#ummmm between you an' me.... I told myself 'do something low effort' and then. I. Put in.. effort.....
uzumaki-is-empty-head · 6 months
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Eclipse Gazing (so pretty tonight...)
vsz week day one: flowers/symbolism
didn't reallyyy know what to do for this one, so i decided to just turn my brain off and do something simple and fun! so i don't really know.. what is.. happening? In this drawing? i definitely would have gone insane otherwise though so 👍
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here's the original thumbnail! i don't usually do thumbnails, but this image came to me while i didn't have my phone on me, so i had to quickly doodle it in an already-full page lol (hence the blocked out separate sketches xp)
(second eclipse image isn't really related at all, i just liked it and wanted show it here ;3c)
Pretty exited for the rest of this week though! Hoping to post more art for it :33
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honestgrins · 6 years
Do you accept prompts that you didn't come up with, I don't know if you have a list or not. But I just thought up a prompt and I would give my firstborn child to read the story. I know you may not have seen the Originals but Esther tried to body-switch Rebekah and Klaus said 'take me instead.' So the prompt is Esther grants Klaus’s request and body-switches him instead of Rebekah. He’s put into a teenage boy not much older than Caroline, he finds Caroline in Mystic Falls. Chaos ensues.
Ummmm, sorry this took SO long!! I’m slowly working through my lists, I swear. Thanks for your patience, and I really hope you like it! Takes place near the beginning of TVD S6.
Familiarity || Klaroline
“I’m going to fix this.” Rebekah’s voice was steely as she cupped his face, looking for any resemblance to the brother who had selflessly taken her punishment instead. Her thumb traced the new line of his cheek. “I promise, Nik.”
Klaus smirked, the familiar expression almost eerie on his human vessel. “It’s only temporary, Rebekah,” he murmured quietly.
She glanced just behind him to glare at their mother. “I don’t trust her,” Rebekah hissed.
“As if I don’t already have a plan.” Rolling his eyes, Klaus turned to face Esther. “Satisfied, Mother? Here I am, human and non-threatening.”
Esther’s eyes remain cold as her smile spread to something almost like warmth. “It’s for the best,” she nodded sagely. “The mere lifetime ahead of you will be worth more than the millennium you’ve already lived, Niklaus.”
Stepping toward the body he once inhabited, Klaus swallowed back an odd, hollow feeling when faced with his desiccating form. “Rebekah.”
“No!” Esther screamed.
In a second, Rebekah flashed both Klaus and his body away from the compound. Too focused on the body swap, Esther had failed to maintain the barrier spell on the house, allowing her children to escape.
With his too human senses, the sudden speed was disorienting for Klaus. By the time Rebekah stopped at the compound, his chest was heaving, the urge to vomit nearly overwhelming the dizziness. “Now-” He had to pause, focusing on deep breaths to remain steady. “We’re going to need a witch for cloaking spells. Elijah has one of his computer techs working on a false identity I can assume in the meantime, just out of sight of Mother Dearest.”
Nodding, Rebekah had yet to look at him in his new body; she pushed back the hair against his graying skin, instead. All the times he had daggered her, yet she couldn’t take any joy in him forced into submission. They’ve all lost each other too many times, and by their own family. “Where will you go?”
“Once the spells are done and my body is reasonably secured,” Klaus shrugged, “I have an idea where I can lay low, the last place Esther would think to look. There’s even a built-in resistance should she manage to find me.”
She frowned, finally turning to face him. Her eyes looked for any sign of her devious brother among the unfamiliar features. “Tell me you’re not that stupid.”
His smirk fell into a stern glare, the resemblance becoming clear in the violent expression. “Careful, sister. I may be human now, but-”
“Shove it, Nik,” Rebekah snapped, steel in the reminder that she was more powerful than her brother for the first time in her long, long life. “What could you possibly hope to gain by going back there?”
Klaus narrowed his eyes, a cunning smile curving his lips. “It seems the quarterback hasn’t been keeping in touch,” he teased, enjoying her angry hiss in response. “My sources say that Mystic Falls is protected against magic.”
“And Mother can’t get to you,” Rebekah realized. “But you’re magically in a human body.”
