#ugh like. we knew she grew up poor. she's a black girl in texas and when we met her her mom was in jail and her dad was dead
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omg omg omg. food is so telling in a show. tulip made pancakes for the group for breakfast and she spelled their names with m&ms on the pancakes and also had whipped cream, marshmallows and hot fudge at the ready and she offered boo berry cereal to alison who called it "chemicals" and i just. dude im gonna go crazy. it's so indicative that she grew up in poverty (eats a lot of extremely processed foods) and also she spelled cassidy's name wrong (casadee is what it looks like) which indicates her education wasnt the best and. oh my god. the effort they put into this show is insane.
#preacher tv#tulip o'hare#DO YOU GET IT. DO YOU UNDERSTAND.#ugh like. we knew she grew up poor. she's a black girl in texas and when we met her her mom was in jail and her dad was dead#and her uncle's a drunk. but it's so so so important to me when shows SHOW that. when it affects their life outside of idk.#street smarts and wishing they were rich i guess.
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of bomber girls and babies
-elsewhere- bram: *a-CHOO* *sniff* ugh...im going to die. TT_TT louisa: D8 Fitzgerald: "??? Why not some orange juice?" bram: *sniff* maybe... my apologies, i've always had a rather weak disposition..... *COUGHING UP BLOOD* urk.....that's a side effect of my ability....i hope. louisa: *fainted* Fitzgerald: "!!!" *$1.34 catch of Louisa* "Oh dear...What side effect?" bram: my ability allows me to create and control blood. *the blood on the floor bubbles and a bit of it floats up and takes on several shapes* as a result, my body overproduces it and...well... Fitzgerald: "Ah...Perhaps we should buy you something to cought blood into?" bram:... p-perhaps.... louisa: @-@ Fitzgerald: *carries Louisa to the couch* "I'll get Bram a cookie, and you a blanket." mary: bandaids for me please! *there is an owl on her head, pecking at her* Fitzgerald: "...Why is that owl...?" bram: that sort of thing happens a lot around her. Fitzgerald: "...Do I feed it?" -later- Fitzgerald: *walking* nurse: can i help you, sir? Fitzgerald: "Yes, hello. I wanted to meet with two...friends." nurse: i see, can you tell me their names? Fitzgerald: "Hawthorne and Mitchell." nurse:.... oh...um... *she seems nervous* Fitzgerald: "??? What's wrong?" nurse: well, someone checked them out about two months ago. Fitzgerald: "??? Who?" nurse: some russian guy i think, and shortly after-....i shouldnt be saying this, it's confidential. Fitzgerald: "..." *slides up a $100 bill* nurse: ._.;; Fitzgerald: *smiles politely* "Please?" nurse:.... Fitzgerald: "???" nurse: *whispers* one of our nurses went missing shortly after. the russian guy, from what i heard, went by the name 'fyodor' something-or-other....but you didnt hear this from me, got it? Fitzgerald: *slightly tense...nods* *whispers* "I heard nothing..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sips tea* kirei: ^^ Benimaru: "???" *offers a cookie* kirei: thank you. *smiles* Benimaru: "You're welcome..." *sets his cup down* "Kirei..." kirei: hmm? Benimaru: "...I like your hair." kirei: ^////^ i guess its grown out these past few months. Benimaru: "It suits you." *passes a hand along it* kirei: ... .///// Benimaru: "...Your skin is soft." kirei: o/////o Benimaru: "..." *holds her hand to his cheek* kirei: *kiss* >///< Benimaru: o\\\\o *falls back* kirei: !!! beni, are you alright? D8 Benimaru: *takes her hand* kirei: ?? Benimaru: *pulls her down* kirei: O//////O Benimaru: .\\\\. "...Now what?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *soaking his feet in a tub of water* =\\\\= kranz: *relaxing in the tub* *whistling* Hyde: "Hmm...Good tune..." kranz: thanks. guildenstern: *sweats* >///-///>;;;;; Hyde: *dumps water over his own head* "Ah...Refreshing..." -elsewhere- Assi: "I got you a gift!" mono: ?? Assi: *holds up an asymmetrical bunny doll* mono:.... (thinking: SO CUTE) t-thanks. 7///n///7 Assi: "Hee hee--sure!" -elsewhere- Relan: *holding up a maid outfit* "..." shinra: that sure brings back memories, eh rel? ^///^ Relan: ^\\\^ "Yeah...I-I'm still embarrassed..." shinra: *hug* who'd have thought it would lead to where we are now? Relan: QUQ "I-I-I-I hadn't..." shinra:...*rubs his back* i dont think i can apologize enough for how unfair i was to you back then... Relan: "Wh-What? H-How were you 'unfair'?" shinra: before i gave you a chance, i avoided you. looking back, i was an idiot. *hug* Relan: Q\\\\Q "...I was creepy..." shinra: i guess all we can do now is learn from our mistakes and move forwards, right? Relan: "..." *nods, hugs back* -morning- Kid: =\\\w\\\= stocking: u//////u zzz Kid: *turns over, kisses her cheek* stocking: mmmm morning~ Kid: *yawn* "Good morning..." *nuzzles* -chuuya's apartment- Chuuya: *groans, take headache medicine* >_____< mito: =w= Chuuya: *pets her, even as he holds an ice compress to his head* mito: ^w^ Chuuya: *small tummy rub* -seems there are a few text messages on his phone. one from kouyou, one from tachihara, one from naoya....and one from akutagawa- Chuuya: *groans...looks at the one from Kouyou* kouyou: [make sure you drink plenty of water later] Chuuya: *groans* *skips over Tachihara's, looks at Naoya* naoya: [hey chuuchuu! hope you're doing better. also, akuta wanted to talk to you. he said it's important. Chuuya: "...What does he want?" Akutagawa: [hey] Chuuya: "Some opening..." Akutagawa: [i am sorry] Chuuya: "???" Akutagawa: [i thought it was best to end Rain’s suffering] Chuuya: "?!!!! How-How can he even say that?!" Akutagawa: [she was in that state. i could feel that same frustration. and if I was like that, i would hope a friend would stop my suffering. i would hope you would end it.] Chuuya: "..." *tears welling up* "..." [okay] Akutagawa: [i'm sorry] Chuuya: [i know] [thanks] Akutagawa: QWQ; -elsewhere- Sakuya: *chopping an apple* naho: zzzz =w= Sakuya: *small smile, before he sets down the plate and eats one of the apple slices* naho: *nom* ^^ Sakuya: "Oh, so food wakes you up..." naho: >u< Sakuya: *puts another apple slice between his own lips* naho: *snuggles* Sakuya: ^\\\^ lilac: zzzz.... Sakuya: *looks at Lilac, whispers to Naho* "So peaceful..." naho: yeah...*pats lilac's head* -he seems calm- Sakuya: *whispers* "Does he need a blanket?" naho: maybe... Sakuya: *pulls out a blanket, lays it carefully over Lilac's shoulders* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Got any 2's?" *holding cards* kirika: dude, this is texas hold'em, not go fish. Giriko: o\\\o "I-I knew that--shut up! Um...I'll take the card with the guy putting the knife through his head." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *wearing goggles* "..." karin: *welding parts together* Vulcan: "Coming along nicely..." *polishing the surface for the next attachment* karin: *smiles* Vulcan: "What you gonna call it?" karin: hmmm.... styx-83? Vulcan: "...But that doesn't have an animal in the name." karin: hmmmm.... mongoose 64? Vulcan: owo "Yes..." nozomi: ^^; Vulcan: "??? Nozomi, what'd you think? Styx or Mongoose?" nozomi: hmmm....its hard to tell. Vulcan: "Well, it digs, like a mongoose...but it can dig down to Styx itself..." nozomi: then maybe mongoose would make more sense then! Vulcan: ^^ "Yay!" karin: it does now that you think about it. *ruffles her hair* you're a real smart kid, nozomi. nozomi: >///< t-thank you dr itou! Vulcan: *chuckles* "You're all so friendly." karin *hug* my two precious dork children. well, i mean one of them is my sister's kid, but- ah you know what i mean. nozomi: ^^; Vulcan: .\\\. "...Thanks, Doc." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, sneaking through the bushes* "..." *licks his lips* -a bird is just casually chillin- Mr. Tsubaki: *stalking his prey...closer...closer...* bird: UuU Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *leaps* -NOM- Mr. Tsubaki: *munch munch munch* *feathers along his mouth* -elsewhere- Kid: *sweeping the floor* shiori: *watching* Kid: *smiles* "Just getting the last of the crumbs off the floor, Shiori." shiori: okie! Kid: "Want to help?" *pulls out a brand new smaller toy broom* shiori: ^^ *tiny waddling up to him* Kid: *walks up a bit, hands her the broom* shiori: *sweeping* Kid: *shiny eyes* "So cute~!!!" lord death: >u< liz: so small.... QuQ Yumi: *rapid-fire photo snaps* *shiny glasses* ouo stocking: ^^ Kid: "Thank you for your help, Shiori." *smiles* -elsewhere- Hibana: "SIT DOWN!" mikami: poor kishiri... ryuuko: ... Kishiri: Q____Q "I am--" Hibana: "Now get on all fours and bark like a dog!" Kishiri: Q\\\\\Q gabriella: o///o; Hibana: "Did I stutter?!" Kishiri: "Um...'Woof'?" Hibana: *sits on Kishiri's back, like he's a footstool* "Good." *starts filing her nails* -elsewhere- -ding- -incubation complete- yana: oh neat, that thing is done. keek:..... ._______. what the hell is that? child: *laying on the floor, breathing* yana: it's a kid. i grew it. keek:..... ok? FD: "Excellent." zoey: *already cradling the child* child: ...ma...ma? FD: …. zoey: it's ok sonia, mama is here now, papa is here too. FD: "...Um..." yana:...she almost kinda looks like you. almost. FD: *cough* zoey: ?? sonia:.... papa? keek:....whats going on? yana:...i have no idea. FD: …. "L-Let's get the kid's bed ready..." yana: nowhere near the pastor's room. he's just gonna yell at me again. Hawthorne: *inhuman moans* FD: "..." -___-; "Agreed." keek: O_O;;; w-what was that? yana: the pastor. he's been confined to his room for weeks. FD: "Someone should speak with him." *pats Keek's shoulder* keek: me? O_O; yana: good luck kid. keek: i'm 21! FD: "Good." *pushes Keek to Hawthorne's door* keek: Q_Q....*gulp*.....um....helloooo? *The room is pitch black...Growling is heard from the corner* keek:.... Q___Q (thinking: and here i thought all my browsing the deep web would give me a thicker skin....) *There's a pool of some liquid on the floor...* keek:.... Q_____Q *It's red...* ???: "Who let you in...?" keek:....um.....fyodor did? QuQ;;; *something snatches her wrist* keek: *SCREAM* ???: "Then you will help me..." keek: ?? Hawthorne: *shirtless, covered in cuts...hands her a chain* "Whip me. Punish me, Demon." keek:....nnnnooooooope. *backing away* Hawthorne: "..." *unhands her* "...You aren't really a demon, are you?" keek: im insignificant! Hawthorne: "...Name." keek: real name or an alias? Hawthorne: "Whichever." keek: k-keek. Hawthorne: "...Nathaniel Hawthorne." keek: the name sounds familiar.... Hawthorne: "I get that a lot...Would you like to meet my friend?" keek:....um..... .__.;; Hawthorne: "She won't talk much, as she's kind of in a coma--" keek: ..... .-.;;;; Hawthorne: "Her name is Margaret...and we will bring her back." keek:....ooookay? Hawthorne: "Also, why were you sent in here? Why are you here?" keek:.....*squeaks* i dont know Q~Q i just wanna go home. Hawthorne: "...He is forcing you here?" keek:.... Q____Q i dont know what he wants from me. this place is scary and full of weird bad things and i hear weird lewd noises and now there's a baby that grew out of a thing and i really wanna go home now. Hawthorne: "...Sorry, maybe it was your fast talking or the blood loss, but did you say 'baby'?" keek: more like a 6-year-old child? she was laying in front of some tube thing... i dont know half of whats happening here. Hawthorne: O____O "...What?" "How long was I locked in here?" keek:....i dont know. yana: 'bout two months. Hawthorne: "...Oh..." Q___Q keek:.... Q_Q what is going on in this place? i just wanna go home. sonia:...? Hawthorne: *sniff* sonia: *staring at all the blood*....mama it's a monster, we need to burn it. zoey: *holding sonia close to her* Hawthorne: "!!!???!!!" zoey: *glaring at hawthorne with a look of pure malice on her face* how DARE you frighten my child! Hawthorne: "!!! I had no intention of doing so! Just close the door--" -SLAM- keek:......*just stares at zoey* zoey: its ok sonia, mama will take care of you, and soon, your big brother will be brought home... keek:......i just wanna go home. FD: "Only when you finish what we need you to..." keek:..... Q_______________Q -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Behave out there." atsushi: *nods and adjusts his jacket* *inhales* ok. i got this. Lucy: *standing outside, looking around* atsushi: good morning lucy, you ready to go? Lucy: *surprised, smiling* "Oh, hello--" *then sits up straight, surprised, pouts* "Y-You took long enough." >\\\< *A shadow is watching from the bushes* atsushi: YOU LOOK NICE TODAY! Lucy: "!!!" .