does — the important thing to creating the neurocircuitry in the hand-brain complex.
The processing benefit
Whereas your laptop computer might sound sooner and extra environment friendly, there are good causes for having a paper-bound pocket book and pen — any type you favor — on the prepared.
Researchers have discovered that note-taking related to keyboarding entails taking notes verbatim in a means that does not involve processing information, and so have referred to as this “non-generative” note-taking. In contrast, taking notes by hand entails cognitive engagement in summarizing, paraphrasing, organizing, idea and vocabulary mapping — in brief, manipulating and reworking info that results in deeper understanding.
Notice-taking turns into note-making: an lively involvement in making sense and which means for later reflection, research or sharing of notes to match understanding with lab companions or classmates. This turns into a potent research technique, as one’s personal processing can be further consolidated through talk.
There are templates and codecs that train more effective ways of taking hand-written notes. A preferred one is the Cornell style developed by education professor Walter Pauk. You may also discover different methods that may be tailored for various study needs, such as compare/contrast charts or webs.
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Easy methods to take notes utilizing the Cornell system.
Cognitive calls for of note-taking
Taking good notes is dependent upon fluency of hand, which suggests legibility and pace mixed. That is finest achieved with a clear, uncluttered and related script, which means cursive writing, that younger learners can start to study in Grade 2. Fluency of hand comes from instruction and practice in the early years of school, and sustained alternatives for genuine, purposeful literacy engagements in flip allocating working reminiscence house to the cognitive calls for of note-taking.
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The transfer from grades Three to Four is a giant leap for younger learners. Content material curriculum in science, social research, English language arts and arithmetic makes accelerated calls for on youngsters to shift into tutorial modes of literacy.
Every year of instructional development makes rising calls for in studying and writing, understanding and making sense of huge quantities of knowledge in multi-modal codecs.
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3:08Within the wake of the Comey controversy, the significance of taking notes
Within the wake of the Comey controversy, the significance of taking notes
  Sketching and drawing belong, too!
Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci: Head of the Virgin (1510-13). (Shutterstock)
Leonardo da Vinci wrote: “the extra minutely you describe, the extra you’ll confuse the thoughts of the reader and the extra you’ll take away him from information of the factor described. Therefore it is necessary to make a drawing … as well as to describe.”
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The artist’s notebooks reveal a creative, inquiring, inventive mind and man of science and art unparalleled, centuries forward of his time. Fergus Craik and Robert Lockhart, pioneers in cognitive neuroscience analysis, famous three ranges of knowledge processing: their theory lays bare the neuroscience behind da Vinci’s insights centuries in the past. When individuals visually signify information, they will deepen their comprehension of concepts such as cycles and relationships: as a result, some cognitive researchers advocate teaching different ways of representing knowledge from an early age.
Florence Nightingale is remembered for her contributions in reforming drugs by means of her detailed, meticulous observations, documentation, note-taking and writing. She is credited with creating the pie chart to represent this information.
I assign my very own college students, making ready to develop into lecturers, the duty of sketching the structure of the category the place they’re working in a discipline placement. In addition they take observational hand-written notes recorded in a Cornell template. This task is about deciphering what’s happening within the classroom. This means of documenting provides a good scaffold for later review or reflection and theorizing the work of classroom lecturers.
If writing is a requirement of your career whether or not in journalism, instructing, structure, engineering, trend and extra, you already know the advantages and significance of note-taking and sketching.
Analogue, digital and legacy codecs
When deep understanding and remembering, making private connection and sparking inventive thought are essential, hand-written notes matter and endure over time.
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Apparently, the artwork of protecting a paper diary, journal or planner has generated scores of online communities. Many discover pleasure in protecting calendars, day by day organizers, playing cards and notes and lists of every kind, and writing household tales for the following era all by hand — and then sharing them digitally.
For critical college students, note-taking is an indispensable cognitive software and research method. Creating neurocircuitry for reminiscence and which means by means of the hand-brain advanced is the important thing to understanding the worth of hand-written notes. Assume twice earlier than relying solely in your laptop computer this fall!
Hetty Roessingh, Professor, Werklund Faculty of Schooling, University of Calgary.
This text is republished from The Conversation beneath a Inventive Commons licence. Learn the original article.
