#uderage little
femsolid · 10 months
Male celebrities who've attacked women.
an endless list
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Shia Labeouf (Actor)
Has sexually assaulted, verbally abused and harassed several women. Strangled his ex. Shot a dog to "get in character for a movie". Has cheated on every girlfriend he's ever had and knowingly given them STDs.
Elvis Presley (Singer)
Has sexually assaulted several underage girls (as young as 14) and married one of them. A woman his own age was deemed "too old for him". He only wanted to have sex with virgin girls. When his young wife told him she didn't love him anymore and wanted separation, he became violent and raped her.
Dustin Hoffman (actor)
Has sexually harassed and assaulted mutliple women including a minor.
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Cuba Jr Gooding (actor)
Has raped multiple women and no less than 30 women have come forward accusing him of sexual asssault.
Mel Gibson (actor, director)
Beat his wife.
Jared Leto (Singer,actor)
Has sexually harassed and raped several uderage girls.
Roman Polanski (Director, actor)
Has raped multiple women and children. Has admitted to drugging and raping a 13 years old then fled to France to escape justice. People still work with him and he's still receiving awards.
Armie Hammer (Actor)
Ben Affleck (actor, director)
Has raped multiple women and violently assaulted them. Sent a series of texts to his ex saying he was masturbating while picturing himself breaking her bones. Actor Robert Downey Jr has paid for his "rehab" and offered him to live in one of his houses.
Has sexually assaulted several women.
Casey Affleck (actor)
Has sexually harassed and assaulted several women.
Gerard Depardieu (Actor)
Has sexually harassed, abused or raped at least 13 women and is currently being investigated for it. Was shown, in a documentary, sexually harassing every woman he would come across. In the same documentary, he also made repeated sexual remarks about a little girl.
Snoop Dogg (Rapper)
Used to be a human trafficker driving around with a van full of girls he would sell to men, sometimes to a whole athlete team. He claimed he could have sex with any of the prostituted women he owned anytime he wanted. He was married at the time. He wrote multiple rap songs about beating up women to make sure we're kept under control, calling us sexist slurs. He was recently accused of sexual assault by multiple back up dancers.
Charlie Chaplin (actor)
Raped a child and got her pregnant. Later at the age of 48 he married a 18 years old girl.
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David Bowie (singer)
Raped a 15 years old girl when he was 25 and committed statutory rape on a 14 years old when he was 17. He's been well known for preying on minors well into his 40s, including two 16 years old girls he took home one night. According to one of the victims, to groom them into a threesome he put his song "let's dance" on, got naked and danced, then told the girls to get naked and dance with him. They did, and he raped one of them. The other refused to participate as she was a virgin and didn't want her first time to be meaningless.
Jack Nicholson
After raping 2 prostituted women he refused to pay them. He beat them up and tried to kill one who ended up at the hospital. She pressed charges.
Donald Trump (US president)
Has sexually harassed and assaulted multiple women.
Vincent Van Gogh (painter)
Has harassed and assaulted multiple women, even following them home. A petition was therefore created by the locals to have him removed from the community and put in a hospital.
Sylvester Stallone (actor)
Raped a 16 years old girl.
James Franco (actor)
Has sexually harassed and assaulted multiple women and a minor. He would use his "acting lessons" and classes to manipulate his female students into doing sexual things.
Chris Brown (singer)
Beat his partner and raped another woman.
Freud (psychoanalyst)
Has facillitated the sexual abuse and rape of his female patients, some were children, protected rapists and participated in the disfigurment of a female patient in particular. He claimed his reluctant female patients were hysterical, lesbians and witches.
Marlon Brando (actor) and Bernardo Bertolucci (director)
Both raped an actress on set.
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Dominique Strauss-Kahn (politician, formally head of the monetary fund)
Has sexually harassed multiple women and raped a roomkeeper at the hotel he was staying in.
Johnny Depp (actor)
Has been arrested multiple times for violence. Has raped and beaten his ex wife and called her a whore (among other things), notably commenting on the "fishy" smell of her vulva and writing about how he wants to kill and rape her to death.
Emile Hirsche (actor)
Assaulted a female collegue. She was a film executive and he strangled her before throwing her to the ground.
Woody Allen (director)
Has assaulted and raped multiple women, including his adoptive daughter who was 7. People still work with him and he's still receiving awards.
Cee Lo Green (singer)
Has raped a woman and explained on twitter that it wasn't rape, because "if the woman is unconscious it implies consent".
Nicholas Cage (actor)
Beat his wife.
Terrence Howard (actor)
Beat his wife and threatened to kill another woman.
Tupac (rapper)
Raped a woman.
Luc Besson (director)
Married a 16 years old girl and beat her. Raped another woman and sexually harassed several others. Despite this, many famous actors still work for him.
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Ike Turner (musician)
Beat his wife.
