#uchiha izuna (tiny)
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ohai-here · 1 month ago
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I think I got everyone who sent me one, but ofc since it's anon I can only take my fattest guesses unless a signature was left behind lolol
some lovely arts I received from @oh-no-its-bird, @hibiscusseaart, @georgialawman, @rosyhatake, @sanska, @ne-ono, canti, glass, keratinbear (idk if y'all have tumblrs, if you do, lmk!)! !!!
If I missed anyone, please let me know!!!!!
You can send me straws here!
I might do a collection of the straws I've sent other people teehee (one day, once I recover from this)
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fire-eyed-raven · 1 year ago
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Izuna as a "King of cups"
For the amazing @founders-tarot-zine project!
Featured in the digital side-zine.
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everymadara · 2 years ago
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Chapter 623
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belit0 · 1 year ago
This Uchiha tries to kiss his s/o.
"Not now, I just put my lipstick on"
How does he react?
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- "I want it, I got it." and proceeds to devour (Y/N)'s mouth nonchalantly, smearing lipstick all over her face and ruining her makeup completely.
- "I'm not asking." grabs her jaw with one hand and directs it to his mouth, making her do the kissing just to prove his point.
- "You think I care?" gives her an overly passionate kiss and smears it all over her, then proceeds to wipe his face with a makeup remover wipe himself.
- "Come on now, I need it!" and uses his wet puppy dog eyes to give (Y/N) pity, earning a sober kiss in the process.
- "What if it's just a tiny one?" proceeds to give her the hottest kiss of her life, forgetting the "tiny" detail and ruining her lipstick.
- "Very well, later then." Ever the gentleman, he respects (Y/N)'s wishes, and only kisses her when she desires.
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salmonight · 19 days ago
Tobirama with bunny summons AU
Theyre all albino rabbits. Theyre tiny, fluffy and adorable. Also extremely vicious.
Scenario idea:
Tobirama initates summoning jutsu mid battle with the uchiha. Everyone stops waiting with bathed breats what will come out of the smoke just for it to dispath and leave behind an adorable tiny fluffy white rabbit with red eyes.
Theres a stunned silence for a while before Izuna starts laughing so hard he rolls onto the ground tears streaming down his face. Tobirama is all stone faced and serious while Hashirama runs over to coo over the adorablenes of his baby brother's summo. Then the summon starts speaking in the cutest little voice ever.
"Am gonna chew trough the walls of your stomach and snack on your entrails."
The whole battlefield descendes into a horrified silence once again.
More prompts here
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domoz · 8 months ago
A drabble trade with @doveywovy, with prompts "marriage hunt" and "cultural differences"
The brilliant orange of sunset feels like it takes an eternity to fade into dusk.
The strings of lanterns around the edges of the clearing make tonight's gathering of anxious young hopefuls look more like a festival than it has any right to. If it were only Uchiha out here, it practically would be -- there would be talking and dancing and everyone would be sizing up the others out to hunt tonight. But there’s a group of Senju huddled together on the far side of the clearing across from them, and so the atmosphere is decidedly flat. Both sides keep well apart from each other, separated only by the tiny group of participants from other clans.
"Yeah, there's no way someone's not ending up dead tonight." Izuna informs his brother. Madara groans.
"Repeating how bad of an idea you think this is isn't going to stop it at this point." Madara sighs. "Haven't you already made sure a thousand times that no one out tonight is planning on doing anything stupid?"
Izuna has had this argument with him constantly over the past few months, and he's still loath to admit that his brother has a point. Putting a pause to marriage hunts had been sensible when the village had been founded. Nearly two years in, though, and it's starting to seem like they don't have faith in their own creation to survive the pressures of a time-honored tradition.
So even though this is going to end in disaster, the best thing to do to ensure Konoha's long term survival -- and Izuna finds, these days, that he's begrudgingly in support of that outcome -- is to hold a hunt anyways, and just deal with whatever happens.
That doesn't mean he can't say I-told-you-so afterwards, though.
"Our people, yes, but I can't account for the rest of them. I mean, the Senju all came out without shoes, so it's not like my expectations are very high."
"If I've kept my mouth shut about whatever has your clan lighting fires and singing all hours of the night leading up to this, you can bite your tongue on our shoes." Tobirama’s deep voice cuts in, the man butting into their conversation by appearing from the treeline on the Senju side, where he's surely been working his perfectionist little fingers to the bone over something that's going to be a mess anyways.
Izuna turns to him with a retort like usual, but he finds himself staring open-mouthed instead. He's known roughly where Tobirama has been all day, but he hasn't had eyes on him until right this moment. He's not wearing one of the four outfits Izuna has ever seen him in. No armor, no shinobi blacks or training clothes or that mess of dye the Senju call formal clothes. He's in a wave patterned haori, a pair of hakama that's secured at the ankles, and -- and no shoes.
"What the hell?" Madara sputters out a response before Izuna can -- he's too distracted by the string of bells Tobirama has wrapped around one wrist like the rest of the Senju participants, chest squeezing tight with too many reactions to name. "What are you dressed like that for? You're joining?"
"I don't see why I wouldn't." Tobirama says in that tone he usually takes with Madara that makes it sound like the person he's talking to is very stupid, "I'm eligible, and there are several politically advantageous targets. If I participate I can also keep an eye on anyone who might be planning on causing trouble. It's good optics."
"Good optics?" Izuna says, a little too shrill, "You're the clan heir! Don't you have something arranged already?"
He'd always assumed so -- Izuna himself hasn't exactly been betrothed since before he was born, but the list of acceptable candidates for him to marry has never been very long.
He really shouldn't be surprised when Tobirama shakes his head; he's always known that the Senju don't care about bloodlines. They probably hadn't even had to read through the genealogies of all of their participating clan members beforehand.
"Wh-- you're not seriously joining a hunt for political convenience?" Madara cuts in before Tobirama can say something snarky. "That's cold, even for you, Senju."
Tobraima rolls his eyes, "It’s not like I’m aiming  to get married to someone who hates me. If it comes down to that, I won't hunt anyone at all."
The two of them devolve into bickering, but Izuna is hardly listening. Tobirama is either going to walk out of the woods married, or never allowed to marry at all. The stupid bastard probably even thinks he would prefer that.
…It’s not like Izuna can join and do anything about it -- but that's not true, he only shouldn't. Certainly no one would be able to raise any complaint about the two of them being too closely related and, well -- it's a hunt;  if it succeeds there's not really any challenging it anyways.
Tobirama makes a noise of disgust at whatever it is Madara just said and excuses himself with, "I have more important things to worry about tonight than your empty head."
Luckily, Madara is distracted by chasing after him to try and get the last word in, so he doesn't notice as Izuna slinks away to go mingle with the hunters on the Uchiha side of the clearing. Surely, someone has some spare red rope lying around? It’s not as though he’s about to let Tobirama be inflicted on anyone else.
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spookysshadow · 9 months ago
Following my small tobiizu meet as tiny tots au - imagine the Uchiha clan has a tradition of giving their beloveds betrothal necklaces (think ATLA) and after a few times of meeting his new friend Bira and being gifted all these cool rocks and shells, Izuna decides he wants to give Bira something
And the entire Uchiha clan watches as this 5-6year old goes about making a betrothal necklace for this Bira person, who everyone is convinced is this little guy's imaginary friend. After all, Izuna is the youngest and all his brother's are sparring together, it's only natural the poor guy make up a friend to keep him company. (Not that there are a lack of small Uchihas he could go around and play with, but Tajima figures his son is just that dramatic).
And Izuna really, really, works hard on his necklace okay, it has to be perfect. He's got a nice blue velvety choker and he's been adding some of the smaller shells Bira gave him and some tiny glass figurines of rabbits and fish his uncle helped make. It's going to be the best, most awesome gift ever!
None of the older Uchihas want to ruin his day, so of course they help. Meanwhile Tajima and his wife have been gently, ever so gently with Izuna, hinting that maybe Bira (who they fully believe does not exist) might not like jewelry and what will he do if Bira rejects it?
Izuna just shakes his head - "Bira will love it! I just know it."