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Brain Octane Oil is a unique supplement that makes a bold claim of being 18 times more potent than coconut oil when it comes to delivering caprylic fatty acids to our body that can improve brain functions and help with burning fat. It is created by a supplement company called Bulletproof, which was founded by the world-renowned technology entrepreneur and Silicon Valley investor, Dave Asprey. On his quest to achieve better health, Dave claims to have consulted doctors, traditional healers, psychologists, and naturopaths from all over the world to create this miraculous supplement that has changed his life. In plain and simple terms, Brain Octane Oil aims to do better than traditional coconut oil and is to be ingested by mixing it with food. It is more potent than regular caprylic acid capsules and is available at just quarter of the price.
The Benefits of Brain Octane Oil
It's very important to recognize that this Brain Octane Oil barely has any taste and it is odorless and flavorless, which is better than the rocket fuel tasting oil based products that are found in most other supplements.It offers significant benefits that can improve cognitive energy, level of concentration, focus, and keep your brain feeling uncluttered which is great for those times during your ketogenic diet where you need a boost. It works by acting as a fuel for a brain that is starving, which includes ketones that the brain uses to metabolize glucose in exchange for energy.In a way, it acts as a ready source of energy for the brain, and it can reduce brain fog by minimizing the production of toxic chemicals in the bloodstream.
Moreover, it is widely known that MCT oils and powders, when taken along with exogenous ketone supplements, can boost the absorption of BHB and allows the body to achieve much higher levels of ketosis.Brain Octane Oil can be easily stored at room temperature, and no refrigeration is required whatsoever. Adults have to take the supplement regularly to feel the changes in their body and mental health. Even pregnant women can reap the benefits of this product because it is completely natural and devoid of any synthetic substances.
Brain Octane is carefully extracted from 100% pure coconut oil, not palm oil, to protect wild orangutan habitat in Southeast Asia. Not just coconut or MCT oil, Brain Octane is made with only C8 MCT's, which metabolize more efficiently into ketone energy than more common oils with C10 and C12 (Lauric Acid) MCT's. Your body cannot store ketones from brain octane such as fat; instead, it is excreted through your lungs (breath), or kidneys (urine). Brain Octane undergoes a special triple distillation process with only water, heat, and pressure to create the cleanest product possible, free from harsh chemicals and solvents.
Brain Octane Oil has become a highly renowned product in the health and supplement industry and you can easily buy it from various online stores nowadays. It is truly a unique supplement that is capable of delivering highly concentrated nutrition of coconut oil into your body, thus resulting in improved cognitive functions and better memory.
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ts1989fanatic · 7 years
Taylor Swift's 15 Best Songs: Critic's Picks
From her beginnings as a country artist to her reign as a global pop star, Taylor Swift has become one of the defining artists of this century -- and that’s in large part thanks to her masterful song craft. Each era of the singer-songwriter’s career has included intricate, instantly memorable musical moments that it’s difficult to narrow down the best of the best to just 15. Yet these songs represent Taylor at the top of her game, whether it be through an extended heartbreak anthem or hilarious declaration of independence.
Here are Billboard’s picks for the 15 best Taylor Swift songs, from her self-titled debut through 1989.
15. Taylor Swift, "New Romantics"
A bonus track off 1989 that out-popped the bubblegum pizzazz of most of the standard track list, “New Romantics” finds Swift gliding alongside gooey '80s synths before pogoing on the chorus with a slew of declarative statements. “Heartbreak is the national anthem -- we sing it proudly,” she states, making “New Romantics” a spiritual cousin to the “miserable and magical” time she had on “22.”
14. Taylor Swift, "Fearless"
A song like the Fearless title track demonstrated why, even as a teenager, Swift’s songwriting was miles ahead of her country contemporaries. The lyrics include several Swiftian hallmarks -- dancing with a romantic partner in the parking lot becomes dancing with a romantic partner “in a storm in my best dress”! -- but that opening line, “There’s something ‘bout the way/ The street looks when it’s just rained/ There’s a glow off the pavement,” effortlessly creates a sense of whimsy and romance that not many artists can pull off.
13. Taylor Swift, "Mine"
The lead single from Speak Now, Swift’s follow-up to the Grammy-winning Fearless, is more muted than its predecessor’s “You Belong With Me”and “Love Story,” and understandably so: It’s a song about not just finding love but maintaining it when the meet-cute has drifted into the past. When that final chorus hits and reaffirms the caring at the heart of this Taylor Swift song, though, it’s one of her most moving moments to date.
12. Taylor Swift, "Tim McGraw"
Taylor Swift sure has come a long way from the first track on her first album, huh? Although “Tim McGraw” sounds nothing like her pop stylings, the charming debut features the same type of vocal resonance and clever wordplay that have become calling cards for Swift. Plus, the fact that she pulled off the line “When you think Tim McGraw/ I hope you think of me,” and then proceeded to become even bigger than Tim McGraw, is something to marvel at.
11. Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars, "Safe and Sound"
The bad news is that one of the very best Taylor Swift songs, the dark, devastated “Safe and Sound,” is not featured on any Taylor Swift album. The good news is that we live in a playlist-friendly culture, and that this collaboration with The Civil Wars for the first Hunger Games soundtrack can be included in any mournful collection of your choosing. A song about protection amidst terror, “Safe and Sound” features Swift’s voice at its most shattered, her best efforts pummeled by the marching drums outside her door.
10. Taylor Swift, "Our Song"
What if Swift had resisted the allure of pop music and committed to a lifetime of fiddle-filled country jams? We’ll never know the answer, but “Our Song” is a gloriously twangy testament to what Taylor once was, before her lyrical ability to find music in everyday life was translated to a different genre. Here, the bubbly words give way to the lush arrangement, which encapsulates the exuberance of first experiencing the world with a romantic partner.
9. Taylor Swift, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
Years after its release, “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” remains bitingly funny, an eye-roll of a pop song about a boy who just doesn’t get it through his thick skull that it’s time to move on. Swift deftly balanced sarcasm with the sincerity of the hook and nails one of her first pronounced attempts at mainstream pop (which became her first single to hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart).
8. Taylor Swift, "Teardrops on My Guitar"
Poor Drew: The object of Taylor’s affection in “Teardrops on My Guitar” has a soon-to-be superstar longing for him and he’s totally unaware. The standout from Swift’s debut LP boasts the type of nuanced songwriting that would eventually make Swift a sensation, and while the “I secretly like him but he likes her and he’ll never know how much I like him” dynamic is repeated throughout her catalog, “Teardrops” captures that resignation within a handful of striking images, most notably the title phrase.
7. Taylor Swift, "Blank Space"
There aren’t too many pop songs that turn on a dime in the middle of the second verse, but just as her unhinged character in the “Blank Space” video unravels midway through, so does Swift at the song’s center, diving into self-deprecation and mocking her well-documented romantic history outside of music. “Blank Space” works as far more than satire, though: snappy and uncluttered, it’s a fantastic sing-along dotted with quotable moments (“I can make the bad guys good for a weekend,” “Boys only want love if it’s torture”).
6. Taylor Swift, "Love Story"
It takes guts to name a song something as bold and straightforward as “Love Story,” but Swift’s breakthrough single makes good on the “story” part of the equation by unfolding a modern-day parable that somehow never slips over the edge into full-on cheese. Perhaps it’s the earnestness of Swift’s performance as a heroine searching for an escape route with her Prince Charming and finally realizing that reality can make room for their tale. Out of the millions of love stories in the history of pop music, “Love Story” stands out.
5. Taylor Swift, "Mean"
Simply put, a pitch-perfect rebuke of bullying. The Speak Now single posits that living well is indeed the best revenge, as Swift bashes her early detractor by predicting that her future is bright, while their future only contains minor victories (and a huge helping of meanness). Swift sings “Mean” in first person, but it’s not really for her -- this is a song for people who feel belittled and beaten down by others, who look to someone like Swift for uplift and assurance. “Mean” is designed to shout along with cathartically, and it succeeds.
4. Taylor Swift, "State of Grace"
A bulldozer of an opening to Red, “State of Grace” is Swift’s most sonically towering track ever recorded; it’s a good thing that its author headlines arenas, because no small room could contain this song’s might. Instead of relying on lyrical detail, Swift stacks guitar lines upon propulsive drums and lets the whole thing rip; instead of opting for a wordy chorus, the hook here echoes with conciseness: “I never saw you coming/ And I’ll never be the same.” At nearly five minutes in length, “State of Grace” stays exhilarating start-to-finish and will be one of Swift’s most enduring non-singles ever.
3. Taylor Swift, "Dear John"
One of the (many) reasons any man should think twice about screwing over Taylor Swift: She is capable of penning a visceral, eviscerating takedown as potent as any hip-hop diss track. “Dear John,” a mangling of ex-beau John Mayer, is nearly seven minutes of simmering anger -- but it never feels exploitative or unyielding, instead exploring the feeling of being taken advantage of and punctuating each chorus with a sorrowful “I should’ve known.” Swift uses “Dear John” to turn the gut-punch of being led astray into a clenched fist and declaration of survival. “I took your matches before fire could catch me,” Swift spits at her beloved-turned-enemy. And we, the listeners, simply get to sit back and watch the fireworks.