Mike Tyson (boxer)
Beat his wife and raped a woman (was even convicted for it, yet he remains beloved celebrity.)
Sean Penn (actor)
Beat his wife.
Tariq Ramadan (theologist)
Has raped and sexually harassed multiple women.
Morgan Freeman (actor)
Has sexually harassed at least 15 women.
Charlie Sheen (actor)
Beat his wife.
Nelly (singer)
Has raped and sexually assaulted several women.
Steven Seagal (actor)
Beat his wife. Sexually assaulted several female collegues.
Mickey Rourke (actor)
Beat his wife.
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Slash (musician)
Beat his wife.
Louis C.K (comedian)
Has sexually harassed multiple women.
Christian Slater (actor)
Beat his wife.
Victor Hugo (poet)
Raped prostituted women on the regular and was abusing his wife.
Quentin Tarantino (director)
Has sexually harassed multiple women and protected several rapists.
When discussing what Roman Polanski did (drugging and sodomizing a 13 years old girl) Tarantino said it wasn't rape, that the child wanted it, that the child was Polanski's girlfriend, that an actual rape is violent and that this one wasn't. When the radio hosts told him that the girl was clear about not wanting any of what happened, Tarantino responded that her interfering mother had coached her to say that.
Yanni (musician)
Beat his wife.
Michael Douglas (actor)
Sexually harassed a woman.
Josh Brolin (actor)
Beat his wife.
Cristiano Ronaldo (footballer)
Raped a woman and admitted doing it. No one cares.
There's always more...
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R Kelly (singer)
Raped and tortured many, many girls.
Franck Ribéry, Karim Benzema et Sidney Govou (footballers)
Acted as pimps and sexually exploited a minor.
Joe Biden (USA president)
Has sexually harassed several women and girls.
Seal (singer)
Has sexually assaulted a woman.
Julian Assange (whistleblower)
Has raped multiple women. Assange has written about his obsession with impregnating virgin women and he has alread impregnated several women (who are now single mothers). The rapes he's accused of all involved him trying to impregnate the women without their kowing. He is a fervant anti-feminist and racist. He's still supported by most of the left and celebrated as a hero.
Michael Fassbender (actor)
Assaulted his ex multiple times. One time he threw her and dragged her alongside their car. Her injuries included a swollen ankle, a burst ovarian cyst, a broken nose, and a blown out kneecap.
Oscar Pistorius (athlete)
While his wife had taken refuge in the bathroom he shot 4 times through the door with a gun, effectively killing her. He'll be out of prison next year after spending 10 years behind bars.
Morgan Ciprès (figure skater)
Sexually harassed a 13 years old via messaging.
Has sexually harassed multiple women.
Joaquin Phoenix (actor)
Kurt Cobain (singer)
Tried to rape a mentally disabled girl, a "retard" as he'd say, but gave up because her "vagina" smelled too bad. Later the girl's father came to find him and screamed that he had taken advantage of his daughter. Cobain was therefore nicknamed the "retard fucker" by his classmates.
There's always more...
But I'm tired.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 4 years
fanfic asks i, p, r, s, t :)
HELLO JEANNE!!!! <333 tysm for the ask ily!
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
jashfahs hehehe idk if i have one for reading bc im pretty shameless about anything I read, but for writing, it is 100% Kurt angst. Like i know. I KNOW he goes through enough shit on the show and I should want to wrap him up in a blanket like a burrito (and i DO BELIEVE ME!!!) but at the same time... im like. What if... Pain???
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I’d say I’m kind of an even split?? I used to NEVER write outlines, but even when I didn’t, I would still “plan” the story in my head like before I’d fall asleep lmao
Now, I’ll write an “Outline” which is just bits of dialogue or narration or main ideas that come to me, but I don’t strictly stick to it. If a scene takes me somewhere, sometimes I’ll be like “aight, this is where we’re going with it”. When i don’t listen to that little voice inside my head, usually Adri will be like “I mean this in the nicest possible way but what the fuck is happening?” and i’ll be like “I DONT KNOW” bc i tried TOO hard to stick to the plan?? lmao that happened SEVERAL times during HWGA
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
I won’t lie, I think I did some of my best writing last year when I was listening to Syrup and Honey by @heartsmadeofbooks. I don’t know how or why, but I think i was actually FUELED by how good that story was, if that makes sense??? I felt so alive and inspired after each chapter, it was amazing
For non-fic writers, one writers I look up to very much is Jodi Picoult. I read Leaving Time earlier this year, and it was amazing
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Ain’t no secret I’m a slut for some Cheerio!Kurt
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Those are hard passes for me, and will 100% turn me away from a fic
Thanks for asking!! <333
Send me a letter!
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hazysmilez · 7 years
helloooo !!! to all my new followers , i am and uderaged little, i have no caregiver, but dunno if i want one yet ... anyways welcome to my tumblr <3
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