Tajima figures Izuna will realize once he returns with his necklace that imaginary friends cannot accept gifts.
So, when Izuna comes back one day, without the necklace in hand and a huge wide smile on his face, Tajima sighs.
"Please tell me you didn't leave that beautiful necklace somewhere in the woods?"
Izuna shakes his head, exasperated. "No, I gave it to Bira. Like I've been telling everyone. He said he really liked it, by the way, and that he'll always wear it!"
"Izuna," Tajima starts slowly, because maybe, just maybe, this Bira might just be a real person, "where have you been meeting Bira?"
His child sighs, like he has no time for this in his busy, child schedule. "Near the edge of the Naka River. With the trees and the little streams."
Tajima nods and when his son goes back inside to do his chores, the Uchiha clan head decides to take a trip to see where his son might be disappearing to.
Not only does he realize his 6 year old has been straying very far away from home, but that there is in fact a second, tiny chakra signature floating around.
Which means his tiny son proposed to some stranger he met in the woods and they accepted. His 6 year old is engaged. To some random child.
He has no idea how he's going to break the news to his wife.
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moldy-flowers · 2 days ago
Izuna x Tobirama au in which Izuna or Tobirama is kidnapped by the others clan and held captive but Tobirama slowly comes to the horrifying realisation that izuna is a yapper
See, now Tobirama doesn't know about the whole "there's only one person they'll be comfortable yapping to" and he thinks that this may be some weird tactic to get information out of him.
Like Tobirama, kidnapped in enemy territory. He's thinking through every situation possible. He could get out. Except someone with equal power to him just walked through the door, he closes his eyes and looks away, as long as he's looking away they can't get him. He knows who he is just by the way he walks, the way he breathes and the way his heart beats.
Ba-bum, Ba-dum.
He stops approximately a metre away from him.
Ba-bum, Ba-dum.
He crouches down, getting eye-level with Tobirama.
Ba-bum, Ba-dum.
Tobirama would not submit. No matter the torture he be put through by the Uchiha before him. He had danced with swords in the midst of the evanescent flames with Izuna, he felt the burn of the fire and the cool sweat dripping down his temple. He knew all of that Bastards tricks, how to counter them and how to block them.
Ba-dum, Badum.
Izuna opened his mouth to speak, pausing for a short moment to collect his thoughts. 'I will not yield, I will not yield,' Tobirama chanted to himself silently, mind racing he of every angle he could go at this. He knew Izuna well enough to know what his counter would be. But he knew Izuna would be thinking of ways to counter his counter attack.
"Do you know the breed of dog that's native to the mountains in the East? The small ones with the fluffy coat."
Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum Ba-dum.
Oops went on a bit of a writing spree whoopsie daisy's!!!!
But ANYWAYS you get the jist. Tobirama sits there really really confused while Izuna talks his ear off. Like Izuna cannot physically control himself from the yaps. Like their convos are 25% Izuna angrily insulting Tobirama for some sort of information and 25% is him Snarkily yapping about anything that interests him and 50% willing him to open his eyes in silence, like way to close to Tobirama's face. (It's a scare tactic, obviously!!)
Tobirama is originally upset confused and pissed off till Izuna brings up Madara. Tobirama is like "This is my chance im gonna learn all their weaknesses" Izuna complains about how Madara idk is way too strict with routines or something and Izuna was just a little tiny itsy bitsy bit late and he got chewed out. Its not like Izuna did it on purpose‼️ Usually he's very punctual (kind of) but a bunch of suitors kept bothering him‼️ oh uhmm btw bc he's like 19-20 (he was like 24 when he died i think) now and bunch of people of the clan want to get married to him bc Madara has made it clear he won't be taking any wives and threw them all on Izuna, anyways isn't it so rude for Madara to be mad at that like its his fault anyways that Izunas late and omg you'll never guess what he said during training too.
So Tobirama has technically picked up some good information but not really like what he was expecting? He knew that he'd have to read between the lines to try and actually get any actual info that would help him but he just really doesnt know what to do with what he was told. Like he didn't want to know that Madara keeps getting into arguments with the lady that trades fruits in the North East East centre of the Uchiha district over how 1 watermelon should not cost 26 apples. But uhh... its nice to know??
At some point Izuna storms into the room and yells at Tobirama cause Izuna assumes that Tobirama has used that weird idiot fucked up brain of his to make a jutsu that forces Izuna to yap. Like, Izuna can be a little yappy sometimes but it's never this bad and NEVER to a prisoner what did that bastard do to him‼️‼️
This whole time Tobirama actually assumed that it was some stupid tactic to make him talk, but apparently Izuna is under as much stress as he is. Well, not really but he's in an amount of stress that is not insubstantial
I cant think of anything else for this one someone do it for me!!!!
OR if we go the Senju kidnapped Izuna route it could just be Tobirama trying to get information from Izuna and all Izuna will talk about is random bullshit that's kind of relevant and maybe a little helpful but like only really specifically. Like the Senju are totally prepared to fight that one Uchiha with the three ponytails who snores, not loud, but really squeaky like.
They think Izuna is just immune to intimidating tactics but in all reality they're working, but working in a way that he's like "If I'm being interrogated cruely here then what's happening to the Uchiha what if they're all dead omg oh no omg" he just misses his home and he doesn't know if Madara or the clan is okay without him there he is literally in the worst state of his life and when hes anxious he starts to yap and its especially bad when he's with Tobirama. Like the words are just flowing out neither he nor Tobirama can stop it. Like at some point Tobirama isn't even trying to use scare tactics anymore he just sits there and listens to Izuna anxiously waffle about literally everything. Like just when Tobirama thinks he has spoken about literally everything that can be spoken about but somehow Izuna just keeps talking.
And like at some point Izunas throat is a little raw bc he has been speaking non stop for like two weeks and he's trying desperately to keep quiet, he's like spaced out multiple times and not realised what he's been saying for all he knows he's told Tobirama all of his clans secrets and hes getting more and more anxious and just when Izuna manages to stop his 1 hour rant about the bird that used to follow him around and shit on his food there's just like a minute of silence that Izuna desperately wants to fill with the rest of the story about the bird (He still has yet to tell Tobirama about the bird somehow projectile shitting onto lamb he had yet to trade, but bc of the crap on the meat nobody would take it and he swears he heard that bird laughing he KNOWS it!!!!) And he's tweaking trying to keep quiet, till suddenly Tobirama starts talking!! He's lowered his guards!!
Ofc Tobirama isn't going to like tell Izuna all of the clan secrets, but he tells a short tale about Hashirama gambling his shoes away to a six year old child and having to walk home shamefully while Tobirama stared on in silence. Izuna, who has only seen Hashirama in the most serious of circumstances, almost crys from laughter (his vocal cords are DYING) Izuna, after getting a drink of water then tells a story about Madara getting a squirrel tangled in his hair, and not noticing the crying critter for about 5 hours. After this event there was then a game among clansmen, "How many things can we put in Madaras hair before he notices" Tobirama thinks this is hilarious of course, and the both of them bond over their brothers being absolute fucking idiots.
And in like a meeting where everyone wants to know what information Tobirama is getting, and he, who is still on a high after sharing a good laugh with his prisoner, tells everyone about the game. Now- they have word that there will be a battle in the land of ice quite soon, (why? I don't know why are you asking me) and Hashirama feels all left out,,, he wants to stuff random crap into Madaras hair too!!!!
Madara, of course, is so not happy about this WHERE the hell is his brother he is tweaking the fuck out and this battle will be the one where Hashirama dies. The clan has literally been in the worst panic ever since ever and nobody is okay. Even the mean fruit lady looked upset!! They have seventeen different invasion plans and all of them are gory and very sort of glass half empty situation. Like everyone genuinely believes Izuna is either dead or dying and has been traumatized on every level.
