#uhhh... my pinned post isn't about Tsuchigomori. he simply was mentioned to reinforce an idea.
ngmn2002 · 3 months
about your pinned post, specifically this part: "he [tsuchigomori] can change amane's future but chooses not to". where did you get the idea that tsuchigomori can change amane's past from? unlike the clock keepers, tsuchigomori's powers don't grant him control over the past, present, or future. he is able to know everything that has happened and will happen, and is able to use that knowledge to intervene, which would change the future. but we have no reason to think he can alter the past. now that it's happened, there is nothing tsuchigomori can do to help. the only way tsuchigomori could've possibly helped was if he'd noticed that amane's future changed back when it happened, when amane was still alive, but tsuchigomori had no reason to think amane's future would change back then. so, i don't think it's fair to say that tsuchigomori is choosing not to help amane, when it's impossible for him to do anything at this point.
I was using his own words, the ones he voiced out to Nene himself.
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About Amane's future:
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Well, he said he pretended to care for student Amane to keep his 'human image', but we know deep down he did care. But that care was not enough for him to pay much attention to what was going with Amane, thinking it all will end well and that's it, reading his future part in his book. Seeing the moment Amane's future changed, while he didn't (maybe didn't manage to) do a thing had him regretting it, the moon rock became his yorishiro and he became No.5.
Hanako is another issue, the talk there was about alive Amane, we don't know if he might actually be able to give Hanako a future if he wanted. Maybe he can't, but if he can, then well, his care and regret together are also not enough for him to give up on himself, yet again. But I assume it's the first case. Either way, it's his right to choose, no one forces him to give up on himself for someone.
And certainly, according to his words to Nene, he might care for some people a lot, but not enough for him to give on his own existence to change their future.
A best example after alive Amane's case, is Alive! Nene's herself. He knows about her future
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and "fatal/as he puts it" death,
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can do a thing about it, according to his own words over his power of changing a person's future, he cares for her,
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But simply, not enough for him to step into changing her future, and giving up on himself.
Unlike Amane's case, he knows death, no future, await her really soon.
Although I assume, AidaIro won't leave such power for No.5 to hold hanging in the air like that with no use. Maybe at some point, he will find it in himself to sacrifice himself to change one's future, maybe Nene's, resulting in changing many others to the better in the progress, Amane's and maybe Tsukasa's included, since they are deeply affected by Nene. He'll be saving many, with choosing the right one future to change.
This, is just a thought, it might not really happen, but I'm sharing it, for nice Tsuchigomori's sake. To be fair to him. Even when the words he voices show such uncare, we will say we see deep down into him, and find him to really care.
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