2. Taylor Swift, "Style"
“Style” is all about the details: the hints of the guitar lick in the verses, the echoing vocals of “out! of! style!” on the chorus, the tension in Swift’s voice when she debates telling her guy that it’s time to leave, the way “James Dean/daydream” and “red lip/classic” are perfect rhymes positioned on top of each other, the release of the “take me hooooome” on the bridge. On an album filled with very good-to-terrific pop songs, “Style” is the most finely manicured, the most well-produced, the most fully realized -- and still, the most affecting. Decades from now, musical anthropologists will study how pop could be this perfect.
1. Taylor Swift, "You Belong With Me"
Throughout the twists and turns of her career, Swift has changed sounds, collaborators, personas and approaches, but has not -- and perhaps will never -- eclipse the magnificence of “You Belong With Me.” Credit the song’s simplicity, echoing the thematic concept of “Teardrops on My Guitar” but amplifying the high school heartache and polishing the hook so that it never floats back down after leaving the ground. There are so many things to love within “You Belong With Me,” from the high heels/sneakers dichotomy to that double handclap during the bridge, but more than anything, it’s quintessential Taylor, the ultra-relatable protagonist who can sum up complex feelings in a vocal run or quick turn-of-phrase. “You Belong With Me” has been her defining song for years, and that’s because it’s her best.
ts1989fanatic I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder or ear of the listener to decide what your own top 15 Taylor songs are. I have to say that most of these would make mine, maybe not in the same order as this list but close.
As for the article itself it’s nice to have someone acknowledge Taylor for her writing ability without slamming her for something or other in the same piece.
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123designsrq · 5 years
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    Companies like Rimowa and Supreme may be simplest revisiting the trend now, however suitcases were considered a fashion announcement at the same time as lots as one hundred fifty years in the past. Look at Louis Vuitton’s ancestry and you’ll recognize that the sporting-cases to your garments were given as lots importance as your garments were, and while for the maximum element suitcases today are utilitarian, they are also a part of your sense of style. Monos is part of a small however developing motion to take excessive-street fashion, however make it affordable. While a Louis Vuitton or Rimowa suitcase isn’t particularly in every person’s price range, Monos makes fashion accessible by using bypassing all top rate-emblem collaterals, escaping all of the logo markups and comfort taxes these excessive-cost manufacturers impose on their clients. The Monos tour case is simplistic and pristine, with a level of interest to detail creator Hubert Chan says comes from modern businesses like Apple. Every line is sculpted with purpose, and every fillet is measured to perfection, providing you with a case this is thorough in its design procedure, down to even the choice of substances and colour palettes. Designed throughout 3 sizes, Monos is available in two cabin-compatible variations and a larger check-in editions, giving you enough storage for every week lengthy getaway. The case’s construction is given as an awful lot significance as its layout details, with the difficult-case being made from effect-resistant polycarbonate, in conjunction with high-grade aluminum telescopic handles that seamlessly integrate into the case’s forms. The YKK zippers, vegetable-tanned Vacchetta leather-based trims, and TSA-compliant locks all lend to the case’s pursuit of perfection. On the inside, the Monos travel instances come lined with a smooth, water-resistant, anti-microbial fabric lining to maintain your clothes looking, smelling, and feeling sparkling on the inside. Designed with the equal type of purpose that style designers make clothes with, Monos is yet any other journey case that proves that your suitcases are simply as vital as the garments you bring in them, and shape a conscious part of your very own non-public style announcement. It simply so takes place that Monos is one of the only bags to make that philosophy handy to humans with out the inflated charge tags! Designer: Hubert Chan Click Here to Buy Now: $220 $275 (20% off). Need a coupon code? Use “SUMMER20”. About Monos Less is greater. Monos is a premium, minimalist luggage, the usage of simplest the greatest fine substances and additives. All at a fair fee. Design “We began through slowing right down to mindfully look around us. We studied the ripples in water while it rained. We located the color gradations inside the sky whilst the solar rose and set each day. And in a lot of these moments, we determined a common visual rhythm. We distilled and subtle this rhythm into the minimalist, asymmetric development of traces that could come to be our bags’s signature design,” Hubert Chan, dressmaker of Monos told Yanko Design. “For us, the lines symbolize exchange, in all its paperwork. Travel – and life – adjustments us. We embody the reality