#ugh i’m loving the evermore edits
jilytoberfest · 3 years
Author - @petalstofish
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Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! You can find her on ao3!
1. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I will save dialogue that I come up with, or prompts, or even just snippets of a scene in a Google doc if I don’t use it right away, and for it into another story later.
2. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Formatting is a bitch.
3. Do you have any suggestions to help others become a better writer? If so, what are they?
I always tell people to write what they want to read, always be open to constructive feedback, and just have FUN. If you want to write a fic about a stupid hufflepuff vegan cupcake than do it. You might think no one wants to read it, but you’re wrong. I promise. Someone out there is thinking about what you’re writing.
4. What do you think makes a good story?
A healthy dose of humor, angst, and love!
5. What is the first book that made you cry?
Tuck Everlasting, I think, but also coulda been Holes. Both of them are my childhood favs tho!
6. Does writing energize or exhaust you?
It unfortunately fuels me. I’m writing this at 2am, after I just spent six straight hours writing Evermore. And I’m still not tired. I’m gonna end up crashing around 4am at this point. Thanks endorphins.
7. Have you ever gotten reader’s block? If so, what are your tips to overcome it?
Is this suppose to be writers block? If so, I usually take a walk. If it’s readers block, I’m not sure what that entirely means but if I can’t read a book, I normally put it down haha
8. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?
This is a hard question for me to answer. Technically anyone can write. I think it’s what you’re writing about…like I can write a 600 page novel about two idiots falling in love, but I could never write a 600 page novel about true crime. If you don’t feel a lot of the time it might be harder for you to grasp emotions and place them into characters BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU CANT WRITE. You would literally just be writing as you personally see the world and interact with it.
9. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Don’t DELETE YOUR FICS BECAUSE YOU DEEMED THEM TOO SHITTY. One day you’re going to be 30 years old and still bitter that you don’t still have a copy of the fic where you made Lily go back in time and be a stand in for Queen Elizabeth because Voldemort was trying to kill the queen for the sorcerers stone. STILL BITTER.
10. What was your hardest scene to write?
Every scene of my Anastasia AU. Jk.There’s a death scene in Waterlogged that was really hard for me to write. I also HATE writing Fade. But I also love Fade? I have a very complicated relationship with her because she was supposed to only be a one shot.
11. What is your favorite childhood book?
It’s a three way tie between Holes, Tuck Everlasting, and Narnia
12. How long on average does it take you to write a one shot or a chapter of a fic?
I can typically knock out a one shot in an hour or two. A chapter can take me anywhere from five to six hours. A book or multi chapter Fic typically takes me about 8 months.
13. A fic that inspires you?
Ugh, hands down Wind and Waves. My first ever fanfic I ever read and reviews religiously. Will love that one until my dying day.
14. How do you edit your work?
LMAFO (I don’t)
15. Where does inspiration come from?
Little things here and there. The way a person stands in line at the grocery store carrying flowers and half off chocolates. Hearing conversations around me. Going out with my friends and laughing about everything and nothing. If I’m ever stuck writing, I just go do something, and normally that triggers some part of my writing brain to be like “what if James was wearing suspenders, but Lily couldn’t stay to snog the living daylights outta him because she got magically velcro’d to a fourth year?” And then I’m normally like “damn brain, I should pay you for this”
16. Who has been helpful for you as you write for the fandom?
SO MANY PEOPLE. @hiddenpolkadots was my first real friend back then! And she really gave me the confidence I needed! Levins gave me my first ever prompt! Melina was my constant cheerleader from day. And @gryffindormischief is my writing soulmate. I write my best when I write with her.
17. What is your fav POV to write from?
18. What is a fic you would love to write but are worried you won’t be able to accomplish it/nervous it wouldn’t work out?
Not nervous it wouldn’t work out, but I know I don’t have time to write the entire Fade universe into being.
19. Do you ever self insert in fics?
Nope, I do love to insert you all into them though haha
20. What is the story you are proudest of?
I love Waterlogged as my own and I’m really excited for it to be published on Christmas Day. My favorite jily fic that I’ve ever written is fearlessly red!
