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aliceisinchains · 1 month ago
invece dei botti, perché non una botta in testa?
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liesmyth · 11 months ago
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vertici FIGC be like: you made blackface WOKE
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dramasetter · 9 months ago
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Cose belle da amici belli
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mchiti · 22 days ago
ma vi ricordate il gruppo lo state sociale ma che fino hanno fatto. mi sono svegliata con questa domanda
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killiandestroy · 1 year ago
they're spilling the tea on the ballo del qua qua gate voglio sapere di chi sia l'idea
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janniksnr · 10 months ago
amic* di maria de filippi tumblr ho bisogno del vostro aiuto !! avete in mente qualche titolo di serie tv che secondo voi andrebbe evitata dopo una giornata di stress perché magari troppo 'pesante' ??
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i-am-a-polpetta · 2 years ago
no ma raga voi dovete sapere che c'è sto tizio della mia città che ha creato una pagina di meme sulla mia città e raga voi veramente non capite quanto cazzo faccia sbragare. perché cazzo non ci ho pensato io e invece no a lavorare come i deficienti.
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pygian-weapon · 9 months ago
raga, il voti alti per Israele all'Eurovision sono facili da spiegare :
- gente con una coscienza => boicotta => non vota nessuno
- stronzi => guardano e votano
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teredo-navalis · 2 years ago
Gruppo facebook cerco/offro giornali vecchi per lavare i vetri
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year ago
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ross-nekochan · 2 months ago
Infatti proprio bellissimo questo kimono...
Alla modica cifra di CINQUECENTO EURO
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Gothic imagery for this modern kimono by Furifu, mixing crows, manor, black cat , witch, etc.
I love the complete look with spiderweb haori, crescent moon bag, and cat in the moon obidome.
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elipsi · 25 days ago
well this is horrifying
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betweenthetimeandsound · 2 months ago
Mon Amour
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--prompt from @flashfictionfridayofficial
Anna didn't like how she looked.
The well-ironed cigarette pants held her legs together, though as she stepped across the tiles with her high heels, she landed with an awkward gait. One tumble in the wrong area, and her pants would split open like a wedding veil inside a car. The bohemian top which she found in a vintage store danced with the wind, but the lace ebbing only hovered over her cleavage, bursting out like pomelos from underneath the bustier she added last minute.
Only her silvery eyeshadow, which twinkled like stars and traced themselves to the moon, provided some form of confidence for Anna. With her fine fingers and photos printed and scattered on her bathroom counter, she created a vision which would keep others from looking at her chest.
"Hey, nice makeup!" Claudia called out from the corner, waving her arm and alerting everybody with her layers of charm bracelets. She rushed over to Anna, still trembling and hesitating to get her glimmery jacket off her body.
"Thanks--I did it myself." Anna grabbed onto Claudia's arm, a source of solace admit the Italo-disco and trance. The violet lighting provided a sense of elegance, and at the same time, almost dragged her away in its trance.
"What do you think of this place?"
"I just got here; I don't know what to...expect." A certain breathlessness entered Anna's chest; the oud and rose emanated from her collar only amplified the anxieties. She fiddled with Claudia's hands, hoping that she wouldn't squeeze too hard and break her bones.
Claudia laughed, brushing an auburn lock away from her eyes. "Then expect nothing. Come with me."
Now with her balance, Anna turned her head at the pretty people surrounding her, each adding a fuse to the kindling building up in her chest. When they glanced at her, their diamond eyes only radiated on the streaky periwinkle lighting which painted her face in shades of blue. In contrast to dreams of being the belle of the ball, their presence made her want to collapse in the ever-trembling floor.
"Do you want to meet my friend?" Claudia shouted out, but Anna's lips remained sealed with the taste of dry wine.
"Let me go get him for you!"
As Claudia lost herself in the crowd, Anna hesitated, torn between following her friend and staying within the music. The rising synthesizers made her want to reach for a hand lacquered with cherry red nails, yet the claws also saw her retreat back into the shadows. Dancing to the ecstatic rhythm, she felt a paroxysm of fear build in her lungs, ending in an invisible scream.