Hashirama however has different plans (apart from the plans to put feathers in Madaras hair) see he's a smart lad and he's noticed that Tobirama is a lot more chipper than he used to be. And being the good brother is, he spies on them both. And it was heartwarming!! I mean it was a little mortifying hearing his beloved brother and Izuna laugh at the time Hashirama tried to cut his own bangs and absolutely tear him to shreds but after he got over that he was absolutely giddy!! They're just like Him and Madara were back then frfr!! This could be their chance for peace!!! I mean, out of all of them Izuna was the one who was the most against a peace treaty!!! He doesnt seem too against it now seeing as he's comfortable enough to have general banter with Tobirama!!! Oh well they're quiet now, wait no they're not, holy shit are they making out wait what no maybe its not like him and Madara uh oh maybe he should leave this feels a little private um. Uh..
I don't really want to think of the details on how Izuna actually gets out cause that sounds boring so like Hashirama probably assured Madara all is well or whatever and said some talk-no-jutsu shit to calm Madara down and bring him to some peace grounds or something and get Tobirama to get Izuna back. Which Tobirama doesn't want to do but despite Tobirama being funny and interesting and so cool Izuna really really wants to see his brother and clan mates again and he will chew through Tobirama if it means getting home.
Anyway I'm thinking the war ends with like Izuna getting sent from the Uchiha to marry Tobirama as like a peace offering or smth. The Uchiha are like really sympathetic towards Izuna like "Oh we're so sorry it had to be you this must be so hard for you I saw how you were like totally interested in the women of the clan" and Izunas like "Ikrrr its so terrible I'm sooo totally sorry i couldn't marry any of the girls of the clan boooo :("
Happy ending, TobiIzu are together, Izuna can yap freely, bc of the newly opened trade paths the price of watermelons has lowered to 14 apples, Madara has multiple caterpillars in his hair and almost all of both of the clans have lost respect for Madara and Hashirama and now treat them as those silly guys and not powerful political figures.
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philosophicalparadox · 2 months ago
Uchiha Head-canons pt. 2
A non exhaustive list of my favorite mostly old Uchiha HC’s from back before the manga was completed, and which still exist to me because canon never actually explicitly answered any of the questions:
The sharingan is a proper Divine Blessing/Curse, (somewhat confirmed by canon) in that it is borrowed power that has a somewhat separate Will of its own; it’s not exactly sentient, but it can respond to the emotional energy of its user independently of their conscious or logical desires, I.e. to defend them. Furthermore this is a large reason why the Uchiha face discrimination in the first place; when cornered or threatened, their eyes just do — there is no second guess or real conscience, their power will conjure up any visions of hell it so pleases to deter you from attacking or killing its host.
Secondary to this, since all sharingan can conjure Genjutsu, this is very typically the form in which defensive action takes place. It’s far worse if one has a mangekyou that specializes in it, like Itachi or Shisui, but ultimately all sharingan can and will react defensively by conjuring a Genjutsu.
Speaking of Shisui, one of my favorite HC’s about his name (meaning “still water/doldrum”) is that he got it for having been mistaken as stillborn. Dark, but suits him and his story just fine.
Itachi (meaning “weasel”) is named after Izuna (meaning “stoat”, and animal very like a weasel but tiny lol, they’re also called an ermine when they change colour in winter.)
As I’m sure many followers know by now, and as a repeat, I totally HC a strong prevalence of Autism in the Uchiha clan. It just explains so much.
On a related note (haha punny) I think it DOES in fact make sense for there to be an auspicious absence of anti-incest instinct in the Uchiha clan, because, yknow, it’s kind of integral to their continued existence. This theory gets a lot of crap from antis, but I’m not even a hard shipper really, I just think it suits the narrative implications. 🤷‍♀️
I don’t think I’ve seen this HC elsewhere but I’ve had it forever: awakening the sharingan too young is often fatal, AND there is such a thing as sharingan abilities too powerful for their user. Canon also sort of confirmed this later with Sasuke. But I’m talking like, a Mangekyou ability that will kill its host if they’re too young or too weak for it. Part and parcel of it being a supernatural power.
Speaking of narrative implications: Hyuuga and Uchiha blood don’t mix well. I personally like this explanation better than the whole vicious rivalry thing because that’s kind of counter to the whole founding point of Konoha???? So let there be an inciting cause: that for one reason or another, Hyuuga x Uchiha results in poor outcomes. Either it’s prone to rendering the offspring completely powerless, or it renders them too powerful for their own sake; either it results in most likely a Byakugan that’s un-turn-off-able, or it quite possibly results in a higher incidence of rinnegan, which might I remind you tends to kill its hosts.
Under similar pretense, Uchiha and Senju blood don’t particularly mix well either…except that they do, and that is precisely the problem. I’ve long HC’ed Kagami and Shisui as possessing Senju blood to explain their power differences. (And curly hair, maybe) Madara and Izuna too I wish to believe have Senju blood, perhaps more distantly, or else they’ve got Mystery Blood that’s not pure Uchiha. Which is deliberately very ironic lol.
As a final and very dark HC, the fact that Uchiha do canonically practice a form of selective breeding/eugenics means that the culls have to go somewhere. Given how valuable their genes are, as well as how very traditional, I imagine that they officially send their unwanted away to live better lives…which is to say that they might tell people that, and indeed some families probably did, but the real world historical precedent for this both in Japan and out has always been infanticide. 😢 I mean there’s also the precedent from families who didn’t agree with the practice, as I said, where they’d send their littles away, sometimes crippling them on purpose depending on why, (intentionally blinded Uchiha survivors, anybody?) which I also HC, but there is likely something of an unspoken assumption that kids who “just didn’t make it” were, in fact, murdered. The politics of this are interesting and very disturbing at the same time lol.
I’ll probably be back with round 3 at some point but for now have all the brainrot
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scrivenger-grimgar · 1 year ago
"well, the Uzumaki and Uchiha have around 25-ish members again, which would allow them to be reinstated as clans allied to the village by charter right," Tobirama stated, entirely unfazed by the eyes of the many clan heads watching him speak. Itama shifted his tiny (painfully tiny, was he always that small??) body in his hold, gripping on tighter to his mother's fur collar. both he, Kawarama, and Nawaki were heartbreakingly silent through the whole ordeal, even when the resurrection started by way of the lost Hatake boy, Orochimaru.
"but the Hatake and Senju still only have less than 10 and 15 members respectively, meaning that there would be a power imbalance between the four newly resuscitated clans. given the feud that is, arguably, still active to some of us revenant, it doesn't seem wise to leave it be."
and that was the crux of the matter. several members of both the Uchiha and Senju that had been resurrected had died when the Senju-Uchiha blood feud had been ongoing. both his brothers (his brothers!!) had died far before the village had even been a thought in Hashirama's wood cork of a brain, along with Madara's own siblings, like his older brother Hidehiko, Izuna, their younger brother Matsuri and his twin sister Shouko, and their youngest sister Choushi. thats not even mentioning the adult shinobi under the same circumstances; 22 year old Senju Yasuiro and 28 year old Senju Fuushinshi had attacked and injured Uchiha Kouga, and also injured the man's 12 year old niece Uchiha Rukia, before Tobirama, Madara, Hashirama, and Mito managed to tie them all down.
(if Fuushinshi was sporting a break in his arm, in the same place as young Rukia, well. That was between Tobirama and his cousin.)
"Thats not even mentioning the non-clan shinobi who were resurrected, who, in all likelihood, are probably related to one of the four clans in question. if they become affiliated with said clans is entirely by their own choice." he said, his tone brokering no room for argument. Tobirama was honestly surprised that he hadn't been interrupted yet, but it might be the shock of having so many once-dead shinobi in Konoha's meeting hall.
pursing his lips ever so slightly, he looked to Hashirama, holding Kawarama who was making faces at Itama, then to Touka who was standing behind Mito and holding Nawaki. his brother tilted his head and Touka nodded, flickering her chakra in code pattern for 'plan, question.'
Tobirama sighed, mostly as a visual sign of reluctance for the other clan heads present. 'contract, agreement. kill, home-clan; fade, wild-clan.'
Hashirama's eyes sparkled, his smile not fading from his face in the slightest.
