#tylenol water head count no don't do that kinda thing
reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
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Word count: 1,175
Read on AO3
Part 9 of Lightening and Arrows
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Wanda's suggested had been on your mind for a few days while you tried to not only work up your courage, but to kinda plan what you wanted to say. Not word for word, although flashcards were tempting, but in general. Both men noted how distracted you'd been lately, but it came to a head when you were training with Nat. The two of you were sparring and she took you down in record time. Clint winced when you mostly landed on the mat, but your head hit the hard floor underneath it. "Ow." You instinctively rolled to your side and grabbed the back of your head. 
"Shit, I'm sorry!" Nat crouched, glancing to Clint. "Carry her to the medlab?" She motioned for him to come over. 
He didn't have to be asked twice, rushing over to scoop you up. "Do I need to start taking first aid classes?" He teased you, making you chuckle. 
"Don't make me laugh, that hurts." You leaned against him, closing your eyes. You didn't feel any blood, which was good. Your head was killing you, though. Was the floor made of concrete?! 
"Sorry." He said softly, stepping onto the elebator. "JARVIS, let Bruce know we're on our way?"
"Already alerted." The AI replied. 
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Bruce motioned to a bed for Clint to lay you on. "On a scale of one to ten, how much does your head hurt?" 
"I hate that scale. More than my ankle did, that's for sure!" You replied sarcastically. 
He didn't take it personally. "Let's start off with getting you something for the pain." He went to get you some water and some Tylenol. 
Clint moved to the other side, leaning on the bed you were on. "You can go back to training." You glanced at him. You didn't want to kill his training because you couldn't pay attention to what you were doing.
"Let's see. Make sure the woman I've been going on dates with is okay...or going to train?" He tapped his chin, pretending as if he actually had to think that choice over. "Sorry, you win by just a touch." He smiled. "At least this won't put you out of missions for a couple months again. Right?" He gave your arm a small squeeze as Bruce came back.
Bruce gave you the water and some Tylenol. As you took those, he grabbed a clipboard. "How're you feeling?" 
"I have a splitting headache, that light is freakin' bright as hell, and I'm wondering where that noise is coming from." 
The men looked at each other. "What noise?" Clint asked before going to dim the lights a bit. 
"You don't hear that ringing noise?" You motioned to your ear. 
Sighing, Bruce shook his head. "Looks like you have a concussion. I'm not going to lie, I'm surprised you haven't had one before with what we do." He said honestly. "Clint's had like 4 the past few years. At least." 
"At least." Clint nodded. "They're not fun. You're about to be so bored the next two days." He sighed. "Limited reading, tv, and videos games. Limited exposure to bright lights, loud noises, and crowds." He rattled off, putting up a finger for each one. "And no training for a few weeks." He shrugged. "I napped a lot those first few days. A lot." 
You groaned. "This is going to suck." You had better luck on missions.
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Once Bruce gave you more of a run down, Clint carried you to your room ("This way you can close your eyes. These lights are really bright!"), and promised to keep you company when he could. "So, you've seemed out of it lately. Everything okay?" He asked finally as he opened your door. "You know you can talk to me, right?" He was keeping his voice low for you. 
You nodded, wondering if this meant you should talk to him now...And Thor after? Would that be better? "Let me change and then we can talk. Deal?" You looked up at him with a small smile. You really hoped this went okay! 
A bit reluctantly, Clint set you down. "I'll get us some water and snacks." Even if you didn't feel thirsty, or hungry, he knew that you needed to make sure to keep hydrated, and needed to eat. If not, things could get worse.
"Thank you." You kissed his cheek and made your way to your bedroom. You left the door cracked to use the light from the main room. You tried to change as quickly as you could, while also not moving your head too fast. You hoped those Tylenol kicked in soon. 
Clint looked over when you sat by him on the couch. He let you get comfortable, your legs over his, before passing you a bottle of water and a bowl of apples and peanut butter. "Remembered you said it was one of your favorite snacks growing up." He gave you a shy smile. 
You were surprised he remembered that, as you'd mentioned it in passing. "You're sweet." You took them and instantly dipped a slice into the peanut butter. After a couple bites, you took a sip of your water and licked your lips. "So...." You started. 