Sighing, Klaus ran a hand through his hair and startled at the smooth, dark strands. “I don’t know, Bekah. It’s merely an option should Mother make herself a further nuisance. Plan A is to ingratiate myself nearby.”
Rebekah blinked, irritation rising in her expression. “Oh, you must be joking.”
“Whitmore University Academic Advising Office, Caroline speaking.” Her fake smile stretched like elastic with the standard greeting, voice strained between professionalism and complete irritation with the human condition. The office job seemed like a good bet for work-study hours, even if the endless phone calls panicked over registration made her want to eat everyone who didn’t understand basic instructions. “Yes, you received an email with that information, I’m not at liberty to discuss it with you,” she answered tightly. “Then check your student portal, it’s also listed there.”
Sighing at the barrage of angry explanations for why that was so hard, Caroline mentally reminded herself that murder was bad. Even if she was short on blood and super hungry, hunting down some freshman who got snippy with the wrong vampire was so not worth the effort and resulting guilt.
Not so much about the feeding; since she’d been magically locked out Mystic Falls all summer, Caroline goaded her mom into taking advantage of the relative peace with a long vacation. The beach resort had plenty of booze for her to sublimate, but blood bags were few and far between. Liz managed to grin and bear the glassy-eyed guests on their way to sleep off the blood Caroline gave to heal them, but not without a stern reminder for her daughter to use good judgment once back at school.
“Mystic Falls might be safe from the supernatural, but Whitmore isn’t,” Liz had warned just before crossing the border back into town. “Getting sloppy can get you killed, draw the wrong attention.” What she left unsaid had Caroline nodding back grave tears. The Travelers were finally gone, but not without losing Bonnie to wherever she and Damon ended up when the Other Side collapsed. Stefan fled to grieve his brother, Elena walked a fine line between miserable and losing it on a good day, and Matt seemed to enjoy his exclusively human experience.
Once Caroline made it to campus for her sophomore year, then, all that left her with was-
“Hello, gorgeous.” Enzo appeared before her desk, handing off a coffee cup that didn’t smell like coffee. “Thought you might be needing a pick-me-up.”
“Enzo!” She kept her admonishment to a harsh whisper, glancing around the open office to make sure no one noticed his too sudden entrance. He’d become an unexpectedly reliable companion, though she still wasn’t sure why he stuck around. After a hundred years in a cell, Caroline half wanted to send him on a world tour. But he brought her blood and let her vent about statistics homework, so…only half. “Some discretion would be nice.” His roguish smirk told her exactly what he thought about discretion, but she accepted the cup anyway; her crabbiness would only get worse without blood. “Suspiciously warm,” she noted. “Anyone I know?”
Shrugging, Enzo made himself comfortable in the waiting area next to her, legs kicked up on her bookshelf until she shoved his feet away. “One of the parents passing through, per your request. No one likely to build a lingering grudge over time.”
Caroline sighed in relief. “Thank you.” The scent of blood darkened the veins under her eyes, and the tips of her fangs just grazed her lip when a student knocked at the door. Ducking her head to fake a cough, she took a calming breath to greet him with a more human face. “Hello, can I help you?”
He just stood there, staring at her for a too long moment. “Uh, hello?” Caroline asked again, ignoring Enzo’s amused recline as he watched the show.
“Sorry.” The guy seemed to straighten his leather jacket before folding his hands behind his back. “I wasn’t expecting- Hello. I’m a new transfer from Tulane, and I received an email to confirm my schedule here.”
Enzo perked up in his seat. “New Orleans?” Wincing, Caroline reminded herself to never drink with him again. New friend bonding time had turned into story time, which included a fair amount about the Mikaelsons, the havoc they wrought, and the greener pastures they apparently found down South. “I hear it’s a great town to get in trouble.”
“And then some, mate.” He glanced between the two of them, though, his fond smile turning into something darker.
Her eyes narrowed, some wave of suspicion dawning upon her. “Name? I’ll need it to find your advisor.”
Surprisingly, he didn’t waver from her gaze, instead meeting it with a challenge of his own. “Nicholas Mills. Call me Nic.”