\\\. "You...look mature." Akutagawa: *from bushes, watching* ("Looks very good...WHEN HER BLOOD ENDS UP ON HIS SUIT.") atsushi: t-thanks! odasaku: *looks to a corner* oh boy. Kyoka: *calls to Lucy* "Have him home at a good hour--and don't try anything funny." Lucy: -_____- *takes Atsushi's hand* "Let's just go..." Dazai: *shiny eyes* atsushi: we will! ^^; (thinking: um...odasaku...advice?!) odasaku: sorry, this sort of thing...isnt really my strong suit 7///7; Lucy: "So...you will buy me something there, right?" atsushi: sure thing! Lucy: ^^ "Thank you..." *small squeeze* atsushi: ^///^ eheheh. Akutagawa: *biting into his handkerchief* naoya: you look just like a pouty rich girl when you do that. it's adorable. Akutagawa: *glaaaaaare* "Why are you here?" naoya: just makin sure you dont cause too much trouble. boss's orders. Akutagawa: "..." ("Why would Mori...") "Just don't bring attention to me..." naoya: hey, we're in the mafia, arent we? we just blend right on in. -at the bazaar- louisa: *carrying several bags* Q-Q mary: ^^ bram: i'll die for sure... Fitzgerald: "Don't dally--there are more bargains to be found!" louisa: u-understood. mary: yay! Fitzgerald: "Ooooooo! What is this?" *holds up a spatula* -elsewhere- medea: *selling some old dolls, the sign next to her says 'dolls may inhabit the souls of the departed'* rowena: oh! *shiny eyes* Poe: o___o "Um...'souls' inside the dolls?" *picks up one of them* doll: hello. rowena: *squeal of delight* Poe: O________o ranpo:....creepy. medea: to each their own. Poe: *steps back--and bumps* "Oh, I'm sorry--" lana: ^^; yosano: huh. small world, eh? Poe: O\\\\\\\O *squeak* lana:... 7////7 fancy seeing you here. *small smile* ranpo: ...*smug smile* Poe: "Y-Yeah, I guess so." ^\\\\^ yosano:.....ohhh i see whats going on here~ lana: e-eh? Poe: ._____. "SAY NOTHING!" lana: ??? medea:.....are they implying that you have fornicated? rowena: O///O EH?! lana: O/////////////////////O.... *lana.exe has stopped responding* Poe: D:< "There have been no carnal interactions, you-you-you filthy-mouth person!" *then notices Lana* D: *catches her* medea: im just stating my observations. seems that makes a lot of people displeased. lana: @////////////@ awawawawawa Poe: *fanning Lana* "It's okay it's okay you're okay--RANPO! DO SOMETHING!" ranpo: *has a juice box out* ....*grins and puts the straw to her nose....and squeezes* lana: WAH! that was tingly-..... o//////o um....h-hello again, edgar. karl: 7u7 Poe: ^^;;; "Hello, Lana..." *then glares at Ranpo and growls* ranpo: OwO;; lana: ... ./////. um...edgar? you're um.... Poe: "??? I'm what?" yosano: do you two need a moment alone? rowena: .-.; Poe: "???" *looks down at her* D: *squeak* -elsewhere- Higan: *whispers* "Rise and shine..." lavender: *streeetch* ah. Higan: "Sleep well?" *kiss on her shoulder* lavender: yeah. thanks for last night. it helped. Higan: "..." *nods, pats her hand* "Any time." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." mito: *paws at his face* Chuuya: *groans* >_O *looks at Mito* "...Hey, kitty..." mito: *mew* Chuuya: *sits up* "Hun-*yawn*-gry?" mito: ^w^ Chuuya: "Okay..." *stretches, gets out of bed* "Come on..." *walks to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *typing reports* kenji: *leaning in his chair* Kunikida: "Kenji, could you get those boxes into storage?" kenji: ok. i'll try not to wake the ghost up. Kunikida: "Fine, very good, and-- ... 'Ghost'?" kenji: yeah. i think the empty 3rd floor is haunted! i hear some weird noises in there at night. kirako:.... >->;;; Dazai: owo; Kunikida: "There are no ghosts in there, so just move the boxes there and stop complaining." kenji: okay! *goes to do so* Kunikida: *goes back to typing* "...Kirako, the next file, please." *holds out his hand, not looking up from computer* -elsewhere- Arthur: "SLAY THE DRAGON!" lizard: Q-Q Arthur: *lifts up Excalibur and--* -CHOP- Arthur: X____X iris: behave. Relan: Q_Q "Good thing Vulcan wasn't around to see that..." *picks up rat food at the pet shop* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *curled up in bed* chie: *putting a cold compress on her head* nea: poor dear. Kepuri: =_____= "This sucks..." -elsewhere- Gin: "..." hirotsu: worried about your brother i take it? Gin: "Lately, always." hirotsu: *nods and takes a drag* this incident has shook him up quite a bit. Gin: "What would you advise?" hirotsu: perhaps have someone watching him to make sure he doesnt do anything too rash. Gin: *nods* "I can arrange that..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *rolling in grass* reimi: seems you're enjoying yourself in spite of the cold weather. Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ "My winter coat is growing in nicely..." reimi: it'll be winter in a few months. Mr. Tsubaki: "And we can get some hot foods..." -elsewhere- EF: *tense* Hiro: "E-Feather?" EF: EEK! oh! hiro! l-long time no see! hime: ?? Hiro: *waves* "How's your day going?" EF: fairly well. havent been able to sell much... Hiro: *looks at the wares* o_o;;; "Um...What's that stuff?" EF: just some old clothes kim pawned off on me long ago. Hiro: "...I'm sure Hime would like to buy one." hime: eh? no offense, but it's a bit to 'hipster' for my tastes. EF: D8 Hiro: "Ha ha ha--you're so funny Hime..." *lays a hand on her shoulder, stares intently* "Buy." hime: ... *groan* fine, i'll take this one. *holding up a shirt with a cupcake design* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *walking around* "What about that?" kim: hmm? oh, that would look nice. Jacqueline: *holds up the necklace* "Hmm...Not a bad price." -elsewhere- Lucy: *holds up a tiger plushie* "???" atsushi: cute. *smiles* Lucy: *shoves it in his hands* "Pose with Anne." *pulls out her phone* anne: *double peace sign* atsushi: ^^; Lucy: *snap* "Awesome...That's going online." *posts it* atsushi:... ^^ Lucy: *pays for the plushie, hugs it* >\\\< odasaku:...*faint smile....looks around* *Shadows are trembling* odasaku: look alive, kid. atsushi: ?? Akutagawa: (-)_______(-) naoya: ._.; atsushi: OwO;; hey lucy! want some ice cream? Lucy: "...Always." *takes his hand* "You buying?" atsushi: sure thing! Lucy: ^w^ *small cheek smooch* Akutagawa: O_________O atsushi: O///O *tiger tail pops out* Akutagawa: *growls* Lucy: "???" *doesn't notice the tail, holding his hand and the plushie as they're walking* "You okay? You look tense." *frowns* "You didn't forget your wallet, did you?" atsushi: of course not! ^^; Akutagawa: *follow follow follow* Lucy: "Well, good...Which flavor do you like? Want to share?" -meanwhile, not far off- Dazai: *holding binoculars* ("Good work, buddy...") odasaku: *sweatdrop* Dazai: *sneaks through crowd, hiding behind vendor stands to follow...* naoya: isnt that dazai? what's he doing here? Akutagawa: "?!!!!" *spots him...and starts clawing the floor* naoya: down boy, down. Akutagawa: *small growl* "Kill..." naoya: lets just settle down. Akutagawa: *whiny* "No." naoya: want some fig cookies? Akutagawa: "...Maybe." -elsewhere- Kid: "What are you up to?" homura: research that sid asked me to do involving incidents underground. Kid: "...Oh." *shakes a bit* "Any progress?" homura: unfortunately nothing new has turned up. Kid: "...I feel some disease, after...what happened." homura: how so? Kid: "Things underground...like the Kishin." homura:..hmm....does stocking know about these feelings? Kid: "...I don't know." -elsewhere- Rin: *circling locations on a map* shura: possible hold-outs? Rin: "What? No!" *points at the map* "I'm gonna check out Kyoto Tower, then this restaurant--Oh! And I heard there's this really cool manga shop--" shura: ... -___-; madoka: ^^; Shima: "...Dude, only tourists go to those things." shiemi: well we technically _are_ tourists....right? unagi: <i wish to go as well, pink haired demon> Shima: .\\\\\.;;;; <Well, I mean, sure, if you were up for going...> -elsewhere- Sakuya: *wearing sunglasses* "Too bright..." naho: *wearing a muffler* Sakuya: *stares at her* "..." *snort laugh* naho: what? Sakuya: "I can barely see your face under that..." naho: it keeps my face nice and warm. >3< Sakuya: "Hee hee..." *brushes hair off her forehead* "No kidding." *forehead kiss* naho: >//w//< Sakuya: *takes her hand* "Now let's get going before it gets any later..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: .\\\. kirei: =/////= *sleeping soundly next to him* Benimaru: "..." *pulls up sheet over them, looking around the room* "..." -silence- Benimaru: *small sigh, closes his eyes* -elsewhere, after dropping of ranpo, yosano, and rowena- lana: i had fun today. *smiling* Poe: *nods* "Yes. I was quite surprised these old volumes were available at such a low price." lana: yeah. thanks for inviting me out. Poe: *smiles* "Always..." lana: *small blush as she holds his hand* Poe: *shivers, then looks around* .\\\. lana: ah, here's your stop.... Poe: "I-I-I suppose so..." lana: see you soon? Poe: "I-I-I am sure of it?" lana: right....h-hey edgar? Poe: "Hmm?" lana:.... ^///^ get plenty of rest tonight, ok? Poe: .\\\\\. "Y-You as well. Sweet dreams." -inside- Poe: "..." "OHMYGOD SHE HELD MY HAND MY HEART IS RACING MY BODY IS COVERED IN SWEAT WHAT EVEN IS THIS AM I DEAD OR MOVING?" karl: O^O~? Poe: *picks up Karl* "...What do I do?" karl: *raccoon noises* Poe: o_o; "...You make a persuasive point--but I still don't know what to do about these feelings stabbing into my heart when thinking about Lana." karl: *inquisitive raccoon noises* Poe: "Oh, I don't know...What if she does not feel the same way? Would this ruin things with her?" karl: *noises of 'i dunno'* Poe: “Will this be like with Annabelle all those years ago? I’d die for sure if that were the case.” TT_TT "I don't want to fall into crippling depression again. I hate bedsores..." karl: *pap pap* Poe: TTvTT "Thanks, buddy..." -elsewhere- Dazai: ^W^ kirako: you seem to be in a cheery mood today. Dazai: "My baby boy is growing up!" kirako: *small chuckle* Dazai: "Hee hee...How was work?" -elsewhere- Lucy: >\\\> "So...That was a fun day." atsushi: yeah. .////. see you in school tomorrow then? Lucy: "I better! You can't afford to take a sick day..." *tugs lightly on his tie* atsushi: o///o *gulp* >//////< *grabs her by the shoulders and kisses her* >/////////////////< Lucy: O\\\\\\\\\\O "...Mmm..." >\\\\\< *smooch* atsushi:.... u/////u w-was that t-t-t-too much? Lucy: "...I-I-I don't think so?" *one hand is resting on his chest, the other on his lower back* Akutagawa: TT______TT atsushi: um... ./////////. Lucy: "...Um..." *leans closer, kisses his lips a bit softly again* odasaku:... 7-7; *scratching his cheek awkwardly* atsushi: ... u////u Akutagawa: *internal screaming* Lucy: *holds him close, smiles* "Well...Good night." atsushi: g-g-good night... .///////. *walking back to his apartment* im baaaack. Kyoka: *glaaaaaaaare* atsushi... ouo;;;;;; Kyoka: *leaps at him, sitting on his chest and unbuttoning the top of his shirt* atsushi: KYOUKA WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! O-O;;;;; Kyoka: *opens his shirt, inspects* "...I see no hickeys." *gets off of him, stands* "Very good. The harlot did not do anything inappropriate to you." atsushi:...... (thinking: i need to get her a boyfriend. girlfriend. SO. whatever! >///<; ) Kyoka: "I was just brewing tea. You may have that, then go straight to bed, young man." *Akutagawa watches from outside* atsushi: TTuTT; yes ma'am. Kyoka: "So, what did you and she do?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *hugging tiger plushie* =w= -underground- sonia: ..... *looking around her room* ..... FD: "...How does one tend to a child?" yana: ......*realizing she hasnt thought this all the way through*....shit. zoey: *hugging sonia and humming* FD: "...I guess do what Zoey is doing?" yana: or just let keek do it? keek: why me? FD: *stands over Keek* "Because I can kill you." keek:... OuO ..... QuQ FD: "Tend to the child with Zoey..." keek: yes siiiir... FD: "...Zoey? I expect to see you in no more than two hours." zoey: of course master fyodor. sonia: *stare* FD: "..." *awkward walk away* sonia:.... -elsewhere- Relan: *reading* shinra: *napping with his head on his lap* iris: *also napping against his side* Relan: ^\\\\^ ("So warm...") *holds his book to him, closed, as he closes his eyes* *sighs* shinra: zzzzz... -flames surround him- shinra: ??....where...is this? ???: "..." shinra: ?? mikami? is that you? is this another adora burst thing? ???: *she looks up at him* "..." shinra: ??? are you- -BANG- shinra: oof! >.