#ube softee probably: its not that deep sis we're just making some cash
peridot-tears · 2 years
The implication that George Washington and the other Founding Fathers are ONLY bloodthirsty genocidal racists because of the Apple of Eden is another one of those elephant in the room moments in AC3.
In the main game play, Ratohnhaké:ton's village is forced out by settlers who "bought" the land, which historically happened a lot. George Washington's crimes as the person who ordered it burned when Ratonhaké:ton was a kid, then his order to have it invaded during the Revolution, are indicative of his role in what would become long-term Indigenous genocide in the Americas, but because we don't see him involved directly, and because we don't see any direct white man-on-villager violence, the impact is rather reduced.
It's only once you play the DLC that he and Israel Putnam put boots on the ground, call Ratohnhaké:ton and co. savages, and are blatantly racist in all the ways you could spot even if you were trying actively to avoid seeing it. But once they've been freed from the influence of the Apple? It's "that wasn't me" this and "I was forced" that.
The elephant in the room is that historically, after winning the Revolution, they still did all to that, just with less violent means. George Washington specifically pushed policies to continue buying up Indigenous land and assimilate them into white American society. Even if he stopped outright raiding villages, he was still responsible for more land theft like what happened to Ratohnhaké:ton's village. The result is delayed and more quiet, but the same nonetheless.
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