He had forgotten what it was like to truly be in the presence of Caroline Forbes, the whirlwind that she was. For a whole month, Klaus had been able to chat, flirt, and even befriend her in his new body. She invited him to movie nights, caught up with him at the library, it was the utterly human life he had wanted her to leave behind.
As much as he hated his own humanity at times, he could admit that this glimpse of another life was…tempting.
Klaus knew he would have to tell her the truth at some point; the excuse for protection would only hold her attention - and her patience - for so long. He would have to explain when the time was right. Unable to contact Rebekah without drawing their mother’s attention, though, Klaus could not begin to guess when the right time would be.
Until then, he simply tried to enjoy the time she spent with him as Nic Mills. Dreadfully bored from the rest of his college experience, Klaus couldn’t help but allow bits of himself bleed through the mask. He spent his days in art classes, rolling his eyes through poor interpretations and misinformed history lessons. Often, he would duck into the music wing to while away at the piano. Whitmore had more to offer than he’d expected, but too much longer in this game would surely drive him insane.
But watching Caroline dance, smile bright among the party lights of the frat house, was a different sort of hell entirely. A red Solo cup of cheap beer was shoved into his hand, and he glanced over to find Enzo smirking at him. “Thanks,” he bit out, taking a sip. The strange vampire had been an unpleasant surprise, to say the least. It had only taken Klaus a day to catch onto his supernatural status, what with the unsubtle jokes about going for a bite and bloody t-shirts. Finding him so close to Caroline was even worse. Those nicknames. She had brooked no such casual friendship with Damon; why she put up with this fellow, Klaus didn’t understand.
“Following our girl again, huh?” Enzo drank from a flask instead, his eyes darting around the room. “Gorgeous has a tendency of collecting hangers-on.”
“Apparently so,” Klaus noted, none too generously. “Where’d she get you, then?”
Shrugging, Enzo waved back to Caroline who’d noticed both of them in the corner. “Would you believe that I was held captive for a hundred years, only to be abandoned by the closest thing I had to family, with just a gorgeous blonde to pester me back to fighting shape? Of course not, that’d be impossible.”
Klaus blinked, suddenly wanting much more of that story. But with Caroline approaching, he had to quash his instincts to threaten Enzo for information. “Hello.”
“Just in time, Gorgeous,” Enzo teased. “I was telling Nic here all about how we met. See, she pretended to hate me for a bit, but I grew on her. I hear it’s a habit with her, actually.”
Rolling her eyes, Caroline stole his flask before turning to Klaus. “Don’t believe a word he says. You don’t strike me as the frat party type.”
“You’re here,” he answered simply, much to Enzo’s amusement.
With a hoarse laugh, Enzo barely dodged an elbow jab from Caroline. “Careful, you’re a bit more breakable than her usual boyfriend. Don’t have fur, do you?”
Her hand pushed him away until she could slip between them like a barrier. Klaus wanted to push on that, wondering if he was included in that usual. Her smile turned placating, a reminder of all the times she acted as the distraction for him. “Seriously, ignore him. He’s already drunk. Do you want to da- Hold on.” Caroline reached into her pocket, frowning at the display as it buzzed. “This is…weird. I should take this.”
Lifting the phone to her ear, Klaus tried to decipher the sudden pinch in Caroline’s expression, only for the reason to become all too clear. “Rebekah?”
Klaus froze and wished he had his supernatural hearing. He didn’t want to show his hand too soon, both his safety and Caroline’s good favor depended upon him play his cards right. Worse, Rebekah might be in trouble when he was in no position to help. As his brain ran wild with the possibilities, he forced his face to remain passive. After all, he was just a human with no clue as to the Original family’s existence.
Thoroughly concerned with her conversation, Caroline didn’t seem to pay him much mind. Her eyes went wide; Klaus assumed Rebekah told her of Esther’s return and his own sacrifice. “No, Bonnie’s-” She choked up a bit, likely taken off guard. He hadn’t been pleased to discover the joy of Damon’s death cost a Bennett witch as well, though he knew Caroline was impacted on a more emotional front. “She’s gone. Where did Klaus go? Is he okay?”