"our agreed upon solution to both the power imbalance and the lacking size of the Senju and Hatake clans is to incite the charter's directory number fourteen."
only two of the clan heads seemed to recognize what he was referencing, tjose being the Nara clan head, as expected, and Madara, who literally co-wrote the damn thing with him. Madara threw his head back with thundering laughter, which Tobirama related to on a personal level.
it was extremely ironic that the ones to end the Senju way of life would be the very people who had been hurt by it the most.
Itama jerked in his arms at the noise, so he adjusted his grip to hold him tighter. several eyes landed on the still laughing Madara, who Tobirama knew was not going to explain anything. the Nara head didn't look any worse, so he either knew what the Senju used to be like, or he simply didn't care.
Tobirama had expected most of the clans to not have invested in that particular article after it was written, but... he was extremely unpleased with Hiruzen's puzzled, near silent question of "the what?"
Madara's laughter died off with the (to most) unexpected line of, "wonderful play, Senju." vicious smile almost mocking to anyone unfamiliar with him. which was everyone except him, Mito, Hashirama, and Izuna.
Tobirama simply inclined his head in acknowledgement. he ran one hand through his hair, carefully avoiding the carefully disguised braids he'd tied into it this morning with Hashirama, Touka, and Orocchi.
"to answer your question, Hiruzen, 'the what' is the clause in the village's Constitution that states, 'when a clan is no longer large enough to support itself and its members, an allied clan who is willing and able are to induct the clan into their own, allowing the continued survival of the bloodline. this can be enacted when a clan's number drops beneath the range of the clan's expected member count.'"
clearing his throat, he continues on, projecting his voice to call over the now disorganized shinobi.
"in essence, this means that the senju will join either the Uchiha, Uzumaki, or Hatake clans, as those three have priority over other clans in the village due to both personal and blood relations being closest. thus, to avoid further power imbalance in the number of members to each resurrected clan, the Senju will be hosted by the Hatake clan."
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nikkichama · 1 year ago
Naruto Fic Rec
Fic that I read more than once,twice, thrice or more.
Sugar on your lips (I'm addicted) by chidoried E Canon divergent/Founder's era/Fix-it/Hashirama is whipped Bottom Madara/One Shot Madara placed the sweet dango between his lips, not biting into it, just holding it between his lips and teeth, looking at Hashirama expectantly. The Senju swallowed thickly, leaning in and taking a bite, their lips brushing momentarily and causing a spark to run through his body. In which Madara has a sweet tooth and loves eating dangos and Hashirama might be a little too in love.
Alkahest by misbehavingvigilante M Canon Divergence/Angst with Happy Ending/Sibling Love/Izuna Lives/ TobiIzu/One Shot In which, Madara doesn't refuse Hashirama's offer after all and Izuna lives because of it.
Lost & Found series by Makkoska E and M Modern Setting/Past Drug Use/Past Alcohol Abuse/Self-harm tendencies/Social Anxiety/Smoking/Coming Out/Divorced Parents/Past Hashirama x Mito Madara starts a new life in a quiet little village with the help of an old flame
Breathless by PaddyChan E ♥♥♥♥♥ Founders Era/Canon Divergence/Slow Burn/Protective Hashirama/Izuna Lives/ 63 chapters Forced to abandon their friendship due to the endless war raging between Senju and Uchiha, Hashirama and Madara are now facing each other on the battlefield as leaders of their clans. In one reality Madara has to mourn his last remaining brother, before being ultimately defeated by the Senju leader and losing the trust of his people. In another one, the odds are even worse. However, when Madara faints on the battlefield, Hashirama finds himself unable to kill the man he once considered his best friend. With Madara on the verge of dying, Hashirama decides to take matters into his own hands. And maybe, a single change is enough to steer fate into a different direction.
Adore by midnightfeast T Modern Setting/Pre-Relationship/One Shot “I don’t even know about your first kiss. How have I never asked you this before? Was she pretty?” Oh, he had asked countless of times, but Madara had been skilled enough to deceive his efforts.  For some reason, tonight was different. Tonight, Hashirama would not let him get away with deception. Maybe it was the alcohol, probably the raw emotions of a hurting and bleeding breakup that had Hashirama turn onto all-fours and crawl towards Madara with piercing eyes and under that intense gaze, Madara heart started to race. “Or was it a man? You know I don’t care.” Or: Closing in on thirty, Madara is convinced that he'll live the rest of his life as an unkissed virgin, because there is only one person he wants. After another break-up, Hashirama finds himself on Madara's carpet, drunk and curious.
Out of Time by Mari_Kel M ♥♥♥ (WIP) 57 Chapters Time Travel/Genin Era/Team Yamato-Freeform/Fluff and Angst/Friends to Lovers/Uchiha Madara-centric/Senju Hashirama-centric/Canon Divergence/PTSD/Team as Family/Found Family/Not Canon Compliant/Mental Health Issues Sarutobi Hiruzen was a smart man. He was the third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf, star pupil of Senju Tobirama, hailed as the second God of Shinobi, and master of ten thousand jutsu. But, as he stares down at the result of the latest botched space-time jutsu, one taken from the Nidaime’s Forbidden Archive and modified by Hiruzen himself, he wonders how smart he really is to have something backfire this badly. Because there is a tiny, angry, twelve-year-old Uchiha Madara with only one-tomoe sharingan, yelling and brandishing a kunai at him. And clinging to Madara’s arm is an equally tiny Senju Hashirama, shaking and alarmingly pale. Hiruzen closes his eyes and sighs. Truly a smart man. OR: The one where Yamato gets his own rather unique genin team comprised of a ghost, a god, and an assassin, and the timeline will never be the same.
Keep You by midnightfeast E ♥♥♥ Modern Setting/Friends with Benefits To Lovers/Smut/One Shot Unfortunate really, that Tobirama just had to go and be sweet and kind to Izuna’s cat, because then Izuna had to develop feelings for the man that was meant to be nothing more than his booty call. (I saw a reddit post or tumblr post similar to this ages ago and couldn't stop thinking about it, so I had to write a story for it. Unfortunately, I can't link the source of inspiration, because I can't find it. If you see it, please tell me.)
Don't leave me hanging by AlismaeGullran G There was only one bed/Getting Together/Pining/Canon Divergence There was only one bed, which makes room for confessions.
My rival, My friend by AlismaeGullran T/G Series 7 Work ♥♥♥ Founders Era/Fluff/Sick Fic/Past Child Abuse/Mention of Child Abuse/Hurt-Comfort/Angst with Happy Ending This is my collection of TobiIzu stories. These are all set in the same AU.
Seducing Tobirama by Phlebas T/M/E Series 6 Work Pre-Slash/Warring States Period/Mutual Pining/Uchiha Izuna Lives/Discussion of Canonical Child Death/Smut/Bottom Izuna Seducing Tobirama is harder than Izuna thought it would be. Loosely linked short fics in the same AU, all of which are inspired by the art of Junsui
A Soft Green Glow by Sharkseye M 47 ♥♥♥ Altered Mental States-due to blood loss/Pre-Slash/Canon Divergence/Pre-canon Returning from an ambush that killed his entire team and near fatally wounded him, Izuna finds himself followed by an enemy far more dangerous than the ones he left behind. Even if he makes it back to Uchiha lands, he'll be killed long before help can arrive. That is, if the blood loss doesn't get him first. ~*~ The title of my notes on this is 'Tobirama Escorts Izuna Home'. That's it, that's the story. Due to popular demand, there is now a second chapter!
My Nemesis my only Friend by Eisengrave, Maelikki, selwyn E 47 chapters ♥♥♥
Warring States Period/Fix-it/Somebodylives-somebody not/Slow Build/Pining/Uchiha Izuna lives/TobiIzu centric Hashirama saved Izuna and Madara agreed to peace. Konoha is standing on its new foundation, resting on the shoulders of two giants. But where does that leave their loyal shadows? The little brothers that swore themselves to the way of war? What good are their sharp edges when the world wants to learn to be soft? Who would understand that it's not so easy to let go of living your life in ever-present readiness to fight, to kill? [despite this vague summary this is actually very much a fix-it for the Founder's era. Izuna lives. The Shinobi Wars sort of don't happen. Sort of. Everyone lives. Hashimada is canon. Couple of OCs kicking around to fill the background.]