"Hey, whatever it is, you can tell me." He gave your leg a gentle squeeze. 
"You like me, right? Like like-like me?" You asked shyly. What were you? 10?
He grinned. "A lot, yeah." He chuckled. "I didn't think I was being sly about it or anything. Kinda tried to make it obvious." 
You chuckled, nodding. "True, can't hurt to ask, though." You pointed out. "And I can tell, or think I can tell, that Thor does, too." You went on. "I like you both, too. I just don't want to hurt anyone." It wouldn't have surprised you if he felt the heat radiating off your cheeks from the other side of the couch. "So, Wanda had a suggestion." 
Clint looked curious. "What was that?" He wanted you to know he wanted to hear what you had to say. Especially if it came from Wanda. There was no telling what you were about to say. 
"That, if it's okay with both you and Thor... If you guys would be cool with me dating you both." You finally just got the words out, your eyes on your bowl of apples and peanut butter. "Then Nat told me to wear my blue tank top. I said I needed to build up courage to ask, and she said that if I wore that you guys would be too busy staring at my chest." You chuckled lightly. 
"She's not wrong." He mused. "Anyway." That suggestion was a big one. "How would you dating us both work?" 
You shrugged a shoulder. "I go on dates with each of you. And Nat also pointed out that we kinda already do three way dates all the time." You noted, finally looking at him. "I will completely understand if that's not something you're cool with, and I will never bring it up again." You promised.
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femmehepbvrn · 4 years
tagged by @vivienxleigh thank you! i love doing these games! 
Rules: post the first twenty songs in a playlist on shuffle 
1. Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
2. That’s All - Genesis
3. If - Janet Jackson
4. Time of the Season - The Zombies 
5. Diamonds - Sam Smith 
6. Dopo Mezzanotte - Ludwig, DJ. Matrix 
7. Mr Brightside - The Killers
8. Dang! - Mac Miller, Anderson .Paak
9. Ready For Your Love - Gorgon City & MNEK
10. Lose Control - MEDUZA, Becky Hill, Goodboys
11. Voglio ballare con te - Baby K, Andres Dvicio 
12. positions - Ariana Grande 
13. Side effects - Chainsmokers, Emily Warren
14. Handsome - Chance the Rapper, Megan Thee Stallion
15. Jackson - Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash
16. In Bloom - Neck Deep
17. Be Like That - Kane Brown, Swae Lee, Khalid
18. Lights Up - Harry Styles
19.Don’t Call Me Up - Mabel
20. WAP - Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion (ending on a high note LMAO)
I’m an I-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of a person // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing  // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo  // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how I look // I prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift  // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat
Tagging: @sarcasmisalifechoice  @only-one-road @lets-go-to-lauderdale (here's ur tag) and honestly anyone else who wants to do it here's the tag for it!
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Hello lovely I was wondering if I could request a angsty fluff with Billy Hargrove x Reader (she/her) where the reader has abusive parents and Billy finds out when he sees some bruises or something like that?
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Movies on Ice
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, after math of abuse, bruises, Fem Reader
Word Count: 657 
Stranger things Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You spent the night before your parents went on another trip in an argument both your father and mother taking their own swings at you, leaving you battered and bruised. your body was in pain, to say the least. you hadn't shown up at school your parents being out meant you would be free to hobble around outside of your room. you spent a lot of the day sleeping, finally getting up grabbing some water, and extra strength Tylenol when your doorbell rang around 4:00. you opened the door to see your boyfriend whose signature smirk melted into one of worry as you stood in your doorway with the door open. Billy didn't hesitate to walk in.
"Who did this to you,” he seethed
you stared at him honestly too tired to deal with your pissed boyfriend you started walking back to the kitchen grabbing the pain medicine you left on the counter and taking it with the cup of water.
"Was it your parents,” Billy said taking off his jacket.
You stayed quiet, giving a nod. This left Billy to walk around your house looking threw the windows looking for your parent's car
“Are they coming home soon,” he says tone full off
“No they're on a trip for a few days” you whisper twerling around the small drop of water in the bottom of the cup in circles Billy steps towards you
"Can I touch you,” he says quietly, looking for confirmation in your eyes as you nod.