Warmed at the note of worry in her voice, Klaus figured he had best be the one to come forward with the truth. Holding out his hand, he let himself fall back into his natural accent. “I’m fine, love. Give me the phone.”
Caroline hesitated only a moment until her eyes slid shut. He could practically feel the frustration rolling off her as she pressed the phone into his hand. “Unbelievable,” she muttered seconds before flashing them both out of the party. When they arrived in her off-campus apartment, Klaus took deep breaths to prevent vomiting. She scoffed at the utterly human reaction. “Seriously? Start talking, Nic.”
“You wanker,” Rebekah’s tinny voice yelled through the phone. “Is it really you, Nik?”
Sighing, Klaus held the phone up to his ear. “Yes, Rebekah. It’s been a dull few weeks. I assume you’ve been trying to reach me.”
“Your voicemail is full.”
“Phone’s locked in my studio at the compound,” Klaus answered. “I didn’t want to give Esther’s minions a means to track me.” He watched as Caroline crossed her arms, clearly unsettled.
Rebekah mumbled some obscenities at the holes in that plan, not that they’d had much time to develop it. “Well, I have you now. Elijah and Marcel have brokered a truce with Mother, I was going to bring your body up to Whitmore to avoid any interference with the spell.”
“What truce?” He certainly didn’t approve any such agreement, especially given their mother’s ill will toward their very being.
“We have Finn, it’s a trade. His life for your freedom. If the Bennett can’t do the spell, however, I want Caroline to escort you back to New Orleans. Davina will have to be the one to return you.” With a click, Rebekah hung up before either of them could protest.
Playing idly with the phone, Klaus struggled to meet Caroline’s eyes. “Sweetheart-”
“Please, don’t.” She sounded tired. “This is just…weird. Why would you do this? You made me a promise.”
I will walk away, and I’ll never come back.
Klaus opened his mouth, only to close it again. Dragging his tongue across his bottom lip, he bowed his head. “Where else would you have me go?” He glanced up to see the indecision on her face. “I wanted to tell you. Several times.”
“And yet, you didn’t. Several times.” She combed her hands through her hair, and Klaus watched forlornly as paced the room. “Well, it looks like you finally got me to New Orleans. Let’s go, we can make it there by lunch.”
Pressing her hands to her mouth, Caroline shook her head. “We’ll be trapped in a car for hours, I swear, we’ll talk about boundaries and honesty and common courtesy, I just…need a little time to process for myself. Okay?” She stared expectantly until he nodded in answer. “Okay. And I get to pick the music, it’s my car and I haven’t been lying for weeks.”
“No arguments here, love.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Stop that. I need to pack.” Flashing around her apartment, she came to a sudden stop with a suitcase in her hand.
A flare of hope clenched his stomach, though he wisely stayed quiet; still, a suitcase seemed more appropriate for an extended visit than a mere delivery. Soon, curiosity overwhelmed him. “Did you like him? Nic?”
Caroline, half buried in her pantry looking for road trip snacks, turned to face him in speculation. “I wanted to,” she finally said. “It’s been a while since…” The woods. “Plus, dating a human is such a recipe for disaster. I always kind of knew it would only be a temporary thing, which is fine. But I don’t like being temporary.”
Immortal. Fearless. “For what it’s worth,” he breathed, almost scared to invite her derision once more, “temporary is the last thing I want from you.”
“I know.” She didn’t sound sad or resigned as he’d expected. Rather, Caroline stated it as a matter of fact - that what they might be, would be forever. Shrugging, she managed a small smile. “Not yet.”
Klaus blinked, all too human heart pounding in his chest. He was about to have Caroline all to himself for hours, then in New Orleans, in his own body. She wasn’t ready for forever.
Not yet.
Read on: AO3 and FFnet
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stickytablet · 7 years
I’m a self indulgent shmuck who decided to write a longer-than-normal TSSM Poly Sandman/Rhino/Reader with an established relationship set in the episode Group Therapy.
“-Sandman and Rhino, you’ll enter first, at which point Shocker, you’ll-” Doctor Octopus continued to talk about who would go where and what everyone would do upon the arrival of the Web-Head, taking sips of dearly missed decent coffee every few minutes.