Curious affections by taedislumina T ♥♥♥ Modern setting/Slight NSFW/One-shot "what made you fall in love with me?" in which Izuna begs a daunting question at 2AM, Tobirama opts to humour him, and both are entirely captivated with eachother.
Mission accomplished by obitoforpresident E Friends to Lovers/Alcohol/Smut/Fluff and Smut/Dubious pinching of cheeks/One-shot But seriously- how many nights was he laying wide awake on his tatami mat because he was dreaming of the white-haired Senju? He dreamt of holding his strong hands in his, of being in his arms, cuddling and most importantly - kissing. It were too many years of suppressed feelings, but Izuna didn't have the guts to say something to the other man.
Masks I wear by Kamaleen E 3 chapters Alternative Universe- Werewolf/Alpha Beta Omega/Sexual Content/Mpreg “Good afternoon,” Tobirama replied. The white-haired alpha then turned halfway, gesturing toward the manor. “It’s a pleasure to have you here.” Izuna tried to smile back at the sentence that sounded like it was forced. He knew he shouldn’t take this to heart, but he did, and it hurt.
Cause we mermaid for each other by obitoforpresident E ♥♥ One-shot/Modern setting/Getting Together/Fluff and Smut/Porn with feelings/Bikers “Hi,” a deep voice rumbled directly into his ear and Kakashi leaned sideways. “Wanna get a drink back at my place?” Kakashi raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his beer before answering. “Why should I? We’re already at a bar.” The man beside him sputtered and curiosity go the best of Kakashi. He turned his head, his gaze roaming over the broad form beside him. Messy black hair, broad shoulders clad in an Akatsuki leather jacket, and full lips were pulled into an adorable pout.
A night to remember by Anonymous E One-shot/Alpha Beta Omega/Alpa Uchiha Obito/Omega Hatake Kakashi/Dirty Talk/Camboys In which Kakashi had a one night stand and realized a week later why the guy seemed familiar.
Steal me with a kiss by strangelights E Modern Setting/Morning After/One-shot/Identity Reveal/Childhood Friends/Friends to Lovers/Idiots to Lovers KakaObi Week Day 6: Indigo | Reunited | Enemies to Lovers
Falling Stars by MareNubium E 25 chapters ♥♥♥♥♥ I read this like five times minimum and I still crying while reading it. Beautiful,masterpiece. If I read it again in the near future you would catch me still crying over it. It's chef kiss.
Modern Setting/Angst/Self-Harm/Minor Violence/Recreational Drug Use/Friends To Lovers Obito only has one goal, to graduate and then leave the god forsaken town for good. All those faces, the judgmental eyes, the laughter, the ridicule, years of pretending they don’t affect him, he’s absolutely sick of it all. He wants nothing more than to leave that miserable place controlling his every will. That is until he meets Kakashi, a boy whose world is more than meets the eye.
Turn The Page by ASchwartz33 T 3 chapters ♥♥ Canon divergence/Hatake Kakashi needs a hug/Kid Hatake Kakashi/Adoption/Found Family/Jiraiya adopts Kakashi/ Uchiha Obito Lives A gift for @AdolescentLycan for The Flying Thunder God's secret Santa exchange on discord! Jiraiya finds out that Kakashi has been left alone, and intervenes to change the course of Kakashi's life forever.
Your Scent by Primerose_Wool M One-shot/Romance/Fluff/Minor character death/Getting Together/Fluff and Angst/Canon divergence In which Kakashi loves Obito’s scent and will not stop sniffing him throughout the years.
The world, through your eyes by kyasuu 5 chapters (WIP)♥♥ Hurt-Comfort/Dimensional Travel/Unhealthy Coping Mechanism/Unhealthy Relationships/PTSD/Implied-Referenced Suicide/Suicidal Ideation In one world, Uchiha Obito died saving Hatake Kakashi during the Kannabi Bridge mission, and came back as a vengeful specter decades later. In another, he was a second too slow. In both worlds, Team Minato came home one crucial member short. Kakashi finds himself in another world where his team is alive, Konoha remains undestroyed, and the shinobi world approaches tentative peace with Minato spearheading the effort as the Yondaime Hokage. It's in that moment that he knows for certain: it should've been him under that boulder. But no world is perfect. Kakashi might think this is as close as it gets, but, assuming this is reality and not the Infinite Tsukuyomi, there's always a catch. And he's right. (Or: Kakashi loses to Obito during their fight in the Kamui dimension. He wakes up in a world that's too perfect to be his own.)
The red means i love you by khalas E ♥♥ All work of Khalas is a masterpiece! Angels&Demons AU/One-shot/Fallen!Angel Kakashi/Serial Killer!Obito/The lines between worship and obsession are blurred/Dark/Obito victim's are implied to be human sacrifices “Tobi,” the man’s voice breaks as he struggles to speak through a mouthful of blood and loose teeth. “You’re Tobi.” Tobi. His daughter’s imaginary friend. Not quite imaginary, no, not with those leather-clad fingers forcing the man’s jaws apart to see blood spill from the gashes in his cheeks. 
I sent her back to her boyfriend with my handprint on her cheeks by khalas E ♥♥♥♥♥♥ (WIP) I fucking love this!Like I already reread this a dozen times. College/University AU/Slow Burn/Mentions of harrasment/Friends to Lovers/Size Difference/Possesive!Obito Years ago, if anyone had asked Obito to describe a typical Friday night, he'd have spent hours talking about the time he'd gotten into a fistfight with the school's mascot over the last gas station sushi roll. Now, stuck at home because he'd promised to babysit Kakashi's pet fish, he realizes — He's fucking whipped.
House of cards by khalas E ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 11 chapters The first fic I read from khalas and I was sold. Like when I finished I needed to reread again. Fuck it's dark and amazing,and of course made me cry, but like OMG. Screaming and kicking my legs :D Modern Setting/Detective!Obito/Detective!Kakashi/Gang!Akatsuki/Violence/Possessive!Obito/Rough Sex/Each chapter comes with it's own tw Dark like dark dark. The house always wins.
pacifist by khalas E (WIP) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ This is part 2 of House of Cards sadly it's only 1 chapter and work in progress. Looks like nobody know what happened/how are khalas so I just hope they're okay.
pork soda by khalas E ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 10 chapters I'm not saying anything new, it's khalas it's amazing. I love it, reread it like a hundred times. Chef kiss! Modern Setting/Doctor!Kakashi/Street fighter!Obito/Self destructive behavior/Lots of violence Obito’s memories are fading, day by day. Yet, the one person he wants to forget seems to be the only thing he can remember anymore.
hot sugar by khalas E ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 6 chapters Am I going to put in all of khalas fic? Maybe, cause all of them are awesome. College/University AU/Modern setting/TA!Kakashi/Athlete!Obito/Possessive!Obito Five times Obito embarrasses himself in front of his TA, and the one time he doesn’t.
Shadows Dancing in the Moonlight by -catalyst (xo_thefirst) G/T series 3 work Canon Divergence/Post-war/Slice of Life/Fluff/Getting Together this is where i'll be collecting all my shikaneji works :)
Liquid Copper by saturnsmoontitan T 2 chapters Emotional Hurt,Comfort/Implied-Referenced Sexual Harassment/Set during the time skip Shikamaru wasn't entirely sure how the five of them got onto the topic of Neji's missions, but it sure sobered him up quick. or Shikamaru coming to terms with how he feels about Neji after the freshly promoted Jounin comes home and talks about some... incidents during his mission.
Ripple Series by KamiKo T/M series 3 work Slow Burn/ Protective Uchiha Sasuke/ Hurt-Comfort/Friends to Lovers/Falling in Love/Anbu Hyuuga Neji/Implied-referenced Rape-noncon/Homophobic Languages/Explicit Sexual Content/Canon Adjacent The progression between Shikamaru and Neji was persistent, but leisurely and yet still somehow they had missed the turning point. //A three-part ShikaNeji series//
The Way Thing Are by Aini M 32 chapters Written in 2008 Neji's forced to take Hinata's spot in an arranged marriage after his cousin runs away. How does the Hyuuga deal with the problem?