21. Do you prefer writing canon jily or muggle au?
I LOVE BOTH but lean to muggle a lot
22. what is your creative process?
Me: *triggered by something/someone/movie/song/life event*
Me five seconds later: *types nonsensical notes into my Google docs before the idea leaves me completely*
Me later: *warps my frantic idea paragraphs into a solid outline*
Me even later: *fills in blanks, checks it over once, then posts it all over the Internet*
Thank you!
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jakeperalta · 3 years
Hi! Omg what do you think about everything and having info on Red Taylor's version now? I admit I was sorta hoping for an announcement but then it was past 5AM and she posted about Griff instead...then when I finally fell asleep by 10AM..dont worry this is normal for me and I dont just stay up for Taylor...she announced it and I got no notifications! So I found out an hour late ugh lol. But its fine..it was just not what I was expecting really at all so I was shocked but the 4 red hearts kinda pointed to it. I guess because everyone was expecting 1989 cuz of the themed merch..what do you think it was for? Its also not until November so idk. Ive seen people already complaining so do you think she just announced cuz people were asking? Or because of the 22 weeks thing? I guess it seems long right now but we dont know what she has planned and makes sense for the rerecordings to be more spread out. She didnt announce a single though so when do you think that's coming? The cover is from or similar to Evermore photoshoot so I wonder how long its been planned..but I still like the cover..but it seems like Evermore and how Fearless was too. But I really didnt know what to expect for Red either and it fits cuz to me Red is similar to Evermore. I am very interested in the 10 minute All Too Well cuz it never seemed that real to me I guess..like i knew about it but it seemed like a ya right thing and its here??? What do you think about the vault song number? I'm pretty sure Babe and Better Man are included but it's still more than I was expecting cuz it's more than Fearless. It's very interesting to think if they fits the theme of the album or doesnt...and I wonder if there will be more collabs than before? Someone said there was another Ed song and maybe Olivia Rodrigo cuz she gave her the RED ring. I'm not sure who else right now..who are you thinking? Another guy duet maybe like Keith Urban? I hope forNothing New from the Lover diaries too! Anyway sorry if this is a lot and I'm a little late asking..just trying to put all my thoughts. I am really excited to experience it again..since I was 16 and didnt really follow music like now back then and dont listen to it regularly. Last week my sister told me she didnt even know the lyric was this slope is treacherous..she thought it was this love lol. So it will be fun cuz she doesnt know all the lyrics like I do and forgets some songs.. cuz she hasnt heard the full album in years and the last time for me was before hearing Folklore lol and it's been even longer for Speak Now and also when Fearless came out. Anyway yay!!! I bet you're happier than me though cuz Red is more your vibe lol.
i didn't get a notification either and because i wasn't really expecting an announcement or for it to be red so when i first saw the pictures on tumblr i thought they were a fan edit 😂 i wonder if the plan had been to release 1989 sooner but things got delayed or she changed her mind but they decided to put out the merch anyway since it's summery. i think it's quite likely she just announced it now because of how people were expecting 1989 this summer to the point it was trending on twitter and getting reported on by journalists so she might just want to establish what's coming and show that it's going to be a slow process, although the 22 weeks thing is the kind of thing she'd do! my guess is that a single will come around september time when it's more autumnal and not such a long gap, but i'm curious what she'll pick! i really like the cover, i think it fits well with the red vibe and the "red" ring shows she didn't just like go back to the evermore photos and pick one, and also it makes me wonder if she's shot any of the other covers already since she's obviously been planning them a long time in advance! i definitely didn't expect to ever hear the 10 minute all too well either so that's exciting. i think this album is probably one of the most exciting for vault songs so i'm glad there's lots because it was a time of more experimentation so there could be some real country ones and some pop too. i do remember hearing a while ago that she and ed wrote two songs but only everthing has changed got released so i'd be curious to hear the other one and i'm guessing there will be two or three features total? i feel like the country/pop/singer-songwriter combination of the album means there's so many possibilities of people she could pick, there could be a combination of an artist she liked/was inspired by at the time and someone newer like with fearless. i'd love nothing new too, the snippet of lyrics we've seen of that look like it could be such an interesting song! it's exciting getting to experience it again, even though it's one of the albums i listen to most i didn't become a proper fan until just before 1989 so i like that this gives a chance to sort of relive the release and everything.