The Sandman lent over to whisper in the ear of his partner as the Doc droned on. “Hey, O’Hirn, we should probably call them or somethin’, right? Like, let them know we’re back.”
“Yeah, probably should.”
“Then if we’re all in agreement,” the Doc raised his voice, catching their attention, “We shall make our way to Times Square. It would be a shame to keep Spider-man waiting.” The Six rose and began to make their way to the small bus that resided in the center of the warehouse. Sandman and Rhino made quick work of catching up to the Doctor.
“Hey, Doc?”
“Yes, Sandman?”
“Well, me n’ Rhino here have a call to make ‘for we go.”
Octavius released a sigh at the inconvenience but pointed a metal claw in the direction of the warehouse’s landline phone. “Be quick about it.”
You never really enjoyed waiting tables, but it did pay your bills. Or, at least, what bills you could afford to pay. So, you welcomed the distraction when your phone lit up with an unknown number during your break.
“Hello, this is (y/n).”
“Guess who’s back, babe?” You could recognize that voice anywhere. The pencil you had been twirling in your fingers fell to the ground.
“Flint, oh my god is that you?!” You could feel your heart in your throat. Ryker’s refused you visitation time, calls, or mail, citing each as a threat to security. To hear his voice again was an answer to your prayers.
“The one and only!” His smugness had you laughing through tears of joy and you could hear Alex’s booming voice in the background demanding to be put on. “Listen, babe, we can’t talk long and Alex wants to talk to ya, too. I love you.”
You smiled fondly at the reverence with which he said those three little words, knowing he must have missed you just as much as you missed them. “I’ve missed you. I love you, too, Sunshine.”
You could hear the phone being shuffled around before a deeper voice filled the line.
“I missed you. So much.”
You sniffled a bit before replying, “I missed you, too.”
“…Are you crying?” He seemed genuinely confused about it.
“I’m just so happy to hear your voices again. I love you both so much. Are you okay?” You could hear something high pitched on the other end and Flint telling him to hurry it up. “What’s going on?”
“Sorry, gotta go. We’ll call you later, ‘kay? Love you, моя́ сла́дкая.”
“I love you, too, hun, but wher-” The call ended abruptly. You were left listening to the low beeps as you processed the rushed conversation.
The next call came much later, at 8 PM.
“Yes? This is (y/n).”
“Hey, baby, it’s Alex. Listen, we need a hostage.”
“…You want me to be your hostage?”
“Nothin’ bad ‘s gonna happen! I just figured this would be a good way to get to see you.”
You let a moment of silence pass before you sighed. “Where do you guys need me?”
“…HEY ELECTRO! WHAT PLACE ARE WE HOLDIN’ UP?” You had to pull the phone away for a second, a smile slipping onto your face at his boisterousness. “It’s the Metro Bank in about thirty minutes.”
“And you can promise I’m not going to get like, accidentally shot at or anything? I mean, I trust you and Flint but I’ve never met your…friends? Acquaintances? Associates in Spider bashing?”
“Promise. If they even think about thinkin’ about it, I’ll smash ‘em myself.”
“Thank you, babe. Well, I guess I’ve got some checks to cash. I’ll be there as soon as I can; I love you, stay safe.”
“Love you too, baby. See ya soon.”
You had been waiting outside of the bank for a while when you noticed something through the front windows. Sand was spilling down from the high ceiling and piling onto the floor, shifting into a human shape before it took on the appearance of your boyfriend. You were so caught up in seeing him again that you didn’t notice the approaching Montanan until you felt the gauntlet on your back.
“You’re O’Hirn and Marko’s darlin’?”
“Yes? Wh-”
“Why ain’t you inside?”
“…The bank’s closed on Saturday. Does that glove have a safety switch or something?”
“Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna hurt you none. We just need to make this look believable.” His words did little to ease your tense posture and you began to wonder where Flint had disappeared to. He soon emerged from out of the back room and, noticing you, quickly made his way to open the front door. The man behind you grabbed your arm.