The Box by LaughingFreak G One-shot/Family/Father-Son Relationship/Loss Its spring cleaning and while Shikadai is forced to help he finds out more about his dad than he thought he would.
A Downward Spiral by daniwritesattimes E 85 chapters Friends with Benefits/Implied-referenced child abuse/Depression/Oral Sex/Sex/Smut “You feel like kissing yet?” Neji froze at the question. He felt a burn in his face as he looked to Shikamaru questioningly. “You know? Because of the lovey get-up?” The Nara was poking fun at the slow ride of the deemed cave of love. Neji sank a bit further in his seat. The boy had too much control over him. The fun part was that Shikamaru had no idea.
A Preference by daniwritesattimes M 21 chapters So, say Shikamaru and Temari’s marriage was failing and Shikamaru met a very nice man at the market. Yeah...
Pretty Little Things by LilAnnieSunshine T Romance/Love/One-shot/Canon divergence "Let her go.” Sasuke said, fighting off the pain of his broken wrist as he stood up shakily. Sakura couldn’t be more than twenty feet away from him, but he knew Itachi could end her before he even took a step. She might as well be thousands of miles away for the good he could do her. “She doesn’t have anything to do with this.” What if Sakura had come across Sasuke's fight with Itachi the day Itachi returned to the village?
of flirting and domesticity by chidoririi G One-shot/Married Life/Newly Weds/Snippet/Fluff/Headcanon Sakura's hair has gotten long and Sasuke finds out that he doesn’t like it.
The Exit Wound by LilAnnieSunshine T Domestic Fluff/Fluff and Angst/Canon Backstory/Protective Uchiha Sasuke "His girlfriend’s skin is practically flawless compared to most ninja. He knows it’s not a reflection on how challenging her battles are. She’s a medical ninja, so she’s usually treating others, not fighting. She’s also an expert at healing her own wounds, so scars aren’t usually an issue. Furthermore, when she does see combat, she can beat just about any enemy without lifting a finger. Whoever did this was not only a skilled ninja, but had a medical background as well. " Sasuke sees Sakura's scar from her battle with Sasori for the first time. He also learns that she was the one who killed the Akatsuki member, not Naruto or Kakashi. He's in awe of his wife. Written for Day 13 of SasuSaku Month. Prompt: "Battle Scars." Written late because time means nothing.
War In Times of Peace by raendown E 42 chapters Arranged Marriage/Slow Burn/Bottom Madara/Uchiha Izuna Lives Not all wars are fought on the battlefield. Some are fought at the conference table, with whispers in the shadows, or even in the bedroom. In a world where the Senju and Uchiha traditional lands were too far apart to have ever made them enemies, Butsuma and Tajima are the ones who come together and sign a treaty of peace. Madara isn't happy to have his life signed away for him in a political marriage to strengthen the bond between their clans. He is even less happy to have Tobirama make assumptions of him from their very first night together. What follows from there is a journey of healing, of learning, and finding the places to belong in the places least expected.
To plead with Time by midnightfeast T/E series 2 works Family/Grief-mourning/Fluff/Modern Setting/Bottom Madara “Oh, you can also relay my admiration. His insults certainly are creative, some may call it a touch of genius.” He turned a page in his still open file and pulled out a lined paper with finely written phrases that he slid to Madara. “I collected his… most accomplished concoctions.” Or: Madara is called to a teacher-parent talk about Izuna's open aggression towards his new chemistry teacher Tobirama Senju
Amaranthine by Blackberreh M (WIP) 9 chapters Time travel/Fix-it/Panic Attacks Everything about Madara just felt... different. Something had happened, and Tobirama was going to find out what. Madara was being kind to him. That just wouldn't stand. But then again, Tobirama's always been able to adapt well to change.
Gave you my heart by aurora_nuova M Modern Setting/One-shot/Fluff At last, the door opened after his fourth, very annoyed attempt. “Hashirama! Who lets their supposed best friend wait this long outside in those freezing temp—“ He startled and threw the sleepily scrunched up, very pale face which greeted him a thoroughly confused look. “You’re not Hashirama.” “Clearly,” the albino yawned out in amusement as he leaned against the half open door, only to squint at the lights outside on the porch with a scowl. If Madara weren’t in such distress, he might’ve found it cute even.
This is all I can think of now ♥
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phlebaswrites · 1 month ago
Keeping a Kitten
Being a cat isn't always easy.
(Especially when there's a new baby in the house.)
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Rating: General Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Uchiha Izuna & Uchiha Madara & Uchiha Kagami Word Count: 895 (Complete)
Entry for @izunaweek
Day 2 - February 11: Izanami | Accidental Child Acquisition | Bloodline Swap AU
Part 2 of A Clowder of Cats.
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Madara sticks his nose under the door, sniffing hard.
He was suspicious when the humans came back with a carrier yesterday - the same carrier he and Izuna were brought here in so long ago - but they disappeared into the bathroom and came out without it. They've been going in and out regularly too, but what made Madara certain he had to intervene was the tiny plaintive noises he heard coming from inside the room.
The humans are fools, unable to understand when spoken to, but Madara is not… and he knows what an unhappy kitten sounds like.
Read the rest on AO3.
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neutrallibrarian · 4 months ago
Dark, Benighted, Travel-worn (Little Wanderer, Hie Thee Home)
Written for @madatobiweek 2024 Day 4: Children / Vows
Fandom: Naruto
Chapter 1 of ?
Word count: 1,670
On a routine patrol, Tobirama comes across a small group seemingly of one Uchiha leading four allies to the heart of Senju territory. If circumstances and the people involved were what he first thought, then he would have simply dealt with the invading force and carried on with his patrol.
However, three children fleeing hostile enemies is not something to be dealt with as he first intended. Such circumstances demand his immediate intervention.
A bright bushfire crosses into Tobirama’s sensing range, roughly northwest of his position. It’s as subtle as a true forest fire, and followed by four smaller, more well hidden chakra signatures of breeze and soil. The trajectory of their path would continue in Senju lands, through the forest then across one of the farming fields left fallow for the year, and, if not stopped, to the clan compound. As the patrol of the northwest side of their territory is his duty, such an invasion must be dealt with quickly.
Though, this is a strange tactic for the Uchiha Clan to try: a fiveman team of one Uchiha and four Hagoromo with no other squads in range. It calls to mind a hit and run attack, but the possibility of patrols delaying and even deflecting the team away from their main adjective is high.
No matter. Tobirama can handle one squad.
Halfway to the enemy, the Uchiha at the front sharply veers south, gaining distance from the other four and going directly into Tobirama’s path. He climbs higher in the trees and lies in wait. The signature has diminished in scale, and lowering rapidly as it gets closer, but in the end, it doesn’t matter how much they try to hide their chakra considering how unsubtle they've been so far.
Flickering light as bright as a fire, a young Uchiha wreathed in the cyan blue flames of Susanoo, Madara and Izuna’s signature Mangekyō technique, bursts out of the treeline. Only a partial ribcage of three ribs remains, the bottom set halfway to fading as he watches. And Tobirama only watches him, stilling his hands from completing a suiton jutsu.
What stays his hand is not the dwindling feel of the Uchiha’s chakra or his concerningly young appearance; it’s the young child on his back, presence hidden by the Susanoo wrapped around wielder and child alike.
This recontextualizes everything he thought the situation was.
Instead of an ill-advised attack on Senju lands, it’s a teenager and a child far away from the Uchiha lands. But how do the four Hagoromo factor into this equation? They are still allied to the Uchiha so why isn’t the teen sticking close to them?
… Unless—
Four shinobi come into view, armor undeniably adorned with the Hagoromo kamon and weapons drawn. The older Uchiha has the child get off and behind him, drawing a kunai and shifting into a defensive stance. Tobirama notices his left hand doesn’t leave the front of the bulky sling across his chest and slips down to a lower branch for a closer look.
“Tired, kid? Ready to come back quietly?”