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the 'tis the damn season edit was so beautiful!! it's one of my favorite songs too! i think i'd probably rank it 4th on evermore. thank you so much :)
awwwww i’m so glad!! ugh ranking evermore is so hard bc every song i listen to it and i’m like wait i love this lol. but the first that pop in my head for me are def cowboy like me, ‘tis the damn season, happiness, and champagne problems (and nbnc gets honorable mention bc i love it lol)
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thechampagnelovers · 4 years
Please blog about hp when you read them, I love talking about so much hahaha. I really wish I would be following more blogs on here that focus on hp but it would take time to get into it and find good blogs. I still struggle with that even in this fandom. So many people I follow have problems with each other and I am just so confused? Like I just want to follow decent people and have a good time and it‘s hard so I take time off as much as I can (as I said multiple times I know) and just come on here to reblog cute things like YOUR LYRIC EDIT! Cuuuuuuuute! Such a nice present for your friend. 🥺🥺🥺
While scrolling through your reblogs - all so cute I swear - I did see something we don‘t have in common though so I thought I’d tell you, just to spice things up: I can‘t get into Taylor Swift. I was such a die hard fan the first two albums (I was so fucking little lol) and then she started heavily on the pop and then I just lost her? I mean I understand her talent and lyrically she is really amazing but she ist just nobody I can or want to listen to. Okay kill me now hahaah. How did you come to like her music? Maybe give me three of your favourite songs and I promise to try again. 😅
Moooving on: I can only imagine how cool it must be to become friends with someone over creating something together. That is a really good foundation for friendship or at least connection because you automatically have to get personal and open up, right? At least that‘s how I see it... It‘s one of the things I wish I had in my life. Sharing my creativity with others, even friends, you know?
A comfort album... yes absolutely! 🥺
I have a 1D Playlist where I have all their songs collected and when I put that on I just let it run through and I don‘t really get to the point where I can skip because it‘s like a Mood™️ if that makes sense haha. But yeah I totally get that you‘d only trust Niall with Little Things and he would never let you down. When Liam sang it I was like „Nice, thanks for the memories, amazing vocals“ ajsklsn. Maybe I should start hating some songs too, builds personality hahah.
I am so sorry you had such a weird weekend. And sorry you had those cramps again. 😫 I am already dreading mine. 😭 Why did you stop taking the pill, if you don‘t mind answering that? I stopped because I couldn‘t handle the hormones at all. I hope you get this figured out! Please keep me updated. 💓 Oh and I think you have a healthy relationship with crying and it‘s good to be open about it! If it helps I cried today too, yayyy! Is there anything I can do to cheer you up though maybe? Oh and tell me why your book is depressing? We should opening a book club honestly. I am currently crying over rwrb, I finally got some time to really get into it and am almost finished and... NOT OK. Wow okay I have been ranting again. Hope you had a better day! x
I definitely will! When I get back home I’ll read them and I can tag the posts, it’s gonna be so fun! I don’t follow hp blogs :/ I think I follow just one but I don’t even remember the url sjdhjd
If you need chill people to follow I recommend all my mutuals! I’m a strong advocate in having a curated online experience and most of my mutuals are drama free blogs 🤍
Thank you beer nony 🥺🥺🥺I just realised I never made you anything for your bday 😔😔😔 I’m so so so so sorry skdjjdjd next edit is dedicated to you, and I’m also gonna make something for tee! Lately all my post are gifts for mutuals and I love that
I won’t kill you JDHDJD it’s okay, I like Taylor but I’m nowhere near a hardcore stan so I don’t really mind it, also I understand what you’re saying, albums like 1989 and reputation are completely pop and tbh they’re not my fav albums lol 😳 although they both have songs that I LOVE, she never misses. Two of my best friends are swifties, and me and my other best friend are 1d stans so everytime we hang out we play taylor and 1d dkdhdjdj that’s kinda how it happened I think