He brings his hand to the bruise near your hair line the other one on your cheek, you tried to pull away at the little pressure billy had put on them.
“How does your head feel,” he questions steping away from you towards your freezer.
Not seeing any ice he grabs a bag of frozen vegetables and put it in a paper towel "it kinda hurts but not too badly,” you say standing in your kitchen.
”Come on,” Billy said guiding you to your living room sitting you down and placing the cold vegetables on your face you could see the softness in his eyes, the glassy distant look
” I don't get this billy very often whats running threw that handsome head of yours,” you say searching his distant eyes.
“I was hoping your home life would be 'bit better than mine I never wanted you to go threw the same stuff I have to deal with at home, Billy said tears threatening to spill,
“Hey we’ll make it both out okay,” you take your hand and place it on his cheek rubbing circles with your thumb.
He nods a few tear falling down his face and he saw the bruises on your legs when he looked down
”do you mind taking off your shirt,” Billy says.
“Wow that quick to see me undressed Hargrove,” you try to crack a joke.
"definitely at another time doll,” he says with a soft chuckle.
You slipped your tank top off leaving you in a bra and shorts Billy puts his hands on the bruises around your ribs pushing on them trying to gauge your reaction.
"It doesn't hurt to breathe right,” he says looking you in the eye.
you shake your head no.
“That's good that at least means your ribs shouldn't be broken,” he says helping you slip the tank back over your head. “how about I pick up something for us to eat and we just watch some movies tonight." you nod laying back on the couch.
Billy had picked up some horror movies to watch and had to make sure Max had gotten home before he got back to your house. He walked back in with some food and some movies. Coming back to you still laying on the couch under a blanket waiting for the dirty blonde to return. once he laid down for the movie you started falling asleep cuddled into Billy's side.
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ready2comply · 6 years
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Morning After
Pairing: Bucky and you
Word count: 1117
Warnings: none really
Authors note: kinda fluffy morning after a one night stand
Buzzing. Where was that awful buzzing coming from? You could hear it, feel it even, but why couldn't you see? At all. Consciousness began to claim your mind as you heard a faint curse from a voice you didn't recognize. It was a deep, scratchy voice. Sexy. Sleepy.  Fogginess lifted and realization hit. You'd slept with someone. Shit. Immediately your head pounded and memories tried to make their way in. It was fuzzy still. Karaoke... Drinks... Lots of Drinks... Your best friend and a man... You and a man. Another language? Russian? Wait why was Captain America in your memories? Also it's really cold in here. 
Before you could help it, your arm went to your forehead and you groaned. Another distant curse and a toilet flushing. The bed you were in sank and several scents swirled around. Mint, alcohol and cologne. "There's Tylenol and water next to you."  More movement next to you, you took a swig of water and Tylenol, and then it was dark. You burrowed under the covers. The walk of shame would just have to wait.
-- 2 hours later--
Sunlight peeked into your sleepy mind. Bright, heavy, warm sunshine. Movement next to you pulled you from sleep. Keeping your eyes closed, you turned facing your bed mate scared of what you might find. Your headache wasn't throbbing anymore, thanks to the Tylenol provided by your host. A mess of brown hair greeted you, but nothing more. He was bundled under his blanket, facing away. More memories began infiltrating your mind. Tequila must be the culprit for the memory loss. A blonde man, tall,  bearded, and very muscular. An equally tall, dark haired man, long hair, scruffy beard, piercing blue eyes. Lots of tequila and flirting. Singing. Horrible singing. Duets. Intense make out by the bathrooms.
The bed bounced slightly as brown haired man rose, heading back to the bathroom. "Sorry." He sounded. Sunlight seeped through the thick curtains drawn over the window. As he passed you could have sworn something reflected in the sun. Maybe a watch? You peeked over the edge of the bed, only finding a cotton henley laying on the floor. Needing to use the facilities yourself, you covered with his shirt, which swam on you. After slowly getting out of bed, your muscles ached, you went to the window hoping to figure out where you were. Pulling back the heavy fabric slightly, all you saw was blue sky and bright sun. Realizing your were in the sky, you looked down. Bad idea. At least 30 floors up, the view swayed a bit. "Too bright." The man startled you from behind as you flooded the room back into semi-darkness.