“Go fuck yourself,” the teenager hisses. He and the child step back when the clear leader of the squad steps forward, the Susanoo flickering like dying flames around them. “I said fuck off!”
The man taunts them, but Tobirama doesn’t quite register the words, his focus narrowed down to the sling. When the teen moved, it squirmed in response—flashing dark wispy hair on a tiny head before the teen’s hand could reposition to hide it. The clues snap together to form an incomplete picture of the situation as he realizes he’s seen slings like this before, on the chests and backs of mothers.
There are three Uchiha children on this battlefield: a teenager, a child, and a baby. And only two possible reasons for them to be so far from the Uchiha Clan Compound and rebutting the help of an ally would be either child hunters or—
Bloodline thieves.
Tobirama narrows his eyes and quietly unsheathes his sword.
When the leader jumps forward with his katana in motion to cut down the teenager, a flash of another sword flares in front of him and his body is kicked back to the remaining three adults. Tobirama lands between the children and the men, their leader’s head falling at his feet. For a tense moment, there is only the shuffling of feet as the thieves regroup around the corpse in their midst and the stifled panting of the teenager as he edges closer to chakra exhaustion.
“We have no quarrel, Senju,” one of the men says, possibly the second-in-command. “We’re just here for the kids.”
“How unfortunate you are that I have a quarrel with you.”
His hands clasp into the tiger seal and cast Kokuangyo no Jutsu, wrapping the thieves’ perception in complete darkness. They crowd together back-to-back with weapons drawn and on high alert, but it’s a simple matter of slipping past their blinded guard to slit their throats. Tobirama flicks blood off his katana and sheathes it as he turns to the children.
The oldest has collapsed to his knees, Susanoo gone but his sharingan still active. Without the fire of the Susanoo obscuring his chakra, the teen’s chakra has the feel of cool water, a placid lake nearly drained: a suiton Uchiha, exceptionally rare in birth and never seen on the battlefield. The child is pressed close to his side and clutching onto his arm, his own single tomoe sharingan spinning wildly.
A young child with an active sharingan, a suiton teenager with the Mangekyō, and a baby. All rare and valuable in their own right, and surely would have been heavily guarded in their clan compound.
More clues found, the picture gains more clarity and Tobirama does not like what it’s turning out to be.
Tobirama keeps his hands open, apart, and in front of him as he steps closer. “I do not wish you harm.”
Halfway to them, the teen pushes himself up to stand, detaches the child from his arm, and raises the kunai.
“I won’t be fooled, Senju.”
He uses shunshin to close the distance, kunai aimed for Tobirama’s throat. Tobirama steps aside and grabs his wrist in one hand and the scruff of his neck with the other. The teen sags in his grip, kunai dropping from lax fingers, and Tobirama waits a moment to check if he’s truly unconscious before gently turning and lowering him to lie on his back on the ground. He turns to the child and finds he had used the distraction to hide behind a tree, giving away his location by peeking around it.
The child flinches and scuffles back behind the tree upon noticing Tobirama’s gaze.
Tobirama sighs. At least the boy's sharingan is deactivated and is no longer an unnecessary drain on his chakra. “Please come out. I promise I only wish to help you and your clansmen.”
There is no reply nor does the boy come out of hiding, so Tobirama turns to assess the most vulnerable of the group. Keeping the bright gunpowder spark of the boy’s chakra signature at the forefront of his sensory perception, Tobirama pulls the sling open enough to maneuver the baby out of it. Wide dark eyes blink up at him and the baby fusses in his hold until he settles her in his arms properly, remaining surprisingly quiet with only brief unhappy little noises until she settles down with a happy coo. Ash still clings to her pink kimono shirt and red hakama pants, but aside from a scratch on her cheek, she’s in good health. Tobirama brushes his finger across the injury using iryō ninjutsu to heal it, and is rewarded with a tiny fist clutching his finger with all of her strength.
Noticing the spark of gunpowder move, Tobirama keeps his gaze on the baby and only looks up at the child when he stands on the other side of his clansman, fidgeting with the edge of his high-collar black shirt. He removes his finger from the baby's grip with care and lays his palm on the teenager's shoulder, hand glowing with iryō diagnostic chakra.
“What is your name?” Tobirama asks.
“... Kagami.” Dark eyes flicker from the ground to Tobirama’s own then return to the ground. “Are you really gonna help us?”
Tobirama switches from the diagnostic to transferring chakra into the teen to fill his critically low reserves. “I will help you return home, yes.”
Kagami scuffs his foot into the dirt. Tobirama adjusts the baby in his arm when she whines. Kagami sits down, watching Tobirama’s hand, but glances at the baby.
“Would you like to hold her, Kagami-kun?”
Kagami nods, but hesitates in holding out his hands. “... I forgot how Hoshiko told me to hold babies.”
“I will teach you. Here.”
Tobirama uses both hands to transfer the baby over and gently corrects Kagami’s hold, nudging his arms into properly supporting her head and body. When Tobirama smiles at him, Kagami shyly ducks his head down. It's a quiet, peaceful moment as Tobirama returns his attention to the teen and runs a hovering hand glowing with diagnostic chakra from his sternum to his abdomen then sweeps up to his head and eyes.
“Is he gonna be alright, Senju-san?” Kagami asks.
How to answer that? Tobirama switches back to transferring chakra to the teen and ponders how to explain the full depth of exactly why Hoshiko needs more than just battlefield first aid to a perhaps six-year-old child.
The deeper inspection of Hoshiko’s body revealed problems fixable by the ninjutsu, such as the bruised ribs, chakra exhaustion, and scattered cuts and bruises, but something concerning happened to his head and nervous system. There’s strain in the eyes, but his nerves are firing more pain signals than warranted, like aftershocks shooting to signal tremendous pain coming from no discernable point of origin. He wouldn’t be surprised to hear Hoshiko was hit by a raiton jutsu to the spine with the way his body is acting.
“With time and rest, Kagami-kun,” is the only answer he can come up with. That said, Tobirama slides one arm under the teen’s shoulders and the other under his knees, lifting him up. “Follow closely, there’s a supply outpost nearby we can rest in.”
This area is too dangerous to stay around as more hunters or Senju patrols will eventually find the bodies which will lead them straight to the children.
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oh-no-its-bird · 7 months ago
Ok so updated list of my WIPS;
Actually in progress;
- Offal and All (Kakashi's relationship with food throughout the years, mostly told through the eyes of others) I'm activley focusing on this one rn and hoping to post it like, this week actually. It's a mash up of a lot of different tiny Kakashi hc's I've posted about and should be very fun (and depressing, but that's kind of my brand, so.)
- One Step Three Steps chapter 10, it's going well so far actually I just keep writing it at work then being forced to stop bc like. Work. Might go up this week, hopefully
- Chasing Shadows chapter 4, it's like 20% done? Ish? I just need to find the head space to get back to writing it, will go up within the next 2 weeks for sure but idk when exactly. It'll be great tho ur gonna get Hikaku, Fugaku, Shisui, Mikoto, just all the cool Uchiha. Lots of politics, lots of drama, the works
- Itama and the secret senju weed empire fic,,,, it will be long and it will be beautiful which means it'll take me forever to do, sorry
- Magical Girl Izuna AU (my beloved) I got distracted by other projects midway through writing chapter 1 but I'll get there eventually
- Little lab mystery where kid edo-tensei reincarnations of Madara and Tobirama wake up with no memories and immediately stage a jail break
- Nin burger!!!!! Yes this is a real thing yes I meant to post it like the same week I started making it but then I got distracted and didn't. But I swear to fucking GOD I will see it complete. Nin Burger is my favorite real naruto restaurant that is real
- That one oneshot where Madara and Tobirama spend a festival night in the capital together as children, and Madara develops his very first crush on the fox masked boy, but seems to be doomed never to meet him again— till Konoha's first festival is held and he sees a man wearing the very same mask, waiting for him in the crowds. Might not actually finish this one tbh but also maybe I'll save it for tbmd week?? Idk
Considering / Planning;
- Hikaku as the Uchiha clan head after Madara's betrayal comic,,, not an actual fic but I wanna make this so bad. I've written notes for it I just need to get along to drawing it
- Izuna in Wonderland comic, honestly I'll probably end up doing the entire thing in one go one night when I get hit in the face w a brick w motivation. So it'll be a surprise for both u guys and me when I post that! I always do my comics in one go bc I physically can't bring myself to return to art projects if interrupted, which means I tend to do longer ones on my days off where I have literally nothing else to do or distract me, but I haven't had one of those in like. 2 months now. So. But I will soon!! Umm. Maybe.