< *he fell* Relan: *snaps awake* "I-I was resting my eyes!" shinra: *rubs his head* (thinking: that was weird...) Relan: "??? ... Maybe the bed isn't wide enough...?" shinra: *getting back up onto the bed* *ahem* night rel. .///.; Relan: *smiles* "Night..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Hibana: *smooch* gabriella: ^/////^ mmm~<3 Hibana: "Miss me...?" gabriella: *nods* welcome home, honey~ Hibana: "Tee hee..." *another smooch* gabriella: >///< hanako: hi mama! Hibana: "Sweetie!" *scoops her up and hugs her* "I missed you!" hanako: hehehe ^^ Hibana: *twirls Hanako around* "Were you a good girl?" -elsewhere- stocking: *holding kid close and rubbing his back* ... Kid: *shivering* stocking: it's ok kid. im here. Kid: "It-It just triggered memories..." stocking: *rubbing his back* you're here and you're safe. Kid: *whimpers* stocking: i love you kid, always. Kid: *nod nod* "I love you too...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner..." stocking: it's ok. *kiss* Kid: T\\\\T stocking: *hums* Kid: "Mmm..." *yawns* -elsewhere Akutagawa: *growls* "Lousy, no-good simpering little..." naoya: *pap pap* easy there, buddy. Akutagawa: "Let's open up her apartment and slice her throat--" -someone else has entered the bar- naoya: ??? ... ....... Akutagawa: "..." Chuuya: "...Hello." naoya: i'm gonna go put some tunes on the jukebox. brb. Akutagawa: "..." *gestures to the seat* Chuuya: "..." *sits* "...You look awful." Akutagawa: "Ditto." bartender: your usual, chuuya? Chuuya: "...Sure." bartender: *nods and goes to do that* Akutagawa: "...What were you up to?" Chuuya: "...Thinking about your texts." Akutagawa: "..." Chuuya: "And you?" Akutagawa: "Stalking the were-tiger and plotting how to kill his girlfriend." Chuuya: "...So, the usual?" bartender: *gives chuuya his bourbon* Chuuya: "Thank you." Akutagawa: =_= -a calming jazz song plays from the jukebox- Chuuya: "...What you drinking?" Akutagawa: "Club soda." Chuuya: "Hmm..." naoya: i'll take a refill! Chuuya: "And what're you drinking, Naoya?" naoya: the usual. Chuuya: "Ah...And did Akutagawa drag you along?" naoya: to get drinks or the whole weretiger thing? Chuuya: "Both." naoya: no to the first one, and mori sent me for the second. Chuuya: "...Oh." naoya:...so how're you two holding up? Akutagawa: "...I am sad and angry all at once." Chuuya: "Ditto." naoya:...oh.... *sips her drink* the usual reasons? Chuuya: "..." *sips* Akutagawa: "Just let me maim her." naoya:...and how are you guys doing over here? Chuuya: " 'Here'?" naoya: i saw you guys are talkin to each other now. Chuuya: "..." Akutagawa: "I suppose we are." *sips* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *walking around, looking up at the Moon* "..." kabuki: good evening. Tsukiyo: "O-Oh, hey!" o\\\w\\\o "What're you doing out at this hour, buddy?" kabuki: since it's such a calm night out, i figured i would take a nice stroll. ^^ Tsukiyo: " 'Bout the same. Wanted to see the Moon...Want to walk together? For a bit?" kabuki: sure. Tsukiyo: "...So, what you've been up to today?" kabuki: basically prepping for the coming autumn. Tsukiyo: *chuckles* "What, bringing out the sweaters?" kabuki: sort of. Tsukiyo: "Yeah, I had some sweaters in mind to put on..." ^\\\w\\\^ kabuki: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: "And any other ideas you have for autumn? What you like to eat?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Night, Kim." kim: night jackie *yawn* Jacqueline: "..." *small smile, as she heads to her room* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." tamaki: zzz.... Arthur: *sleep mutter* "Silver...Faster...We got to rescue the Princess..." *turns, his arm going around Tamaki* tamaki: O///O Arthur: *hugs* "Faster..." tamaki: O////////O Arthur: *slight shift as he rides the "horse"* "Heigh-ho, Silver..." -elsewhere- Poe: Q~Q ("Can't sleep...") karl: zzzz Poe: *stares at his phone, pulling up a photo...* -it's from that day, with him, lana, rowena, and ranpo- Poe: *staring at Lana* QWQ ("...My heart feels funny...") karl: zzzz {lana: ^^} {Poe: *in a sharp suit, his hair slicked back* "You look lovely."} {lana: as do you. ^///^ } {Poe: *holds out his hand, as he puts on a domino mask* "May I have this dance?"} {lana: of course~} {Poe: *takes her hand, and places one lightly on her hip*} {lana: *blush*} {Poe: *smiles lightly* "I am not the best dancer..."} {lana: it's fine. im just happy to be here with you} {Poe: *slowly dances* "Lana...Thank you for accepting my invitation."} {lana: ^///^ .... u///u *leans in to kiss him*} {Poe: *leans in* u////u } Poe: *smooch* karl: ?? *watching him smooch his pillow* Poe: "Lana, your lips are so smooth--" *sees the pillow* "..." O_____O "GAH!" karl: ^^; Poe: Q~Q karl:... *pap pap* Poe: "I can't deal with this..." karl: *reassuring raccoon noises* Poe: *pat pat* "Thank you..." -underground- keek: O-O;;;; FD: "Lost?" keek: Q_Q (thinking: i cant risk asking for the exit cause im gonna die that way!) FD: "Were you leaving us?" keek:......i just wanted to know where my room was QuQ;;; FD: "...Follow me..." keek: *meekly following* FD: "Keep the room clean and proper." keek: *squeak* yessir Q_Q FD: "Watch out for rats." keek: (thinking: NO SHIT) FD: "The bathroom is down the hall. Feel free to use kitchen." keek: (thinking: just how many facilities are underground here?) FD: "Don't let the noises keep you awake." keek: .....what kind of noises? like the weird noises from earlier? FD: "Moaning, chains, crying, yells, whipping, licking, whirring." keek: ._________.; (thinking: JUST WHAT KIND OF S&M SHIT GOES ON DOWN HERE!?!?!) FD: "Feel free to make your own noises. Just don't awaken Zoey." keek: noted. FD: *opens door to pitch black room* "Enter." keek: *squints and flips the night vision on her visor* *It looks thrown together, the bed unmade* keek: QuQ just like home.....sorta. FD: *pats her shoulder* "If something is missing, please let us know." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...How did his head go through the wall?" Arthur: x_____x tamaki: 7///7; Vulcan: "I think Doc's got a tool to push Arthur out." Victor: *holds a jackhammer* -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzzzz..." stocking: zzzzz *nuzzle* Kid: =////= *yawn* -morning- Akutagawa: =w= "Zzz..." naoya: seems he tuckered himself out. Chuuya: "Seems so...Thanks for letting us crash." naoya: no prob ^^ Chuuya: *stretches* "Not a bad place you have--" Akutagawa: *still asleep--turns over and wraps his arms around Chuuya* Chuuya: "..." -_-;;; naoya: thanks. hirotsu got it for me for my 21st birthday. Chuuya: "He bought you this place? Damn." naoya: yeah. i have to thank him for all he's done for me. i appreciate it. *small smile* hard to believe i joined the mafia because i attempted to mug him, haha. Chuuya: "Lucky he didn't kill you..." naoya: yeah. he must have seen some potential in me to take me in. guess when he heard about my perspective ability, he figured i'd be useful. and thats kind of how 17-year-old me joined the black lizards. Chuuya: "...Neat. Can you get him off of me?" Akutagawa: =w= naoya: *pulling him off* Akutagawa: "H-Huh? Where am I? Tiger?" naoya: nope. Chuuya: *waves* Akutagawa: "..." *pouts* "I should have known. The Tiger is much taller than you--" Chuuya: *glaaaaaaaaare* naoya: *small chuckle* well, you two better hurry, dont you have school today? Chuuya: "Yeah, yeah..." *sniffs* "Ugh..." -elsewhere- Anya: *passing out quizzes* yana: *staring at the paper* ... Anya: *returns to her seat, looks at Yana* "Need a pen?" -elsewhere- Gin: *hangs up sandbag* miura: ... Gin: "Ready?" -elsewhere- Poe: owo;;;; karl: ?? Poe: "I will now return to sorting the books!" *throws a book out the window* owo;;;;;;;;;;;; "...Did I do it right?" library manager: um....are you feeling ok? Poe: "Great! I had happy dreams!" O\\\\w\\\\\O;;;; library manager:...do you need to see the nurse? Poe: "...Yes." -and so- Poe: "I have butterflies in my stomach, Nurse." nygus:...in a figurative sense or a literal sense? Poe: owo;;; "I hope figurative. Although my dreams have been odd..." nygus: how so? Poe: o\\\\o "L-L-Lots of...um...hand-holding?" nygus: hmm. Poe: "...and other such things." *cheek scratch* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: -w- kabuki: *enjoying some ramen* Tsukiyo: *slurps her noodles* "So good..." -elsewhere- Victor: *mixing chemicals* -elsewhere- keek: *didnt sleep a single wink* FD: *whistling* keek:.... Q_____Q (thinking: the noises i heard....i will never be able to unhear) FD: "Hello, Keek." keek: EEP! FD: "I see you are awake. Have you had breakfast?" keek: yeah, someone left it for me through the door slot. FD: "We pride ourselves on our service." keek: y-yeah....i see..... FD: "And I have your tasks for today." keek:....*looking at the paper* FD: "And get the good information we need." keek:...y-yeah.... FD: "...Is there a problem?" keek: n-n-not at all sir! FD: "Good. Because I would hate for you to have any problems." keek:....r-right. u-understood. FD: *pats her head* "Good." keek:....*tears falling a bit as he leaves* zoey: ... FD: "...Zoey?" zoey: yes master fyodor? FD: "Is something troubling you?" zoey:....*holding onto his arm* .... FD: "...You aren't...jealous, are you?" zoey:....y-yes... FD: *lifts up her chin* "You have no reason to be jealous. My eyes are only on you." zoey: ah~ *blush* FD: *smiles* "And I can show you..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *passing a note* atsushi: ?? *Inside the note: "Meet me behind dining hall after lunch"* atsushi:...*gulps and hides it in his pocket* .///. Lucy: .\\\. *goes back to taking notes and listening to the lecture* atsushi: ... .///. Stein: "Then the nucleus divides, initiate mitosis..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *dusting photos* -it's a photo of the oubi family at an amusement park, with baby ami in her stroller- Akitaru: "..." *soft pat on the photo* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *staring at a math problem* ._.; shinra: .... (thinking: that girl....she almost looked like iris....does it have something to do with adora burst?...) ... *head bonk* (thinking: ugh. iris doesnt even _have_ fire abilities, let alone adora burst. dont be stupid, shinra!) Chuuya: "??? Um...Do you have problems with this math, too?" shinra: hmm? no. it's actually one of my best subjects! Chuuya: "Could you help me out with this, then?" shinra: oh, sure. Chuuya: "So, I keep doing it like this, but the answer doesn't match. Am I supposed to multiply first?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." sayaka: *streeeetch* Akutagawa: "What am I to do in this class?" sayaka: basic combat training. Akutagawa: "So, you are my opponent?" sayaka: seems like it. *has her sword out* Akutagawa: "...Cute." *summons Rashomon* sayaka: OuO; dark shadow: 💗 u 💗 tokoyami: O-O?! rashomon: O-O; Akutagawa: "??? Rashomon? What is--" rashomon: *retreats back into the coat* O_O;;;; tokoyami: dark shadow! down! >-< Akutagawa: !!!!! "Rashomon! Defend me--" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Zzz..." *in human form, napping in nurse's office* reimi: *bringing green tea for him* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff sniff* *opens one eye* "Oh...Thank you." reimi: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *sips* "Hmm! That's...really tasty." -elsewhere- Mori: *whistling* miura: ... Mori: "Oh, hello there..." miura: *nods* Mori: "Busy day, huh?" miura: more or less. Mori: "Tell me what's on your agenda." miura: basically the usual of monitoring everything around here. Mori: "Keep me abreast of this information." miura: ....phrasing sir. Mori: -_-; "Just keep me informed." miura: noted. Mori: *walks back towards his office* miura: *follows* Mori: "???" *turns around* "...What are you doing?" miura: um, this thing called 'my job'? Mori: "...Oh. Of course." *turns back, continues walking* ("Just got a creepy feeling...") {-one of mori's classmates lays dead at his feet, a look of pure terror on her face-} {Mori: "..." *small lick of his lip, tasting his own sweat* "..." *looks around...