“Babe!” Flint’s smile spread wider and grew brighter now that you were just in front of him. “God, it’s been fore-”
“Ah! Reunions later, get inside.” The Montanan dragged you into the bank, pushing past a disgruntled Sandman. “You took care of them cameras?”
“Yes, will you let g-”
“Duh, now let the-”
“Will you just let my partner go?!”
They stared each other down for a second before Shocker relented and wandered off to the bank vaults, cussing under his breath about unprofessionalism and amateur hour.
There was a quiet moment, neither of you quite sure what to say, but your happiness at seeing him just couldn’t be contained. You quickly closed the short distance between you and leapt into his arms, pure joy radiating from your laughter. Flint chuckled at your enthusiasm and used your momentum to spin you around.
“You miss me?” he said with a knowing smirk, mirth lacing his voice.
“So much I won’t even comment on how different you feel.” It was true; despite how tightly he tried to pack himself or how smooth he tried to make himself, you could still feel some granules rub off from where you held him and his “skin” seemed rougher, almost like a cat’s tongue. Regardless, you buried your head into the crook of his neck, eyes falling shut as you tried to memorize every little detail of this moment. God, you missed being wrapped up in his hold. You stayed like that for what felt like hours, quietly mumbling into each other’s skin.
“Babe,” he said softly, gently nudging you. You hummed in reply. “Babe. Look at me.”
You were hesitant to change your rather comfortable position, but complied. His eyes were half lidded and he wore the softest smile you’d ever seen on him. He moved a hand from your back to cup your face, gently stroking your cheek. Wait, was your cheek wet? Shit, you didn’t even know that you’d been crying. You quickly swiped the tears from your other eye with the back of your hand, wiping it off on your clothes before you moved to his face, brushing over his pronounced cheekbones with a thumb and leaning in to give him a kiss. It certainly felt…odd, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. Pulling away, you rested your forehead against his.
“I’m afraid that if I let go,” you whispered as softly as you could, “You’re going to disappear and I’ll never be able to see you again.”
“No no no,” he gently chided, “That’s not gonna… It’s gonna be okay, sugar. Those cops aren’t gonna be locking me or Alex up anytime so-”
“Are you two done yet?”
“Wow, can you ruin a moment or what.”
Shocker leaned against the wall, two bags of cash richer and now in possession of one of Sandman’s famous deadpans.
“I told Rhino they was here, so he’ll prolly be runnin’ in any minute, but we still gotta make the call to lure in the bug. A hostage is about as useful as tits on a boar hog if no one knows about em.”
“…I’m not entirely sure that’s an actual thing people say but…ok?” He reluctantly put you down, took your hand, and followed Shocker into the back room.
The Enforcer removed the phone from off the wall, dialed three little numbers, and handed the phone off to you. “You’re in a hostage situation with other people and we’re demanding $7,000 ransom.”
“Hello, this is 911, please state your emergency.”
“M-my name is (y/n), I’m at the Metro Bank on 53rd. We’re being held h-hostage by those uh escaped convicts.”
“Ma’am, who’s we?”
“Me and…uh…about five other people…oh god.” The sound of glass shattering and a yelp of surprise on your part filled the line. The operator could make out a rather loud order for someone to stay quiet.
“Ma’am, are you ok? What happened?”
“Ummmm…” Looking out of the doorway, you could see that it was Rhino who had busted through the glass doors. Flint stood nearby, an unnaturally large and off-color hand placed over his boyfriend’s mouth in an effort to shush him.
“Ma’am, what happened?” You gave a desperate look to Montana, at a loss on what to say that would be believable and really just wanting to see your other boyfriend. He rolled his eyes in exasperation and snatched the phone from your hand, waving you out into the main lobby.
“The same thing that’ll happen in an hour if’n y’all don’t bring us a good seven thousand. Been a good chat here, Ma’am, take care.”
You walked tentatively out of the backroom, waiting to hear the click of the phone’s switch before you rushed forward to see your boyfriends.
“Alex!” You couldn’t wait any longer to get back into his arms; he always gave the biggest bear hugs, even if they were few and far between. But when you wrapped your arms around his waist (succeeding in getting about half way around him) and let your head rest against the armor that covered his familiar chest, you noticed a distinct element missing: him hugging back. Looking back up, you saw his arms awkwardly dangling away from his sides and gave him a questioning look.