that not anything can stay the equal for all time. Our studio’s name (Monos), in any case, comes from the Japanese idea of mono no conscious – the profound appreciation of the impermanent,” said the layout studio. Light and Unbreakable Weighing in at handiest 6.9 lb, 7.1 lb, and 10 lb, the Monos Carry-On, Carry-On Plus, and Check-In are enormously mild. They built their cases with ultra-light, aerospace-grade polycarbonate, and stripped out all of the unneeded junk. Texturized and powder-lined, their matte end shell is scratch-resistant. The German-made Makrolon polycarbonate in their baggage isn’t simply harder and more potent than your common suitcase’s ABS plastic – it’s nearly not possible to break and it effortlessly bounces again into its original shape. A Superior Handle Instead of reasonably-priced cast zinc ensuing in the ones flimsy, wobbly handles, Monos used only high-grade aluminum for his or her tubes. And instead of the usual parallel configuration, they custom-designed the entire assembly to set their telescoping tube at opposing forty five degree angles, which significantly reduces lateral movement and makes the entire deal with greater solid and robust. As for the cope with launch button, rather than maneuvering your thumb on the top of the deal with in which the button is typically observed, they located that it surely feels better to squeeze from the bottom. They re-engineered the button and concealed it under, resulting in a easy, uncluttered handle that’s additionally greater natural to use. Whisper-quiet Hinomoto Lisof Silent Run 360 Degree Wheels At an insignificant 54 decibels, these Silent Run wheels could make a ninja envious. Other Hinomoto wheels are already quiet, however this is a grade above. Color-coordinated YKK Reverse Zippers Zippers look higher with their enamel hidden. Every Monos suitcase sports color-coordinated YKK reverse coil zippers, chosen for their sleek look and unmatched reliability. Interior Their indoors lining and the included laundry and shoe baggage all use a tender, water-resistant, and anti-microbial cloth with diffused sample detailing. The sized pockets of their facet flap hold your small items collectively and free to be laid on top of, or among your clothes. Ballistic nylon compression straps keep your garments compact, at the same time as being greater forgiving of hard items than bulky compression pads. Features encompass: Carry-On Interior, Check-In Interior, away luggage, best carry on luggage, best luggage, calpak luggage, steamline luggage, delsey luggage, luggage sets, best luggage brands Read the full article
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perksofwifi · 5 years
Refreshing or Revolting: 2020 BMW M8
The 2020 BMW M8 completes the two-door 8 Series range as a stylish yet potent grand tourer that’ll be right at home doing triple digits on the Autobahn. Available with up to 617 hp in M8 Competition guise, the 2020 M8 replaces the M6 as the top dog of the Bavarian automaker’s lineup of performance cars. Like the standard 8 Series, the M8 is available as a coupe or convertible. A four-door Gran Coupe model will arrive this month followed by its M8 iteration, and these cars will effectively replace the 6 Series and M6 Gran Coupe.
From the design alone, the 2020 BMW M8 differs significantly from the M6 that it replaces. Whereas the M6 is visually hefty, the M8 is sleeker, streamlined, and sultry, especially when you view its side profile. The M8 looks particularly athletic up front, boasting large lower air intakes, a massive grille, and angry-looking headlights. The M6, on the other hand, looks chunky and rounded up front; its smaller kidney grille, lower front openings, and diamond-shaped headlight design add considerable bulk. Out back, the M8 emphasizes its wide stance with thin taillights and quad exhaust tips versus the M6, which looks more like an evolution of the old “Bangle butt” from its V-10-powered predecessor from the early- to late-2000s.
Both the 2020 BMW M8 and the M6 feature driver-centric interiors. The M8’s dash, for instance, is tilted towards the driver slightly while the M6 has a design element on the lower center console that clearly separates the driver from the front passenger. Their dashes feature a large screen as the centerpiece and a horizontal button layout for a simple, uncluttered look. Where the M8 starts to differentiate itself is in how it employs new technologies. A digital gauge cluster replaces the old analog units, giving the interior a techy look that the M6 lacks. The M8 also uses metal, carbon fiber, and wood trim liberally to break up the colors and add more eye candy.
Powered by a 4.4-liter twin-turbo V-8 paired to a specially tuned eight-speed automatic transmission, the 2020 BMW M8 will be the halo vehicle in the M division’s lineup. Like the new M5 sedan, the M8 is the second M car to come with a performance-tuned all-wheel-drive system that can go into rear-wheel-drive mode. All M8s will come with a high level of customization, giving drivers the ability to adjust everything from the powertrain and brakes to the steering and suspension.
The post Refreshing or Revolting: 2020 BMW M8 appeared first on MotorTrend.
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