*} {-no one else is around-} {Mori: ("Where to hide...?")} {-a message on his phone-} {ougai sr: [how did it go, son?]} {Mori: [complete. but what to do with remains?]} {ougai sr: [check your surroundings. is there a furnace?] } {Mori: [yes.] *picks up the corpse*} {ougai sr: [make sure to cut her up to pieces <3 ]} {Mori: *sees a pair of scissors*} -the phone rings- Mori: *snaps back to attention, picks up the phone* "Yes?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *looking around* atsushi: hey. Lucy: "!!!" *slaps a hand over his mouth, holds a finger to her own lips* "Shhh..." atsushi: ?! Lucy: *pulls him behind the building, still looking around* "...Pfew! It's felt like Akuatagawa's been spying on me all day..." atsushi: ...what do we do then? the agency is under orders not to attack the mafia still... Lucy: "..." *looks down, taps her fingers* "I don't know...It could just be my imagination...I-I just wanted to get away..." atsushi:...*hug* Lucy: Q\\\\Q *sniff* *hug* atsushi: it's going to be ok. we'll find a way to handle this. Lucy: *sniff* "I-I'm going to hold you to that..." *holds onto him* atsushi: i know. u///u Lucy: *shivers a bit, crying slightly* atsushi: ... (thinking: ok. do it right this time atsushi, for her sake...) Lucy: "..." *calms down, but still holding onto him* -elsewhere- Dazai: *picking out oranges* mary: *humming* Dazai: "Oh, pardon me, kiddo..." *reaches past for strawberries* mary: *hands them to him* here ya go ^^... hey! you got bandages too! do you get attacked by animals too?! Dazai: owo;;; "...Only on purpose." mary: woah! that totes makes us bandage buddies! >u< Dazai: OwO;;;; "...Sure? Wh-Why do animals attack you?" mary: it just kinda happens. usually after i bring them back from the dead. that's my ability! i can bring back dead animals! Dazai: O____O "...That sounds awful. Can't the dead just die?!" mary: hmm? OuO~? Dazai: "...I mean, I just want to die." mary: O_O you should meet my friend bram! you want to die, and he always thinks he's going to die. you'll be death buddies! bram: T_T; Dazai: OWO "D-D-D-D-Death buddies?!" *squee* bram: um... *sweatdrop* mary, dont talk to strange people. Dazai: "I'm not a stranger! I'm Dazai!" bram:....anyways, come on mary. mr fitzgerald's going to worry. mary: okay. *waves* bye bandage buddy! Dazai: *waves* "Bye-bye! See y--" o_____o "..." ("Mr. Who-y?") -elsewhere- Arthur: "Owie..." teacher: and what have we learned? Relan: *holding ice pack to his head* "Not to run in the halls..." Arthur: "Avoid obstacles when pursuing your prey!" *holds up a lizard by the tail* lizard: Q_Q Relan: -_-;;; "Dude, you knocked me into a door to catch your lizard--" Arthur: "Dragon." Relan: "...I can't even." shinra: *glares at arthur* you ok rel? Relan: T_T "My face and head hurt..." shinra: i'll get you to the nurse. Relan: "Thank you..." Arthur: "What about my injuries?" -nurse's office- Relan: *his eye looks a little swollen* T_T shinra: *worried* nygus: *giving him a compress* why dont you lay down for a bit? Relan: "Okay..." *does so* "Hmm..." -someone is resting in the other bed- Relan: "???" Poe: owo;;;; "...The butterflies are still in my tummy..." Relan: o_o; shinra: ._.; he looks like he's laying in a coffin....creepy. Relan: "No kidding--even my one good eye can see that..." Poe: "I get that a lot. But this is different." shinra: ?? Poe: "This one...is out of love!" >W< shinra: ...okay then? *blink* nygus: ah. Relan: "...Like, is this a new feeling for you, Mr...?" Poe: "Poe. Edgar. Yes. All new. Maybe? I don't know. I thought I knew it--but it was depression." shinra: um.....okay? karl: ouo nygus: ... Relan: QWQ "I-I know that feeling, sir!" shinra:....is that a raccoon? Poe: "His name is Karl." shinra: *looks at relan* Relan: QWQ "He just wants love..." shinra: .... *blushing from relan's adorableness* Poe: "And how long have you two been dating?" shinra: O/////O SINCE LAST OCTOBER! THANKS FOR ASSUMING THAT AUTOMATICALLY! *nervous smile* Relan: o\\\w\\\o "Um..." Poe: "I can be perceptive, too!" shinra: um right.. haha... ^^;;;; -elsewhere- Giovanni: "Step forward..." lisa:.... guruna: kururu~ Giovanni: "Feeler..." lisa: ... Giovanni: "Who is your teacher?" lisa: ..... -elsewhere- Hibana: *holding up a dollie* hanako: ^^ Hibana: *silly voice through the doll* "May I have a kiss, Hanako?" hanako: *smooch* ^^ *hug* gabriella: >///u///< Hibana: "Hee hee...Enjoy the new doll, sweetie." *head pat* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *sits up in bed* akaderu: feeling better? Kepuri: *weak smile* "Yes...I guess I just caught a bug..." akaderu: *small chuckle and kisses her forehead* get well soon, ok? Kepuri: >\\\\< "Of course I will, babe." akaderu: glad to hear. Kepuri: "And when I'm feeling better, we're going out...I got something in mind." akaderu: like what? Kepuri: "A date night...with some surprises~" akaderu:.....*bright red in the face* ....ok. Kepuri: *lies back down* "But I need sleep first..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *walking through the street* fang-hua: hey commander. Benimaru: "Oh, Kohana. Hello." -elsewhere- Higan: *looking over paintbrushes* himawari: ?? Higan: "Oh, hey, Himawari...I'm just determining which brush has the best hair..." -elsewhere- Meme: *giggles* "Hurry up!" mio: *following* Meme: "So much to do--what do you want to do first?" tsugumi: i heard the arcade got a new game in! Anya: "I suppose that would be enjoyable..." mio: hell yeah Anya: *looks around* ao: hmm? Anya: "Is that...Yana?" yana: *casually strolling towards the subway system* Anya: "...Hey, Yana!" yana: OwO !! oh, hey anya, how's it hangin? Anya: "??? I'm...not sure?" tsugumi: where are you going? yana: just heading home. dad asked me to help him with some stuff. Anya: "Oh, a family business?" yana: more or less *faint smirk* Anya: "Well, that's too bad. Maybe next time you can hang out with us." yana: maybe. well, i should get going. *waves and heads down under* Anya: *waves* "..." ao: i wonder...why would she be going through an abandoned subway system? mio: thrill seeker? tsugumi: perhaps its a shortcut? Meme: "Hmm..." Anya: *worried* -elsewhere- Lucy: *looking around* "I don't see anyone..." atsushi: here we are. Lucy: *sigh of relief* Kyouka: *looking around the corner* atsushi: *walking with them to the elevator of the agency building* *low growl* Lucy: O____O atsushi: ??!! kenji: *on the elevator, his stomach growling* hi ^^ Lucy: -_-; atsushi: 4th floor please? kenji: you got it! Lucy: "...So, what's your ability, um...you?" kenji: super strength! but only when im really hungry. Lucy: "So, that means you're really strong right now?" kenji: yuppers! ^^ Lucy: "What's your max?" -ding- atsushi: here we are. yosano: hey kiddos. kirako: welcome back. oh. hello miss...um...montgomery, was it? Lucy: *nods* "Yes. Hello, Miss...?" kirako: haruno. Lucy: *small bow* "Nice to meet you." ranpo: oh, hey atsushi's girlfriend. what brings you here? Lucy: -\\\\- "I have a name, Detective Conan." ranpo: is it anne? Lucy: >< "It's Lucy!" ranpo: i already knew that. Lucy: "THEN WHY DID YOU ASK?!" ranpo: because i couldnt care less. atsushi: ranpo! D8< Lucy: "...Anne?" anne: *glare* ranpo:...cool story bro. Lucy: "CRUSH HIM." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: -_-; "Why did you bring me here?" naoya: to take your mind off things and have a lil fun. *she took them to the arcade* Chuuya: *looking around* "I haven't been to one in a while.." Akutagawa: "...Are there violent games?" kim: *playing the DDR* naoya: we got some alien shooters. Jacqueline: "Keep going!" Akutagawa: "I will shoot aliens, then." Chuuya: *spots skeeball* "..." *smirk* naoya: awesome. ^^ Chuuya: *starts up skeeball...and adds a little gravity to land in direct center* mio: woah. Chuuya: "???" ^\\\^ "Just beginner's luck, I'm sure." ao: *squints* Chuuya: *another center shot* tsugumi: good job, ozaki! Chuuya: "Thanks. Maybe I have more than luck, then..." ao: ... Chuuya: *tosses more skeeballs, winning a perfect score* mio: D8 *jawdrop* Chuuya: *takes his tickets* ^^ -elsewhere- Victor: *racing a toy car* tamaki: *somehow is buried up to her neck in the dirt* im not even going to ask. Vulcan: *also racing a toy car* "I'm catching up to you!" *the wheels spin out--slamming mud in Tamaki's face* tamaki: *PTOOIE* WHY Arthur: *his forehead is bandaged* "I take it my good luck charm wore off?" tamaki: TT~TT -elsewhere- Poe: *takes stomach medicine* "...The butterflies are still there." rowena: are you certain you'll be ok, brother? *worried* Poe: "...I-I-I think I have a problem..." rowena: ?? Poe: "...Do you like Lana?" rowena: miss lana? i suppose. she does seem nice. Poe: "...How would you feel if I asked her to--um...what do people my age do with people?" rowena: ??? im afraid i dont follow? Poe: "A-A-A date?" rowena: ah! i see! well, i think it's worth trying. ^^ Poe: "Th-Then I can ask her..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking at a newspaper article* "..." reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "New museum piece..." *points* "I recognize the artwork." reimi: *reading* so he used a human name, eh? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Guess he wanted his work out there..." -elsewhere- Spirit: "Homework done, kiddo?" izumi: yep. Spirit: "Well, that's good--'cause guess who got you dessert?" *holds up a plate* izumi: thanks dad! ^^ Spirit: "You're welcome." *smiles* -elsewhere- FD: "How did it go?" yana: surprisingly well. FD: Report." sonia: *listening* ...... yana: and that's what all happened. FD: "Those classmates, what do they think of you?" yana: i seem to be on pretty good terms with one of them. FD: "What do you know about this classmate?" yana: let's find out then~ sonia: .... FD: *smiles* "That's my girl." yana: dont call me that. it's creepy. FD: "Still accurate." yana:.... 7_7; aaaanyways. FD: "Go do your homework..." yana: fair enough. *goes to do that* sonia: ....... FD: "???" *stares at Sonia* sonia: *staaaaare* FD: -_-;;; *shuffles to the side* sonia:.... FD: "...Why do you keep staring at me?" sonia:...... *looking down at her feet* FD: "What do you want?" sonia:....*glances at a door where rain's corpse is kept* FD: "..." *pats a hand on Sonia's shoulder* "Do you like cookies?" sonia:... *points to the door* mom in there. FD: ._.; "Um..." sonia: mom in there. FD: "...Come on." *takes her hand* sonia: ?? see mom? FD: "...No...Come along..." pulls her* sonia:..... FD: ("How do I do this...Where the hell is Zoey...?") zoey: ?? FD: "Oh, thank goodness...Zoey, take care of her." zoey: of course. *smiles at sonia* come along, sweetie. sonia:.... FD: *internal sigh of relief* -elsewhere- Lucy: *sips tea* "So, how long you been working here, Miss Haruno?" kirako: about a few years. Lucy: "I see...Do you like the work?" kirako: *nods* Lucy: "The coworkers treat you okay? Atsushi told me Dazai is a handful." kirako: yes, he can be. but once you get a better understanding, he's a lot easier to handle. 7///7 Lucy: "Hmm. I would hope." *sip* "...You okay?" kirako: hmm? oh! of course i am! Lucy: *nods* "Well, I suppose I should head home..." kirako: well, since we do live in the same apartment complex, i'll go with you guys. atsushi: sounds good. Lucy: "I'd appreciate that...after everything that's been going on..." kirako: *nod* we'll see what we can do about the akutagawa situation. Lucy: *sniff, wipes a tear* "Th-Thanks..." kirako: *pats her back* Lucy: *follows out the door...* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *grumbles* "Stupid game..." naoya: nyohoho~ ^^ *peace sign* Chuuya: "??? Yo, man, it's fine. I won you something." Akutagawa: "???" naoya: ?? Chuuya: *puts over-sized novelty sunglasses onto Akutagawa* Akutagawa: [ . ] _ [ . ] naoya: *snerks and laughs* Akutagawa: "What?" Chuuya: *snaps a pic with his phone* naoya: faved. higuchi: [that's a good look for you, ryunosuke] Akutagawa: [>]_[<] "Delete!" Chuuya: "Nope." naoya: you got more comments on it. miura: [charming.] kinako: [dude, that's rad] Tachihara: [lulz!] Akutagawa: [-]_[-] naoya: oh hey, dazai left a comment too. Dazai: [Hey old-timer!] Akutagwa: *growls* naoya: oh look! a purikura booth! Chuuya: " 'Purikura'?" naoya: one of those photo booths where you can customize the photo? Chuuya: "..." *smirks at Akutagawa* Akutagawa: [ 0 ] \\\ [ 0 ] -and so- Chuuya: "Ha ha ha!" naoya: cute ^^ Akutagawa: "...Why do I have red stuff on my face?" naoya: it's supposed to be blush. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Well, then, that's fine." -elsewhere- Victor: *pouring an entire bottle of shampoo into his hair in the shower* "Stupid mud..." >___< -elsewhere- Sakuya: *chewing gum* naho: zzzz Sakuya: *puts his gum into the trash, lies beside Naho* "..." naho: =w= Sakuya: "..." *hug* naho: mmm~ <3 Sakuya: *forehead kiss* naho: hehe~ Sakuya: *whispers* "Hey." naho: hey sakkun...~ Sakuya: "Hm?" naho: *smooch* Sakuya: =\\\= *smooch* naho: it's getting colder out. Sakuya: "..." *pulls up the blanket* "Better warm up..." naho: mmm~<3 *crawling under his jacket* Sakuya: "..." =\\\= *pats her back under the jacket* -elsewhere- stocking: mmm that feels nice =////= Kid: "Doesn't it, though? You want more?" stocking: *nod* Kid: "And where should that be...?" *rubs her wrist* stocking: mmmm~ *nuzzle* Kid: *whispers* "Stocking? I love you..." stocking: i love you too kid. always. Kid: ^w^ *smooch* stocking: hehe~ ^///^ Kid: "And..." *hug* stocking: mmm~ Kid: *kisses her neck* stocking: ah~ you naughty reaper~ Kid: "Guilty..." *tugs down on her collar* -elsewhere- Gin: *humming* -elsewhere, at an apartment building- Chuuya: "..." *looks at the door* -why are you torturing yourself this way?- Chuuya: "..." *inhales...knocks* voice: comin'! -an older woman answers- woman: may i help you, sir? Chuuya: "Oh! Um...S-Sorry. I think I have the...wrong apartment." woman: i see. *closes the door* -who did you think you were trying to fool?- Chuuya: "..." *balls his hand into a fist...shakes...* -you know no matter how many times you answer this door, she wont come back- Chuuya: ("...Then I'll just do what has to be done...") -oh~? and what's that?- Chuuya: ("...Kill Mori.") -elsewhere- Relan: ^\\\^ shinra: *hug* iris: *hug* Relan: "Th-Thank you both..." iris: any time. Relan: *small smooch to each of their cheeks* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *soft purr* akaderu:...*small smile* Kepuri: "Such strong arms..." akaderu: 7////7 Kepuri: *kisses his arm* akaderu: ./////. Kepuri: *turns, kisses his lips* nea: *in the other room* AH~<3 akaderu: o-o; Shinoda: "Oh, yes!" Death the Kid: Kepuri: -___- *takes off her shirt, kisses Akaderu, moaning...* akaderu: O///////O Kepuri: *loud moan, as she slams a hand against the wall* chie: -_-; so noisy Shinoda: "...Oh, so that's how it is..." toru: =n= Yohei: *flips switch on a white noise machine...* mono: KEEP IT DOWN SOME OF US WANT TO SLEEP! Assi: .\\\. Shotaro: "Are Nea and Shinoda jumping on the bed again?" mana: yeah. go back to sleep! -elsewhere- Lucy: *yawn, lies back on couch* "Zzz..." atsushi: ....*picks her up and carries her to her bed* Lucy: "M-M..." atsushi: ?? Lucy: "Mama..." atsushi:....*hug* Lucy: *still sleeping, holding onto him...* atsushi:.... .///.; -elsewhere in the building- kirako: *brushing kyouka's hair* Kyoka: ^^ "This feels really good..." kirako: ^^ naomi: enjoying the sleepover i take it? Kyoka: "Yes...although not bringing the harlot was an odd choice." naomi: jealous i take it~? Kyoka: "...No. I just worry what she will do to Atsushi." kirako: you're almost like a doting mother, haha! naomi: nah. that'd be kunikida. Kyoka: "...Ha ha. Yes." -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki: *snuggle* Black Star: ^\\\^ "Zzz..." *hug* -morning- Arthur: *yawn* tamaki: zzzzz Arthur: "..." *small kiss on her cheek* tamaki: =///w///= Arthur: *hugs, whispers* "Time to wake up...Kitten." tamaki: mornin' Arthur: *smile* "Sleep well?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: "..." *strokes her cheek* "Time to start today, then." -elsewhere- Kid: =w= stocking: *tracing a finger along his chest* Kid: *happy shudder* "A-a-ah~" stocking: hehe~ Kid: "St-Stocking..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *snore* atsushi: zzzzzzz *asleep against the wall on the floor* odasaku: not exactly the most comfy place to sleep... Lucy: *opens her eyes, sees him* "...What the heck are you doing?" atsushi: i know, but i was too tired to move....*yaawn*... O////O um.....hi? Lucy: .\\\. "Hi...How are you feeling?" atsushi: alright. you? Lucy: "...I don't remember going to bed?" atsushi: you fell asleep on the couch and i carried you so you'd be comfy! >///< Lucy: o\\\o "Um...I-I appreciate that...but how could you have been comfortable sleeping on the floor?" atsushi: i was...worried _he_ might come in and hurt you.....so i kept guard....i was keeping guard! i wasnt being creepy! honest! Lucy: "..." *sighs, stretches* "You're probably exhausted being guard-tiger, then...I'll make breakfast. Go lie down for a bit and get some more sleep." *gets out of bed, leans down--and kisses his nose* atsushi: O///////////O *tail pops out again* Lucy: o\\\o "...Okay." *quickly walks out* "I'll make toast!" *closes the door behind her* atsushi: *trying to hide the tail* odasaku: smooth. atsushi: you shush. -elsewhere- Emine: *knocking on the door* "Stop hogging the bathroom." -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* tsubaki: morning. Black Star: *smiles* "Mornin'..." *smooch* tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "How was your sleep?" tsubaki: slept well. you? Black Star: "Kinda alright. Weird dream." tsubaki: ?? how so? Black Star: "There was this river, but the water was all red..." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "I thought I saw...a bird? Like, a tiny one?" tsubaki: a bird? Black Star: *nods* "It kept opening its mouth to sing--but nothing came out, just this hoarse noise." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Then I woke up." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: *smiles widely* "I'm starving! I'm going to make some bacon and muffins!" tsubaki:... ^^ ok. -elsewhere- -two individuals are on a road- Clone!Justin: "...Do we...what is it called, 'hiker-itch'?" noriko:...someone is coming. Clone!Justin: *looks* -a car with an older gentleman is coming up- noriko: *waving her arms* Older Man: "???" *pulls over, lowers the window* "...Yes?" noriko: my friend and i are lost. can you take us to the nearest city? Older Man: "Well, it is a bit crowded in the back...I have a lot of books there." noriko: it's fine. *getting in....* Clone!Justin: *sits in the front* Older Man: o_o; -elsewhere- *Loud scream inside the 8th* tamaki: ?!?! maki: ?! iris: what happened?! Victor: *peers around the corner* "Um, guys? I think Vulcan needs some help in the garage..." shinra: what happened in here? Vulcan: *holds up an empty cage...a very large cage* "Fluffy escaped!" shinra: um.... -in arthur's room- fluffy: *sitting on his bed* ... Arthur: "Zzz..." *turns over* Relan: "...Um, Fluffy isn't a...cat, are they?" *holds Buttons close* Vulcan: "Oh, no, nothing like that. Fluffy is a gila monster." Arthur: *yawns, opens his eyes* "...So, you finally came to kill me, you bastard." fluffy: OwO shinra: um..... AHHHHHH!!! Arthur: "KILL THE DRAGON!" *pulls Excalibur's base from under his bed, igniting it* -they stopped him- fluffy: Q_Q Vulcan: *petting Fluffy* "It's okay, no one is going to hurt you." Takehisa: -___-;; "I tolerated the rat, I will not tolerate the baby alligator." maki: gila monster. -elsewhere- Kid: *opens cupboard* "...Oh no...Out of cookies." liz: store trip? Kid: "Yes, that will do." -elsewhere- Emine: *dressed as Santa Claus* chie: ^^; you're a few months too early there Emine: "I am not wearing this because I want to. Someone stole all clothes from my room and left only this." *he has the beard on as well* chie: yeah, it's called 'im doing laundry and you could use it' Emine: "...When will my clothes be out of the dryer?" *holds up a bell, starts ringing it* -elsewhere- Customer #1: "Excuse me, where is the cereal aisle?" soul: aisle 5. Customer #2: "Hey, this coupon says buy one get one, but you only have one left on the shelf." soul: um. im kind of with a customer here? Customer #3: "Hey, you! I almost slipped on some spilled soda in Aisle 5!" soul: erm Hyde: "Home slice!" soul: oh, hey hyde. Hyde: "I'm short on cash. Can I just take this soda?" *it's leaking...* manager: ok people, back it up. there's plenty of employees around to ask. soul: TTuTT; Hyde: "...Really? It kinda feels like Soul is the only one here. Like, do the other ones even have names?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *writing notes* atsushi: .///. Lucy: *looks up at the board--spots Atsushi* "..." *waves* atsushi: !! *wave* ^///^; Lucy: "..." *small smile, as she goes back to writing notes* atsushi: ... .//////. Sid: "Nakajima? Nakajima! I called on you." atsushi: oh! right! sorry sir! Sid: "So? What's the answer?" atsushi: *quickly glances at the board* *The board has a complicated chemistry equation related to bodily transformation* atsushi: O_O;;;; -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...Who took my sandwich from the fridge?" ranpo: dazai did it. Dazai: "SLANDER!" *has mustard on his cheek...and is holding the sandwich in his hand* -elsewhere- FD: *looking around* barkova: ?? FD: "Have you seen the child?" barkova: *nods* sonia: *in her room, staring at a few dolls* FD: "Hmm...I can leave Zoey to her." sonia:.... *hiding a drawing in one of her stuffed animals....a drawing of her....rain...and chuuya* FD: "Where is Zoey?" barkova: *points to the medical room* FD: *enters the medical room* zoey: what did you need, master fyodor? FD: "That child..." zoey: yes? FD: "...How does one interact with a child?" -elsewhere- Anya: *looking through library shelves* -piano music can be heard in the distance- Anya: "???" *walks a bit closer to the source* -seems the music is coming from in the music room- licht: *playing piano* Anya: *listens* .\\\. licht: *finishes* Anya: "..." *claps* licht: *looks up* oh hey. Anya: "That was wonderful!" -elsewhere- lana: your room will be on the 6th floor then, sir. ???: "Thank you. I'm looking forward to my stay." *smiles* lana: ^^ ???: "Which way's the elevator?" lana: to the right of the help desk. ???: "Thanks!" *takes his luggage and starts towards the elevator lana: ^^ .... *sees someone at the desk* yes, may i help you- Poe: o\\\\w\\\\o lana: O////O e-edgar! what brings you here? Poe: "FIGS!" lana: ?? owo; Poe: "Dates! I would like dates!" lana: edgar....are you trying to ask me on a date? Poe: O\\\\\\\\\O "Th-That's really direct! B-Bu-But accurate?" lana: ..... O/////////////////O m-maybe after i g-get off work? OwO;; Poe: owo; "Wh-When w-w-w-would that b-b-b-b-be?" lana: around 5. Poe: :D "I will see you then!" lana:.... .////. Coworker: "Oooooooo!" lana: o/////o y-you shush. >///< Coworker #2: "Didn't know you were into bishie shy guys." lana: *trying to work* -///-; Coworker #1: *chuckles* "Maybe he'll bring her black roses..." coworker 3: hey lay off guys, the gal's trying to work. unlike _some_ people. T_T Coworker #2: "..." *rolls eyes, gets back to the phone* Coworker #1: *small smile* coworker 4: we're grown adults. this isnt high school. -later- Poe: *holding a flower* owo;;;; lana: thank you. .////. soooo, have anywhere in mind? Poe: "I-I-I know one restaurant. Good atmosphere. Vegetarian options." lana: that sounds lovely. Poe: "...J-Just this way..." *reaches towards her hand...* lana: *smiles and holds his hand* ... ./////w/////. Poe: o\\\\\o *steam off his head, as he walks forward* twain: dude....is that....poe?....on a date?....with a girl??.... holy shit, i didnt think he had it in him to ask someone out! good for him! Steinbeck: "Tch. I bet he screws this up." twain: jeez man, who put a hornet's nest up _your_ butt? Steinbeck: "...No one. Just...he should be working for the Guild." twain: hmm... oscar: seems he's quite happy with her. it's so cute~<3 Steinbeck: *gag* oscar:.... *pulls his cheeks* jeez, johny-boy. you have no sense of romance! >n< Steinbeck: "H-Hey! Stop that!" oscar: hmm, i wonder if that kenji boy is around for you to talk to...? twain: dude no. turns out the kid is 14. major deal breaker on that front. Steinbeck: "MOVING. ON!" ebie: i can to recon! -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Why is Dazai hanging from the ceiling with a sign saying 'I will not steal'?" atsushi: i dont know lucy. i just dont know.... *covering kyouka's eyes as dazai's position is rather......suggestive* Kyoka: "???" Dazai: *small moan* Lucy: -______-;;;;; atsushi: aaaanyway. kirako:.... >///>;;; *AHEM* Lucy: "..." *hands Anne a pair of scissors* "Cut him down." -elsewhere- Gin: "Good work." higuchi: thanks. ^^ Gin: "What shall we do now?" higuchi: well, since we have the rest of the night off....did you...um....well... ./////. doyouwannaseeamovie? Gin: "...Can it be one with some action?" higuchi: sure! Gin: "Then yes. Let's go." *takes her hand* higuchi:....ok. .