“осторо́жно, ми́лая! I don’t do too good with hugs no more.”
Smiling, you took a half step back to get a better look at him, resting your hands on his abdomen (you never had been able to rest your hands against his chest when he stood up straight, he was just so damn big). “Oh my god,” you let out with a chuckle, “Did you grow a few inches or what! This is just unfair, it was hard enough already to get a proper kiss and now I’m gonna need to stand on a box!” You stretched yourself up as you joked, motioning for him to lean down and meet you half way. Your hands made their way onto his shoulders as he bent down, one sliding towards the back of his thick neck to bring him in for that “proper kiss” (you had to twist your head to avoid getting hit by his horn). As the kiss furthered, you could feel Alex start to gently stroke your hair, having either gained confidence in his ability to control his new strength or just really, REALLY wanting to touch his partner. Probably the latter. He started to drift upwards, his hunched pose too uncomfortable to hold, your lips parting for a second before he swept you up with him on one of his arms. You were almost surprised by how easily he lifted you, but then again, he would straight up bench press you without breaking a sweat, so with super strength you probably only seemed like a pile of grapes. It wasn’t much later that you were forced apart for air, the sound of heavy breathing broken by a Brooklyn accent.
“Hey, now I’m not complaining about the show, but we didn’t kiss for that long,” Flint teased, trying to hold it over his partners’ heads in an effort to win some more smooches.
“Hehe, yeah, cause no one wants a mouth fulla sand.”
“You didn’t seem to mind it.”
Alex swallowed at that, probably remembering how he had to chew on left over sand for a solid hour afterwards. And how he didn’t regret it in the slightest.
“Aw, Sunshine,” you cooed, motioning Flint to join you, “Here, I’m happy to give you another smooch. Hell, I’ll give you a hundred!” You were quick to scoop up his face in your hands, peppering him with little kisses and ending with a big silly smooch on the mouth. You let out a giggly squeal as you were unexpectedly set down, Alex now moving to embrace his boyfriend.
“My turn,” he said as he leaned in. He let out a surprised sound when Flint pulled him in the rest of the way, muffled by his boyfriend’s lips; Alex melted into the kiss, Flint eagerly taking control. Your heart swelled at the sight, loving how much your boys loved each other.
“Y’aint done yet?!” Alex bit sharply into (and through, as Flint lost some composure at the sudden interruption) Flint’s bottom lip. “Listen, the bug’s gonna be here any second now. Y’all’ll have all the time in the world to rodeo around after the bug’s been squashed. Now I suggest you get out to your places befo-”
“He’s back, boys!”
Sandman quickly broke free of his boyfriend to give you one last forehead kiss before he left to go take on the web head. “Don’t worry, babe!” he called out as he flew out the door in his granulated form, “We’ll be back in no time! Love you!”
“I love you, too, Sunshine!” Your voice was weaker than you wanted it to be, worry beginning to weave its way through you. What if they got hurt? What if they got captured, sent back to Ryker’s? Spider-man wasn’t known for killing anyone but what if…? What if the cops came after you for collaboration and assisting? What if you couldn’t see them again? That’s all you wanted for weeks, to see them, to be together again, to have them home.
Rhino was about to follow his partner out into the fray, figuring he didn’t need to say goodbye because you’d all be together again in thirty minutes, when he felt a gentle tug on his hand. Turning, he found you pressing a chaste kiss into his right palm, tears threatening to spill.
“Promise me you’ll both come back to me? It’s been horrible without you home.”
His heart broke at the sight before it swelled with rage at the root of your concern.
“Promise.” He pulled his hand away, beginning to charge. “And I promise to knock that skinny lil creep out cold fer makin’ you stress like this!” He emphasized his statement by punching a flying Spidey square in the face, sending him soaring.
You sat yourself down against the wall, working to calm your nerves. Of course your partners would make it out okay. Sure, they were beaten individually, but there were six of them now, all working together. There was no way Spider-man could take down all six of them.
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