If you miss the old taylor, my recommendations is ofc folklore and evermore! Cozy comfort albums, goes back to her roots a little bit more, it’s definitely not pop. My fav album is red for sure, and I know you don’t like her pop music but lover is just spectacular and you can’t miss it
Top songs for me are (in no particular order) red, the story of us, miss Americana, state of grace, holy ground, the lakes, no body no crime, champagne problems, gold rush, come back be here, New Romantics and getaway car! And I’m sure I’m missing so many gems too! But yeah, if you want to give her a second chance, red, lover and evermore are my recommendations! And you can check out the folklore online concert on disney+
Ohhh nony 🥺🥺🥺 you’re right, it’s a very nice feeling, and that’s how I always make friendships really djjfjd idk other ways to interact :/ and you can do it! I would love to see what you make, maybe it’s harder irl but online you can make so many friends sharing your art! And I would love to see it
Djdhjdjd I totally get the mood feeling, bc it is a vibe for sure 🤍 ugh I love Niall, he’s the only man I trust
Thank you nony! This time I didn’t suffer near as much as the last time but still not fun. I stopped bc of some logistic problems with the pharmacy djdjdj and I wasn’t really having sex so why bother yk? (Funny story the other day my ex asked me if I wanted to go to his house and I had a full breakdown that made me delete my Instagram so, yeah, that’s my sex life). Besides a little breakout on my skin once in a while I didn’t have many side effects but now I’m really struggling with it now. Mine have a very little dose of hormones so it didn’t affect me much, but yeah some pills can be so bad :( I’m sorry to hear that, and don’t worry I’ll keep you updated
Yay crying 🤍 lol djdhdjd idk if I have a healthy relationship with crying, it’s either nothing or all at once but I’m getting better with it.
The book is about very triggering stuff that I really don’t want to mention bc I would have to filter this post and I don’t feel like it skdhdjdhd but it ended on a nice note, so it’s okay
I had a great day today! Honestly yesterday was the stress and the hormones acting up on me, now I’m more chill and I feel better, so thank you love 🤍 enjoy your week!
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thesestrangerthings · 8 years
Beauty and the Beast Review
I saw the movie yesterday and decided to write a review because eh why not I like procrastinating and I have very strong feelings about this. This is probably about to be a hot, unorganized mess because I don’t write reviews very often.
But yeah.
Overall Thoughts: I loved it a lot. Great visuals and I was pleasantly surprised by the singing (but I’ll talk about that more under the cut). Some people are gonna hate me for saying this but I thought it was better than the original. I would love to see this movie win at least one Oscar, whether that be for sound, visual effects, costumes/makeup, original song, whatever. I’m dying to see it again but I’m so broke. Read more for detailed thoughts and spoilery things :)
Overture/Prologue Pts. 1 and 2/Aria: I thought the whole prologue was very well done. I was surprised by how much of a historical look they seemed to be going for with the costumes and the prince’s entire getup. He looked super freaky in that makeup but I like that they didn’t try to make him attractive. Also Audra McDonald (Madame Garderobe) is a queen.
Belle: Before watching the movie, I wished that they would have done more with Emma Watson’s hair to make her look less like herself, but I could totally see her as Belle by the end of this song. I really like the look of her blue dress + the boots. I also adored the color palette they created with the village. My only complaint (with this scene and pretty much the whole movie tbh) is that I think they autotuned Emma more than she needed to be, I feel like taking her natural voice and maybe just raising the volume and tweaking it a tiny bit would have been just fine. That being said, because the only clips I heard from the film beforehand were of Emma, I was expecting everyone to be autotuned and had no idea that the male leads were going to be as strong as they were. Emma’s Belle is so fierce, I loved it when Gaston was like “oh are you busy” and she was just like “...no.” And when he sang “I’m going to make Belle my wife” I was like yessss boy sing holy crap strong male singers.
How Does a Moment Last Forever (Music Box): Yay for new songs! I loved that a little more substance was added to Maurice and that you got to see the father/daughter relationship here.
Belle (Reprise): Def think they were going for Sound of Music vibes with her running into the field (not a negative thing, just a thing).