///////////////////////////. Gin: *guides her out the room* "Where did you leave your coat?" higuchi: ah! i think it's still in the locker. Gin: *leads her there* "...Oh. I should probably change." *she's in her battle attire* higuchi: ..... ?? *notices a file left in her locker* ??.... *puts it in her bag* Gin: *has removed her mask, opening her locker to take out her clothes* higuchi:... >/////>; Gin: *unbuttons and removes her shirt, then takes off her pants* "...What?" higuchi: n-nothing! OwO;; Gin: *shrugs, puts on her blouse and skirt...looks in her locker mirror* "...Should I have my hair like this?" higuchi: i-if you want. Gin: "...I wish I could make mine have a style like yours." higuchi: i-i could help you there, i-if you wanted. .////. (thinking: WHY AM I SO NERVOUS?!) Gin: "..." *soft smile* "I would like that. Please, help me." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...What is this?" ango: WHY AM I HERE?! I WANTED TO LEAVE ALL THIS BEHIND!! naoya: stop being a pissbaby and enjoy your date! ango: THIS IS NO DATE! THIS IS A HOSTAGE SITUATION! Akutagawa: "...Um...?" naoya: enjoy you two~ *closes the door* -there is a table with a fake candle and food set up- ango:....i cant even reach my utensils. Akutagawa: "...I suppose I could cut up your food for you." ango: i would appreciate that.....i dont know why i was dragged into this... Q_Q Akutagawa: "Hmm...I wonder whether Naoya was trying to help..." *cuts up food and puts some on a fork held up to Ango's mouth* ango: TT_TT i just want to go home now. im not exactly one for 'blind dates', per say. especially with those in the mafia. Akutagawa: "...We can at least talk. How is work?" ango:........ sooooooo....any hobbies? Akutagawa: "Surveillance." ango:...i....see..... -elsewhere- Lucy: *curled up under a blanket, reading* -elsewhere- lana: i had a great time tonight, edgar. ^^ Poe: "I did as well." *smiles* "I always enjoy your company." lana: the feeling is mutual. ^///^ Poe: .\\\. "W-Would you be interested in another d-date?" lana: *blush* i would like that very much. Poe: "Gr-Great! Wh-When?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *opens a door* "???" hanako: zzzzz gabriella: *crashed out on the chair* zzzz Hibana: QWQ ("My babies...") *tucks in Hanako, puts a blanket over Gabriella and sits by her* gabriella: =w= Hibana: *rests head along her shoulder* -elsewhere- Gin: *watching the film* "..." higuchi: .//////. Gin: *holds up popcorn to Higuchi* higuchi: thanks. ... .////. Gin: *nods, goes back to staring at the action...as her hand moves to rest on Higuchi's shoulder* higuchi:..... .///////. Gin: *leans, whispers in her ear* "To practice dating, have to be used to a hand on your shoulder." *pat pat* higuchi: r-right.. ./////////. Gin: "..." *goes back to watching the film...and holds Higuchi's hand* higuchi: gin?.....thanks for coming here with me. Gin: *nods* "You're welcome. Thank you for joining me, too." higuchi:....*blushes and leans against her shoulder* Gin: "..." -\\\- *puts arm around her, soft but supportive* -elsewhere- Victor: *staring into the oven* "...Almost finished..." nozomi: working on something? Victor: *smiles* "Pizza!" nozomi: ah. what kind? Victor: "Veggie to start." -elsewhere- Dazai: *hums* -trash can bang- Dazai: owo; *looks* mii: owo~? Dazai: "Oh, hey! What're you doing?" mii: *mreeeow~* ^^ Dazai: *holds out a hand* mii: *crawls up onto his shoulder* mreow~! Dazai: "Hee hee..." *pet pet* "Like the view?" mii: *nod* Dazai: "That's good." *hums a bit, continuing to pet Mii* -mii points a paw forward to say 'ONWARDS'- Dazai: *follows Mii's paw forward* -later- Lucy: *yawn* -elsewhere- kirako: thanks for bringing mii back, dazai. Dazai: "Of course! Can't let this cutie be away from home." kirako: ^^ mii: 7w7 Dazai: "Better keep Mii clean--that garbage-knocking can get the fur all dirty." kirako: noted. poor baby, you must have been so scared out there by your lonesome... mii: 737 Dazai: "Hee hee...You're such a good pet owner." kirako: ^^ Dazai: "...Well...Care to share a cup of coffee?" kirako: sure. ^^ Dazai: *reaches past her to take a mug* "..." -later- Dazai: "Mmm..." kirako: ah....fuck, that's good. Dazai: *kisses along her neck...* "I can make it even better..." kirako: heh, try me~ Dazai: *smirks* "You asked for it..." *spanks her bottom* kirako: ah~! Dazai: "Who's a naughty girl?" kirako: i-i am! Dazai: "How bad have you wanted a throbbing hard cock in you?" *squeezes her cheek* kirako: a-ah~ s-so fucking hard. Dazai: "What if I tied your ass down and pounded your pussy?" kirako: oh _god_ yes. Dazai: *pushes her down on the bed, holding her wrists down* "You still have the ropes?" kirako: yeah, in the box under the bed with the rest of the stuff. -elsewhere- Poe: *hugging his pillow* ^\\\w\\\^ karl: ouo~? Poe: "Love is great! Makes me feel all happy inside..." karl: ^^ Poe: *pat pat* "Time for little raccoons to get some sleep before the Sandman visits..." karl: *yawns and stretches his lil paws* Poe: "Hee hee..." *puts on his nightcap* "Pleasant dreams, Karl..." *turns off the light* -morning- ochako: *yaaAAAAWWWN* hmm. foggy out today. welp. cant stay in bed just cause of some fog! *streeeetch* -on the way to school- Todoroki: -____- "Can't see..." fuyumi: im sure it'll clear up later today. be safe out there, ok? Todoroki: "...Okay." -in school- Izuku: *waves* "Hey!" shinra: hey izuku, long time no see, buddy! Izuku: "Yeah! I heard you did some new training?" shinra: yep! maybe if we have gym today, you'll get to see it? i hope? Izuku: *nods* "I'm looking forward to that! How's everyone else doing?" shinra: doing well. rel and iris are doing great. tamaki still has shit luck. arthur is....well....arthur. Arthur: "I made a knight's shield!" *holds up a garbage can lid* -in class- Stein: "Some volunteers, please." sayaka: *trying to slump in her seat so she wont be seen* Stein: *spots Sayaka* "..." sayaka: TTUTT (thinking: MADOKAAAAA GET HOME SOON PLEEEEEASE) Stein: "Sayaka, thank you for volunteering." sayaka: TT_TT -elsewhere- Kyoka: *marking answers on the quiz* Lucy: o_o;;; tamaki: ?? what? Lucy: *whispers* "I don't know the answer to #7..." -elsewhere- Gin: *sigh* naoya: long night? Gin: "Quite." naoya: yeah. i had to drive that government worker back home and he was crying the whole time. Gin: *sigh* "Yes, part of my evening was explaining to Ryu the error of his ways." naoya: ah. Gin: "Thank you for cleaning up one mess." naoya: no sweat. Gin: *nods* "I owe you one. Now, if you excuse me..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *fell into the pond, soaked* -_-;;;; kirei: *towling him off* Benimaru: -\\\- "So embarrassing..." kirei: at least you didnt get hurt. ^^ Benimaru: "Hmph. Just my ego..." *pulls a koi out of his outfit--and tosses it back into the pond* kirei: ^^; Benimaru: "...I think I'll take a bath." -elsewhere- Dazai: "What you working on?" yosano: the usual medical stuff. Dazai: *picks up the medical tape* yosano: did your cuts open up or did you add new ones? Dazai: owo; "A little of both..." yosano:... *sighs* honestly, dazai. Dazai: ^^; "What can I say? I roughed myself up..." -elsewhere- Relan: *in gym uniform* "R-Ready!" ^^;; EF: ok. start! *turns on the watch* Relan: *sprints* shinra: go rel! Anya: "Faster, Tsugumi!" tsugumi: *sprints* >-< Arthur: *passes Tsugumi, almost caught up to Relan* tsugumi: HA! *sprints, and it almost seems like small, heart shaped wings appeared on her ankles and sent her flying forwards* WOAH! Arthur: "???!!!" Relan: "Huh?" Anya: .\\\. marie: woah! mio: did she just.....fly? Meme: "...Probably?" tsugumi: wha....what was.... Spirit: "Harudori! Death Room. Now!" tsugumi:.... ._.; Meme: "...Why is he yelling at her?" Anya: "Don't be rude to her, Death Scythe!" Arthur: "...So if Tsugumi cheated, I won, right?" -and so- lord death: please. have a seat. tsugumi: i-i-if i did something bad, i-i didnt mean to! Spirit: "It's not that. Your soul..." tsugumi:... ?? eh? lord death: did you feel anything during your sprint? tsugumi:....i felt.....floaty....kinda? Spirit: "Have you felt this before?" tsugumi: *thinking* ...... i think once....during the shaula incident.... Spirit: "Hmm...This is worrisome." tsugumi: w-what is it? Spirit: "...Grigori." tsugumi: i think....i heard that term in class once. lord death: so that's 5 confirmed students with a grigori soul... Spirit: "...Yeah." tsugumi: is that....a bad thing? Spirit: "...It's rare. And what is rare tends to attract more attention..." tsugumi:...*gulp* Spirit: "So you're going to need some protection." tsugumi:... r-right. Akane: "Hello." tsugumi:.... *STEAM COMES OFF HER HEAD WITH A BOOM* Spirit: D8 Akane: "???" clay: is she.....alright? Akane: "I think all this information is new for her." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *tapping his pencil* -elsewhere- toru: zzzz Yohei: *smiles* chie: so peaceful. Yohei: "Our son..." *holds her hand* chie: ^^ Yohei: "...He is so beautiful..." *kisses her cheek* chie: he gets it from you. Yohei: ^\\\^ chie: ^^ Yohei: "He deserves the best...and so do you." mono: get a room! >n< chie: ....shall we~ <3 Yohei: "I'd say yes~" mono: ugh. -elsewhere- Black Star: "You look beat." tsubaki: *face first on the couch. muffled mumbling* Black Star: "..." *sits beside her, rubs her back* tsubaki: *sigh* Black Star: *massages lightly* -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Telling you, the fries here are going to be the best! And the milkshakes..." vivian: wow! *shiny eyes* Kishiri: "My treat. We can even get the brownies for dessert..." *cheek smooch* vivian: hehehe~<3<3 Hyde: "Welcome to Beef Death, home to the 'Rest in Pieces' milkshake (trademark). Table for two?" vivian: yes please~ Hyde: "Right this way..." *leads them to a table with a candle on it* -elsewhere- Belkia: "HAPPY SHAMROCK DAY!" *wearing green tights* otogiri:......it's september. -_-; Shamrock: X_Q "...It's my day?" Belkia: *holds up a present* "Happy Shamrock Day!" naho: you work really hard, so we decided to show our appreciation! ^^ Shamrock: X~Q "...That is so kind. *sniff* Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Anya: "Are you okay? What did they say?" tsugumi: well....im not in trouble...i dont think... Anya: "That's good. But Death Scythe looked serious." tsugumi:...i learned some stuff...it's a lot to take in....and kind of scary too. Anya: "..." Meme: *pat pat* ao: *hug* tsugumi: *sniff* thanks you guys. Anya: "L-Let's get you some food..." -elsewhere- Mori: "Higuchi, update." higuchi: the vagrants in warehouse 5 have cleared out. Mori: "Good, good. And that mess in Warehouse 2?" higuchi: ...all cleaned up. Mori: "Glad to hear. Keep up the good work." higuchi:...(thinking: i'll read that file later.....just what is he planning...?) Mori: "I will return to my own tasks. Excuse me." higuchi:.... Mori: *closes the door behind him--and locks it* miura: ?? Mori: "...What can you tell me?" miura: about what? Mori: "What have you noticed about our colleagues here in the Mafia?" miura: do you mean specifics or in general? Mori: *sits* "Let's start with Higuchi. What have you noticed about her?" miura: seems her body temperature rises around the akutagawas. Mori: "..." *smiles* "I understand..." miura: i recall you having her medical records on hand... Mori: "Indeed..." ("And more...") *opens his file* "Look at that..." miura: ?? Mori: "Some family history of certain ailments...But still, rather good health. Good body." miura:.... Mori: "Hmm...Yes. I knew she would work out..." *takes his tablet, adjusts some numbers* miura:... Mori: "Hmm...I'll begin monitoring." miura: very well sir. Mori: *lays out three calendars* -elsewhere- Poe: *writing vigorously* rowena: *reading* Poe: *dots the Is with such force--that he rips the page* o_o;;; "..." rowena: !! brother, perhaps it's time to call it a night? Poe: "I-I can't...The Muse has blessed me this evening with so much insight! Ideas! Form! Rhyme!" rowena: then perhaps record the notes for tomorrow? im happy that you're so invigorated, but i dont want you to lose sleep either. Poe: "B-But the Muse inhabits me!" rowena:....