- Here Before and After Me chapter 2, I'll probably make one eventually but who tf knows when. I have a very specific vision of Kakashi following Tobirama onto the battlefield and scaring the shit out of a very alarmed and confused Izuna
- Tobirama and Izuna's field trip through time and space, I don't think I want to commit to a full fic bc it'd be seriously long and I'm already commiting to Chasing Shadows and One Step Three Steps as my regular update long fics, then the MG Izuna au and Itama fic as my "write it all behind the scenes then post" long fics. One shots only for me, sorry. But I do wanna write a silly one shot of the boys crash landing face first into a konoha council meeting during their field trip
Dropped / Abandoned;
- That one mdtb space mermaid au, rip. Maybe I'll come back to u one day but for now I have a lot to focus on, sorry
- mdtb fish in a pond fic where Tobirama is half spirit and turns into a koifish that Tajima then brings home and tosses into the families koi pond
I think that's everything? I have a shit memory and do everything on my notes app then forget to categorize the notes half the time so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I'd lost smthn else in my like billion different notes.
Those are the important ones tho, so, good enough!
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belit0 · 12 days ago
Hi <3333 how are ya doing?? I hope you are doing great 💓💓💗💗
Can you write headcanons regarding the uchihas as girl dads??
Not Madara and Obito casually holding babies on their hips while discussing politics
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Before his daughter was born, he didn’t believe himself capable of softness. But the first time he holds her, so tiny and warm in his arms, eyes wide and unafraid, something inside him shifts.
He is not a man of grand gestures, but she is the only one who gets them. A strong, steady hand smoothing down her hair when she’s scared, a rare smile reserved for her alone.
She is the only one allowed to climb onto his lap unannounced, the only one he’d carry around for hours without complaint.
His daughter is fearless, like him, but he secretly worries about her constantly. He teaches her strategy, how to wield a sword, but he always steps in when she’s about to get hurt, his body moving before his mind catches up.
She’s the only one who sees the cracks in his walls. The one who makes him laugh—a real, unguarded laugh—when she does something ridiculous.
The first time she reaches for his hand with her small fingers, he looks down, confused—why would she do that? But he lets her. He always lets her.
He brushes her hair sometimes, with a touch so gentle it doesn’t feel like his own. -You have me,- he whispers, though she’s too young to understand.
The world fears him, but his daughter never does.
The moment he holds her for the first time, she becomes his greatest weakness. He cradles her with the utmost care, staring at her in absolute awe—how can something so tiny hold his entire heart?
He is terrifying to everyone, but not to her. She pulls on his hair, tugs at his armor, demands his attention—and she always gets it.
No one dares tell her no, because even Madara doesn’t. His clan watches in stunned silence as the fearsome leader lets his daughter braid his hair with ribbons, a rare, amused smirk on his lips.
She rules him in a way no one else can. She giggles, and he stops mid-war council just to look at her. If she holds out her arms, he picks her up without hesitation.
The first time she falls and scrapes her knee, she doesn’t cry—she gets up, determined. He should be proud, but his chest aches at the sight. She’s strong, like him. Too strong.
At night, when she’s asleep, he lingers by her bedside, watching the slow rise and fall of her breath. He tells himself he’s just making sure she’s safe, but really, he just doesn’t want to leave her side.
If anyone dares to look at her the wrong way, they will suffer. But she doesn’t even need him to protect her—she looks her enemies in the eye, unflinching, just like he does.
When she gets older, she laughs like her mother, and it hurts in the best way. He never says it aloud, but he adores her more than anything.
Karma hit him hard. He used to be a menace, a shameless flirt, a heart-stealer—but now? Now, he has a daughter. And she plays him like a damn fiddle.
The first time he holds her, he realizes he’s doomed. His baby girl is staring up at him, big eyes full of wonder, completely unimpressed by his presence, and he just melts.
-You’re gonna be trouble, aren’t you?- he murmurs, brushing his knuckles over her chubby cheek. She gurgles at him like she owns his soul. And the truth is—she does.
When she’s old enough to talk, she bullies him relentlessly. -Daddy your hair is messy.- -Dad you snore too loud.- He takes it all with a dumb, lovestruck grin.
She is his absolute weakness. He lets her get away with everything—stealing his food, climbing onto his shoulders like a monkey, bossing him around like she’s his commander.
But the first time a boy tries to hold her hand, he almost commits murder on the spot. She has his same charming smile, his playful wit—he knows exactly how dangerous that is.
At night, when she’s curled up in her blankets, he leans down to brush her hair back and whispers, -You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.- He doesn’t say it when she’s awake. But somehow, she always knows.
He sobs the first time he holds her. Full-on, ugly cries. He has lost so much, but here she is—warm, real, and his.
-Hey, little one,- he whispers through his tears, holding her tiny body against his chest. -I'm your dad.-
He is the most doting, affectionate dad in the entire clan. His daughter has his same big, bright eyes, and every time she looks up at him, his heart physically aches from love.
She uses him as a jungle gym. She will climb his back, sit on his shoulders, dangle from his arms, and he just lets her, smiling the whole time.
If she wants to be held, he picks her up immediately. No questions asked. Even during meetings. He is standing there, serious, discussing clan affairs—with a toddler on his hip.
She pouts, and he caves instantly. -Okay, okay, I’ll get you sweets... Just don’t look at me like that—
When she’s snuggled in his arms, he traces his fingers over her tiny hands, whispering, -You’ll always have me, okay? Always.-
When his daughter is born, he looks down at her and loses his mind completely. She’s so tiny, her fingers wrapping weakly around his thumb, and he swears his heart has never beat this fast.
-You’re my girl,- he whispers, a wide grin spreading over his face. -I’m gonna love you so much, you’ll get tired of me.-
She is his shadow. She follows him everywhere, always grabbing onto his sleeve, refusing to let go. He secretly loves it.
He lets her play with his hair, even when she messes his locks beyond repair. He shows up for training with small flowers stuck on his head, and he wears it like a badge of honor.
She is a natural at climbing onto his back and making him carry her everywhere. -Daddy, faster!- she demands, and he sprints through the compound with her laughing wildly behind him.
When she takes her first steps, he cheers so loud that half the village hears him. -That’s my girl! I knew you had it in you!-
He kisses her forehead every night and whispers, -I love you, sunshine.- She always giggles and says it back.
The first time she grabs his finger, his entire world shifts. He had been prepared to love her. He hadn’t been prepared for this.
She is so small, so helpless—he swears he will never let anything touch her.
He talks to her softly, even when she’s a baby. -I hope the world is kind to you,- he murmurs, cradling her close. -But if it's not, I will be.-
She is quiet like him, observant, always watching. He catches her mirroring his movements—tilting her head when he does, folding her hands like he does. It’s the most precious thing he’s ever seen.
When she falls asleep in his arms, he doesn’t put her down. He just sits there, watching her breathe, committing the moment to memory.
She is the only one who can make him truly laugh. She pokes at his cheek, tugs at his robe, makes silly faces at him—he always shakes his head, trying not to smile, but eventually, he caves.
The nights when Itachi manages to evade certain responsibilities, he never fails to read his daughter a bedtime story, lulling her to sleep with a sweet voice reserved only for her.
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justsomeoneunordinary · 1 year ago
fem tbrm tobiizu is so funny actually bc fem tobirama would obv still be all tall and big and beefy, while izuna, in contrast, would still stay pretty and tiny like a doll, and tobirama would be just sooo embarrassed "ough, can't believe i fell for a twink. are you even capable of putting a baby in me, uchiha, or...?" and izuna would be torn between seething in anger bc rude and "babies you say? 😳"
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