A synthesized string section accompanied that piece, and Anna fought the urges to push them away and advance to the next room. Something that would give her a modicum of silence, something that would keep her tongue from drying out. She slid her fingers into her scalp, letting bits of hair fall out and her hands to get oily.
"Anna!" Claudia shouted out from a distance, but the bass pounded the sound out of Anna's periphery. Instead, she rolled her shoulders and rose her fingers up to the ceiling, which turned into a virulent magenta due to the changing light. "Anna!" She heard her name call out again, but it was a mirage, just a mirage.
Until Claudia bumped into her with a gentle force, and introduced her friend. He stared at her with beady eyes and adjusted his hair with an awkward grace, before offering Anna his hand to confirm their acquaintance. Smiling a little, Anna replied, and tried to grab onto him.
"I'll see you later." Claudia told him, before kissing him on the cheek. Anna stood with trembling legs, as she noticed a trail of sparkles where her friend laid her lips. She stared at the light dancing off for a good minute before her friend grabbed her hand, and the dreaminess faded away.
Anna bit her lip. "How long have you guys known each other?"
"Not too long," he replied, before the music smothered the last of his words. "But she's been really nice to me."
"Of course she is!" Anna giggled, before landing her ankle in the wrong direction, and thus breaking the spell of stability. Lifting her foot, she bounced a few times to maintain balance, while noting the mild damage on her ankle.
Just then, he reached over and took it from Anna. Barely hanging on to her inhibitions, Anna turned her gaze onto the others; her heart taking off from the gates and speeding towards the terminal. Yet the grazes gave her a sense of belonging, tearing at her skin and her conscience.
Letting her ankle down, she tried to make a move, finding the sparkles cascade upon the man's stubble. The prickly hairs only drove her to further muddied her judgement; she took a moment to touch them before kissing them.
The glitter fell onto her lips; she admired the sparkle as time seemed to pause at that very moment. Claudia's friend hesitated on how to approach her, fiddling his hand against her back as if trying to figure out how to play a violin. A hesitant giggle, and then a locking eyes, and them another kiss.
Anna bit her tongue. Mouth to mouth always scared her, with its saliva and high expectations and angst. A kiss was sour like a fresh lemon, and stubbornly so. But she bit again so she could find some sweetness.
And everything stopped, and the temperature rose.
She didn't know that somebody was watching from the other side of the hall, with an outfit just like hers.
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lesbian-steppenwolf · 4 months ago
farei schifo come storyboarder e ancora peggio come sceneggiatrice ma non posso negare che l'idea che ho sui promessi sposi è intrigante
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chicklit-or-chocolate · 4 months ago
Le si avvicinò mentre era di spalle e la sfiorò sulle braccia. Cinzia non si accorse, lì per lì, di quel che stava facendo, presa com'era dal suo lavoro, ma appena se ne rese conto sollevò la testa e lo guardò in tralice.
«Che stai a fà?» gli chiese, sollevando le sopracciglia: era troppo stupita per provare imbarazzo del suo calore dietro di lei, dove sentiva, in effetti, quasi come un sordo brusio sulla pelle, il desiderio che promanava da lui.
«No, io niente. Richiamavo la tua attenzione» rispose subito Regazzino, fissandola per vedere sul suo viso gli effetti delle sue dita.
«Il mio nome lo sai, chiamami a voce, no?» disse lei, aggrottando le sopracciglia, senza offendersi.
«Eh che nna so, magari non vuoi che me se senta mentre te chiamo» s'inventò, sfrontato, sapendo di mentire.
In cuor suo Regazzino rideva: voleva vedere fino dove gli era permesso di toccare senza che lei si spazientisse, e lo eccitava pensare che, prima o poi, lei doveva desiderarlo, doveva volerlo, l'avrebbe voluto per forza perché... Perché? Era così strana questa creatura che lo guardava con occhi ridenti e affettuosi, che non lo disprezzava. Gli susicitava assieme fascinazione, desiderio e un senso di vaga rabbia che non sapeva dire, come se non potesse credere che al mondo qualcuno si fidava apertamente di un altro essere umano,che qualcuno poteva vivere così inerme e senza doversi combattere ogni palmo della più piccola cosa.
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killiandestroy · 5 months ago
usciti i criteri di valutazione per napoli io tra un po' spacco qualcosa
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