*sigh* do your best then. ^^; Poe: ^^ "Thank you!" *scribbles more writing...* -elsewhere- Lucy: "Pass me the chopped onions." anne: *hands them off* Lucy: *smiles* "Thank you, sweetie." *adds them to the sauce, stirring* -elsewhere- Kid: ._.; "...Don't pout at me like that, Shiori." shiori: =3= Kid: D8> *picks her up* "I-I'm sorry! I'll play!" shiori: \(^o^)/ Kid: "Hee hee..." ^^;; "Tea party?" shiori: yay! Kid: "Yay!" *sets down the dolls at the table* -elsewhere- Giriko: *sips a juice box* anna: uu! arachne: ^^ *pats her head and gives her a bottle* anna: ^o^ Giriko: "You'll get your own juice box soon, kiddo." -elsewhere- Izuku: "See you all tomorrow!" ochako: see ya! Todoroki: *waves* tsuyu: get home safely. Izuku: *nods* "Will do--promise!" *races back* -elsewhere- Hiro: *tosses laundry* hime: im back! Hiro: "Hey. Just finishing up laundry." hime: *looks around* seems mom and dad are still at work yet... Hiro: "Yeah, they left a message they'll be back late." hime: ah. make sure to record mom's show on the DVR, ok? Hiro: o_o; "Oh, shoot. Thanks for reminding me...Man, I don't get how Mom is into this..." hime: eh, you know how grown ups are with their programs. *shrug* Hiro: "Yeah, just so soap opera-y. I miss when shows weren't like that...back when I was, what, 7?" hime: and i was like....4-5? Hiro: "Yeah...I remember Mom having to switch to cartoons whenever we were in the room. ^^;" hime: yeah. i think i still have some old VHS tapes in the crawlspace. Hiro: "...Put one on?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "Got the ice cream!" ranpo: NICE! Dazai: "Now, get the bowls and the toppings--it's sundaes!" ranpo: YEEEEEEAH! -elsewhere- Yumi: -~- lord death: *shoulder rubs* Yumi: "Just stressed..." lord death: did you want to talk about it, love? Yumi: *sighs* "I've been putting in ten-hour days, then taking care of Shiori...Death, I'm spent." lord death: aww. *snuggle* i think i know what'll make you feel better~<3 Yumi: "...Oh?" *snuggle* lord death: would you like me to eat out~? Yumi: o\\\o "...God, yes." -elsewhere- Assi: *playing a fighting game* "Come on, come on..." mana: hmmmmm. *Assi's character gets beheaded* Assi: D8> mana: *grin* Assi: "No fair! My glasses were all dirty..." *takes off his glasses--cue bishie sparkle* mono: ... >///-///>;; mana: in combat, its not about making your move, but rather determining what your opponent is going to do then counterattack. Assi: "Hmm...So, I should have anticipate you would kick and then prepare to block..." *looks at Mono* "That would work, right?" mono:...wha-huh? Assi: "???" *puts on his glasses* "I was saying I should block the kicks..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *grunt* naoya: you ok? you arent coughing up flower petals, are ya? Akutagawa: "...'Flower petals'?" naoya: *shrug* figure of speech. Akutagawa: "...My cough has been worsening, yes." naoya: ...maybe we should get you to a doctor? Akutagawa: "Perhaps." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at photos of families* kouyou: hmm? Chuuya: "...They look happy." kouyou: i suppose they do... Chuuya: "..." *sniff* kouyou:...*pats his shoulder* Chuuya: "...I don't know what it would even be like to...to..." kouyou: to what? Chuuya: "...to be a parent?" kouyou:...it takes a lot of patience and understanding. Chuuya: "...And it's hard...alone." kouyou:...it certainly is...what brought this up? Chuuya: "...Missed opportunities." kouyou:.....is it...that girl again? Chuuya: "...Yes." kouyou:..... *sullen expression* if things had been different....would you and her....have run away? Chuuya: "I...had not thought that far..." kouyou: hmm.... (thinking: mori is the boss now....it wouldnt be the same as all those years ago.....would it?) Chuuya: "It's foolish to even think." kouyou:..... Chuuya: "...Maybe I should just go to bed..." kouyou: get some sleep. -kunikida's apartment- -seems a commercial break is on- Kunikida: *sips his glass of water* -knocks- Kunikida: "???" *walks to the door* atsushi: hey kunikida. Dazai: *waves* "Hi-Hi!" Kunikida: "...What do you want?" kunikida: we brought lunch. we werent sure if you ate yet today. Kunikida: "...Oh. That is quite nice. Thank you." *reaches out for the lunch--* Dazai: *takes it, walks in* "Let's set out your plates! Atsushi, get the utensils..." tv: coming up next, the long awaited 3 part season finale of 'crestwind heights' Dazai: "Oooooooo! Totes awesome TV!" *sits down on couch* Kunikida: -_-# -hours later, after atsushi has gone home- Dazai: "You have any dessert?" Kunikida: -__-## "No." Dazai: "Then let's get some! Put on your jacket and we'll buy some--" Kunikida: *urge to kill...rising...* -some big scene is going on in the tv show, a big kiss scene- Kunikida: "..." Dazai: QWQ Kunikida: "..." TT_TT -later that evening- Kunikida: *curled up in a ball* Dazai: *asleep atop the kitchen table* *snore* Kunikida: TT~TT ("So alone...") -elsewhere- Vulcan: *sips his soda* "..." nozomi: still awake? Vulcan: "Yeah...Heh. Caffeine is probably a bad idea." nozomi: ^^; Vulcan: "...This trip to the Nether...Weird." nozomi: yeah. im still nervous...im not sure what we expect to find down there… Vulcan: "Aside from mushrooms?" nozomi: *small chuckle* .....do you think.....we'll find a cure for all this? The combustion phenomenon? Vulcan: "...Giovanni kept a lot hidden. I shudder thinking what he might know..." nozomi: ....i hope i can find something....i dont want my father's hard work to mean nothing... Vulcan: "...I feel the same, about Dad and Gramps...and to get Lisa back." nozomi:...then im sure we will! Vulcan: "Right!" *finishes his can of soda--then smashes the can against his forehead* nozomi: doesnt...that hurt? Vulcan: "Nah, Dad taught me the right spot to apply pressure on the can for maximum crush-ability." nozomi: wow. Vulcan: *points on the can* "The contact points from your forehead to the can's top have to line up, or else the edge will cut into your forehead." nozomi: that sounds scary. Vulcan: "Hee hee...I remember how badly I cut up my head on the first try, trying to imitate Granddad..." nozomi: oh no! Vulcan: "It was fine. Dad said I always had a hard head." ^^ nozomi: ^^; Vulcan: "..." *stares down at his crushed can* "...Yeah." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *glaring, red-faced* naomi: yeah, those claw machines are difficult. Kyoka: "Another token. Please." naomi: *hands her one* Kyoka: "..." *inserts the token and starts moving the arm* "Come on come on--" -elsewhere- Rin: "Hee hee...This is going to be perfect..." madoka: ^^ Rin: "Here he comes..." *pulls out the water balloon* "..." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "More tea?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sneezes* kirei: *worried* Benimaru: =_____= "My nose is all stuffed..." -elsewhere- Hyde: *putting out garbage* -underground- FD: *removing his shirt* "..." zoey: o//////o FD: "...Are you going to check my vitals?" zoey: r-right. of course. FD: "...I hope I am okay..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *pours milk into bowl* mito: ^o^ Chuuya: *pets Mito* "Enjoy." mito: *lapping it up* Chuuya: "..." ("Raising a cat has to be some kind of prep for raising a kid, right?") -who knows- Chuuya: *blinks* *looks around* -silence- Chuuya: "..." *pulls out a textbook and reviews* -elsewhere- Kid: *in a dress* -\\\- stocking: cute ^^ Kid: "I-I did this for the tea party, that's all..." stocking: mind if i join? Kid: "Princess Shiori, may Stocking join?" shiori: stocky! stocky! ^o^ stocking: i'll take that as a yes. Kid: *hands Stocking a tiara* -elsewhere- Black Star: *shivers* naho: you ok? Black Star: "Just chilly. Maybe hot tea..." -elsewhere- Kana: "..." misery: something the matter, hun? Kana: "I am just thinking is all." misery: hmmm... Kana: "...Would you like a reading?" *sets down cards* -elsewhere- Patty: *with a marker beard drawn on her face* liz: *washing it off* -_-; Patty: "But I was just going to impersonate _one person_!" -elsewhere- Lucy: "Zzz...." -morning- Kunikida: "*yawn* Dazai: *snore* -he slept on the table…- Kunikida: "..." ("That's where I put my food...") *flips Dazai off the table* Dazai: "GAK!" -elsewhere- louisa: *putting items into a bag* ok. that should be everything now. Fitzgerald: *in his office, flipping through pages* "..." louisa: i've made reservations for lunch later today. Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Oh, th-thank you. I will be ready for my break shortly..." *he has photographs in front of him: it's a photo album* louisa: .... -elsewhere- ???: ok. today is your big break. soon that shithead bomber will finally acknowledge you! I AM THE HYPE! -elsewhere- Bellhop: "Lana, he keeps bringing in raccoon paw prints..." lana: ^^; it's fine...i think. *notices it has a letter attached* letter: "Dearest Lana..." lana: .///. (thinking: he could just send these letters to my apartment...) letter: "...It has been so long since I saw you that I wrote this, hoping the words would re-awaken what I remember about you, down to every feature of your perfect face." lana: .////////. Letter: "Alas, I worry I idealize you only, for my words cannot reach the truth of who you are. And there is one thing I know about you: I love you." lana:.... ./////////////////////////////////////////////////////. *steam coming off her head* Bellhop: "...Yo, Lana? What happened?" lana: !!! *attempts to eat the letter* Bellhop: ._.;;;; "...Fiber?" lana: O-O;;....*nod* Bellhop: "Well, um...try a salad instead?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *poke poke* atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "Wake up." atsushi: imup....is it *yawn* the weekend yet? Kyoka: "Yes." atsushi: alright. *streeeetch* Kyoka: "We need to get more groceries." atsushi: *nods* Kyoka: "And cereal. And chips." -elsewhere- Victor: *collapsed in bed* "Zz...." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Well, the fever has gone down, but the attitude needs improvement." Benimaru: =____= reimi: at least it's something, right? Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ "Yes, progress is progress! So rest up and--" Benimaru: *out of bed, walking out his bedroom door* Mr. Tsubaki: owo;;; "Um...Why isn't he listening to me?" reimi: commander! D8 Benimaru: "Work...Patrol...Find any more impersonators...Get groceries...Change the motor...oil..." *collapses* Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; -elsewhere- Sakuya: *fixing his tie* "I got to dress up just for brunch?" lavender: got to look nice for your date, you know~ Sakuya: -\\\\- "F-Fine..." lavender: hmmm... *licks thumb and tries to get the hair curl down* Sakuya: *hair stays down...then springs right back up* -_-;;; lavender:....well _that's_ a lost cause. Sakuya: "Could've told you that..." -elsewhere- Hyde: *juggling* romina: woot! Hyde: "Toss me another orange!" julian: oh god he's going to break something... Hyde: "Oh, please! I'm not going to break--" *SMASH* julian: D8> Hyde: o_o;; "...Maybe Licht won't notice--" licht: shit rat. Hyde: owo;;; *tries to run* -elsewhere- Izuku: *jogging* hitoshi: *feeding a stray cat* Izuku: "???" hitoshi: ??....!!! *ducks* Izuku: O_O "???" hitoshi: ._.;;;;; Izuku: "...Hello?" -no answer- Izuku: "Um...Is that your cat?" hitoshi: ...... *saying nothing* cat: ?? Izuku: "Th-That's good of you to feed them. Cats need to be taken care of..." hitoshi:... .///.; Izuku: "W-Well, I won't keep you. Th-Thanks for talking with me!" *waves* hitoshi:.......*waits for him to leave*....huh...weird kid. -elsewhere- Assi: *sees a note: "DO NOT TOUCH"* "???" saki: just painted there. Assi: "Ah! And good thing it's a note, or Zuno would forget..." saki: you seem to look after him a lot. Assi: "Well, when he loses memories, someone has to..." saki: hmmm.... you've known him a long time, i take it? Assi: *nods* "Back when we were at Fear Factory, I was assigned to work with him." saki: ....i see. Assi: "It was challenging to find ways to help him. I mean, he's amazing at tracking communications and combat--but then he can forget basic memories." saki: that sounds like a pretty scary condition to have... Assi: "It is...so we try to get as much of what he remembers written down all the time." saki: ... Assi: "Heh. I think Zuno should be trying vlogs next..." saki: it might help. Assi: "...It's tough being a Dokeshi..." chie: yeah. it is...but we just have to power through it, one day at a time. Assi: "Yeah...Just want to help..