Gaston: M’kay I have strong thoughts here even though I didn’t really have an opinion of Gaston until this movie. But Luke Evans is like 10000% a perfect Gaston. And they did an amazing job at making him look the part (glad they went with a long-sleeved coat instead of the short-sleeved shirt from the original). I definitely screeched when he went up on that high note for “roughly the size of a baaaaaAAAARGE.” And oh my goodness, I love how freakin’ extra they made this whole scene. When they started dancing I completely flipped, ugh I loved it so much. And to top it all off I laughed so hard when LeFou was trying to spell Gaston. xD
Be Our Guest: This number was even more extra than “Gaston.” I loved Lumiere’s character as a whole and I’m totally biased towards Ewan McGregor because of Moulin Rouge. I thought that the special effects in this scene were well done.
Days in the Sun: Okay so I was a little weirded out at the very beginning when the young prince was singing, but it was catchy and I was on board with the song by the end. So yay for more new songs. I looooved how the Beast hated Romeo and Juliet. xD
Something There: The snowball fight was super cute but poor Belle must have had a headache after that. Because they worked on developing the Beast’s character a lot more in this version, he and Belle falling for each other was so much more plausible. And idk if this was before or after Montmartre, but it was so cute how they compromised on the eating thing and drank out of their bowls. Also yay for hearing the beast sing!!!
How Does a Moment Last Forever (Montmartre): I’m glad that the enchanted book thing didn’t end up being too cheesy and that we actually got some backstory on Belle’s mother. Also it was an interesting detail how Belle said that they should go “home.”
Beauty and the Beast: Okay so this scene brought on 10,000 degrees of feels. It was definitely the most nostalgic part for me. And agh it was just so cute and Emma Thompson is a perfect Mrs. Potts. So it made me really sad afterwards when Belle said she wasn’t happy even though we know she isn’t really. The pictures I saw of the yellow dress before seeing the movie made me wish that they had given it more volume/texture, but I actually liked it a lot when I actually saw it in the movie.
Evermore: !!!!!! This is the song that the animated movie needed but didn’t have. a) because the beast just needs a solo song and b) because duh we need to know how he’s feeling and get punched right in the feels. I know that they edited Dan Stevens’ voice some to give it the beast sound, but wow he was so beautiful singing this. And the fact that there’s a Josh Groban version of this song makes me like it even more because I love Josh Groban with all of my heart.
The Mob Song: v spoopy! Have I mentioned that I love Luke Evans as Gaston? And the atmosphere was A++. Alan Menken is a brilliant composer and this is one of those songs that made me realize that Beauty and the Beast might be the best Disney score, definitely one of the best. 10/10 would punch Gaston. And again, I love the father/daughter dynamic we got with the two of them trying to pick the lock. Tbh I loved the whole final fight scene in general.
Beauty and the Beast (Finale): Have I mentioned that Audra McDonald slays my existence? But tbh that growl thing was a little weird. Regardless, wow this movie made me really feelsy and nostalgic even though I don’t even remember the first time I actually saw it as a kid.
I know I missed some ground by just going song by song, but oh well.
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Thank you!! I'll be sharing photos on my blog if any of it is worth sharing. i want to recreate one of taylor's paintings because they are so good??? but i dont have oil paints (and even if i did they would be nowhere near the quality of hers lol) and ugh I couldn't say which my comfort album is becuase i'd be betraying the others. but evermore and folklore feel like hugs, and lover feels like dancing with a soulmate so i respect that! And I love your top 5! The archer hits so hard!! I make things for fun. I have posted edits before but I never try and do it, if i get inspired, then i will. I'm more of someone who just goes with the flow, I think the things you make are better when you don't force yourself to sit and make it. it just flows out you know?
omg i'm sure they'll be worth sharing you silly girl lol. could you try to recreate it with acrylics maybe? i've painted with them once upon a time and i think they're easier to get maybe. and i feel that, usually when i'm in an editting mood i'll make a bunch and draft them and share them randomly bc i get bursts of creativity and then nothing lol. and yeah no i totally agree, sometimes i'll ask if someone wants one to try something new but if i was told to make something i think i'd blank
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