#ummmm maybe i'll put it on the main tag haha
redgearsmovin · 1 day
1, 2, 7 and 8 for the Imagination Movers! 🩵
Hii thank you for sending in!!! [ask game]
1. My favourite moment with them.
Ohh this a tough one because there's so many haha. I think on top of my head it's when they were trying to get Knit Knots out of the jumpsuit(?) that Dave asked him to put on. like when they were tying all Knit Knot's clothes over him, idk what they were thinking lmaoo. poor guy probably had to take a day off after that to recover from all the excitement he endured.
2. My favourite character in the group.
If including Nina then it's Nina! idk I just have a lot of ideas with her and she's so fun and comforting to think about. If just the Movers then maybe Dave, but Smitty is like a really close second too.
7. Would I see them as still friends in the future?
YES!! I cannot imagine them not being friends they're like a whole set, do not separate them 🥲
8. If it's not shown in canon, how do I think they met?
Ooh fun question! Still thinking about it so not sure yet if it happens all at once (they all met in highschool etc. or worked at the same place) or one by one (?) like they didn't all met each other in the same situation (?). Leaning towards the first one tho, they met in highschool and as adults they separated to work in jobs based on their abilities but it didn't work out as well for them maybe? And there's this one event where maybe they helped a bunch of people solve problems and they realized hey wait a minute we're really good at this, and boom their company was made.
There's another version where I wanna include more of the magical(?) aspects of the show but I still have to work on it hahahh.
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