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *spinning his keychain along his finger* "..." tamaki: it's finally the weekend! Arthur: "What you got in mind?" tamaki: maybe getting out our halloween costumes? Arthur: "...I don't remember what I'm going as..." -elsewhere- Akane: "You okay?" clay: i guess. feel kinda bad for harudori though. must be a lot to take in. Akane: *nods* "She will need support." clay: yeah... maybe we can ask my sister and her partner to hang out with them? Akane: "Yes, good. Please do so." clay: ok! i think they live at the dorm too. Akane: "So she can introduce herself at the dorm..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Is it working yet?" karin: should be. Akitaru: "Alright! Let's test this out..." -it works- shinra: oh cool! the tv's fixed! Arthur: o_o;; ("The tiny people in the magic box have returned...") -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *in dressing room* "...I don't know..." kim: it'll look great, jackie! ya never know until you try. Jacqueline: "...Well, come in here. I don't want to step out right now." kim: ok.... wow! you look really good in that. Jacqueline: =\\\= "It isn't too much is it?" kim: it's a good color on you. Jacqueline: "Th-Thank you...I guess I'll take it." *smiles* -elsewhere- Hibana: *lying on the couch* -elsewhere- Higan: *painting* "...A little to the left." -elsewhere- louisa: enjoying lunch? Fitzgerald: "Surprisingly, yes. I was concerned the food here was not rich enough." bram: just like home... mary: deeelish~! Fitzgerald: "I do appreciate the meal." louisa: t-thank you lord francis! >///< -a message comes over the intercom- Fitzgerald: "???" ???: good afternoon dear patrons! there has been a change of plans in today's schedule! starting now to however long it takes, this is now a hostage crisis, as i have a bomb here with me! louisa: O__O;;; bram: oh god no. mary: ooooh! dinner _and_ a show! Fitzgerald: "???" ???: dont worry everyone~ i dont ask for much. but i did do my research and i know a lot of mafiosos frequent this fine establishment. if anyone of you is in the mafia, i want you to call motojiro kajii and tell him to get his ass over here pronto! Fitzgerald: "...Well, this is troublesome." louisa: kajii? eh! isnt he the man who almost blew up the hotel we were staying at?! Fitzgerald: "Yes, he was. I don't know how she expects anyone to contact that lunatic." elise: what does this dumbass want with dr lemon bombs? miura: *sighs and sending an email* Mori: *pretending to be afraid* Q~Q "Oh no..." miura: sir, please have some self respect. people are going to stare. elise: yeah rintarou. im cringing so hard right now. Mori: "B-But we're hostages!" miura: -_-; Mori: *hides under table* miura:....*notices fitzgerald* .... !? Fitzgerald: "...Oh." louisa: ?? Fitzgerald: "We have 'friends' here. Shoot." mary: *waves* HIYA~! ^^ Fitzgerald: -____- bram: *pulls her back down into the chair* -_-; miura: ?? Mori: *tying instructions on his phone* ("Yes, that should work...") *the scared facade fades, as he smirks* ???: i know you're all freaking out about now. but fret not, i brought some nice tunes to calm everyone's nerves. -she starts playing death metal on the intercom- Fitzgerald: -_____- *muttering* "Happy birthday to me..." louisa: im sorryyyyy TT~TT Mori: *pops back up, raises his hand, "nervous"* "E-Excuse me? My child needs a bathroom..." elise: D8< ???: hey, when you gotta go you gotta go, but dont try escaping or else! Mori: "I-I-I won't! Come along, dear..." *takes Elise's hand* elise: -_-; miura: *sigh* Mori: *left his 'phone' behind...* miura: ?? *The screen has a countdown clock...* miura: .... (thinking: what are you planning, mori...?) elise: you better not be making me do something weird, rintarou. Mori: "Of course not~" ^^ "Now, let's get you into the air shaft--" elise: what? Mori: *points to air vent in the ceiling* elise: ohhhhh. you better not peek. >3< Mori: ._.;;;; "Of course not..." *holds out his hands to lift her up* -elsewhere- Gin: "..." *knocks her phone against the wall* hirotsu: ?? did something happen? Gin: "It's frozen on some screen, with numbers counting down..." mafioso: i have a bad feeling about this. mafioso: IS IT A BOMB?! Gin: "..." *Suddenly, a lemon appears on the screen* Gin: "..." -________- mafioso: oh boy. Motojirou: "Someone call?" hirotsu: seems some bomber child at chaz citrine wants to speak with you in person. Motojirou: .____. *tries to run away* hirotsu: seems to be a fan or an admirer from what it looks like. Gin: *clotheslines Motojirou before he can escape--then tosses his barely conscious body to Hirotsu* "Let's get him there..." -and so- ???: *spinning around in her chair* uuuuugh, how long is he gonna taaaaaaake? so smart, but so sloooooow! IT PISSES ME OFF! DX *sigh* *knock knock knock* ???: who is it~? ^^ Motojirou: *behind the door* "DON'T SEND ME IN THERE! PLEASE!" ???: IS THAT MOTOJIRO KAJII OUT THERE?! Motojirou: O_____O "NO! IT'S...UM...CHARLOTTE BRONTE!" ???: I CAN TELL THE SOUND OF YOUR VOICE YOU LEMON BOMBING MOFO! Motojirou: "I CAN'T GO IN THERE! SHE'S CRAZY!" ???: IM NOT GOING TO KILL YOU! SCOUT'S HONOR! hirotsu: shut up pot and go talk to the kettle. *Motojirou is shoved in, where he collapses face-first onto the floor* ???: so you finally arrived. motojiro kajii, the infamous lemon bomber of the mafia. i've studied about you. i have all reports of your bombings recorded. i have only one request of you. *she gets up and walks over to him.....then gets onto her hands and knees, bowing* PLEASE ACCEPT ME AS YOUR STUDENT!! Motojirou: owo;;;; hirotsu:....what? ???: pleeeeease? i went to all this trouble! i've been learning how to make bombs in my spare time! I EVEN GOT THE SAME BRAND OF SKII GOGGLES YOU WEAR! Motojirou: owo;;;;;;;; "Um...What's in it for me? You got money?" ???: i have a bunch of old bottle caps and 9 dollars. Motojirou: "...'Kay?" ???: WOOOOT! *turns on the intercom* ok, you may go about your buisness everyone~! THIS IS GONNA BE SO HYPE! Mori: owo;;; "Um..." ("I hope she didn't get stuck in the air vents.") Fitzgerald: "..." *applause* elise: WOAH! *falls out of the ceiling* ow @.@ louisa: EEEK! mary: you ok? *poke* elise: dead bodies under the cherry blossoms maaaan. Mori: D8> "Oh no!" bram: um.... ._.; naoya: ouch. Mori: "I-I'm her guardian! And a doctor! I'll fix this..." elise: i better get some damn reimbursement for this shit. Mori: "Ha ha ha, oh, sweetie, don't use such language like that..." *pat pat* miura: -_-;; Fitzgerald: *staring* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Huh...Okay, bomb scare was a false alarm." iris: that's good to know. Arthur: "I am ready." *has on swat team gear* -elsewhere- Chuuya: [do i need to come in?] kouyou: [only if you wish to meet the new member of the mafia's science and research sect] Chuuya: [i'll try to stop by after study group] kouyou: [making friends at school i see? ^^] Chuuya: =\\\\= [it's just studying. don't get your hopes up] [i'll see you soon] kouyou: [have fun ^^] Chuuya: *grabs his bookbag and exits the apartment* -elsewhere- Gopher: *sweating* o_o; inori: are you nervous? Gopher: "Always. This is a special kind of nervous..." inori: ?? Gopher: "I-I-I-I just feel a sense of dread, like something major will change..." inori: perhaps things will be for the best.....at least, one can hope. Gopher: "...They rarely are." -elsewhere- Relan: *pulling bedsheets off and putting them into basket* -elsewhere- louisa: Q_Q mary: its ok louisa, you did your best today. ^^ Fitzgerald: *in his office, reviewing papers* bram: at least no one died.... Fitzgerald: *pokes out his head* "..." mary: happy birthday mr fitz! ^^ i got you a cake too! Fitzgerald: "..." .\\\. "There's cake?" mary: *nods* we worked extra hard on it! Fitzgerald: .\\\. "All of you?" mary: *nods* bram: yes. louisa: y-yes. Fitzgerald: "...That is very kind. Thank you all." mary: aw shucks ^///^ bram: 7///7; louisa: .///. Fitzgerald: "...Well, I suppose I should get the plates. They had a sale for them last week!" -elsewhere- Giriko: "Wanna drink?" -elsewhere- Kid: *pulls on a shirt* stocking: *surprise hug* Kid: "Omph! Ha ha ha!" stocking: hehe~<3 *kiss* Kid: -\\\\\- "So loving..." *nuzzle* stocking: ^///^ Kid: *draws her hip closer to him* stocking: oh my, getting frisky are we~? Kid: "What can I say? You're like catnip to me..." *smooch* stocking: hehehe~<3 Kid: *hug* "Speaking of..." *small kiss on her lips* stocking: mm~ u///u Kid: *presses against her, holding her neck* stocking: ah~ Kid: *lifts her neck, kissing where her cheek reaches her neck* stocking: ah~ you naughty boy... Kid: "Only for you..." *massages her hip* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Zzz..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." kirei: how is he? Mr. Tsubaki: "His breathing has stabilized, and his fever is going down. More sleep and fluids will have him back at full health, I hope." kirei: *nods* right. thank you. Mr. Tsubaki: *moves to depart* Benimaru: "K-Ki..." kirei: yes? Benimaru: "Stay..." kirei:...*nods and holds his hand* Benimaru: *small squeeze* kirei: *smile* Benimaru: *grimacing, but his eyes are happy* kirei:..... Benimaru: "Zzz..." kirei:.....i love you. sleep well. Benimaru: "Love you...too..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Front and center." soliders: *stepping forwards* Karim: *gulp* dia: ... Burns: "...You! You missed a button!" soldier: s-sorry sir! Burns: "100 pushups. Now!" -elsewhere- Anya: *sips* -knocks- tsugumi: ?? bailey: heyoooo~! mizuki:...hey. Anya: "??? May we help you?" bailey: you're tsugumi harudori, right? tsugumi: um...yes...? bailey: *shakes hand* bailey seizemore! nice to meet ya! Anya: "??? 'Sizemore'?" tsugumi: oh! you're clay's sister, right? bailey: yepperoonie! Anya: "So...may we help you?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "GIVE THAT BACK!" cat: *running....with a dango in its mouth* Black Star: *leaps* "GIVE IT BACK, YOU DARN CAT!" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *giggling* karin: ?? Vulcan: "Sh-Shhhh...Just watch." *hides* karin: ?? *There is a trail of ants--fake ants, just lining the floor* tamaki: what the fuck- *At the end of the trail is a giant mechanical ant robot* Robo-Ant: owo tamaki: D8 what. the. fuck. Vulcan: *holding back his laughter* Robo-Ant: *SCREECH* tamaki: *SCREAMS AND RUNS....and falls into a pitfall* SHIT! Vulcan: *laughing uproariously* "I-I hadn't planned on the pitfall!" tamaki: *SCREECHING* Arthur: "??? Tamaki? Why are you in a hole--?" tamaki: NVDJKSFJHDKJL Arthur: "Hang on! I have a rope! I'm lowering it down..." -elsewhere- Hyde: *covered in feathers* kranz: um... ._. Hyde: "...I pissed off the wrong farmer." kranz: oh dear. Hyde: "Now I have to go pluck myself." -elsewhere- Kid: *sigh* =w= stocking: *panting* that was so amazing. Kid: *nod nod* "I-I agree...You still got it..." *cuddles* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *purrs* "...You know how to make me feel so good...and safe." stocking: of course....*hug* Kid: *hug* "Can I ask for something else?" stocking: what is it, honey? Kid: *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: *smiles, nuzzles her cheek* "Love you forever..." stocking: always~ Kid: *exhales, resting his head on her chest* -elsewhere- Sho: "Step forward." guruna: kururu... lisa: .... Sho: "One of you has been quiet. The other...never shuts up." guruna: my apologies lord sho. im just so excited~! Sho: "What provokes this excitement?" guruna: just a hunch of something interesting happening soon~ kurururu~ Sho: "...You are creepy. Go stand in the corner." guruna: =3= Sho: "And you, quiet one...What is on your mind?" lisa: nothing sir. Sho: "Nothing...but our goal. Yes?" lisa: ... Sho: "...Perhaps you need a time out as well. Go back to the rectory." lisa: .....*silently weeping* -elsewhere-
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