"Sorry, but where am I? Manhattan?" You glimpsed his backside as he stood next to the bed, doing something at his bedside table. Whatever glistened, wasn't anymore. 
"Stark Tower." 
Stark Tower? What the hell. The sudden urge to be sick hit you and you ran to the bathroom, holding your mouth. After you were done, you splashed water on your face, and saw your reflection in the mirror. Tousled hair, wrinkled shirt, smudged make up. An unopened toothbrush was on the counter as well as a used one in the cup.
"There's a toothbrush on the counter." A voice murmured through the door. Why did he sound better than you did?
Once cleaned up, you decided it was now or never to face your one night stand. The most gorgeous man stood against the wall when you emerged from the bathroom. "You ok?" Ice blue eyes looked a bit worried at you as he handed you a bottle of water. His long brown hair was now pulled back. Sweatpants hung on his hips and a green sweatshirt covered his chest. 
"Why am I in Stark Tower?" Pause. Recognition. "Shit." Bucky freaking Barnes you realized. His whole body slightly retracted into itself and he took a few steps back at your reaction. 
"Sorry, I'm not going to hurt you." His hands went out. 
"No. I know. Sorry." You moved towards him. "I just... don't remember... everything. Apparently I drank more than you." Remembering you were naked under his shirt, you sat on the bed.
"No you didn't. I just recover faster." So it was his arm you saw catching the sunlight earlier. "Thankfully for you, I remember everything." He looked apprehensive. "Anyway, I'm going for a run. Stay, rest." 
"A run? You're joking?" He sat and put his shoes on, grinning. 
"Nope, sorry. I run every morning." Sighing, he stood and looked down at you. The entirety of his attractiveness was on full display. "Really. Stay. You need more rest. You drank a lot." You both chuckled. "I'll bring breakfast back. Bagels or donuts?" 
"Bucky?" He nodded. "You really don't have to be this nice. I'm just some chick you picked up at karaoke. I can go." The muscles in your legs screamed as you tried to stand, failing and slumping back down.
Bucky squatted down in front of you. "I don't really know what the rules of one night stands are, because this is my first. Sad, I know. 100 years old and I've never had a one night stand. Honestly, I don't care if there are rules or what they are. You're going back to sleep while I go for a run. Then I'm bringing... bagels?" You nodded, sheepishly grinning. "I'm bringing bagels and coffee and then we'll go from there. Inteles?" Again, you nodded.
As he busied himself with putting his headphones on and his phone in his pocket, you settled back in under the thick duvet. "Just no onion or anything with seeds." He stowed his walled in his pocket.
"Good idea." Hesitation hung heavy in the room. "Listen, I don't care if this breaks the rules..." He crossed the room, leaned down and gave you a lingering kiss. Butterflies exploded in your belly as your hand reached for his cheek. "Don't go anywhere." He grinned and was out of the room before you could counter.
Unsure of this new... thing, you settled back under the covers. Thinking. Closing your eyes, you willed yourself to remember more. After a few minutes a dam broke in your mind, everything came back. The bar, the songs, the drinking. Bucky immediately took to you and you felt at ease with him. Despite his reputation, you knew he wasn't that guy. Memory of your trip to the restroom, Bucky waiting outside and kissing before thinking it through. A duet, more tequila and flirting. His hand on your thigh, each time it rested there, it was slightly higher than the last time.
Now you nestled into his plush bed, under his thick duvet. He was out getting you breakfast. Not typical morning after behavior. Maybe he wasn't a typical guy. No he wasn't. He was an 100 year old man trapped in the body of a 30-something. Piercing blue eyes and soft brown hair, muscles for days and a prosthetic metal arm were what's different about him. Butterflies returned. Returned with a vengeance. You took a few deep breaths, sinking further under the covers. 
Settling on seeing what happens when he returned, you drifted off into a dreamy state between sleep and awake. Waiting for the soldier to return.
 Tags: @rubyrosettared @flyawaybay
Please comments are appreciated, reposts blow my mind, likes are loved 😍
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